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Most precious years of our lives are gone and now we clinch to alcoholism

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game devving

File: b1c1120468c1b57⋯.jpg (153.33 KB,1024x769,1024:769,barrett_kosh_black_sand_fz….jpg)

 No.30125 [Open thread]

Doom strikes Burning Man and pictured here we have barrett Kosh with his family all avid BURNERS down and dirty in the muddy 2023 Burning Man but STILL AVIN A LAUGH MATE !!

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File: 982e077dfdc6a92⋯.png (121.38 KB,260x271,260:271,displaydummythumb.png)

 No.30115 [Open thread]

These are my fictional references of family, mother's side.


These guys thought I was Miles Morales.


This is a kill run, Daniel Vinyard listened to the Jews.


These are the German spies Deadpool killed, as 007.


This is Koran Province, the elite assassin's branch of MI-6 (Carnegie Institute).


These are those lost in shape, to CS Lewis.


My father's family, Trooper-2, John Charlie; Redcoat Spy's Infantry. "Lucky Charlie", a cop.

https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4wjfldh59gbPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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Espionage Games (Catholic):

Bloody Mary: Establish a flight board, with different cheap pulp fiction heroes taken down, with a row per hero, and a villain symbol per the method. Used for police undercovers.

The Cardinal: Take a rosary necklace, and a thirty rack of standard Budweiser. You have to say the entire rosary, one beer per error, and go back to the beginning, each time. When it's finished, go to bed. If you die, you're fired. Used for secretariat protocol imprints.

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File: 0db379561188338⋯.jpg (46.92 KB,514x508,257:254,085.jpg)

 No.29781 [Open thread]

The redpill that no anon will ever be able to take is that millennials came up with this -oomer shit as a natural evolution of participation trophies. See, Mommy and Daddy were too lazy and inept to raise 'em properly, so they demanded that schools hand out participation trophies just to avoid kids feeling in the dumps, which would compel them to ask Mommy and Daddy, who just procreated to have someone else do their chores (believe me, I've heard this sentiment from parents so many times; one even told her son the other day IRL that he should do something for her 'cause he's "my free labor"), about what to do about it. If no child is down in the dumps, if every child is a winner, then Mommy and Daddy don't have to do their jobs, and no kid has to feel bad! The only problem was that they did this so many times over the years (No Child Left Behind, etc) that they created an entire generation of men and women alike who expect everything to be handed to them, so when it isn't? What do they do? They blame everyone else for it. They cannot cope with the fact Mommy and Daddy lied to them just so they didn't have to do their jobs. They can't cope with how schools threw 'em to the wolves 'cause schools are paralyzed by "red tape" (aka you can't tell parents to do their fucking jobs to their faces; they'll sue you into the dirt), they can't cope with how kids with ACTUAL parents manage to succeed. And they can't cope with the fact that they are, at best, mediocre. So, what do they do? Well, they come up with convoluted theories as to why this all is. Wait, you mean to tell me I actually have to qualify for a job? You can't just give me one? Fuckin' boomers! Wait, you mean to tell me that men/women have standards when it comes to who they want to fuck? They're bigots! Wait, you mean to tell me that those people who don't share the same skin color as me are on the dole, and I can't be? Fucking Jews! Wait, you're telling me I didn't have to go to college? I could've just taken up a trade? I could've actually done my due diiligence instead of following the herd? Fucking BOOMERS! On and on it goes, a perpetual search for the perfect escape from one's own inadequacies. The millennial will never accept full responsibility for its actions, because it was never raised to, and just like all the lead in boomers, all the plastics in millennials are surely not helping, either. This would also explain why so much of millennial "culture" revolves around dPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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So you only talk to people who have good lives and nothing bad to report? Wow, it's really cool that you live in Candy Cane Gumdrop Land! I too wish that I lived in a community where no one had problems. Or, and this is just a hypothetical, the strangers whom you converse with at the local pub, haven't been completely honest with you.

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>So you only talk to people who have good lives and nothing bad to report?

