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/loomis/ - Art Gains

Art, Animation, Agony

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We're All Gonna Make It, Fella

Join us on DrawPile (host address: splelps.com) in the /loomis/ Channel Saturdays at 10EST!

File: 1444785173888.jpg (6.41 MB,5122x3410,2561:1705,1444597790055[1].jpg)

 No.1487 [Last50 Posts]

Things like these shouldn't make me mad, but they do.

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>not liking giant tits

Nigga you gay

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File: 1444813469182.jpg (25.06 KB,277x160,277:160,1439912170819.jpg)

I don't mind big titties as long as they're drawn right

circular tits however ruse my autism a little (ie:senran kagura)

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File: 1444842852301.jpg (93.88 KB,500x349,500:349,boigahz.jpg)

If I'm sufficiently aroused I'm ready to ignore a few problems a picture has. I have pretty low standards when something caters to my fetishes.

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I can tolerate circular ones as long as they have nipples. But Senran and similar shit have no nipples, even when uncensored. Shit triggers my autism so hard.

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File: 1451596535207.jpg (291.31 KB,1222x817,1222:817,surprised.jpg)

>years ago

>huge weeb

>loved big hentai breasts and bodies

>read some anatomy books to practice drawing

>something is different

>all animu grills and waifus look like shitty deviant art drawings now

>my favorite artists suck

>sex scenes in hentai are laughable and abysmal

>suddenly, western art looks so much better

What the hell is this magic, /loomis/?

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File: 1451597462248.png (217.18 KB,447x547,447:547,1450746750882.png)


I don't know fam, I can appreciate a lot of anime stuff too

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File: 1451617551618.jpg (123.63 KB,600x848,75:106,Disaster Level "GOD".jpg)


I dunno man. Technically I guess shit like Getter Robo Armageddon are garbage when you use traditional art rules.

But god damn does it look fucking cool as shit.

If something just nails that cool factor for me, nothing else really matters anymore. Even stuff like One Punch Man (the original original by ONE, not the redraw) with its abysmal art look good to me.

Something about how fun they are is just appealing. Yeah they're not getting hung up in museums, but there's a real human element to it that I dig.

Of course what you said is true, a lot of hentai and anime is still horribly drawn.

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File: 1451671319051-0.jpg (65.69 KB,400x648,50:81,Tales_of_the_Bizarro_World….JPG)

File: 1451671319051-1.jpg (554.8 KB,1024x681,1024:681,XXXHolicwhatthefuckisthis.jpg)

File: 1451671319051-2.jpg (208.31 KB,1299x877,1299:877,Mecha -4.jpg)

File: 1451671319051-3.jpg (63.62 KB,729x413,729:413,God_Speed_Lover.jpg)


Forgot to add: I still like anime and manga but, thanks to these anatomy books, i'm really picky about the art nowdays. My passion for cute girls is almost dead. Things like XXXHolic make my blood boil with rage…

It's like i'm trapped in this bizarro mental world where most jap drawings are made by crippled five year old children and anything that isn't Air Gear, City Hunter or Berserk tier is shit.


I totally understand you, anon. Hell, my passion for mechas and robotic armors comes from their awesome looks in japanese media, but sometimes the art is so bad that even coolness can't save it for me.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>City Hunter

I don't know what it is but a lot of anime in the 80's/90's had this style at the time that I haven't seen duplicated since (the closest thing I can think of is the stuff "Madhouse" puts out like Highlander and Redline). It wasn't always consistently good of course, but when the budget was there it was pretty cool.

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File: 1451752020830.jpg (178.92 KB,608x850,304:425,X-Men-Anime-Poster.jpg)



I saw the main mecha in some Masami Obari drawings, loved his design but always forgot to watch the anime. Thanks for remind me, anon. I really like the OP.

But yeah, besides what you said and the Marvel animes, I don't renember anything similar either. Personally, with the moe overload in japanese animation, I really miss this kind of style.

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IT's not that they are big it's that they are drawn poorly.

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Why do eastern artists avoid drawing the nose like it's the plague?

