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170ee7  No.14168116[Last 50 Posts]

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170ee7  No.14168125


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>>14089443,MJ12/Babyfist/Ingersol Larpwood Exposure Thread

>>14137055,MJ12 scamming people.


>>14056718, >>14056728, >>14061958, >>14137055,MJ12 team $1000 larping conjob subscriptions. No wonder they want to take this board so bad.

>>14056282, >>14056297, >>14056336, >>14056472, >>14056545, >>14056587, >>14056630, >>14059295, >>14059460, >>14059665, >>14059749, >>14061470 Proof-positive shills are using a VPS/VPN to share IP addresses

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170ee7  No.14168126

NOTABLES Are NOT Endorsements


>>14167343 We have Big Happenings Today !!!! Talking Points are being Rehashed

>>14167352, >>14167398, >>14167408 Lebron James - Sex Trafficker.

>>14167369 House Committee - Markup: H.R. 1693, the “Eliminating a Quantifiably Unjust Application of the Law Act”

>>14167374 Michael Avenatti faces embezzlement trial in California

>>14167384 BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Five Counties in Michigan Will Likely Break the Law and a Cease and Desist Order by Erasing 2020 Election Data from Their Voting Machines

>>14167386, >>14167605, >>14167594, >>14167614, >>14167741, >>14167884, >>14168011 EurAsia Flooding News BLACKOUT!

>>14167387 Jeffrey Epstein Associate David Mitchell Is Subpoenaed in Ongoing Case in US Virgin Islands

>>14167429, >>14167620 "Think Site Under Attack?"

>>14167465, >>14167529 "The Flimsy Evidence Behind the CDC’s Push to Vaccinate Children"

>>14167478 U.S extends travel restrictions at Canada, Mexico land borders through Aug. 21

>>14167541 Something is up with Ingersoll Lockwood. Right on Radio published a teaser video pre-release of their Space Force secrets video, which I can't find yet. Jeff shows us a document published by Ingersoll lockwood, see pics...

>>14167622 "Expect moar supply chain disruptions"

>>14167627 Texas Residents Urged to Turn AC Off 'Immediately' as Chemical Incident Forces Evacuations

>>14167657 CISA: China successfully targeted US oil and natural gas infrastructure

>>14167706 Vampires - And this right here is why Hispanics will not vote in mass for democrats (unless it's rape idk...)

>>14167710 #OKAudit

>>14167714 USS Gerald Ford Nearby Underwater Detonation Cool video

>>14167740, >>14167797, >>14167816, >>14167886 Stephen Miller on Bezos... Kamala Too ilDonaldoTrumpo KEKs!

>>14167855 DJTJr. 'What kind of administration makes fun of their citizens?'

>>14167868 Sounds... Aweful MAOIST Eh? Scoop: Justice Dept is quietly seeking a 50-year bar to release of grand jury material - a rule which, if adopted by the courts, would keep Mueller-Trump records secret until 2069…

>>14167893 Let the DECERTIFICATIONS BEGIN! Pennsylvania's top election official has decertified the voting machines of a small southern county that disclosed that it had agreed to requests by local Republican lawmakers and allowed a software firm to inspect the machines as part of an "audit" after the 2020 presidential election.

>>14167904, >>14168074 Basham Tweets POTUS will get a third term because of all the fuggery

>>14167937 The Biden administration blamed an "error" Wednesday after promoting a radical activist group’s handbook that pushes critical race theory in schools and calls on educators to "disrupt Whiteness."

>>14167970,Independent website with testimonies documenting adverse reactions to covid vax

>>14168012 SETUP or GETUP?

>>14168045 Looks like Nancy is mad she’s not getting her Kangaroo court..

>>14168110 #17923

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170ee7  No.14168127


>>14166563 UK Funeral director exposes the scam of COVID

>>14166571 Isle of Dogs movie, anyone member this? Kinna a cult classic


>>14166595, >>14166635, >>14167233 JUST IN - CDC has added 6,000 new death reports in VAERS following #COVID19 vaccinations in the US. This is more than double last week's total figure and 0.0036% of the approx. 338 million administered doses.

>>14166610 #17921

>>14166623 Lithium mine proposal in NC county faces opposition Charlotte Observer

>>14166642, >>14166649 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. warns that Anthony Fauci is a fraud, and has “poisoned an entire generation of Americans”

<) >>14166643, >>14166647, >>14166923 #TipODaSpears, #TeamBritney Grows

>>14166824 Leslie Scarlett's mother Ruth Webb ran a children's charity, were the children part of that scam? The house fire where the body burnt had already been on fire. This was the second fire.It was listed on July the 1st, It was already under contract. Who was the body found in the house that was burnt beyond recognition? Was it the mother of the three children they later located? What were her and her 3 children doing in a vacant burnt out house?

>>14166839 https://t.me/CodeMonkeyZ/814 MCAFEE MCAFFE MCAFFE Keep yet eyes peeled.

>>14166851 Anon Bun for #17921

>>14166863 WOKE Orthopedic Companies begin threatening local community

>>14166923, >>14166933 Jim Watkins Gives an updates on #TeamBritney and A Beautiful Sunrise er, Sunset.

>>14166937 Yeesh, hope you live kid. Young adults are getting vaccinated behind their QAnon parents' backs

>>14166981, >>14166996, >>14167001 "All these moments will be lost in time… Like tears in rain…" The Conception and Realization of Memes in Society.

>>14167161 Oklahoma man arrested after 12-year-old arrives at Tulsa hospital 9 months pregnant

>>14167190 "Literally Shaking" Richard Grenell @RichardGrenell While @RandPaul interviews the known liar Dr Fauci - Fauci is literally shaking. He’s been outed. Dr Fauci has no credibility. He’s imploded. And he has made the situation worse.

>>14167197, >>14167181 MUST WATCH: This is how corrupt poll workers would know which unopened mail-in ballots were Republican so they could trash them/not scan them

>>14167205, >>14167222, >>14167245 CodeMonkeyZ, On McAfee and EurAsia Floods

>>14167265 #17922


>>14165690, >>14165713 CEPI COVAX Marketplace

>>14165726 Remember we fight for the voiceless - and break robots online.

>>14165745, >>14165863, >>14165868 PedoWatch You Tube Pedo Grooming Gang?

>>14165747 Pfizer Vaccine Fails Against the Delta Variant

>>14165786, >>14165792, >>14165867, >>14165874, >>14165968, >>14166012, >>14166082, >>14166127, >>14166241, >>14166497, >>14166509, >>14166512, >>14166516, >>14166518, >>14166519, >>14166525 Mcafee Deleted his images upon Upload, Codemonkey makes the Drop "Dis a Lar. Muh Lar."

>>14165815 Another fuck with a displaced sense of purpose...Capitol attack committee chair vows to investigate Trump: ‘Nothing is off limits’

>>14165818 French President Emmanuel Macron is one of 14 heads of state whose phone numbers were listed in a weapons grade spyware system.

>>14165891 ?Deborah Tavares Rings The Alarm: Leaked Document?

>>14165973, >>14165981 Federal Lawsuit Seeks Immediate Halt of COVID Vaccines, Cites Whistleblower Testimony Claiming CDC Is Under-Counting Vaccine Deaths

>>14165983 Harry Rosenfeld, a refugee from #Nazi Germany who became the Washington Post editor who helped two dogged reporters expose the #Watergate scandal, has died at 91.

>>14166019 Looks like they aren't done with Avenatti - Michael Avenatti faces embezzlement trial in California

>>14166455 How to keep out the zombies


>>14166610 #17921

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170ee7  No.14168129


>>14164928 GEORGE NEWS CHAT, 07/20/2021

>>14164930 #BREAKING: Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) announced moments ago on Hannity that he will send a letter to the DOJ asking for a criminal referral for Dr. Fauci for lying under oath to congress about funding of the Wuhan lab.

>>14164933 #17915 Posted in #17920

>>14164945, >>14165097, >>14165121 What is going on?

>>14164947 Top US Catholic Bishops Conference official resigns after he was exposed as a near-daily user of Grindr

>>14164951 #17918 Posted in #17920

>>14164984 FCC Investigating Whether Cuban Government Is Jamming HAM Radio

>>14164985 PB Notable on The Costra Nostras Assassin's Plot

>>14165058 Democrat creates bill to allow only elected House members to serve as Speaker

>>14165076 Amazon changes terms from arbitration to courts!

>>14165113 #17919 in #17920

>>14165147 Updated Dough

>>14165165, >>14165285 Be Mindful of Power Lines During Floods!

>>14165200 TYBV

>>14165202 US Army: PersonalCourage takes many forms. Build your personal courage by daily standing up for and acting upon the things that you know are honorable, even if taking those actions is not popular with others.

>>14165299 Nano-Transfection process - Nanotechnology Chip Could Heal Organs With A Single Touch

>>14165305, >>14165310, >>14165332 Previously collected notables extended

>>14165342 Virginia Giuffre ~ Let’s make some noise … keep Jean Luc Brunel in jail in Paris

>>14165351, >>14165397, >>14165413, Dam in China’s Henan province collapsed by heavy flooding??

>>14165376 Peter Navarro ~ No way out - Fauci lied to Congress

>>14165470 #17918 Scraped

>>14165486 Although the situation is real over there, watch where and how calmly this person records with their cell.

>>14165500 Dan 'Real' Scavino On the Insta sharing Donald J. Trump's Latest Rally Moves

>>14165642 #17920

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170ee7  No.14168131


>>14164156 Racist Video Being Investigated By Cops, State Attorney's Office - The 33-second video shows young white men from North Branford using vile racist language and referring to George Floyd's "weak-ass neck."

>>14164157, >>14164166, >>14164579 All Glory Be To Christ

>>14164167 Graphene-based “neuromodulation” technology is REAL: Press release from INBRAIN Neuroelectronics describes brain controlling biocircuits using AI-powered graphene

>>14164168 Frenly <0

>>14164171, >>14164172, >>14164173, >>14164182, >>14164210, >>14164222 no description


>>14164236, >>14164241, >>14164249 3 more teenagers suddenly collapse and die of at that age extremely rare cardiac arrest after vax

>>14164276 (Dr. Richard Fleming) 'MAD COW DISEASE' (VIA THE SPIKE PROTEIN)

>>14164282 The sick Left is systematically sexualizing, confusing & damaging our kids - Allowing kids to mutilate their bodies because they're "trans" is CHILD ABUSE

>>14164322 Re-Post Supply chain fuckery

>>14164326, >>14164729 @AuditWatch Channels on Telegram stole all the Audit memes! Thank you! @NYAuditWatch @PAAuditWatch

@CAAuditWatch @NCAuditWatch @WAAudit @TXAuditWatch @MIAuditWatch

>>14164388 The Pentagon announced Tuesday that the United States launched its first airstrike in Somalia under President Joe Biden

>>14164413 Anon opines on the economic impact on legacy media during meme warfare, and resourcing of news to a decentralized structure of independent researchers and providers.

>>14164418, >>14164673 Eric Clapton will cancel if Discriminatory Practices continue. Love will Protect. + Aids C19 Fauci digz

>>14164444, >>14164449 BREAKING: Sen. Rand Paul: "I will be sending a letter to the Department of Justice asking for a criminal referral" into Dr. Fauci - https://breaking911.com/if-anybody-is-lying-here-senator-it-is-you-fauci-and-paul-have-heated-exchange-at-senate-hearing

>>14164478 Doesn't all this seem suspicious to you? Like a psyop created with a few simple stories and photos backed up by Hollywood movies like Contagion…

>>14164504 Meanwhile… Facebook’s vaccine fact checker is funded by an organization that holds $2 billion of vaccine manufacturer stock.

>>14164516 DJTJr retorts Fauci: Nothing more that a bureaucrat in a lab coat.


>>14164565, >>14164585 TRUMP ON SAVAGE NATION: Biden Isn’t Running Anything, It’s ‘A Group Of People’ Who Pull The Strings

>>14164579 #TeamBritney

>>14164590 Tucker uncovers Eric Swalwel's 'suspicious' campaign expenditures

>>14164614 Bokhari: Billionaire Space Travel – the Final Frontier of Climate Hypocrisy

>>14164649, >>14164709, >>14164785 Any GA. anons aware of this lady underdog running for Gov.? She’s been on Stew Peters' show on Red Voice Media.

>>14164660 While Fairfax County is fighting CRT in public schools … the drag story hour was “advertised on the [public] library website as being open to all ages including babies, toddlers, preschoolers and school-age children.” Attacks on children on all fronts.

>>14164716 Manhattan Investment Fund Manager Sentenced To 5 Years In Prison For Securities Fraud And Misappropriation Scheme

>>14164739 Theory: COVID hoax was used to stop grand juries

>>14164848 U.S. Navy Has Finally Tests Newest Flight III Guided Missile Destroyer

>>14164875 GEORGE Chat

>>14165113 #17919

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170ee7  No.14168135


>>14163348 Planefaggine

>>14163383 Continuity of Gubernmenb 'Cerns

>>14163398, >>14163402 High-ranking priest quits over data linking him to Vegas 'gay bathhouse' - 'Did not include allegations of misconduct with minors'

>>14163402 Judge: LGBT law forcing Christians to violate beliefs is no threat to churches

>>14163404, >>14163455 Infrastructure Upgrades? Or Overintrusiveness? "They are going to surveil our sewer systems and waste water and quarantine whole neighborhoods based on positive covid tests"

>>14163432 One Day Soon, You'll Wake Up to Find Your Favorite Website Has Vanished

>>14163436, >>14163454 Jeff Bezos awards José Andrés $100 million for “courage and civility” + Van Jones

>>14163458, >>14163614, >>14163476, >>14163620 Report: Blinken Telling Diplomats to Admit U.S. Flaws When Promoting Rights, Democracy + POLITICAL Faggotry

>>14163459 MOAR on EL PASO, Texas Bomb threat – The El Paso Veterans Administration Medical Center main facility was evacuated late Tuesday afternoon due to a bomb threat, officials confirmed to ABC-7.

>>14163466, >>14163474, >>14163549, >>14163744, >>14163766 New CBS hit piece on the very scary “QAnon”. - “One word to look out for, a key word is Patriot.” 😂 + Conspiracy Theorists Poisoning Our Country

>>14163468, >>14163643, >>14163654, >>14163685, >>14163695, >>14163703, >>14163712, >>14163777 Zhengzhou Floods Compilation *Caution*

>>14163473, >>14163637, >>14163728, >>14163738 …Che Guevara’s Daughter Calls for More Repression Against ‘Low Class’ Cuba Protesters + INTERNATIONAL Faggotry!

>>14163493, >>14163988 WENDY ROGERS: ‘We Americans Who Love This Country Are Being Replaced’, ‘I Will Not Back Down From This Statement’

>>14163495, >>14163775, >>14163796 Gen. Flynn Real America!

>>14163510 Controversial Vaccines? Biden Comms Director Targets ‘Conservative News Outlets’ That Post ‘Irresponsible Content’ About Controversial Vaccines

>>14163511, >>14163532, >>14163537, >>14163525 AP: NXIVM leader Keith Raniere ordered to pay $3.5M to 21 victims of a sex-trafficking scheme, a sum including the cost of surgically removing scars from branding rituals performed by a secret sorority. + PEDO\LEGAL Roundup


>>14163554 BioRadio - DARPAVisions

>>14163573 Corrected Notes TYAnons

>>14163588 Most vaccinated Americans would get COVID booster as delta variant spreads, poll finds

>>14163656 Madison Cawthorn Calls For ‘Punk’ Fauci to Be ‘Charged’ on Newsmax: ‘Pawn for the Chinese Government’

>>14163675 Inside the billionaire-funded fight to conquer aging — and cheat death

>>14163705 CodeMonkeyZ, [20.07.21 12:28] [ Album ] Garland Favorito asked a Georgia judge to unseal ballots for inspection. If the judge allows it, then Georgia will see many “HAPPY FACES” quickly turn to frowns.

