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Welcome to AGDG, keep working on your game anon!
See also: /ideaguy/ | /vm/

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c3174e No.34265 [Open thread]

I Am in the process of making a slaver game with java and wondering what UI elements you would consider essential in this type of game? the goal is for training info to mostly be given through text to help build immersion in the world, this is a quick mock up of what I have so far. the back end for most of this is already in progress with some already implemented so its mostly deciding on the UI now

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2829cc No.34267

What's the plan for if you have two or more slaves in a scene with your MC? Will you be able to tab into the second slave's bio on the left, or will they both be displayed scrunched into one spot?

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2341a9 No.34268

Plan is a tab into system for the slave view, so you can rotate them, maybe sometime in the far future multiple, but at this time its not planned.

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ac49fc No.34381

a punish menu and a reward menu would be nice

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

304250 No.26836 [Open thread]

I've got the basic mechanics of my boxing game working, and my artist/3d modelling/animator person will be free in a few weeks to work

looking for a writefag to write a story for this, since i wanted it to be sort of a yakuza-like rpg, while also having simple boxing combat

i've got a sort of working tree-based dialogue system

i should note, that you'd be working for free, since i'm as poor as a gypsy, and just want to make a game

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304250 No.26902

File: 1464616922297.mp4 (7.39 MB,854x480,427:240,punchedoverride.mp4)

so i got the AI to use another tree when it gets hit

basicly, the AI gets hit, and then a bool is set to true

while it's true, the AI uses a different script, until that script reaches a StopOverride node

if the override script is null, the character just does the regular animations for getting hit

so for example, i put this on everyone except hitler - if they're less than 1.25 meters away from me, they dodge

the dodge function first checks if my punch is null. if not, the character dodges in the opposite direction of the punch. if it is null, they dodge backwards

and right now, since this happens after i've punched, my punch is null, so everytime the override tree activates, the AI almost definitely dodges backwards

now i've got finals this month so i probably won't have time to do anything. after i fail them and stop myself from killing myself, i'll start implementing rounds

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304250 No.27158

Contact Disloyal Heretic on Skype.

I've had consulting experience before (someone was making a comic and needed historically accurate advice) and used to write short stories (science fiction and historical non/fiction). I do /pol/ too which might help writing Hitlerian dialogue.

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304250 No.27537

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

wew, i didn't think the thread would stay alive for so long

update/rework #3

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7adc7c No.34288

I'm a programmer and I've been involved in tons of /v/ and /vr/ projects that have crashed and burned. Various experiences:

* I work in Linux with C++ and OpenGL primarily. Team chose Unity as a platform, which didn't have any Linux support at the time. I was the only person who knew how to program, and the other "programmers" had never touched anything except HTML. Lots of art and concepts got done, but almost no programming. I wanted to help out, but contributing code was difficult because I haven't used C# in years and I couldn't test my code. Also, nobody knew how to use source control. It died within two weeks.

* Programming got done, but all the artists dropped out. Game was to be in 3D, and we got a couple unrigged models (and one half-rigged one) but wasn't enough to work with. Our programming-art level models were good enough, but nobody wanted to spend hours on rigging as well as hours on programming for a hobby project. It died within a month.

* Programming got done, sprite work got done, lots of sample levels and level editor got done, but nobody wanted to get around to actually finishing the damn thing except me, and when I wanted to release the source code and level editor to the community FOSS so somebody else could do it, nobody else was willing to let that happen, so it's dead in a dropbox somewhere (none of the other programmers knew how to use version control) because it's proprietary

Those are the more notable ones. Every other project pretty much can be summed up as "everybody started off super stoked, but then everybody got burned out and dropped out, starting with the musicians, then the artists, then the writers, then the project management, then the programmers last". I wish I could do it with just programmers alone, but it takes so much fucking work and time to model, rig, and animate even shitty programmer-art models.

fodasss men, xesq do dele

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606eed No.34379


I'd love to help. Contact me on vortex@telegmail.com

I also recommend making a telegram channel for the development.

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File: d8d52c2c0c9f4dd⋯.png (1.32 MB,1128x900,94:75,steel sauce run.png)

115461 No.33460 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]


If you don't think you have anything specific go to progress general and explain whatever you did since the last time you made a post.

