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Welcome to AGDG, keep working on your game anon!
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789be3 No.29080 [View All]

Interested of getting into game dev?

Got a small question not worth it's own thread?

Wondering how to move forward?

This thread is for you!

Dev resources



- Gamemaker: http://docs.yoyogames.com/source/dadiospice/000_using%20gamemaker/index.html

- Unity: http://unity3d.com/learn

- UE4 tutorials and resources: https://forums.unrealengine.com/showthread.php?483-Community-Tutorials-for-UE4

- Godot: https://github.com/okamstudio/godot/wiki

- Sly: https://github.com/guildhall/guile-sly (2D)

- Xenko: https://xenko.com/ (2D/3D)

- Construct 2: https://www.scirra.com/ (2D)

- Urho3D: https://urho3d.github.io/


- Python: http://www.codecademy.com/en/tracks/python

- Javascript: http://www.codecademy.com/en/tracks/javascript


- WebGL fundamentals: http://webglfundamentals.org/

- OpenGL in-depth: http://wayback.archive.org/web/20140326132506/http://arcsynthesis.org/gltut/


- http://opengameart.org/

- http://www.blender-models.com/

Free audio

- https://machinimasound.com/legacy-tracks/

- http://freesound.org/browse/

- http://incompetech.com/music/

- http://www.mattmcfarland.com/

- https://www.fantasymusica.org/

Other stuff

- An in-depth walkthrough of making a full game from nothing (very, very long series): https://handmadehero.org/ (episode guide: https://forums.handmadehero.org/jace/guide/)

- Video series on game design: https://www.youtube.com/user/McBacon1337/videos

- About "juice" AKA game feel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fy0aCDmgnxg

- Sound effect creator: http://www.bfxr.net/

- Source code for classic id Software games: https://github.com/id-Software

If you know any more resources/tutorials, let me know.

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bfecc5 No.33312

File: 732cf2f12be3963⋯.jpg (34.78 KB,300x315,20:21,zax.jpg)


Some games resolve the pileup problem by having units "ask" each other to move out of the way. It's common in RTS.

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24009d No.33315

Any good suggestions for learning blender? I've tried a couple tutorials but not really grasping it.

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c3dff7 No.33361

File: 1adb197ce06d653⋯.png (219.96 KB,479x558,479:558,sad2.png)

dont know if this is the right thread but how the fuck do you keep motivated? Why is writing so much harder than actualy making a game?

I was making a game, small game, i had about 80% of it done and everything was working fine.then i decided to make story mode. it would be like a parody of visual novels with a fun small story. Nothing realy big. just a explanation for why shit was happening the way it was. I started and even finished a chapter it was going great.

to cut a small story short i got little sick and "almost died", that was 5 months ago, i got better 2 months ago but i simply cannot work on my shitty game again.

i was so close.

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2de5cc No.33368


tell me if you find out. I never get past art. Currently making >>32310 but got stuck on art. Recently quit the project, but came back to it after just making my own shit-tier assets as placeholders.

The only reason I made progress was because I decided to relax and stop trying to make my vision. I now consider it a shitty prototype to test what does and doesn't work. Once I've a finishedpile of shit prototype with no major bugs, I'll remake the game and pay someone to do the art for me. Maybe you could do the same or find someone decent who wants to write to help you out?

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d45295 No.33372

File: d54696b2ec8dcf5⋯.gif (148.03 KB,311x360,311:360,1347813094355.gif)


Idk, I've been trying to find motivation for the past 10 years. I think it's never going to happen. However over time I get better and my games are getting to the point where I might actually release something. Even if you fail 100 times, you have no excuse not to pick yourself up and keep going, and you get a little better each time. It only takes maybe 6 months to release a good game... But nobody tells you about the years of learning that led up to it. Don't let it get you down. Becoming the master of any craft is a lifelong pursuit.

