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information and discussion

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In the future, Moshiach ben David will appear and bring the Geulah, i.e. redemption. No person will do evil anymore, because the evil inclination, which is the desire to sin against the commandments of the holy Torah, will miraculously disappear. This can happen by the death of all wicked people who have such a desire, or by all humans obeying the noahide law. It is possible that there will be a nuclear war in which all humans will die, in which case only the righteous people will be resurrected. Isayah 4.1 prophecies that every man will have seven or eight wives because all wicked men are dead. But a prophecy does not have to become reality, if society in general changes towards righteousness. We have to provide the noahide law to every human and especially to judges and politicians. Only if everyone follows this law, an everlasting peace can come true. Then Moshiach will resurrect the righteous dead and every other soul which has sinned must reincarnate. It is also possible for many sins to bring a sacrifice to the future temple if it is a sin against God or something unintentional. Sins against humans can be atoned for through fair compensation of the victim and by "making Teshuva", i.e. confessing to God by an uttered prayer.

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The noahide law as documented in the babylonian Talmud Sanhedrin 56ab

There are 1.-6. and 8.-10. prohibitions and one 7th positive commandment

1. Do not have more than One G-d

2. Do not bless, i.e. curse G-d

3. Do not murder, do not shed human blood

4. Do not steal (this includes robbery, slavery, kidnapping, rape and theft)

5. Do not be sexually immoral (incest, bestiality, adultery, homosexuality)

6. Do not eat an animals soul which is in its blood

7. Establish noahide courts of law

8. Do not mix or graft different species of animals or plants

9. Do not castrate animals or humans

10. Do not practice sorcery, magical seeing, witchcraft, molech, etc.

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Rav Shlomo doesn't teach the noahide law to the public and fighting the forces of evil is the main occupation of Moshiach. I know only of asknoah.org aish.com and chabad.org teaching it.

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Slavery as defined by Torah law does not allow a free person to be intimate with a slave. A slavemaster can give his slave freedom to marry him/her or his/her children if the slave consents. Otherwise can a slave marry another slave but labor as farmwork, householdwork, crafts, etc. are the only legal occupations of a slave.

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What kind of questions do you think humanity wants to have answers for?

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When we judge a person, we try to imagine how this person would have felt to be the victim and fine them according to what they would have suffered through experiencing the same trauma. To increase our empathy, we go back to places like Auschwitz to remember the pain our ancestors went through to keep us from hurting others. What countries do you mean by destroyed? We are prohibited from marrying non-merchants so I don't see us mixing with other peoples. The first book of the Torah is the book of creation which is for non-merchants until the 10th chapter. It includes also the sources of the seven noahide laws which you can study on asknoah.org

The creation starts today 5784 years and a few moths ago with the heavens and the earth. There we see that we e.g. don't come from the same family as monkeys but descend from Adam and Chava who were created by the almighty God. Dinosaurs were never mentioned and we guess that they were put in their place by the hand of God to remind us that there was another world before this world which was utterly destroyed for some reason.

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from https://www.daat.ac.il/daat/english/journal/cohen-1.htm

The hermaphrodite should wear men's clothing and may not put on the garb of a woman. According to this view, the hermaphrodite can marry a woman but cannot be married by a man - "nosei isha aval lo nisa." However, it is their belief that the hermaphrodite is not able to have children. Thus, marriage would not be an obligation only an option.

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I grew up secular, feeling like I have to change the world to a better place in which every human can live in wealth and peace but also felt pointless. When I understood Torah around 10 years ago, I studied 10 hours per day and had the first time something that I could fully connect to. Everyone has a unique purpose in this world to fulfill, we call it Tikkun HaOlam, bringing the hidden divine sparks in this world together, to a purpose. Our future will be a spiritual life where we live healthy for hundreds or thousands of years and the main occupation will be studying and understanding the laws of God and nature.

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Wake up Niggerfaggots

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Pay up

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