If you were pathetic and did nothing in that timeframe shitpost in this thread.


This is how I shall revive this board

Anons who ignore this post are triple nodev

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72fe0e No.34352


When you do something, get it done. Now this doesn't mean that it has to be complete, just that you need to establish certain milestones and complete your specific task to reach that milestone. Don't worry too much about perfection as minor imperfections can be touched up later. Redoing your previous work is also a valid approach, but you can't redo previous work if you don't have work that you've done.

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fcdfde No.34375


ok so posted

I've worked in gaming for a few years, but can't code - designed a dieselpunk game, studio got shut down. Designed a horror racing game, studio got shut down.

Now focusing on writing and RPG design, mainly on how to make everything super impactful and consequential and visually linked together. We really need a new paradigm to RPG design these days, genre is getting thin-blooded.

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72629d No.34376

Slow board.

I'm learning to 3D model.

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d7ba78 No.34377


slow site. bunkers more lively

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65bf11 No.34378


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File: d0ff32791978d96⋯.png (260.96 KB,1080x1080,1:1,logo_render_transparent.png)

08dbf2 No.29079 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

After a 4 month exodus and hunkering down in various bunkers, we're finally home. We've all been hard at work or ideaguying on our various projects, new ones have been spawned as well. Time to update your threads and just like make game.

Two demo days took place during that time, the presented demos will be posted in their dedicated thread. Perhaps you missed them? Here's a chance to play what fellow anons were up to.

Please add/update your games to the wiki http://8agdg.wikidot.com/ and make the best use of the tutorials and other resources available there. Some devs have disappeared without a trace and the active/dead project list needs attention.

Shout outs to all the bunkers that we had going, they are still places worth posting progress on, especially the agdg board on anoncafe

https://anon.cafe/agdg/ https://vch.moe/v/res/135927.html https://endchan.net/v/res/11733.html https://julay.world/v/res/4470.html https://smuglo.li/vg/res/129.html ...and the chen2 thread that got purged

Thank you for your service!

Also shout outs to the official unofficial /agdg/ Disagreement server at https://discord.gg/k2e67JB.

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f303fe No.34224

File: c21bac71da0421b⋯.png (11.91 KB,640x400,8:5,lolicom.png)

Hey nodevs, I finished my demo. I made this game to test out the Terminal emulator I am working on. It's basically a Missile Commander ripoff. It was a fun little project and hopefully I'll be able to put some more stuff out in the future. Enjoy.


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f303fe No.34229

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d6d020 No.34321

Hey /agdg/ fellers

anon.cafe/agdg/ dude here, board is always open if you want to have a failsafe.

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d720be No.34338


you still wanna transfer it?

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d6d020 No.34339


Hey friend

Due to recent events I'd like to keep the board just to safeguard against possible spammers which will surely come now that the cat is out of the bag, but if you want me to, I can make you a mod now and let you have it once things stabilize. You in?

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File: f73344f8b3426d9⋯.mp4 (2.35 MB,960x540,16:9,Adam Walking on Grass WIP.mp4)

af8760 No.30488 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Last thread reached bump limit

Old thread: >>27922


Everyday Lite is a fantasy themed farm sim with focus on deep mechanics, it will feature cooking, farming, fishing, building, faeries (helpers), over 20 female NPCs (you will be able to marry most of them).

After the official release (15$) all expansions will be free, planned mechanics are alchemy, exploration (more maps) , combat and other crafting systems.

Cooking System and Faerie Village management are available in a vertical slice i released on Steam for free


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eb15b8 No.34250

File: 8051895b605fba3⋯.png (523.29 KB,800x400,2:1,Anna-and-Adam.png)


No, but I am ready to walk trough the flower field with Anna while holding hands

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2dcd93 No.34253


I see you like big girls

for you

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b193e4 No.34329


Get use to it, m8. Game-dev is full of these whack jobs who are just baiting for a reason to get outraged and you'll do yourself more harm by playing into their hands than.