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File: 1456341672909.jpg (700.44 KB,2857x2016,2857:2016,1456329878471[1].jpg)

I've seen far worse, OP. Pic VERY related.

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>Used to like poorly drawn shit

>Started learning to draw

>Gain intense appreciation for stuff like Desert Punk

I'm not even good at drawing yet and I already feel it.

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Left arm is too short, breasts are placed wrong and defy physics, hips look strange, right arm might also be fucked?

Am I correct?

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Adding to what you said: the breasts are impossibly huge, they have a very unnatural shape, and they just don't work that way; the nose and -possibly the mouth-, too, are off the axis. And adding to what you mentioned about the hips, the thighs also look quite strange (not sure how to put it, either; they just look like they aren't properly attached to the rest of her body).

But the worst part has to be the whole torso. Don't you agree? I would redline this right now, but I'm sadly not at my computer at the moment.

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Her spine has definitely been kicked in. She should probably see a doctor about that.

I think her hips might be fucking the perspective a little as well.

>the breasts are impossibly huge, they have a very unnatural shape, and they just don't work that way

Do you feel the nipples are too far up as well?

The most ironic thing is that Giant Naked Rei from EoE had very well animated breasts.

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>Her spine has definitely been kicked in. She should probably see a doctor about that.

It's amusing how it's supposed to be "sexy", but it really just looks very shitty. I'm sure it was a fuck-up of both perspective and the pose the artist was trying to do.

>I think her hips might be fucking the perspective a little as well.

True, and judging by the thighs, it's just further proof of the artist's poor skills.

>Do you feel the nipples are too far up as well?

Not only that; they look as if they were both independent units looking at different points in space. It's quite hilarious.

Do you feel the mouth is way too down? And the shape looks very odd, as well.

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Congratulations, you're a snob.

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Yeah the perspective definitely makes her hips look too small for her shoulder length.

I'm not going to judge the face too harshly because frankly I can barely draw better heads myself however her jaw does seem to be misaligned and the nose is too 2d for the perspective.

Piloting an eva must fuck you up bad to be this misaligned, eh?

Good point on the nipples by the way, I hadn't noticed their direction being different.

I wonder if people could improve their proportions from studying shitty cowtit doujinshi.

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>Yeah the perspective definitely makes her hips look too small for her shoulder length.

It's both, to me - but it does lean more to the smaller direction, yes. And since we're on the subject of shitty hips, her ass looks malformed too, somehow.

>I wonder if people could improve their proportions from studying shitty cowtit doujinshi.

As books as to how NOT to draw breasts, definitely.

Honestly, the disgustingly heavy cowtits are probably what bother me most about that thing. Not even the spine.

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That's sort of what I meant. We could do, like, a thread where we take the worst cowtit style doujinshi and have learning artists attempt to identify why it's shit.

>Honestly, the disgustingly heavy cowtits are probably what bother me most about that thing. Not even the spine

Yeah it's the same as stumbling upon shit like inflation hentai, you know? It just feels wrong on a basic level. They enter into the uncanny valley and become these horrifying sex monsters.

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Stuff like OP's pic would definitely have to be included, too.

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File: 1456852788133-0.jpg (594.41 KB,800x1023,800:1023,kawakami_mai_by_haganef-d9….jpg)

File: 1456852788307-1.jpg (756.39 KB,800x1131,800:1131,happy_new_year_2016_by_hag….jpg)

File: 1456852788501-2.jpg (672.64 KB,827x1169,827:1169,amagi_brilliant_park_isuzu….jpg)



I think haganef's catalog is enough material for a lifetime.

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File: 1457299513644.jpg (298.82 KB,1024x1280,4:5,6d55091af63a3ba658e907fd0a….jpg)


What do you think of this, anon?

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File: 1457982856690-0.jpg (15.81 KB,399x350,57:50,36NNN.jpg)

File: 1457982856690-1.jpg (43.52 KB,468x435,156:145,article-1386352-0c05362200….jpg)

File: 1457982856690-2.jpg (45.9 KB,450x324,25:18,worlds_largest_natural_bre….jpg)


It's not necessarily impossible for breasts to be that big, but is extremely uncommon and usually caused by a genetic abnormality or induced surgically.

