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File: 4cf94e5f9e2f9a9⋯.png (40.48 KB,152x254,76:127,sickos.png)

019e90 No.28453 [Open thread]

The main question I have about this is if it would be possible to build it in Game Maker. I've used it in the past to make stuff like platformers and top-down shooters, but something like this is obviously way more complicated.

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019e90 No.28592


Can you link to those threads? I've found stuff for normal RPGs, but if you want to make one of those you can just use RPGMaker.

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019e90 No.28599


the term you're looking for is weeaboo grindan sim tbh

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019e90 No.28605


Only if you play it like a faggot.

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019e90 No.28606


*thinks* oh are you getting weeaboo grindan sims mixed up with tabletop/gestalt role-playing games and/or computer role-playing games

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019e90 No.28622


Using asterisks to denote actions make you a faggot

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0c420d No.28423 [Open thread]

It is playable at http://tiledbattle.com

It only lacks the players :'(

Here is an old video


I removed fireball since then

I'll use this thread to devlog, we can discuss features and weapons and game modes here too!

Please play my game!!

This week I'm trying to make it run on mobile browser, then maybe later I think I'll go back to making npcs and PvE

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0c420d No.28439

Ok, I might make an mmo, just so I can create lots of content.

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0c420d No.28444


I mean why do you want us to play?

do you need QA testers? looking for feedback? is the game almost done and you just want people to play it?

if you don't explicitly ask for help, people aren't going to spend the effort to play a half finished game looking for bugs and then writing up a report.

and also why should we play?

making your game appealing is just as important as making it fun. you have more leeway on a game dev board but you still only get a glance or two before the post is disregarded indefinitely. should be spending the few sentences you have of someone's attention explaining the game's potential and why it's exiting instead of how it isn't finished.

congrats on having something presentable though, more than what most people can put together. what engines tools are you making it with?

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0c420d No.28481


He wants you to play his shit game so he can spread his virus around

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0c420d No.28502


I'm not an advertiser, but a dev. Maybe I shouldn't have said "please play my game" but still it is playable. In this community we usually play each other's games and give reviews and suggestions, I think, and that's what I was expecting.

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0c420d No.28523


>I'm not an advertiser, but a dev

as long as you're a solo dev, you're stuck with all of the jobs. and it's a little counter intuitive but proper marketing can be about as important to the game play as the art or story. as least brush up on communication skills if you're going to write a dev blog.

>In this community we usually play each others games and give reviews and suggestions

It looks like you're just trying to copy the frame work of tibia, which is fine, but that's all it is. with no other players and no objective all I can do is click around and make sure all the buttons work. there isn't a game here to review and I don't think people here are interested in designing other people's games. making progress is fantastic, you're just not at the point to be taking game play feedback yet.

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File: dd86fc629fa6ebc⋯.jpg (52.85 KB,900x506,450:253,584896_5709ad4028588a91ca4….jpg)

e35bef No.28478 [Open thread]

How do i go about making a game like dwarf fortress where the world and NPC's generates by itself?

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e35bef No.28516


If you want procgen, just read up on (perlin) noise, midpoint displacement, etc. You need to know about fractals, but it's really not all that hard.

It's just about writing patterns most likely to result in something desirable and having an algorithm to determine whether some result is garbage, in which case you chug it.


He stated multiple times how he can't be bothered to learn about source control and some people actually rewrote the rendering code for him, which was a huge bottleneck. They sped it up considerably, but he said he doesn't understand the code anymore.

So yes, he really isn't a good programmer and DF is supposed to be hell to work on, but he just has this autistic dedication.

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e35bef No.28650


It really doesn't. Tarn doesn't have Computer Science background and the guy writing URR only has like psychology background. What you need is dedication and patience.

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e35bef No.28656


That's like saying you don't need to be educated as a carpenter to build a house. Technically you don't, anyone can lean four walls against each other and put sheet metal over it. But if you want something reliable and doesn't take ten times longer to build than it should, then learning the theory and tools available to programmers is going to save time in the long run.

