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32e2d4  No.13716907[Last 50 Posts]

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32e2d4  No.13716909


>>13713868 Donald Trump Jr. Retweet "Cuomo Crime Family Pix

>>13714019, >>13714019 45th President Donald J. Trump will be interviewed by Chanel Rion with OAN tonight at 7pm EDT.

>>13714065 GEORGENEWS, China Joe's wife/Fauci at Children's National Hospital.

>>13714068 The Media Swamp: New York Times Media Columnist Ben Smith’s Ties to the Outlets He Covers

>>13714072, >>13714463 WHAT IS OSS? - Office of the Strategic Services

>>13714083 Chris Rock Slams Cancel Culture and Says People Are “Scared to” Speak

>>13714136 Arizona Conservatives Call to Action RECALL Soros-backed, Maricopa County will not re-certify election equipment that was handed over to AZ Audit in subpoena

>>13714147, >>13714147 Arizona Conservatives Call to Action RECALL Soros-backed

>>13714162 AZ state troopers investigation of suspicious package sent to Karen Fann, white powder

>>13714208, >>13714264 Lin Wood on Telegram: Filings to the GA Bar grievance committe & I saw reports today that I posted the letter Q on my channel that was quickly deleted.


>>13714293 Nukes about to Drop in Arizona by Josh Barnett "We have the Dominion Contract"

>>13714329 America's Audit will begin recounting ballots on May 24th. Stay focused, stay engaged, support the cause in any way you can, and We Will

>>13714311, >>13714352 PAVE PAWS Some indication that PAVE PAWS at Cape Cod not state of the art, Taiwan's PAVE PAWS and how it would likely be part of Chinese early wave attack

>>13714448 PLANEFAG Report 'TEAM48' 84-0192 DC10 @81,800 ft (why the 60k error) out of NJ & over Chesapeake

>>13714608, >>13714293, >>13714563, >>13714573 BOOM Posting first 5 pages of 49 total Maricopa County Formal fuckery for everyone to see

>>13714679 #17364

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32e2d4  No.13716911


>>13713050, >>13713636 Billy the Kid’s historic hideout in New Mexico is up for sale / you mean william bonney?

>>13713080 What is OSS? The Office of Strategic Services (CIA)

>>13713087, >>13713150, >>13713254 New Mexico Heroes – Bill Gates / Operation Paperclip

>>13713093 Russia proposes to hold immediate quartet meeting to de-escalate conflict between Israel, Palestinians

>>13713113 Q ROP 1776 REVIEW

>>13713136 Did you see Air Force 1 flying over Newport today?

>>13713144 The Chicago Tribune canceled an interview with embattled Democrat Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot

>>13713156 Trump Announces He Got $1.2 Billion Loan

>>13713168 PF REPORT - This B-52 went way up there.

>>13713175 PF REPORT


>>13713188 Where Does Bill Gates Keep His Money?

>>13713194 Q DROP 3057, 3058 REVIEW

>>13713198 RNC, NRSC intervene in Democratic lawsuits against Florida election law

>>13713209 NYC Restaurant to Host Mask-Burning Ceremony in Wake of Relaxed CDC Guidelines

>>13713218 Q DROP 182, 189, 196, 299, 344 REVIEW

>>13713220 The Big Lie has now effectively destroyed voting equipment.

>>13713233 Maricopa County can no longer use its ballot tabulation machines because compromised their security

>>13713248 THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot

>>13713281 Infographics and Charts of Canaanite Religion

>>13713313 @FBI: Darkside Ransomware: Best Practices + PDF

>>13713316 Lego unveils ‘LGBTQIA+’ rainbow-themed set designed to ‘celebrate everyone’

>>13713320 Putin vows to 'knock the teeth out' of foreign enemies

>>13713330 Possible ICBM happening

>>13713339 Q DROP 3333 REVIEW

>>13713353 Alex Epstein's House Natural Resources Congressional testimony and Q&A

>>13713371, >>13713391, >>13713421 Anon Theorizes - What it Area 51 is the Masonic Baby Farm and Epstein managed it?

>>13713408 FDA recommends not using syringes from Chinese firm HAIOU

>>13713409 U.S. Army - CANNON BALL!!

>>13713447 The Trump administration Justice Department secretly sought and obtained the 2017 phone and email records of CNN correspondent

>>13713535 Sen. Chuck Grassley: "If the Democrats want to be intellectually honest on the issue of foreign influence.."

>>13713561 Q DROP 2401 REVIEW

>>13713564 PDF - NAP to Combat Human Trafficking

>>13713582, >>13713603 Q DROP 88, 100, 133, 714, 916 REVIEW

>>13713586 Q DROP 4413, 4511, 4641 REVIEW

>>13713614 Benjamin Fulford Part 2

>>13713615 The Justice Department informed CNN Pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr - 2017

>>13713620 Deep State Desperate as Trump Nears Returning to Power

>>13713643 See "Kilimnik Passport" section below

>>13713678 Maricopa County Refuses To Provide Chain Of Custody Documents For 2.1 MM Ballots From Nov. Election

>>13713681 Chinese State Media Deletes Twitter Video Over Accusations Of Anti-Semitism

>>13713683 Democratic processes have been subverted by stealth by the Khazarian mafia, Anon states

>>13713689 CNN corruption: Report says Chris Cuomo took part in strategy calls with brother

>>13713700 Texas fails to allow media to witness an execution for first time in 40 years..

>>13713710 Hilton estate — from Paris Hilton’s NSFW photoshoot — sells for $61.5M

>>13713722 Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene calls House Speaker Nancy Pelosi 'mentally ill'

>>13713729, >>13713733 US v James Breheny / Derrick James

>>13713746 VIDEO: Biden Orders Americans To Look ‘In The Mirror’ And ‘Eyes Of Your Children’ To Stop Bigotry

>>13713778 #17363

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32e2d4  No.13716914


>>13712205 Today we announce a big new reason to get vaccinated: A chance to win up to $5 million!

>>13712207 Dominion Responds After Pennsylvania Election Officials Report "Coding Error" With Voting Machines

>>13712234 UBS, Nomura Fined $450 Million For Bond Cartel Chatroom Collusion

>>13712260 American Arms Makers Are Making a Killing Off of Israel's Slaughter in Gaza

>>13712269 FBI Informants Still Committing Serious Crimes Thousands Of Times A Year

>>13712289 Pandemic? Death Rate in England Lowest Since Records Began

>>13712291 Primary Ballot Anomalies Are Being Spun

>>13712317 Jews are very uncomfortable with free speech.

>>13712319 NEW INTERVIEW: Archbishop Viganò discusses the Great Reset,

>>13712346 Morgan Stanley boss James Gorman anoints possible successors

>>13712350 Now, after reading just these few excerpts can you still say "It's not the Jews?"

>>13712356 Gerbil is sad he gets banned for spamming shit

>>13712388 if any of you Israel First shills can dispute this with anything reasonable I will remove it from the dough, until then it stays and free speech reigns on QRG

>>13712397 Greek villages, monasteries evacuated as fire damages homes

>>13712413 Netanyahu's prospects bolstered amid Israel-Hamas fighting

>>13712507 The 6 pack of Herc's seems to be breaking up over Polo Pinto County I think it's in Tx,

>>13712562 @SecretaryHobbs tells the Board of Supervisors she and @DHSgov concluded that Maricopa County can no longer use its ballot tabulation machines because @FannKfann and @votewarren compromised their security by giving possession of the machines to their audit team.

>>13712684 Maricopa County Supervisors and other elected officials are calling on Senate President @FannKfann to immediately end the Cyber Ninja audit.

>>13712742 IT BEGINS: Fully Vaccinated People in Oregon Must Show Proof of Vaccination Status in Order to Enter Businesses Without a Mask

>>13712782 "Why Does Congress NOT care about David Dorn or Secoriea Turner?"

>>13712838 You just don't seem to get I am here to clean out the rat infestation(you).

>>13712887 #17362

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32e2d4  No.13716915


>>13711966, >>13711988 That One Acre seems to jump right out.

>>13711258 NEW INTERVIEW: Archbishop Viganò discusses the Great Reset, gives hope in light of Our Lady of Fatima

>>13711277 Pentagon Aims to Partner With ADL And SPLC, Spy On Military Members For 'Extremism'

>>13711280 Belarus Silences Independent Media, Jails Journalists

>>13711288 NC Judge Charged With Assault, Accused of Nearly Hitting Black Lives Matter Protesters With His SUV

>>13711292 House Approves $1.9B to Bolster Capitol Security After Riot

>>13711328 Serial Numbers Missing Between Original & Duplicate Ballots in Arizona Election Audit Official Says

>>13711339 Trudeau and Biden push forward with Internet censorship

>>13711341 DHS closes 2 migrant detention centers run by ICE amid allegations of abuse, misconduct

>>13711344 New RRN - NAVY SEALs STORM Gates’ Wyoming Ranch

>>13711365 Defamation suit accuses Twitter of 'selective enforcement' of censorship policies

>>13711421 Oregon Becomes First State Requiring Vaccination Police to Check Vaccination Identification Before Entering any Business or Workplace Without Mask

>>13711457 Some Simple Lies Out of Washington: Who Is the Terrorist and Who Is the Victim?

>>13711466 Talmud aka Written Oral Torah/Jewish Law Excerpts:

>>13711470 U.S. Blocks Another UN Gaza Statement, As Russia Tells Israel More Civilian Casualties “Unacceptable”

>>13711528 Why are you pretending to not be a JIDF shill sitting in synagogue in Tel Aviv?

>>13711544 World Governments Plan for COVID Booster Shots Next Winter

>>13711549 WARNING: Military Officers Supporting And Enabling Marxism In DoD Will Face Accountability

>>13711561 BOMBSHELL: Connecticut govt. secretly tells health care workers covid vaccines are DEADLY, but withholds the same information from the public

>>13711577 I see them, so now anons will see them.

>>13711634 World Health Org. calls for new global system of surveillance, more authority, and billions more in funding

>>13711705 Ohio Democrat Compares Jan. 6 Riot to Benghazi Islamist Attack on US Consulate Where Terrorists Murdered 4 Americans after Obama Turned His Back on Them

>>13711710 Unrestrained Israeli Crimes Against Media Outlets and Palestinian Civilians

>>13711716 After Widespread Civil Unrest in Israeli Cities, Over 90 Percent of Those Indicted Are Arabs

>>13711782 ust want to point out, Tranime is posting and now the marriage shill is gone.

>>13711811 @DeptofDefense

>>13711794 Sources have uncovered a secret pentagon project which controls an estimated 60,000 soldiers worldwide who use false names and pretenses.

>>13711825 US Accuses Officials in Northern Triangle of Corruption


>>13711879 Ontario Premier Doug Ford announces province's reopening

>>13711920 Biden’s US Supreme Court Commission Meets to Explore Broad Reforms

>>13711930 Jews Give up, for now

>>13711943 Pedos protecting pedos the witness found her in bed with the child

>>13712004 The deep state really wants a civil war so they have an excuse to bring in Chinese troops on American soil.

>>13711997 Codename: Evergeen

>>13712017 Microsoft vs Indian Farmers: Agri-Stacking the System

>>13712115 #17361

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32e2d4  No.13716916

Previously Collected Notables

>>13710295 #17359, >>13711206 #17360

>>13707879 #17356, >>13708696 #17357, >>13709478 #17358

>>13705436 #17353, >>13706248 #17354, >>13707057 #17355

>>13702981 #17350, >>13703380 #17351, >>13704629 #17352

>>13701535 #17347, >>13701339 #17348, >>13702067 #17349

>>13697133 #17343, >>13698709 #17345, >>13699602 #17346

>>13694574 #17340, >>13695403 #17341, >>13697020 #17342

>>13690498 #17335, >>13691541 #17336, >>13693779 #17339

>>13688239 #17332, >>13688992 #17333, >>13689704 #17334

>>13686717 #17330, >>13687296 #17331, >>13688239 #17332

>>13686744 #17327, >>13685880 #17328, >>13686699 #17329

>>13680637 #17324, >>13681448 #17325, >>13684097 #17326

>>13679893 #17321, >>13679133 #17322, >>13679932 #17323

>>13676378 #17318, >>13676807 #17319, >>13677575 #17320

>>13674642 #17315, >>13674689 #17316, >>13675205 #17317

>>13671189 #17312, >>13671825 #17313, >>13672753 #17314

>>13670463 #17309, >>13669504 #17310, >>13672834 #17211

>>13666182 #17306, >>13671590 #17307, >>13667832 #17308

>>13663826 #17303, >>13664591 #17304, >>13665310 #17305

>>13661670 #17300, >>13662438 #17301, >>13671417 #17302

>>13659215 #17297, >>13660506 #17298, >>13666192 #17299

>>13657402 #17294, >>13657651 #17295, >>13658461 #17296

>>13657612 #17291, >>13657520 #17292, >>13656042 #17293

>>13651961 #17288, >>13653436 #17289, >>13655467 #17290

>>13649696 #17285, >>13650533 #17286, >>13651380 #17287

>>13647478 #17282, >>13648226 #17283, >>13657543 #17284

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

>>13320392 Q Research Notables #6

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32e2d4  No.13716918

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32e2d4  No.13716919

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32e2d4  No.13716921

File: 43e237c8e86373a⋯.jpg (47.84 KB, 630x630, 1:1, 43e237c8e86373a0c18e9afdd6….jpg)



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32e2d4  No.13716938




>>13714683 MORE VIDEO SURFACES of Capitol Police Waving Protesters Inside, Moving Barricades Aside, Standing By as Protesters Walk In

>>13714686 Wow. I didn't expect this. I expected it to be more 50/50, but I guess this shows 98.1% of people believe the election in Maricopa County was stolen.

>>13714722 FBI apologizes for Protocols of Learned Elders of Zion tweetMolly Boigon August 19, 2020

>>13714741 Canadian Court Rules Iran Deliberately Shot Down Ukrainian Jet

>>13714807 OSS notables his own propaganda against other ANONS.

>>13714819 Q DROP 1320 REVIEW

>>13714866 THE PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION! / And wasn't it William Cooper who included a copy of the Protocols in his book "Behold a Pale Horse"?

>>13714867 Maduro’s Government Seizes Offices of Independent Newspaper

>>13714868 IT BEGINS - Man On Video Dismantles BLM ‘Autonomous Zone’ Barricades Blocking Street At ‘George Floyd Square’

>>13714887 Moar News on ISRAEL and FOREIGN POLICY 2017, 2006, 2018

>>13714902 Georgia gov urges Board of Education to not teach ‘DANGEROUS ideology’ of critical race theory

>>13714932 YouTube video showing NIH - University of Pittsburgh fetal experiments


>>13714938 These Are The RINOs Who Voted For The Pelosi Commission

>>13714942 page 267 of 'Behold a Pale Horse', by Bill Cooper / this book was referred to by Q in drop 782

>>13714964 Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren says husband’s coke and gun arrest is ‘about politics’

>>13715058 Jewish QLD State leader Dutton says Palaszczuk not showing vaccine leadership by ducking AstraZeneca jab


>>13715176 Arizona Auditor: Did Not Backtrack on Election Database Deletion Allegation

>>13715187 Israel Approves Ceasefire While Last Rockets Target Gaza – Reports

>>13716235 #17365

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6b7a54  No.13716955

File: 6c1b799f05f4e55⋯.jpg (70.73 KB, 750x910, 75:91, 679_1000.jpg)

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000000  No.13716979

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It's time to wake up.

"Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer…and we are his chosen people…" ~ Harold Wallace Rosenthal


"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

"Kill the Goyim (non-Jews) by any means possible."-Jewish Talmud, Choshen Ha'mishpat 425:50

Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


The INTENT of these posts is to bring awareness, these same people own all media outlets.

Just disprove any of these posts, and they will stop. Seriously.

Edomite Canaanites Full

(It's a video, click it.)



The "Deep State" / The children of Cain / Who call themselves Jew today / They control China


The "Illuminati" / The children of Lucifer himself / Who call themselves Jew today / They control China


"They" / The Anti-Christ / Who call themselves Jew today / They control China

"Esau/Edom is modern Jewry" ~ 1925 Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 5 page 41

Libbre David 37: “To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all

Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.”

Truth is not hate speech or racist. Facts are not hate speech or racist.

Ask yourself, if these posts were coming from JIDF/Mossad, what would they be hoping to achieve? What's the 'endgame'? How is exposing all this information "jewish defense"?

*not affiliated with Media Matters in any way.*

A lot of anons post the truth about the jews, they are not shills, and are trying to help awaken everyone to their evils. They call you "Goyim" (sheep/cattle), they steal from you from the second you are born, every aspect of your life is a jewish trick, they steal our children to rape and torture, they lied about the "Holocaust", they have been kicked out of every country they have ever been invited into, and they blew up the World Trade Center's just for starters. Pay attention to your fellow anons when they try to give you this information. Don't forget Judaism is a death cult, not a religion. None of this information is shared in hate, only to help spread awareness. Even thought they do vile things to our children, I share nothing with hate.

Also, my name isn't "Leafy" "AFLB" "Doug Stewart" or "Travis" or "Alex Kaplan" and I have no affiliation with JIDF or the ADL. Or the MAGA Coalition. I am also not jewish nor Satanist/luciferian/Edomite Canaanite, or ANTIFA.

The one's making these claims areJIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic). These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, jew hater" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. The newest gimmick is to call it "24/7 copy pasta" once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.


Share this information the best you can.


Feel free to copy/pasta and make these post's in my absence if you see fit, this is important information.

The only people that complain when someone is sharing the truth, are the ones with something to hide.

Learning the truth about (((the "jews"))) (Edomite Canaanites technically) is not racist nor does it make you a "white supremacist" these are more trigger words to keep you from discovering the truth.

When they can’t attack the information provided, they attack the messenger.

Define ‘deflection’.

Logical thinking.

Shill count HIGH.


What we are currently experiencing is known as:


Definition of Armageddon

1a : the site or time of a final and conclusive battle between the forces of good and evil

2 : a usually vast decisive conflict or confrontation


Every day they go unnamed is another day they get away with it.


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000000  No.13716980

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


They won't refute it, they'll just try to distract you from it.

Interview with rabbi Abraham Finkelstein (Interview with son of the devil)

*Thumbnail pic irrelevant to the information*

(It's a video, click it.)

He admits everything from killing Jesus to 9/11 but

@ 39:54

"We steal between 100,000 to 300,000 children a year just here in this country, we drain their blood and we mix it with our passover bread and then we throw the bodies into the slaughter houses that we own, and we grind up all the bodies in the sausage and the hamburger, McDonalds is one of our favorite outlets. And the people, they eat it for breakfast, they eat their children for lunch, and uh, us jews we gotta do what we do."


"We been doin' this for thousands and thousands of years, since down to Abe-eh-Adam's time. Ehh we take the children, of our enemy, which is the white race, and ahh we bring em to the basements in the synagogue, where we drain their blood and uhh, watch em die there. It's very similar to how we do uh uh the uh uh the sacrifices that we do with the kosher butchering and uh, so we do that. And then uh, we mix it with the passover bread and so we eat the blood of our enemies. And the bodies, ehhh we're not cannibals, so, what we do is we take those, cause we can make some shekels, and we give em to the slaughter houses and those are pounds, and pounds, and pounds of meat that we grind up in the sausage and the hamburger, and that's why we made those the most popular thing's, sausage for breakfast and hamburger for lunch. And so all the goyim out here are really eating their children!And, uh, even when we say this outright, and tell you people, you don't believe it… So that's, that's YOUR problem."

JIDF/Mossad will tell you to filter like they do with everything they don't want you to look at, the statements made in the video check out, all you have to do is be paying attention to see it.

How Jewish American pedophiles hide from justice in Israel


Human Meat Found in McDonald’s Meat Factory


New poll: Americans’ support for Israel falls to lowest point in a decade


How and Why Jews Have Sacrificed Non-Jewish Children as Part of Their Religion


Jewish Blood Libel is Alive and Well


Egyptian newspaper claims Jews capture, torture and murder non-Jewish children, then make pies with their blood


The "Blood Libel" (The Damascus Affair)


Two more babies stricken with herpes after ritual ultra-orthodox Jewish oral blood sucking circumcision in New York City


New York City reaches agreement with mohels over circumcision involving 'oral suction'


'We can't prove sex with children does them harm' says Labour-linked NCCL


Trump's Attacks on Antifa Are Attacks on Jews


ADL Calls for Trump's Impeachment After Capitol Violence


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000000  No.13716986

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Moloch - Canaanite God of Hebrews

Moloch is a name or term that appears several times in the Hebrew Bible, primarily in the book of Leviticus. The Bible strongly condemns practices associated with Moloch, which appear to have included child sacrifice. Traditionally, Moloch has been understood as referring to a Canaanite god. However, since 1935 scholars have debated whether the term instead refers to a type of sacrifice on the basis of a similar term, also spelled as mlk, used to mean "sacrifice" in the Punic language. This second position has grown increasingly popular but remains contested. Among proponents of this second position, controversy continues as to whether the sacrifices were offered to Yahweh or another deity, and whether they were a native Israelite religious custom or a Phoenician import.

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000000  No.13716988

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

They spend quite a bit of time trying to convince you they are just a normal anon and that anyone posting truth about jews are the jews

JIDF/Mossad(Jewish Internet Defense Force, yes it's a real thing, even though it sounds utterly moronic).

(I didn't believe it at first either.)

It’s not the Jews™

JIDF/MOSSAD BAKERSwill be the ones that SPLIT THE BREADS to get away from the truth about jews, never include any derogatory information regarding Jews, or Israel in the Notables or claim "it's not all the jews"

It’s not the Jews™

Notice they will defend the jew no matter the accusation yet provideZEROevidence refuting any claim.

These are the only idiots that demand you use the filter, they can't argue the facts so they insist that you filter anything that they don't want you to learn. Easy to spot after a few breads, they always use "Qanon / There is no Qanon" back and forth, "selfkill" "Muhjoo is a jew", "muh-joo, muh-jew, muhjewshill, muh all jews, MaJoo, jewh8, jew hater, CHYNESE, Chyna, CCP Shill" or any variant thereof. (((They))) are LITERALLY THE ONLY ONES that use these terms. They have even gone so far as to call Q a muhjoo. No other "ethnicity" has a force here blindly defending them the way (((They))) (the jews) do. A few of their gimmicks are to call it "24/7 copy pasta", "Marriage is: one man, one woman", or call the anon a "skinhead" or "fake skinhead" or now they are saying "Messianic Jews believe that Jesus is the Jewish messiah and God the Son" when all you need to do is read the Bible to see what Jesus said about the jews, or read the Talmud to see what jews say about Jesus, once again not arguing the validity of the information, just trying to distract you from it.

They especially love blaming muslims.

They are also the ones constantly attacking the board with ddos bullshit and flood the board with cartoon child porn, Gore, CP, and actual porn. Research the history of the jews use of pornography warfare.

They are the resident laughing stock and love calling anyone that posts jew truth an Iranian shill. But they are also all over the internet. YouTube live chats especially.

Now they just post pictures of moloch and say "yes, yes or good, good" before everything or call everyone else a disgusting nazi, kike, jew, or satanist. Or "It's not the jews it's the Satanists" Classic projection. But they still refuse to refute the information.

The jews also like to converse with each other in an attempt to fool the newfags into thinking they are actual patriot, non-jew, anons.

"Finkelfag" isn't one of them.

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000000  No.13716989

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Full Documentary




















The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Full Documentary

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54ed1b  No.13716992

File: 17a3c21174d5c16⋯.jpg (69.56 KB, 474x422, 237:211, aware.jpg)

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32e2d4  No.13716995



>>13716138, >>13716155 Lawmakers Promis Legal Action After Pennsylvania Primary Election Irregularities

>>13716175 The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Full Documentary

>>13716179 Papadopoulos Exposes Deep State - "Nothing Is Going to Stop What's Coming" (41:54)

>>13716214, >>13716241 Why there is no legal justification to mandate the COVID vaccine

>>13716233 US Navy - Photos of the day

>>13716288 Q DROP 4952 REVIEW

>>13716304 CodeMonkeyZ - Code Monkey refers us to Liz Harris' youtube channel

>>13716330 Q DROP 318 REVIEW

>>13716385 Q DROP 2492 REVIEW

>>13716409 Q DROP 318 REVIEW

>>13716419 Gosar Champions Resolution To Terminate COVID-19 Emergency Declaration In Effect Since March 2020

>>13716425 Felipe Vazquez found guilty on abuse charges from having sex with 13-year old

>>13716445 Remains of at least 14 murder victims have been found buried in the home of a former police officer who became a gang leader in El Salvador

>>13716449 Indian Air Force MiG-21 Bison Crashes in Punjab, Pilot Killed

>>13716459 Q DRIO 150 REVIEW

>>13716470 More on Louis Freeh

>>13716526 Richard Doty Personnel File – New Mexico State Police

>>13716586 Boko Haram leader dead or injured after battle with rival faction, Nigerian intel says

>>13716588 Q DROP 47, 1400 REVIEW

>>13716629 Science, the Transgender Phenomenon, and the Young | Abigail Shrier

>>13716636 Summary of Terrorism Threat to the U.S. Homeland

>>13716660 A pediatrician sounds the alarm over #Covid vaccines.

