As of 1-9-19, this board is under new management.
As of 12-2-19, wallpapers with tasteful nudity (i.e. not overly pornographic/sexual) are now allowed. Blatantly pornographic wallpapers are not.
/wg/ is for the sharing of wallpapers of all different kinds. Considering this board is just for wallpapers, there should be little to no drama, but the following rules have been put in place that are (hopefully) self-explanatory and common sense:
1. Do not post, upload, discuss, or link to anything that violates United States law.
2. When creating a thread, state the topic clearly and upload a minimum of five images to start it off.
3. The following are not to be posted, uploaded, discussed, requested, or linked to anywhere on this board: trolls, flames, off-topic replies, indecipherable text, furry, gore, pornographic images, or ponies/bronies. Wallpapers with tasteful nudity (i.e. not overly pornographic/sexual) are allowed.
4. Replying to a thread stating that you've reported or saged it or another post is also not allowed.
5. No spamming or flooding of any kind.
6. Advertising in all forms is prohibited. This includes any type of referral linking, "offers", soliciting, begging, stream threads, etc. This also applies to game servers and YouTube and Discord channels.
7. Do not attach signatures to your posts.
And most importantly, ensure that what you are posting is on-topic, legible, and coherent.
These rules are not permanent, and are subject to change periodically as this board grows.
To clarify, pornographic wallpapers are not allowed, no matter if they are spoilered or not. Tasteful nudity is allowed.
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