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Second Life


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File: 6ecd9c80c79dba0⋯.jpg (12.01 KB,400x400,1:1,pTI1cSx4.jpg)

File: d88fd21505532f8⋯.jpg (26.76 KB,550x431,550:431,flat,550x550,075,f.u3.jpg)

 No.47857 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Great job faggots. The few of you that are left, give each other a nice handy in the break room closet today, you fucking earned it.


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There is truth in this, but I wouldn't say it is most creators. There's an overwhelming amount of original content out there that is made by the SL creators themselves… and they do a great job of making it terribly fucking unoptimized themselves.

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There are a lot of people who spend time in SL and dream of making their own mesh, so they learn. There are two types of content creators in SL, ones that know what they are doing (very rare) and ones that have no clue what they are doing and want to make mesh because they are tired of in world building.

And of course, you have the turbosquid resellers who hack together mesh that wasn't designed for a game engine into a very shitty game engine that wasn't designed to be graphically demanding.

LL has let it get like this. And they are pushing away content creators who could be good because who the fuck wants to sell a mesh they spent 20 hours creating for $2? Specially when you have no idea if it will actually sell, because it's buried in search behind turbosquid dumps and 5 year old content.

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There are some creators like Dani who i suspect of ripping mesh from some site. But many groups like the Hollywood airport group have banned discussion about him doing it.

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File: 6b01d83909afe38⋯.jpg (20 KB,400x400,1:1,pepe-suicide.jpg)


The marketplace sorting and search is so god damn bad.

There is no way to sort by Ratings and Creation Date at the same time, you either get 8 year old shit that was rated good back than or you get some trashy current uploads. And then you always get that retarded stuff in between that has nothing to do with what you are looking for, but the creator dumped a keyword list in the description. Or something that actually is what you are looking for, but it's shit quality and you would like something else instead, but it's in the list 20 times because they sell it in 20 different colors.

idk how the fuck a new creator would ever manage to get his stuff visible. You just get burried.

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Won't help much, but sometimes you can make results more tolerable by adding "NOT demo" after your search query, and tick the modifiable box before hitting "refine search". This alone will filter out 40-60% of the absolute garbage.

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File: 5651e79ad0f37c1⋯.png (563.31 KB,667x680,667:680,an ember of SL soon to be ….png)

 No.49105 [Open thread]

Ember Games is going out of business. They're giving out their products consisting of games for free. Pay one linden and get it back. No copy, so get more than one of each game. Not sure when they'll be gone forever, so get it while you still can. Spread the word to everyone.


In case if you're wondering if it's worth taking the time to teleport in there and grab the games, they have an Uno table (which they refer to as U-Know), a Zilch/Greedy table, a Pacman game where your avatar is the one that picks up the pellets that would ordinarily be 2500 L$, a Second Life version of Clue, some puzzle game and some Simon Says clone. There's also Skippy, whatever that is.

Get it while you still can, and again, spread the word to everyone.

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Skippy is probably Skip-Bo.

Kinda dumb that it's no-copy when it's free, but the heads up is appreciated regardless, thank you. Would be even neater if there were strip versions of these games.

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File: 7813bcce3177158⋯.png (561.46 KB,1023x577,1023:577,tzuyu-niggers.png)

 No.49010 [Open thread]

Why is every avatar that isn't weebshit or furry a nigger?

Dark skin and baboon asses. Do roasties really think that looks good? You see details way better in a lighter skin.

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>Dark skin and baboon asses

got any examples? just curious haha

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Can I see them, haha…..

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kek based and redpilled my fellow magapede

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File: 0c27e7bc44eb2d3⋯.jpg (30.02 KB,544x416,17:13,f69d7931ffb170860ba0692f92….jpg)

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File: 9cbffe41a8a5287⋯.jpg (99.23 KB,798x798,1:1,smilelaugh.jpg)


Found the mad asian or whiteboi without BBC genes.

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File: 31502270c4b5a29⋯.png (828.24 KB,600x555,40:37,37129635t85613353715616735….png)

 No.48754 [Open thread]

Its time. SL has been about tolerating this bullshit for far too long, people argue that furries are good people that they're an economic driver, but all they do is copybot shit and steal other peoples work and they're the root drivers of pedophilia in Second Life.