Also the first two years of CS are not that difficult for anyone already computer literate. The free online tutorials that teach game programming cover most of the same stuff and can be plowed through in a few months.

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e35bef No.28665


you need to study procedural generation

there are many different well documented ways of generating stuff like terrain, but for more specific stuff like items and NPCs you might have to make your own algorithms

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e35bef No.28666



>people unirocally saying "drumpf" and voting on aleppoman


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File: b12f66f3c637e42⋯.jpg (36.01 KB,979x511,979:511,gangster_island.JPG)

33e37b No.28506 [Open thread]

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File: 1467612413600.jpg (266.72 KB,1654x930,827:465,anime_book.jpg)

235822 No.27165 [Open thread]


Here's my collection of vidya books. Let me know if you have any requests (I have memberships in a bunch of piracy sites) or if anything else deserves to move to the Hipster Garbage folder. I work odd hours, though, so it might take me a day to get back to you.

re: https://8ch.net/v/res/9934620.html

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235822 No.27203


Thanks anon.

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235822 No.28387

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235822 No.28492

wowee both the links are gone (。•́︿•̀。)

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235822 No.28497

File: bfc1893202ae123⋯.png (443.43 KB,720x480,3:2,1448147225151.png)


>to a piracy site

gee whiz, OP, i wonder if they'll even let you suck their dicks for faster download speeds

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235822 No.28822

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

acac36 No.20066 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you... Galactic Space Station 13! A remake of the classic SS13 I've been working on for the past few months, featuring a surprising twist: this one will actually be finished!

I've coded Atmosphere, which means rooms trade gas between each other, things are sucked if enough gas is traded, proper machinery exists to maintain atmosphere aboard the station (filters, scrubbers, vents and pumps).

I've coded Electricity, some dull engines that make power, wires that form networks for distribution, APCs to store it locally and power furniture, lamps and doors that consume power. (and even bugged SMES).

I've coded Construction, you can create rooms with a certain size like 3x3 or 1x5 and the like, place them in the world and then build the walls and floors of it. Combine rooms to make advanced shapes, like L rooms.

I've coded Networking. Yes, you heard me right. Player profiles per server, hosts starting to host automatically, you can reconnect and regain control of your character, multiple people on the same station, even chat and inventory, all work okay!

Everything is badly drawn with "programmer graphics" because I'm a coder, not an artist. However, all of those features are what I consider to be the foundations of SS13, the core concepts without which you don't have SS13 at all. Most remakes done so far have deviated from them, trying to make cool art or focusing on other things first. Eventually they gave up when they hit the hard part. Me instead, like the madman I am, took to make the hardest and harshest parts first since it would be pointless to do anything before this. And I did it! And it works!

It seriously needs some more work, namely with optimization. Lights are a bitch due to dynamic lights being spawned. There are also still some bugs because I'm just too excited to debug them all, I've been post-poning this post for a long time now.

I just want everyone to see what I've done so far and maybe give you all a little bit of hope that, yes we can have a remake of SS13.

I've decided to work in adding content by department so I'll start witPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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acac36 No.28339


I agree. That's why people should stop trying to vomit the whole thing all at once and instead work in increments, doing the groundwork for the people that will come later.

That's how SS13 got 1000+ ways to grief other players anyway.

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acac36 No.28352


he a good boy he just need mo freedomlessness fo his developmentment

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acac36 No.28357


>And don't get me started with the faggots at SS14, trying to build the engine from the ground up when there's literaly no need to do so

So you're saying that those guys didn't just fork the source code of that SA-made SS13 remake (which was later canned to do work on fucking Starbound) and then build on top of that?

jesus christ

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acac36 No.28490


Let this be a lesson for the next time you get a "I-I'm not FLOSSing it... I have it have it all to myself... the thought of other people working on it give me nightmares... w-wait don't leave me I promise I'll FLOSS it when I give up on it!" faggot coming by.