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ec1b7b No.33409

File: 15cc73d562815b8⋯.png (1.16 MB,2532x2000,633:500,rpg_classes.png)

Where can I find some kind of an autistic chart like pic related, except for elements/themes? Water, fire, earth, wind, electric, ice, light, shadow, etc etc. Doesn't even need to be organized, I just want a list of everything imaginable.

I've needed to come up with elements and stuff many times but it's always a pain trying to rack my brain for ideas.

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ec1b7b No.33410


So far I've managed to put together these:

water, fire, earth/ground/stone, air/wind
electric, ice, metal, crystal
light, dark/shadow, life, death, order, chaos, corruption
time, space, void, energy, magic, sense(sensor)
poison, nature/grass/wood/plant, spirit/ghost, soul, psychic
bug, machine, undead/zombie, vampiric
mind, flesh, knowledge, tool, human, travel, motion, exchange, change, healing, flight, damage
repair/build, greed, wealth, defense/protect/armor, damage/attack, damaged/broken, trap

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5f9b9b No.33426

File: a24cb428f10b281⋯.png (671.1 KB,896x1023,896:1023,ts-power.png)


Trap as in something you fall for, or trap as in something you fall into?

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903542 No.33430


For me, it's the other way around.

Also, how did you "almost die"?

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9973a2 No.33452



Air, Water = Mist
Air, Earth = Dust
Air, Fire = Smoke
Water, Earth = Mud
Water, Fire = Steam
Earth, Fire = Ash/Lava/Magma

There was one text based MMO that had a lot of elements but I don't remember the name of it now. It had a wiki. Might be worth searching for. It had things like poison, plasma, light, and darkness.

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c5ccc4 No.33453


I got a realy fucked intestinal infection that lasted for 6 months. lost 10kg and was shiting blood for some time.

When i got to the medical they said my asshole looked like i was raped by the insides out.

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b7a647 No.33461

I've been working on a Ren'py game (I know, kiddie-tier but shut up, it works for what I need and is free) for the last couple weeks but it's been ages since I coded anything and I haven't used Python before ever.

How the fuck do I make a variable that is itself variable?

Like if I wanted to call the [Character]Status variable for a collect-a-monster game, or I want to call [Species]AttackStat to modify the monsters final Attack stat. I don't want to do a thousand line If statement for every single species every single time it gets called.

I just want to be able to dynamically create, call and edit variable names.

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091474 No.33478


It's hard to tell what you're trying to do. Can you post some code?

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68e286 No.33482


Use dictionaries?

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9d027f No.33493



Yeah it sounds like you're describing a dictionary I think.


I forgot what this exact pattern was called, it might be the prototypal pattern? Basically there is one object that holds the data for all things of thqr type which can also be overridden.

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ec1b7b No.33495


Thanks, didn't think of those for some reason even though they're pretty basic compound elements. Here's the current list, still badly organized though:

water  air/wind  fire  earth/ground/rock/stone
ice electric/lightning metal crystal bone poison nature/grass/leaf/tree/wood/plant steam/mist smoke dust gas mud lava/magma ash
light dark/shadow life death order chaos corruption
time space void energy magic sense(sensor) heat cold
spirit/ghost soul psychic/psi chemical/science oil corrosion destruction
bug machine/clockwork electronic laser undead/zombie vampiric disease/plague angel/heaven demon/hell
mind flesh knowledge tool human travel motion trade/swap/exchange change healing flight beauty
repair/build greed wealth love/lust dream/sleep/sloth wrath defense/protect/armor damage/attack damage(d)/broken trap

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167f58 No.33496


Super quick shit:

label start:

PikachuAttack = 4

CharizardAttack = 7

Species = "Pikachu"

if [Species]Attack = 4:

"This code works somehow"


"Haha fuck you"

Species = "Charizard"

if [Species]Attack = 7:

"This code works somehow"


"Haha fuck you"


What do I need to put, so that the [Species]Attack variable is read as PikachuAttack and then CharizardAttack

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f8ee8e No.33498


You use a data structure that stores the parameters for each species.


species = ['pikachu' = ['attack' = 4, 'defense' = 4],
'charizard' = ['attack' = 7, 'defense' = 7]];

To access it, you do

Like the previous anons said, use a dictionary.