So you don't answer my question and predictably put words in my mouth. I've seen plenty of bad shit happen, broski. I've heard plenty more. I just don't see ONLY bad shit happen like you think. You're just so defensive so that you won't feel bad when people dislike you when they inevitably do, but Daria wants her gimmick back. Again, why do you always insist your targets not only have bad lives, they have to be cartoonishly, ridiculously over-the-top bad? Is that just the way your mind works? Is it a coping technique?

>the strangers whom you converse with at the local pub, haven't been completely honest with you.

I don't go to pubs, nor would I need to, for people to be open with me. A lot more tell me about their lives than you think. But, like I said, you will tell yourself anything just to avoid the possibility that someone else may be right. Nothing I say will convince you otherwise because you're too insistent that you have to impress randos with how based you are. Log off, bro.

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>predictably put words in my mouth

It's you or another anon who said "Men are fine. Women are fine. And so on."

You can't have it both ways. You can't say "bad shit happens" but then say "everyone's fine". My whole point is that the world isn't all sunshine and rainbows. If you agree with that then why are we arguing? Because not everyone is having a bad time? Okay sure, I can concede that point. I don't believe I ever said that everyone in the world has it bad. Just that you're not gonna get the full story from everyone just by interviewing strangers on their way to work. Some people are not going to tell you everything. Your experiences with a handful of people that told you their life stories doesn't reflect the rest of society. We are at an impasse here. You want me to stop assuming everything is bad, and I want you to put down that bottle of white pills so you can see reality as it truly is. I can admit that not everything is bad all the time, but if I just looked at the good things, and ignored all the drama online and offline, then I would be living in ignorance. Maybe I'd be happier that way but I would also be out of touch with humanity. I wouldn't know what people truly think or feel if I just focused on the positives all day.

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Doomer does not require your "redpill", glowie.

Your demoralization thread is boiled down as tl;wr.

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TLDR; That is a hard OK boomer.

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File: 153a15a71531f42⋯.png (20.12 KB,330x330,1:1,RedHandOfUlster_DexterHand.png)

 No.30119 [Open thread]

The least intelligent form of life is the cartilidge pyramid gel, the brain, cosmic rays; inside air, bone, with jelly, human, moving through walls, gas, run by radio, ET; until Marconi.

Tesla wrote something else.

Do I have to return to my childhood, as Tesla?

Fermi didn't eat nuts, he was gay, his shit was beta particles.

Turning air, to peanuts.


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File: 71b82de015fe28b⋯.jpeg (31.91 KB,410x768,205:384,WhatsApp_Image_2023_08_19….jpeg)

 No.30109 [Open thread]

Amr Metwally Black Pill Awareness Guru End TImes Strategist in Colombia Face Maxing

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File: cc0bfc5a6be8132⋯.jpg (6.5 KB,125x165,25:33,johanna.jpg)

 No.30102 [Open thread]

Joanna and Miguel are faggots. Her work number is 2245705035 and his work number is 7084428247. I have videos of Joanna undressing and videos of her having sex I talked to someone who ejaculated in her a few times before Miguel in January. Call them and will post nudes. I have videos of her changing in her room. I have been spying on her since she lived on 528 Lakehurst Road and now she lives on 1415 Hamilton Court. Miguel lives in 3430 Vernon Ave in Brookfield I'm going to kill him or should I kill her first

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Fickle isn't the best term.

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Oy quit doxxing and go touch some grass mate. No one's falling for this fed posting.

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File: 7be6322fcbe5447⋯.jpeg (52.9 KB,1572x1600,393:400,32B69D87_AE92_4572_AC78_4….jpeg)

 No.30101 [Open thread]


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File: fd16b48832970fd⋯.jpg (149.56 KB,1024x768,4:3,tiger_woods_press_pic_1024….jpg)

 No.26801 [Open thread]

I truly and ultimately understand now what leftoids and liberoids meant with white fragility and white mediocrity. None of you idiots would last a day in the shoes of a brown person in the third world.