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45bd3b No.34336

File: 4002c42955972f1⋯.png (415.65 KB,800x500,8:5,plant_tooltip.png)


>Go to the Butterlord forums to release my inner idea guy in the suggestions

>Check the threads

>Where are my sword maidens and stronk female characters

>We wuz kangs, gibe black african faction

>Racis ppl hurt muh feelings on multiplayer

I got two warnings from my replies already, and i regret nothing.

Oh yeah and i haven't posted here in a while, we are finishing the new crop system, not as deeeeeeeeeeep as the cooking system, but its pretty good

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45bd3b No.34340

I don't tolerate censorship, so i will be fucking off, dunno about my brother, but he never posts updates here anyways, follow us in the blog if you want to keep up with out stuff.


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eec577 No.27241 [Open thread]

I really, REALLY want to hear your opinions on this.

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eec577 No.27509

it's genius as a marketing platform. being able to directly pay for foot traffic instead of ad impressions is something we haven't seen before, at least on this scale.

the game itself needs a lot of work. niantic obviously didn't foresee the success and I have no idea how they're going to moderate such a large user base, especially with the apparent conflicts of interest. cheating is also an issue I don't see them solving, made worse by the game's semi competitive nature.

only just started playing but I'm already a bit skeptical about the mechanics. I'm guessing the success so far is mostly from the social aspect, which could keep it going indefinitely. not sure if just adding new pokemon is enough to keep people's interest once players enter the late game. they'll definitely come up against more competition now that they've proven the idea.

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eec577 No.27510

I think it's not a game, it's fucking boring, it's a data tracking app, it's a real life meme.

I don't give a shit about it, I will continue to emulate old pokemon games as usual.

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660dc2 No.29331


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e01774 No.34287

I'm a programmer and I've been involved in tons of /v/ and /vr/ projects that have crashed and burned. Various experiences:

* I work in Linux with C++ and OpenGL primarily. Team chose Unity as a platform, which didn't have any Linux support at the time. I was the only person who knew how to program, and the other "programmers" had never touched anything except HTML. Lots of art and concepts got done, but almost no programming. I wanted to help out, but contributing code was difficult because I haven't used C# in years and I couldn't test my code. Also, nobody knew how to use source control. It died within two weeks.

* Programming got done, but all the artists dropped out. Game was to be in 3D, and we got a couple unrigged models (and one half-rigged one) but wasn't enough to work with. Our programming-art level models were good enough, but nobody wanted to spend hours on rigging as well as hours on programming for a hobby project. It died within a month.

* Programming got done, sprite work got done, lots of sample levels and level editor got done, but nobody wanted to get around to actually finishing the damn thing except me, and when I wanted to release the source code and level editor to the community FOSS so somebody else could do it, nobody else was willing to let that happen, so it's dead in a dropbox somewhere (none of the other programmers knew how to use version control) because it's proprietary

Those are the more notable ones. Every other project pretty much can be summed up as "everybody started off super stoked, but then everybody got burned out and dropped out, starting with the musicians, then the artists, then the writers, then the project management, then the programmers last". I wish I could do it with just programmers alone, but it takes so much fucking work and time to model, rig, and animate even shitty programmer-art models.

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2efed1 No.34313

File: 962d37d9074c5ea⋯.jpg (68.42 KB,1284x782,642:391,CHZeJnc.jpg)

My university was doing experimental AR shit all the way back in 2010, basically walking around with a fucking PC strapped to your back and wearing VR goggles. I think there's potential, but it seems nobody has come up with a good idea yet. I mean it's not like people want to play an RPG where you have to literally walk to the next dungeon, but some kind of AR version of the ancient browser game Urban Dead, where people walk around infecting other players by standing near them or something could be fun.

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2fca1a No.34289 [Open thread]

How much would it take to hire one or more of you to make a simple game idea into a reality? I'm not in the market now, just wandering for potential future reference. Sorry in advance if this is off-topic or low-quality for board standards, will delete if it is so.

wooooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrddddddddddddddddddssssssssss ffffffffffffffooooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrr mmmmmmiiiiiinnnnnnniiiiimmuum characters ammmmmmooooouuuuunnnnntttttttt

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af1882 No.34291

Ask on /v/ /agdg/, it's less dead than here.

And be more specific next time.