>>13716699 Q DROP 123 REVIEW

>>13716759 Facial recognition, fake identities and digital surveillance tools

>>13716819 Q DROP 538, 92 REVIEW

>>13716826 PDF - The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

>>13716829 Q DROP 3344 REVIEW

>>13716910 Q DROP 1434 REVIEW

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210188  No.13717001

File: 39b235140decfa3⋯.gif (3.31 MB, 480x270, 16:9, I_SCREAM.gif)

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487ca2  No.13717003

File: 24c59ea6bef535b⋯.png (115.19 KB, 658x344, 329:172, ClipboardImage.png)

>one last try.


Anon is permalurker, occasional baker and updater of bakertools. Anon has experienced all the flavours of division faggotry. Anon is confused by recent BV activations and the rules are no longer clear. Anon requests certain clarification to be confident that this BV activation is not a new and sophisticated version of division faggotry. There aren't hard and fast rules as anon understands, but instead a tribally accepted set of principles that can be determined while lurking. Anon will attempt to list some. Anon requests that BO/BVs develop and agree principles that reflect the new era of the board and post them as BO and that post is a global notable.


>All anons are equal.

>Baking is an anon service and duty, bakers are anons who are more resistant to manipulation.

>Notables are determined by baker. Anon noms are preferred, self noms are discouraged. Anon corrections are encouraged but must be knife edge specific. Vague, irrational, illogical complaints are a form of division faggotry.

>Malevolent anons get filtered, Malevolent bakers are given specific feedback, if ignored the only remedy is to ask for the bake, if hostile baker refuses only then is a bread split to be considered.

>Spam is the repeating of posts that have no value, until recently spam was the price of anon humint and were not removed. Spamming breads was a preferable remedy to malevolent bakers than bread splitting.

>Concern for optics is only valuable in a fair, honest, open system. Those days are gone. Optics fagging = division fagging. Required optics will be generated by malevolent actors at best, instead the reactions to negative optics occur without the need of their existence.

>Notables are not your mothers facebook news feed, nor are they primarily a news aggregator. They are relevant to the mood of the bread at the time, their purpose should be to glue breads together for diggs and to give timezone anons a bread summary to catch them up to the feel of the current bread.

Anon had to stop to think for too long, meaning this is the list that matters right now. This is simply a guide of what is being asked for.

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32e2d4  No.13717006

File: 0e2c569b23d0704⋯.jpg (84.61 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 0e2c569b23d0704d3cd9875614….jpg)


Could you alter the Number on this bread?

I didn't notice you edited last bread.


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ff53b1  No.13717012

File: c170f1900457f27⋯.png (626.49 KB, 700x693, 100:99, ClipboardImage.png)

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32e2d4  No.13717014



>>13716138, >>13716155 Lawmakers Promis Legal Action After Pennsylvania Primary Election Irregularities

>>13716179 Papadopoulos Exposes Deep State - "Nothing Is Going to Stop What's Coming" (41:54)

>>13716214, >>13716241 Why there is no legal justification to mandate the COVID vaccine

>>13716233 US Navy - Photos of the day

>>13716288 Q DROP 4952 REVIEW

>>13716304 CodeMonkeyZ - Code Monkey refers us to Liz Harris' youtube channel

>>13716330 Q DROP 318 REVIEW

>>13716385 Q DROP 2492 REVIEW

>>13716409 Q DROP 318 REVIEW

>>13716419 Gosar Champions Resolution To Terminate COVID-19 Emergency Declaration In Effect Since March 2020

>>13716425 Felipe Vazquez found guilty on abuse charges from having sex with 13-year old

>>13716445 Remains of at least 14 murder victims have been found buried in the home of a former police officer who became a gang leader in El Salvador

>>13716449 Indian Air Force MiG-21 Bison Crashes in Punjab, Pilot Killed

>>13716459 Q DRIO 150 REVIEW

>>13716470 More on Louis Freeh

>>13716526 Richard Doty Personnel File – New Mexico State Police

>>13716586 Boko Haram leader dead or injured after battle with rival faction, Nigerian intel says

>>13716588 Q DROP 47, 1400 REVIEW

>>13716629 Science, the Transgender Phenomenon, and the Young | Abigail Shrier

>>13716636 Summary of Terrorism Threat to the U.S. Homeland

>>13716660 A pediatrician sounds the alarm over #Covid vaccines.

>>13716699 Q DROP 123 REVIEW

>>13716759 Facial recognition, fake identities and digital surveillance tools

>>13716819 Q DROP 538, 92 REVIEW

>>13716826 PDF - The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

>>13716829 Q DROP 3344 REVIEW

>>13716910 Q DROP 1434 REVIEW


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50ccdc  No.13717019


good theory

on the right track

but they've abused their power way too much

they ban anons, delete their shit and laugh about it.

BVs need to go

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32e2d4  No.13717021

File: 6ac8ff2f9fc1f5e⋯.jpg (14.98 KB, 236x311, 236:311, d3fa8b06582e9cf9cf014a6bf2….jpg)

Most up to date DOUGH







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50ccdc  No.13717031

File: 172c2bb3aa10931⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1560x2064, 65:86, compMay16_4_NOTQ.png)






>## Board


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210188  No.13717032

File: 0d85df2a2d5d48f⋯.png (880.84 KB, 1076x676, 269:169, animebaker.png)

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ea1ff9  No.13717033

File: 383e4bd110cc6c1⋯.png (70.17 KB, 802x459, 802:459, ClipboardImage.png)

File: de4a205ae43bd0a⋯.png (44.22 KB, 811x275, 811:275, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bcb7f4f23668aea⋯.png (88.01 KB, 821x530, 821:530, ClipboardImage.png)

File: cdd2ecda1053863⋯.png (945.01 KB, 838x807, 838:807, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8a21b3de84d0d4a⋯.png (122.15 KB, 815x813, 815:813, ClipboardImage.png)

Consumer Prices Outpace Americans’ Wage Growth As Inflation Surges

Massive government spending has decreased the value of the American dollar and triggered increased consumer prices, which economic experts said will only get worse.

“Over the past few months, we have seen an inflation rate that is much higher than where we’ve become accustomed to,” Heritage Foundation research fellow Joel Griffith told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Peter Schiff, the chief economist and global strategist of Euro Pacific Capital, said there will be “massive inflation,” which will negatively impact Americans’ standard of living.

The price of food, particularly wholesale pork and poultry, gasoline, steel, copper, home appliances, lumber and many other consumer items have increased since President Joe Biden entered office in January.

Massive government spending has decreased the value of the American dollar and triggered increased consumer prices, which economic experts said will only get worse.

Americans will continue to see higher prices across the board, from food and gasoline to home appliances and cars, as the federal government continues to propose more stimulus into the economy without an adequate plan to pay for it, according to several experts. Even if the government doesn’t pass legislation increasing taxes, higher prices ultimately amount to an “inflation tax,” some of the experts said.

“Over the past few months, we have seen an inflation rate that is much higher than where we’ve become accustomed to,” Heritage Foundation research fellow Joel Griffith told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “When we are going to the grocery store, going to the gas station, building our new home, we’re noticing that prices are really accelerating at a much faster clip than what we’re used to.”

Since January, prices have outpaced wage growth meaning Americans’ average salary isn’t keeping up with the cost of goods and services. While wages have grown 1% since the beginning of the year, consumer prices have grown 2.1%, according to government data.


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50ccdc  No.13717038

File: 88cec864bf42d72⋯.png (53.51 KB, 801x252, 89:28, Screenshot_from_2021_05_21….png)

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46ee82  No.13717044

File: 3853e878d465a9a⋯.png (994.77 KB, 520x784, 65:98, Screen_Shot_2020_03_16_at_….png)


TY Baker!

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ea1ff9  No.13717045

File: cf8b16bf2b6a285⋯.png (84.2 KB, 671x647, 671:647, ClipboardImage.png)

Space Force CO Fired Over Comments About Marxism in the Military Now Subject of IG Probe

The U.S. Air Force has elevated an investigation into a former Space Force commander who was fired for comments made during a podcast promoting his new book, which claims Marxist ideologies are becoming prevalent in the United States military.

A command-directed investigation into Lt Col. Matthew Lohmeier, who last week was fired as commander of 11th Space Warning Squadron at Buckley Air Force Base, Colorado, will now be investigated by the Air Force Inspector General, officials announced Thursday.

The Space Force falls under the Department of the Air Force.

"The decision was made by the Department of the Air Force Inspector General due to the complexity and sensitivity of the issues under consideration, as well as potential for DAF-wide impact," Air Force spokeswoman Ann Stefanek said in the announcement.

The new review supersedes the command-level investigation, overseen by Lt. Gen. Stephen Whiting, head of Space Operations Command, Stefanek said. As a result, that review has been suspended, she said.

Whiting removed Lohmeier last week over a loss of confidence in his ability to lead after Lohmeier made public comments about his military experience to promote the self-published book, "Irresistible Revolution: Marxism's Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military," Military.com first reported.

During a 34-minute taped segment for "Information Operation," hosted by Creative Destruction, or CD, Media, Lohmeier stated that diversity and inclusion training something that the Pentagon has given prominence in order to eradicate extremism in the ranks is "rooted in critical race theory, which is rooted in Marxism."

Lohmeier has been reassigned into a non-leadership role at Buckley, Michael Pierson, spokesman for Space Operations Command, said in an email Thursday.

Lohmeier said he didn't seek to criticize any particular senior leader or publicly identify troops within the book, he said during the podcast. Rather, he said, he focused on the policies service members now have to adhere to to align with certain agendas "that are now affecting our culture."

Regarding Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, he said, "I don't demonize the man, but I want to make it clear to both him and every service member this [diversity and inclusion] agenda, it will divide us, it will not unify us."

Austin on Feb. 5 ordered all military services to observe a one-day stand-down on extremism in the ranks.

"My intent never has been to engage in partisan politics," Lohmeier told Military.com in an email last week.

"I have written a book about a particular political ideology (Marxism) in the hope that our Defense Department might return to being politically non-partisan in the future as it has honorably done throughout history," he added.

During a briefing Tuesday, Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby addressed questions about Lohmeier's removal, and whether Lohmeier had consulted the proper officials prior to publication.

"Anytime you're gonna write a book based on your military experiences or about military matters, and you're using your rank and title, and your service, as a credentialing opportunity, as an author, you do have to get a policy review by the Department of Defense," Kirby said.

"I think the Air Force has already addressed the issue that there was no policy review."


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5be9d4  No.13717046


You're in the minority you little weirdo.

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a277e7  No.13717047

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

​​OAN’s Chanel Rion had a sit-down interview with President Trump today.yesterday.whatever

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9d7dca  No.13717048

File: 9d259c7947ca779⋯.jpg (574.08 KB, 1687x1071, 241:153, MengeleFuChee.jpg)

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e6d52e  No.13717050

File: 1a662841ad1ad8f⋯.png (1.06 MB, 928x767, 928:767, 1a662841ad1ad8fdb8cc162894….png)

File: 2242263e8a10aa3⋯.png (869.35 KB, 700x466, 350:233, ClipboardImage.png)


Why are you wasting everybody's time with this shit?

Gee, I wonder if the BV is going to lock this and start this entire dumb cycle over again.

But you already knew that, didn't you?

Because you are both doing this to waste everyone's fucking time.

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918ad9  No.13717051


it's a sock puppet

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2cc093  No.13717052

File: 0ecf225fa3f8e43⋯.gif (1.22 MB, 242x200, 121:100, 0ecf225fa3f8e43a1a37911280….gif)

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50ccdc  No.13717053



Sadalbari is your dead end!

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e16eb3  No.13717054

These are bad people. We want them out of our country.

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2ed22d  No.13717055

Last bread


kek, pig posted the shopped pic after I posted the regular one; was a fun night

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210188  No.13717056

File: c5f53d3266dc4a3⋯.png (556.58 KB, 602x371, 86:53, ClipboardImage.png)

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3ef6ad  No.13717057

File: 8a66c47ed10e113⋯.png (73.35 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

>>13716925 lb

Jew shill falsely conflating Frens with anti-American Jewish Foes.

How to pretend that no Anons are independent thinkers.

Constantly insist that 2 posters arguing are "working in teams", by falsely conflating that BOTH are shills.

Homogenize Frens with Foes to deflect discernment of the Content of each poster.

Subvert the identification of actual shills who are nearly always Foreign Israeli Jews, and a very few Sayanim Jews.

Tells you to ignore the Red Flag Litmus Test: the loyalty of the poster: Jews-First Israel-First Jewish shill, or an America-First non-Jewish Anon.

Always uses the "Someone new to the board" Newfag excuse to phony "virtue signal" to insinuate that Anons should censor themselves.

Solution: Ignore the Jewish False Conflation Trick, and judge the loyalty and motivation of each poster.

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32e2d4  No.13717058

File: ddb95b3c77c4f5c⋯.jpg (32.03 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ddb95b3c77c4f5cdb8dd0706bc….jpg)


I'm seriously impressed.

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5be9d4  No.13717059



And I don't want my night to end on a negative note.

Godspeed, Anon o7.

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6495b6  No.13717060

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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000000  No.13717061








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32e2d4  No.13717062

File: 570a13e646b9b04⋯.png (629.15 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 6489903f0fcce4e01e2f2b8f59….png)


Is it seriously so difficult to understand that it isn't a sock puppet?

Are you really that paranoid?

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c0d686  No.13717063

File: cf809fa08774236⋯.gif (384.53 KB, 364x276, 91:69, cps.gif)

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05d852  No.13717064

I dont like current bv.

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54ed1b  No.13717065

File: 3ecd7ac406f9245⋯.jpg (268.87 KB, 1024x919, 1024:919, 24_7_retards.jpg)

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210188  No.13717068

File: b4701116642437d⋯.png (984.45 KB, 760x507, 760:507, ClipboardImage.png)

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000000  No.13717069



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d35131  No.13717070

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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98990b  No.13717072

File: e4307f6e904fd6c⋯.jpeg (58.47 KB, 640x405, 128:81, C2EBED13_3850_413F_B76B_D….jpeg)

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778ec3  No.13717073


what anime is this moeblob even from? I would have personally gone with a ranma character or even sailor moon

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e6d52e  No.13717074

File: 87838206c700e55⋯.png (896.03 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c5846d2f4935d79⋯.png (530.56 KB, 600x376, 75:47, ClipboardImage.png)


If you haven't figured this out yet:

Anime Baker, Goth Baker, and the BV are all fucking with you.

They've been doing this fake bread split shit all day in an endless cycle.

How many witch and tranny memes and bread split kayfabe do we need? THEY ARE ALL ANIME NAZI FAGGOTS.


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91339a  No.13717075

>>13716947 (LB)

Maybe that's partially what this plandemic is meant to do- stop All questioning/resisting of All vaccines

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c0d686  No.13717076

File: 8d2757025eb2121⋯.jpg (108.53 KB, 552x358, 276:179, gcpsps.jpg)

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54ed1b  No.13717077

File: 2364208dfa256e0⋯.png (414.31 KB, 1024x919, 1024:919, whine.png)

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e64a46  No.13717078


Current BV is the one who started qresearch

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e1cfdb  No.13717079

A long awaited edition to “Let me be Frank with You” takes me back to my young teenage years. A relative had passed away and the fam was at the funeral home. I had stepped outside to sneak a cig when my zany uncle from the West Coast stepped outside. We were chatting when I spotted a chick sashaying down the street. She strolled by the funeral home with that sweet little ass clad in tight jeans. I was measmurized by it. My uncle noticed that this ass hypnotized me and said “Nephew, you’re an assman.” To this day I’ll never forget those true words.

And that concludes another long-awaited edition of “Let me be Frank with You.”

Now returning you back to reality.

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2cc093  No.13717080


No one gives a flying fuck if you're impressed. Fucking bloatable posting piece of shit.

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000000  No.13717081





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d35131  No.13717082

File: 30bc0fd3ff5e5b9⋯.jpeg (35.49 KB, 550x467, 550:467, E60F9655_DD64_4F2E_84D5_7….jpeg)

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05d852  No.13717083


Well. Thats fucked up.

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ea1ff9  No.13717084

Bahrain Sues 13 Banks for Laundering $1.3bn for Iran

Bahrain’s public prosecutor has referred 13 banks, including Iran’s Central Bank, to court for money laundering and other “unlawful banking practices” carried out between 2008 and 2012 with the goal to circumvent sanctions against Tehran, the country’s state-run news agency said on Tuesday.

After “extensive investigations,” prosecutors found that employees at Bahrain’s Future Bank, which was found to have been involved in “systematic and widespread violations of Bahrain’s banking law,” allegedly worked with Iranian bank officials to transfer over US$1.3 billion through an unregulated alternative system.

The transfers were carried out “with the aim of concealing the source and movement of funds, benefitting Iranian banks and circumventing international sanctions and restrictions on transactions imposed against Iranian entities,” the prosecution said.

This way those banks “empowered” Iranian entities, “including those involved in financing terrorism,” it added.

The probe was carried out by the Financial Investigation Directorate at Bahrain’s Ministry of Interior, the Central Bank of Bahrain, and independent international experts. It involved the review of “tens of thousands of documents,” which helped identify violations in the audit process.

Banks implicated in the scheme and referred for prosecution include Future Bank, Bank Melli Iran, Bank Saderat Iran, and the Central Bank of Iran. Investigations are ongoing to determine further criminal conduct and more individuals are likely to be prosecuted.

This is not the first time employees at Future Bank have been caught manipulating the banking system to help Iranian banks evade sanctions. So far, over $367 million dollars have been confiscated, and all of the accused have been convicted, imprisoned and fined over $900 million.



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3593d8  No.13717085

Is this real. Bread has same number as the last one. OR just a shill shoot

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9d7dca  No.13717086

File: cda2c59eed96a1f⋯.jpg (234.86 KB, 1595x785, 319:157, OwlsPests.JPG)

File: 0b3c41a6f678b5f⋯.png (707.42 KB, 1610x819, 230:117, OwlTripBad.PNG)


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e64a46  No.13717087

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210188  No.13717088

File: a0e366bcedc5b9d⋯.png (1.23 MB, 976x549, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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58ef0b  No.13717089


The best responses are from the youtube comment sections.

Any youtube video that Q linked us to.

They are literally no different from the retards who watch CNN.

>You are disagreeing with me because >insert retarded reasoning here<

It's just a summary of insults and narrative talking points.

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362069  No.13717090

File: a74d1c0b5ea91f2⋯.jpg (69.1 KB, 500x531, 500:531, 1611704045173.jpg)




You are a jew, which is 6 gorillian times worse.

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ea1ff9  No.13717091


that's not 8bit

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32e2d4  No.13717092

File: 1156659eb67fadd⋯.png (487.94 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 87b6aa03fc12067d292fe47c9d….png)


Gabriel Drop Out.

And nah, Satania is fucking hilarious.

Just watch the first episode and tell me she isn't best girl.

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795beb  No.13717093


It was. That op is an accidental comedy, on steroids.

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9d7dca  No.13717094

File: 1beec9fec5ac39d⋯.jpg (171.91 KB, 712x815, 712:815, JeepWave.JPG)

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c0d686  No.13717095

File: 0e7da71469aa91d⋯.jpg (189.99 KB, 786x510, 131:85, 22.jpg)

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af698e  No.13717096

File: 2522ffc3d89dc44⋯.png (888.86 KB, 724x910, 362:455, ClipboardImage.png)

Rittenhouse due to make first in-person court appearance

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Kyle Rittenhouse, the Illinois man accused of killing two people during the chaotic protests that followed the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Wisconsin, was due Friday to make his first in-person court appearance.

COVID-19 protocols in the Kenosha County courthouse have forced Rittenhouse to make all his court appearances since he was charged in August via video from his attorney’s office. But those restrictions have lifted and he was expected to appear in person for a mid-morning status conference.

Attorneys and prosecutors were expected to iron out scheduling details ahead of Rittenhouse’s November trial in what should be a routine proceeding. He faces multiple counts, including homicide and reckless endangerment.

Prosecutors say Rittenhouse, who was 17 at the time, shot and killed two people and wounded a third in August after traveling from his home in Antioch, Illinois, to Kenosha. The city was in the throes of several nights of sometimes violent demonstrations after Officer Rusten Sheskey shot Blake, leaving the Black man paralyzed from the waist down.


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b1f785  No.13717097

File: b5c37e64c13a318⋯.png (163.61 KB, 400x400, 1:1, nasty.png)


Really? That's great! Animefag thinks this board is all about him/her, k so that should go over well with them. Speaking of great hires, did Anonymous pay y'all to destroy this board? Cuz I heard they said they were gonna do it. Or was it Anjel? He said it too at one point. kek

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91339a  No.13717098


that's a HateCrime19 anon

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05d852  No.13717099


Guess we are back to pizzagate threads on that other comped anime shitpost imageboard than.

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32e2d4  No.13717100

File: b465fc584c07dd5⋯.jpg (48.68 KB, 500x500, 1:1, b465fc584c07dd544888bbe407….jpg)


You're so fucking twisted, it's incredible.

I'm nearly speechless.

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dbb035  No.13717101

File: db529fd91241f2e⋯.jpg (130.1 KB, 960x720, 4:3, Ron_with_Q_team_and_Trump_.jpg)

Is that Ron…hmmm…sure looks like it…who is taking the picture???…any reflections???…I'm not saying it is or is not…

Here is my theory…of who is "Q"…Ron isn't "Q", but he could very well be part of the group involved in the "Q" dissemination team…Ron just admitted that he is/was part of intelligence, but maybe not this group…he probably knows what group runs it, but is not part of "that" group!!!…but very well could be a conduit to it…his job is and has always been to maintain a functional board service…nothing more…you see he could have been trained for it as "Group A" but "Group B" is "Q"…

When I posted this earlier last bread…instantly, I got called a shill by what I can only guess is "Group C"….The misdirection group!!!…this is where the BV comes in

–You didn't think the "Q" - Groups/teams worked alone did you???–

So, you have three(3+) teams/groups…

Group A = Ron - job to maintain the board…probably still does…

–Group B = Actual "Q" groups consists of "Q", "Q+" and a few more "Observers" who have "tripcode access"…they are tasked with suppling clue or puzzle pieces…

–Group C = Misdirection or Control group…call them shills, BV…who know maybe the BO is involved(i doubt it) it's all a team effort…they are tasked with making sure nothing gets out of Control…

–There could be a few other groups associated with this or doing things behind the scenes…

Just thinking outside the box…don't mind me, I'm just another crazy(according to my wife) Anon!!!

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84c778  No.13717102

File: 0c0dab7f297d41d⋯.mp4 (8.04 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2020_12_17_Nurse_Collapses….mp4)


>stop All questioning/resisting of All vaccines

And the powers that be chose the most retarded narrative to do that.

I think it's doing the exact opposite.

Pro-tip: don't shoot people up with shit that causes immediate effects.

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000000  No.13717103



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9d7dca  No.13717104

File: 42b6548ed308771⋯.jpg (309.93 KB, 1932x1080, 161:90, LowBidder.JPG)

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32e2d4  No.13717105

File: b0c931042eb019f⋯.png (486.82 KB, 666x793, 666:793, e3fb5fd9e1d79634821181e474….png)


Kek so fucking mad..

How are you seriously typing this angry right now?

It's been a fun night.

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af698e  No.13717106

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We The People USA Alliance

May 20, 2021

Maricopa County. Ignorance, incompetence or liars?

''Shelby Busch of We the People USA Alliance sat down with Aaron Wagner who is a Certified Information Systems Security Professional and owner of Net Concepts.

Together they discuss some of the issues and confusion going back and forth between the audit and the Maricopa County Officials. Just what does Stephen Richer and the Board of Supervisors mean by the questionable things they say? Why are they so disrespectful and insulting towards the Senate and Audit contractors? If the Senate represents the people then why are the BOS and other officials so disrespectful and dismissive of Maricopa County citizens? The same people that elected them into office…''



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795beb  No.13717107


Nice tiddies are nice, but…

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3593d8  No.13717108

File: ddd6aae6fa9e6b0⋯.jpeg (30.24 KB, 242x300, 121:150, klaus_schwab_242x300.jpeg)


can't unsee this

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58ef0b  No.13717109



Okay I will.

Steps on how to destroy a country

Impose democracy

Destroy church and religion

Promote drugs and alcohol

Promote the pill and abortion

Bring in blacks, muslims, asians, all who will have 4+ kids

Promote nightclubs, bars

Now you have 20 different types of people in your country all fighting for power and control of this "democracy".

Congratulations. You just destroyed a country without sending in armed forces and without a shot.

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f31c2a  No.13717110

File: 7dc9d97765597a4⋯.jpg (56.1 KB, 671x960, 671:960, Communism_is.jpg)


>"Irresistible Revolution: Marxism's Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military,"


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4c55ac  No.13717111

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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087198  No.13717112

File: 756c7c63c92b23b⋯.jpg (2.46 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20210520_231909.jpg)

Oh shit Foo

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778ec3  No.13717113


Is it better then Lucky Star?