You have absolutely zero reason to be a "doomer". The only reason you feel this way is because you're a mediocre, uninteresting white dude and are seeing other folks be ahead of you and it hurts your fragile ego. This is the last thing in the world you would ever admit so you mask your white fragility with a half-baked philosophy to make it seem like you're experiencing a greater injustice than you really are. The hardest obstacle you will ever encounter is a girl turning you down or something lmao.

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At school, I remember knowing a number of poor friends, the families of whom were on the economic precipice and receiving direct assistance from various housing and children's charities just to get by.

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And the entire point of that was… ???

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To put you on blast for being a bunch of weak, fragile millennialoid losers.

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That crap is just to try and make us feel bad for not being prone to fall into their normalfaggotry games while they turn the world into a worse thing than it ever was. We don't have to be interesting to any of those types, are they to you even?

And it's obvious why others getting ahead is a problem, since necesarily many social dynamics (like wagecuckery) require others being stepped at. Too bad the incelosphere still wants to play the gynocentric game for foid attention so pathetically obsessed, they humilliate us all with their whining.

Being a "doomer" is my cope, as pessimism has its usages. Just be sure you don't let it sink everywhere inside you.

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File: 8f20ef1c21443b9⋯.jpg (182.77 KB,783x1314,87:146,bloom2doom.jpg)

 No.29659 [Open thread]

Pic sort of accurate. Anyone ever found out why?

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File: 00a4a359ff7b6a1⋯.jpg (68.37 KB,640x480,4:3,FBVoUk_WEAQ4ZGa.jpg)


bcs u got into other circles on the internet and got urself entrapped into thinking that you must have a bulletproof opinion on every single fucking thing no matter how irrelevant to your life it is, and if u don;t then muh society and stupid ppl round u will treat u like lower class human bean, unworthy even. u let that shit rot ur brain and now u feel worse and worse and worse bcs this world is a fucking hellhole, i agree but there's nothing we can do about it. just let go of spooks and live best life possible, the whole lemonade boomer joke. yeah it's cringy and tad dismissive but in the core it is truth.

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wow, I sure wish I could see the picture you guys are talking about

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Pic is https://i.redd.it/h8ucjvc72d181.jpg


Nah, never got into "other circles". In fact watching others be in them may be one cause.

I've settled for unfortunate neurologic maturation and general Weltschmerz. Eventually you become apathetic towards apathy. It's fascinating, wondering what the next stage is.

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File: 5c77638c7f9b365⋯.png (1.42 MB,881x903,881:903,Aliens_ruling_Earth.png)

Because they deserve to be criticised, humilliated and roasted for the ass world/society they have built and still they support around us, making everybody miserable.

Don't do it to avoid their hasrhness, for such attitude just lets see quite fine how much superficial and cruel they are.

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File: fbf592c4a17a864⋯.jpg (102.5 KB,1200x673,1200:673,ta3S7dH38aw93dndZKo7N5_120….jpg)

 No.29769 [Open thread]

What do you do if you've given up internally, yet no-one knows? I never thought I'd become 30, but I likely will.

The thing I was most afraid of in childhood was death. Now that I've accepted the inevitability of it all and that feeling's behind me: Can I even define some goal beyond coasting 'til I die?

Man, if my child (or youth) could see me now… A giant let-down.

This pure loneliness amidst a sea of people…Where is everybody? Where's that feeling?

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File: bc0465d3dd739bf⋯.jpeg (141.14 KB,900x1200,3:4,1DBD6149_6B7E_4EA8_A601_A….jpeg)

8kun is dead. Imageboards are, in general, dead, barely hanging on due to people still living off the fumes of a bygone time, much like the WWE, Simpsons and other once beloved institutions are. Nobody cares about anonymity anymore, everyone wants to be as visibly woke/based as possible. Everyone wants to be as famous as possible, with the dumbest hot takes imaginable just to get people to notice them. It also doesn't help that millennials are the lamest generation, ever. Don't want to create anything actually worthwhile because then they'd be "problematic" or "anti-white" or whatever. I can't wait till in fifty to a hundred years, future historians consider their time in the sun to be another Dark Ages, culturally speaking. Oooooh, wow, capeshit, Harry Potter, fuckin' frog memes! Kthxbaikeksus!