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acac36 No.28517

File: 6f451167269cf4e⋯.jpg (12.27 KB,500x259,500:259,6f451167269cf4eb8526ec8c8e….jpg)

>read most of this thread and some of the one at /SS13/

>get excited about making models for the project

>don't look at any of the dates until I'm about 90% down the page

>Dev disappeared over a year ago


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File: c3ef0a6130ab498⋯.png (238.78 KB,355x438,355:438,888.png)

d20424 No.28468 [Open thread]

I'm looking for a partner for an online game. I need a programmer who's experienced with HTML5/JS/SocketIO and hopefully phaser.io. I can invest $1000 of my own money into the game, we'd code it together and split the profit 50/50. We can discuss the details of the game together, or I'm open to your own game ideas and we'll collaborate together. Email: trap3z@hotmail.com if interested.

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d20424 No.28469



>experienced with HTML5


>JS/SocketIO and hopefully phaser.io

> Non-programmer

> Wants to dictate programming environment

> Nope

> Nope Nope Nope

> Nope

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d20424 No.28470


>nodev doesn't understand how the real world works

>doesn't understand that the Producer sets the standards for everything

>doesn't understand that when money is involved your personal preferences are out the window


Good luck OP, if you're going to spend $1,000 I'd recommend contracting a programmer rather than any sort of partnership, there are tons of websites with for hire freelance programmers

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d20424 No.28471



OP's post doesn't have enough detail to make any of these assumptions, not to mention it has nothing appealing to any potential hires

and $1000 won't buy a meaningful amount of work from a freelance progmrammer. I'd assume the money would be for stuff like art assets and business expenses.

If you looking for a partner you're better off finding someone local at a college or game jam or something. Keeping moral up is a major benefit to those relationships and it's a lot harder to let someone down when you know them in person. A Complementary skillset could also be more useful than two programmers, but I don't know what the game is.

I can keep blowing business advice out of my ass, but there isn't much to go on. A 1k budget could mean you're bootstrapping but this could also just be a hobby project, etc.

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4dd596 No.28418 [Open thread]

I'm too stupid to learn blueprints.

What other learning alternatives are there besides the UE4 playlist on you tube and the documentation

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4dd596 No.28420

but blueprints was made specifically for retards like you

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4dd596 No.28432

>to dumb for blueprint


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4dd596 No.28448

Look for Tesla Dev. His tutorials are idiotproof, although some techniques may be outdated, it's a good start.

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File: 3f0293c2b17965b⋯.png (18.79 KB,320x237,320:237,SSB_Batdebug.png)

4383c3 No.28186 [Open thread]

Do any of you guys use debug modes in your games? Do they help in development or are they just a waste of time?

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4383c3 No.28379


Look, if you're the programmer and the scenario designer and most everybody, and your game is tightly coupled to its engine: no. There is no point in programming in a debugger if you are just going to debug issues by running the game in a program debugger. The debugger is important when you want a clean separation between your engine and your game content (which is something that you definitely want if other people are using the engine to produce content: they need a mode to determine if the problem is their content or the engine).

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4383c3 No.28410


>This is the fucking worst. Never do this. All you're doing is taking functionality out of your end product - you're not even doing something like locking it behind a paywall; you're just taking it out and never, ever letting anyone have it just to spite them.

The main reason I brought up disabling the console is because it's the norm with vidya today to completely disable the console when the game releases.

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4383c3 No.28411


But can't you re-enable it my editing some config file?

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4383c3 No.28422


Do you intend to follow every other horrible, brainless trend of modern 'AAA' videogame design as well?

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4383c3 No.28428


>other people do it so I will too

I will never understand why people think this way. Only do it if you personally believe it's a good idea, have reasons to back that idea up, and there isn't a better idea. This applies to everything.

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12d889 No.28212 [Open thread]

And no judging! We all have different wants in gaming

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12d889 No.28409

I'd like to work on algorithms/physics systems/AI for a cool game. The nitty-gritty of graphics can be fun, but it's a bit of a chore sometimes... making cool things happen in a framework, though? That, I like.