>>14163713 POSO sayz "They goin after archive sites now??"

>>14163714, >>14163742, >>14163758 BUSTED: High profile Black Rifle Coffee employees in charge of the company's branding and messaging have donated to Democrats, and the editor for the BRCC magazine donated directly to Joe Biden. This comes after the company's founder called its customers "racist" in a New York Times interview.

>>14163792 New Sarah Westall: John McAfee's Dead Man Switch

>>14163793, >>14163808 AZ State Sen. Wendy Rogers: “The Cover-Up Is Always Worse Than The Crime – We Have to Hold Maricopa County Accountable”

>>14163872, >>14163908 Judge blocks Arkansas' near-total abortion ban While Abbott Bans Them

>>14163874 Kash Patel on Durham Report

>>14163876 NSA/CSS Chess Day..

>>14163883 Australian politicians take it upon themselves to warn people not to talk to each other in very clear terms.

>>14163892 Next Vax symptoms: Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, Classic (CJD), Mad Cow and similar on the horizon as it progresses?

>>14163898 We are just getting started! Follow AWR for updates in each of these states.

>>14163900, >>14163945 Cosa Nostra in The News Recall Staten Island (big apple) Mob hit because shooter Comello (age 24) claimed a deep state plot to assasinate DJT.

>>14163904 What happened to the $200+ million raised in the name of helping the Trump Legal Team???

>>14163944 This not McAfee's countdown?

>>14163970 OIG Report Finds Former Senior FBI Official Accepted Unauthorized Gifts From Media During 2016 Election


>>14163999 Britney Spears Says She Can't 'Fully Move On' Until She's Done Speaking Out: 'I'm Not Even Close'

>>14164022 Three states take half of FEMA's new disaster fund. Hundreds of communities receive nothing.

>>14165470 #17918 Scraped and Posted in #17920

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170ee7  No.14168137

Previously Collected Notables

>>14165642 #17920, >>14166610 #17921

>>14163311 #17917, >>14165470 #17918, >>14165113 #17919

>>14164933 #17915, >>14162508 #17916\1, >>14162514 #17916\2

>>14159325 #17912, >>14161901 #17913, >>14161728 #17914

>>14157659 #17910\1, >>14157660 #17910\2, >>14160930 #17911

>>14156118 #17908\1, >>14156120 #17908\2, >>14156895 #17909

>>14154455 #17906, >>14155286 #17907\1, >>14155288 #17907\2

>>14152996 #17903, >>14152974 #17904, >>14153648 #17905

>>14151890 #17900, >>14151820 #17901, >>14151546 #17902

>>14146958 #17897, >>14147839 #17898, >>14151495 #17899

>>14145378 #17894, >>14153117 #17895, >>14146185 #17896

>>14142242 #17891, >>14143071 #17892, >>14145169 #17893

>>14139927 #17888, >>14140698 #17889, >>14141482 #17890

>>14139783 #17885, >>14140913 #17886, >>14139069 #17887

>>14135189 #17882, >>14135807 #17883, >>14136690 #17884

>>14132624 #17879, >>14133337 #17880, >>14134142 #17881

>>14133451 #17876, >>14134071 #17877, >>14131492 #17878

Notables Aggregators: https://qnotables.com

>>14137057 Q Research Notables #8

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170ee7  No.14168138

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170ee7  No.14168139

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* Download Webpage as PDF https://webtopdf.com/

* Military Ship Tracker https://www.shiplocation.com/military/tracker

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

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Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf


Learn To Bake!

Simple instructions: https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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170ee7  No.14168146

File: c7b1a6a9303ce60⋯.png (502.89 KB, 794x524, 397:262, 26cff5abab026c4421c3b8a94f….png)



Y'know, because it's Official

Open Kitchen.

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56d6ab  No.14168163


Thanks Baker. Can't keep anons down. Anons have a date with history…

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16e3c6  No.14168169

File: 1740091b8d418e7⋯.png (731.56 KB, 620x446, 310:223, CNN1.png)

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1aeb70  No.14168172

File: 6d3ba4fb83c43eb⋯.png (674.37 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 2478a9a6c44ff5301a7b94d78a….png)

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ad2153  No.14168177

File: c5d232f65104b27⋯.gif (1.45 MB, 534x338, 267:169, It_s_All_So_Tiresome.gif)

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3bf1bd  No.14168178

File: b35f5c78437164d⋯.png (406.96 KB, 461x364, 461:364, ClipboardImage.png)


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81b32a  No.14168188


Anon asking about fire.


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f77dc3  No.14168189

This seems a lot like Scientology.

They used these devices called "e-meters" to measure things that don't exist, and then tell you that something is wrong with you based on the faulty reading.


Is Fauci a Scientologist? Would make sense where he got the idea from.

This report says he's a Freemason, which is a different controlling group that uses lies to control:


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16e3c6  No.14168193

File: ff69dc58c42a1da⋯.png (328.03 KB, 749x499, 749:499, fauci_science2.png)

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72b653  No.14168197

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>14168160 LB

>House fire Brandywine, PA



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c7cdd2  No.14168198

File: 11cacedd1adcec1⋯.png (232.82 KB, 435x269, 435:269, iamscience.PNG)

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dc87d0  No.14168199


>Is Fauci a Scientologist?

>This report says he's a Freemason

Does one exclude the other?

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e81320  No.14168200

File: 53e669480ce5fe1⋯.png (373.36 KB, 427x612, 427:612, Screen_Shot_2021_07_21_at_….png)

File: ca6f37438fb8737⋯.png (25.93 KB, 393x410, 393:410, Screen_Shot_2021_07_21_at_….png)

File: ad87748ad29f33a⋯.png (24.94 KB, 428x336, 107:84, Screen_Shot_2021_07_21_at_….png)

File: 8fd69cb2cb6e0da⋯.png (204.47 KB, 1162x498, 7:3, Screen_Shot_2021_07_21_at_….png)

File: c4533d1029d1a93⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1167x656, 1167:656, Screen_Shot_2021_07_21_at_….png)

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56d6ab  No.14168201


Let the pool on Fauci begin. It's apparent he's so ineffective that he's becoming a liability of becoming state's evidence to save his family. Fauci is about to get whacked…

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16e3c6  No.14168202

File: 22cf43135d21e57⋯.jpg (165.99 KB, 750x499, 750:499, Fauci_Jack.jpg)

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ad2153  No.14168203

File: 6a22512a3aae49b⋯.png (264.86 KB, 749x735, 107:105, ClipboardImage.png)

Techno Fog Eviscerates "The Dispatch"


The Dispatch did some misleading "fact checking" this week.

So we fact checked The Dispatch. It's not good for them.

False claims of Jonah Goldberg:

Officer Brian Sicknick "was bludgeoned to death with a fire extinguisher." (He died of natural causes.)

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129bd6  No.14168204


Jim has a place in history based upon his support of Q and Anons that's for sure.

I imagine he's faced plenty of Shut It Down! pressure.

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0ba942  No.14168205

File: 5688d4176a4b530⋯.png (464.49 KB, 598x675, 598:675, Screenshot_2021_07_21_at_1….png)

Jill Biden headed to Japan for Olympics — but won't have to sleep on cardboard bed


Are we all clear that the controversy of the beds in the Olympic Village in Tokyo, Japan, is due to the fact that these are the beds in the prisons where the DS will go?

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16e3c6  No.14168206


>Fauci is about to get whacked…

[They] will no doublt blame "extremist Trump supporters" for it too.

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56d6ab  No.14168207

How many Americans and citizens of other Nations died because of Dr Fauci's corruption?

1 million? 10 million? 100 million?

Crimes against humanity?

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e9ac3b  No.14168208


Wonder what Deep Steak Faggot lives there

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16e3c6  No.14168210

File: d071fb6c71c7827⋯.jpg (243.18 KB, 868x476, 31:17, fauci_its_safe_honest.jpg)

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4237b8  No.14168211

File: 6a73762c8aad59d⋯.png (233.38 KB, 1429x602, 1429:602, 89tn9786rvb864ewc5ev.png)

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e84e2f  No.14168212

File: 1320864bc019d89⋯.gif (1.7 MB, 500x281, 500:281, Whoa_Family_Guy.gif)

File: 809318cf2451093⋯.gif (453.78 KB, 220x165, 4:3, Whoa.gif)

File: 68a200b4f68c728⋯.jpg (16.45 KB, 255x186, 85:62, Comfy_pepe.jpg)

Guise, feeling comfy.

The bad guys seem to be taking a lot of hits lately.


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44cbcc  No.14168213


covid would be ironic

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efd0ab  No.14168214

File: 78c51c6a82c0d60⋯.png (70.73 KB, 268x635, 268:635, JFK_jr_dagger_through_Z_ta….png)

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eded12  No.14168215

File: a51cc7590028751⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1020x1606, 510:803, ClipboardImage.png)



>>14168074 lb


Unless i am missing something like, complete collapse of the U.S government, 3 years of military trails and then the election is called when it is all clean (hopium).


POTUS will get a third term because of all the fuggery


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4237b8  No.14168216

File: 50477c229f0ad1d⋯.png (222.27 KB, 897x537, 299:179, 684026540654.png)

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dc87d0  No.14168217


No one is saying otherwise, they all died from the vaccine.


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d3163b  No.14168218


Prolly some kid trying to make BHO (butane) concentrates in the garage…

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acc52d  No.14168220


President of wut

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e9ac3b  No.14168221


U ever watch WWF faggot? You that dumb you still listen to the MSM line FFS this is war get a brain.

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c7cdd2  No.14168222


How many deaths, everything from flu to banana peel falls, were called covid?

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4237b8  No.14168223

File: 1b84edd8ad04f5b⋯.png (334.06 KB, 634x960, 317:480, drtundrumdiudhtmdmy.png)

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6b1db1  No.14168224

File: 9a6aa7fd40021cb⋯.png (972.93 KB, 1085x1085, 1:1, 1619215527841.png)

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77c4ba  No.14168225


Wow you might be right they should the head of NIH Collins hes even worse

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56d6ab  No.14168226

File: 2a9e8cfa04be40c⋯.jpg (340.46 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 2a9e8cfa04be40c90cbb66d9a0….jpg)

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e84e2f  No.14168227

File: 00489f7ef2fd744⋯.jpg (45.97 KB, 300x284, 75:71, Dems_are_the_racists.jpg)

File: 33b0ae0f69542d6⋯.gif (477.8 KB, 265x236, 265:236, Racist.gif)


ThanQ Baker!

And that's racist! Kek

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f77dc3  No.14168228



>>Is Fauci a Scientologist?

>>This report says he's a Freemason

>Does one exclude the other?

No, not at all! Just gathering membership cards, kek.

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16e3c6  No.14168229

File: 238bc16f3354a59⋯.png (154.9 KB, 520x480, 13:12, ClipboardImage.png)

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38c161  No.14168230

File: 387288770d9ab00⋯.png (399.6 KB, 676x810, 338:405, hghdhz.png)

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8e58ae  No.14168231

File: 4766973bcd753ec⋯.png (967.87 KB, 768x960, 4:5, d469ce7e3c6a54ef7aab42f189….png)

File: 11b685d63b19403⋯.jpg (124.94 KB, 768x960, 4:5, 11b685d63b1940351fff1149df….jpg)

>>14167472 (lb)

any fauci image replacement memes.

that would be great… :)

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6e238b  No.14168232


it comes in waves. Moves and countermoves. They make theirs, and then they get slapped in the face. But their flailing only gets stronger in time. Perhaps catching a dangerous animal is all about tiring it out first, who knows. What I do know is we're not out of the woods yet and too early celebrations can blind to happenings. Stay on target and godspeed.

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16e3c6  No.14168233

File: bfd2c0f5fc25f92⋯.png (450.66 KB, 620x413, 620:413, ClipboardImage.png)

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7bd201  No.14168234

File: d134f17b836e595⋯.png (21.35 KB, 569x92, 569:92, low_lvl_oss_nigger_blocked.png)


Step 1. Go Here: https://discord.gg/DG8XB4YMvz

Step 2. Locate Name OSS in chat list.

Step 3. Right-click Block

Done and now we can enjoy the rest of our day.



Removed 8chan Warroom material from dough

Removed 100+ Digital tools and services

Removed Quick links to Donald trump and related dignitaries from globals

Inserted is MJ12 slide

Has banned bakers for stupidity. - too many hyphens baker (banned)


>nb4 low lvls attack with slide.jpg. stay on the facts.

lets see how many times the pussy OSS deletes this before any of (you) have a chance to reply, cuz thats how a dough splitting thief of a liar works.

Bans like a nigger, fights like a pussy… imo

and you dint think i was going to use oneof my own proxies now, did ya stupid nigger.

-so in advance apology to whoever is also using this VPN service.-o7

*cough BannedAnon

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3b6444  No.14168235

File: 56263f13feb5aa5⋯.jpg (50.94 KB, 869x373, 869:373, cxxcvbvdsfdxgcfhvg.jpg)

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77c4ba  No.14168237


Amen, more incoming too

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a441ef  No.14168239


3 years is a lot of time to wreck the country. Is he expecting to run a country full of dead bodies and homeless people?

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56d6ab  No.14168240

Congratulations Swedish Women's Soccer Team. You silenced an enemy of the people of the United States effectively and early. I always knew the Swedes loved FREEDOM!!!

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a771a5  No.14168241

File: fcdb47bd990940e⋯.png (100.56 KB, 278x248, 139:124, Double_Pointer.png)


Oh yeah? Not if double-points at you first!

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72b653  No.14168242

File: 4e3ba477006cde8⋯.png (490.5 KB, 620x349, 620:349, ClipboardImage.png)


While looking for that one, a few others popped up.

6 People Hospitalized Following Plano House Explosion

PLANO, Texas (CBSDFW.COM) – Plano firefighters rushed to the scene of a house explosion on Monday, July 19.

It happened around 4:45 p.m. in the 4400 block of Cleveland Drive near Park Boulevard and Coit Road.

The explosion caused major damage to two other homes.

Six people, three adults and three children, were taken to the hospital.

Those patients include one person in the home that exploded and five from the home next door, Plano Fire-Rescue said.

The resident of the home that exploded was extricated from the rubble of the exploded and rushed to Medical City Plano.

There is no word on a possible cause of the explosion yet, but Atmos Energy was on the scene investigating.

Gas and electricity were shut off to the entire block for a time.

Gas and electricity was turned off to the majority of the homes on the street until approximately 9:30 pm when Atmos Energy and Oncor Electric representatives determined it was safe to reinstate gas and power.

Plano Fire-Rescue crews cleared the scene at approximately 8:40 pm leaving the scene to the Plano Fire-Rescue Fire Marshal and his investigators.

The investigation will continue into the night and tomorrow.

Plano Police confirmed late Monday night the destroyed home is not a crime scene.

Residents say they felt the impact of the blast up to one mile away.

Homes across the street had windows blown out.

Neighbors, who had damage to their homes as well, told CBS 11 there was a lot of lightning and thunder, then a boom.