How fucking sad is it that KOTH YTPs are the peak of millennial creativity?

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Unfortunately for you, suicide is the only option.

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So why haven't YOU killed yourself yet? Way to show that all this doomer shit is just performative for your faux-elitist ass. Typical millennialoid.

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The feeling was a lie, as it is the belief this desire promotes inside of it being a crucial component.

I'm not intending to kill myself due being surrounded of nothingness! Also your youth cannot control shit about what will happen to him. Control is an illusion.

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File: 2161e5ec350c35e⋯.png (589.82 KB,679x772,679:772,ClipboardImage.png)

 No.29984 [Open thread]


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File: 023fcb4fa6ea862⋯.png (39 KB,466x593,466:593,soybabycrying.png)


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File: 597fdd59525a28f⋯.mp4 (4.86 MB,480x480,1:1,Soyjak_has_schizophrenia_4….mp4)


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File: f9ef15f6bbc387b⋯.png (847.99 KB,640x768,5:6,soygamerragemolten.png)


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No! You can`t! Make yourself a catch instead and be hard to get against all these superficial women, that's what you can do. And make them confused and frustrated as they have so done against you (unless they be not this type of woman).

The obssesion for getting something that is so ridiculosly volatile is trimming you down, that should be your worry, instead. Renounce. Don't you see how easy women do have everything around? Men are manipulated by affliction, jealousy and vice into the game of being submissive to their standards, which is quite a diamond we should never present anyone with so easily, just for having a pussy

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File: 57e4b6e171abe11⋯.jpg (3.64 MB,4032x3024,4:3,image.jpg)

 No.30093 [Open thread]

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File: cd895de9dc76eab⋯.png (25.68 KB,259x194,259:194,dummy.png)

 No.30088 [Open thread]

smoking some pot.. cheers everybody… love for yall.. maybe this will be the last time smoking cuz I wont be alive anymore..

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Why wont you be around anymore? Are you sick? Do you live in Canada where they euthanize people? Help us understand your situation.

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File: 9c055da9ad7abd5⋯.png (1.16 MB,1334x750,667:375,0D168184_E8A4_4301_8848_8E….png)

 No.30079 [Open thread]

This retard is Harls Isley they are a trans incel from Chile who’s 27 and never leaves his house allegedly. They are a classic incel doomer

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I would let they/them gobble my knob.

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They could stay at home and suck my weiner if they really want to identify as a woman.

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File: 190027c6f28444c⋯.png (66.23 KB,225x225,1:1,earth.png)

 No.30082 [Open thread]

The Fate Of This Civilization Will Be Decided In This Month May 2023

Source, More Info: www . ascensionjoy . com/05/2023/the-fate-of-this-civilization-will-be-decided-in-this-month-may-2023/

This civilization is heading toward to an end unless a real miracle occur.

But miracle only come with hard works, you cannot find miracle by just praying or doing any kind of ritual/practices.

As I have said, you can only change the way of what people think about life by new unique creations.

The big problem is many top secret controllers, governments are still instead of find the solution, they are waiting for public sleepy people solve it own problem.

But the current society system is not even ready since it only designed for certain nations in Western world (Americas, Europe). Unless you are living in those nations, you will have a chance to setup, run a new international business.

Otherwise, no matter how talent you are, how your products, ideas are new unique good, you still cannot do anything.

That’s is pretty much what was happened and are still happening to me.

I have a lot of great new unique ideas, books, products that can change this society for the better but I just cannot make it become reality because I am living in a restricted 3rd world nations where I cannot open international payment account and you just cannot run a new giant company from a low reputation nation since most people will laugh and ignore by just seeing the jurisdiction name.

That is also the reason I am seeking to “franchise”, collaborate with any other groups, entities from the West but still cannot find one that “match” my standard.

Frankly, if I run new startup business in Western world I would easily become multi millionaires if not billionaires within 12 months. You can check my books, my ideas, my new unique project introduction to see, to check for yourself.

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