The problem is breasts that size in real life look terrible due to gravity and such, so most artists usually end up breaking all sorts of rules to compensate - which results in the rather uncanny effect where characters have insane M-cups or higher that act as though they're B or C cups.

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In that pic's defense, at least she's in a position where they could be hanging. But >>2539 is just impossible (and disgusting).

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>In that pic's defense

You mean OP's pic or…?

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OH, you meant >>2440

Fuck me, I'm dumb.

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No worries, anon.

But yeah. It does have that excuse, at least. But it still looks really, really shitty.

By the way, what do you think of >>2539 ?

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File: 1458055499392.jpg (207.66 KB,1167x1352,1167:1352,1457299513644.jpg)


Well, the first thing I noticed is that the ribcage doesn't line up and seems to concave in places. It also seems too large in comparison to her head and shoulders, which also seem to be much narrower than her hips. And I'm not sure if this is a work in progress, but I find the lack of shading on the breasts themselves a little distracting.

I also noticed that her hips and shoulders look parallel to each other, which is rather confusing considering the rather dramatic dip at her waist. I don't know if she's supposed to be standing or kneeling (though from testing the pose, kneeling feels more natural) but either the waist needs to be less exaggerated or the shoulders need to tilt more. The right forearm also looks too short and I think the foreshortening should be on the inside of the left arm rather than the outside.

That's all I can think of at the top of my head. I might do a little more in depth redraw in a bit, but I'll see how it goes.

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File: 1458087049795.jpg (96.98 KB,1024x1280,4:5,1ffe5b673919f33bf80261d5e8….jpg)


>That's all I can think of at the top of my head. I might do a little more in depth redraw in a bit, but I'll see how it goes.

That's pretty excellent, I'm looking forward to more, anon.

>And I'm not sure if this is a work in progress, but I find the lack of shading on the breasts themselves a little distracting.

It's probably because it is. I Google Searched the image because of what you said, and it seems pic related is the artist's final version.

As a sidenote, the breasts look really comical.

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Excellent crit.

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Anon, if you're still around, it would be cool if you could do similar critiques for the other pics in this thread.

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Bumping for interest.

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File: 1458684272768.png (702.79 KB,1140x1355,228:271,1446492172725[1].png)


Anon, how about pic related?

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I heard those translating the Desert Punk manga stopped a while back, is there another group who might be a candidate to pick up where it left off?

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File: 1459879631295.jpg (67.57 KB,1061x890,1061:890,1459826567373[1].jpg)

This one's quite a gem.

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Fucking hawt.

No woman actually looks like that realistically though ;__;

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Your standards and judgments sound obnoxious.


Sounds about right.

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>defending shitty weeb art

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Rude tbh fam

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File: 1468103635409-0.jpg (191.56 KB,658x1252,329:626,37bd435e8fa5403eba682d9551….jpg)

File: 1468103635410-1.jpg (94.83 KB,640x640,1:1,89fba911b512c44ae851b39d12….jpg)


I feel this a bit. I mostly don't vibe with anime just because the look simply doesn't appeal to my tastes; but to say that next-to-none of the obviously professionally-done content isn't based on good fundamental experience is just arrogant and pretentious.

First Pic related is anime as fuck but clearly the artist knows what they're doing.

I just find it ridiculous how so many elitists will shoot down anything that isn't completely married to every aspect of reality like it's the fucking gospel, and that any departure from reality is automatically a fuckup on the artist's part rather than a creative decision based on their taste.

Second pic related is Anna Cattish and her shit isn't realistic at all but she clearly knows the works; but if you showed this to some high horse riding douche he'd tell all the reason's it isn't realistic and why that makes it objectively shitty. It's just so god damn limiting to think that everything must be realistic to be good.