“All of the sudden I heard what I thought was my sliding glass door breaking,” said neighbor Caroline Klobas. “And I just noticed two picture frames on the wall fall down and the sound and that didn’t match up. When my husband pulled into our garage, the roof in our garage had caved in.”

“It’s gone,” a police officer said about the house to CBS 11’s Andrea Lucia as she arrived on the scene.

Plano Mayor John Muns said, “We are saddened by today’s tragedy of a house explosion in our city. Several of our residents were injured. We are keeping them and their families close to our hearts and hoping for a swift and full recovery. Plano Fire-Rescue is working diligently to determine the cause of the blast. We’re asking all of you to keep the victims in your prayers.”


Related Article

'It Was Kind Of Breathtaking': Plano Firefighter Shares Personal Account Of House Explosion Aftermath

"I guess what made this one different were reports that there was no house on the location. There was debris everywhere."


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0ba942  No.14168243

File: e07e287ee5cbb45⋯.png (581.73 KB, 598x675, 598:675, Screenshot_2021_07_21_at_1….png)

‘Rest in peace, you f—king legend’: Irish thief laid to rest in epic, rowdy funeral


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44cbcc  No.14168244

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e9ac3b  No.14168245

File: 85b6fd2bcc5b826⋯.jpg (43.49 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 85b6fd2bcc5b826d553354e3da….jpg)


Ur a faggot

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efd0ab  No.14168246

File: 2d81d47fdcf5e7a⋯.png (149.49 KB, 307x571, 307:571, Massive_FF_planned_to_be_b….png)


The general confirmed publicly that a massive FF was most likely needed to distract from audit results and control the narrative.

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c0e901  No.14168247

File: a2ef87821fd3974⋯.png (133.15 KB, 708x1132, 177:283, ClipboardImage.png)


When one organization finances, directs, and protects two OPPOSING/DIALECTICAL sub-divisions, radical left and radical right, and repeat repeat repeat a false dichotomy 'reality' under which entire populations are to be 'sublimated' and determined according to pre-determined 'laws' of history 'discovered' by an 'intellectual elite' of 'approved' satan worshiping bloodlines that date back thousands of years…

When information USED to be destroyed, and the 'memory' used to be lost, but is now UNSTOPPABLE over decentralized control of digital battlefield…

There is NO ESCAPE for those who have 'sourced' that divisive insanity.

New World.

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bee2ac  No.14168248

File: 6708796e01d5697⋯.png (676.85 KB, 678x1024, 339:512, CQGAT7fU8AA6Csj.png)

>>14168160 (lb)

>>14168194 (lb)

>>14168175 (lb)



sounds like a Q warner.

>at&t intensifies

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b039ad  No.14168249


Anyone know the addy and who lives there?

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e84e2f  No.14168250


Raised Catholic, educated by Jesuits, now a "humanist". Is that another name for atheist?

Catholics cannot become masons and stay Catholic.

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acc52d  No.14168251


he's just putting his hands up for the cuffs

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c0e901  No.14168252


OOPS, (PB), (PB)!

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eded12  No.14168253

File: 1d1812cf776c7de⋯.png (166.63 KB, 264x261, 88:87, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bd46159d7ee99e2⋯.png (542.77 KB, 606x338, 303:169, ClipboardImage.png)


no, never watch that pantomime, we used to have something called wrestling and knew as a kid it was fake.

ok big brain, explain to me what you think it means and be careful, you are talking a fully redpilled researcher vet?

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6e238b  No.14168254


>Removed 8chan Warroom material from dough

because it was comped and ran by the retard group connected to the mj12 larpers

>Removed Quick links to Donald trump and related dignitaries from globals

globals are for meta and board announcements only, has been like that from the beginning

>Inserted is MJ12 slide

not a slide when digs got proof they're connected and responsible to all of the board fuckery. But you'd know all about that, wouldn't you.

>Has banned bakers for stupidity. - too many hyphens baker (banned)

every baker has been banned for fucking with the bread

keep crying, babyfist

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56d6ab  No.14168255


Texas = Bush Crime Ring


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e9ac3b  No.14168256


good eye

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c001f1  No.14168257

The doge trannie crew should be happy. I no longer filter them as each tantrum thrown over the big meanies (BO/BV) brings me joy. Thanks shills.

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4237b8  No.14168259

File: 100a6a26eef9bba⋯.png (206.35 KB, 1080x720, 3:2, nf6ud8g7h8fh6uy.png)

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0be79f  No.14168260

File: e7227ab00197b9a⋯.jpg (3.29 MB, 1645x1645, 1:1, 8_kun_seal.jpg)

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2eef98  No.14168261

File: 62a70fad21d908c⋯.png (153.76 KB, 425x300, 17:12, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 642a6710a80a157⋯.png (293.62 KB, 480x240, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4d72fe18d0a4818⋯.png (717.48 KB, 980x530, 98:53, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 16174f02a965454⋯.png (522.5 KB, 515x453, 515:453, ClipboardImage.png)

There's a lot of research in this article if you want to look into Ivanka or any other Trump connection to Jews of Eastern Europe



All 3 wives have connections to a Jewish past


Perhaps they are leading a group of Jews who are rising up against the Phoenician slavemasters who have abused Jews as aRed Shieldfor so many generations. Ib the process all of humanity will be freed from the yoke, simply by following their example and all standing up together,United NOT Divided

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1aeb70  No.14168262

File: 77cc3f74df47cde⋯.png (241.92 KB, 535x497, 535:497, ClipboardImage.png)



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0b0294  No.14168263

File: 7d4943bb0204d7d⋯.jpg (144.22 KB, 900x500, 9:5, barrick_gold_founder_chair….jpg)

File: b4a7e6e8e08b84c⋯.jpg (90.08 KB, 1086x723, 362:241, peter_munk_jpg_size_custom….jpg)


petey has a rose of a different color, but none the less

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e84e2f  No.14168264


Yeah, but you got them milkies!

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b039ad  No.14168267


I stopped listening to Fauci in March of 2020 when he said masks didn't work and to not buy them so there is enough for all the healthcare workers.

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a771a5  No.14168268

File: a747f7445442bec⋯.png (287.48 KB, 622x808, 311:404, 8ktime_person_of_the_year_….png)

File: 230269bf711ea5b⋯.jpg (110.26 KB, 414x506, 9:11, America_Stand_for_the_Worl….jpg)


8Kun is the 21st Century's Poor Richard's Almanac.

We can all be a Paine.

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c7e3e1  No.14168269

File: f18590ae452d5df⋯.png (260.51 KB, 548x455, 548:455, 8KUNTOP.png)

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e9ac3b  No.14168270


You know dam well Trump won the election and this is all WWF skit for the Great Awakening to happen. if you are so veteran red pilled you would be sitting in comfyfukinland with the Anons. I got to get back to work I don't have time for crying and whining. Good day to you.

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72b653  No.14168271

File: 7056f10fca65b3e⋯.png (2.09 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 06d2966097d9eaf⋯.png (2.23 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7e05799f24bfda7⋯.png (974.52 KB, 750x516, 125:86, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7cd3b2a7e88cdcf⋯.png (765.78 KB, 750x469, 750:469, ClipboardImage.png)


2 parter

It was gone': Woman, 92, dies in explosion that destroys Lackawanna home

The explosion at his Lackawanna neighbor's home across the street was unlike anything Michael Salamone had seen before.

"It was disastrous," said Salamone, a West Seneca Reserve Hose firefighter.

Salamone recalled walking to his front window, coffee in hand, and opening the drapes. And then "everything went white."

"When the debris stopped falling and the smoke cleared, I could see the house across the street was leveled," Salamone said. "It was gone."

He immediately feared for the life of Irene Sanok, his 92-year-old neighbor.

“Her car was still there," he said.

City officials confirmed Sanok died in the explosion at her Bedford Avenue home Tuesday morning.

She was pronounced dead at the scene by the Erie County Medical Examiner's Office, according to the release from the city's public information officer.

Sanok is believed to have been the only one inside the home when it exploded.

Neighbors knew her daily routine. She usually went to the store around 9:30 a.m.

“This was at about 7:30 in the morning,” Salamone said of the explosion.

“We all love her, and we check on her every day,” he said.

“To me it looked like we got hit with a bomb – it was crazy,” he said, recalling what he saw when he walked outside his home. “Everything’s falling, debris is falling, wood is falling. The roof was in our backyard. It was like the world was coming apart."

The firefighters and police officers who first arrived at the house at 91 Bedford found the structure destroyed and a fire burning in the home's foundation.

The call came in at 7:22 a.m., said Lackawanna Fire Department Capt. Gary Strzelczyk.

There did not appear to be any fire still burning around 8:30 a.m., but there was a "large debris field," Strzelczyk said.

Bedford runs off Abbott Road across from Lackawanna High School.

The explosion damaged seven homes.

Karen Buntich, who lives down the street from where Sanok's home exploded, said the blast woke her up.

“I was sleeping in bed and just heard, like, the whole earth move. It really was that bizarre,” Buntich said.

"How could this happen?" she said. "It’s right on your street and it can happen to anybody. What if it was right next door?”

The explosion also woke up Jason Salamone, Michael’s son.

“The boom woke me up – I thought it was a lightning strike on the roof,” he said. “I got up and ran out and was just floored. When you hear an explosion, you think maybe just part of a house would be destroyed … but the whole thing was leveled and it was very surreal to see that.”

When Michael Salamone walked outside, he saw “a huge fireball.”

“There were flames where the basement would be, and the house was totally leveled. There were some fire spots and some debris on fire in the street.”

Salamone said a woman’s car was buried in debris on the side of the house.

His firefighter instincts kicked in as he donned some old protective turnout gear and put out small fires with a fire extinguisher while trying to locate anyone who was injured.

“As a firefighter that’s all you care about – and these people I doubly care about because they’re my neighbors,” he said.

The explosion left more than 500 National Grid customers in the area without power Tuesday morning.

The incident remains under investigation by the city police and fire departments, the Erie County Sheriff's Office and National Fuel. The investigation is expected to take several days, authorities said.


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16e3c6  No.14168272

File: 73e63488d172fc1⋯.png (1.4 MB, 768x960, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)


Like this?

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77c4ba  No.14168274


Stop believing everything you read! Its possible John was told to plant this out there. Moves and countermoves

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eded12  No.14168275

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6e7ceb  No.14168276

File: 1f661537d28b030⋯.png (328.84 KB, 754x569, 754:569, jbanks.PNG)

Nancy proves Banks tweet to be true


Pelosi said Wednesday she won’t allow Reps. Jim Banks of Indiana or Jim Jordan of Ohio to participate, even though the Republican lawmakers were selected by Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy to serve on the committee.

Banks tweeted earlier this week that Pelosi “created the committee solely to malign conservatives & justify the Left’s authoritarian agenda.”

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e9ac3b  No.14168277


Wasnt tring to be a dick sorry just sick of all the doubters. DONALD TRUMP IS A PATRIOT and in control what more do you need to know

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8e58ae  No.14168278



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72b653  No.14168280


National Fuel: Testing yields 'nothing unusual' where Lackawanna house exploded

here was "nothing unusual" found in tests on the gas lines on Bedford Avenue where a house exploded Tuesday, according to a statement Wednesday by National Fuel.

"Testing of the main line and service line on Bedford Avenue as well as soil and atmospheric evaluation have shown nothing unusual or any evidence of system malfunction or leaking natural gas," the release stated.

National Fuel said it was cooperating with Lackawanna fire and police representatives and fire investigators from the Erie County Sheriff’s Office in regards to an investigation into the cause of the explosion at 91 Bedford Ave., which claimed the life of Irene Sanok, 92.

The City of Lackawanna had nothing to report on the investigation as of Wednesday afternoon. Public Information Officer Charles E. Clark said the investigation "will take some time."

Clark said that Lackawanna Code Enforcement worked with contractors to secure windows and other parts of adjoining properties that were damaged by the blast. Code officers are still assessing damages to the seven neighboring structures that were affected, Clark said.

The Red Cross was on site Tuesday to assist individuals who were displaced from homes due to explosion.


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16e3c6  No.14168281

File: 946002da671a9d2⋯.png (411.09 KB, 544x499, 544:499, ClipboardImage.png)

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e9ac3b  No.14168282

Trump is a Master Mind. There are only a few around they are way more smart than me and many smartish types. Master minds got it all. Trust Q and the plan

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06a44d  No.14168283

File: 845547bf043c26f⋯.png (331.51 KB, 500x300, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d4d5d2826366f6b⋯.png (316.89 KB, 545x364, 545:364, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 86e57686c6391c9⋯.png (565.24 KB, 608x317, 608:317, ClipboardImage.png)


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5a7cb6  No.14168284



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16e3c6  No.14168285

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a2d0fb  No.14168287

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Can you embed BITCHUTE?

If so this is the kind of shit…..


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c0e901  No.14168288

File: b5d795a940ad70b⋯.png (122.03 KB, 1341x839, 1341:839, BO_BV_5.png)

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6fa276  No.14168289

File: 588dc9df8f353cc⋯.png (31.29 KB, 351x37, 351:37, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8d74e6aa484641e⋯.png (31.31 KB, 351x37, 351:37, ClipboardImage.png)

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4aae14  No.14168290

File: 31bda1c1755a543⋯.png (501.86 KB, 612x459, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2d341f45ddc39d0⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1441x1280, 1441:1280, Image_2021_07_21_13_33_42.png)


Plans to Run in 2024

July 20th, when Qclock time was 22:01

>3 friends

>All three reported

>3 Sources

lotta 3's……. +3 days is…………… 22:04


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4feea6  No.14168291


oh no. it means Trump will get a shot at a term in the new republic.

Shadow presidents go both ways

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6b1db1  No.14168292

File: 2cd1655f0dd8b4a⋯.png (1.14 MB, 768x960, 4:5, fraudci_quickie.png)

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0ba942  No.14168293

File: fd3fe102eb0e0f8⋯.png (403.45 KB, 598x580, 299:290, Screenshot_2021_07_21_at_1….png)

Chrissy Teigen says she could be canceled forever



Don´t panic!

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a771a5  No.14168294

File: 8a09ab1ce7d7201⋯.png (369.94 KB, 623x318, 623:318, fuckoff.png)


>Pelosi said Wednesday she won’t allow Reps. Jim Banks of Indiana or Jim Jordan of Ohio to participate

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f60d9c  No.14168295

File: ec5c994725f1b95⋯.jpeg (470.14 KB, 828x931, 828:931, 8850DC12_07EC_457C_B65D_A….jpeg)

File: c94b204454c8f41⋯.jpeg (1.13 MB, 828x1416, 69:118, F6B8F41B_4AAB_400A_9306_F….jpeg)


>>14168194 (lb)


Across the street from the police dept?

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d0f682  No.14168296

File: ef77408cd83b858⋯.png (785.52 KB, 1080x610, 108:61, ClipboardImage.png)

He’s Culpable. He’s Lying About It. And He Needs to Be Held Accountable” – Sen. Ron Johnson Says It’s Time to Go After Fauci for Funding Gain-of-Function Research, Lying About It Under Oath

On Wednesday morning Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) joined Maria Bartiromo to discuss the latest on Dr. Fauci and the coronavirus.

Senator Johnson called out Dr. Fauci, “He’s culpable. He’s lying and he needs to be held accountable.”


LIAR FAUCI BUSTED: 2018 Video Shows Dr. Fauci REINSTATING Gain-of-Function Research at NIH – Defending Its Use

It is widely known that Dr. Tony Fauci funded the Wuhan Laboratory.