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6e63c5  No.13717114

File: 7e603596b53a61a⋯.jpg (511.2 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, E1cYcSxWQAMKuzu.jpg)

it's fun to see military teams fighting like children

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32e2d4  No.13717115


Yeah, Lucky Star tries too hard to be dank.

I couldn't get through an entire season.

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840177  No.13717116

File: 6dab3b65f4068c2⋯.png (231.98 KB, 1160x841, 40:29, _Paskisourus_Points.png)


This is what I'm talkin about!

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3593d8  No.13717117

File: 0db2f23520f4e81⋯.jpg (162.59 KB, 1125x628, 1125:628, VACCINATED.jpg)

File: b45b17fca405214⋯.jpeg (128.24 KB, 768x946, 384:473, Choose_vaccine_768x946.jpeg)

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000000  No.13717118



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9d7dca  No.13717119

File: 5e19480a2a83349⋯.jpg (772.33 KB, 2048x1479, 2048:1479, DSrats.jpg)

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17522f  No.13717120

File: 212cbf29d040d49⋯.png (1.83 MB, 1131x645, 377:215, ClipboardImage.png)

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3ef6ad  No.13717121

File: 7025f755d77cce2⋯.png (51.35 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>Anime Baker, Goth Baker, and the BV are all fucking with you.

FALSE CONFLATION. Constant Jewish shill Saul Alinsky Tactic used on this board ad nauseum.

Most Bakers and BVs are America-First anti-Cabal truth seekers.

A few Bakers and BVs are anti-Christian Jews-First Israel-First Gatekeepers to Suppress the Exposure of the Massive Jewish Fuckery of America.

Several of these Jewish Bakers actually formed the Midnight Rider MNR board to try to usurp the legit Q board so that they can Gatekeep and Control the Jewish Narrative.

During the FIRST Thursday Baking Class last year, when an anon asked about Baking Notables showing Jewish criminality, the Teaching Baker said that he/she "would not Notable that, don't need the controversy".

Guess which type of baker was running the Baking Class show?

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3593d8  No.13717122

File: 4af62efd9c5d0e0⋯.jpg (275.06 KB, 1558x974, 779:487, GATES_UNDER_THE_BUS.jpg)

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2cc093  No.13717124


You may interpret it as anger. It's just matter of fact.

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878939  No.13717125

File: 9027d2a24bc1103⋯.png (748.52 KB, 1440x995, 288:199, anime_fakers.png)

not muh work

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ea1ff9  No.13717126

President al-Assad: existence of Israeli entity in the region based on terrorizing its people and assaulting their rights

Damascus, SANA-President Bashar al-Assad on Thursday received a number of leaders and representatives of Palestinian factions and powers.

Talks during the meeting dealt with the latest developments in the Palestinian lands and the Israeli continued aggressions on the Palestinian people, as well as the occupation practices aiming at displacing the Palestinians from their lands in al-Quds in order to change the status-quo and feature of the city.

During the meeting, President al-Assad affirmed that the Israeli entity doesn’t understand the language of peace, nor dialogue, as its existence in the region is based on terrorizing its people and assaulting their rights.

The President renewed Syria’s firm stance towards Palestine as a central issue and supporting the Palestinian peoples’ struggle and their legitimate resistance in self-defense and restoration of their rights.

Members of the delegation, for their part, stressed that Syria’s resilience in the war against Western and Israeli occupation-backed terrorist organizations has helped boost the steadfastness of the Palestinian people, hailing Syria’s support to the Palestinian people.

They said that the latest incidents in Palestine, and the Israeli occupation massacres and destruction of the Palestinian people affirm that the resistance choice is a key for the restoration of the usurped rights and lands.


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32e2d4  No.13717127

File: 17c221a5495e12c⋯.jpg (93.68 KB, 692x610, 346:305, 17c221a5495e12cfb01d176a4a….jpg)


How come you use clipboard images?

Not allowed to save files on that fedboy computer?

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778ec3  No.13717128


I mean, most of the show was more or less just girls talking about random shit and starting a convo from there (at least from the first few episodes I remember)

I kind of stopped watching newer animes once I started watching Fairy Tail (which is to say the worst fucking shonen shit I had ever seen)

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e64a46  No.13717129


Can't access board log myself


But it's been out there that it is the one and only

>>13660765 (pb)

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918ad9  No.13717131



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f31c2a  No.13717132

File: a747812f1b833a7⋯.jpg (158.7 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, PFIZER_OR_MODERNA.jpg)


How they met.

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58ef0b  No.13717133


The anon linked below is a subversive kike.



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9d7dca  No.13717134

File: 5fb158979ba52e4⋯.jpg (286.22 KB, 720x537, 240:179, Advanced.JPG)

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878939  No.13717135

File: 12bb11f8872c88d⋯.jpg (34.24 KB, 540x613, 540:613, FB_IMG_1543728781681.jpg)

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3593d8  No.13717136


yah, I know his name, you didn't space between first & last name

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4c55ac  No.13717137

File: bd9fe35f3b02028⋯.jpg (22.64 KB, 400x400, 1:1, dH7AY_MC_400x400.jpg)

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32e2d4  No.13717138

File: 17d20b11d82598a⋯.jpg (28.88 KB, 377x291, 377:291, 17d20b11d82598a38504d9afb5….jpg)


I forget the name, but there is an older anime with this robot girl and a tiny scientist.

Then there are three girls, eventually the stories intertwine.

I forget the fucking name and I'm too lazy.

I was trying to finish that until Q stuff called me back to play.

I feel like Lucky Star was aiming for that feel but just fucking tried way to hard.


Yeah at this point it is 200% some kind of fucked brain shill.

He is online way to fucking much to be organic boomer.

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e16eb3  No.13717139


I’m an assman, ye-e-aah.. I’m an assma-a-aa-an.

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3593d8  No.13717141

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15706e  No.13717143

File: b004639314c5a37⋯.jpg (442.97 KB, 1385x2100, 277:420, kTs3xwOPpdACGz0D4cumcHEz1k….jpg)

File: 4d5ca46702c9f0c⋯.jpg (301.96 KB, 1191x2000, 1191:2000, TJRYJtDmuzZDi5CgNX9i7dtlSS….jpg)

File: aac54fc05aa427b⋯.jpg (104.24 KB, 1081x1427, 1081:1427, mlygpnzi9u151.jpg)

File: 9b133edbf09c5d8⋯.jpg (69.55 KB, 626x876, 313:438, 5df339a49aea9_post_archive….jpg)

File: affaceb2d3256d1⋯.jpg (267.68 KB, 1062x1500, 177:250, yande_re_373276_sample_ass….jpg)


I see that you are an anon of culture as well.

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c5acc0  No.13717144


But what? Ass is better?

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000000  No.13717145







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918ad9  No.13717146


ur a moran

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32e2d4  No.13717147

File: 49dcbd822f7ad5c⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, 49dcbd822f7ad5c4e42043bf23….png)



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362069  No.13717148

File: 5acea3ae42b6f40⋯.png (438.47 KB, 651x666, 217:222, 1621553650557.png)

Let this sink in Goyim.

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918ad9  No.13717150

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3593d8  No.13717151


KEK! good one.

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e64a46  No.13717152


Thanks for clearing that up. I stand corrected.

Can't get on the board log to see who is doing what. Is that just a me thing or are others experiencing a board log error as well?

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9d7dca  No.13717153

File: 0c96d1f1b4147d5⋯.jpg (48.81 KB, 700x376, 175:94, NukeOrbit.JPG)

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3ef6ad  No.13717154

File: 8fb1fca9c45ccb5⋯.png (102.78 KB, 284x177, 284:177, ClipboardImage.png)


Wait what? Frenly fire Anime Baker??

I'm no fedboy. I've defended you against the "anime porn baker" accusers.

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b9e7f2  No.13717155

File: 6120b09c00f8364⋯.png (488.5 KB, 1200x1598, 600:799, Capture_2021_05_20_23_28_4….png)


We already have rules.

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fcf807  No.13717156

File: c52d676b23d5379⋯.gif (1.73 MB, 240x179, 240:179, 1568137335178.gif)

Guys something just occurred to me regarding Belgian Rambo. What if it's all a cover story for a major operation in those woods? What's actually in those woods?

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918ad9  No.13717157


fuck off

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778ec3  No.13717159


wait chobits?

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6495b6  No.13717160

File: 4014d6c6fce5be6⋯.jpeg (72.22 KB, 591x1280, 591:1280, 572F1069_96C0_4549_8AFE_8….jpeg)

File: 66c2606fc5debf3⋯.jpeg (93.14 KB, 827x643, 827:643, F364607D_F25B_4A5C_BEB5_6….jpeg)

File: fb0b8d02a378530⋯.jpeg (96.48 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, 29B42FD6_0BA9_4BDC_BFF5_5….jpeg)

File: f1f3224ab5a6d53⋯.jpeg (90.11 KB, 804x960, 67:80, A8ED957E_201E_449B_A662_E….jpeg)

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362069  No.13717161

File: c1988920172eda5⋯.jpg (94.13 KB, 600x582, 100:97, 1621572451362.jpg)

Let this sink in Goyim.

Jews are the eternal enemy.

Think, Goyim!


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8a5151  No.13717162

I'm gonna die tonight

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362069  No.13717163

File: 488d54a55057d24⋯.gif (101.1 KB, 1800x1578, 300:263, 1621006535533.gif)


Truth hurt, jew?


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f7930b  No.13717164

File: d0a5f8af3f09077⋯.jpeg (29.3 KB, 474x284, 237:142, gretchen_5.jpeg)

I want to dip my garlic knot in her marinara sauce.

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4c55ac  No.13717165

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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362069  No.13717166

File: 3e0318f983d70bb⋯.jpg (333.73 KB, 1361x1257, 1361:1257, 1620952075760.jpg)

What did the jews mean by this???

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2cc093  No.13717167

File: db9e641742c6afe⋯.gif (3.01 MB, 350x193, 350:193, db9e641742c6afefc274497437….gif)


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fa0193  No.13717168

No boobs posted yet..

Possible faggot bread?

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878939  No.13717169

File: 2f7049d05563626⋯.jpg (31.24 KB, 587x649, 587:649, 2f7049d055636267d164eb291c….jpg)


any special reason, anon?

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f7930b  No.13717170

File: 4b0ae9e5b96bca8⋯.png (469.48 KB, 778x480, 389:240, gretch_pillows.png)

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32e2d4  No.13717171

File: aa6c55a30e4adb9⋯.gif (1.3 MB, 540x304, 135:76, aa6c55a30e4adb90ded797d096….gif)


You're literally OSS.

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61b3bf  No.13717172

File: 560d1f2308b781b⋯.gif (1.97 MB, 297x359, 297:359, 560d1f2308b781ba6f09702597….gif)

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000000  No.13717173




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362069  No.13717174

File: f8e06fe3b3fefa1⋯.jpg (15.65 KB, 236x631, 236:631, b37fd1d2e0b6705cfb53c75b1a….jpg)

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2cc093  No.13717175


Livestream it

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878939  No.13717176


bottle fed, huh?

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fa0193  No.13717177

File: 42a64e551aa844a⋯.jpg (42.1 KB, 524x800, 131:200, 42a64e551aa844afade4f2a126….jpg)

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b9e7f2  No.13717178

File: c3cc686309f02a5⋯.jpg (131.02 KB, 777x1177, 777:1177, PicsArt_01_26_03_55_41.jpg)

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58ef0b  No.13717179

File: 8d13f64f4a009ef⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1080x1082, 540:541, 1621450587041.png)




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c5acc0  No.13717180


Thats kinda naughty but you do you. Im trying to upgrade to a super model hottie.

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fa4e09  No.13717181

>>13716775 (pb)

Armed storm troopers (they were the bad guys, right?) are "positivity"?


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3ef6ad  No.13717182


Are you insane? You're not Anime Baker but the other Baker who uses anime faces??

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32e2d4  No.13717183

File: d4e16e95720a8b9⋯.gif (1.98 MB, 540x303, 180:101, eb0c2eb4847f9e6b14643a17cc….gif)


I don't know the name.

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6e63c5  No.13717184

File: 778f9d65edcbd5c⋯.png (487.19 KB, 535x696, 535:696, Screenshot_2021_05_21_Amaz….png)

File: b9a3285a08300aa⋯.png (603.39 KB, 500x519, 500:519, Screenshot_2021_05_21_mess….png)


You know. Forest. Blue. Bunker?


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878939  No.13717185


willing to bet $1 it's the same team

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32e2d4  No.13717186

File: 009a5a568134698⋯.jpg (11.96 KB, 250x250, 1:1, cf7e8d5f19f1a6b1096fe9b4a5….jpg)


You're retarded.

And what's the deal with not saving images on your disc?

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795beb  No.13717187


If I am given a choice of 1, yes.

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58ef0b  No.13717188

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Rabbi Explains the Importance of Sucking a boys Penis after Circumcision

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e0a4dd  No.13717189


I've always thought that the Vatican Guard striped tights looked gay.

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4c55ac  No.13717190

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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918ad9  No.13717191


triggered it.

boo hoo


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e6d52e  No.13717192

File: afd68b0b1337496⋯.png (25.27 KB, 753x215, 753:215, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 06627fe9c3a55b5⋯.jpg (20.62 KB, 474x474, 1:1, thinkingpepe.jpg)

>A loan of $1.2 billion has closed on the asset known as the Bank of America Building (555 California Street) in San Francisco, CA. The interest rate is approximately 2%. Thank you!

555 x 1.2 = 666


What is POTUS signalling here?

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58ef0b  No.13717193

File: 0437720f44cc993⋯.png (459.1 KB, 891x476, 891:476, 15b03c2c4e78b803817f0af9e7….png)

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9dfef8  No.13717194

File: 8c80de13f0388ff⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 3913x2309, 3913:2309, 20210519_004527_2.jpg)

File: 3d44d7f96dcccd2⋯.jpg (2.22 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, 20210518_235703_HDR_2.jpg)

File: bc5cd7400b92e12⋯.png (4.3 MB, 1368x1230, 228:205, Screen_Shot_2019_03_13_at_….png)

File: bcab018b4ab7eb6⋯.jpg (45.49 KB, 598x800, 299:400, Robert_Maxwell_1991.jpg)

File: 524436454b43146⋯.png (15.92 KB, 280x280, 1:1, SPECTRE_Logo.png)

in 1990 De Wet Potgieter interviewed Keith Maxwell about the activities of the South African Institute of Maritime Research (SAIMR) whose letterhead depicts the figurehead on the prow of the Cutty Sark. In the interview he refers to SAIMR as being founded 184 years earlier.

Cutty Sark' figurehead depicts witch Nanny Dee holding a horse's tail. In Robert Burns's poem, she danced lasciviously in a short (cutty) chemise (sark). Strangely, cutty sark is also a corruption of the Greek phrase "kata sark" or "according to (the) flesh." He wrote it in 1790, 16 years before the British Expeditionary Force occupied the Cape Colony in 1806 and annexed South Africa. This was 184 years before the SAIMR interview.

In the documentary, Cold Case: Hammarskjöld about the death of UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjöld in a 1961 plane crash in Africa, we learn that SAIMR was a mercenary army financed from abroad whose work was to destabilize African governments, trigger coups, and generally maintain the control of mining companies and other British Empire interests. One of their operations was to spread AIDS in Africa through inoculations that were contaoiminated with the HIV virus.

Back to the Cutty Sark. A Scottish person educated in Greek and knowing the meaning of kata sarks as down from flesh would have noticed that a woman in a short skirt (cutty sark) did draw one's attention down to the place where generation of new young flesh took place. It is curious that they chose such a figurehead as their emblem and knowing about the world trade insex slavesand howThe Outlaw Seais a key part of that trade, and how war and chaos makes it much easier to acquire fresh meat for the trade, perhaps it is no accident that this Maxwell (an intelligence agent) chose the same surname as '''Robert Maxwell (an intelligence agent). They even look as though they could be related..

And what about that Hungarian hottie making accusations about Trump? How did she get the name Kata Sarka? Could it be that some of '''George Soros"" friends made their money trafficking sex slaves on the chaos of post war Europe? Is that where the got the kibbutzim wo built Israel?

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f7930b  No.13717195

File: 64fa662679b5dac⋯.jpg (94.27 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, apu_reach.jpg)


Michigan, land of milkies and honey.

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000000  No.13717196


Maybe she shouldn't have said "All this for a damded flag" and blown her cover.

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fa4e09  No.13717197


Long article on Basel III and the coming repricing on silver and gold.

"The basis of calculating the net stable funding requirement is the same, so silver derivatives suffer from the same balance sheet disincentives. The principal difference is no silver is vaulted at the Bank of England, nor, so far as we are aware, in the vaults of any other Western central bank."


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32e2d4  No.13717198

File: 48280dea2d3eb79⋯.gif (1.78 MB, 540x304, 135:76, 48280dea2d3eb791924ec97357….gif)


Be careful Anon, that's 8bits friend.

Fucking hot shit on duty.

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795beb  No.13717199



Wasn't gonna say it, but…

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2ed22d  No.13717200

File: b8de7f70888fac3⋯.png (783.55 KB, 750x501, 250:167, SS_Mercer.png)


Nope; can't miss the storm.

Going to be biblical

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918ad9  No.13717201


oh it's a juvenile I forget

like beevis and butthead.

If you write the word "penis" it loses it 's shit

Like I said,, ,surfer dude probably 13 year emotional age.

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362069  No.13717203

File: f31164d2a834560⋯.gif (261.22 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 1621544781129.gif)


Soiboi Bannon and all of the other jew apologists defend the jews, leading to Globo-homo Tranny state.

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168847  No.13717204


Night_Shift Radio!!


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2cc093  No.13717205


Gfy you waste of flesh.

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918ad9  No.13717206


FBI agent.

"Get Smart"

it's a Keystone Cop

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fa0193  No.13717207

File: f83d0bc3d057e3b⋯.gif (1.1 MB, 276x305, 276:305, giphy_14_.gif)

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168847  No.13717208


-Night_Shift Radio!!-


God Bless Patriots. WE are the News now

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918ad9  No.13717209


I never had a problem with 8bit

It's must be 8bit's "friends"

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32e2d4  No.13717211

File: 7876935b6a23e30⋯.jpg (42.78 KB, 519x360, 173:120, rdmV6WM.jpg)


That is the strangest insult I have heard yet..

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918ad9  No.13717213


8bit was much more professional

than these retards.

Never acted out like these juveniles'.

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6e63c5  No.13717214

File: 89e71895e23a0be⋯.png (496.05 KB, 398x628, 199:314, Screenshot_2021_05_21_Amaz….png)

File: 0b95338aebc0022⋯.jpg (427 KB, 1588x2185, 1588:2185, E1pbm_9X0AEEKHa.jpg)


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e791db  No.13717215

File: 7af7f0604ab205d⋯.png (68.42 KB, 486x305, 486:305, 34t35y3563434534r3e.PNG)

File: 026dec9e2c9b333⋯.jpg (68.42 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 026dec9e2c9b333d40dcb8e072….jpg)

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918ad9  No.13717216


love it

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32e2d4  No.13717217

File: 5511e9e0e62e740⋯.png (623.16 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 108618be5137ff313590c79c96….png)


Meh for some reason Q picks these wannabe whiteboy gangster type faggot's board.

You know, the type that repeats "Gas the kikes, race war now"

Then expects some retard to fight that war for them.

They literally just backseat their approach and let people die in a fire for their own incompetence.

Sad but true.

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3ef6ad  No.13717218

File: e41438f6edfa783⋯.png (119.05 KB, 206x244, 103:122, ClipboardImage.png)



I NEVER save images that I pull off Google images because they have no worth to me. Anytime I need an image to use here, there are literally 6 Gorillion of them.

And what's the deal with your hostility? I'm no fedboy, not OSS(I don't bake), and I have defended you against the shills who maligned you as "anime porn baker " and this is the insanity I get from you?

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91339a  No.13717219

File: 9e4420bf7b962f0⋯.jpeg (1.27 MB, 2000x1333, 2000:1333, penceis.jpeg)


Isn't Israel a pedophile sanctuary?

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774328  No.13717220


Be here.

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795beb  No.13717221


Kek. I knew if I stuck with this shitshow tonight, long enough, I'd make some frens.

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4c55ac  No.13717222

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6a5df0  No.13717224

File: e17b04615200bcb⋯.png (15.85 KB, 431x312, 431:312, ClipboardImage.png)


To much to ask what it's all about?

I'm so confused.

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af698e  No.13717225

File: a8df0e34741730e⋯.png (1.99 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: aab053e19ecb7f2⋯.png (2.72 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


6:39-mark - 3rd Party escrow agreement (says Secretary of State has the "source code")

20:34 - Election Support (Dominion Ran the Election, as the county didn't have the administrative passwords.)

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2cc093  No.13717226

File: abe913940d77400⋯.gif (322.58 KB, 200x200, 1:1, 200.gif)


You're such a tiresome ginger cunt.

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6e63c5  No.13717227

File: 77ab25e654ce383⋯.png (583.62 KB, 398x702, 199:351, Screenshot_2021_05_21_Amaz….png)

File: c007bc50718a668⋯.jpg (158.12 KB, 640x1024, 5:8, E1pbNVIXMAEXE3S.jpg)



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32e2d4  No.13717228

File: bbb650c4499ef7a⋯.png (231.03 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 5c56d2d49bb92.png)


Nah, they were all complete and utter garbage.

Practical normies with how much they care about confirmation bias and maintaining the status quo.

Just don't rock the boat nao, or you will be out of the club.

Stupid faggots thought I was based until I said tranny.

Colors show when cognitive dissonance settles in..

Soon as I wasn't white enough or straight enough all that went out of the door.

It's a good way to test who is retard and who thinks outside the box.

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918ad9  No.13717229

File: 3884387e52e4bb7⋯.png (110.35 KB, 684x861, 228:287, gunderson.png)


I believe these mugjoo idiots are also Trump haters. That 's how you know they work for the STATE

probably FBI pedos

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000000  No.13717230





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58ef0b  No.13717231

File: 3debdccabbd85b6⋯.png (611.59 KB, 891x849, 297:283, 1414454561473.png)


>Gas the kikes, race war now

I believe that's a quote from Ben Garrison.

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168847  No.13717232

THE PLAN (JUDGMENT DAY, & 'ACTORS' FAKE DEATH THEORY) + [ WHO IS THE SPACE FORCE? ] https://www.bitchute.com/video/YxlQp1k4n5vw/



(YOU) are a KEYstone

Awaken the circle closest to you

LEARN your community, and start the flushing process

DON'T be Naive, and think your Safe in your neighborhood. . .

The secret handshake clubs exist in every county/municipal of every state in the country'-

Lets be the Change Army.

Midnight-Ryda Salute

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2169b3  No.13717234

File: e7a55481ab38567⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1100x733, 1100:733, mr_dig_shut_up_and_get_in_….png)

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878939  No.13717235


>what's the deal with not saving images on your disc?

standards, they're awesome. (you) might wanna look into getting some.


prolly looks just like his mom, too

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e64a46  No.13717236


If a woman said that to me in public she would lose her fucking teeth

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362069  No.13717237

File: 94f7480a8361af8⋯.png (416.05 KB, 519x480, 173:160, patriotdyslexics.png)


It sure is.

I guess the goyim really do know.

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f31c2a  No.13717238

File: dfccbfbe302a12b⋯.png (429.76 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Pope_Francis_hosts_bizarre….png)


>I've always thought that the Vatican Guard striped tights looked gay.

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c5acc0  No.13717239


Im curious to know what early life conditions lead to one preferring T over A or vice versa. Anyone care to share their thoughts on the matter?

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32e2d4  No.13717240

File: 9d1268f1cef225a⋯.png (644.31 KB, 706x500, 353:250, 324_3240917_two_magnificen….png)


You got em nao!

That patch is legit fucking cool.

Act all you want, you're just an errand boy.

So run that mouth, killer.

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15660d  No.13717241

Holy Shit.

What is habbening to drive the Animefags and MuhJoo shills nuts in here?

It's clown fucking central tonight.

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e791db  No.13717242

File: 5029da3bd84ddb2⋯.jpg (78 KB, 1024x949, 1024:949, image000000.jpg)

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f7930b  No.13717243


New BV finally punched the dumbasses in the snout.

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2cc093  No.13717245


And you'd be lucky if a person such as myself weren't around to beat the living fuck outta you too.

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918ad9  No.13717246

File: f721438614bbb84⋯.png (313.97 KB, 649x707, 649:707, masonicsquare.png)

File: e799a42d1c149d6⋯.png (1.03 MB, 898x1200, 449:600, lorikjoeskullfracture2.png)


no liars

Funny how these people lie all the time

Just like their god "Lucifer"

Lucifer will turn on them too, Guess what?