We must purge them all.

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The OpenSim NPCs do not count into user statistics. At least not into the once i posted, those are from hypegridbusiness, which directly collects them from grids. It's users that logged in with a grid account within a month.

But there is for sure a higher percentage of alts in OpenSim, i have 3 accounts myself on 3 different grids, because you can just copy your shit from one grid to another. But i just logged in with one in the past month, so i guess i count as one.

In SL you have to buy your shit again and invest money to look decent on an alt.


Just to explain that a bit:

If you own a sim you can use the NPC functions to copy a persons appearance. So you can make an NPC that looks exactly like that person and you can make it do whatever you want. And there is no need to keep some viewer running.



But there is also an army of people and old roasties who are fighting against it, because everything that looks better than >10 yo SL content is evil. The main enemy of opensim are the people who currently use opensim.

With all the good stuff that OpenSim offers, it is just totally unusable if you don't bring your own community with you.

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The NPC and animesh powers that have come about on SL are really cool, but I do prefer that which OS provides.

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> but all they do is copybot shit and steal other peoples work and they're the root drivers of pedophilia in Second Life.

I didn't know Kopy was a furry

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Now I support furries.

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>All they do is copybot and steal other peoples work

If I paid for it on main grid you bet your ass I'll copybot it over to an opensim.

It's mine.

I own it by paying for it.

I'm not taking credit for it.

I'll do whatever I please with it.

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File: 96fa1ec19389e16⋯.png (5.56 MB,3840x2114,1920:1057,44239172250_5f8994ae47_o_d.png)

 No.48566 [Open thread]

he's just short, guys.

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>adoption centers

creepy af. These places need to be banned.

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I agree about the creepiness, they are creepy to me too, but we shouldn't just try to ban something because we don't personally like it.

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Go back to Tel Aviv, Moshe

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ikr isn't that like those conservatives that want to ban stuff because it upsets their moral sensibilities?

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I don't know who that is.


Pretty much. Or like anyone that does that, yeah.

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File: f2c4933b276b00a⋯.png (82.24 KB,486x643,486:643,ClipboardImage.png)

 No.48205 [Open thread]

Wtf is this group and why am I in it? I've been to the land maybe twice, it's always empty. I got the group invite years ago off some literal who but i saw a few familiar names in there so i accepted. Yet to this day i still don't know what the fuck is the point of this group and why so many of us vg familiars are / have been in it.

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furry man bad tho!

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all programming furries i know inevitably end up as complete autists that i would want nothing to do with in a professional environment

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Sounds like somebody had a bad experience or two and is judging a widely varied group of people based on very little data.

It must be pleasant being so small-minded. Ignorance is bliss after all!

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t. buttmad autist furry

Thanks for confirming it.

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ur an idort

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File: 5215e019d83553e⋯.png (6.6 MB,4432x2349,4432:2349,Snapshot_1781.png)

File: 62014d2a05023d1⋯.png (5.71 MB,4432x2349,4432:2349,Snapshot_1792.png)

 No.47699 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

5 month record

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may i eat your ass ma'am

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File: 99dd1dc1552b517⋯.webm (1.2 MB,1920x1080,16:9,rub.webm)

File: 0c2f1ec3667cfda⋯.png (3.71 MB,4096x2304,16:9,Snapshot_003.png)

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File: e8579454890d35b⋯.png (4.26 MB,4096x2304,16:9,Snapshot_010.png)

File: aaed9ebc638e4d5⋯.png (3.16 MB,4096x2304,16:9,Snapshot_014.png)

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Did you add sound in yourself?

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A Kitty that wears a Panty.

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File: b2f81bf93b9fdac⋯.jpg (736.34 KB,1190x1338,595:669,d88d2a1fd9c180de2eef37f08f….jpg)

 No.48509 [Open thread]

Nice job faggots.

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File: 5f63dcdc4d5aef5⋯.png (536.35 KB,1360x746,680:373,Snapshot_003.png)

would 2B PLEASE msg me!!!

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Hello this is 2B.

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File: 37d961f8bba8380⋯.gif (313.49 KB,185x519,185:519,37d.gif)


Yes 2B here, please IM me.