The Gateway Pundit first reported on this in early 2020.

And Senator Paul opened his questioning by putting Dr. Tony Fauci on notice — his criminal lies will not be tolerated.

Senator Rand Paul: Dr. Fauci, as you are aware it is a crime to lie to Congress, Section 1001 of the US Criminal Code. Critics say a felony and a five-year penalty for lying to Congress. On your last trip to our committee on May 11th, you stated that the NIH has not ever and does not now fund ‘gain of function” research to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. And yet, “gain of function” was done entirely at the Wuhan Institute.

Dr. Fauci then denied the charges and screamed at Senator Rand Paul calling him a “Liar!”

Dr. Fauci funded the Wuhan lab that created the virus — Then Dr. Fauci withheld an effective treatment HCQ in treating the disease from Americans.

The man is a megalomaniac.

Senator Rand Paul Tuesday night said he is sending a letter to the Department of Justice asking for a criminal referral into Dr. Fauci.

now there is proof that Dr. Fauci was lying again under oath in yesterday’s hearing.

And there is video proof that Fauci was lying.

Back on January 29, 2018, Dr. Fauci announced, “NIH Lifts Funding Pause on Gain-Of-Function Research.”

And Dr. Fauci defended its use.

It appears Rand Paul has an open-and-shut case against liar Tony Fauci.

Via Kanekoa the Great:



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2aaa5a  No.14168298

File: b9a72b4f4bfa26a⋯.png (34.14 KB, 515x356, 515:356, KODKHT.png)

File: 0bebaca755b5cb7⋯.jpg (170.57 KB, 984x664, 123:83, Regeneron.jpg)

Just caught the Heavenly Trips on Kodak, KODK memba what Trump said when he went to Kodak……Regeneron….KODK will be over $100 dollars on the way to $1K

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77c4ba  No.14168299

File: b6e281bed9a950c⋯.jpeg (420.78 KB, 1241x1792, 1241:1792, FCB03CA4_EFA9_4AC8_B0F4_1….jpeg)


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16e3c6  No.14168300


Used that as the filename kek.

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a771a5  No.14168301

File: 3624f064b887b33⋯.png (759.16 KB, 721x714, 103:102, I_feel_It.png)


>Chrissy Teigen says she could be canceled forever

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53bac5  No.14168302

File: a7330cc36094cb8⋯.png (221.53 KB, 460x259, 460:259, ClipboardImage.png)


Or this giant covid could sneak into your nose with only 1 mask

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7bd201  No.14168303



>Removed 8chan Warroom material from dough

-because it was comped and ran by the retard group connected to the mj12 larpers

what is comped in the dough code?

Gather Everyone In the AM and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got in the PM! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]
[1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current #HOTTOPICS
[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from https:''//''botsentinel.com and use them to help get your #HASH out.
[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST
[4] Always Try to Post Meme/Cap/Vid/Article (Not just plain text)
[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.
[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts and ask question instead of making statement.
[7] RT other's tweets and Report Bots (New account, no followers, lots of RT's)
[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https:''//''tweetdeck.com
[9] Information Warfare https:''//''ghostbin.com/paste/pklIf [ARCHIVE OFFLINE]

you have no clue what you are saying.

>Removed Quick links to Donald trump and related dignitaries from globals

-globals are for meta and board announcements only, has been like that from the beginning

globals are for anything baker wants. stfu. It is OPS bake, not the BV's. LEARN THE DIFFERENCE

>Inserted is MJ12 slide

-not a slide when digs got proof they're connected and responsible to all of the board fuckery. But you'd know all about that, wouldn't you.

yes a slide when all othe rpertinent infomation is removed for their display… that no oe cares about at all.

hmm mj12 larp slide, or quick links to donald trump rumble account. again stfu u have no clue what you are saying

>Has banned bakers for stupidity. - too many hyphens baker (banned)

-every baker has been banned for fucking with the bread

-keep crying, babyfist

-yeah thats what u see me doing aint it. stfu nigger and make some sense nothing you have statement can defend OSS's actions.

btw you the only nigger defending check that shit nigger

>nb4 ban and vpn iphop

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8e58ae  No.14168304


if you only knew how bad things really are


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170ee7  No.14168305


Fuck outta here dude.

Stick with penny stocks kids ignore these faggots they want you to pump their stock. Find out how much you can pump a penny stock doe. Invest Safe DYOR!

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efd0ab  No.14168306

File: 1b6bf7b344b9f20⋯.png (296.19 KB, 541x347, 541:347, Podesta_14_fish_hands.png)

File: 4eec4e0a592c01f⋯.jpg (60.8 KB, 621x414, 3:2, Washington_monument_key_di….jpg)

File: 1cb75d58c6e2c17⋯.jpg (539.67 KB, 1600x1277, 1600:1277, Saint_Peter_s_Key_Oblesk_D….jpg)

Why are billionaires so interested in escaping our atmosphere for a couple minutes?

POTUS with Maria, "You don't know yet but you'll find out".


Babylon Working Undone?

Attempts to rework the deal?

Bigger than you can imagine…

Really makes an anon wonder.

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a441ef  No.14168307


So what are you expecting to happen before the fuel pumps run dry and the shelves are emptied for the last time?

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eded12  No.14168308

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


look i trust trump, but i rely on myself, i would like to know the ground game, i posted something earlier about Catherine austin fitts latest interview, chek notables, but to make it easy i will post again, with a slight edit.

Trump needs to back away from the vaccines, especially if those vaccinated are no longer counted as humans.

post below !!!



Note: She is the only person that the elite insider mentioned in his thread as a busy body who worked for bush admin, no one is listening to her.

not any moar. !!


Whistleblower Catherine Austin Fitts Reveals Central Banking Reset Plan!

Jul 21, 2021



Whistleblower Catherine Austin Fitts Reveals Central Bankers Plan!

Bankers agreed during FED meeting in Jackson Hole, Wyoming to take down the economy with earth shattering implications for millions!


Dark Journalist Daniel Liszt goes deep with Former Assistant HUD Secretary and Wall Street Investment firm Dillon Read and Co. partner Catherine Austin Fitts in these fascinating new interview clips dealing with Central Bank Digital Control (CDBC) and the Going Direct Reset!


Catherine reveals how the Central Banking Warfare model has been utilized to bring us to the brink of world dictatorship while putting a Transhumanist control grid in place for total domination of human life. "A re-engineering of the financial transaction system as part of a larger re-engineering of the global governance system. And when I say 're-engineering', part of that is a consolidation of the financial coup."

Support Dark Journalist Now!

We are 100 Percent Independent and Supported by Viewers like YOU! You can make sure this important work continues by subscribing to Dark Journalist here:




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030176  No.14168309

File: fd048937e0b4ad9⋯.png (106.75 KB, 386x329, 386:329, Polish_20210720_203851381.png)

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16e3c6  No.14168310

File: f2bc8b5fe260099⋯.jpg (46.33 KB, 720x723, 240:241, fauci_8.jpg)

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6e7ceb  No.14168311

File: 50c8c4b90a97b91⋯.png (228.06 KB, 755x556, 755:556, jbanks1.PNG)

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72b653  No.14168313



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2aaa5a  No.14168314

File: fe991ead1d21910⋯.jpeg (137.98 KB, 1440x961, 1440:961, Faggotshowing.jpeg)


Not gonna waste a lot of time on your bullshit but just leave this one meme here for ya

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e84e2f  No.14168315

File: dd3047287842b96⋯.jpg (120.07 KB, 1440x812, 360:203, True.jpg)

File: 763ea18543e1c08⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Space_Force_Pepes.png)


Set a trap to catch a dangerous animal.

We can meet for a beer at the parade. Enceladus for vodkas if we ratchet this up to Space Force.

Stay vigilant, Anons.

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f60d9c  No.14168316



A lot of helicopter footage here


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f583a6  No.14168317

File: 35b886f2d9b3c15⋯.png (97.02 KB, 321x445, 321:445, AceOfHearts.png)


TYB for the kek. Nice pic.

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170ee7  No.14168318


>Find out how much you can pump a penny stock doe.

Like a plant that grows, can one take the Fertilizer (Investment) out after it has been dispersed?

What would happen to the Plant (Stock)?

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3057fa  No.14168319

File: 89fd16619bad943⋯.jpg (518.92 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 20210205_130709.jpg)



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77c4ba  No.14168320

File: 94a8356b0690527⋯.jpeg (481.47 KB, 1164x2115, 388:705, 20303926_F82A_4066_9636_F….jpeg)

This pisses me off, why doesnt anyone arrest these criminals, I know stupid question


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c676c7  No.14168321

Does anyone here know how to fake a covid vax card? Like what would I need in order to get a fake card?

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5a7cb6  No.14168322

File: 557437c8d016824⋯.jpg (10.16 KB, 168x255, 56:85, c1e3d36ad44906d0156e7bbd0c….jpg)

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f583a6  No.14168323

File: 715ea809ed6081d⋯.png (422.43 KB, 469x502, 469:502, LittlePrick.png)

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73f200  No.14168324


Dead dont need sleep. Permenant awareness. Like a nightmare. Or a paradise depending on the bags you pack.

Pack light.

Journey well.

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8ffcf3  No.14168325

File: 439382ccfa06535⋯.png (212.58 KB, 370x277, 370:277, F.PNG)

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c60a41  No.14168326

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

'He Opened It Up And Look What Fell Out': John Kennedy Presents Surprising Mail At Hearing

197,986 viewsJul 19, 2021

Dems trying to buy people

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eded12  No.14168327

File: 8458ba0004aeee2⋯.png (198 KB, 285x289, 285:289, ClipboardImage.png)


what does that even mean?, kek,

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249b61  No.14168329

In the Congressional hearing on COVID yesterday, it was announced that the government was releasing 2 billion dollars of a 10 billion dollar expenditure from the Rescue package provided by Congress. The money was released to fund securing raw materials for the COVID vaccines. Why are the taxpayers funding procurement of materials and paying for the vaccines as well? The big pharma companies need the materials and they are making the money selling the vaccines to the government. Why aren’t they buying their own materials? This extends their profits by 2 billion dollars! And the taxpayers are being charged twice for the same product.

When the whole vaccine bubble bursts, we need to follow these billions and billions of dollars and get reimbursed from big pharma.

This pissed me off, once again WE THE PEOPLE are forced to finance our own demise. We need to audit every expenditure awarded by Congress and LIMIT what they are allowed to spend money on.

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a771a5  No.14168330

File: 7847659d88ec70f⋯.jpg (184.75 KB, 600x563, 600:563, fuckn_saved.jpg)


Dank, anon.

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d0f682  No.14168331

File: 88ab1c10ed30e59⋯.png (355.77 KB, 543x762, 181:254, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 312709941b1f26e⋯.png (420.68 KB, 570x737, 570:737, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a5d55daeed4b729⋯.png (343.43 KB, 581x662, 581:662, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6b5c271b28c20d7⋯.png (238.96 KB, 559x673, 559:673, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4cf3581aa9d2c9f⋯.png (400.16 KB, 558x665, 558:665, ClipboardImage.png)

Five Counties in Michigan Will Likely Break the Law and a Cease and Desist Order by Erasing 2020 Election Data from Their Voting Machines

Five Michigan counties are allegedly moving ahead with guidance from the state that is likely to erase all activities on the voting machines in the county. A Cease and Desist order was mailed to the counties but these few counties may move forward anyways.

At least five counties in Michigan are reportedly moving ahead with the destruction of data from the 2020 Election on the voting equipment they used in the election. The problem with this is that the procedure that the vendor is performing reportedly removes all data from the machines but federal law states that information related to the 2020 Election is to be maintained in safekeeping for 22 months after the election. Also, all the counties in the state have been provided a ‘cease and desist’ order preventing them from removing the data from the machines.

According to Kagbro88 on Twitter, at least five counties have said they are moving ahead with the request from the state to remove the batteries in the machines which would also remove all memory from the machines.

Midland and Manistee Counties are two of the counties moving forward with the state’s request.

Lake County says they are waiting for their attorney’s opinion while Dickinson is moving ahead with the ‘maintenance’.

Iron County is planning on going ahead with the state’s request as well.

These counties are risking a lot due to their actions. Removing batteries from their machines will likely erase data that is residing on the machines and the law requires all data to be kept intact for 22 months after the election. Also, removing the battery will make the machines out of compliance and they will have to be recertified as a result.


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1a7ff9  No.14168332

File: 196ad0188413fb6⋯.jpeg (11.94 KB, 255x244, 255:244, sameasit.jpeg)


At some point he'll most likely become "bipartisan" a.k.a. selling out

It's the GOPe House Specialty

Happens every time. That's why Nancy is playing gatekeeper

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030176  No.14168333

File: 0c55c051844a2da⋯.png (233.71 KB, 526x574, 263:287, Polish_20210721_103149889.png)

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eded12  No.14168334


==no way hozay,

nice bush btw,

aaah the days of old when you could not see the critters laying in hiding underneath all that hair. kek

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6937bb  No.14168335


I know you can find the information if you look for it. I'm hesitant to post anything about it here for fear that some woketivist would use it as a pretense for shutting this site down.

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6e7ceb  No.14168336

We don't negotiate with Terrorists


House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy on Wednesday reportedly pulled all five of his picks to be on the chamber' select committee to investigate the Jan. 6 U.S. Capitol attack, after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi rejected two of them – GOP Reps. Jim Banks and Jim Jordan.

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4feea6  No.14168337

File: 2cf9cd0599b05b6⋯.gif (14.89 MB, 640x640, 1:1, glowstick.gif)


This is bait and switch.

You show this pasta when you're whinging…

…but then actually insert grift from your off board and the other niggerboards.

fuck you.

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e9ac3b  No.14168338


Il check out the video thanks for that and also your opinion without being an asshole like me.

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2aaa5a  No.14168339

File: cead33cc6e140f6⋯.png (964.37 KB, 1306x1604, 653:802, jj5.png)

File: 2a724a9079b0f9c⋯.png (732.91 KB, 986x1384, 493:692, jj4.png)



It is called FREE SPEACH NEGRO. I never said BUY it, I simply stated my opinion. Going to $100 on the way to $1K. You can do exactly whatever the fuck you like….KODK is made in the USA that is what Trump said and that is what I reiterated. Butt feel free to buy this shit….

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77c4ba  No.14168340

File: 9a3b865c8ec4230⋯.jpeg (310.8 KB, 1241x1222, 1241:1222, 7644F2CA_8A5B_4656_A556_F….jpeg)


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d0f682  No.14168341

File: e553f6f46525e81⋯.png (1.17 MB, 867x696, 289:232, ClipboardImage.png)

File: db6723411ad7f6f⋯.png (448.13 KB, 1284x2239, 1284:2239, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3b9c552ab27c839⋯.png (186.07 KB, 688x764, 172:191, ClipboardImage.png)

Elections Official Who DEMANDED Pens Before Election And Sharpies On Election Day DONATED TO MARK KELLY

Sharpiegate conspirator Kelly Dixon donated to Mark Kelly’s campaign just weeks before she participated in the 2020 election steal.

Prior to the 2020 election Maricopa County Elections Director Kelly Dixon demanded that poll workers give ballpoint pens to voters every day prior to elections, but on elections day she said they “NEED” to use sharpies.

We know that Trump voters showed up in overwhelming numbers on election day due to mail-in fraud concerns.