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4cec72 No.34312

File: 85fdc108b69bd12⋯.png (2.15 MB,1640x1000,41:25,df2ff19c515053adc4635f7664….png)


$15 an hour

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bac61a No.26173 [Open thread]

i just realized that my 2 favorite not strategy games share the same fundamental mechanics, so i decided to make a game around that.

the mechanic is crash team racing sprinting system and monster hunter bow system, it works this way.

>you keep a button down and a bar start charging.

>there is a critical point at which you must release the button(or press another one) to activate the effect you charged util now.

>if you do that too early it's inefficient.

>if you do that too late it's wasted/inefficient.

>your position and what you are aiming at is extremely relevant.

>while charging it's extremely important to move in the right way.

on top of that this mechanic is not something you do once in a while. it is the core feature of the game. in ctr half of the speed of the cart comes from this. in monster hunter 100% of the damage comes from this.

from start to finish of a quest you keep charging and releasing no matter what happens, and only after you can do this without thinking you can actually play the game properly, because the game throws at you hundred other things to take care and you must use this charging system to advance.

when i noticed this similar system in two completely different game i started thinking what other genre could use it.

does anyone knows other (good) game built all around this charging mechanics?

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bac61a No.26186

Worms uses this for multiple weapons.

- Let go too early, it'll curve back and hurt you, or send you flying off of the map to your death.

- Let go too late, and all of its curvature is lost. So it either moves in a straight line towards your intended target, or if you were relying on the curvature for it to hit a target, it'll hit somewhere else entirely.

- Position and angle are really important. You're limited to a certain degree of angle, so you want to position your worm in very specific spots.

Another example of it was an old atari game wher you have to charge up a spring to shoot ants over a wall to land in a jar.

I'm pretty sure quite a few sports games have used it too, especially for shooting hoops in basketball.

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bac61a No.26187


I recently saw an LP of a Scarface tie-in vidya that used this mechanic for intimidation.

The bar has a failure zone at the start, and a success zone at the end, with a nothing-happens zone in between.

Charge too long, and the bar wraps around from the end to the start, which leads to failure.

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2e2e1b No.34286

Worms uses this for multiple weapons.

- Let go too early, it'll curve back and hurt you, or send you flying off of the map to your death.

- Let go too late, and all of its curvature is lost. So it either moves in a straight line towards your intended target, or if you were relying on the curvature for it to hit a target, it'll hit somewhere else entirely.

- Position and angle are really important. You're limited to a certain degree of angle, so you want to position your worm in very specific spots.

Another example of it was an old atari game wher you have to charge up a spring to shoot ants over a wall to land in a jar.

I'm pretty sure quite a few sports games have used it too, especially for shooting hoops in basketball.

fodassss men

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fbf3bc No.33749 [Open thread]

Since the /v/ threads also advertise vidya modding (and /vm/ is basically a dead board), I thought I'd just post my current project here.

So when I learned that randomizers were a thing a few years ago, I found it to be a very novel concept. Earlier this year, I remembered that shit, Super Metroid is fucking popular and it already has a number of item randomizers made for it. I played them and enjoyed the way it spiced up the experience.

My current project is to make a randomizer, but in such a way that not just the items, but the entire game is changed up (much like Roguelite).

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e2654e No.34282

File: 5e1f9a3e4685979⋯.png (65.01 KB,1280x960,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8d7463f6ff8b435⋯.png (14.72 KB,395x373,395:373,ClipboardImage.png)

>Made a small, lightweight framework to build other projects on top of / aggregation of general code I've written

>Making a second framework specifically for Metroid romhacking which contains specific utility and functionality

>Third code project is the randomizer/content generator

>Try to test some of the code by randomizing the palettes

>For each color in the palette, randomly swap the R/G/B values around to get a new color, then randomly lerp between the source color and target color

But then I realized I need more control than that, so I started working on layer/color blending mode implementation that PS uses, to an accuracy of +/- 1 on each RGB channel. After I get this made (and pushed to my first framework), I'll start working on a more robust way to color enemies and rooms, which uses ramps and such.

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e2654e No.34283

File: ea99290bd8497a2⋯.png (5.16 KB,402x199,402:199,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6a35fc834e5ac74⋯.png (60.99 KB,1280x960,4:3,ClipboardImage.png)

First pic is with an implemented "Overlay" layer effect, to basically make darks darker and lights lighter.