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3ef6ad  No.13717247

File: c295ec7d97ab146⋯.png (90.99 KB, 475x599, 475:599, ClipboardImage.png)

Leaked Report:Israel Acknowledges Jews In Fact Khazars, Secret Plan For Reverse Migration to Ukraine

The Times of Israel

Only yesterday came news that Syrian rebels plan to give Israel the Golan Heights in exchange for creation of a no-fly zone against the Assad regime. In an even bolder move, it is now revealed, Israel will withdraw its settlers from communities beyond the settlement blocs—and relocate them at least temporarily to Ukraine. Ukraine made this arrangement on the basis of historic ties and in exchange for desperately needed military assistance against Russia. This surprising turn of events had an even more surprising origin: Genetics, a field in which Israeli scholars have long excelled.

A Warlike Turkic People - and a Mystery

It is well known that, sometime in the eighth to ninth centuries, the Khazars, a warlike Turkic people, converted to Judaism and ruled over a vast domain in what became southern Russia and Ukraine. What happened to them after the Russians destroyed that empire around the eleventh century has been a mystery. Many have speculated that the Khazars became the ancestors of Ashkenazi Jews.

In 2012, Israeli researcher Eran Elhaik published a study claiming to prove that Khazar ancestry is the single largest element in the Ashkenazi gene pool.

Israel seems finally to have thrown in the towel. A blue-ribbon team of scholars from leading research institutions and museums has just issued a secret report to the government,acknowledging that European Jews are in fact Khazars.

(Whether this would result in yet another proposal to revise the words to “Hatikvah” remains to be seen.) At first sight, this would seem to be the worst possible news, given the Prime Minister’s relentless insistence on the need for Palestinian recognition of Israel as a “Jewish state” and the stagnation of the peace talks. But others have underestimated him at their peril. An aide quipped, when life hands you an etrog, you build a sukkah.

Speaking off the record, he explained, “We first thought that admitting we are really Khazars was one way to get around Abbas’s insistence that no Jew can remain in a Palestinian state. Maybe we were grasping at straws. But when he refused to accept that, it forced us to think about more creative solutions. The Ukrainian invitation for the Jews to return was a godsend. Relocating all the settlers within Israel in a short time would be difficult for reasons of logistics and economics. We certainly don’t want another fashlan like the expulsion of the settlers in the Gaza Hitnatkut [disengagement].

Speaking on deep background, a well-placed source in intelligence circles said: “We’re not talking about all the Ashkenazi Jews going back to Ukraine. Obviously that is not practical. The press as usual exaggerates and sensationalizes; this is why we need military censorship.”

Khazaria 2.0?

All Jews who wish to return would be welcomed back without condition as citizens, the more so if they take part in the promised infusion of massive Israeli military assistance, including troops, equipment, and construction of new bases. If the initial transfer works, other West Bank settlers would be encouraged to relocate to Ukraine, as well. After Ukraine, bolstered by this support, reestablishes control over all its territory, the current Autonomous Republic of Crimea would once again become an autonomous Jewish domain. The small-scale successor to the medieval empire of Khazaria (as the peninsula, too, was once known) would be called, in Yiddish, Chazerai.

“As the Prime Minister has said, no one will tell Jews where they may or may not live on the historic territory of their existence as a sovereign people. He is willing to make painful sacrifices for peace, even if that means giving up part of our biblical homeland in Judea and Samaria. But then you have to expect us to exercise our historical rights somewhere else. We decided this will be on the shores of the Black Sea, where we were an autochthonous people for more than 2000 years. Even the great non-Zionist historian Simon Dubnow said we had the right to colonize Crimea. It’s in all the history books. You can look it up.”

“We’d like to think of it as sort of a homeland-away-from-home,” added the anonymous intelligence source. “Or the original one,” he said with a wink.

*Read full Article here - Sauce: https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/leaked-report-israel-acknowledges-jews-in-fact-khazars-secret-plan-for-reverse-migration-to-ukraine/

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e791db  No.13717248

File: ac908b34831d72e⋯.png (516.87 KB, 827x851, 827:851, ERGERG4ure.PNG)

File: 8440ffcc69c748f⋯.png (168.57 KB, 555x441, 185:147, b5afe9e454fda86f34a3338e3d….png)

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087198  No.13717249


Shut the fuck up.

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fc44aa  No.13717250


Assuming connected to Trump family “criminal inquiry” faken00ze currently flooding the msm

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8a5151  No.13717251

File: 94fc18ff192e93d⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 334x251, 334:251, image2021_05_17_19_56_25_f….jpg)







My Death Shall Bring

I'll stick around. Watchmen, you won't want to sleep tonight.

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02d15b  No.13717252

>> 13717242

Deepest thought he’s had in years.

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15660d  No.13717253


Well whatever he did, Finkelshill bot and shill team six are front and center.

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e64a46  No.13717254


The great white knight of the order of simp.

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795beb  No.13717255


Wouldn't surprise me a damn bit.

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918ad9  No.13717256

File: f0764c06c6b315e⋯.png (106.34 KB, 1120x642, 560:321, fransicyouthlogo.png)


triggered it again.

if it wasn't true,

the idiot wouldn't be triggered.

Needs to retire.

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3ef6ad  No.13717257

File: 55d4f6eab2c65b8⋯.png (503.91 KB, 720x430, 72:43, ClipboardImage.png)

The Jews Behind All These Anti-Covid Vaccines

*AstraZeneca CEO - Leif Johansson (JEWISH)

*Pfizer CEO - Albert Bourla (JEWISH)

*Moderna CEO - Stéphane Bancel (JEWISH)

*Prof. Zeev Rotstein, the CEO of Israel’s Hadassah Medical Center told Radio 103FM that the hospital is involved in Russia’s clinical safety trials.

*Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla's Jewish Past inspired Vaccine Work - Family of top pharmaceutical leader Albert Bourla miraculously survived the Holocaust in Salonika, Greece.

Sauce: https://twitter.com/Planet_Occident/status/1362901306390818817

Sauce: http://www.renegadetribune.com/the-jews-behind-all-these-anti-covid-vaccines/

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362069  No.13717258

File: 3c4bb65207fc850⋯.jpg (8.3 KB, 299x168, 299:168, fgtnoises.jpg)


You should cry to your rabbi.

Maybe he will suck your mutilated schmeckle, like old times.

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e0a4dd  No.13717259


Good thought. Crazy story is probably a cover story. Maybe they are rescuing kids? Weren't there stories of human hunting parties in the German/Belgium/Netherlands Black Forest areas?

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000000  No.13717260


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9f213c  No.13717261

Trump failed move on.

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32e2d4  No.13717262

File: 39dbbced5883205⋯.jpg (103.83 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, tumblr_inline_olcjlaru0r1r….jpg)


The fuck? Underneath?

No idea what that bullshit means.

And what the fuck is babyfist?

You're serious some kind of strange asshole.

Run your mouth moar, killer.

I'm quaking.

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878939  No.13717263


the most fake and ghey thing in this bread is (you)

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e791db  No.13717265

File: 1977c0d6cb3b63c⋯.jpeg (135.8 KB, 540x600, 9:10, 1977c0d6cb3b63c1ecdadbde1….jpeg)

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91339a  No.13717266

File: 4733af84c8cafd8⋯.jpg (195.49 KB, 640x592, 40:37, joebubble.jpg)

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f20267  No.13717267

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

there is a Q drop on this

Possible energy attack being investigated near White House

May 21, 2021

Fox News

7.31M subscribers

US officials say there are 130 suspected victims being treated for brain injuries; Fox News' Jennifer Griffin reports on 'The Story.' Former CIA agent describes the silent attack. #FoxNews


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860445  No.13717268

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






By T. Grant Benson -May 20, 2021

Charlotte, N.C. – More than 150 missing and/or runaway children were located in North Carolina, officials say.

During Wednesday’s weekly press conference, the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department joined with several of its partners to share the success of Operation Carolina Homecoming, which was a collaborative effort focused on the recovery of missing and runaway juveniles in the Charlotte area where previous efforts to locate them had been unsuccessful.

Prior to the start of the operation, work by Detectives and Marshals resulted in the recovery of more than 130 missing and runaway juveniles. Following this preliminary effort, Detectives and Marshals launched the intensive recovery efforts of Operation Carolina Homecoming. Between April 26 and May 7, 2021, two-person teams consisting of CMPD’s Missing Person Unit detectives, United States Marshal Service deputies and the Department of Public Safety Missing Persons Unit conducted extensive searches and located 27 more missing juveniles.

Police said “several of the juveniles were discovered to have been engaged in high-risk activities such as prostitution and narcotics activity, and a few of them were victims of human trafficking.” To provide them with resources for recovery, the CMPD leveraged partnerships with Atrium Health Levine Children’s, Pat’s Place Child Advocacy Center, the North Carolina ISAAC Fusion Center and Mecklenburg County Child Protective Services.

“Kids don’t need to be living alone in hotels, kids don’t need to be living alone with an older partner,” CMPD Captain Joel McNelly said. “Kids who are actively taking measures to avoid being recovered. They’re self-sustaining, they’re trying to make money, support themselves.”

“These kids were engaged in high-risk activities,” McNelly said. “Not to sugar coat anything but narcotics activities, human trafficking, prostitution.”

Dr. Stacy Reynolds with Atrium Health Levine Children’s Hospital told WCNC. “Even if a kid goes out there with good intentions that they’re going to stay on the straight and narrow, it doesn’t take very long to get cold and hungry and succumb to the pressure of somebody who knows just how to time their effort into manipulate you into activity you maybe otherwise wouldn’t have wanted to be apart of.”

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2cc093  No.13717269


How is stating fact being triggered? Fuck off fat boi.

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362069  No.13717270

File: 38598d71f35fc71⋯.jpg (7.43 KB, 198x255, 66:85, grablersDEAD.jpg)

← This is the only reasonable solution.

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91339a  No.13717272

File: aa882003897a2e4⋯.jpg (115.79 KB, 420x444, 35:37, theythought3.jpg)

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9f213c  No.13717273


Q did it for the money.

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362069  No.13717274

File: ea991c9d3d29c50⋯.png (218.25 KB, 640x449, 640:449, fuckoffschlomo.png)

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918ad9  No.13717275


no, they are sock puppets.

if they were real anons

they would write different sentences, have actual memes, Have actual research, have actual thoughts

All they are is ditto heads for the BV idiot who needs to be fired.

they pad out the popularity with socks

funny .. like the Dem chearters at the polls

Fake vote.s

The BV bake dude is lying.

Could never have been around in the early days

the "oh I don't save images" is just an excuse for having collected no memes

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918ad9  No.13717277


wrong again. liar.

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32e2d4  No.13717278

File: c2f4cc6cbf2aa23⋯.jpg (39.82 KB, 918x719, 918:719, clr8faf2tuy01.jpg)


Your brain is so kiked it's fucking laughable at best.

You form your opinion based on what you're told to think.

This is why you lack any semblance of originality AND your shit is stale and weak.

How those joints treating you these days, old timer?

I mean, killer.

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b01b84  No.13717279

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918ad9  No.13717280


ur a fool

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91339a  No.13717281

File: 422c88d60340b53⋯.jpg (85.84 KB, 720x960, 3:4, wrong.jpg)

just saw this dumbs meme

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362069  No.13717282

File: 28b0675d86b5727⋯.png (723.13 KB, 500x500, 1:1, jewbashing07.png)

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878939  No.13717283

File: 697cfb76e13a0c5⋯.png (1.82 MB, 1822x914, 911:457, phat_boi.png)



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9f213c  No.13717284

Dear creepy antisemite anon Jesus is the king of the Jews.

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58ef0b  No.13717285

File: 45aba406e95c40b⋯.jpg (74.1 KB, 869x927, 869:927, 1620850998877.jpg)

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f7930b  No.13717286


What makes you say that?

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ee3bd9  No.13717288

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000000  No.13717289




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362069  No.13717290

File: 4dc0680ea569c4a⋯.png (432.13 KB, 500x561, 500:561, jewsagree.png)


Jews projecting…

What's new?

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66c0c8  No.13717291




That's nice and all, but can we chat about letting bakers that have at least 40 posts very bread, BVs that (You) the shit out of shitposts/shills and faggots that don't care about or keep the culture?

It doesn't feel like we're actually addressing the issues: that the bread is being diluted heavily by strong egos.

Yes, sometimes I'm an asshole too and post way more than I should, giving out too many (You)s, but I don't bake for that reason and I'm probably not someone that would be considered as a BV and I'm fine with both of those. I'm just a random anon and filtering me doesn't matter as much as filtering the baker or a BV because of their gross inadequacies when it comes to simply fulfilling their role.

The reality of this situation is /a/fag is consuming large swaths of bread and BV is feeding the shills. I would fucking hope that if I was in one of your positions and got a big ass head, that one of you would bitch about it the same.

It's bad enough that /a/fag constantly flaunts the "I got (You)'d by Q" bullshit like that somehow makes it okay to bite off giant chunks of bread while hiding behind the supposed necessity of the position, like we haven't made general breads for years without needing to have this much deliberation about it.

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32e2d4  No.13717292

File: a5a57017202f5b4⋯.jpg (73.69 KB, 400x399, 400:399, a5a57017202f5b4f3a6ab71b0a….jpg)


I don't think that miku poster is a sock puppet.

Probably just some shy guy that likes my baking.

Just follow his post trail, but yeah I get it there are sock puppets and shills galore that gravitate towards this supposed baker controversy.

BV is fucking shabbos goy or some kind of serious cancer that has developed.

Claims to be friend of 8bit, which isn't saying much.

8bit is literal garbage.

Oh and did I mention?

OSS is unironically a fedboy.

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66c0c8  No.13717294


Not "Jews", exactly, but you're kinda close at least. I guess it depends on how you interpret purposefully obscured history, but I doubt you're here to actually discuss the deeper details of this discussion.

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918ad9  No.13717297

File: c0e55d5b5d7a546⋯.jpg (457.44 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, herridgenotes.jpg)

File: ce1e52eeffde2c1⋯.jpg (460.77 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, herridgenotes2.jpg)


proved by the inst-hater

u triggered 'em


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2dff7e  No.13717298

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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f31c2a  No.13717299

File: 29958a6ac851e84⋯.jpg (352.5 KB, 1924x1546, 962:773, Radar_just_sign_here_Copy.jpg)

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2cc093  No.13717300


So funny for you to not be able to wrap your head around the fact someone such as myself isn't a sock account. And no, I'm no fool. I do dig, I pray, and I fucking meme so go suck yourself off somewhere else.

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32e2d4  No.13717301

File: 7840301180a097b⋯.png (640.94 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, a18f65259f40f9d59bf0dcab4b….png)


I've always posted a lot, fucking sorry you're to scared of social pressures to interface as you please, stale cunt.

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9f213c  No.13717304

It's not the Jews it's the Pope.

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6e63c5  No.13717305

File: d58af48c2a1e4fe⋯.png (387.1 KB, 652x540, 163:135, Screenshot_2021_05_21_Navy….png)

US, Russia hold parallel military drills in the Balkans



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000000  No.13717306







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2893ce  No.13717308


I'll say it again, what makes anyone think 'Ron' is even a real person? Or if he is, that he would look like his bio pic?

C'mon people. One dimensional thinking.

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362069  No.13717309

File: d7a68a18e4df2ee⋯.png (351.46 KB, 500x506, 250:253, jewfagtemplate.png)


I?"n spite of it being the jews, it's not really the jews. It is a jew facsimile, but really a framing of the jews because jews are innocent, benevolent beings that "god" chose to rule over the goyim, er, I mean cattle, er, I mean the earth."

Nice try, jew.

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15706e  No.13717310

File: 3f025b31a3d339b⋯.jpg (13.16 KB, 236x374, 118:187, e3c8c6af68d72135d08763e0f3….jpg)

File: 91c734688e3a563⋯.jpg (200.88 KB, 1200x1800, 2:3, 1bb4da37abf24201655240ed4a….jpg)

File: 04f66c509bbd7da⋯.jpg (193.24 KB, 1000x1333, 1000:1333, 9fec0b1dfff93cdc5158e2cc42….jpg)

File: fe3a23103180fae⋯.jpg (165.37 KB, 850x1202, 425:601, d4mddgl2des51.jpg)

File: 57dc58402020f83⋯.jpg (112.06 KB, 1024x1111, 1024:1111, 892529_milileonaorochi_nun….jpg)

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9f213c  No.13717311


Catholicism is Satanism. I went to Catholic school.

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15706e  No.13717313

File: dac9f8e29c228e8⋯.jpg (268.2 KB, 1203x1648, 1203:1648, bbb4157e3c27d1be2c1fa38e60….jpg)

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58ef0b  No.13717314

File: ebf10904e68abf5⋯.jpg (44.26 KB, 473x325, 473:325, 58c030f53fa1d3317634a26939….jpg)

File: 8006a3b4a19c5d3⋯.jpg (68.25 KB, 599x409, 599:409, 1621449221707.jpg)

File: f254eb1b57534f5⋯.jpg (230.53 KB, 1024x777, 1024:777, 260.jpg)

File: 262569574676a16⋯.jpg (300.42 KB, 1148x789, 1148:789, 262.jpg)

File: 73066315e7814e7⋯.jpg (315.98 KB, 1200x891, 400:297, a40.jpg)

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61b3bf  No.13717315

File: fcbbaf3aa76c2af⋯.png (347.86 KB, 1280x867, 1280:867, screenshot_www_vesselfinde….png)

YEP still in one spot!

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000000  No.13717316


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918ad9  No.13717317


yes, this is a good post


ur an idiot

"the jews " are living in your mind.

kekkekkekk the jeweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesss

funny. ur a fool

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362069  No.13717318

File: e152780d075dda1⋯.png (576.48 KB, 684x365, 684:365, neverthejews.png)

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32e2d4  No.13717319

File: 2ffddfdfa09ccde⋯.png (170.22 KB, 538x480, 269:240, day7052_2850580d_b5e3_43fe….png)


OSS is CIA you fucking idiot.

Way to do your chores, killer.

Fucking idiot, you allowed so many split bakes today.

Imagine being this much a fucking shill of a BV and not even noticing.

You complain about whatever doesn't suit your limited thought process.

Expand your fucking thinking nit-wit

And fucking pussy willow?

Holy shit, ARE YOU the faggot?

Fucking hell, cotton.

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362069  No.13717320

File: 7e612df98cb3c57⋯.png (576.8 KB, 684x365, 684:365, jewsinmind.png)

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918ad9  No.13717321

File: 22c44bce17f18c2⋯.png (468.7 KB, 386x979, 386:979, generalkrrjfk.png)


They love to mock

Red Text never learns.

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6e63c5  No.13717323

File: 2d81b8bdad2d92b⋯.jpg (45.76 KB, 540x635, 108:127, kek2.jpg)

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66c0c8  No.13717324


Unfortunately, without me you guys would post the same shit every single fucking day and dance around the news scalp scriptpost like this is a news aggregate and not a fucking research board.

At least I spice things up sometimes and don't fill every single bread I'm in with over forty posts.

Look, I post a lot too. I've said plenty of times that the amount of posts don't determine the level of contribution, but you just smugpost nonstop and (You) every post no matter who is (You)ing you.

I even used to avatarpost too, but I got over that childish egoic shit, just like you need to do.

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e16eb3  No.13717326


Anti-Semitic dog whistle noted… and FILTERED!

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9f213c  No.13717327


Jesus is the king of the Jews not the king of the Catholics.

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2169b3  No.13717328

File: d7e2efb3716f24f⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1180x824, 295:206, Screen_Shot_2021_05_21_at_….png)

Arizona Auditor: Did Not Backtrack on Election Database Deletion Allegation

BY ZACHARY STIEBER May 20, 2021 Updated: May 20, 2021


A forensic auditor helping conduct an audit of 2020 election machines in Arizona’s largest county disputed on May 20 reports claiming he backtracked on allegations that files were deleted from one of the machines.

“My testimony on May 19th before the AZ Senate is being taken out of context by some media outlets. To confirm: the ‘Databases’ directory on the EMS Primary Server WAS deleted containing the voting databases. I was able to recover the deleted databases through forensic data recovery processes,” Ben Cotton, founder of CyFIR, said in a statement emailed to The Epoch Times by the audit’s liaison.

Some reports, including articles from The Associated Press and CNN, alleged auditors had “backtracked” from or “reversed” allegations that files were deleted from a machine.

AP, for instance, claimed that Cotton said that “data was not destroyed, reversing earlier allegations that election officials in the state’s most populated county eliminated evidence.”

CNN claimed that auditors “backtracked” from claims that a key database had been deleted.

Both outlets left out the crucial context from Cotton’s testimony before Arizona state senators on May 18.

Cotton said in examining the machine that he discovered a master file table “that clearly indicated that the database directory was deleted from that server.”

“Subsequently, I’ve been able to recover all of those deleted files, and I have access to that data,” he said. “I have the information I need from the recovery efforts of the data.”

Outlets had only included the latter portion in attempting to promote the idea that Cotton’s testimony conflicted with what Arizona Senate President Karen Fann, a Republican, told Maricopa County in a May 12 letter.

The Associated Press and CNN didn’t immediately respond to inquiries.

Fann told The Epoch Times on May 20 that there was no backtracking of the deletion claims.

“The file was deleted but Cyfir was able to recover it from other areas. But yes, the file had been deleted on that portion of the drive,” she wrote in an email.

The Senate and its audit team have clashed with county officials over the claims.

In her recent letter, Fann said that in addition to the database directory apparently being deleted, the main database for election management system software wasn’t found anywhere on the machine.

“This suggests that the main database for all election related data for the November 2020 General Election has been removed,” she wrote.

Maricopa County officials rebutted the allegations in a letter, a board meeting, and a technical analysis.

But Cotton stood by the audit’s preliminary findings and said his team is trying to ascertain whether the files that were recovered can be analyzed.

“We are performing data continuity checks to ensure that the recovered databases are usable,” he said.

The audit is on hold as high school graduations take place at Veterans Memorial Coliseum in Phoenix. It’s scheduled to resume on May 24.

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000000  No.13717329







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e6d52e  No.13717330

File: e6ec389be601c0e⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


> BVs that (You) the shit out of shitposts/shills

I'm old enough to remember when you could go weeks without seeing a single BV post. BV posts used to be so rare they showed up in notables every time they occured.

This chatty cathy BV drama shit is absolutely not normal and it's an obvious waste of everyone's time. Motherfucker needs a juicebox and a nap.

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9f213c  No.13717331


q is garbage.

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362069  No.13717332


King of Judea. Not the jews.

Satan is the king of jews.

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32e2d4  No.13717333

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>13716907 (OP)

>>13717021 (Dough)

Notable Notes


>>13716989 The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Full Documentary

>>13717033 Consumer Prices Outpace Americans’ Wage Growth As Inflation Surges

>>13717045 Space Force CO Fired Over Comments About Marxism in the Military Now Subject of IG Probe

>>13717084 Bahrain Sues 13 Banks for Laundering $1.3bn for Iran

>>13717096 Rittenhouse due to make first in-person court appearance

>>13717106 Maricopa County. Ignorance, incompetence or liars?

>>13717126 President al-Assad: existence of Israeli entity in the region based on terrorizing its people and assaulting their rights

>>13717247 Leaked Report:Israel Acknowledges Jews In Fact Khazars, Secret Plan For Reverse Migration to Ukraine

>>13717257 The Jews Behind All These Anti-Covid Vaccines

>>13717267 Possible energy attack being investigated near White House



You act like you are doing anything but bitch like some kind of fucked retard.

Anyone can just claim they are doing something while literally doing nothing.

You're typing some bullshit, good for you.

Now post your juicy digs as action speaks louder than you fucking garbage you're spitting now.

So kindly eat shit and die somewhere that won't stink up the place.


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9f213c  No.13717334


q fucked Trump in the ass.

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b01b84  No.13717335

File: f937c8707c48621⋯.gif (1.95 MB, 701x525, 701:525, 20190322_213723.gif)

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e16eb3  No.13717336

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58ef0b  No.13717337

File: 3450c04910009a8⋯.webm (1.96 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1621469034128.webm)

File: e4c2a90e16bd50b⋯.jpg (474.27 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 1620840939066.jpg)

The nigger and Jew problem in America.

13% of the population makes up for 50% of the crimes.

2% of the population makes up for 40% of Government, Media, institutions.

>land of the free and home of the brave

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860445  No.13717338

File: 5e1ba7aab876f53⋯.png (153.27 KB, 500x501, 500:501, ClipboardImage.png)




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32e2d4  No.13717339

File: ae4fdccf43a8b6a⋯.jpg (26.32 KB, 490x490, 1:1, 30fq55n6wa901.jpg)


Hey if that is your primary objective, then understand that you're causing more harm then whatever the fuck your retard program is running.

Change your mind ass hat, or maybe just continue to try and impress your wannabe whiteboy friends.

It's fucking nausiating watching you dance around projecting your own insecurities.

Enjoy it while it lasts, killer.

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ea0db4  No.13717340

File: 88dbe69e9671bbe⋯.png (594 KB, 1326x878, 663:439, 88dbe69e9671bbede0ef44a8cc….png)

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362069  No.13717341

File: a5373c0d9a8b8c2⋯.png (254.44 KB, 500x833, 500:833, nogoyspoerm.png)

,,– Is it because "she" is a jew or a tranny jew?