Too bad that's everyone's dream job, and the nitty-gritty graphics (or rather, corporate management software) is a better career choice.

Hence why I want to go into research, and program my own FOSS research-aiding programs to be a cool science dude.

The game would be an FPS with a heavy focus on movement and survival. The premise is: Big black/pretty colours void with Islands and bridges made of interlocking geometric shapes; graphics style is a bit low-res because lol A E S T H E T I C. The player is fighting a guerilla war against an army of robot drone enemies of different types, but the army is controlled by an AI and the enemies the player finds aren't just randomly spawned in; rather, the game tracks 'squads' the AI maneuvers on the 'strategic level' of the game map. When the player goes into render distance of a squad, the enemies listed in that squads' data are spawned in. If the player kills some enemies, and then goes out of render range, the squad's current state is stored and it keeps moving in the strategic view, as directed by the AI. It can also report back what it sees, ie where the player is, so more squads can find them. The AI is trying to kill the player and destroy things useful to them, so they move squads to that effect; the player takes control of AI-controlled structures like watch towers, but this actually has a use, as being able to know where the AI forces are and how they're moving is vital.

Basically, Dark Souls meets AI WAR meets TRON meets FPS.

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12d889 No.28412

The one I want to end up making after which I'd stop.

No clear idea on the mechanics beyond basic stealth gameplay, but the plot's sort of emerging.

So far it boils down to being tasked to infiltrate an underground research facility in Ukraine to rescue the president's wife, her sons, and a couple of diplomats. You're tasked by the Pentagon with rescuing the wife as a top priority, the diplomats as secondary.

The entire thing takes place within the backdrop of the Ukraine conflict and plays on factions internally divided and at war with each other, and a lot of the detail is left solely to shit like lore, so the player can play the game and not read a novel.

The end premise of the lore is that:

1) the research facility is being used to systematically kidnap men, women, and children for the purpose of lethal testing and military training respectively, both recent developments and due to the Ukraine conflict.

The facility is making ground on the basis of two to three decades of prior gene research in perfecting human samples for the purpose of selective traits. Post-conflict, the facility has gone into overdrive in order to meet vague demands for preparation from warring factions. Very bleak

2) The lowest level of the facility contains the real research; cybernetics. The research facility was set up following the fall of the Soviet Union as a UN security council private initiative. The scope of the research is the development of human technologies and artificial intelligence for the purpose of international peace.

The research conducted prior led to a recognition that human computing capacities exceed potential silicon developments by decades; everyone involved in funding it (every ruling class) then recognises that tethering humans up to an Ethernet is the new wheel. Originally this is fine as everyone wants to share the technology, until a populist revolt lurches nationalist state actors into power.

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12d889 No.28413


*Not a secret police. The nationalists would use it to bolster its military industrial complex. The Internationalists just want this on a grander already pre-existing scale.

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12d889 No.28416


Oh, so what Looking Glass were actually just about to start work on before they folded '3' rip ;_;

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12d889 No.28421


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File: cb0589c272fb5a4⋯.png (12.49 KB,1081x497,1081:497,kacheln.png)

6f0dbe No.28390 [Open thread]

I want to make something with tiles. I have no idea yet where it will lead me I just want to know how it turns out to look like. It is a bit painful to find out if it tiles well or not so well. Is there a tool which automates tiling bitmaps, even when it is pseudo-3d like pic related?

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6f0dbe No.28399

> I want to make something with tiles.

I think you need to be a bit more specific in your desires.

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6f0dbe No.28405

Graphics engines can use anything you provide as a tile in 2D and basically spray it onto the game map. 3D can usually use decals in some way to position it onto an already made model.

Previous anon is right, you're too vague.

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6f0dbe No.28406



I am thinking about games like the classic rollercoaster tycoon worked. The OP image shows blocks for the terrain and for the game they need to be correctly arranged. For this I look for a program which arranges my "tiles" (maybe this is the wrong term) correctly.

