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/mental/ - Mental Health, Illnesses and Disorders

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You are the healing.

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Hey, are any of you guys halfies? Do you think that contributes to any mental health problems you have?

I'm half Jew, half Indigenous. I know that a lot of Ashkepatsy's have mental health problems, namely schizophrenia, and my brother does have it, and I'm a Schizotypal myself, unsure about the injun bit though.

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>The jews are cucking themselves

Ok that's enough /pol/-tier commentary today. But mixed races have a harder time finding bone marrow slavplants im not sure about anything regarding mental stuff

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both my parents were born in the state of my residence

but when i look further back i can see my roots being slav-baltic-german

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It may have something to do with growing up with an ill sibling moreso than having it naturally. Either way, you've got it now.

Back when i cared more about anthropology, i read somewhere that semitic and asiatic peoples were more likely to be crazy, whereas caucasians were more likely to develop depression and negroids were more likely to develop something when kept away from sunlight for long periods of time.

Might explain why equatorial blacks are more nice than northern ones.

Either way, it does seems that environment is a factor, and for those races who prefer sunlight to be kept without it and in cold conditions, such environments can be terrible for mood and mental health.

Perhaps some sun would help you op?

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I'm one of the few non-La Creatura Americans but then other Americans will throw inbred jokes at you. if you are mixed, Europeans will be dicks towards. you just can't win.

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dicks towards you* is what I meant.

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im not a burger

everyone is a mix if you look back far enough

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won't yurops try to be extra nice not to offend your goblino sensibilities?

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I think a lot of the mental stuff that is supposedly related to race mixing is more due to socio-cultural factors. Interbreeding is actually associated with certain immunological benefits, though they do have issued when it comes to finding compatible organ donors. The ashkepatsy Jews suffer from more mental illness because they tend to be more inbred. Hybrid offspring tend to be healthier in general because they avoid the effects of inbreeding. Apart from inbreeding I don't see genetics as a direct cause of mental disorders. That being said there are certain genes that will make you more prone to developing neurological disorders when other factors are introduced. People with lots of northern European ancestry suffer from sever chronic health problems when they consume too many carbohydrates, more so than any other racial demographic. There are are also gene mutations that prevent people from absorbing commonly found sources of vitamin B12 and this weakens the immune system to the point where they are more likely to have neurodevelopmental disorders because they cannot filter out various neurotoxins which are now commonly found in developed countries. Another gene that prevents the absorption of most Iodine sources causes similar problems.

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Your brain size isn't effected by your

society. Your society is effected by similar genetic traits forming a culture or damning that society through genes the MOA-I. Not to mention The opposoite is true health problems tend to occur more frequently in mixed children. I think you're getting confused there bucko. And mental illness is also genetic like being a schizo.

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Well kikes are goblins whoms nature of existance and shepardic survival instincts goes against Aryan culture. So there is that. There is a reason every European country has kicked you out at one point or another.

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Are there any autistic people among the indigenous tribes in Amazon? If not, why not.

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You seem pretty confused to me m8. I Never said anything about brain size. Culture is formed by more than just genetics and genetics can adapt to culture. I have addressed why I think the mental problems happen more in mixed individuals. Social and environmental. Generally These "genetic" illnesses are not so much genetic as they are Epi-genetic. Just calling it genetics is really just a way for poorly trained doctors to be lazy. They have failed to find a statistically significant correlation between any particular gene and schizophrenia. As I said there are genes that can influence the likelihood of an illness developing but this has to be combined with other factors. We can also observe the differences in health between pure bred and hybrid dogs. You can also watch this video for more information on how mental disorders can develop. >>15978



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Well I can't say that there are none but I reckon that that it would not be nearly as much of a problem as it is in developed countries. ASD is a spectrum of symptoms that can have many different underlying causes. Trauma, Inflammation, poor intestinal microbiota cultures, too much exposure to computer screens and radiation, autoimmune disorders or any combination of these. A primative society has fewer of these factors to worry about.

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wanted to ask about the importance of kinship for mental health, and how that affects people from mongrel families, but where's the line between r/hapa style resentment (interpersonal issues?) and mental illness?

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Well studies have suggested that hybrid offspring suffer from a number of social issues. They often have difficulty Identifying with either parents racial group and culture. I think this is more of a problem if the parents do not develop a close enough relationship with the child. This can also lead to social Isolation. I see this as something that may be corrected naturally as the child matures and undergoes the individuation process.

It has also been proposed that a parent of a hybrid offspring will feel less attached to it because it contains less of the parent race's genetic material and that the unconscious sees this as less desirable than a genetically similar offspring. This might be the case for some people but personally I like the Idea of spreading my seed across the different races, and there are studies that suggest that people may be unconsciously driven to mate with more genetically dysfunctional individuals.

Really there are already a lot a pronlems affecting families and children in the modern world. Race mixing adds another complication to the child rearing process. I see race mixing as having trade offs with contemporary mating. nothing outright malignant though.

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