This is always the case. Republicans like to vote in person to make sure their vote counts.

Now there is evidence that Kelly Dixon donated to Democrat Mark Kelly.

Dixon also contributed $100 to ACTBLUE, earmarked for Mark Kelly for Senate. She secured this victory bad election practices.

Headline USA reports “According to her LinkedIn page, her office was responsible for filling “more than 4,000 temporary worker positions to support election day sites and elections activities.”

How many of the found discrepancies were caused by this woman or her 4,000 handpicked employees?

@CitizenSe7en721 Tweeted:

Of COURSE she did!!!

Maricopa Official Behind SharpieGate Gave to Mark Kelly Campaign


Why did they strictly use sharpies on election day but ballpoint pens every day prior?


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0be79f  No.14168342

File: 69adea5818c0886⋯.png (955.86 KB, 768x960, 4:5, Fauci.png)

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030176  No.14168343

File: b44a59049428ff6⋯.png (315.41 KB, 700x522, 350:261, Polish_20210720_222013289.png)

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1a7ff9  No.14168344

File: 3eb66eb7ab1d69a⋯.jpg (98.73 KB, 938x795, 938:795, 3eb66eb7ab1d69a48101df56fc….jpg)


Was she a David Hogg prototype?

Very similar

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a771a5  No.14168345

File: c0be514f898facb⋯.jpg (217.7 KB, 1200x892, 300:223, sickass_trips.jpg)


The Trump curse srikes again.

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8aa439  No.14168348


why do you need a fake one, I thought the FBI already supplied those to you?

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d0f682  No.14168349

File: 5450b117a2ca5ea⋯.png (1.56 MB, 1284x718, 642:359, ClipboardImage.png)

Pelosi Rejects McCarthy’s GOP Picks Jim Jordan, Jim Banks For January 6 Committee

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday rejected two of McCarthy’s Republican picks for her highly partisan January 6 committee.

Earlier this week GOP House Leader Kevin McCarthy released his pics for Pelosi’s sham Jan. 6 select committee:

The five included:

Jim Banks (ranking member)

Jim Jordan

Rodney Davis

Kelly Armstrong

Troy Nehls

Pelosi rejected GOP Reps. Jim Jordan (OH) and Jim Banks (IN), both strong allies of Trump.

The RINOs McCarthy chose are safe from the chopping block.

According to Forbes:

Rep. Rodney Davis (R-Ill.), the chair of the House Administration Committee and a relative moderate in his caucus who was one of 35 House Republicans to vote to create a bipartisan commission to probe the attack, which was blocked by Senate Republicans.

Rep. Kelly Armstrong (R-N.D.), one of seven House Republicans who signed a letter criticizing objections to President Joe Biden’s electoral college victory, which a majority of House Republicans voted for even after the Jan. 6 attack.

Pelosi also chose RINO Trump hater Liz Cheney to be on her sham committee.


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16e3c6  No.14168350

File: a452b67c3015710⋯.png (478.02 KB, 690x500, 69:50, fauci_flip_flop.png)

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030176  No.14168351

File: 66a0f64f8e0002e⋯.jpg (348.93 KB, 790x1016, 395:508, Polish_20210720_224326121.jpg)

File: 8c3035ee06563b2⋯.png (233.89 KB, 577x432, 577:432, Polish_20210720_194500423.png)

File: f470a9e6fc47312⋯.png (140.28 KB, 360x406, 180:203, Polish_20210720_182610151.png)

File: f16bc6de9b37bad⋯.png (759.86 KB, 720x913, 720:913, Polish_20210720_223750779.png)

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e84e2f  No.14168352

File: 02a13bcc7a4375a⋯.gif (2.79 MB, 435x250, 87:50, KYS.gif)

File: 50eb67d91ddf2da⋯.jpg (41.19 KB, 614x633, 614:633, Do_A_Flip.jpg)


Sure Mr. Brock.

Shouldn't you run along back to Media Matters?

Take these Biden faggots with you.

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e9ac3b  No.14168354


That movie scared the shit out of me as a kid I lived directly behind a corn field. Fuked me up bad ..kek

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f60d9c  No.14168355

File: 5b6f0412d801bce⋯.jpeg (258.94 KB, 828x776, 207:194, FF4E66D4_020D_4649_B909_E….jpeg)

File: c79d28b6389ca8c⋯.jpeg (523.71 KB, 828x1231, 828:1231, 7E4C8886_713B_4C13_8AA9_7….jpeg)




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0ba942  No.14168356

File: 13d988f048cbfa8⋯.jpg (126.12 KB, 660x330, 2:1, the_homer_inline4.jpg)

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c676c7  No.14168357


And have my search engine history track me? Fuck that, and this site has been under attack multiple times, that's such a weak ass excuse

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d0f682  No.14168358

RUMBLINGS: 2 of 3 Retired Policemen Drop From Wisconsin Speaker Vos’s Audit Team – Vos Refuses to Call for a Forensic Audit in Wisconsin

Wisconsin’s Republican Speaker of the House continues to refuse a real forensic audit in the state. Now 2 of 3 policemen Vos selected for an audit of the state have reportedly resigned.

Wisconsin’s Speaker Vos has continueS to pretend he cares about election integrity while showing he does not. He’s taken numerous actions to indicate he knows the Wisconsin 2020 Presidential election was fraudulent. But he shows he doesn’t want to get to the truth by responding with actions that will never catch the fraud in the election in his state.

Now we have learned that two of the three retired policemen that Vos selected to perform an audit of the election in the state have resigned. For some reason, Vos is keeping this on the down-low.

All that the Speaker has to do is order a forensic audit of the state’s 2020 Election results and the people in his state will know that he made an effort to get to the bottom of the fraud in the state. But Vos can’t do this. He is owned by his friends from the past.



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e81320  No.14168359

File: 63808eb3e3cfebb⋯.png (236.91 KB, 574x491, 574:491, Screen_Shot_2021_07_21_at_….png)

File: 55ff7ae20f4211e⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1068x644, 267:161, Screen_Shot_2021_07_21_at_….png)

File: d90ad814a57970c⋯.png (1 MB, 1351x649, 1351:649, Screen_Shot_2021_07_21_at_….png)




re: fauci replacement

pic related



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16e3c6  No.14168360

File: 04812f55e457add⋯.jpg (33.75 KB, 500x350, 10:7, coc1.jpg)

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f583a6  No.14168361


Never seen anyone so willing to lie outright in a congressional hearing. Usually these people like Pelosi will swear something to the media BUT in front of congress they're very careful not to lie outright. Fauci just boldly lied to Rand Paul.

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6937bb  No.14168362

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8e21d8  No.14168363

File: 1a2debd3d07adda⋯.jpg (77.41 KB, 759x482, 759:482, Snot_Bubbles.jpg)

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dc87d0  No.14168364

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4baf78  No.14168365


That's precisely what I thought, anon…

Handcuff practice.

Great minds DO run in the same rut.

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3bf1bd  No.14168366

File: 0cd6f11e46a6747⋯.png (786.09 KB, 646x1690, 323:845, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 156ebb858bc435e⋯.png (78.82 KB, 655x470, 131:94, ClipboardImage.png)


nice try moishe


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0be79f  No.14168368

File: 7c225a4cadc5bb4⋯.jpg (258.81 KB, 700x394, 350:197, Pepes_of_the_corn.jpg)

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33867d  No.14168369

File: e73665506cb06b9⋯.jpeg (36.36 KB, 728x628, 182:157, C4F3F980_3AAA_41CC_B596_A….jpeg)

[P] Pegasus.

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d0f682  No.14168370

Saudi Aramco says its data being held for $50 MILLION in ransom on dark web, points finger at ‘contractor’

Saudi Arabia’s state oil company acknowledged that some of its data is being held for ransom online. Aramco said it likely came from a third-party contractor, denying there’s been any breach of its computer systems.

The company confirmed to AP on Wednesday it “recently became aware of the indirect release of a limited amount of company data which was held by third-party contractors.” The contractor was not identified, and it was unclear whether the data was obtained through hacking or leaking or some other way.

A website on the dark web claims to sell data from Saudi AramcoProof includes 34 mid-res images.Screenshots with PII are redacted, making verification impossible. pic.twitter.com/BP8C2GeOQk

— Catalin Cimpanu (@campuscodi) July 19, 2021

“We confirm that the release of data was not due to a breach of our systems, has no impact on our operations and the company continues to maintain a robust cybersecurity posture,” Aramco said in a statement.

Files purported to belong to the company began appearing on 'dark web' sites on Tuesday, along with a demand for $50 million worth of cryptocurrency to have the data deleted. It was unclear who was demanding the ransom.

Aramco is valued at around $1.8 trillion. The company has been targeted by cyber attacks in the past, for which the US and Saudi Arabia blamed Iran. In 2017, a virus disrupted computers at Sadara, a joint venture between Aramco and the US-based Dow Chemical Co. Officials claimed it might have been another version of Shamoon, the virus that in 2012 forced the Saudi oil giant to shut down its network and destroy some 30,000 computers.



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e4d47e  No.14168371


>Anyone know the addy and who lives there?

Such cool lingo & no own research.

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72b653  No.14168372

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Gen. Mark Milley hold press briefing


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a96df4  No.14168373

File: b0f1939f4cd5913⋯.png (92.73 KB, 591x468, 197:156, nov_5_2020_gab_com_codemon….png)

>>14168021 PB

yep CM account legit. Saved tweet when he verified his GAB


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c77514  No.14168374

lipsptick mill pinned to deny or admit coup comments

we got a historical moment - he scared

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4237b8  No.14168375

File: 88dbe69e9671bbe⋯.png (594 KB, 1326x878, 663:439, 88dbe69e9671bbede0ef44a8cc….png)

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4feea6  No.14168376


two niggers

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2eef98  No.14168377


I agree. There is an awful lot about the Maxwell family that has not yet been dug.

For one, the patriarch Robert Maxwell was in British intelligence, like some other famous people like Aleister Crowley

All working towards world domination

Maxwell was a CHOSEN surname so one wonders whether it has meaning. There is a significant Maxwell in South Africa connected with SAIMR which is the British Navy intelligence overseas.

It all sound like Phoenician Navy to me, but the details are more important.

What about undersea mining?

What about submarines? Not all private built subs are as hopelessly amateur the Columbian drugrunner ones.

Canadians built subs in the 1970s that are still used for tourist excursions in the Caribbean

Could there actually be underwater communities somewhere?

Look at the people and countries that bought into Ghislaine's Terramar project

Could they have been planning to mine Methane clathrates?

Cheap natural gas to sell at a huge profit if you keep its existence secret.

What other mineral resources was Ghislaine involved with?

What if the sex trafficking of children was not the MAIN EVENT, but merely the currency used by Maxwell to bind an organization together?

Connections need to be dug.

Who faked their death and now lives on the sea?

Why did COVIOD19 start by arresting all the cruise ships?

Are there key people who live on cruise ships year round?

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c0e901  No.14168378


Poe's Law?

That's funny as fuck.

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d0f682  No.14168379

French PM warns 96% of new Covid cases are among unvaccinated citizens

Prime Minister Jean Castex has warned that France is in the middle of a fourth wave of the pandemic as the Delta variant spreads through non-vaccinated citizens, with that cohort of the population comprising 96% of new cases.

Speaking on French television on Wednesday, Castex raised concerns about the Delta variant, referring it to as “the majority one” in the country, due to its “more contagious” nature.

Defending the decision to roll out a Covid health pass across France, Castex cited how 96% of new infections recorded on Tuesday were people who had not yet been fully vaccinated against the virus.

Supporting the prime minister’s remarks, Health Minister Olivier Veran told the nation’s lawmakers that there had been an unprecedented rise in cases recently – an increase of 150% in the past week – due to the prevalence of the Delta strain.

The health pass has faced opposition across France, with tens of thousands of people taking to the streets in a number of French cities to call President Emmanuel Macron’s administration a vaccine “dictatorship.” One of Macron’s own lawmakers, Pacôme Rupin, claimed the “health pass is going to fracture our country.”

The pass was introduced in an effort to reduce the spread of Covid infection while avoiding plunging the country back into a nationwide lockdown. Under the measure, access to many leisure and cultural venues in France is currently restricted to those with proof of vaccination, a negative test result, or recent recovery from Covid. Lawmakers are debating whether to extend its use to other locations, such as cafes, restaurants, and shopping malls in August.

While the French parliament is weighing up expanding the use of the Covid health pass, Castex was clear that it is not currently considering requiring it for school-age children when they return to the classroom in September.


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030176  No.14168381

File: da0a31c52467d98⋯.png (805.6 KB, 687x684, 229:228, Polish_20210718_114844162.png)

File: 827137157e0d6d6⋯.png (1.3 MB, 968x1022, 484:511, Polish_20210717_012826957.png)

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c6ee28  No.14168382


When your family dies, don't come here bitching about it, just shut the fuck up and stay quiet like the brainwashed little boomer you are, thanks.

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3057fa  No.14168383

File: 8b5a794840b5c40⋯.jpg (294.29 KB, 876x684, 73:57, 20200221_232750.jpg)



Sounds like somebody flew just a little bit too close to the sun.

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16e3c6  No.14168384

File: 9b58682df2b781e⋯.png (338.66 KB, 596x500, 149:125, pepe_kekmfao.png)

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77c4ba  No.14168385

File: f69323a32477047⋯.jpeg (112.29 KB, 1241x681, 1241:681, D1A2AD48_90F1_47C2_95BE_E….jpeg)

File: b86400d21078a7f⋯.jpeg (367.02 KB, 1241x1419, 1241:1419, 52687F58_CCC9_4F8E_9446_7….jpeg)

Kek they don’t want any objective republicans on the panel, I wonder why?


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95be37  No.14168386

File: d88517c933ce2e6⋯.png (447.5 KB, 578x564, 289:282, Screenshot_from_2021_07_21….png)

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f583a6  No.14168387


Fortitude of steal…Trump's next book.

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77543e  No.14168388

File: e361e8db50603be⋯.png (289.84 KB, 463x405, 463:405, dfdw.PNG)

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8e58ae  No.14168389


noice ty

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e9ac3b  No.14168390

File: bcb93a0854b00f7⋯.jpeg (50.91 KB, 993x558, 331:186, bcb93a0854b00f762c31ac38e….jpeg)


DANG burn! Ok

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8aa439  No.14168391


so trump gets accused of incitement, BUT the FBI actually does it. Nothing but Faggots in the FBI.

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c77514  No.14168392


hit job - like targeting AMERICAN PEOPLE

some representation!

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d0f682  No.14168393

US senators Sanders, Murphy & Lee introduce bipartisan bill to rein in presidential war powers & foreign weapons deals

A bipartisan group of US senators has introduced sweeping reforms of executive war-making authority and rules governing arms sales and national emergencies, in an effort to claw back congressional powers from the White House.

Senators Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont), Chris Murphy (D-Connecticut) and Mike Lee (R-Utah) put forward the National Security Powers Act on Tuesday – the latest effort to curtail presidential war powers, which have steadily accrued to the executive branch over several decades.

“I believe that we have become far too comfortable with the United States engaging in military interventions all over the world, and the time is long overdue for Congress to reassert its constitutional role in matters of war and peace,” Senator Sanders said in a press release announcing the new bill.