Also, I'm not saying "fuck the fundamentals", or "fuck life drawing", or even defending the fuckloads of ugly cow tit drawings; but I don't think there's anything objectively wrong with simplifying or exaggerating things in crazy ways as long as the artist is doing it on purpose, and also clearly displays a good understanding of the fundamentals.




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Idk what's up with the numbers at the end of the post

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There is nothing wrong with anime, cartoons etc. Even Jeff Watts agrees: "Good work is good work"


There's no good reason for any of us to dismiss that sort of thing out of hand, just to strive for the best of which we're capable in whatever we choose to do.

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whats wrong with them

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>that shitty buzzword

Fuck off, retard.



Thank you. I look at Japanese art as absolutely nothing like a special snowflake at this point. Literally just their preferred more eccentric and sexual style of cartoons and comics.

Just more obnoxious faggots on the internet who call things complete shit just because they don't like it or being stupid hipsters.

I'd personally love to learn how to blend the best of western and eastern styles together in the future.

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File: b6a63c03c41c2cc⋯.jpg (174.27 KB,1280x943,1280:943,powal_doodle_by_xa_xa_xa-d….jpg)

File: d8edc9d32c22923⋯.png (9.31 MB,3757x2351,3757:2351,croquis_4_by_xa_xa_xa-d602….png)

File: b98dfb763b154cd⋯.png (609.57 KB,1024x575,1024:575,swamp_girls_by_xa_xa_xa-d6….png)

File: e4aa2ab3c691ff1⋯.jpg (63.99 KB,500x526,250:263,tumblr_odrg1osLeG1ud8n12o1….jpg)


I think lots of French art has been filling that void pretty well.

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French is the future!

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Comic art maybe? OP image at least has some sense of gravity to it, but TOON styles almost never have breasts more detailed than geometric primitives.


I kind of wonder what you consider the best of western art.

Basically it's still hard not to think of Japan as a shining beacon of GOOD DRAWING After living with the comic and toon pigeonholes for so long.

Toon: Super-exaggerated and simplified, often overly geometric to animate cheaply.

Comic: Look how detailed! this guy has 16-pack abs, his t-shirt is shrink-wrapped around him so you can see and every single frame has a cityscape complete down to stains on the fire hydrants and rats halfway in view eating garbage obscured by a building.

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File: f28b31fef63426e⋯.jpg (139.48 KB,800x1200,2:3,aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.jpg)

There isn't any one be-all end-all answer to breast physics because there are a lot of factors involved.

How much of it is breast tissue and how much of it is fat?

How quickly was the tissue formed (how fast did the tits develop)?

How soft is the breast tissue?

What is the build of the woman? Does she have strong enough back muscles to puff her chest out further and reduce the strain?

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this tbh fam

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wow this thread is awesome

I only just found /loomis/ because of a tech post with Lena on it.

Damn cool

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File: ec4179dfb3bc580⋯.jpg (25.64 KB,457x671,457:671,fa04b5b80169a11efd81f219d2….jpg)

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File: 20a0e353d5f88ce⋯.jpg (305.33 KB,1067x1600,1067:1600,vku8k9hawq-1.jpg)

Had quite a few lessons drawing Gibson girls myself…

Do you guys draw any little girls? like /waifuist/ tier stuff.

How would any of you critique modern studio headshots and what could you do to surpass it?

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more photorealistic lolis pls

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File: e4f298322aff299⋯.jpg (70.97 KB,500x674,250:337,1051991 - Littlest_Pet_Sho….jpg)

How does the anatomy this person drew look? I'm shit at anatomy and can't tell if this is considered great, good, bad, or shit.

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U-…unf. It's not bad but for one thing it'd probably be better if we could see more of the humeral portion of her arm so that it doesn't just look like a fugged up tangent.

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the further breast being larger is a strange trend I've seen in erotic content, seemingly regardless of artist and no idea why.