Perhaps both?

I am so confused…

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3ef6ad  No.13717342

File: fccf06495c6b77a⋯.png (64.95 KB, 150x203, 150:203, ClipboardImage.png)


the current Pope looks Jewish. and the Vatican's big telescope in the US has the Italian acronym L.U.C.I.F.E.R.

His predecessor Pope Benedict's real name is

Joseph RATZINGER – Ratzinger is a Jewish name.

In NYC, there used to be a famous Jewish Deli downtown named "RATZINGERs".

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e16eb3  No.13717343


Yesterday was a good day. Today… even better.

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58ef0b  No.13717344



Q had plenty of wins.

Let me write an essay on every Q win.


The end.

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66c0c8  No.13717345



Jesus is the hero archetype of the most modern spiritual movement, which was warped in to a dogmatic "organized religion" (cult).

He fulfilled the same role as Enki, Prometheus, Lucifer (in the garden, the the heavily altered, fagged version), Budha, Ganesha, Thoth, etc.

Catholicism was to curb the bridge between Zoroastrianism and (the real version of) Christianity so that you didn't understand the aspects of Christianity that overlapped with the "religion" Jesus was raised with, which he taught to his disciples.

Besides, "Satanism" is a normalfag description. They use specific words, particular deities, they don't call it "Satan". In fact, "Satan" is a Hebrew word, used to indicate the antagonist of a given mythology.

You people are boring.


I concur, but at least he's not filling every single bread with forty fucking posts like an absolute nigger.

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32e2d4  No.13717347

File: e3ca9070dd14dc4⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1662x1617, 554:539, bn5w4ip0s4331.png)


The fuck cares?

Notables are being collected you fucking idiot.

Why don't you just apply for BV and you can jannies all the contrary opinions away, and abraka fucking dabra faggot, you have a safe space.

You're practically a normie.

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918ad9  No.13717348

File: f09798902a50821⋯.jpg (443.04 KB, 1024x614, 512:307, rodrosenstein.jpg)

File: 20d32878789cc6f⋯.png (24.8 KB, 386x446, 193:223, rrbeard.png)

File: f09798902a50821⋯.jpg (443.04 KB, 1024x614, 512:307, rodrosenstein.jpg)


rosenstein is a total piece of shit

I hope he's been rounded up.

He'll be great in the movie when it comes out , though.

such a smirking sniveler.

rumored as a murderer, blackmail artist, master criminal

lady's man?

he's should be played by the guy who played "Get Smart" Maxwell Smart.

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dc7f4c  No.13717349

File: 0d10124d6ac2063⋯.png (621.78 KB, 1000x624, 125:78, biblical.png)

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834af1  No.13717350


Almost like…it's the same person.

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afaf94  No.13717351

File: c0f404d425aa54c⋯.jpg (93.71 KB, 647x501, 647:501, c0f404d425aa54cb59594c05a5….jpg)

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9f213c  No.13717352


We are all board volunteers except Q who is paid a fortune.

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66c0c8  No.13717353


>(in the garden, the the heavily altered, fagged version)

correction: NOT the heavily altered and fagged verision

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000000  No.13717354







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6a5df0  No.13717355

File: fb381871ab3f79c⋯.png (15.6 KB, 444x287, 444:287, ClipboardImage.png)



>there is a Q drop on this

>Possible energy attack being investigated near White House

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918ad9  No.13717356


It's teh Jews.


No body complains about how much bread the moogoos take

Oh that's right they are all filtered.

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dbb035  No.13717357


the key words here are C_A…wow, the energy attacks only C_A members…it's bullshit!!!…It's the C_A that don't want DJT back in the WH…and these people are eating it up like it's their last meal…un-believably-ignorant-asses…

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32e2d4  No.13717358

File: 2c1fe8477953573⋯.jpg (86.39 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, tumblr_inline_olcjl7LVIi1r….jpg)


Yes, because I would be locking my own breads and splitting.

Banning like a fucking desperate nigger from best not to be seen in the crowd.

Way to use your head there "ANON"

Imagine, being this fucking basic.

In fighting happens all the time.

However, this particular case is a BV gone nut up hard because his schizoid ass fucker friends think it's funny to split bakes and ruin continuity and flow for "lulz"

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afaf94  No.13717359

File: 7d38cd64717f393⋯.png (216.77 KB, 438x673, 438:673, ClipboardImage.png)

Maricopa County. Ignorance, incompetence or liars?

Excellent Shelby Busch interview with Aaron Wagner, owner of Net Concepts. Together, they debunk the Maricopa County lies about passwords and source code access and routers and privacy infringement and identify new areas of concern re the County’s election security.

Are the routers centrally managed? Why is the County bringing up source code when it was never requested, admin passwords don’t enable access to source code, and the code is held in escrow accessible only by Hobbs as specified in Dominion’s contract?

Watch 👉🔗 We the People USA (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=u5PdIBQ6XEU)


YouTube (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=u5PdIBQ6XEU)

Maricopa County. Ignorance, incompetence or liars?

Shelby Busch of We the People USA Alliance sat down with Aaron Wagner who is a Certified Information Systems Security Professional and owner of Net Concepts….


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08ac51  No.13717360

File: 423d6d5d7ba56a6⋯.jpg (206.81 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, Win_ing.jpg)



You're here.


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e6d52e  No.13717361


>I concur, but at least he's not filling every single bread with forty fucking posts like an absolute nigger.

I've come to expect that from anime fag. It's like complaining about the wind blowing too hard.

The new idiocy is BV and Goth Baker pretending they are fighting with anime baker over JQ spam when it was just a few months ago anime fag was posting the exact same shit in the notables and globals .

This is all fucking kayfabe nonsense and all three of them are wasting everyone's time.

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afaf94  No.13717362

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Maricopa County. Ignorance, incompetence or liars?



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91339a  No.13717363

File: d5a7098e34a1a78⋯.jpeg (260.91 KB, 736x952, 92:119, historyfm.jpeg)

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4c55ac  No.13717364

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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08ac51  No.13717365

File: fc7fbef690492ac⋯.jpg (290.46 KB, 1300x1038, 650:519, paintD.jpg)

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860445  No.13717366

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Me um knuckle dragging ape, man of few words,

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58ef0b  No.13717367

File: d02d198992e4603⋯.jpg (110.83 KB, 769x1024, 769:1024, 1621564516715.jpg)

Hey anons. I'm transitioning from male to female.

I must say I look pretty damn good.

You might say I have a mental illness, you are wrong. I cut off my cock to prove it.

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bc0143  No.13717368


I've seen better red text, bring back Shill Team A

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362069  No.13717369

File: 576413e7573b839⋯.png (1.15 MB, 853x499, 853:499, mappyjews.png)

Well, faggots, it has been a lot of fun.

Don't forget to pay homage to your JEW MASTERS by using your credit card, pushing jew propaganda, and sucking the jew ass in front of you.

It's what Jesus asks of you, at least, if you ask a jew, or a Judeo-Christian like BANNON to interpret the bible for you.

Then again, you could read the MOTHERFUCKING THING yourself and draw your own conclusions, but that would take effort, so it is better to let the SATANIST JEWS tell you what the bible says.

When you wonder why America is toast, and wonder what went wrong, look in the mirror. The answer to those questions will be staring back at you.

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afaf94  No.13717370

File: 03251794e649591⋯.png (101.39 KB, 501x351, 167:117, 03251794e649591018627e9542….png)


nah, same tactics different day


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878939  No.13717371

File: 893621aa08f9e58⋯.png (50.84 KB, 406x407, 406:407, ur_our_superhero.png)


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000000  No.13717372


>You're here.









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8bd019  No.13717373


>when it was just a few months ago anime fag was posting the exact same shit in the notables and globals .

Because a few months ago Tranime was trying to infiltrate the kithen after /comms/ who were proven to be Jews were removed. They always infiltrate under the guise of being based and then switch it up when they think they can. Tranime/Gerbil/Babyfist/Doodle/Cee/Willow are all part of the exact same shill team. They run the same play over and over.

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000000  No.13717374





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32e2d4  No.13717375

File: 4ed55f99932cfaa⋯.jpg (24.08 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 1d425114d5246914631cb488c7….jpg)


I'm glad someone accepts that my style involved a fuck retard shit load of posting.

And you're correct in that this fucked BV and OSS are working together to create shit tier breads.

They get rando anons to bake that they know have no experience and laugh at the fact that /comms/ is no longer an option to train new bakers.

My question is simple, why the fuck isn't there a sticky thread for teaching people how to bake on this board?

Are we being fucking serious?

BO is a lazy fuck with no creativity or invention.

He is stale and boring.

Completely the opposite of what chan was and is known for.

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918ad9  No.13717376

File: c9401d062b301ad⋯.png (373.92 KB, 408x556, 102:139, georgecarlindeathened.png)


they all need to be fired.

what do they contribute

We allready all know about

"the jews"

What else can they contribute

oh that's right, they are on a payroll

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000000  No.13717377



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b01b84  No.13717378

File: 95cfc18d566a727⋯.gif (697.82 KB, 540x303, 180:101, 20210521_001541.gif)


everything you think you know is wrong.

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afaf94  No.13717379

File: ef091646457d8e0⋯.jpg (105.62 KB, 960x960, 1:1, ef091646457d8e07f258bb58c6….jpg)


than* whatever

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918ad9  No.13717380


No that would be BV

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bc0143  No.13717381

File: 9283897f7d84df8⋯.jpg (99.93 KB, 600x315, 40:21, Yall_got_any_tranny_lego.jpg)

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068af8  No.13717382

I want to fuck Chanel Rion

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91339a  No.13717383

File: 5aa24e999f55960⋯.jpg (202.75 KB, 648x1041, 216:347, Addams_Family_addams_famil….jpg)

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bc0143  No.13717384

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e16eb3  No.13717385


Her body, her choice. As for me, my foreskin was sliced off without my consent because it might become infected as I grew older.

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2cc093  No.13717386


Says the bread gobbling nigger. You're irrelevant. Just deal with it.

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32e2d4  No.13717387

File: efbd491eaaacd68⋯.gif (314.52 KB, 500x282, 250:141, 0a4c73243d16f46da55ec1ea85….gif)


They are pieces of shit, you saw the chaos today?

Why was it so controlled?

Nothing was "organic" about it at all.

It was a deliberate effort to piss my niggertits off.

Sadly, they underestimated that I am indeed fucking absolutely and completely insane.

This is normal experience.

Fucking idiots just put on blast this hyper kiked wannabe neo nadzi narrative that no one respects.

It has and always will be about discernment and the persuit of higher truth.

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afaf94  No.13717389


What ever happened to wakes/cakes/gb/gyb/nb/newsbaker/8bit/fastjack/d2l ?

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32e2d4  No.13717390

File: ad71ae06ba4e78d⋯.png (914.39 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 3e524bbbdfd82989dd9bf7f726….png)


You sound butt hurt, maybe try standing.

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000000  No.13717391





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860445  No.13717392

File: 1b5c921459934b9⋯.mp4 (4.97 MB, 400x300, 4:3, edited_cat_comp.mp4)

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b9e7f2  No.13717393

File: 85cefd98b0fbb22⋯.jpg (40.85 KB, 558x380, 279:190, 6757ce8fcdeafd1d275bd24ccf….jpg)

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15706e  No.13717394

File: 961d50a465e7cbf⋯.jpg (50.47 KB, 642x388, 321:194, 5adwnc.jpg)

File: 16432ab300ad46b⋯.jpg (50.4 KB, 642x388, 321:194, 5adwjx.jpg)


What's really going to bake anon's noodle later on is...

...is there really any difference between the words "(jew)" and "(you)"...

>hint: think mirror

Perhaps the reason anon hates the (you)s is because the (you)s reveal all of anon's flaws.

So... the muhjoo shill is actually muhyou shill...

Breaking the mirror won't make anon less ugly, no matter how disrespectful the reflection was.



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8bd019  No.13717395

File: 6d50d531ae6edb6⋯.png (9.49 KB, 620x158, 310:79, ClipboardImage.png)


>8bit/fastjack/ - Still management


Great question, almost like when they get exposed they change their names. >Tranime/Gerbil/Babyfist/Doodle/Cee/Willow

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66c0c8  No.13717396


It's too bad the only thing you're even capable of is "nu-uh".

You've had countless chances to set the record straight and you refuse.

Playing with you has become boring.


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068af8  No.13717397


I no longer believe a word this man says.

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afaf94  No.13717398



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834af1  No.13717399


They make it painfully obvious that they're all working together to frustrate anons in hopes that they don't come back so the board. They flaunt the fact that they comped the board as if to say to anons "what will you do about it when we have BV privileges"?


>Pretending not to be part of their team.

Everyone sees right through you.

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9f213c  No.13717400

Pence told Trump to hire his gay lover Q.

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32e2d4  No.13717401

File: 831db8524928f7b⋯.gif (1.97 MB, 540x416, 135:104, 831db8524928f7b08b6c2ce76a….gif)


Nah retard, I said that I created a board just in case some shit like this fucking happens.

And look at that retard, what timing.

Besides the board is probably never going to be approved, what are you scared of?

Losing relevance?

You certainly post so much that it would seem that way.

You're old news, and a complete faggot.

Accept your position, you are a disruptor and all you do is ruin the fun and continuity of breads.

No one needs you to play wack-a-mole, it isn't a bunch of CP or GORE spams happening.

You're just being a fucking jannie with no merits.

So have fun while it lasts, killer.

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58ef0b  No.13717402


>piss my niggertits off.

Niggers wouldn't be able to read or write. You are not a nigger.

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000000  No.13717403







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878939  No.13717404


antifame always comments and comments some moar, bloatables full of sauceless drivel nevar resuuuurch, posts notes excessively

best guess is average 80-100 times a bread

anon has seen 150-200+ @ timez when antifame gobbles solely to assume next bread or shat all over a split

[clown op]

how do anons make it go away, frenz?

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918ad9  No.13717405

File: 41772933e3a20cb⋯.png (194.95 KB, 562x480, 281:240, jackhatesjews.png)

File: 8bd46c2ad3c67d4⋯.jpg (81.44 KB, 863x601, 863:601, hitleralbertedward.jpg)


dude on steroids? What 's the deal?


Jack the Ripper was a Jew hater, What do you know?

He was also Hitler's DAD!

So much in common wth BV

Adolf was a royal Jew hater, and psycho.

Who knew.

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e16eb3  No.13717406


Seems a bit … drastic.

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918ad9  No.13717407


probably wanted his murders blamed on "the Jews"

god, these people suck

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94b40f  No.13717408


Why not?

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9f213c  No.13717409

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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068af8  No.13717410


[P] is a jewish nigger

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000000  No.13717411

>>13717401 <~

>>13717388 <~







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58ef0b  No.13717412

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b01b84  No.13717413

File: 9b433b150bcef87⋯.gif (1.94 MB, 420x563, 420:563, 20210521_002434.gif)


yer ayyy looks like a benis.

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32e2d4  No.13717414

File: d0aaf55152342b8⋯.png (668.32 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 10a486b498c77921c0b897454b….png)


These wannabe whiteboys post Henry Ford even though the Ford factories survived the horrid FIRE BOMBINGS.

Interdasting isn't it?

Any Anon that is redpilled on the JQ understands what discernment is and how (((They))) played both sides.

The question however if Uncle Addy was knowingly a puppet or realized be was a puppet or was unknowingly entirely.

However, I believe he had love for his people and nation, that he was a puppet and figured it out just a bit too late.

Hence wanting to die with his creation.

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66c0c8  No.13717415

File: a519b46427d9849⋯.png (15.65 MB, 2816x2112, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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58ef0b  No.13717416

File: ef465585a103998⋯.webm (174.68 KB, 286x224, 143:112, 1620247950693.webm)




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2cc093  No.13717417


>what are you scared of?

>Losing relevance?

>You certainly post so much that it would seem that way.

>You're old news, and a complete faggot.

>Accept your position, you are a disruptor and all you do is ruin the fun and continuity of breads.

Projection game on point. Gaslighting, check. Fucking amazing.

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9f213c  No.13717418

Trump won because he was slightly less evil than Hilary.

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918ad9  No.13717419


He seemed subdue, very measured.

There's was nothing that he said to be disbelieved. He was very mlld spoken.

He went into the issues at hand.

that was good

He ended by saying or implying something has to be done before any more election are called, and that the Media is silent.

I don't watch Media anyway so I wouldn't know.

He gave some good information.

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911939  No.13717420

File: dbbc9b8faba01c3⋯.jpg (126 KB, 1440x812, 360:203, Thats_for_sure.jpg)


>Any Anon that is redpilled on the JQ understands what discernment is and how (((They))) played both sides.

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afaf94  No.13717421

Should i leave, for the west coast?

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94b40f  No.13717422

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9f213c  No.13717423


3 wives is two too many.

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860445  No.13717424

File: 08bc85761715dae⋯.png (360.88 KB, 504x646, 252:323, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9ba50c36cfde92f⋯.png (494.01 KB, 460x371, 460:371, ClipboardImage.png)


only way is to level up and become those who subvert, right now, i have just too much on my plate to handle it, but it would not take a lot to do the baker job or b.v,

anons are adept at multiple competencies, but time limits engagement.

Still all attempts to silence this place have failed, this will also fail, as long as it is accessible, we have qresear.ch for our own online data base

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fa4e09  No.13717425


>Maybe that's partially what this plandemic is meant to do- stop All questioning/resisting of All vaccines

I think the big push against anti-vaxxers and the start of cancel culture was meant to stop questioning/resisting of this/all vaccines. Guilt and shame folks prior to the rolling out of corona.

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b01b84  No.13717426


ı was never playing… and the record reflects reality.

you are just too ignorant to understand what has been explained numerous times…

<and too stupid to know it.

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068af8  No.13717427

File: 8995d8e10564c6b⋯.png (267.09 KB, 893x937, 893:937, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 90d330c76c4aac0⋯.png (252.24 KB, 816x931, 816:931, ClipboardImage.png)



Just another promise breaking shitfuck lying politician


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32e2d4  No.13717428

File: cff6b9758bdd102⋯.jpg (65.89 KB, 1200x676, 300:169, Satania_f8ac32_6822129.jpg)


Sadly we have these borderline stormfaggots thinking they own the fucking ship.

They don't dig, they don't do shit but try to maintain the status quo.

Retards don't even understand that CIA NIGGERS like OSS have been on /pol/ for a long time and learned how to CHAN.

Hell some might have grown up going to 4chan, I mean fuck oldfags are ACTUALLY getting OLD now.

Some are in their early 40s at this point, you really don't think some got jobs?

It's like holy fucking shit, imagine being that dense..

No wonder they are so fucking stubborn to gain new insight into the nature of reality.

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878939  No.13717429



illegal invaders, gas already at $5, demtards in public control, housing costs higher than NY

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afaf94  No.13717430

File: be6b2b946099565⋯.mp4 (1.09 MB, 512x640, 4:5, VID_20210321_072205_249.mp4)

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878939  No.13717431


doesn't that honestly depend on the quality of the wives?

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9f213c  No.13717432

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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911939  No.13717433


People like to complain more than they like actually solving (((problems))).

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918ad9  No.13717434

File: 6b0212ce583561b⋯.jpg (233.16 KB, 1000x1123, 1000:1123, merkelhitlerdrawing1.jpg)

File: b0992585531c33f⋯.png (325.49 KB, 596x393, 596:393, merkelmasonc.png)

File: 2184baa28cbd480⋯.jpg (18.84 KB, 300x168, 25:14, May_Merkel_Hillary_sold_ou….jpg)


no, he was a plant, Trained for what he did

He's from a Royal psycho family

His foster Dad was a bastard Rothschild.

He didn't commit suicide, that was death fakery, and planned

He married Eva as you know, and they bore Merkel

You probably don't believe me, but it's true.

Adolf was a NWO Satanist like his daughter.

they are all jokers.

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000000  No.13717435






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afaf94  No.13717436



Should I leave, for the East coast?

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465e5e  No.13717437


That's because they are gay.

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2893ce  No.13717438

File: f211eea657d8e09⋯.jpg (74.92 KB, 661x381, 661:381, B_52_engine.jpg)


That's my fuckin BV right there

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878939  No.13717439


depends on what you seek to leave behind, anon

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9f213c  No.13717440


He liked them enough to have children with them.

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3ef6ad  No.13717441


>Last night tranime pushing QPortal.. QRB/ABCU8/Comms/MNR/Endchan

They formed the Midnight Riders MNR board and spammed their dark MNR meme in many breads trying to steer Anons over to their private Jew-controlled bread. Their ambition was that if enough anons jumped ship over to their board, that Q would then post on their board.

Ignore the Jewish shill who Falsely Conflates America-First bakers with Israel-First Jewish bakers.

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15706e  No.13717442

File: 2b7885ada3ab6e2⋯.jpg (88.51 KB, 497x700, 71:100, 040_056.jpg)


Interdasting title anon found:

"Die Juden in USA"

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ec853e  No.13717443



Jesus represents a pure word (thought, voice, instruction). Satan represents a corrupt word. It’s that simple.

Everyone takes an oath (faith) to one or the other at any given thought. If I follow a pure thought then my oath is to Jesus, I prove this by my works (the outward visible expression of that pure thought towards others). Hence, I’m given a pure Spirit to walk in. By doing the works, we cleave to the Spirit. That pure word has been manifested from the invisible realm of thought to the visible earthly realm of manifest Spirit. (In earth as it is in Heaven.) Same goes for a corrupt thought. Same pattern.

If we follow a pure thought sometimes and a corrupt thought other times then we are a hypocrite.

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32e2d4  No.13717444

File: a3f72dcaff9b04d⋯.gif (1.05 MB, 500x281, 500:281, a3f72dcaff9b04d2677e96efc7….gif)


How stupid can someone be to think the "final solution" is a solution at all?

Anyone with a brain understands that it can reform neuro connectivity throughout their entire life span with proper diet and stimuli.

They caste entire groups of people, due to lazy thinking, into camps just to suit some presupposition that is not only archaic but inhumane.

If you are really going to exalt western civilization then prove how it can create Men and Women of true character.

It's all so tiring, Pedro..

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918ad9  No.13717445


if you have to go somewhere, go to TX or Florida

they are banning the frikking Covid pandemic NWO plan.. they banned Vaccine passports in Florida

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000000  No.13717446








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878939  No.13717447


is that you, Ivana? still consuming copious amounts of alcohol to ensure perpetual dysfunction while ragging on and on and on and on and on about the past?

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9f213c  No.13717448

Jesus is the king of the Jews not the pope.

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911939  No.13717449

File: 84a0d63497215bf⋯.jpg (27.11 KB, 720x673, 720:673, Mels_had_enough.jpg)


>It's all so tiring

You said it.

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860445  No.13717450

File: c38f3e1a71d23cd⋯.png (412.25 KB, 670x645, 134:129, ClipboardImage.png)






KLMassey71 Published May 19, 2021


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fa4e09  No.13717451


Do the blacks and browns like to be associated with dick-chopper trannies?

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90898a  No.13717452

File: d9755aa3e5ca692⋯.png (410.93 KB, 1202x628, 601:314, 1605506131387.png)


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795beb  No.13717453

>>13717444 Not as tiring as watching you pontificate every tenth post.

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9f213c  No.13717454


But I bore his children.

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32e2d4  No.13717455

File: 5dd09b7749bdc6e⋯.png (569.23 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, bc41ca61c1e36a0a092eb40551….png)


I would really like to see the documents and truth behind it.

I would readily accept information if it was true, but in reality.


So let us place the past as just that.

And build a brighter future for ALL CHILDREN.

If we keep looking back, without looking forward how can TRUE PROGRESS ever succeed?

Civilization was never about maintaining the status quo, it has always been about exploring new ideas and venturing out into unknown spaces to find what bounty exists beyond the veil of fear and doubt.

We the People shall take back the republic.

My only sorrow?

How many lives of brave men and women must it cost?


Violence the father of peace, peace the mother of love.

Let us finish this violence so we may know peace,

So we may find love, and never return to violence again.

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8bd019  No.13717456


>how do anons make it go away, frenz?

Learn to fucking bake. That's how.

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878939  No.13717457


SHIT! it's Test Day????

and I forgot to study. darn.

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000000  No.13717458



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32e2d4  No.13717459

File: 83970d05de0c246⋯.gif (1.6 MB, 500x281, 500:281, b629a740271093e487a844d3f8….gif)

>>13716907 (OP)

>>13717021 (Dough)

Notable Notes


>>13716989 The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Full Documentary

>>13717033 Consumer Prices Outpace Americans’ Wage Growth As Inflation Surges

>>13717045 Space Force CO Fired Over Comments About Marxism in the Military Now Subject of IG Probe

>>13717047 ​​OAN’s Chanel Rion had a sit-down interview with President Trump

>>13717084 Bahrain Sues 13 Banks for Laundering $1.3bn for Iran

>>13717096 Rittenhouse due to make first in-person court appearance

>>13717106, >>13717359 Maricopa County. Ignorance, incompetence or liars?