I believe that we have become far too comfortable with the United States engaging in military interventions all over the world, and the time is long overdue for Congress to reassert its constitutional role in matters of war and peace. https://t.co/YHK4YoJyDo

— Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) July 20, 2021

The lawmakers said the act had three main goals: clarifying and amending the original War Powers Resolution; reforming arms export regulations in a way that would require Congress to “affirmatively authorize” certain foreign weapons sales; and altering rules around national emergencies to prevent presidents from “exploiting a crisis to increase executive authority.”

Enacted in 1973 during the Vietnam War, the War Powers Resolution was meant to place a check on the White House’s ability to commit the country to armed conflict without lawmakers’ consent. However, as the US Constitution specifies that Congress must proactively declare a war, the Resolution effectively watered down that provision, allowing for armed action with a mere Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF), which falls short of an outright declaration.

The new legislation would define key terms left unclear in the original War Powers Resolution, namely the meaning of “hostilities.” The senators said the word “has been interpreted so narrowly by the Executive branch that key aspects of the [War Powers Resolution] became almost meaningless.”

The bill would also add “teeth” to the resolution by automatically cutting off war funding unless the president secured Congressional approval, the senators said. While lawmakers currently require a veto-proof majority to terminate unauthorized military action, the bill would instead force the White House to obtain “specific statutory authorization” to keep a war going.


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7d99ad  No.14168394

File: 63e9fb9a8453959⋯.jpg (429.21 KB, 1200x1555, 240:311, 1626876079993.jpg)


Its not a secret, faggot

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f583a6  No.14168395

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cf5823  No.14168396

>>14167660 lb

>There's no way of knowing if this is new footage or not

I can tell you, if you believe me, that the flood in the BRD is real, and that it has happened now. I know some of the people living there and it is hell!

Fuckery is going on, on top, with people, willing to help, getting trown out and it is a horrible thing for all of them! (Survivers and people who like to help!)

All the other clips, I can not confirm. Maybe some one is living there and could share some infos? And then there will be the trust question again…

Sad world/reality, if you think honest about the trust question!

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e9ac3b  No.14168397


Didnt they used to burn people inside a brass bull? This sculptor is evil

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5ab9c6  No.14168398

File: 6a7d3c74c2dcb88⋯.jpg (274.63 KB, 1080x1104, 45:46, IMG_20210721_125350_492.jpg)

I see now how the government will succeed in socializing Healthcare, force us to get the vaccine, and we will beg them to do it.

There is a document called a federal register which governs a lot of things, including how hospitals do business. In it is this bit:

What this says is that the hospitals will get an adjustment to the math factors used for things like medicare/medicaid reimbursement based on the quantity of employees who have the jab. There could even be further incentives for 100% completion, but that would require more digging.

Now people aren't dumb. The big hospitals noticed this and are making the news by making it mandatory for employees to get the jab by September. That gives them plenty of time to terminate the employees for the October reporting period.

Now enter the conspiracy part. The hospitals bet that it will be a small group of Healthcare workers so they are preparing for it. However, there are too many patriots not buying into the jab and the number is larger. They are banding together at this moment and protesting, ready to go on strike or quit or whatever.

If the Healthcare workers do a walkout or leave en masse it would cause a Healthcare crisis. And then there would be a state of emergency.

Remember FEMA gearing up earlier this year? Now we have a bunch of federal hospitals ready all over the USA ready to go headed up by our dear friend Justin.

Nothing uncle Sam says is temporary. The would go from tents to buildings to de-facto hospitals. The Fema camps would be the nations first truly state-controlled hospitals for civilians.

Since the government has a hard-on for the vaccine but can't force everyone to take it yet, this would be a convenient way for them to get anyone who sets foot in the hospitals to get the vaccine. Any serious Healthcare issues would end up at these sites and whether or not your conscious you will get it in order to live.

Once again people could stop this. Hospitals would need to see enough people say no to overcome the incentives of cooperating. Does anyone know the numbers the hospitals would need to see?I know the math is complicated, but if we could figure out a ballpark figure based on medicare and medicaid, employee costs and numbers of hospital beds we could start crunching numbers. If x number of employees said no, and it would cost them as much as they would benefit, they may lobby to stop this regulation before its rubber stamped. If enough people know and get their reps to say no or put this on hold, same thing.


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6b1db1  No.14168401

File: 0ea259a45dead44⋯.png (483.78 KB, 666x500, 333:250, f93a59dd7fcfd1f6e00ec03955….png)

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d0f682  No.14168402

File: 922722c723c8bd0⋯.png (81.53 KB, 845x442, 65:34, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9e6581dccfd2a72⋯.png (39.63 KB, 836x189, 836:189, ClipboardImage.png)

Undercover FBI informants played key role in plot to kidnap Michigan governor, suspects claim, as they accuse govt of entrapment

Several of the men accused of planning to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer say they were entrapped by the FBI, with government documents suggesting that at least 12 undercover informants played major roles in the scheme.

A lengthy investigation by BuzzFeed News – published on Tuesday and based on court filings, text and audio transcripts, and more than two dozen interviews with sources close to the case – claimed that the 12 informants and undercover agents “played a far larger role” in the kidnapping plot than was previously known.

“Working in secret, they did more than just passively observe and report on the actions of the suspects. Instead, they had a hand in nearly every aspect of the alleged plot, starting with its inception,” the outlet reported, noting that the scope of their involvement “raises questions as to whether there would have even been a conspiracy without them.”

The feds call it a conspiracy to kidnap Michigan’s governor, but a BuzzFeed News investigation shows that FBI informants had a hand in almost every aspect of the plan. https://t.co/eWUbospoXj

— BuzzFeed News (@BuzzFeedNews) July 20, 2021

So far, one of the 14 suspects in the case has formally accused the government of entrapment, saying the FBI actively drove the plot forward and helped to assemble its key planners, while lawyers for two others say they plan to raise similar claims in the future.

All but one of the 14 defendants – six of whom were slapped with federal counts, while eight others were charged under Michigan’s terrorism laws – have pleaded not guilty, insisting there was no serious plan to kidnap Whitmer. One defense attorney deemed the plot “big talk” between “crackpots” and “military wannabes.”

In the FBI’s original criminal complaint issued on October 6, 2020, the bureau acknowledged that it “relied on information provided by Confidential Human Sources (CHS) and Undercover Employees (UCE) over several months,” saying that, while all the informants were not present with the plotters at all times, “at least one … was usually present during the group meetings.”

The bureau mentioned only four undercover sources, however, including two actual agents, in its initial complaint – far fewer than the 12 ultimately revealed in later filings. The FBI also did not disclose the full extent of their involvement in the plot, though did note that some informants were paid for their work.

One of them, named as ‘CHS-2’ in the complaint, was paid at least $14,800, which the FBI says included “reporting and expenses,” while a source labeled ‘CHS-1’ was paid $8,600. It did not specify a reason for that payment.


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95be37  No.14168403

File: 26059fb6c7bcf50⋯.png (374.6 KB, 1022x575, 1022:575, Screenshot_from_2021_07_20….png)

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867eda  No.14168404


No one cares. Go back to work. Stick your head back up your ass and stop posting.

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d0f682  No.14168405

File: cee7d5105db036a⋯.png (294.39 KB, 862x551, 862:551, ClipboardImage.png)

Pentagon Reportedly Tracking "Extremist" Web Searches Including "The Truth About Black Lives Matter"

Reports circulating Tuesday reveal that the Pentagon is working with a contractor to track web searches that it describes as indicators of “white supremacy,” citing the phrase “the truth about black lives matter” as one example

Reports from Defense One and Fox News state that the Pentagon is working with a UK-based company called Moonshot CVE (Countering Violent Extremism) to uncover networks of domestic extremists within the military.

Moonshot regularly works with the notorious ADL, and has ties to former President Obama, as well as the SPLC and George Soros’ Open Foundation, according to the reports.

ADL and Moonshot’s research on online white supremacy culminated in the report, “White Supremacy Search Trends in the United States.” Find out more here: https://t.co/zPCXZYcKtX

Consider donating to ADL so we can continue to collaborate successfully: https://t.co/508JwtYZSC

— ADL Washington DC (@ADL_WashDC) July 18, 2021

Moonshot suggests that searching for the “truth about BLM” indicates a belief “that the BLM movement has nefarious motives,” which “is a disinformation narrative perpetuated by White supremacist groups to weaponize anti-BLM sentiment.”

The company further states that while the search phrase initially appears “innocuous,” it isn’t because the phrase has been used to suggest the BLM movement “is in line with the burning and looting of Antifa.”

“These sources echo White supremacist disinformation narratives alleging that BLM protesters are trying to ‘overthrow the republic’ and ‘harm American citizens in a Marxist coup,’ as a means of delegitimizing it,” the Moonshot research states.

So labelling BLM Marxist means you are an extremist, even though the organisation’s own website displays objectives are unequivocally in line with neo-Marxism, and its founders have described themselves as ‘trained Marxists’.

Appearing on Tucker Carlson’s show Tuesday night, Vince Coglianese, the editorial director of The Daily Caller discussed the Moonshot contract with the Pentagon, and noted that there is a sustained move within the Biden government to label everything as domestic extremism.

“It’s completely out of control,” Coglianese said, noting “Asking questions, now extremism. Free inquiry, now extremism. It’s getting worse.”


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6b1db1  No.14168406


Meant for ^^^^


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06a44d  No.14168407

File: 831141b624ae931⋯.png (584.69 KB, 480x480, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 34e99452dbf4aa5⋯.png (748.56 KB, 623x479, 623:479, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 623a0450082de10⋯.png (704.35 KB, 1053x967, 1053:967, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5e766e83011fa69⋯.png (582.66 KB, 621x500, 621:500, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3b9e0de6a987a37⋯.png (455.46 KB, 500x943, 500:943, ClipboardImage.png)


Nothing to see here. Just a message for all the Traitors to keep it zipped when they get stiffed, or else get stiffed.

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8ffcf3  No.14168408

File: aba3a8d5149023a⋯.png (242.63 KB, 361x595, 361:595, Capture.PNG)

Megan Rapinoe’s reaction to IOC trying to avoid politics at the Olympics. #USWNT


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c77514  No.14168409


milley' bois

still selling racism and lipstick

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77c4ba  No.14168410

File: 3db9e5a1ec3b1a1⋯.jpeg (223.27 KB, 1241x1086, 1241:1086, 9AFE982D_0CD3_423B_9DDF_8….jpeg)

File: 9ef5d1d4bf1aae3⋯.jpeg (361.12 KB, 1241x1595, 1241:1595, E9FF152C_6B9C_4D58_A77A_B….jpeg)

This irks me “it’s up to the doctor and the patient”!No its not! Its up to the “person” to make their own decision. But hes right about not forcing it on people


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eded12  No.14168411

File: befd84545f64d86⋯.png (657.12 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)



>dubs chek'ed 5;5

>bet it was the idiots on here obsessing over her milkies, someone must have wanted to see them up close for real. kek

>careful what you say in here, we have spooks in here who come to get redpilled

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56d6ab  No.14168412


Dark to Light

Only when the American People are at the precipice will they find the will to change.

>Pelosi illegally denies Jim Jordan and Jim Banks seats on the controversial 'Jan 6' kangaroo court Commission

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0be79f  No.14168413

File: 175c41e0e8d8c0c⋯.jpg (98.22 KB, 900x617, 900:617, Brazen_bull.jpg)


>Didnt they used to burn people inside a brass bull?

The Brazen Bull.


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16e3c6  No.14168414

File: b0e28130963aa54⋯.png (433.52 KB, 785x500, 157:100, anti_vaxx_extremism.png)


Being against the COVID vaccine is a form of "extremism" too according to [them].

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390bd1  No.14168415

File: a5704de076b40df⋯.jpeg (21.04 KB, 255x248, 255:248, C56AF80A_F490_40B0_AF0C_7….jpeg)


Considering the context…

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d95b5b  No.14168416


>Dark to light

Is a masonic phrase you keep repeating.

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4baf78  No.14168417


I cannot believe you people adopt a MOVIE LINE

as a MANTRA and expect something REAL to

come out of it.

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16e3c6  No.14168418

File: 2346fd4e8b3b5ac⋯.png (499.51 KB, 759x500, 759:500, Gates_vaccine_mandatory2.png)

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56d6ab  No.14168419


The FBI and Whitmer planned the 'kidnapping' plot to protect Whitmer from impeachment.

You heard it here first.

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b039ad  No.14168420


Drop the dear when addressing anyone other than a friend, kin or lover.

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258c40  No.14168421

Rand Paul is an elected representative of “we the people”

So when Fauci is addressing Rand he is actually addressing “we the people”

Fuck lying to Congress Fauci is lying to us, and calling us liars!

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607fda  No.14168422

File: b45bf0b0a9b388b⋯.jpg (368.79 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, information_warfare.jpg)


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a3a2a6  No.14168423

File: c5edb6b4d5a4416⋯.jpeg (194.42 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, D777090F_19FD_4112_8256_A….jpeg)


“Within the next generation I believe that the world's rulers will discover that infant conditioning and narco-hypnosis are more efficient, as instruments of government, than clubs and prisons, and that the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging and kicking them into obedience.”

~Aldous Huxley.

“…Suddenly, there was an opportunity to test the mRNA vaccines that had been in the works for nearly twenty years.  They could be authorized as an emergency measure but were still highly experimental.  These jabs are not really vaccines at all, but a form of gene therapy.  There are potential disastrous consequences down the road.  Government experiments on the public are nothing new…”

“…this explains the left's hysterical impulse to force these untested shots on those of us who have made the decision to go without it.  If they've decided that it is the thing to do, then all of us must submit to their whims.  If we decide otherwise, it gives them the righteous right to smear all of us whom they already deplore.

As C.J. Hopkins has written, the left means to criminalize dissent…”

“Tal Zaks, Moderna's chief medical officer, said these new vaccines are "hacking the software of life."  Vaccine-promoters claim he never said this, but he did.  Bill Gates called the vaccines "an operating system" to the horror of those promoting it, a Kinsley gaffe.  Whether it is or isn't hardly matters at this point, but these statements by those behind the vaccines are a clue to what they have in mind.”

“There will be in the next generation or so a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them but will rather enjoy it.

This is exactly what the left is working so hard to effect: a pharmacologically compromised population happy to be taken care of by a massive state machine…”


“In Huxley’s seemingly dystopic World State, the elite amuse the masses into submission with a mind-numbing drug called Soma and an endless buffet of casual sex. Orwell’s Oceania, on the other hand, keeps the masses in check with fear thanks to an endless war and a hyper-competent surveillance state. At first blush, they might seem like they are diametrically opposed but, in fact, an Orwellian world and a Huxleyan one are simply two different modes of oppression.”


The Fabian society crest is literally a WOLF in sheep’s clothing.

“The Fabian strategy is a military strategy where pitched battles and frontal assaults are avoided in favor of wearing down an opponent through a war of attrition and indirection. While avoiding decisive battles, the side employing this strategy harasses its enemy through skirmishes to cause attrition, disrupt supply and affect morale. Employment of this strategy implies that the side adopting this strategy believes time is on its side, but it may also be adopted when no feasible alternative strategy can be devised.”


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7ec106  No.14168424

Yes, Codemonkey's Telegram CHANNEL is still up, but his PERSONAL ACCOUNT was suspended, which means he has no access to his channel. Pepper is an admin on both channels. She is in contact with Ron and confirmed his personal account was suspended. (As with a Facebook page, a Telegram channel is not automatically removed when an admin's personal account is suspended.)