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File: 107a2bce23f3338⋯.png (138.51 KB,260x254,130:127,1457816111727-0.png)



If I don't mistake that's xavier houssin art's.

the third image (swamp) girl if I remember was refused by the censors because it wasn't family enough (for the dofus movies)

Talked with him via deviant art, pretty nice guy and helpful (good advises) if he as time, he unfortunately doesn't update is blob anymore he has a brother or cousin I don't remember who does art too but I can't find is website anymore.

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File: ebd88eaa550156e⋯.png (992.26 KB,1920x1080,16:9,It Hurts!!.png)


I hear ya. Kinda the same way I feel about It Hurts!!'s art; Not the best, but very much fitting with the tone of the comic

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File: 1f70a79d9d49fec⋯.png (25.96 KB,242x317,242:317,I got the Holly Jollies.png)

File: fcc46d93e13c1f2⋯.png (51.37 KB,723x668,723:668,Already December.png)

File: cffe133656230f2⋯.png (75.17 KB,378x326,189:163,Boner County.PNG)

File: aa1819af39dafae⋯.png (384.38 KB,963x292,963:292,B-B-Back that Ass Up.PNG)

File: 250c2b0e9eb1e71⋯.png (146.47 KB,570x280,57:28,Smoking Dick.PNG)


>An It Hurts!! fans

I'm starting to like this place already.

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File: 61fa683e39f1fe5⋯.png (518.21 KB,600x890,60:89,donk.png)


>not the best

Now there's an understatement

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No concept of dimension. The one angled to the side has to clearly pop out to portray absurd size. But they don't quite know what to do with the one angled closer to the viewer.

Also I masturbated to >>2611 but couldn't even feel anything from the others.

Imagine just being that absurd and free from physical rules while people still find you sexy. It must feel good to be so wrong.

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File: e459e37505fe662⋯.jpg (179.97 KB,1218x976,609:488,legs.jpg)

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File: 975e516050bc7fc⋯.png (1.12 MB,1680x1200,7:5,Sephiroth-FFVIIArt[1].png)


yfw he's on model

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I've seen that picture probably 6 million times and I never noticed how dubious it is around the pelvic region.

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File: d3bfaddf1a7068e⋯.png (412.5 KB,943x580,943:580,3e533183dd37fdd6ff7e556635….png)


Considering he's part Ayylien, abnormal proportions would be forgivable if it didn't also affect every other character.

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Anyone got tuts for drawing appealing breasts?

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I swear to god the two in the back are clipping into that guy's leg.

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Bags of sand, a.k.a. don't forget about that weight.

It's all subjective, though. No-taste faggots might find round fake tits appealing, so it comes down to your own taste.

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File: e132749411276e6⋯.png (1.17 MB,850x1204,425:602,__original_drawn_by_takapi….png)

So I got a little retard autism for posting this image recently just because of the handful of flaws with the breasts. /loomis/ was explicitly mentioned, so I decided to beat whatever retard would have come to sperg out to the punch. Kind of apprehensive about posting it in this kind of thread, but I see way too many faggots dismiss something at first glance and I haven't seen too much snobbish hipster retardation. In fact, I even now understand why a lot of doujins or H-manga look so unappealing to me before even talking about some of the fucking off ridiculously off model faces for doujins. Trying way too hard to be sexy with bulging tits and thighs or slutty faces without properly capturing their appeal, especially when shit looks absolutely nothing like its source material.

You clearly see the effort by the artist to faithfully capture the joking "bags of sand" accuracy that tits are supposed to be synonymous with while having the sexy concept of passionately being so pressed together they overlap in a likely sudden confession of love and romantic advance. It's all simulatenously cute, sexy and lewd, but tame and romantic with the pose and has a great atmospheric romantic background with the secrecy and more "hidden" feel of an abandoned classroom at sunset on top of visible and realistic awkwardness from the other girl's eyes and shocked, frozen arms that works perfectly for yuri.

You agree the droopage just isn't drawn perfectly through the clothing, making it look like there's monoboob shit going on when both are clearly meant to be obscured by the raised and lowered positioning, right? Everything else is still solidly executed and gives the feel and mood it's supposed to with the "anime" and "moe" style from a literal nip giving plenty of suspension of disbelief for not glaring inaccuracies, objectively not being bad.

