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I am still alive.

File: d91dd894c024d0a⋯.jpg (722.62 KB,3264x1836,16:9,cuties_snuggled_together.jpg)

File: a7c87a093f69532⋯.jpg (742.01 KB,3264x1836,16:9,X220t_kaguya_mokou.jpg)

 No.36844 [View All]

61 posts and 20 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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stolen valor is literally a meme, I don't think it applies to just buying some shit from an army surplus store or something as long as you don't try to use it to pretend you were in the military and get veteran's benefits or w/e

ive known lots of veterans and former military and the ones that are like "OO-RAH YOU ARE SPEAKING TO A FORMER YOU ESS MARINE, SON, YOU BETTER SHOW THE PROPER RESPECT BLAH BLAH DIED FOR YOUR FREEDOMS BLAH BLAH" are a pretty small and obnoxious minority, most of them are more down to earth and then a rare special few went the joseph heller/kurt vonnegut route where their time as tiny cogs in a vast and uncaring machine turned them into cynics with an especially sardonic sense of humor, those people are extremely fun to talk to.

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File: e238b1b59659235⋯.jpg (1.96 MB,3264x1836,16:9,IMG_20180713_223658.jpg)


Warmly waiting for froggo girl to arrive

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File: 9a6124d44a60e93⋯.jpg (1.53 MB,3264x1836,16:9,IMG_20180714_123217.jpg)



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That's one floppy hat and lots if desktopbackgrounds with rude tittys.

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File: ead2f40a93c887b⋯.jpg (634.49 KB,1632x1224,4:3,bulletbun.jpg)

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File: 8ce0a6cb3924070⋯.jpg (2.01 MB,3264x1836,16:9,IMG_20180801_211828.jpg)


Airsoft bun

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Reminder that most fumofags ITT also browse 4/jp/

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So of the 3 fumo owners here, two of us post on cuckchan? I guess the other two need to die easy.

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File: 10719ebf131b881⋯.jpg (206.85 KB,918x1632,9:16,IMG_20180805_202438.jpg)


Take it easy~

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File: 6cfa8d5fdfc0005⋯.jpg (517.83 KB,1632x1224,4:3,bunp.jpg)


my bun prefers paintball over airshit

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File: d6daf3198d7b777⋯.jpg (521.8 KB,1632x1224,4:3,bunc.jpg)

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How do you know this?

I'm not arguing the claim is false at all, obviously. But I really do believe stalkers are EVEN WORSE than crossboarders. And you'd probably have to be one or the other to know, unless there's some other explanation.

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We prefer to be called "terrorism watchdogs".

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When a foreigner posts on /jp/, it's terrorism. I like this, so short and simple

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File: d954064d3bd4e69⋯.png (1.96 KB,647x66,647:66,new soft.png)

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File: b9552167866f76e⋯.jpg (2.14 MB,3264x1836,16:9,IMG_20180805_201906.jpg)


Airshit is cheaper, but paintball is fun to play


Congratulations on your new soft bird

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File: b1c1c06ba430dbc⋯.jpg (645.84 KB,1614x1218,269:203,bunbun.jpg)

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I think i know you.

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me too

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File: 4cce1fca03f1467⋯.jpg (1.81 MB,3264x2448,4:3,DSCN1963.JPG)


Go ahead and post your fumo then.

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File: e2ce23bdb03ce46⋯.jpg (752.76 KB,1224x918,4:3,new gun new bun.jpg)

Still waiting on Aya

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File: f42cb56c8a7c6b8⋯.jpg (279.76 KB,816x612,4:3,OwO.jpg)

File: b26993562c3ca74⋯.jpg (460.83 KB,1025x1043,1025:1043,what's this.jpg)

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File: 76ca9b412f64843⋯.jpg (1.11 MB,2048x1152,16:9,IMG_20180909_131420.jpg)

9 for the 9/9 day

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File: 5bfb822c5148c10⋯.png (1023.12 KB,1600x900,16:9,18b26b1173067d36174f1ad2fb….png)

File: 1c1f50b685c84a4⋯.jpg (776.26 KB,1632x1224,4:3,ayayaya.jpg)

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File: 5879ba5fbba1fe9⋯.jpg (78.56 KB,659x379,659:379,1538125504637.jpg)


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So did you buy your fumo?

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Not yet ;_;

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She was there, then gone in three minutes.

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File: b158da6be687dc8⋯.jpeg (1.56 MB,3264x2448,4:3,b158da6be687dc86c3a907e36….jpeg)


I could not get one wither, I wanted a Mokou or an Aya...

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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File: 4beff2d41d588c5⋯.jpg (548.25 KB,1280x720,16:9,IMG_20190219_185414.jpg)

I got my own Tenko after all!

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I miss my froggo now. My ex took her and probably sold her into slavery.

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never leave your fumos with your gf. I lost my remi that way and I am still be mad to this day.

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Dear Japanese guy or gal, please use Neofetch. It's more versatile and flexible Thank you! Have a happy day!

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I don't think he's Japanese...

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its the screenfetch-dev version specifically for CloverOS

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File: 48081a5d5d08324⋯.jpg (15.73 KB,200x200,1:1,misc003.jpg)


classy wallpaper

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File: 95dc7175adbb774⋯.jpg (609.06 KB,1152x2048,9:16,Koishi_enjoys_the_view.jpg)


thanks you

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File: 87d30f767d8e70c⋯.png (1.54 MB,1448x887,1448:887,IMG_20190329_205710.png)


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File: 42859b04828200a⋯.jpg (478.95 KB,2048x1422,1024:711,D3L6OkbWwAAxXhw-orig.jpg)

Shion incoming!

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But I want jooooon

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File: d6309af604d67b8⋯.jpg (92.99 KB,747x996,3:4,1557023634688.jpg)

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File: a93ead443be8fd4⋯.jpg (2.27 MB,2560x1440,16:9,IMG_20190619_131910_DRO.jpg)

The biggest marisa!

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File: 7ce81bf307510f1⋯.jpg (2.19 MB,2560x1440,16:9,IMG_20190621_180809_DRO.jpg)

Me browsing the jay

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why did you buy a switch

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Monster hunter exclusively

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File: 0f4c3b4dabb3dfe⋯.jpg (2.6 MB,2560x1440,16:9,0f4c3b4dabb3dfe95abc10fe7e….jpg)

File: bb1fbef21410111⋯.jpg (501.03 KB,2102x1237,2102:1237,1562520945526.jpg)

Installing Gentoo Linux on a Thinkpad!

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File: 0f1f05ca37ea6b4⋯.jpg (2.72 MB,1440x2560,9:16,IMG_20190711_235155_DRO.jpg)


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/fumo/ has not been backed up to 8kun yet, so /jp/ will have to be our temporary board until we get our board back

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File: 84c046381da871f⋯.png (947 B,153x22,153:22,Emote.png)

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