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56d6ab  No.14168425



Hmm. Q, they say 'Dark to Light' is a problem…


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81e7d9  No.14168426

File: b057d4439eb03f9⋯.jpg (283.12 KB, 1600x1064, 200:133, baboons_arse.JPG)


> idiots on here obsessing over her milkies,

Either retarded trolls or clowns.

She is a nasty and evil cunt that has the sex appeal of a baboon's arse.

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e9ac3b  No.14168427


Yep that sculptor is one of them

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4baf78  No.14168428

File: 14f3b2b2a7ba227⋯.png (210.63 KB, 400x400, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


And they call ME Captain Obvious

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170ee7  No.14168429

File: cb93522e0d84f2a⋯.png (233.83 KB, 774x615, 258:205, ClipboardImage.png)

Hey that McAfee Account is posting

Notables Are NOT Endorsements


>>14168203 Techno Fog and "The Dispatch"

>>14168205 Jill Biden headed to Japan for Olympics — but won't have to sleep on cardboard bed?

>>14168215 (PB) Notabruh "Fact Check THIS!"

>>14168242, >>14168271, >>14168280, >>14168295 6 People Hospitalized Following Plano House Explosion

>>14168243 ‘Rest in peace, you f—king legend’: Irish thief laid to rest in epic, rowdy funeral

>>14168276, >>14168349, >>14168385 Nancy proves Banks tweet to be true

>>14168296 He’s Culpable. He’s Lying About It. And He Needs to Be Held Accountable” – Sen. Ron Johnson Says It’s Time to Go After Fauci for Funding Gain-of-Function Research, Lying About It Under Oath

>>14168331 Five Counties in Michigan Will Likely Break the Law and a Cease and Desist Order by Erasing 2020 Election Data from Their Voting Machines

>>14168341 Elections Official Who DEMANDED Pens Before Election And Sharpies On Election Day DONATED TO MARK KELLY

>>14168355, >>14168402 The Hill ~ "Alt-Right QAnon Publication"

>>14168358 RUMBLINGS: 2 of 3 Retired Policemen Drop From Wisconsin Speaker Vos’s Audit Team – Vos Refuses to Call for a Forensic Audit in Wisconsin

>>14168370 Saudi Aramco says its data being held for $50 MILLION in ransom on dark web, points finger at ‘contractor’

>>14168372 Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Gen. Mark Milley hold press briefing

>>14168379 "Conflicting Reports…" French PM warns 96% of new Covid cases are among unvaccinated citizens

>>14168393 US senators Sanders, Murphy & Lee introduce bipartisan bill to rein in presidential war powers & foreign weapons deals

>>14168405 Pentagon Reportedly Tracking "Extremist" Web Searches Including "The Truth About Black Lives Matter"

>>14168410 Uhhuhuhuh Wut? This irks me “it’s up to the doctor and the patient”!No its not! Its up to the “person” to make their own decision. But hes right about not forcing it on people


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3bf1bd  No.14168430

File: 1cab5009d4a51c9⋯.png (492.92 KB, 542x364, 271:182, ClipboardImage.png)

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d0f682  No.14168431

File: 754323d5b2f73b1⋯.png (539.04 KB, 660x330, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Unknown Man on FBI Most Wanted List for Appearing in Child Porn Video, ID’d as a Cop

Picayune, MS — Several years ago, the FBI began a program called Endangered Child Alert Program (ECAP) as a means of identifying unknown child rapists who appear in child sexual exploitation videos or imagery. The FBI, in partnership with the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children work together to find and arrest these monsters who are apparently so brazen, they post their own sexual abuse of children on the internet.

ECAP uses images of the offenders’ faces and/or distinguishing characteristics that are visible in child pornography images to identify these assailants. The images are posted on the ECAP website and the predators are identified and prosecuted.

For the last five months, the FBI has been seeking the public’s assistance in obtaining identifying information on a John Doe, who appeared in a child sexual exploitation video. According to the FBI, the video was first recorded by the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children in February 2021. The EXIF data embedded within the video files indicated that the files were produced prior to November 2018.

According to the FBI, the John Doe was approximately a 30-40-year-old white male with light brown hair, who spoke English. The predator’s picture was posted to the ECAP website and soon after, this sicko was positively identified. He was a sergeant in the Picayune Police Department.

Sgt. Joshua Stockstill was fired last week just after being taken into custody by federal agents in connection to the aforementioned sexual exploitation investigation, according to Police Chief Freddy Drennan.

According to Assistant Chief James Bolton, Stockstill did not turn himself in but he would not release any further details.

“Once we learned that there was an investigation going on, the police department cooperated 100% with the investigation fully,” said Drennan.

According to authorities, the video in question involved Stockstill and an unknown child. No details about the level of abuse have been detailed, though sources say that at some point in the video he can be heard saying “9 years old.” However, we can assume that they were serious for Stockstill to be placed on the FBI’s most wanted list.

The FBI also stated that Stockstill “may have critical information pertaining to the identity of a child victim in an ongoing sexual exploitation investigation.”

A news release from NCMEC said:

“Every day, we analyze images of child sexual abuse with the hope of identifying a clue that will lead us to the location where a child is being abused. One of the most useful clues is when we find an adult face in the imagery. Law enforcement can make that information publicly available during their investigation.

“When Shelley’s team comes across CSAM with a visible face, like John Doe 44, they pass it along to the FBI’s Endangered Child Alert Program and to the Department of Homeland Security Investigations’ Operation Predator team. In some cases, law enforcement chooses to distribute the photo to the public with the hope that someone will recognize the individual.


“ . . . In the case of John Doe 44, the plan worked. Within hours of the FBI releasing his photo to the public, he was identified and arrested.”

As this video was made over three years ago, there very well could be other victims. The FBI is urging anyone with information about this investigation or any others can submit a tip online at tips.fbi.gov, or call the FBI’s toll-free tip line at 1-800-CALL-FBI (1-800-225-5324).


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a96df4  No.14168432

File: e2a922da7967da4⋯.jpg (37.07 KB, 720x280, 18:7, OCT_1_2019_THREE_TERMS_PRO….jpg)

File: 1d509ad3e8d78e5⋯.png (38.65 KB, 598x291, 598:291, dec_12_2019_hukabee_2024.png)

File: a2f6515a860c6e4⋯.jpg (44.52 KB, 743x745, 743:745, 3_Terms.jpg)

File: 1bd784846ff222b⋯.mp4 (2.63 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, _d_ad_3_terms_KEK.mp4)


3 terms anon

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8aa439  No.14168433

File: 892d821a4f19497⋯.png (738.95 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, 9b75a41f82fe2ad4c7ad90ace8….png)

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c60a41  No.14168434

File: 9d9dcf1ecdf61fc⋯.jpg (153.37 KB, 980x551, 980:551, 5fe9adee85f54038425b9273.jpg)


>Sounds like somebody flew just a little bit too close to the sun.

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129bd6  No.14168435



Too bad, shills.

There's nothing wrong with


Except maybe the light shining down means the end of you.

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d0f682  No.14168436

Federal judge blocks Arkansas from enforcing near total ban on abortions

A federal judge on Tuesday blocked the state of Arkansas from enforcing one of the most restrictive abortion laws in the country, a law the Republican governor previously said was intended as a direct challenge to the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision.

U.S. District Judge Kristine Baker, an Obama appointee, said the law was "categorically unconstitutional" in her court order issuing a preliminary injunction to prevent it from taking effect on July 28. The law would have banned all abortions in the state of Arkansas, including in cases of rape or incest, with the only exception being the rare instance when the life of the mother is in danger.

She said the plaintiffs, the American Civil Liberties Union and Planned Parenthood, were "likely to succeed on the merits" of their argument that the Arkansas law bans abortions before the unborn child could survive outside the womb and is therefore unconstitutional given Supreme Court precedent.

"Defendants do not make any argument to the contrary and concede that plaintiffs are likely to succeed on the merits," Baker wrote. "Instead, defendants argue that Roe and Casey were wrongly decided and that there is no constitutional right to abortion. As a federal district court, this Court 'is bound by the Supreme Court's decisions in Casey.' Accordingly, the Act is categorically unconstitutional, and plaintiffs have demonstrated they are likely to succeed on the merits.

"Defendants make no argument as to whether or not plaintiffs or plaintiffs' patients will experience irreparable harm. Since the record at this stage of the proceedings indicates that women seeking abortions in Arkansas face an imminent threat to their constitutional rights, the court concludes that they will suffer irreparable harm without injunctive relief," she added.

The plaintiffs in the case applauded the decision.

"We're relieved that the court has blocked another cruel and harmful attempt to criminalize abortion care and intrude on Arkansans' deeply personal medical decisions," ACLU of Arkansas Executive Director Holly Dickson said, according to the Associated Press.

Brandon Hill, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood Great Plains, added the decision "demonstrates that the court fully understands the harmful and immediate effects this law would have on Arkansans."

Arkansas Republicans were clear that the intention of the near-total ban on abortions was to advance to the Supreme Court and directly challenge precedents establishing a constitutional right to abortion.

Speaking in March, Governor Asa Hutchinson (R) said the "whole design" of the law was to go before the Supreme Court after President Donald Trump appointed Justice Amy Coney Barrett to fill the vacancy left by the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, which purportedly created a 6-3 conservative majority on the court.

"It is not constitutional under Supreme Court cases right now," Hutchinson said at the time. "I signed it because it is a direct challenge to Roe v. Wade. That was the intent of it."

Arkansas has enacted 20 pro-life laws this year, the most of any state since 1978.

In 2019, Hutchinson signed a law that would ban abortions in the event that Roe v. Wade is overturned. Another 2019 Arkansas law that would ban abortions after 18 weeks into a woman's pregnancy and ban selective abortions of unborn children diagnosed with Down syndrome was temporarily blocked in January amid an ongoing legal challenge.

In May, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear a case challenging a Mississippi law that would ban abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy, with some exceptions. The expected landmark decision could determine whether it is legal to outlaw abortions before an unborn baby could survive outside the womb, which is generally considered to occur at 22 weeks or later.


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c77514  No.14168437

millisplaining white rage

is like hunter giving classes on grifting

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16e3c6  No.14168438

File: 059e89bb1484b6a⋯.png (571.94 KB, 552x481, 552:481, ClipboardImage.png)


>plot to protect Whitmer from impeachment.

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e9ac3b  No.14168440

mcaffee telegram just posted something

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6e7ceb  No.14168441

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

GOP Leader McCarthy Holds Press Conference On "Pelosi's Abuse of Power" On January 6 Committee

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0d69d4  No.14168442

File: 58552de476f89f6⋯.jpg (48.68 KB, 658x500, 329:250, 5h5qr4.jpg)


Boomers, dude. You should see the gerbilposting on 4/pol/, it's completely surreal. Pretending to be a Q boomer while calling everyone that's actually redpilled jewish, and thinking he fits in. Always with the randomly capitalized letters though, so he sticks out.

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4feea6  No.14168443


>muh milkies

It's a good way for the operators to out themselves. One of the mission objectives is to make the people that post here look like retards.

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f60d9c  No.14168444

File: 4b38602f90be682⋯.jpeg (418.75 KB, 822x1124, 411:562, 64854893_ADE9_41CC_B0AC_7….jpeg)

File: 4c8c02c841fb57b⋯.jpeg (76.84 KB, 582x502, 291:251, 748A54D6_7C1B_4F31_808B_9….jpeg)



Is this image shopped or real?

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77c4ba  No.14168445

File: 3e29b5d21678135⋯.jpeg (294.1 KB, 1211x1172, 1211:1172, EF050D67_7718_4804_8A38_0….jpeg)

File: c7a7765b4bb0f6f⋯.jpeg (280.17 KB, 1208x1077, 1208:1077, 7301A107_3039_48E5_AFF7_5….jpeg)

File: 0858d086359e153⋯.jpeg (128.4 KB, 918x742, 459:371, F2909EE5_C91A_42F9_8020_2….jpeg)

Its not just creepy, its evil!


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4aae14  No.14168446

File: ed09d59d44f5aef⋯.png (196.08 KB, 541x642, 541:642, Intel_Drop_2644_2021_07_21….png)


it means today could be "2 days ahead of schedule"… esp considering the delta from that drop will "match" the drop number at 5:45pm. Then again, my datefagging has an "0 fer" track record. Kek.


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c0e901  No.14168447


I just googled the term "The Truth About Black Loves Matter" with quotes included.

I find Google is racist because it's not returning the truth about black lives matter in any of the search results.

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e9ac3b  No.14168448


thats why he isnt here today .makes sense.I hope someone doxxes and finds him those Anons on 4 is not the place to fuck with

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bee2ac  No.14168449

File: 6d4e42c7b6e7b08⋯.jpg (184.02 KB, 1023x1024, 1023:1024, 29899324155_d7eeda577f_b.jpg)


> This sculptor is evil

thou shalt have no graven images and all that. freemasonry or illuminati? that is the question. The precipice is rael and only self control and free will keep US from falling off the edge. The Demiurge shall cuck the fagmost and fuck the whoremost as he always has, so be ever vigilant and… well, you know the rest. Let this habbening in Brandywine PA be the latest and most up-to-date cautionary tale for us all, and may the age of Aquarius come as soon as possible.

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7ec106  No.14168450

File: cd08a4978cf5d7e⋯.jpg (95.84 KB, 812x666, 406:333, IMG_20210721_140321_775.jpg)


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ad2153  No.14168452


I"m absolutely certain she'll never shut the fuck up about it, even if she is "cancelled".

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4dab83  No.14168453

File: 0a6e5f2a09d6fd0⋯.png (353.94 KB, 384x464, 24:29, FauxXi.png)



>I stopped listening to Fauci in March of 2020 when he said masks didn't work and to not buy them so there is enough for all the healthcare workers.

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56d6ab  No.14168454

Anons, seriously, you're kicking their asses up and down the street. You're exposing every move they make. They [6000 year old death cult elites] can't walk down public streets anymore without massive security.


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c0e901  No.14168455


>bEcAuSe uNsOuRcEd pOLLs aRe tRuStWoRtHy

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d0f682  No.14168456

File: 4c2f4d265d775cb⋯.png (757.66 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, ClipboardImage.png)

Mitch McConnell warns of lockdowns if COVID vaccine rates don’t increase

A fresh wave of pandemic lockdowns like the ones that crippled the country last year loom on the horizon if people don’t wise up and get vaccinated against COVID-19, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell warned.

“These shots need to get in everybody’s arms as rapidly as possible or we´re going to be back in a situation in the fall that we don’t yearn for — that we went through last year,” McConnell (R-Ky.) said at a news conference Tuesday, adding, “This is not complicated.”

Asked about comments from Utah Gov. Spencer Cox alleging that conservative pundits are killing people with their rhetoric, McConnell stated that he encourages everybody to “ignore all of these other voices that are giving demonstrably bad advice.”

McConnell’s call to seek trusted and verified information about the virus and vaccines mirrors White House efforts this past week to counter false information that they say is spreading on social media and cable news.

McConnell took to Twitter to promote his pro-vaccination remarks, tweeting a portion of them with the words “Get Vaccinated!” at the top of the tweet.

A new Axios Ipsos poll highlights the difficulties that government officials have had in convincing a significant segment of the American population to take the jab: Of the unvaccinated respondents to that poll, fully half said they are “not at all likely” to take it.

The minority leader’s statements come at a time when the Delta variant has led to a spike in COVID cases across the country, although without a corresponding increase in hospitalizations and deaths.

McConnell noted that among those who are currently hospitalized for COVID, 97 percent are unvaccinated.