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c85107 No.33502


Thank you


And thank you

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68e286 No.33592

Would there be any noticeable difference in performance between the built in PNG alpha or replacing the alpha of a specific color (i.e RGB 0 255 0) via a shader?

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244a5c No.33600


Yes you can use GameMaker.

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4e57e5 No.33842

I'm trying to make an JRPG with multiple classes in GameMaker (with more classes than character slots), but I got stuck thinking how to implement the different class skills (one active for each class to start out) and then how to load a class/character into a fight depending on which characters are in the party.

Is it viable to create 4 character dummies and "load" a class into them when battle starts?

Is there a way to receive a "Class" parameter for a create event?

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d427fb No.33845

I used to code in c/c++ back in the day, including a few uni courses. Years later I want to make a game. Searching for information on what language to use I ended looking at java, but dropped it after a few days and went to Python with pygame. I found what I wanted here for my 2d platform game with plenty of examples... except the total fucking late of depth that I really want to create with rpg-classes/races/skills.. I can't even see anything in py- that goes very deep. Is it a waste of time to try to code a game with depth, like complicated inventory systems in pygame, should I just go back to where I started all those years ago with c++?

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496ff6 No.33939

How do you guys deal with stress and burning out?

I've been working in a game for a week already and had to redo some assets, and for fuck's sake I didn't even finish the sprites of the main character.

I'm planning to draw up every character and monster and I've been thinking about doing some Parallax work, but for fuck's sake I'm stressed as hell.

It doesn't help I've been looking at my assets and feel like it is poorly done and I might have to restart some full 2 days work. It's my first full game and I should just do it to experiment, but I would like to do it more or less professionally.

Any advice to prevent being burned out?

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75c9fd No.33964


Just make small parts of what you want to do and then add them to the overall thing.

Make different combat or dialogue options and figure out which you feel works better.

Try different animations for the sprites. Do everything as though it was for the final thing but don't treat it as such till your ready to. Just have fun with it.

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5d303a No.33974

Completlely new to the board so I'll just jump in.

So I'd like to develop a game similar in style to king of dragon pass. Story wise it's about you and the 8 other surviving colonist trying to get this new planet ready for the next colony ship thats coming some years down the road. Unlike KoDP there are no other people just you and your "advisors", yes they are all waifubait.

I have an economics back ground so I decided to use python but other than doing udemy boot camp where should I begin? Do I even need to use something like unity?

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b8e45e No.34005

>Decide to finally try to make a complete game instead of dicking around

>GM sounds easy enough and has ton of tutorials and support from the community

>GM2 requires online connection

>Alright, let's fall back to godot

>barely any tutorial, the community page won't even load on their site


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21b7ea No.34006


This is why you either give up and use Unity, or make your own engine.

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b8e45e No.34007


isn't unity ,ore complicated if i just want to make a simple platformer, or zelda clone?

Also, don't they get a cut of your earnings when you sell your game?

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08e6d2 No.34009


>isn't unity ,ore complicated if i just want to make a simple platformer, or zelda clone?

not really, back then 2d stuff was kinda shit and more of a "3d hack", plenty of features now.

also a lot of learning stuff, especially platformers etc. there's even a learning project which lets you do shit without any code at all (although due to the way it's deployed bit of a bitch to get running in current versions, got to update packages yourself and alter the code, which kinda defeats the purpose).

>on't they get a cut of your earnings when you sell your game?

not royalties at all, after 100k you gotta pay, more after 200k but no more limits (epic takes a 5% cut for unreal engine, unless you publish via epic store). so unless you manage to create an indie hit or make it big on kickstarter nothing to worry about.