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6f0dbe No.28407

File: 2e4b3832e60d851⋯.jpeg (186.85 KB,886x883,886:883,voxel1.jpeg)

File: 3b504464f8e39b8⋯.png (3.2 MB,1986x1022,993:511,voxel2.png)


You still fail to describe what exactly you want, for the sake of the thread I'll talk about both 3 and 2D and what I think youmight be talking about .

Here's 3D:

It depends if you mean like snapping segments of geometry (complex structures like rails) or simpler, more organic patterned materials like dirt or stone.

For the small stuff there is voxel technologies I'm not at all familiar with or aware of how much they're integrated into most of the popular middleware. It ranges from minecrap-tier all the way to stuff like this:


For 3D objects snapping together you can either use a 3D grid to organize them, so they always align... OR you can script them in such a way they snap onto bones (the same one uses for rigging) of the previously placed objects. There are likely some kind of built in tools for this in most graphics engines. Think about a rifle snapping to an npc's hand. I'm sure some other anons can tell you all about it.

You can repurpose those to do what you want with larger, static objects.

2D: simple shit, you take a 3D model, slash it up into a vertical-facing grid. You render these portions of the structures you want to piece together in the game into 2D sprites, deploy as identically sized tiles on the map's grid.

With some basic bitch scripting you can add border tiles to be generated between different types of flat terrain tiles... I dunno if roller coaster tycoon had anything more to it than this.

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6f0dbe No.28408

You could program your game with the aid of a 2D isometric tiling engine.

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493df9 No.28219 [Open thread]

Some older anon can give me a hand here?

I had the dream of making games since I was a teenager, but now that I learned the basics and I'm basically archieving it, I dunno, something changed on me.

It's something that changes from wow, I'm going to be the best indie developer in the world, I'm gonna beat everyone, wow, everyone's going to suck my dick.

It simply changes to wow, it's another fucking shit job, with 8 daily hours of work, most of the time the work will be boring shit and it will suck balls.

It's something that simply came, It changed from wow, I'm going to be the next notch, I'm going to be rich and famous to wow, I just want to make enough money to be able to sustain a frugal life.

It's like something that humbles you.

The worse part is that I'm just 27, dunno if the 30 life crisis have something to do with it.

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493df9 No.28349


> even if you have top tier talent the chances of making it big are slim.

Making it big is random chance. Toady One has more talent in his shit than Notch has in his entire body, but Notch is the millionaire.

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493df9 No.28364


Because Notch made something that the masses happened to like. Toady knows his game will only ever be appreciated by a niche group and he's fine with it.

That is to say, don't pander to the masses or any groups because your creations will always suffer for it. But do be aware of your potential audience.

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493df9 No.28395


What games have you made anon. Send links

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493df9 No.28404


Its all in the design, m80. You need to figure out what experience you provide the player with before anything else and every change you make you iterate on that expirience and do a mental check if it still makes sense gameplay-wise. If you had many unsuccessful games you probably made genre cutouts/clones of previous games. Or, worst case, you made them too big and never quite fleshed them out.

ofc you could've been also just very unlucky or unmarketable (mspaint turds for assets, fart music etc.), in which case games themselves had fuckall to do with it.

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493df9 No.28661

Every dream is like that, anon. They say success is 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration, and people tend to forget about the latter part when they dream.

In my experience the real proportions are more like 0.2%/99.8% though.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

c344a7 No.28393 [Open thread]

ss13 or space station 13 is a atmosphere simulation game set in space on a space station but it actually alot more then that since it's become alot more through lots of peoples efforts some good and some bad, it's become a space station simulation with some really in-depth game mechanics and some just solid enough to work for their intended goal.

we have servers up and people willing to host these servers, we also have spriters and mappers for our servers but the one thing we're always lacking in are coders.

there's a very good reason for this and it's because learning byond code is such a waste outside of space station 13 and also while being a headache, that said though the game its self is very good and has massive amounts of potential since it's more or less entirely open source with afew exceptions depending on serves since the code base is different on every server for the most part.

so I've come to gauge interest and seek coders to help out.