>>13717126 President al-Assad: existence of Israeli entity in the region based on terrorizing its people and assaulting their rights

>>13717247 Leaked Report: Israel Acknowledges Jews In Fact Khazars, Secret Plan For Reverse Migration to Ukraine

>>13717257 The Jews Behind All These Anti-Covid Vaccines

>>13717267 Possible energy attack being investigated near White House


>>13717328 Arizona Auditor: Did Not Backtrack on Election Database Deletion Allegation

>>13717348 Q DROP 1439 REVIEW



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8bd019  No.13717460


>Sadly we have these borderline stormfaggots thinking they own the fucking ship.


>They don't dig, they don't do shit but try to maintain the status quo.

Has anyone, at any point ever seen anime do any digging of any kind? Ever?

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527a30  No.13717461

File: 304b2382235add1⋯.jpg (132.28 KB, 640x428, 160:107, jew_ripper.jpg)


According to a study published this week by the Journal of Forensic Sciences, the culprit of the brutal crimes was Aaron Kosminski, a Polish Jew.

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fa4e09  No.13717462


>Should i leave, for the west coast?

Depends on what you're intending to do out here. If you're an operative, there are plenty of targets.

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32e2d4  No.13717463

File: 5f75b8cafe7a518⋯.png (116.4 KB, 461x288, 461:288, 8b24900e49afd1f5c51b46f4a9….png)


4chan days.

I have since become resident banter and crude jokes.

Sometimes I bake for 8 - 10 hours straight because no one accepts the hand off.

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9f213c  No.13717464


We are all volunteers except Q who is paid a fortune.

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afaf94  No.13717465

File: b6e3b7245bac9bd⋯.jpg (14.46 KB, 300x300, 1:1, b6e3b7245bac9bd57337030f84….jpg)


Leaving behind? neither here nor there

wanting a beach lifestyle again and better weather

got sick and 'think' the tropics could be good for long term healing

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6a5df0  No.13717466

File: 8221dfa996b1b64⋯.png (168.02 KB, 1546x321, 1546:321, ClipboardImage.png)

I found Q

> who then suddenly understand a cause Greater than himself and lead others to change The Inevitable.

Why does he sound like LdR?

Why such a "god" complex?

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6e5a07  No.13717467

"""CAN'T FILTER BAKER?' new game.

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000000  No.13717468





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6e63c5  No.13717469


You´re an old AI

good to you

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8bd019  No.13717470


>4chan days.

So you admit you have done 0 research in over 2 1/2 years.

>Sometimes I bake for 8 - 10 hours straight because no one accepts the hand off.

Those days are over, tomorrow we start locking your breads and forcing anons to e-bake. Your cancer is being cut out.

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58ef0b  No.13717471



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b9e7f2  No.13717472

File: 75e8281be4c7e42⋯.jpg (72.75 KB, 766x630, 383:315, 1594626200_2.jpg)



Latino Gay Black Trans

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08ac51  No.13717473

File: 766bb0eef9940b7⋯.jpg (628.42 KB, 1166x1284, 583:642, EN_.jpg)

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670909  No.13717474


I have maybe. but nothing significant.. Anime isn't worth any good it does here.. it does good.. but mostly its just toxic and demoralizing.

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9f213c  No.13717475

Judas is Pence.

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afaf94  No.13717476


you missed one

>>13717106, >>13717359, >>13717362

Maricopa County. Ignorance, incompetence or liars? (24:14)

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6e5a07  No.13717477


Are there two?

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fa4e09  No.13717478


Pop quiz. C'mon man. You should know this stuff.

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918ad9  No.13717479

ur a whack job



there's docs on the "Hitler didn't commit sucide" FBI files, they kept tabs on him

And rare magazine article from the sixties.

here's a shortist article covering the basics.


Zos was answering this creepy sophisticated satanist named Dietrich, and you can skp through the first part

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08ac51  No.13717480

File: bd39f2037051e92⋯.jpg (110.23 KB, 1039x959, 1039:959, ENspik.jpg)

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a8e959  No.13717481

File: 03249f0cd3885b6⋯.jpg (955.18 KB, 1290x1456, 645:728, SmartSelect_20200729_23090….jpg)

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000000  No.13717482


Not gonna lie, kinda sounds like you are afraid of what he has to say.

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860445  No.13717483

File: 1f5b3368ba066f0⋯.png (149.39 KB, 586x393, 586:393, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7a771165be397ea⋯.png (125.28 KB, 397x357, 397:357, ClipboardImage.png)


point notedno digging done, no input, just inane drivel, constant verbal diarrhea, kek !!

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000000  No.13717484

>>13717470 <~

>>13717463 <~


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9f213c  No.13717485


Pence is Judas.

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afaf94  No.13717487


no, to the west coast then…

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878939  No.13717488


YES! scraped as needed fur years and recently watchin how different bakers add ingredients and banter between shifts, read the tool, may practiss a bit on different boards dis weekend


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9f213c  No.13717489


Judas is Q.

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32e2d4  No.13717490

File: 4eace5b9df19bf7⋯.gif (913.92 KB, 480x270, 16:9, 1542693913_Satania_Good_Jo….gif)


Sometimes my insight, like other anons, has opened the doorway to important findings within digs.

And what is this about?

You feeling insecure that someone you show no respect towards actually has more value than a resident jannie whose only merit is they "know" 8bit?

Imagine.. Oh and I put together a large majority of the original Q graphic or MAP.

Also, I have been BAKING from the START.

Getting banned on 4cucks and helping with the migration from 4chins to infinity.

If you were any bit a decent person you'd thank me by now for giving away my time and life span to this project.

But hey, you do you.

I respect Anon.

And Anon respects me.

That is what matters.

Everything else is between you and God.

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afaf94  No.13717491


sounds tropical

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000000  No.13717492


>jumped on tor

Been on tor the whole time dummy.

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08ac51  No.13717493

File: 58bb3ce216de58a⋯.png (329.98 KB, 593x321, 593:321, peacP3.png)

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2cc093  No.13717494

File: abfe2b2a2e3ffee⋯.gif (329.96 KB, 220x202, 110:101, abfe2b2a2e3ffee5b15f590153….gif)

File: f6eb9e89b132f9f⋯.gif (953.66 KB, 500x282, 250:141, f6e.gif)

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08ac51  No.13717495

File: 1317fad58ce89df⋯.jpeg (48.75 KB, 255x300, 17:20, voteEC.jpeg)

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6a5df0  No.13717496

Imagine being as horrible as all of you operatives

and expecting a god to come save you.

Every single person sent into Trumps orbit, was an operative to trap him.

The real kicker is WWG1WGA.

On this board of all places.

Hope and Chains you can believe it!

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32e2d4  No.13717497

File: c6d799bb37d86da⋯.png (563.56 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, adc26f1c7073164c86eac6ef05….png)

>>13716907 (OP)

>>13717021 (Dough)

Notable Notes


>>13716989 The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Full Documentary

>>13717033 Consumer Prices Outpace Americans’ Wage Growth As Inflation Surges

>>13717045 Space Force CO Fired Over Comments About Marxism in the Military Now Subject of IG Probe

>>13717047 ​​OAN’s Chanel Rion had a sit-down interview with President Trump

>>13717084 Bahrain Sues 13 Banks for Laundering $1.3bn for Iran

>>13717096 Rittenhouse due to make first in-person court appearance

>>13717106, >>13717359, >>13717362 Maricopa County. Ignorance, incompetence or liars?

>>13717126 President al-Assad: existence of Israeli entity in the region based on terrorizing its people and assaulting their rights

>>13717247 Leaked Report: Israel Acknowledges Jews In Fact Khazars, Secret Plan For Reverse Migration to Ukraine

>>13717257 The Jews Behind All These Anti-Covid Vaccines

>>13717267 Possible energy attack being investigated near White House


>>13717328 Arizona Auditor: Did Not Backtrack on Election Database Deletion Allegation

>>13717348 Q DROP 1439 REVIEW

>>13717479 "Hitler didn't commit sucide" FBI files



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91aaf8  No.13717498

File: 0c1a6fed2c032d3⋯.jpg (2.53 KB, 125x107, 125:107, 1606714129628s.jpg)

Its been an honor

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58ef0b  No.13717499

File: 1460c6987ff2e5a⋯.jpg (28 KB, 381x382, 381:382, b51986fd64fef87b8adcd363a3….jpg)


Is the TOR ID the same?

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6e5a07  No.13717500

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8bd019  No.13717501



Either way. Tomorrow any bread you bake is locked and anons will either learn to bake or another baker will step up.

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fa5b78  No.13717502

Reminder 👀 :

THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot



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e6d52e  No.13717503

File: 294746cd1b5bcc5⋯.png (156.41 KB, 299x323, 299:323, EebVBJeX0AIFehV.png)



<Pretending not to be part of their team.

>Everyone sees right through you.

What is he, 22 posts deep at this point?

Yep. Totally normal BV behavior. Not here to stir up shit at all.

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000000  No.13717504


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32e2d4  No.13717505

File: be5bca26b8ea69c⋯.jpg (144.35 KB, 1200x969, 400:323, Satania_876d28_6822129.jpg)


What is this? Honor for ants?

It has to have honor at least three times this big!

Love you senpai

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08ac51  No.13717506

File: 0fad11a1892c423⋯.jpg (208.34 KB, 1242x1236, 207:206, wallsigQ.jpg)

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afaf94  No.13717507

File: cb3de0e6f9d2cc2⋯.jpeg (468.12 KB, 1800x1198, 900:599, cb3de0e6f9d2cc2e16d66fcc9….jpeg)

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6e63c5  No.13717508

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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670909  No.13717510


>And Anon respects me



Anons have been heard, thank you.

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000000  No.13717511


>Tomorrow any bread you bake is locked

Censorship kike bv.

You cunts are supposed to be seen, not heard.

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684b60  No.13717512




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9f213c  No.13717514

Trump is begging people to join his website. Trump lost to the worst president ever.

Trump failed.

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6e63c5  No.13717515

File: 0347a19c02a32bd⋯.gif (3.2 MB, 480x360, 4:3, 0347a19c02a32bd94a30b2cb47….gif)




click me

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08ac51  No.13717516

File: aed476563a2e28a⋯.jpeg (94.69 KB, 828x832, 207:208, right.jpeg)

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000000  No.13717517







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f6759c  No.13717518

File: 0d03186091f1887⋯.jpeg (30.7 KB, 255x191, 255:191, BD014E04_2CB6_4818_A493_2….jpeg)

File: 1edb6f74e2c57a7⋯.jpeg (121.45 KB, 1045x619, 1045:619, 7C153C41_EA54_405F_8578_7….jpeg)

File: 68dbd900d958b96⋯.jpeg (179.75 KB, 898x598, 449:299, C0FEF1F9_D376_4D80_9FDF_D….jpeg)

File: 83173eb7a1ff836⋯.jpeg (48.31 KB, 496x262, 248:131, 167779E4_F29F_4C11_A2B3_5….jpeg)

File: 50d93085a07c85c⋯.png (26.1 KB, 474x249, 158:83, 5D2DE253_8814_4CFF_A440_92….png)

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2cc093  No.13717519

File: 6ef8f551233e8eb⋯.png (140.93 KB, 480x270, 16:9, 288db0b2b4c414f9df98691b10….png)

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32e2d4  No.13717520

File: 9117674578dae57⋯.jpg (87.55 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, d818fc3b4f923e8dec2b43fc27….jpg)


No, I'm just high functioning with the only outlet being Q stuff.

So naturally an advance mind seems a "bit much" for someone who has such a limited appreciation for those who can carry on.

So is GEOTUS a manic? He only gets a few hours and sleep and is rocking it.

Try harder, or maybe expand your thinking.

Maybe it is you that is just slow and lack concentration.

Go through the fucking bread and read my posts.

It's coherent, unlike your lame excuse for a perceive experience.


Yeah I get it, you plan to fuck up another day of baking because you have too many insecurities.

Keep it up bud, only proves one thing.

How petty you truly are.

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878939  No.13717521


wtf, seriously? practically every bread? are you paid by post, or the creator literally spamming ads all the time?

decodes = wrong

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000000  No.13717522


>That's where you are wrong, faggot.


Time for another bv purge.

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5d2a0e  No.13717523


well i'm not impressed by all the phony contrition and fake amends. let me make one thing clear, i don't post news items because i need (You)s to boost my ego. i do it to share what seems relevant or hopefully even important. i posted 3 such items from RT and Sputnik in the previous bread, and baker indicated they were added to notables, but lo and behold, none of them are in the list(s) now. like i said, i'm not here for my ego. unfortunately that can't be said for the bakers, the BVs and everyone else who chose to insert themselves into their sad little drama. it reminds me of Kissinger's quote about academia… "The reason the infighting is so intense is because the stakes are so insignificant." i think many of us hope that what goes on here might be just a wee bit more significant than academic infighting, but apparently the degree of childishness is a human constant. times like this make me question if humanity deserves to be saved. bakers an BV, just do your fucking jobs, collect notables, purge kiddie porn, and leave your fucking fragile egos at the fucking door before you come in. is that REALLY asking so much?

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08ac51  No.13717524

File: 5cd0842ee4c1f32⋯.jpeg (18.33 KB, 188x255, 188:255, standU.jpeg)

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32e2d4  No.13717526

File: 99544a62bcdd102⋯.gif (31.72 KB, 220x228, 55:57, tenor1.gif)


Why don't you go ahead and fix the bread title to #17367

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9f213c  No.13717527

Trump could have been the greatest President ever but he turned his administration over to Q.

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000000  No.13717528



Totally not a jew.

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e6d52e  No.13717529

File: c669fc0f7bb7a46⋯.jpg (117.19 KB, 1503x900, 167:100, unnamed.jpg)



Make that 25 posts deep.

Already blocked you fag. Can't hear you.

BV has also been IP hopping, posting anonymously and as BV with the same ID, generally just trying to avoid the filter and acts like the fact that he can see IP's is some kind of GOTCHA.

Oh, you see that I posted other things and I'm now posting this. Wow, Einstein, it's almost like I post shit here all the time. You figured it out.


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afaf94  No.13717530

File: 891c411dda35715⋯.png (113.41 KB, 984x246, 4:1, ClipboardImage.png)

same number, again

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795beb  No.13717531


Watching you writhe is the most fun I've had all day.

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b01b84  No.13717532

File: 34143775a497288⋯.gif (115.26 KB, 157x88, 157:88, 20210521_005026.gif)

you didn't get the memo?


the west is dead.

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32e2d4  No.13717533

File: 20789c0d7fc6c3c⋯.gif (289.59 KB, 220x250, 22:25, tenor_2_.gif)


You wouldn't know an Anon if was talking to you right as we speak.

Shills will gravitate to anything that forces a divide.

You took the bait and now you can't accept that you are wrong.

OSS is a glow nigger and you can't accept that either because he said some funnies with you.

Imagine being this much of a fucking normie.

Accept where you made a mistake and move forward.

Continuing down the path you are on will only beckon you to answer that phone.

Unless, that is what you are trying for?

Serious shit, cut that fucking shit out fuckhead.

How stupid are you really?

Just how stupid?

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000000  No.13717534







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fa5b78  No.13717535


Why do you start with alie ?

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58ef0b  No.13717536

File: 81eb9f78f44e8e9⋯.jpg (59.64 KB, 552x554, 276:277, tzaydsf.jpg)


>Can't hear you.

This board has a text to speech?

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08ac51  No.13717537

File: 63dbb24b4806780⋯.jpg (67.19 KB, 634x634, 1:1, archie.jpg)

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9f213c  No.13717538

Trump could have been the greatest President ever but he turned his administration over to Q.

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b01b84  No.13717541



you own ego makes you speak thus.

are you smart enough to grok that?

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cbdf32  No.13717542

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58ef0b  No.13717543





Better quality.

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6e5a07  No.13717544


I appreciate your skills, you are a personality who needs lots of attention, some people don't like it, since you bake what happens when some may want to filter the personality?

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afaf94  No.13717545



Internationals need replacing

>>13687849 UK #38

>>13696713 Canada #19

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487ca2  No.13717546

File: 1ff5cc9a719c373⋯.png (901.65 KB, 585x585, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


One could reasonably argue that a change in BV culture forces a change of board culture. Don't get anon wrong, increased BV presence has been required. Anon had interest to become BV due to timezone and logic flex, so had some thoughts as to what a BV should do. In anons humble opinion a BV is mostly concerned with the metadata of a bread, duties being renumbering, locking duplicates, preventing and rectifying kitchen theft and bread splits. BVs only concern for bread content was deleting CP, dox and on the odd occasion exposing schizopherenic shills arguing with themselves, but only to restore confidence in a legit baker, or to clarify Qs attributes during the wee hours when the bread is populated by majority newfags. Anything of more importance would be settled by someone higher up the chain, anything of lower importance is the cost of anon humint. Now that there is a more aggressive enforcement of the no spam rule, it has to make sense, to convince anons with functional headboxes that this is justified and required.


Take for example the favorite football of division, JQ. The premise seems to generally be that the head of the snake is jews and that they are all born evil. What are the rules that change this from opinion to spam? At one extreme a BV must be present and active in every bread to del the 3-5 tor posts that interrupt or immediately proceed the dough. At a different extreme JQ posts can only be deleted when they are identical and sequential, and only in that bread. At yet another extreme JQ content is always spam unless the post details some sort of study of epigenetics and fuck knows what else that argues that genetic jews pass down genetic attributes, only when mating with another genetic jew, that could be dumbed down to "evil". Add into the mix the usual division kayfabe and legitimate attempts to improve the board and perform your BV function could be argued to be BVs steering the culture of the board, hence manufacturing new rules.


TLDR; Maybe BVs should aspire to demonstrably be basic function programs, written int he least lines of code, consuming the least amount of systems resources. Show us your source code.

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9f213c  No.13717547


Trump could have been the greatest President ever but he turned his administration over to Q.

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670909  No.13717548


2 weeks ago OSS was your only friend that you leaned on while EVERYONE begged you to leave some nicely and others more honestly

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000000  No.13717549







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32e2d4  No.13717550

File: abff63ccdb34251⋯.png (160.27 KB, 400x550, 8:11, C47zh4UWIAMGKlD.png)

File: f12f997821cda95⋯.png (317.33 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fac74077b055310⋯.png (255.36 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


But I'm not writhing.. you must have a terrible perception of reality.

I'm literally on cloud 9 right now.

Listening to that dancing song on repeat, vaping some menthol berry and drinking some juice.

It's super chilled.

This is the time of the night that my mind gets really clear and comfy.

I loved graveyard baking, but now I have to fix my sleep schedule in case the Army actually accepts me.

You guys want to see my letter?

I wrote it up in like 20 minutes or so, but was way too lazy to make it even greater.

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6a5df0  No.13717551

File: ef82bca81e059cf⋯.png (1.35 MB, 825x825, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Crimes against humanity.

All complicit.


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f6759c  No.13717552

File: dfec906e49acd70⋯.jpeg (436.96 KB, 953x663, 953:663, A7950965_E143_4FD0_981F_3….jpeg)

File: dddc0bd60f92aff⋯.jpeg (644.04 KB, 1202x656, 601:328, FA85ABAA_2E9C_4A26_8C79_6….jpeg)

File: 1fbd5e87ca8412a⋯.jpeg (179.49 KB, 1373x896, 1373:896, 677D29A0_0C18_41AF_96B9_2….jpeg)

File: 4804acaed290578⋯.jpeg (48.61 KB, 720x540, 4:3, 22470C4E_C272_48BD_BED4_6….jpeg)

File: 64fba2bc8d3c1fb⋯.jpeg (21.37 KB, 255x254, 255:254, B1095E1E_A593_4E8A_A19A_F….jpeg)

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e6d52e  No.13717553



Bitch is trying for a record at this point.

Still can't hear you with all of our dicks in your mouth, fag.

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834af1  No.13717554


AFLB can't drop his ego no matter who he larps as.

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08ac51  No.13717555

File: b40e2e0b9bcc187⋯.mp4 (564.06 KB, 640x624, 40:39, ObDnc.mp4)

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6e63c5  No.13717556

File: 2559e60b80fb816⋯.png (150.55 KB, 602x351, 602:351, main_qimg_d32cf4c91e8c7fc4….png)

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e391b3  No.13717557

File: 569d97e0b04f651⋯.jpg (355.9 KB, 1080x716, 270:179, 569d97e0b04f651b96a586c571….jpg)

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32e2d4  No.13717558

File: d346d1f78100785⋯.jpg (69.95 KB, 443x550, 443:550, d346d1f78100785cfa63874abf….jpg)


No I was just trying to tame OSS, at no point did I have respect for him.

The more you know.

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b01b84  No.13717559


don didn`t lose.


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58ef0b  No.13717560


What's up with your time? The time is 4 hours ahead of me.

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32e2d4  No.13717561



o7 p7

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6e63c5  No.13717562

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hooverphonic - 2 Wicky

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068af8  No.13717563

This BV is going full Jewish Nigger

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5d2a0e  No.13717564


>you own ego makes you speak thus.

>are you smart enough to grok that?

and now you resort to "i know you are but what am i?" REALLY? THAT'S your reasoned response. grow the fuck up, child. GROK THAT.

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918ad9  No.13717565

File: a90faf95c89c95f⋯.jpg (32.17 KB, 452x418, 226:209, rosensteinliar_.jpg)



This is the image that goes with it

I double posted on by accident

The man behind is who Q team mentioned

it's the same who gave RR the beard at his retirement ceremony

Ed O'Callahan

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055b12  No.13717566



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860445  No.13717567

File: a5a33277a168e8d⋯.gif (1.47 MB, 356x200, 89:50, open_mind_gif.gif)


there is something that may not have been considered, there is no way of knowing the age of the poster, but judging by their written word and use of language, it does appear juvenile, so at a guess, we could be dealing with literal children trying to take over the boards. Moar concerned with ego and hiatus then knowledge and important info?

just a observation !!!

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9f213c  No.13717568


He's not President.

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fa5b78  No.13717569

What has become of research and discussion of Arizona Audit in this place?

Board is still comp'd.

Q knows, Anons know

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08ac51  No.13717571

File: 916bf368fab996a⋯.png (688.6 KB, 1280x1135, 256:227, bgPan.png)

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e391b3  No.13717572

File: 1d423e07af8153d⋯.gif (1.84 MB, 260x297, 260:297, 1d423e07af8153d7fa789ae96f….gif)


checked and keked

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9f213c  No.13717573


My children are lost save yours.

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7ff310  No.13717574

File: 00bf48ba444490a⋯.png (326.54 KB, 1040x1760, 13:22, 1433.png)


May 21, 2018 7:04:49 PM EDT

Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 622a94 No. 1497716

Military OP.


General K [JFK]

Full Disclosure.

General Statement:

Once the 'extremely guarded & highly classified' information is finally revealed to House investigators, DNI, public etc., RR must recuse or forcefully terminated.

[RR] problems.

What was RR's Senate Conf Vote?

WRAY reports to RR [important fact].

Who do you TRUST?

[RR] recuse/fired who has direct oversight of Mueller?

Sessions un-recuse or #3 [until refill]?

Who is Rachel Brand?

Why was Rachel Brand dismissed?

Think timing.

"The succession question is actually a bit complicated. By default, under an obscure statute known as the the Vacancies Reform Act of 1998, Brand’s temporary successor as the “acting” associate attorney general is her principal deputy, Jesse Panuccio. That same statute would also allow the president to choose someone else to serve as the “acting” AAG on a temporary basis for up to 210 days; the pool of individuals from which the president could draw in this case includes individuals already holding Senate-confirmed positions elsewhere in the executive branch (like EPA administrator Scott Pruitt) or senior civil service lawyers in the Justice Department, specifically."



When does the clock run out?

Why is Schneiderman's removal 'extremely' relevant?

TRUST (name).

These people are stupid.



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f6759c  No.13717575

File: 48beb8dfcfa5a20⋯.jpeg (25.51 KB, 193x255, 193:255, 5B8378E1_F03D_47F3_BCFC_E….jpeg)

File: 4aaf8fbf704fd45⋯.jpeg (104.37 KB, 941x490, 941:490, CCE56078_1EE9_49F9_A018_0….jpeg)

File: 59166bdf90b8ad5⋯.jpeg (148.08 KB, 992x414, 496:207, 856619C3_86BD_46ED_ABCA_D….jpeg)

File: cf4bb017e174e2a⋯.png (359.15 KB, 680x467, 680:467, A36C345B_8ADA_410A_B43C_AA….png)

File: fc1d56910281566⋯.jpeg (36.95 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 5E4D0EA3_EF61_4076_800F_6….jpeg)

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32e2d4  No.13717576

File: 48f261a8debaa29⋯.gif (837.45 KB, 480x266, 240:133, CIW1gc6.gif)


Nah the sad truth.. I felt bad for him.