Second pic is actually done in game, but with arbitrary hardcoded palettes, it's not dynamic or anything, everything looks that way all the time. This was done with a greyscale and inverse filter.

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e2654e No.34290

File: dafcf88a7e175cc⋯.png (12.83 KB,128x1312,4:41,ClipboardImage.png)

I'm using a certain community doc to reference the addresses of everything. Using that (link related https://pastebin.com/raw/G1FtKFwR), I then made a hacky script that reads each enemy header, and for each header, reads the correct palette for that enemy, then uses SFML to output it to a file.

If you look at the palettes, you can see many of them have a 1/4/4/4/3 pattern for the ramps (first color is always transparent), which means I can then take chunks of the palette and selectively recolor them or what have you.

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e2654e No.34296

I've been working on adding a few container classes for things like enemy headers, palettes, weaknesses, and drop items that sort of stuff.

Also set up a public repo (everything is GPLv3) if anyone using C# is keen to mess around with stuff https://bitbucket.org/JackalsoftGames/metroidtools/

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e2654e No.34297

File: b56bca0995f14d1⋯.png (24.86 KB,480x656,30:41,ClipboardImage.png)

Think I solved a major bottleneck for creating the room's shape.

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b5bd0b No.14637 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

ITT: we discuss the Godot engine
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b6fa2c No.34030


Thanks for the information. I don't understand why Godot is so popular if it's so bad, is it just good marketing?

>I'd recommend just using something else to be honest.

Can you please give me a few recommendations? Unity? Gamemaker?

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cf1236 No.34033


No. Either ES 2 or 3.


It's fine. People struggling with Godot will struggle with any engine. It's easier to blame the tools though instead of learning to use GDscript correctly, design performant algorithms, and move what they need to be very fast into C++

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8d4c3b No.34044


Godot is popular because it's the only free and lightweight Unity like engine that is developed enough to actually ship games with. It also has a lot of shilling done for it as you suspected.

If you want to make something more toaster friendly and want something fully free I'd recommend a framework like monogame or haxe. Unity and Gamemaker are unironically more toaster friendly than Godot, but both aren't fully free, require accounts and may get more toaster unfriendly down the line.


The 3.x ES2 implementation is god awful compared to what they had in 2.x.

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4f1487 No.34269

Can someone give me a rundown on how to use C++ for game logic in godot?

I've looked into native module but it all looks so complicated

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f41277 No.34280


I found a series of short tutorial videos on doing that:


It's a bit outdated now, but after a quick look on the NativeTools github, it doesn't look like much has changed.

What specifically are you having trouble with?

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File: f1c348afd81c879⋯.gif (11.07 KB,272x272,1:1,kashawalk-preview2.gif)

File: 184acdeb114650c⋯.png (46.29 KB,871x868,871:868,kasasit-noartifacts.png)

9b7832 No.34165 [Open thread]

Hi everyone. I wanna share a platforming game I'm working on with a friend. Most people on ?v/ here know me as GigaDev, the GigaMaidens guy.

Recently I got back together with an old friend of mine in the UK and we began work on a platformer starring a cute catgirl named Kasha. I'm doing the spritework and he's doing the coding.

I have a lot of hopes and desires with this game. I want to make it a big adventure at least on the same scope as Super Mario World.

Kasha's adventure is about her looking for her mommy. But since she thinks she's the cutest girl in the world, that must mean her mommy is the prettiest woman in the world. So she imprints on any pretty lady she meets as her mommy.

Essentially she travels the world on her own except for her caretaker Milchi who is secretly following her around, meeting mommies and adding them to her mamadex in her mama journal.

She has a variety of base abilities, including rolling, punching, and wall-climbing. But the real fun stuff in her game comes from her tail. Kasha has a magical, cartoony shapeshifting tail (not currently sprited) that can turn into a variety of different things depending on milkshakes that she can drink.

