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b1e159 No.150670

guys, can you share some scincare recipes?

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ef4c45 No.150671

i use some natural skincare things

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ef4c45 No.150672

You can use different organic supplements and such procedures like botox. I use colagen which is one of the most common and unique properties of structural proteins. Also used botox procedure in one clinic in Toronto here https://www.torontobotox.com/contact-us/ Botox is the most popular cosmetic treatment in the world – period. It is a wonderful way to rejuvenate facial youth and beauty.

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7a333b No.150674

Main thing you need to remember is that every skin is different. Test different products and see which ones work well for your skin. Read online specialized forums. Other than that, you can just focus on moisturizing before you go out and before going to bed. Use some scrub when you shower at night and maybe in the early morning. Sunscreen is also pretty good. It may be that you need to do all of the previous in the middle of the day (although with me, personally, that would further fuck me up). Buy, yeah, most problems are lack of moisturization.

Actually, the MAIN thing is eating naturally and not using anything on your skin. But it may not work for you. It also may not work if you're fit because the amount of things we eat isn't exactly golden. I'd look at some ancestral tips, like some birch tree sap product that the Euro's might've used 400 years ago or some shit. I haven't researched this shit because no time.

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0e48cd No.150689

is aloe vera a meme or real?

i have some aloe vera plants i've been growing slowly but steadily, and they could be used for making homemade gel.

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505ac9 No.151383

I stopped eating sweets, and now my skin is a little better, but I understand that this is not enough, what can anyone advise?

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723dd0 No.151385

First of all, you need proper nutrition and diet, it is also worth taking tests, buying good care for skin and starting to drink biotin (I bought for myself from here https://www.canadapharmacy.com/ ) , it is very useful not only for the skin, but also for nails and hair - all this together should have a good result

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d1477e No.151430

My skincare - cream and soap XD

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d1477e No.151431

But thanks, interesting info

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d1477e No.151432

I want to buy cosmetics fo my sister

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d1477e No.151433

I started painting when I was 18. I believe that cosmetics should be good and not irritate the skin. I recently read Madison Reed reviews https://madison-reed.pissedconsumer.com/review.html and realized that I know where I will often buy care products from now on. I usually use foundation and mascara, but now I want to buy something new

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