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000000  No.13717577







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588252  No.13717578

File: 430beea97ff8da9⋯.jpg (516.88 KB, 1156x854, 578:427, Richer1.jpg)

File: 9d78633255260ac⋯.jpg (194.62 KB, 730x516, 365:258, Richer2.jpg)

File: 27a965640511972⋯.jpg (247.78 KB, 1098x1029, 366:343, Richer3.jpg)

File: b143a0cd9ff37d6⋯.jpg (373.42 KB, 833x835, 833:835, Resnik1.jpg)

File: 831fd4f7944c471⋯.jpg (394.7 KB, 852x851, 852:851, Resnik2.jpg)

<Richer all cock-a-hoop and shyte in 2020

"We did it!"


Maricopa County Recorder-elect Stephen Richer wants to get rid of 'partisan noise'

>351 views•Nov 13, 2020

“I’ve likened this office to a referee in a football game,” Richer said Friday morning. “If the referee is doing a good job, you’re not talking about the referee.

>Brahm Resnik is the "reporter" who interviewed Richer, suspect he's a Soros asset.


<Resnik and fellow travelers


DEMOCRAT PANIC! ‘Reporter’ from Phoenix Warns Far-left MSNBC that the Maricopa Audit Process Might Be Used in the Future

>Arizona ‘reporter’ Brahm Resnik was invited on conspiracy site MSNBC this morning to spew opinions about the current audit effort in Maricopa County. He did at least warn MSNBC that this audit process could [and should] be in place across the country soon.

By Joe Hoft

>Published April 27, 2021 at 5:47pm

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670909  No.13717579


Wow, you revealed you were only trying to tame OSS, my mind is blown.. So deception is your game and you suck at it.. OSS takes shits on you and ridicules both sides of your Bipolarfagging… but oooooh, you tamed him.. so sneaky.. sneakiest shitpill on the board.

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08ac51  No.13717580

File: 7cb1c709f6b6cd3⋯.png (405.71 KB, 429x728, 33:56, hamas.png)

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000000  No.13717581







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b01b84  No.13717582


dandelions do not grow on a President`s lawn.

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5d2a0e  No.13717583


>it does appear juvenile

his/her/its reply used the term "grok," a reference to "stranger in a strange land." doesn't mean they can't be a child, but millennials tend to be oblivious to anything outside their insulated cultural cocoon.

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cbdf32  No.13717584


Interesting point, that currently a Dr. is threatened with loosing license/practice if they challenge a young person’s self-diagnosis of gender disphoria. The Dr. is told by their umbrella Practice that they must agree and affirm the young person’s belief on such a thing. Crazy!!!

The medical Business is seriously fucked up.

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9f213c  No.13717585

Q is Queer.

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08ac51  No.13717586

File: c6ffb35e3d88910⋯.png (2.3 MB, 1233x1248, 411:416, decad.png)

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58ef0b  No.13717588

File: 52d26253d1a1dad⋯.jpg (97.68 KB, 521x1024, 521:1024, 1621571634374.jpg)

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32e2d4  No.13717589

File: fa8c94287d029cd⋯.png (627.82 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, e8bdc66232c2ab7f12ddacb337….png)


To your perception he is "winning"

In my mind he is just a series of thought patterns and game realities.

But yeah, I did feel bad for him.

So I stood up for him.

Then over time, I regretted it moar and moar and moar.

Finally, it all snapped.

I recognize that he was a monster.

I was like, OH FUG WHAT HAVE I DONE!!!!

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055b12  No.13717590


May i ask, about how old are u, anon?

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9f213c  No.13717591


My first born son who was a worship leader is a girl.

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08ac51  No.13717592

File: 7366a5a356c4844⋯.jpg (102.26 KB, 1125x857, 1125:857, chosen1.jpg)

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32e2d4  No.13717593

File: aa36142c08b7a83⋯.png (727.88 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, e972e34408859a1a015f29c6a2….png)


Well he was getting shit on so hard by /comms/ and I felt bad for the little CIA GLOW NIGGER.

I figured he was like me for a second, just a wild one that cannot be tamed by conventional memes.

But as I have said, I continued to observe his behavior and low and behold.

You are here now.

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32e2d4  No.13717594



Oh and I know how old he is.

He let that slip out when we were fighting in discord.

Kek.. and he has a wife?

Meh, fooled me.

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9f213c  No.13717595

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918ad9  No.13717596

File: c3423fc1665dbaf⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1200x863, 1200:863, mediapanic.png)


I think it's a phoney Nobody could be that obcessed over a cartoon character?

It's like Trump hate. They don't even know the man.

With Jew Hate, if it's real? and not for being Provocateur, they don't even know one Jew


Can you imagine how scary being a Jew with all these lunatics hating you for nothing you ever did?

Much like SJW hating a White WASP and literally wanting to kill because of "muh geocide of the Indians" 400 years ago?

Scary because they really want to destroy you for something imaginal..

That shit is pushed by Propaganda/


Drawing crazy ugly pictures of people in your race. Would be very scary if you were Jewish.

These lunatics on here.

Commandeered the Bake

Thnks it's a hero?


It's is very retro to think like that. Cave man.

That's why I think most of it is a joke?

It's gotta be faked at least fifty percent?

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670909  No.13717597


No my perception doesn't see OSS playing the game you're playing by yourself.. OSS Doesn't give a shit.. YOU are completely fucked in the head, you behave as though "you never consider that possibly YOU are the faggot in this situation" (your own words), except the reality is you know, you don't care, and you're just here to keep being a faggot because you never leave your screen and your life is a big wank.

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055b12  No.13717598


Please forgive my seeming brutishness, but what you mean is that your son believes he is a girl?

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08ac51  No.13717599

File: 1bec5ccd58ca02f⋯.jpg (147.62 KB, 775x737, 775:737, neand.jpg)

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7ff310  No.13717600

File: 1a430ba3959f5a4⋯.mp4 (11.56 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 111_LC_46351_3_mov_2.mp4)

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e64a46  No.13717601

File: 3dfcf1c3124ccb6⋯.jpg (174.56 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 20israel_gaza_briefing_gaz….jpg)

Palestinians got their shit kicked in for 10 days straight. NYT and Hamas call it victory


As the cease-fire between Israel and Hamas took effect at 2 a.m. local time on Friday, thousands of Palestinians gathered in the streets of Gaza City to celebrate what Hamas supporters were calling a defeat of the Israeli forces.

With the skies free from the threat of Israeli bombardment for the first time since May 10, loudspeakers at mosques blared “God is great,” a chant more often heard during holidays such as Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. Voices on the speakers called on residents to come out “to celebrate the victory,” while some Hamas supporters passed out sweets and others toted weapons on their shoulders, occasionally firing into the air.

“I feel we won,” said Ibrahim Hamdan, 26, adding that barrages of rocket attacks by Hamas had forced Israel to accept the cease-fire.

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06a1e2  No.13717603


Tame OSS? WELL, I guess that confirms you're at least retarded.

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f6759c  No.13717604

File: 7edf46954f0c81e⋯.jpeg (100.57 KB, 900x600, 3:2, FF7E5AE6_4FC6_4AD6_A38F_8….jpeg)

File: 71322f1590617d6⋯.jpeg (157.33 KB, 721x960, 721:960, 833C24D6_C2F1_42D3_89C1_E….jpeg)

File: 363b14d167649e8⋯.jpeg (360.87 KB, 915x570, 61:38, 22FE7409_1900_4893_A086_0….jpeg)

File: 746bf690897c729⋯.jpeg (403.11 KB, 746x550, 373:275, EDB72D98_9E4C_4356_B8C3_C….jpeg)

File: 05bee466cc37035⋯.jpeg (96.07 KB, 624x536, 78:67, C4DD8CDA_7198_4428_98B0_7….jpeg)

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cbdf32  No.13717605


About how old were you when your son was born?

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860445  No.13717606

File: 6633d52ca3583a3⋯.mp4 (1.26 MB, 960x720, 4:3, 834ab13d02f396cd_834ab13d0….mp4)

File: ba096923a645983⋯.mp4 (3.63 MB, 720x720, 1:1, congress_dance.mp4)

File: 8abe63861c9ab86⋯.mp4 (1018.66 KB, 640x360, 16:9, royal_version.mp4)


trips chek'ed

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9f213c  No.13717607


He has a beard and says he is a girl.

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b01b84  No.13717608

millenarian moar like…

and it was a clockwork orange reference.

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66c0c8  No.13717609


Well put.

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9f213c  No.13717610

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32e2d4  No.13717611

File: 11e79803a839063⋯.jpg (298.8 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 8HkOnGJ.jpg)


Nah, OSS got rid of COMMS because I supported him.

Then Anons who supported me supported it too.

It was a bad idea and I cannot apologize for my misguided bullshit.

I suppose it shows that I am human.

The worst part is that I feel as though I betrayed Anon's confidence in my ability to discern friend from foe.

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055b12  No.13717612


Some places allow 13 year olds to self medicate chemical sterilization. Madness!!!!!!!!

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32e2d4  No.13717613

File: c503f95cafaf963⋯.jpg (83.07 KB, 951x534, 317:178, Delet_this_35d31ab32ce965f….jpg)

>>13716907 (OP)

>>13717021 (Dough)

Notable Notes


>>13716989 The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Full Documentary

>>13717033 Consumer Prices Outpace Americans’ Wage Growth As Inflation Surges

>>13717045 Space Force CO Fired Over Comments About Marxism in the Military Now Subject of IG Probe

>>13717047 ​​OAN’s Chanel Rion had a sit-down interview with President Trump

>>13717084 Bahrain Sues 13 Banks for Laundering $1.3bn for Iran

>>13717096 Rittenhouse due to make first in-person court appearance

>>13717106, >>13717359, >>13717362 Maricopa County. Ignorance, incompetence or liars?

>>13717126 President al-Assad: existence of Israeli entity in the region based on terrorizing its people and assaulting their rights

>>13717247 Leaked Report: Israel Acknowledges Jews In Fact Khazars, Secret Plan For Reverse Migration to Ukraine

>>13717257 The Jews Behind All These Anti-Covid Vaccines

>>13717267 Possible energy attack being investigated near White House


>>13717328 Arizona Auditor: Did Not Backtrack on Election Database Deletion Allegation

>>13717348 Q DROP 1439 REVIEW

>>13717479 "Hitler didn't commit suicide" FBI files

>>13717574 Q DROP 1433 REVIEW

Notables? I've got your notables right here..

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9f213c  No.13717614


He's only had girlfriends.

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66c0c8  No.13717616




SIXTY-FIVE fucking posts.

Quit (You)ing this fucker.

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cbdf32  No.13717617



Again, please forgive

Are you sure your son is not just fucking with you, to get your goat so to speak?

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6a5df0  No.13717618

File: 12a2805ced4523e⋯.png (438.66 KB, 531x375, 177:125, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8877b14a96a44a2⋯.png (475.59 KB, 757x375, 757:375, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 88e2f6e41426493⋯.png (460.24 KB, 560x375, 112:75, ClipboardImage.png)


>With Jew Hate, if it's real?

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c59717  No.13717619

File: 432ba893c8fb5bb⋯.jpg (18.09 KB, 360x171, 40:19, ge11.JPG)




May 21 Ghost Ezra telegram

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08ac51  No.13717620

File: 59868a2847044c6⋯.jpeg (710.84 KB, 3000x1998, 500:333, pepeorch.jpeg)


Most excellent collection!


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055b12  No.13717621


So he was born around 1990. About when did he start telling you this? Before or after YOU noticed any behavior? Did it coincide with any homosexuality?

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000000  No.13717622







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32e2d4  No.13717623

File: 2c85e813870a1d3⋯.gif (392.02 KB, 480x270, 16:9, 1510234964_shelooksbetterw….gif)


No that is really what happened.

OSS was sperging out and Anon was saying


Making fun of him, then I started to sperg with him and eventually we pushed out COMMS.

It all happened over a course of about a week?

And yes, removing COMMS was and still is a bad idea.

It was a good place to train new bakers.

During that time we had an abundance of bakers.

Now look at this shit.

I consider having to bake this long and never get a hand off as divine justice.

It is partly my fault and I don't deserve whatever comes my way for it.

Which seems to be taking place.

With that said, I hope to correct the wrong.


Do you even know what OSS stands for and the symbol he projects?

Why is he trying so hard to NAMEFAG a CIA name?

Attach GOOD to the symbol?

Once CIA always CIA.

Q even stated, "Some "ANONS" not organic, INJECTED"

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9f213c  No.13717624


No. His inheritance would be millions of dollars.

He /she will get nothing.

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cbdf32  No.13717625


So he thinks he’s a girl, and a lesbian?

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e64a46  No.13717626


>OSS got rid of comms

And things have been tippity fucking top ever since.

They were so good Q asked for the ship to be tidied up when that happened. Now we have a total of like two bakers.

Animefag being the main one.

Good times.

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58ef0b  No.13717627


How soon is soon?

Like two weeks soon?

Next week?

Watch Hannity?

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08ac51  No.13717628

File: 76869aad39f0e6b⋯.jpg (146.43 KB, 1331x1283, 1331:1283, WWG1pu.jpg)

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9f213c  No.13717629


He's violent and tried to kill his cousin.

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000000  No.13717630







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90898a  No.13717631


Thanks anime anon.

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58ef0b  No.13717632


Last year I used to note collect for a morning baker called WDP.

One day in /comms/ I saw the baker admit to changing notables.

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9f213c  No.13717633


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06a1e2  No.13717634


Exactly. Occultist Socialist, who played word games, the way all socialists do, for power.

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b01b84  No.13717635

File: ed88a85ed489dbf⋯.gif (6.53 MB, 471x471, 1:1, 20210521_011616.gif)

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32e2d4  No.13717636

File: 67443da0687c242⋯.png (945.9 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 67443da0687c2421b076db56df….png)


Means a lot coming from you, senpai.

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2893ce  No.13717637

File: c7aef76af84ac48⋯.jpg (493.95 KB, 1080x1440, 3:4, gato.jpg)


Shills and clown bakers are fever pitch these days.

Q will post today.

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670909  No.13717638


>No that is really what happened.

Minus you splitting every 5th bread and half the board begging you to leave

>Anon was saying

Anons were begging you to shut the fuck up sit the fuck down, and ditch the anime, which only you and maybe a handful of lesser trainwreck copycats post.. Q, TRUMP, PATRIOTISM, JESUS, YOU DISLIKE JEWS, i don't care what anyone is here for, but its not for some tranny posting anime, you're a cancer in this movement.. no one is running around trump rallies with fucking demon anime pedo trash.. you fucking, pathetic, trash

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055b12  No.13717639


Gender disphoria, physiological or psychological would often come with LOADS of other ‘troubles’.

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918ad9  No.13717640

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The news media was just completely making up crazy lies about DJT POTUS

can you imagine being him


It'd be like the Truman show; everybody's fucking with you ' trying to destroy your family, And then with the election

They all turned their backs.

and still today 35 Republiicans went along with the "Commision for investigation the Capital"

Completely fabricated event , including the death of the young woman.

This has gotta end.

still waiting.

I just hope the crooks are being rounded up behind the scenes- this still slowness on the surface would give them a good long time to work it out perfect.

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000000  No.13717641









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b01b84  No.13717642


nice .gif.

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620e8e  No.13717643

File: df1a58ad51d6b73⋯.jpg (121.55 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, Kermit_s_swamp_years_origi….jpg)

File: cde4a641a29772d⋯.jpg (138.03 KB, 1000x560, 25:14, Title_swampyears.jpg)

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9f213c  No.13717644


No shit.

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91aaf8  No.13717645

File: 66f9e671f6b4546⋯.png (115.07 KB, 254x255, 254:255, 1609206047768.png)

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fa5b78  No.13717646


misleading, misdirecting

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06a1e2  No.13717647


I guess that means you don't need to lurk here anymore. Might as well find another anonymous board to troll.

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32e2d4  No.13717648

File: 3dfee5784fdb4ed⋯.png (761.34 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 53789dd2fd11ce84baed23ed04….png)


I'm not the one splitting the bread, you would be following along.

You'd notice that there are two namefag or known bakers at the moment.

Myself and OSS.

You can count Gerbz but he only E-bakes.

So ask yourself.

OSS has gotten ride of COMMS with my retarded help, sorry sorry.

Getting rid of COMMS left us with minimal bakers.

So guess what?

If OSS pushes me out that is the last of the mohicans.

SO my counter?

Correct the mistake, the HUGE MISTAKE I made.

By BTFO OSS and returning COMMS.

Forgive me Anon, I failed you


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5ec74f  No.13717649

lb >>13713258

3 religions with overlaps. Which is the oldest? Therefore, which one could have given rise to the other two? And which one was the only one allowed to lend money at interest. Coincidence?

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9f213c  No.13717650


My dad was a pansexual.

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58ef0b  No.13717651

File: 6634bb61433f57b⋯.jpg (60.84 KB, 540x536, 135:134, angwy.jpg)





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055b12  No.13717652


For whatever reasons you may have

At least one good reason thisanon thinks of is that limiting easy money may be one good way to reduce his reach and influence onto/into others.

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3b2e20  No.13717653


there ARE rules

however, concur review and possible expansion of deletion guidelines seems appropriate

however, any deletion = not free speech

anon likes target locked on spammers - ALL SPAMMERS

maybe repost this in breads across shifts this weekend, to obtain input from all ?

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918ad9  No.13717654


This of this

They can convince a man he's a woman

A woman she's a man

An airplane can fly through the wall of a building and not crash

How much easier is "Russia Russia" "Trump is bad"?

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670909  No.13717655


KEK, you play "delusion of grandeur" but you know that you're complete trash, and you disrespect anons with your silly game you play by yourself..

68 posts now out of 6/22 and all you do is make up some new quest instead of working with the criticism you're given by the community on the board.. Fuck you dude

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834af1  No.13717656


His goal is t

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90898a  No.13717657


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000000  No.13717658









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055b12  No.13717659


What, like back in the 60’s and 70’s? Can only imagine the clothes he wore.

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32e2d4  No.13717660

File: 4f71507f26119d6⋯.gif (53.35 KB, 225x534, 75:178, 4f71507f26119d64f7f9ff9a50….gif)


I'm so fucking high above that garbage mindset you haven't an idea where we are going with this.

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055b12  No.13717661


ding ding ding ding ding

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00d10e  No.13717662

File: 123497c3269227f⋯.jpg (666.49 KB, 1422x1067, 1422:1067, Patience.jpg)

File: d8f3a832a1ddcd9⋯.png (11.37 KB, 378x293, 378:293, OnlyAnonsCan.png)

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06a1e2  No.13717663


Clever retort. Well, enjoy that shekel. Hope those shoes feel real cozy when you finally dangle.

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58ef0b  No.13717664



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9f213c  No.13717665

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670909  No.13717666


No you're a fuckin freak who larps as an anime girl on a board dedicated to information about deep state activity.. It is what it is.. a lot of people are rooting for you to just tone it down.. ditch the demon girl bit, just be what you really are.. nothing… an anon.. thats what this place is really about

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fa5b78  No.13717667



So much non-contributional capital red letter competence and authority must be rewarded

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918ad9  No.13717668

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.



New Testament was first, modern scholars have determined.

You might disbelieve but it proved with mathetmatics and statistics.

History of Deception/Illusions Surfacing?


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32e2d4  No.13717669

File: faf4f4222d9c3ce⋯.jpg (18.68 KB, 358x358, 1:1, 33fdd64954995dde82b1085c56….jpg)


Yes anon.. because I'm actually thinking I'm a fucking anime girl.

Holy shit, it fucking writes itself..

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ccbf5e  No.13717670



Replace the previously collected notables and internationals, ty

>>13687849 UK #38

>>13696713 Canada #19

Previously Collected Notables

>>13713805 #17363, >>13714621 #17364, >>13716969 #17365

>>13711206 #17360, >>13712115 #17361, >>13712887 #17362,

>>13708696 #17357, >>13709478 #17358, >>13710295 #17359

>>13706248 #17354, >>13707057 #17355, >>13707879 #17356

>>13703380 #17351, >>13704629 #17352, >>13705436 #17353

>>13701339 #17348, >>13702067 #17349, >>13702981 #17350

>>13698709 #17345, >>13699602 #17346, >>13701535 #17347

>>13697020 #17342, >>13697133 #17343,#17344 TBC

>>13693779 #17339, >>13694574 #17340, >>13695403 #17341

>>13691541 #17336,#17337 TBC#17338 TBC

>>13688992 #17333, >>13689704 #17334, >>13690498 #17335

>>13686717 #17330, >>13687296 #17331, >>13688239 #17332

>>13686744 #17327, >>13685880 #17328, >>13686699 #17329

>>13680637 #17324, >>13681448 #17325, >>13684097 #17326

>>13679893 #17321, >>13679133 #17322, >>13679932 #17323

>>13676378 #17318, >>13676807 #17319, >>13677575 #17320

>>13674642 #17315, >>13674689 #17316, >>13675205 #17317

>>13671189 #17312, >>13671825 #17313, >>13672753 #17314

>>13670463 #17309, >>13669504 #17310, >>13672834 #17211

>>13666182 #17306, >>13671590 #17307, >>13667832 #17308

>>13663826 #17303, >>13664591 #17304, >>13665310 #17305

>>13661670 #17300, >>13662438 #17301, >>13671417 #17302

>>13659215 #17297, >>13660506 #17298, >>13666192 #17299

>>13657402 #17294, >>13657651 #17295, >>13658461 #17296

>>13657612 #17291, >>13657520 #17292, >>13656042 #17293

>>13651961 #17288, >>13653436 #17289, >>13655467 #17290

>>13649696 #17285, >>13650533 #17286, >>13651380 #17287

>>13647478 #17282, >>13648226 #17283, >>13657543 #17284

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e41d26  No.13717671

File: 48e86c1b2fc28af⋯.jpg (114.92 KB, 1132x767, 1132:767, U_S_vaxx.JPG)

U.S. vaxx tracker

At least 159 174 963 people or 48% of the population have received at least one dose.

Overall, 125 453 423 people or 38% of the population have been fully vaccinated.


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9f213c  No.13717672


He was LAPD Hookers and actress.

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b01b84  No.13717673


>mathematics and statistics…

must be true then.

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06a1e2  No.13717674


That's…. just too stupid to not come right out and state the obvious ("you're an obvious glowing faggot") trope to go with it.

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670909  No.13717675


Conveniently deny it now, and then dive deeper into character later, and use your persona as an excused for constant fuckery and self-contradiction.. Fuck you dude

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000000  No.13717676







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ccbf5e  No.13717677

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487ca2  No.13717678

File: fcc7713834495a1⋯.png (128.41 KB, 748x489, 748:489, ClipboardImage.png)


>maybe repost this in breads across shifts this weekend, to obtain input from all ?

Yeah alright anon, just don't wreak my shit for spam BVs.

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9f213c  No.13717679


He walked Norma Jean to Uni High.

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32e2d4  No.13717680

File: bff392b4b2424be⋯.gif (1.4 MB, 500x281, 500:281, bff392b4b2424be538652ed1f0….gif)


It's literally my personality.

The fuck are you on about?

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32e2d4  No.13717681

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fa5b78  No.13717682


Yes. I second that notion. DS clown shills are so exited, there must be something hitting the fan these hours …

Love & Blessings Anon

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9f213c  No.13717683


My mom was raped by Walt Disney.

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ccbf5e  No.13717684

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055b12  No.13717685


Can’t imagine many if any of Us here, are particularly normal… but between your father and your son… what do you think happened to yourself by comparison. Slipped through the cracks into some kind of ‘normal’… but your son did not?

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000000  No.13717686












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8da73b  No.13717687

File: 26cf853c220a4b7⋯.png (390.16 KB, 1320x2652, 110:221, 1621528140166.png)


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06a1e2  No.13717688

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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9f213c  No.13717690


West LA in the 40's.

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32e2d4  No.13717691

>>13716907 (OP)

>>13717021 (Dough)

Notable Notes


>>13716989 The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion Full Documentary

>>13717033 Consumer Prices Outpace Americans’ Wage Growth As Inflation Surges

>>13717045 Space Force CO Fired Over Comments About Marxism in the Military Now Subject of IG Probe

>>13717047 ​​OAN’s Chanel Rion had a sit-down interview with President Trump

>>13717084 Bahrain Sues 13 Banks for Laundering $1.3bn for Iran

>>13717096 Rittenhouse due to make first in-person court appearance

>>13717106, >>13717359, >>13717362 Maricopa County. Ignorance, incompetence or liars?

>>13717126 President al-Assad: existence of Israeli entity in the region based on terrorizing its people and assaulting their rights

>>13717247 Leaked Report: Israel Acknowledges Jews In Fact Khazars, Secret Plan For Reverse Migration to Ukraine

>>13717257 The Jews Behind All These Anti-Covid Vaccines

>>13717267 Possible energy attack being investigated near White House


>>13717328 Arizona Auditor: Did Not Backtrack on Election Database Deletion Allegation

>>13717348 Q DROP 1439 REVIEW

>>13717479 "Hitler didn't commit suicide" FBI files

>>13717574 Q DROP 1433 REVIEW


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7ff310  No.13717693

File: 1eb48d27ee3a202⋯.mp4 (12.02 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Troll_song_original_2.mp4)

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055b12  No.13717699


Tip of the spear.