A few of the planned tail transformations and their respective milkshake flavors include:

Apple: Jackhammer

Mint: Spear

Banana: Grapple Arm

Cherry: Bomb

Watermelon: Minigun

Licorice: Coil Spring

Pineapple: Bazooka

Cola: Unicycle

Among other things. Each milkshake gives her new abilities that she can then use to find new paths and secrets in levels, which then lead her to new areas on the world map where she can find new mamas. Finding all the mamas is a 100% completion objective, but there is also the main story where a demon uprising is happening and for some reason they're possessing animals and coming after Kasha specifically.

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9b7832 No.34179

Streamable embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1e3cb9 No.34216

Streamable embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Not that anyone's reading it but here's a minor update testing some swimming logic. Probably a lot is going to change.

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a0a580 No.34217

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Looks good so far anon. Sprite looks a bit big but shouldn't be too hard to adjust later if necessary

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9b7832 No.34218

File: 50619fb4bf5c3c5⋯.png (241.75 KB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: cd81a94cf579a0b⋯.png (234.81 KB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 829f407d17ce208⋯.png (274.32 KB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)


I did some experiments with making it smaller but sadly I'm not able to make it look as good as I want, and also it would necessitate redoing all the sprites I've already done.

Still will consider it if it turns out to be a problem.

There are going to be larger characters in the game though, so I'm not entirely sure what I should do at this time.

I tried rescaling the sprites in aseprite but it has a destructive scaler and it didn't do a good job.

There's three character sizes: a child (Kasha herself), an adult, and an amazon (Kasha's parental figure, Milchi). These are how big their sprite sizes are.

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9b7832 No.34264

Streamable embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Got some new footage.

Implemented the swimming animation, some sound effects, and added an NPC character.

The bigger catgirl's name is Milchi, although her sprite is a placeholder (I just had a sprite of her in a fighting game style laying around). I'll replace it with more appropriate graphics later.

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File: fc57af4a5e8422b⋯.png (33.21 KB,1200x436,300:109,Unity_Technologies_logo.sv….png)

248a8e No.33099 [Open thread]

Im currently making a fast paced fps game in Unity.

I've been using Unet this far but I recently found out that it's deprecated (I'm not entirely sure what that means). Should I keep using Unet or should I switch? I need something that works with fast paced games, I'm don't think I'll be able to wait for Unity's new networking solution. I'm an amateur when it comes to multiplayer games so I would prefer something that's easy to pick up.

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27301e No.34254


Uh, what's wrong with using Unity Photon?

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File: 85ee948655e6aef⋯.png (17.63 KB,512x512,1:1,s2-3dlogo.png)

File: f4548e516c66839⋯.png (413.25 KB,646x505,646:505,sigma2_2018-03-05_01-45-12.png)

File: 543ec720dc7dbf3⋯.png (44.59 KB,648x507,216:169,Sigma Editor 2_2018-03-24_….png)

fe2893 No.31318 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

This thread is for my game engine, Sigma II, since I needed to get around to making such a thread any-way. It will be where I post all of my progress and what kind of stuff I am working on in one place in case anyone is interested in seeing the progress the project has been making over time.

There is a page on the wiki here:


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6123d9 No.34158

File: e9903b7ae973f93⋯.png (397.59 KB,800x600,4:3,sigma2_maus.png)

File: b23f79190bdad66⋯.jpg (73.61 KB,512x356,128:89,Maustank.jpg)

File: 55d07b699703092⋯.jpg (335.23 KB,1280x933,1280:933,Munster_Maus_Modell_(dark1….jpg)

File: aac67d1db9e7611⋯.jpg (203.83 KB,1600x1071,1600:1071,o0bsm.jpg)



Those are some interesting music choices, what genre is it called? My guess would be 70-80's synthetics (dunno which nation)

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2eadbd No.34159


It's not that old, I can just post a music list, starting at the bottom:

mousefade.mp4 - Altwave - Donkey Kong Country Medley

mousefade_mesh_texrotate.mp4 - Tempest 2000 OST - Hyper Prisim

sigma2_UI_system - Prana - Geomantik - Taiyo (Chakra Remix)

editor_texture_controls.mp4 - Snaketicus - Die Totenmaske Zwei OST (Unreleased) - D E P O T

editor_multi_select_stretch_mode.mp4 - Vincent De Moor - Fly Away (Original Mix)

