>How often do you fap to her? If at all?
At first I could not. It just felt wrong, impure and disrespectful towards her
Then I felt bad whenever I fapped to other girls. Like it was cheating
Then I read another wise anon's posting
>if your love for her has no carnal component, your love for her is incomplete
what he wrote was actually logical as she must have needs as well
When I fapped to her first time, it was the best session I had in years
I am glad it did not feel wrong.
Now it is like once per week, exclusively to her
>Are there any particular parts of her you love the most?
I like legs and my waifu has them goddess legs
If I could wish, I would wish the following
>kissing each other in passion
>her embracing me with her arms
>and leglocking me putting her legs around me
just being united in passion