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f2e746 No.148604

It's been a long time, /fit/

But I could use some help.

So, apparently I have a torn meniscus in one of my knees, went to the doc, did an MRI, doctor prescribed rest and medication for a month, month is almost over.

Want to slowly slide back into /fit/need without screwing up my knee again.

I supposed to start swimming anyway but I really wanted to lift again. But with my current knee state ass to grass squats are not really ideal (since my knee flares up specifically when I bend it below parallel, before rest and medication it would flare up while doing a bodyweight squat).

Lend me your tips and tricks, fellas.

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47309e No.148606


get surgery

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612949 No.148611


Well, thing is I talked with two doctors and neither of them thought surgery was the best option. One thought all I needed was meds and rest, the other thinks physiotherapy is the way to go.

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47309e No.148612


how bad is the tear I had meniscus surgery in High school cause it tore and was flapping about within the knee, feels fine now. I'd try knee wraps and shit or do box squats or something

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ebaba3 No.148613

Work on rehabilitating that knee, bud!

You can do physiotherapy from the comfort of your own home, and without paying an expensive doctor. Use compression and put her through some range of motion. Push her to improve, slowly and carefully. Hopefully someday you'll deep squat again, like old times.

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