editor_scaling_works_FUCK.mp4 - Chris Zabriskie - Divider

editor_texture_browser_scrolling.mp4 - Phoenix849 - Netware Violators

editor_multiselect_test1.mp4 - Synthadelic - I'm a Secretary (Radio Soulwax: Cherry Moon On Valium Mix)

editor_multi_select_cut - Vincent De Moor - Fly Away (Original Mix)

editor_copy_paste.mp4 - (cant find it)

editor_absolute_paste.mp4 - Snaketicus - Die Totenmaske Zwei OST (Unreleased) - background sound

editor_undo_cut_brush.mp4 - Juno Reactor - Transmissions - High Energy Protons

editor_timelapse.mp4 - Svenson - Sunlight Theory (O-Zone Mix)

editor_cut_mode_test.mp4 - Zymotix - Rachel In Trance (Maximum Cut)

snap_to_grid.webm - Defender 2000 OST - Track 03

editor_gs.webm - Defender 2000 OST - Track 02

editor1.webm - TRF - Ez Do Dance

editor2.webm - ALEPH - Take My Life

frustum_culling.webm - Ken Laszlo - Hey Hey Guy

ocw.mp4 - Silent Circle - Stop the Rain in the Night

2018-08-06 01-45-17.mp4 - Scott Brown & Dmo - Just Walk Away

CSGworking.webm - Kraftwerk - Neon Lights

CSGbug.webm - Kraftwerk - Neon Lights

hall1.webm - Mr. Flagio - Take a Chance

sigma_II_BSP_working_rooms_map_8megs.webm - 009 Sound System - DreamscaPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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2eadbd No.34166

File: 9792c41bf8ecb1a⋯.mp4 (8.98 MB,640x480,4:3,defender_speed_changes.mp4)

Flying spaceship and cubemapped material inputs , it gets updated using a matrix callback.

Almost done with the basic materials system.

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6123d9 No.34210

File: 6158732036d4e3c⋯.jpg (38.29 KB,468x316,117:79,serveimage.jpg)


Thanks for the list.

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2eadbd No.34249

File: 0e54d8bda90638b⋯.png (32.14 KB,648x507,216:169,Obj Viewer_2020-02-21_16-1….png)

File: 0e8336828cc6a43⋯.png (164.38 KB,646x505,646:505,sigma2_2020-02-21_01-54-22.png)

File: 6abf8d62cab7052⋯.png (243.44 KB,646x505,646:505,sigma2_2020-01-27_06-42-24.png)

File: af0399ddf80566d⋯.png (710.41 KB,1920x948,160:79,Unity_2020-02-14_18-08-26.png)

File: 57a61483d6ab46d⋯.png (593.66 KB,1292x600,323:150,texture_sampling.png)

Did more work on improving the map editor, it can now export as .obj files, which for example allows it to be imported into the unity engine. Useful for making the rough geometry of the level in unity, and then doing the actual detailing of it in probuilder. Saves a lot of time compared to actually working in probuilder, not that I would ever subject myself to that.

The materials system is being upgraded, it's possible to have sphere mapping, different texture filters, etc. now. Next step is to fix the map importing process, so that I can render levels with these new materials, which should be pretty nice. I expect to have shiny env-mapped windows and metallic surfaces, parralax scrolling cloud layers on my skies, etc. Then I can work on integrating entities into the engine, so the levels can be populated by models. A lot of work to do...

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File: 19beda1d4baa545⋯.jpg (165.6 KB,499x477,499:477,medium.jpg)

fc00ff No.34225 [Open thread]


>What is demo day?

A seasonal community event in which your fellow nodev anons show off their vidya, and for you anons to do what you do best.

>That is?

Play our vidya, and tell us how we can improve, show us the untapped potential you see, tell us how much our game sucks (or doesn't, after you've played it of course), and why it does or doesn't suck.

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436003 No.34231

File: 5c3f2ad524b7b0f⋯.jpg (230.52 KB,1280x544,40:17,photo_2020-02-02_15-48-22.jpg)

File: 3cbb0954588307f⋯.jpg (194.27 KB,1280x515,256:103,photo_2020-02-02_15-52-58.jpg)


Everyday Life: Edengrall 2/2 Demo

If you already played the previous demo (released in late december) this isn't too different, we spent this month updating Unity, cleaning the project and optimizing.