>I have an economics back ground so I decided to use python but other than doing udemy boot camp where should I begin? Do I even need to use something like unity?

there pygame, but never used it myself. unity/godot should be more than enough for a kodp clone, you only really need unreal if you want to go heavy 3d. if you need learning material probably unity.

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496ff6 No.34082

I want to make an RPG Maker game but I don't know where to focus at first.

I have the idea, I have the plugins I need and I have more or less knowledge how to use them, but I don't know where to start.

I'm stuck right now trying to design a somewhat vertical map like a beat'em up instead of the usual isometrical view.

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c5be73 No.34174

File: 02af2e56fa44efa⋯.jpg (116.58 KB,960x720,4:3,RAKION CELL.jpg)

How much does it costs to make a game? I'm not really into the game developing scene as I'm a lawyer but I always thought that Rakion had so much potential, along GunBound.

I have around $25k, certainly not enough to make a decent game but come on give me some hope, it's a 2005 game lol

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504a1a No.34181


pay me and I'll make your game

On a more serious note, though: if you want to make a game as a one-man-army, you just gotta calculate how long you can last off your savings and design a game that you can realistically create in that timeframe. As with any business, there's no guarantee you're going to make your investment back.

If you aren't at least somewhat competent at art, programming, sound design, writing and all the other elements required for gamedev, you can still do the proper agdg route of keeping it your hobby, creating smaller projects to git gud, keep making savings and making a proper game when you're confident of your skills.

You can try asking this over at


as well

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d5a8f2 No.34182


>If you aren't at least somewhat competent at art, programming, sound design, writing and all the other elements required for gamedev,

You only need to be competent in a few of those to make a sellable game. Most gamedevs suck at absolutely all of it though which is part of why they cry about things like the indiepocalypse or whatever, because their games suck from every angle.

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45b2ee No.34192

Are there any decent free engines out there that have implemented "smoothed voxel" terrain (like marching cubes), or am I better off just coding it myself into a free engine that does everything else I need?

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1c6278 No.34196


Apparently Unity supports voxels.

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45b2ee No.34197


Sorry, I should have been more specific. By "free" I meant that the code is open source and the license is something like MIT or BSD. Unity's nice but it doesn't meet those criteria.

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ea454a No.34298

I want to give a bit of context about myself before i ask the question to frame it properly.

I've dabbled with modding, level editors, scripting etc in games for over a decade. I've also programmed some small projects in various languages, but never anything big.

I've been curious about programming/gamedev related topics, and whenever i came across something interesting i just often end up consuming it out of boredom, so i feel like i've "seen a lot of things" but actually know little about them.

I've recently realised that i have been brooding over a project for 2-3 years on and off, asking myself why the hell nobody else is making THAT GAME, and that i've spend so much time thinking about it that i don't feel like i have any choice - i have to chase down this passion and tackle it.

I am fully aware that i lack fundamental software engineering skills. I've seen people talk about it plenty of times here and there, but i never sat down and actually wrapped my head around it.

So what i am asking for is a software engineering crash course for game development. Programming paradigms, software design approaches, what's the bucket list a game developer should know about, especially when diving into a project which is probably borderline too large for a single person, while also pushing into performance critical territory? Which sources the the best to learn these things?

I really hate bad books, and i hope someone out there knows the gems one should really read.

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dd21cc No.34299

I don't know if I'm wording this right but I'm looking for a complete C/C++ compiler + IDE setup that has Win 10 compatibility that can install to under half a gigabyte or be installed to a USB device. I last used Dev C++ over a decade ago and would like something similar and modern to use

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d48739 No.34314


>crash course for game development

Best way to do it is get a compiler and start nodevving. That's how the early devs did it, and it's still a good way to go. Get to a problem, bang your head on your desk, overcome it, repeat. Do it enough times and you will eventually git gud.