Are you suggesting you think you are a bastard child of Walt?

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588252  No.13717700

File: 9e796998ed47926⋯.mp4 (2.86 MB, 854x470, 427:235, Formation_Angel_Flare_Patt….mp4)

Bread is comfy…

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9f213c  No.13717701


I've seen my 3 brothers having sex many times.

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b01b84  No.13717702

File: 1d4e64375fac703⋯.jpg (66.45 KB, 1080x488, 135:61, 20210521_013630.jpg)

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6e63c5  No.13717703

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cbdf32  No.13717704


But that’s not your thang, so to speak.

(I’m not funning at you, anon)

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a91e7f  No.13717705

File: 1fa94dcc294edf6⋯.png (251.93 KB, 555x625, 111:125, deadpool_Q.png)

File: 88209df6b6ac52c⋯.jpg (140.05 KB, 770x513, 770:513, bidan.jpg)

File: 22c2b02ed1727b4⋯.jpg (33.02 KB, 694x496, 347:248, RR.jpg)

>>13713194 pb (notables)

>Robert Redford?

Ryan Reynolds.

Deadpool is 'president' now.

What makes a movie good?

Great actors.

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9f213c  No.13717706


My brother might be.

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06a1e2  No.13717707


See, your copy pasta bullshit, that spams every thread all day, being noted as notables, is the thing that does you in.

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6e63c5  No.13717708

File: b20a2fdb425cf18⋯.jpg (38.3 KB, 613x498, 613:498, E0HxOURXsAQp6jH.jpg)


bread is boring

too much chatrooms

zero dig and hive mind

80% ebot0s

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fa5b78  No.13717709

Only clowns get so exited over this part of the movie. You know how this ended before it began.

A marathon.

Be best.

Where. We. Go. One. We. Go. All.


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ccbf5e  No.13717710

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9f213c  No.13717711


Walt Disney definitely raped my mother.

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9f213c  No.13717714


It's hilarious.

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055b12  No.13717716


The wealth you spoke of, that you do not want your confused son to have access to, is that family money, or something you built on your own?

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32e2d4  No.13717717

File: 9d552412b526a01⋯.png (12.17 KB, 255x144, 85:48, 00.png)

>>13717689 (OP)

Q Research General #17468: Wish Upon a Star, COMMS wherever you are Edition

>>13717712 (Dough)

>>13717689 (OP)

Q Research General #17468: Wish Upon a Star, COMMS wherever you are Edition

>>13717712 (Dough)

>>13717689 (OP)

Q Research General #17468: Wish Upon a Star, COMMS wherever you are Edition

>>13717712 (Dough)

>>13717689 (OP)

Q Research General #17468: Wish Upon a Star, COMMS wherever you are Edition

>>13717712 (Dough)

>>13717689 (OP)

Q Research General #17468: Wish Upon a Star, COMMS wherever you are Edition

>>13717712 (Dough)

>>13717689 (OP)

Q Research General #17468: Wish Upon a Star, COMMS wherever you are Edition

>>13717712 (Dough)

>>13717689 (OP)

Q Research General #17468: Wish Upon a Star, COMMS wherever you are Edition

>>13717712 (Dough)

>>13717689 (OP)

Q Research General #17468: Wish Upon a Star, COMMS wherever you are Edition

>>13717712 (Dough)

>>13717689 (OP)

Q Research General #17468: Wish Upon a Star, COMMS wherever you are Edition

>>13717712 (Dough)

>>13717689 (OP)

Q Research General #17468: Wish Upon a Star, COMMS wherever you are Edition

>>13717712 (Dough)

>>13717689 (OP)

Q Research General #17468: Wish Upon a Star, COMMS wherever you are Edition

>>13717712 (Dough)

>>13717689 (OP)

Q Research General #17468: Wish Upon a Star, COMMS wherever you are Edition

>>13717712 (Dough)

>>13717689 (OP)

Q Research General #17468: Wish Upon a Star, COMMS wherever you are Edition

>>13717712 (Dough)

>>13717689 (OP)

Q Research General #17468: Wish Upon a Star, COMMS wherever you are Edition

>>13717712 (Dough)

>>13717689 (OP)

Q Research General #17468: Wish Upon a Star, COMMS wherever you are Edition

>>13717712 (Dough)

>>13717689 (OP)

Q Research General #17468: Wish Upon a Star, COMMS wherever you are Edition

>>13717712 (Dough)

>>13717689 (OP)

Q Research General #17468: Wish Upon a Star, COMMS wherever you are Edition

>>13717712 (Dough)

>>13717689 (OP)

Q Research General #17468: Wish Upon a Star, COMMS wherever you are Edition

>>13717712 (Dough)

>>13717689 (OP)

Q Research General #17468: Wish Upon a Star, COMMS wherever you are Edition

>>13717712 (Dough)

>>13717689 (OP)

Q Research General #17468: Wish Upon a Star, COMMS wherever you are Edition

>>13717712 (Dough)



A tingling flows through your body

Swelling up your spine, the mind reopens

Can I maintain, you ask.

Can I remain, you ask.

God answers, I am with you.

Serenity is the gateway within.

Laughter is gift of joy.

Tears are the bounty of gratitude.

Mercy the blade of hope.

Kindness the friend of love.

Love, the answer to life, the universe, and everything.

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000000  No.13717719








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9f213c  No.13717720


I had a tiny inheritance. I made millions.

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055b12  No.13717721


Because you can ‘see’ above it all, or are you talking about an inescapable tragic kind of comedy?

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055b12  No.13717722


In a straight sort of way, or off-color so to speak?

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588252  No.13717723

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>15,749 views•May 20, 2021•LITTLE SAIGON NEWS

Tham gia làm hội viên của kênh này để được hưởng đặc quyền:

#littlesaigonews #tinhoaky #tintuchoaky #saigonews

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e1f100  No.13717724

File: 2a40a39390dfa0b⋯.jpg (105.3 KB, 500x344, 125:86, fauci.jpg)

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4bce7d  No.13717725

File: aff3e2616c72acc⋯.jpg (572.58 KB, 1080x1347, 360:449, Screenshot_20210521_094113….jpg)

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6d2d45  No.13717726

File: ff97af710c43a30⋯.png (34.83 KB, 1148x196, 41:7, Anon_NiggerIsABehavior.png)


Don't be NIGGERS!

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3d47ed  No.13717727

File: 1d718f329fe00b0⋯.gif (3.14 MB, 320x240, 4:3, hoA1cK.gif)


Shoots rockets at eachother for a week


Yay we won

Same thing 10 years ago. And every week.

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6e63c5  No.13717728

File: 4b5da35131591a6⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1524x739, 1524:739, Screenshot_2021_05_21_This….png)


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9f213c  No.13717729


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6e63c5  No.13717730

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Coldplay: Everyday Life Live in Jordan


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000000  No.13717731








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9f213c  No.13717732

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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055b12  No.13717733


‘Died tragically in a nightclub shooting.

Guns should be banned’


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e1f100  No.13717734

File: 035b6be5a4ed581⋯.jpg (56.09 KB, 640x480, 4:3, gingercy.jpg)


then spice it up, motherfucker.

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4bce7d  No.13717735


You are a rtard? Or just stupid?

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588252  No.13717736

File: b10e371bdb36ea4⋯.mp4 (15.47 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, A_10_Promo.mp4)

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9f213c  No.13717737


Construction contractor.

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c30ab7  No.13717738



Please click and watch this shit

Russian hacker accesses COVID database

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cbdf32  No.13717740


Can’t view without ‘signing in to utube’.

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000000  No.13717741



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9f213c  No.13717742

Q is Satan Trump has no idea what he is doing.

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4bce7d  No.13717743


Faggot alert

This guy is a fagg

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6e63c5  No.13717744

File: 9a35dd6200dcc81⋯.jpg (159.32 KB, 670x652, 335:326, 31bobby_fischer_3.jpg)


how many fake IDs, how many voters that do not exist, how many bonds for covid pploans and fake companies

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fa5b78  No.13717745

Capital Red Retard* , yells at everyone and everything, including self. Imagine that in rl.

Poor thing is sick.

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588252  No.13717747

File: 495dd5f2593774a⋯.png (409.33 KB, 522x267, 174:89, _Scalped_.png)


>Bread is comfy…


>>13717700 (You)

>bread is boring


>then spice it up, motherfucker.


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4bce7d  No.13717749

File: 8d6c3d148eb4635⋯.mp4 (12.04 MB, 750x406, 375:203, twitter_20210521_080655.mp4)


Look you

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3b2e20  No.13717750




Abigail Shrier Interview: The Truth Behind Trans Children

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58ef0b  No.13717751






Some people are so fucking gay. Sorry you have to share the bread with this person.

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055b12  No.13717752


So not celebrity or ‘flashy’.

People, like your son, wouldn’t know it by looking at you?

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da8e7a  No.13717753

File: 248d63379d420f4⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1512x797, 1512:797, ClipboardImage.png)

Formula 1 Monaco



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32e2d4  No.13717754

File: 94a9c0980a1d98c⋯.png (615.43 KB, 606x489, 202:163, 00000000.png)

>>13717689 (OP)

Q Research General #17468: Wish Upon a Star, COMMS wherever you are Edition

>>13717712 (Dough)

>>13717689 (OP)

Q Research General #17468: Wish Upon a Star, COMMS wherever you are Edition

>>13717712 (Dough)

>>13717689 (OP)

Q Research General #17468: Wish Upon a Star, COMMS wherever you are Edition

>>13717712 (Dough)

>>13717689 (OP)

Q Research General #17468: Wish Upon a Star, COMMS wherever you are Edition

>>13717712 (Dough)

>>13717689 (OP)

Q Research General #17468: Wish Upon a Star, COMMS wherever you are Edition

>>13717712 (Dough)

The vortex swirls and echoes it's churning forever yearning or an eternal soul

It's apex, the height of your creation, the gift God has given to you

Life, the poetry of the never forgotten

It's symphony elegantly comes to a closing

Where am I now? You ask.

What am I to become? You wonder.

God answers, I am with you.

Humility is the milk of prosperity.

Forgiveness is the honey forever sweet.

Wisdom, the gem of time.

Strength, the courage of brotherhood.

Clarity, the gift of sadness.

A future for those who can still weep.

A flood that can never reap.

A world, designed to keep.

And I saw a rider, oh how I beheld, his name ANON.. Upon a Grail Course

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000000  No.13717755







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6d2d45  No.13717756

File: 05dcd132714e4d0⋯.png (926.15 KB, 1080x1036, 270:259, Biden_ShamanNipples.png)


Who dis?

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c30ab7  No.13717757

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6e63c5  No.13717758

File: 4fb23cb46f947d2⋯.jpg (23.84 KB, 336x448, 3:4, D5WUZxDXsAEkEX4_jpg_large.jpg)

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4bce7d  No.13717760


Homo 100%

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937b6d  No.13717761

File: 222ea0812f85667⋯.png (428.26 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, 222ea0812f856672e15e2898a3….png)



>Do you even know what OSS stands for and the symbol he projects?

>Why is he trying so hard to NAMEFAG a CIA name?

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c864ed  No.13717762

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000000  No.13717763



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9f213c  No.13717764


I grew up with the elite.

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3b2e20  No.13717765

File: 5321f38f1caf9d4⋯.png (256.84 KB, 550x550, 1:1, 63a5ac4dc6b27e2aa81792df0d….png)


>I'm so fucking high


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9f213c  No.13717766


Q is Satan.

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cbdf32  No.13717767

File: 6b756dc05c22804⋯.jpeg (97.07 KB, 960x480, 2:1, 7F8E531B_0C3D_46DD_9B10_0….jpeg)


So, like crooked politicians can have their entire ‘constituency’ as vaporware.

‘This business is going to get out of hand and we’ll be lucky to survive it’

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000000  No.13717769



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6d2d45  No.13717770

File: 74b176f2456d8da⋯.jpg (19.55 KB, 589x601, 589:601, BigMike.jpg)


Thought so…what's your directive?

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08ac51  No.13717771

File: 781fcfa14928434⋯.png (944.21 KB, 865x643, 865:643, ptQ.png)

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58ef0b  No.13717772

File: 4257f55bd9c2318⋯.png (326.14 KB, 548x539, 548:539, gwoss.png)



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32e2d4  No.13717773

File: 8a7678c7083a6cb⋯.gif (3.63 MB, 600x401, 600:401, 000000.gif)

>>13717689 (OP)

Q Research General #17468: Wish Upon a Star, COMMS wherever you are Edition

>>13717712 (Dough)

>>13717689 (OP)

Q Research General #17468: Wish Upon a Star, COMMS wherever you are Edition

>>13717712 (Dough)

>>13717689 (OP)

Q Research General #17468: Wish Upon a Star, COMMS wherever you are Edition

>>13717712 (Dough)

As you pass through the chaos, sudden a cool breathe washes over your being

Your mind no longer active with excess thoughts nor burdened by thoughtless worry

Cold, cool, and serene.. the feeling of peace blossom before the scene

A beach, a bed, and the crashing of heavens peaks. The sand smooth like the emeralds of dream

What is this feeling? This comfort..

What am I seeing? The beauty..

Where am I going? I wished to stay..

God answers, I am with you.

Regret is the illusion of the past.

Remorse is the answer to the forbiden.

Temporary is all pain.

Eternal is all the same.

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937b6d  No.13717774



↑↑↑↑↑↑↑not meant for this

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4bce7d  No.13717775


Hello are you rtard?

Who give you ok?


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08ac51  No.13717776

File: bc8ee88129f1181⋯.png (214.67 KB, 649x260, 649:260, 7x4.png)

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327b4d  No.13717777


>>13697256 Texas Governor Abbott bans officials from requiring face masks, introduces $1,000 fine for those who do


>>13697357 The files were deleted. CyberNinjas had to recover them

>>13697370 From the desk of PDJT: Good news for Georgia

>>13697377 Disobey: VIP Patriots Fight!

>>13697413, >>13697589, >>13697413, >>13697651, >>13697652, >>13697483, >>13697584, >>13697499, >>13697688, >>13697850, >>13696652 pb, >>13697688, >>13697714, Marco Polo Halifax // CMA CGM Corporate Foundation for Children ERIC SCHMIDT connected to CargoMetrics(Scott Borgerson → GhizMax)

>>13697415 Pipeline communication system is down, according to #Colonial shippers

>>13697418 Deleted QResearch Pearls

>>13697453 Three More Guantanamo Prisoners Approved For Release, Report Says (making space?)

>>13697468 The Savior is in our Heart

>>13697492 Mark McCloskey

>>13697520 Patriots are meeting at the Georgia State Capitol • Liberty Plaza to call for a FULL FORENSIC AUDIT OF THE ELECTION tomorrow at 11 AM

>>13697544, >>13697629

Arizona Audit Update: Many Duplicate Ballots Are Unverifiable Because Original Ballots Were Not Marked With Serial Number

>>13697625 Darwin’s Arch in the Galapagos Islands has collapsed

>>13697647 CDC maps of vaccinated sheep. Clickable on county level, so you can see just how many of your neighbors are morans.

>>13697706, >>13697811, >>13697935 Franklin Graham to Evangelicals: Vaccines Bring Healing to Bodies Like Jesus Did

>>13697462, >>13697428, >>13697212, >>13697702, >>13697735 Brig.-Gen. Krista Brodie named new head of Canada's vaccine rollout

>>13697750 Serial numbers missing between original, duplicate ballots in Arizona election audit: official

>>13697772 Republicans in the House and Senate should not approve the Democrat trap of the January 6 Commission.

>>13697775 U.S. names current and former Central American officials said to be involved in corruption or drugs

>>13697795 Wonder if they are really finished with the audit and just pretending not to be?

>>13697835 Senior Member of CCP Think Tank Claims China Won Unprecedented Biological War Against the US in 2020 and “Put the US Back in its Place”

>>13697842, >>13697860 SAM 435 up. Mapping Q435.

>>13697853 "Amazon’s Ring is the largest civilian surveillance network the US has ever seen"


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055b12  No.13717778


Anon really had no idea IT was so widespread.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

6e63c5  No.13717779


I think "suicide weekend" meant to kill these fake ppl/IDs

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000000  No.13717780



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

327b4d  No.13717781


>>13697256 Texas Governor Abbott bans officials from requiring face masks, introduces $1,000 fine for those who do


>>13697357 The files were deleted. CyberNinjas had to recover them

>>13697370 From the desk of PDJT: Good news for Georgia

>>13697377 Disobey: VIP Patriots Fight!

>>13697413, >>13697589, >>13697413, >>13697651, >>13697652, >>13697483, >>13697584, >>13697499, >>13697688, >>13697850, >>13696652 pb, >>13697688, >>13697714, Marco Polo Halifax // CMA CGM Corporate Foundation for Children ERIC SCHMIDT connected to CargoMetrics(Scott Borgerson → GhizMax)

>>13697415 Pipeline communication system is down, according to #Colonial shippers

>>13697418 Deleted QResearch Pearls

>>13697453 Three More Guantanamo Prisoners Approved For Release, Report Says (making space?)

>>13697468 The Savior is in our Heart

>>13697492 Mark McCloskey

>>13697520 Patriots are meeting at the Georgia State Capitol • Liberty Plaza to call for a FULL FORENSIC AUDIT OF THE ELECTION tomorrow at 11 AM

>>13697544, >>13697629 Arizona Audit Update: Many Duplicate Ballots Are Unverifiable Because Original Ballots Were Not Marked With Serial Number

>>13697750 Serial numbers missing between original, duplicate ballots in Arizona election audit: official

>>13697625 Darwin’s Arch in the Galapagos Islands has collapsed

>>13697647 CDC maps of vaccinated sheep. Clickable on county level, so you can see just how many of your neighbors are morans.

>>13697706, >>13697811, >>13697935 Franklin Graham to Evangelicals: Vaccines Bring Healing to Bodies Like Jesus Did

>>13697462, >>13697428, >>13697212, >>13697702, >>13697735 Brig.-Gen. Krista Brodie named new head of Canada's vaccine rollout

>>13697772 Republicans in the House and Senate should not approve the Democrat trap of the January 6 Commission.

>>13697775 U.S. names current and former Central American officials said to be involved in corruption or drugs

>>13697795 Wonder if they are really finished with the audit and just pretending not to be?

>>13697835 Senior Member of CCP Think Tank Claims China Won Unprecedented Biological War Against the US in 2020 and “Put the US Back in its Place”

>>13697842, >>13697860 SAM 435 up. Mapping Q435.

>>13697853 "Amazon’s Ring is the largest civilian surveillance network the US has ever seen"


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

32e2d4  No.13717782

I have witnessed great beauty and I have seen great wisdom.

But Anon, what I cannot create.

Is recognized.

You are the heroes of the story.

The Legend of Q.

Is within you.

Forevermore, forevermore, Anon wins as God had won long ago.

>>13717689 (OP)

Q Research General #17468: Wish Upon a Star, COMMS wherever you are Edition

>>13717712 (Dough)

Godspeed Patriots

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c30ab7  No.13717783


1st mission done, having to wait. Until next commands come. Been told to be patient so in the meantime looking into vide relate

>>13717738 will probably get a scanner, rfid reader and a willing vaccinated person to be a further genie pig.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

327b4d  No.13717784


>>13697256 Texas Governor Abbott bans officials from requiring face masks, introduces $1,000 fine for those who do


>>13697357 The files were deleted. CyberNinjas had to recover them

>>13697370 From the desk of PDJT: Good news for Georgia

>>13697377 Disobey: VIP Patriots Fight!

>>13697415 Pipeline communication system is down, according to #Colonial shippers

>>13697418 Deleted QResearch Pearls

>>13697453 Three More Guantanamo Prisoners Approved For Release, Report Says (making space?)

>>13697468 The Savior is in our Heart

>>13697492 Mark McCloskey

>>13697520 Patriots are meeting at the Georgia State Capitol Liberty Plaza to call for a FULL FORENSIC AUDIT OF THE ELECTION tomorrow at 11 AM

>>13697544, >>13697629 Arizona Audit Update: Many Duplicate Ballots Are Unverifiable Because Original Ballots Were Not Marked With Serial Number

>>13697750 Serial Numbers Missing Between Original, Duplicate Ballots In Arizona Election Audit: Official

>>13697625 Darwin’s Arch in the Galapagos Islands has collapsed

>>13697647 CDC maps of vaccinated sheep. Clickable on county level, so you can see just how many of your neighbors are morans.

>>13697706, >>13697811, >>13697935 Franklin Graham to Evangelicals: Vaccines Bring Healing to Bodies Like Jesus Did

>>13697462, >>13697428, >>13697212, >>13697702, >>13697735 Brig.-Gen. Krista Brodie named new head of Canada's vaccine rollout

>>13697772 Republicans in the House and Senate should not approve the Democrat trap of the January 6 Commission.

>>13697775 U.S. names current and former Central American officials said to be involved in corruption or drugs

>>13697795 Wonder if they are really finished with the audit and just pretending not to be?

>>13697835 Senior Member of CCP Think Tank Claims China Won Unprecedented Biological War Against the US in 2020 and “Put the US Back in its Place”

>>13697842, >>13697860 SAM 435 up. Mapping Q435.

>>13697853 "Amazon’s Ring is the largest civilian surveillance network the US has ever seen"

>>13697413, >>13697589, >>13697413, >>13697651, >>13697652, >>13697483, >>13697584, >>13697499, >>13697688, >>13697850, >>13696652 pb, >>13697688, >>13697714, Marco Polo Halifax // CMA CGM Corporate Foundation for Children ERIC SCHMIDT connected to CargoMetrics(Scott Borgerson → GhizMax)


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58ef0b  No.13717785



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000000  No.13717787








Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

327b4d  No.13717788



>>13697256 Texas Governor Abbott bans officials from requiring face masks, introduces $1,000 fine for those who do


>>13697357 The files were deleted. CyberNinjas had to recover them

>>13697370 From the desk of PDJT: Good news for Georgia

>>13697377 Disobey: VIP Patriots Fight!

>>13697415 Pipeline communication system is down, according to #Colonial shippers

>>13697418 Deleted QResearch Pearls

>>13697453 Three More Guantanamo Prisoners Approved For Release, Report Says (making space?)

>>13697468 The Savior is in our Heart

>>13697492 Mark McCloskey

>>13697520 Patriots are meeting at the Georgia State Capitol Liberty Plaza to call for a FULL FORENSIC AUDIT OF THE ELECTION tomorrow at 11 AM

>>13697544, >>13697629 Arizona Audit Update: Many Duplicate Ballots Are Unverifiable Because Original Ballots Were Not Marked With Serial Number

>>13697750 Serial Numbers Missing Between Original, Duplicate Ballots In Arizona Election Audit: Official

>>13697625 Darwin’s Arch in the Galapagos Islands has collapsed

>>13697647 CDC maps of vaccinated sheep. Clickable on county level, so you can see just how many of your neighbors are morans.

>>13697706, >>13697811, >>13697935 Franklin Graham to Evangelicals: Vaccines Bring Healing to Bodies Like Jesus Did

>>13697462, >>13697428, >>13697212, >>13697702, >>13697735 Brig.-Gen. Krista Brodie named new head of Canada's vaccine rollout

>>13697772 Republicans in the House and Senate should not approve the Democrat trap of the January 6 Commission.

>>13697775 U.S. names current and former Central American officials said to be involved in corruption or drugs

>>13697795 Wonder if they are really finished with the audit and just pretending not to be?

>>13697835 Senior Member of CCP Think Tank Claims China Won Unprecedented Biological War Against the US in 2020 and “Put the US Back in its Place”

>>13697842, >>13697860 SAM 435 up. Mapping Q435.

>>13697853 "Amazon’s Ring is the largest civilian surveillance network the US has ever seen"

>>13697413, >>13697589, >>13697413, >>13697651, >>13697652, >>13697483, >>13697584, >>13697499, >>13697688, >>13697850, >>13696652 pb, >>13697688, >>13697714, Marco Polo Halifax // CMA CGM Corporate Foundation for Children ERIC SCHMIDT connected to CargoMetrics(Scott Borgerson → GhizMax)


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cbdf32  No.13717789


Construction, for them?

I can see making good money developing or remodeling or garage build-outs….

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08ac51  No.13717790

Can't get to the catalog where'd it go?

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cbdf32  No.13717792


THAT would be wild.

Millions of “people” literally deleted from their vapor existence, at a key stroke.

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7ff310  No.13717793

File: 978a8634f911959⋯.jpeg (202.24 KB, 1110x1680, 37:56, 8f3cf1551bd08667e876c9762….jpeg)

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fa5b78  No.13717794

Totally convincing.

Of things they do to each other.

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3b2e20  No.13717796



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937b6d  No.13717797


>What is this feeling?

Peace that passes all understanding.

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937b6d  No.13717798



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cbdf32  No.13717801

File: d5c7df72f7dd7f7⋯.jpeg (208.12 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, 49D89C2F_EF74_415F_8BFD_0….jpeg)


‘I made ‘em up’

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