Yes, mutually long haired titty yuri is a big deal.

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File: c3870a2ab13bcc2⋯.png (201.05 KB,540x300,9:5,1477624596710.png)


O-ok then

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tl;dr lmoa

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The Moe effect for flavor of the month anime.

Less detail on the face adds to the cute factor.


>tits thread

>no Raita Torpedo Tits


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torpedo tits are GOOD, redart!

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File: 84e27e09faab4a5⋯.jpg (159.31 KB,800x600,4:3,51854.jpg)

File: 3a1e14a940b797e⋯.gif (1.89 MB,500x450,10:9,500.gif)

>Think about starting to draw

>Stumble upon /loomis/ by chance

>Read this thread

I have doubts now. I don't want to stop liking moe and badly/rodoculously drawn bodies. HHow do you guys feel with classic animation like Looney Tunes and animes like FLCL?

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There are people on these kind of boards that do absolutely nothing but complain about others because it "makes them feel better" or whatever and it stunts their growth immensely I assure you. Focus on yourself, improve your art, but don't stop enjoying something because others say you shouldn't for one superficial reason or another.

Yeah, a lot of people are bad at art, and some of them are even getting paid for their mediocre work. That still says nothing about us as individuals and it's definitely no concern of ours in the end. Let's improve our art, not worry about what others are doing or saying.

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Animation is an entirely different beast from traditional art. Sure, it benefits from anatomical knowledge, but it benefits even more from knowing when to break the rules for the sake of better motion.

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Like Naruto?

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Yes. Take a look at this https://saltyicecream.tumblr.com/post/164066538324/2d-animation-smearing

>inb4 Tumblr

I wanted to avoid this, but it's actually really well done.

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I like big anime tiddies fuck realism

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I like big anime tiddiddly-ho but with a hint of realism, like gravity affecting them a lot.

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>Trying way too hard to be sexy with bulging tits and thighs or slutty faces without properly capturing their appeal

Wise words to tattoo onto the backs of the eyelids of any doujin artist.

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>How quickly was the tissue formed (how fast did the tits develop)?

Is there a difference between the tits of women who got them quickly and those that got them slowly? Apparently, Himiwako was flat until she was 19 or so, and then she exploded and her tits barely sag at all so perhaps the relationship is that the later the tits come, the perkier they are?

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I always see pics like that as if it's special clothing that is keeping them up, that way I can still enjoy them, I am more annoyed about where the left tit of the right girl connects and the shoulders are weird

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>Used to like poorly drawn shit

>Gain intense appreciation for stuff like Desert Punk

So, nothing has changed…


>It's like i'm trapped in this bizarro mental world where most jap drawings are made by crippled five year old children and anything that isn't Air Gear, City Hunter or Berserk tier is shit.

But Air Gear IS shit tier.

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congratulations you gained a brain

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>>suddenly, western art looks so much better

It does?

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>started off not liking anime-ish art

>studied traditional drawing and painting for a few years

>spend a lot of time looking at and researching the art of the latter half of the 1800's and those continuing that tradition into the 1900's

>now work as a traditional realist painter

>kinda like anime-looking stuff now

I don't know guys. I think we can appreciate Chinese cartoons for what they are and not compare them to what they're not.

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File: 7a5028285ae6c82⋯.png (3.27 MB,1232x1600,77:100,ClipboardImage.png)


Some people just become anal about anatomy as they learn it. I've seen similar arguments happen over famous western comic book artists just the same. It is one of those arguments that has no real end because both sides are correct so never will see eye to eye.

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File: c52472cc6970237⋯.png (966.45 KB,1920x1080,16:9,new flcl.png)

File: fcaeb2564ffe180⋯.png (1.03 MB,1920x1080,16:9,flcl inbetween2.png)


>and animes like FLCL

I've seen FLCL hundreds of times and it's been my favorite anime since I was 11. Reading Loomis allowed me to appreciate it on a whole new level because I could see who well drawn everything is. Can't say the same for the new seasons. Can't say the same for the new seasons though since those are hot garbage.