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what's your login? you're really cute

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I use gmail

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File: 393017f234a1d72⋯.png (394.64 KB,736x951,736:951,nazi-pepe.png)

 No.48676 [Open thread]

Anime avatars are unoriginal, most of them look horrendous and they suck in general.

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File: 27fd03b46344bb2⋯.jpg (417.48 KB,889x694,889:694,27fd03b46344bb279f6fd575d7….jpg)

File: 98a29777c770907⋯.png (410.6 KB,430x513,430:513,98a29777c7709071945097a2c8….png)

 No.40771 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

We hit the bump limit again. Dump those horrid creatures you find around the place here.

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Take a hint.

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Blue skin person isnt bad but what fucking hands are those on the orc

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about 6 year old ones, thats an ancient image

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File: 1eff1d3298aa157⋯.jpg (86.18 KB,411x808,411:808,howtho.jpg)

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File: fd305fa4e92b2e8⋯.jpg (198.15 KB,640x480,4:3,jews9113.jpg)

 No.48167 [Open thread]

Let me ask the forbidden question:

Are there any Second Life Discord Servers that are not cucked out there?

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No I'm pretty sure it says jews mossad are the did terrorists 9-11

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File: fd4ee81561a5c10⋯.jpg (24.66 KB,333x499,333:499,henry-ford-jews.jpg)

Why are jews so evil?

How can we solve the jewish problem?

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I don't have an issue with them, maybe you're the problem.

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File: 2d8473d79c0a1e2⋯.jpg (48.44 KB,822x562,411:281,elephant.jpg)


looks like you don't see the elephant in the room

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File: 5a2398c72797f98⋯.jpg (420.82 KB,829x1310,829:1310,18eb2a823ad531daac141e0538….jpg)

 No.48369 [Open thread]

Really makes you think...

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This thing any good for actually managing and organizing a massive inventory? Like, somehow better than the default inventory system?

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pretty sure the point is to have multiple states of undress for the clothes, not just ooga booga remove pant

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You click a button -> it removes trousers and attaches selected boxers and sets alphas (if you know how to do the auto alpha thing for your body).

And you can let someone else access it and do it.

I did run into an script error after adding hundreds of items in one single category, i did then split it into subfolders and it was fine.

With the default inventory system, you have to fuck around with outfits (or make sure that shit uses the same attachment points when it should) and then set your alphas in your HUD.

i guess it depends on what you want to use it for, i think its underappreciated, cause 300L is really cheap for that.

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And those 4 stages are interesting for a week max, and then you are fed up with it, and of course you can't wear anything underneath or on top of it without making it useless.

And if you buy a new undressable outfit, it will look nearly the same, cause they are all the same model, just slightly modified.

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File: 709bfeeb1033711⋯.png (1.86 MB,1680x988,420:247,Snapshot_003.png)

 No.28025 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Dog life

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mmm. Similar. I have been busy more lately but somehow more bored too.

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i wanna see animals fucking big futa dick

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File: 98c80b52d889397⋯.png (2.38 MB,1920x1017,640:339,gay dog.png)

File: d5f7360473abfa1⋯.png (1.89 MB,1920x1017,640:339,gayer dog.png)

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I dont want this

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me either

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File: 1446069940760.png (277.97 KB,1050x1200,7:8,headless by majorpiece.png)

 No.17985 [Open thread][Last50 Posts]

Last thread: >>11721

I think the last one hit image limit, so let's do another! Post art you have drawn, commissioned, or received of your avatar.

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File: 7f001cb681993ba⋯.jpg (1 MB,1280x2384,80:149,sitp ink.jpg)


this is what actually happened

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have you considered loomis first?

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credit the artist, fucktard

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File: 96b36f65ba33e40⋯.png (147.18 KB,354x353,354:353,fauvisticon.png)

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File: ed83ceba7bb1600⋯.png (490.09 KB,449x401,449:401,laughing-whores.png)

 No.48250 [Open thread]

>he doesn't copybot

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File: 69acbd12c955111⋯.png (223.34 KB,620x401,620:401,anshechungus.png)

I would if I were banned a lot.

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