There is a new girl, Anna the Oni, she is a lovely lady who the player will be able to marry.

We are also expanding the grass system to allow things like flower fields and crop fields.

We would like to apply for the Demoday Fund


Here are the links:



If you need a guide for the cooking system you can watch it here


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763d94 No.34232

File: 77b6ef069ac4399⋯.png (5.28 MB,1637x1571,1637:1571,ClipboardImage.png)



A cyberpunk stealth shooter with PS1-inspired graphics and a cute protagonist.


Think Deus Ex mixed with Splinter Cell. Avoid confrontation until you find a gun, hack computers and panels by mashing your keyboard to discover the password. Switch between first person and third person view by scrolling your mousewheel. Watch your light meter and shimmy on ledges to stay out of the patrolling enemies' sight. Hold F to hide bodies.

Made in around 2 weeks by a group of anons, including members of Die Totenmaske team and Beelzebox devs. We hope you enjoy the demo.

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2b12cd No.34243

==Uncommon Time Retuned== (Working title)

Uncommon Time Retuned (help me think of a better name please), is a near-total-conversion of FeralPheonix's game, Uncommon Time. 99% of tumblrshit has been removed- including the faggotry/tumblrshit of two of the game's playable characters. This game serves as a "to the side" alternative universe of the original game. Uncommon Time sought to challenge classic hero's story tropes, Retuned seeks to reincorporate them, thus more main characters for the story have been added.

Changes from last demo day.

-- Currently up to Bel Canto, rewrite progress as of this build stops after you get instruments.

-- Truncated dialogue in some parts, mostly arpeggio pass.

-- Added a wandering merchant in dungeons where you can't return to town.

-- Rework of damage formulas across most of the board to make it more uniform and less clunky.

-- Switched from Yanfly's Free-Turn-Battle back to Vanilla, shit was way too clunky for what I needed.

Known flaws, bugs & other shit

-- Just started implementing seperate-window nametags, progress is inconsistent. I will take effort to iron this shit out in the meantime, as 90% of the offending dialogue is strictly in act one.

-- Arena flaws. I need to eventually get a script that allows me to disable the use of items in glissando arena's battle sections, furthermore, some battles have bloated stats.

-- Difficulty is all over the place. This is the challenge working with pre-made content.

-- Healing is broken. Healing is supposed to use part of the target's current missing HP and factor in stats from the healer and the patient, but it's just grossly overpowered somehow.

-- Placeholders galore, the new characters are temporarily using stock stuff and recolors of old characters, plenty of temporary music from other vidya. Some of the party (most notably Mezzo) do not have a good range of faces for certain lines in the game. When Post too long. Click here to view the full text.

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2b12cd No.34244

File: 6e5448c4e71c1a7⋯.jpg (103.51 KB,642x418,321:209,UCTR_altered_instrument_se….jpg)

File: f67a7108f5c93d2⋯.jpg (156.47 KB,640x420,32:21,UCTR_battle_full_party.jpg)


images didn't upload for some reason, if this doesn't work a second time, I'm going to be irritated

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85c41d No.34246




Might as well point out because I don't feel like redoing another build package.

Uncommon time retuned has a debug map set as its opening scene. To start the game as intended, do the following:

-- after starting a new game, talk to the old man and go to the warp room.

-- interact with the bridge concealed in the upper left corner of the warp room.

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File: f9a6b6f9571b994⋯.png (90.91 KB,259x194,259:194,ClipboardImage.png)

6bc8c0 No.31374 [Open thread]

Borrowing the concept from /tg/, post half-baked concepts you'll never get around to doing, so other anons can put it to use. Half idea guy, half abandoned project, post 'em ITT

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63a9bf No.33959


if your game idea is just a story, its a shitty game idea and probably a shitty story idea as well

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08bb1b No.34016

A city-builder/strategy game in the vein of Tropico and Total War, where you play as the dictator of a fictional nation in Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America, and North America from the 1815 to modern times.

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ac6474 No.34069


>2D ripoff of Thief

>I don't think anyone has made a game like this yet

can you be this dumb?

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1d476e No.34219

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96d5c8 No.34220




Nice, I'll check this one out. I'm working on something similar.

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