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>left pic

What the fuck even is that

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only the finest in malaysian sweatshop animation

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>I might do a little more in depth redraw in a bit, but I'll see how it goes.

>two years later and anon never delivered

Sad, this was actually very interesting, not to mention fascinating.

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Perhaps he realized he was punching above his weight. It's easy for even a journeyman artist to "find flaws" in someone else's work, it's much more difficult to correct them yourself. That's why when I critique someone I stick to things I'm certain of like "oh the arm is a bit too long" and things of that sort that are purely academic in nature. If I'm not sure of something I might tell someone it looks off and do my best to articulate why I'm getting that impression but I won't get caught riding dirty and saying that I could totally do better or "fix it" myself.

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File: f7eb6f69e994b78⋯.jpeg (367.43 KB,700x1100,7:11,3bc6b9a4ecedf14ad7626c2f4….jpeg)

It's demotivating when drawings with ridiculous anatomy manage to look more professional and "finished" than anything i'm able to do.

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Just try and deconstruct the parts of them you like. Look for how they use hard edged brushes and soft ones.

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You're just being tricked by rendering techniques.

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File: a923e93ead74416⋯.jpg (82.01 KB,500x639,500:639,1487179948723.jpg)


Your penis grew taste buds.

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File: ac7881a98ab72fc⋯.jpg (471.81 KB,1058x827,1058:827,1530264772.jpg)

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I can ignore some the bending of anatomy and physics when my dick is concerned, but when it breaks, that shit melts my boner. Best hentai is the stuff by artists who have genuine art skills and apply an anime aesthetic to it.

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>tier 6 mastery.jpg

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If I hadn't gotten into anatomy this would probably turn me on, now I'm thinking in how much pain the animu little girl is in because of her leg

Hang in there, you bug-eyed little girl ;_;

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Me too, but instead it is the weirdness of her obviously mature woman's pelvis that has loli proportioned parts attached to it.

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File: 9135df14151162b⋯.png (Spoiler Image,725.05 KB,600x713,600:713,plucked_chicken.png)

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Diogenes would be proud

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I feel like this could be really hot if I had the right fetishes

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Me three.

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>Hang in there, you bug-eyed little girl ;_;

dont worry its a vampire 2hu, she can just sleep it off

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she looks like a chicken

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File: 92a9f03d3451df0⋯.jpg (143.68 KB,1024x512,2:1,IMG_0010.JPG)


Not the artist but that was the joke. Speaking of chicken though, Happy Thanksgiving! xd

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File: 812fb944732b60d⋯.jpg (217.17 KB,848x1200,53:75,812fb944732b60df03a2090eef….jpg)

How fucked is this?

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Not enough to keep me from masturbating to it

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If you only look at the face and tits, it's fine as generic anime goes.

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File: 9429e0366e52b85⋯.jpg (27.51 KB,398x606,199:303,1540603098690.jpg)


I looked down. I shouldn't have.

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File: 3e005b9e7dfd13b⋯.jpg (66.17 KB,672x720,14:15,1541103433391.jpg)


You certainly don't need an arts degree to see how fucked that is.

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It helps to have a fetish for bizarre anatomy.

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You know the old saying, "Learn all the rules, then break them at your leisure". Or something like that.

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File: 8b99c6e89b78f5a⋯.gif (3.31 MB,480x270,16:9,swt.gif)


My fetishes are giganticism and compound fractures.

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I know what you are getting at.

The thing with hentai is that you lose the "cool, wacky, artistic, authentic" vibe the stronger the fanservice gets.

It is hard to carry authentic style over to sexuality and as soon as the sexuality stands alone, the only thing that keeps up the suspension of disbelief at that point is realism. When at that point boobs look like balloons and the vulva is misplaced, I just massively cringe.

At such a point, there is no message to be carried over. There is only the sexuality, and it is carried bad. Someone wants to convey not a message, but an accurate erotic depiction then, and honestly failed. It's actually sad.

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