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c344a7 No.28396

>taking ss13 development seriously


I've looked at the shitfest you guys call git repositories. It's unbelievable.

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c344a7 No.28397


you could fix that and form it into something that you desire with a player base that would enjoy your work


fair dues

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c344a7 No.28400

I would suck dick for this. Coders if interested in this shouldn't team up with anyone having to do with ss13 currently.

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c344a7 No.28735


>2-d game

>modern computing

>not porting logic to lua/python/yaml

why don't you just make a python api OP?

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c344a7 No.28737


>when you actually watch the video

Damn, fucked sprites, fucked controls, fucked source code, fucked text wall logfile necessary in a visual game, fucked ui interaction

better question, why has noone redone this from scratch, yet there has been all these "remakes" that use the same shitty system?

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File: 1452384471737.webm (6.59 MB,1440x900,8:5,etheria offline.webm)

cc6a52 No.24758 [Open thread]

If you are interested in fun AI, then I hope that you're gonna like this game. I always wanted to have my own "offline" world to explore and NPCs to interact with, fight and chat with.

So in this game there are some monsters that don't just sit there, if they are surrounded (depending on their size) they dash, if you want to hit them they try to jump away, if you cast spells on them they try to run sometimes, they throw stuff, bite and all of that.

Parties aren't added in yet but it's there in the big list of features to be added. The NPCs are pretty fair meaning that they don't cheat to get stuff and they don't get massive bonuses or boosts, they do whatever you can do. Even when not in your area the NPCs still do their thing, buy items from shops depending on their needs, sell them, battle monster and get drops, travel, and I have a lot more to add.

They also chat depending on their gender and personality but the chat system is just at the beginning for now. I'll post progress here and make some demo if anyone cares about it.

To explain shortly, this is trying to be an offline mmorpg with AI instead of players, fun combat instead of boring grinding, and a lot of monsters that kinda do their own different attacks. I'm gonna post some webms now.

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cc6a52 No.28275


Noted. There's an easy fix for that which I'll do, the whole game has to be re-written from scratch anyway.

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cc6a52 No.28388

File: 79a6280a0c7f498⋯.png (7.43 KB,700x400,7:4,79a6280a0c7f498965c5693ea0….png)

So ? What's new ?

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cc6a52 No.28389


Nothing. I'm either dedicating all my day working on this like I did back when I started this, or I do almost nothing until I get my financial situation fixed... or half fixed, which will take me a long time since I'm broke. Until I get back to working on this I have no new updates on the game, sorry.

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cc6a52 No.28391


You should activate the donate button on your page and just post a little bit each day.

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cc6a52 No.28392


I tried that, couldn't get any donations though. I suppose the game is just not interesting enough at this stage. But yes, I should post more stuff.

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File: 1454106182499.png (257.6 KB,549x349,549:349,unity.png)

d64753 No.25082 [Open thread]

Can we get some kind of dumping ground for Unity packages for systems and code on the Asset Store? For those who aren't confident of spending dosh only to find out a promising package is either garbage or doesn't work for their projects like they intended.

Other engine packages/plugins welcome.

I used to have a torrent of packages, but they were for Unity4 and I can't find the link anymore. Will add if I can.

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d64753 No.27871

Anyone have VHS Pro?

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d64753 No.27964

File: 9683d566b824f57⋯.jpg (125.71 KB,1173x1171,1173:1171,bojack thumbs up.jpg)


Just found this board thanks to a link on /pol/. Never heard of Unity until now. Just downloaded the personal version and plan on doing a tutorial or two today. Thanks, OP.

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d64753 No.28370


anybody got the Shader Forge thingerydoo?

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d64753 No.28373


>Never heard of Unity until now.

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d64753 No.28374


The guy is a red pilled /pol/itical conspirator. He's not a turbonerd like the rest of us.

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