Most of the good reading material is free. The best thing about programming is that you don't need to spend a dollar to become a nodev. If you want to learn best language and have 5 years to spare, I recommend the following:




Books on graphics are dependent on what engine/API you want to use and what kind of game you want to make.

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d48739 No.34315

File: 185d08f917df453⋯.mp4 (354.08 KB,640x360,16:9,Now_that_is_a_name_I_haven….mp4)

File: 8e165ade99910c1⋯.jpg (70.99 KB,800x572,200:143,devcpp_scr.jpg)


>Dev C++

I started on Dev C++, then Code::Blocks. Now I just use Notepad++ and g++.exe.

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f68545 No.34328

File: 19d67e0229d76d0⋯.png (6 KB,381x211,381:211,n3Acx.png)

File: 84f72fc86dda829⋯.png (140.29 KB,988x966,494:483,screenshot_20140421_131357.png)

File: 41c15ff665bfafa⋯.png (30.23 KB,642x461,642:461,company_semantic.png)

File: 628c277f24b9848⋯.gif (127.89 KB,512x268,128:67,unnamed.gif)


>Dev C++, then Code::Blocks. Now I just use Notepad++ and g++.exe

That's almost the exact same route I took, but then I moved to emacs. The reason is because I started using a real IDE for work and shit like


>jump to definition

>find usage

>Dynamic syntax error check

>List available methods

>Search file names (huge)

>Highlight all instances of (lets you edit in 200 places at once)

>Duplicate cursors

>Copy multiple

>Too many to list honestly

Once you start using this shit the workflow is so much nicer and faster. The best part is there's absolutely 0 bloat to my project. The only additional file I need is a python configuration that tells the syntax checker what g++ flags (includes, library locations, etc) to use. The only problem I'm facing now is it's not quite as pimped out as I'd like. I'm still missing shit like find symbol and some of my custom methods are really jank

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dac340 No.34331


No offense, but your post is entirely unhelpful and totally offtopic.

I've learned a dozen different languages, i know the basics of coding, what i asked about was (language agnostic) concepts for software development to manage the complexity of large software projects. And the way there is not to bang your head against the wall, but to learn from other smart people and what they've figured out.

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223dde No.34334

I want to make a VN engine in python with pygame.

I am aware of ren'py, but I want to prove to myself that I'm good enough. I just wanted to make this post to remind myself why I started this whole shit. I hope next time I read this, I'll be in a good state of mind.

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b209aa No.34363


Maybe you could change the scope of your game: reduce the features of the first game you're making. One of the critically important lessons of creation is actually completing the creation. By reducing the scope and then completing a creation, you will have accumulated significantly more skills and insight than just endlessly slogging through a massive project that will not be finished in the near future. The great thing about games is that you can make sequels that are "bigger and better" because they rest upon a foundation of the insights of your completed work.

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725aad No.34370


If you still here, check out Angry Goy games.

It is what you need.



P.S: But next time don't walk here and just ask "mak gaem fo me reeee !!1!!1"

If you really believe in your idea then make at least a working prototype yourself and show the results.

This will increase the chance that some fellow "/pol/tards" will join your team and you finally will make your dream a true.

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8c71de No.34382


>It would be nice to also have something for the linux terminal, but I can't find a very straightforward tutorial.

Nothing is straightforwards in linux lol

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282082 No.34404


Aren't VNs just pictures with text and buttons which lead to other pictures?

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282082 No.34405


>Nothing is straightforwards in linux lol

actually the funny thing is that programming is one of the few things which is easier in Linux IMO. Most Linux distros come bundled with all the compilers you need all set up and ready to use, just g++ code.cpp and you're off. Windows was a fucking pain to set C++ up for, it delayed my nodev life by a couple years because I was too much of a dumb shota to figure out how to set up compiler

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519f49 No.34426

Absolutely! I've dabbled in game dev. For quick Qs, forums like Reddit's gamedev or Unity's community are gold. Dive into tutorials, start small, and keep creating!

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