“It never occurred to me that there would be difficulty getting Americans to get the shot,” he said.

Across the country, some businesses and schools are mulling making vaccination mandatory, but thus far the White House has balked at the notion of a federal mandate to take one of the three provisionally approved vaccines.


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053999  No.14168457

File: 46ce382700d2b7d⋯.png (23.01 KB, 776x666, 388:333, aa.png)




Alan Aardvark


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e84e2f  No.14168458

File: e51d95b2b1cb311⋯.pdf (60.69 KB, covid_card.pdf)

File: b585db524258d10⋯.jpg (165.69 KB, 700x520, 35:26, mandated_vaccination.jpg)

File: 86b6176edd11ae4⋯.jpeg (170.55 KB, 1180x1280, 59:64, Vax_badge.jpeg)


Its like 8# stock or 80# stock.

I think the fraud is 8 years in prison and 40K fine, but you do you, anon.

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258c40  No.14168460


My father was a deadbeat wife beating junkie. Should I be judged by his actions?

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3bf1bd  No.14168461

File: 7c80251185aa61d⋯.png (213.01 KB, 1042x658, 521:329, ClipboardImage.png)


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4baf78  No.14168462

File: e8769de4dab1ac6⋯.png (30.62 KB, 392x280, 7:5, ClipboardImage.png)


I think you miss the metaphor. He wants us to

THINK we're making our own choice, when the

only 'acceptable' choice is to take the jab. The

jab is KILLING PEOPLE at an alarming rate,

and therefore should be discontinued by

protocol. But since it's the left that is pushing

it, it only makes sense to FORCE people to


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feef43  No.14168463


Like you would be able to recognize if you were getting suckered or not. Go dry hump the fake mcafee b larp like the fucking moron you fucking are. Q teaches you fucking masonic shit and you parrot it blindly but its EVERYONE ELSE who is compromised. Great job you dumb fuck. Glad your shithole board is full of schizos now.

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6b1db1  No.14168464

File: 045e535ce838889⋯.png (1.27 MB, 768x960, 4:5, pick_one_picket_pepe.png)

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16e3c6  No.14168465

File: 79a9ca1eec16f11⋯.png (464.09 KB, 844x500, 211:125, vote_fraud_mg.png)

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09646e  No.14168466



"I told you so!"

All those social bullshit platforms are the same.

All of them.

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d0f682  No.14168467

File: 13a9cfb66fa7804⋯.png (163.39 KB, 334x600, 167:300, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 50208cec125e70a⋯.png (306.94 KB, 511x804, 511:804, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ab2f45a299e082f⋯.png (32.96 KB, 999x189, 37:7, ClipboardImage.png)

Wife Of GOP Congressman Called Supporters ‘Trump Cult’, Compared Trump To Hitler After Husband’s Impeachment Vote

Is this how the Republican from South Carolina really feels about his voters?

In an email obtained by National File, Wrenzie Rice, the wife of U.S. Rep. Tom Rice (R-SC), described supporters of President Donald Trump as members of the “Trump cult” and likened the 45th President to genocidal dictator Adolf Hitler, one of the most evil villains in history.

Just days after Rep. Tom Rice voted to impeach President Trump for his alleged role in the mostly peaceful protests that erupted at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, his wife received a note of support for her husband’s planned vote, and in response referred to President Trump’s supporters as the “Trump cult” and likened the 45th President to Hitler. Wrenzie Rice also promised that he would not waiver in his support for impeachment. National File also understands the person Wrenzie Rice communicated with was not a constituent of her husband. National File obtained the email from a senior South Carolina Republican Party official.

“Thank you [REDACTED],” wrote Wrenzie Rice. “Thank you for the nice note of support and encouragement. Tom has not waivered one bit on his vote, but the Trump cult runs strong. Sometimes I wonder if this is how Hitler came to power – we very much appreciate your prayers! Note will be sent to Tom. Thanks again, Wrenzie (his wife)”.

Tom Rice, who was one of only a handful of Republicans who voted to impeach the 45th President at his second impeachment trial, later defended his decision to vote to impeach President Trump in an interview with The Washington Post. “I took an oath to defend the Constitution. I didn’t take an oath to defend Donald Trump,” said Rice. The sitting House Representative went on to suggest that President Trump was behaving like a “dictator”, but unlike his wife, stopped short of comparing him to Hitler. “What he did in my mind is what dictators do,” said Rice.

Rep. Rice was censured by the South Carolina Republican Party for his vote to impeach President Trump only days after it was cast, with South Carolina GOP Chair Drew McKissick releasing a statement describing Rice as “disappointing the Party and our Seventh Congressional District.” McKissick added, “We made our disappointment clear the night of the impeachment vote. Trying to impeach a president, with a week left in his term, is never legitimate and is nothing more than a political kick on the way out the door.” He added, “Congressman Rice’s vote unfortunately played right into the Democrats’ game, and the people in his district, and ultimately our State Executive Committee, wanted him to know they wholeheartedly disagree with his decision.”


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249b61  No.14168468


The frumpy interloper like to travel on our dime. Huge embarrassment to America.

Is it safe for her to leave dementia Joe home alone? Whose going to wipe his ass?

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1a7ff9  No.14168469


>Alan Aardvark

I know him

Big nose fucker. Eats bugs.

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74ab34  No.14168470

Could use an update from Q about now.

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0be79f  No.14168471

File: 43e1cd445ece28a⋯.jpg (539.02 KB, 1170x1518, 195:253, Hmmm.jpg)


>Yep that sculptor is one of them

Who is the sculptor though?


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6e238b  No.14168472


at this point I am kinda left wondering what happened to Project Odin.

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7ec106  No.14168473


Only safe zone is 8kun

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eded12  No.14168474

File: 96c90de68a25d35⋯.png (642.04 KB, 492x632, 123:158, ClipboardImage.png)




that was a joke, i was here to help dig on that pathetic attempt by the clowns trying to set up the narrative, they need better trained chimps. kek

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c38e27  No.14168475

File: 44d4f0b0922f0e2⋯.png (88.52 KB, 500x525, 20:21, Karma.png)

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0ba942  No.14168476

File: 9b054f588591a81⋯.jpg (64.67 KB, 640x584, 80:73, 9b054f588591a8177448cd2072….jpg)

File: 1ca511618afea11⋯.png (74.77 KB, 640x360, 16:9, GGGzLGK.png)

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f583a6  No.14168477

File: 98611a4b95c5079⋯.png (398.13 KB, 429x462, 13:14, Traitors1.png)

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56d6ab  No.14168478


Kek. 5:5


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d0f682  No.14168479

CONSTITUTIONAL LAWYER: Karen Fann Has Authority, With Arizona House, To Decertify Fraudulent Election

"We don't have to live with a fraudulent election."

Constitutional attorney John Eastman revealed a path for the Arizona State legislature to legally decertify a fraudulent election in Arizona. “We don’t have to live with a fraudulent election,” said Eastman on Steve Bannon’s War Room podcast.

As it becomes clearer that the 2020 election in Arizona was likely fraudulent, as revealed by the forensic audit of Maricopa County that confirmed enough voting irregularities and evidence of fraud that have brought the original outcome of the election into question, all eyes are on Arizona Senate President Karen Fann. Even while Arizona state legislators continue their calls for the Arizona Senate to decertify the 2020 election due to the evidence of widespread of the voter fraud, Fann recently made a statement claiming that the Senate body doesn’t have the authority to do so. “The Senate body — we do not have the authority to do that. So, this is what we have said, and I want to make this very clear on the record,” Fann said. However, constitutional lawyer John Eastman went on Steve Bannon’s War Room podcast to explain that “there is ample authority to fix this problem.”

“We are in uncharted territory, but there are a couple of things to point to,” began Eastman. “We can point to the Hawaii Election of 1960, when the Governor subsequently certified another slate of electors after they discovered error in the initial certification.” (READ MORE: Arizona Audit Finds Enough Tainted Ballots To Erase Biden’s Lead As Senators Call To Decertify Election)

“We can point to Section 2 of Title 3 of the United States Code that says when a state has had an election, and has failed to make a choice on the day prescribed by law, which is, you know, the choice that was made. The assumption was that it was fraudulently given because of illegal votes. The electors may be appointed on a subsequent day in such manner as the legislature of such state may direct,” Eastman continued. “So that recognizes the authority of the Legislature to fix a problem.

“We also have a backdrop of Common Law, which is, when you have a fraud, the actions taken pursuant to the fraud, are unraveled after discovery of the fraud. If the evidence really does come in as definitive, that the election and the electorals cast from Arizona were fraudulently given, and they should have been given in the other direction, then I think there is ample authority to fix this problem,” Eastman said. “We don’t have to live with a fraudulent election.”


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16e3c6  No.14168480

File: 9d966b36b4917ac⋯.png (373.36 KB, 810x395, 162:79, Vote_fraud_doj.png)

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4feea6  No.14168481


NOTABLE, telegram is comped to fuck.


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f0bd23  No.14168482


If you show a tendency to act exactly like him, as DJT does, then yes, you stupid fucking idiot.

You shouldn't need me to tell you this, but somehow you do.

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77c4ba  No.14168483

File: b9186bde6a403cd⋯.jpeg (375.23 KB, 1241x1728, 1241:1728, D11EDBED_E322_4187_8E45_A….jpeg)

The Nepotism runs deep in the USAG


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cf5823  No.14168484

File: 8ce136b08b114ef⋯.jpg (41.37 KB, 680x453, 680:453, 8ce136b08b114eff08bad86d78….jpg)

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e84e2f  No.14168485


Anons: No race creed or color.

You: Hateful fucking piece of shit.

Burn in hell.

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e9ac3b  No.14168486


sounds like a fake name

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72b653  No.14168487

File: b70ce9040ef618b⋯.png (136.3 KB, 300x301, 300:301, ClipboardImage.png)


Totally not made up


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09646e  No.14168488


is not notable


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ab1efe  No.14168490

File: d8ce3875690d2cf⋯.jpg (99.26 KB, 880x580, 44:29, Sweden_Flag.jpg)

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129bd6  No.14168491


>Go dry hump the fake mcafee b larp

Yeah, that's totally F&G.


Now wut?

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56d6ab  No.14168492

The Trump Cult - The only cult who's ONLY entrance requirement is that you think for yourself.

We are winning so big.

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dfbced  No.14168493

File: 577e340c9bde456⋯.png (1.95 MB, 1500x998, 750:499, ClipboardImage.png)

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0ba942  No.14168494

File: 5f01f56d765a528⋯.png (6.69 KB, 538x102, 269:51, Screenshot_2021_07_21_at_1….png)

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6b1db1  No.14168495

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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77c4ba  No.14168496

File: 5d57b8ec499ba64⋯.jpeg (407 KB, 1241x1839, 1241:1839, 7316C61A_BB54_44A4_88FE_B….jpeg)

File: d7e39268fcd9231⋯.jpeg (451.92 KB, 1241x1974, 1241:1974, C622DC0E_BD08_4823_976E_4….jpeg)



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7d55e4  No.14168497



Just wait - if he gets back in they will impeach again and nullify that term - Trump 4evah

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129bd6  No.14168498


Well, what's the point in them Larping if they're not going to post something?

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8e58ae  No.14168499

File: 745887eda45ff6d⋯.jpg (110.21 KB, 720x960, 3:4, 20210721_6.jpg)

https://t.me/McafeeAfterlife/81 & 82

comms at the ready…

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139daf  No.14168500

File: c59ef79dba319f4⋯.png (748.75 KB, 636x650, 318:325, _20_09_00_.png)

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83ebf7  No.14168501

File: 5ee4937248f594a⋯.jpeg (82.89 KB, 854x1024, 427:512, 5ee4937248f594af5be106a97….jpeg)




"For God, who said, “Light shall shine out of darkness,” is the One who has shone in our hearts to give the Light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ." - 2 Corinthians 4:6

"For you were formerly darkness, but now you are Light in the Lord; walk as children of Light" - Ephesians 5:8

"The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it." - John 1:5

“The people who were sitting in darkness saw a great Light, And those who were sitting in the land and shadow of death, Upon them a Light dawned." - Matthew 4:16

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09646e  No.14168502


looks shopped

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d0f682  No.14168503

File: 1b3d15c422506e5⋯.png (136.83 KB, 704x904, 88:113, ClipboardImage.png)

Author of Retracted Study on Harm of Mask-Wearing by Children Says Removal Was ‘Political’

The lead author of a now-retracted research note that claimed children’s masks trapped dangerously high concentrations of carbon dioxide has said that JAMA Pediatrics’ decision to pull the paper was politically motivated.

The research note, “Experimental Assessment of Carbon Dioxide Content in Inhaled Air With or Without Face Masks in Healthy Children: A Randomized Clinical Trial,” authored by Harald Walach and colleagues, was published in June. Based on measurements of carbon dioxide in air inhaled by 45 children between six and 17 years of age, the study found that children wearing face masks were inhaling carbon dioxide levels “deemed unacceptable by the German Federal Environmental Office by a factor of 6.” The researchers concluded that their findings “suggest that children should not be forced to wear face masks.”

JAMA Pediatrics retracted the research letter on July 16. In a retraction notice, Dr. Dmitri Christakis and Dr. Phil Fontanarosa cited “numerous scientific issues” raised about the study methodology, including concerns whether the proper device was used to measure carbon dioxide levels and if the measurements were an accurate reflection of carbon dioxide levels in inhaled air, along with “issues related to the validity of the study conclusions.”

“In their invited responses to these and other concerns, the authors did not provide sufficiently convincing evidence to resolve these issues, as determined by editorial evaluation and additional scientific review,” Christakis and Pontanarosa wrote.

“Given fundamental concerns about the study methodology, uncertainty regarding the validity of the findings and conclusions, and the potential public health implications, the editors have retracted this Research Letter,” they added.

But Walach, who holds a PhD in clinical psychology from the University of Basel, Switzerland, told Just The News in an emailed statement that JAMA did not specify how he failed “to provide sufficiently convincing evidence” to back his conclusions.

“I would actually also like to see how those conclusions were reached, but I am afraid that there was no solid conclusion,” he told the outlet. Walach pointed to “potential public health implications” as a “key phrase” in the retraction notice that, to him, suggests “the retraction was political, because some people did not like our data.”

Walach’s study has, thus far, drawn 21 official comments, most of which are critical. In a written response to the comments (docx), Walach and colleagues defended their research.

“Facts are not constituted by single studies, but by multiple replications and discourse,” they wrote. “This is the first peer-reviewed study of carbon dioxide content under face masks in children in a short measurement set-up. The measurements, we contend, are valid and were conducted by individuals with high content expertise.”

“If someone doubts our results, the way to go is not to claim they are wrong without proof, but to produce better and different results,” they added.


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ad2153  No.14168504

File: 6b18e68f2710704⋯.png (351.12 KB, 757x521, 757:521, ClipboardImage.png)



Kagbro88 on Twitter

Here's a link to their profile:


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6e238b  No.14168505


>Q teaches you fucking masonic shit

>Glad your shithole board is full of schizos now.

Then why are you here?

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a771a5  No.14168506

File: 2f7303523f5a079⋯.png (128.51 KB, 339x304, 339:304, Pepe_Quote.png)


"recuse" herself. As if she ever would do that in the New Normal World Order™

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dadb90  No.14168507


Somebody jab a couple vaxxxs in old turkey neck Mitch the bitch… Mitch, you can suck on my balls you fucking nerd… how’s that eye healing up???

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b039ad  No.14168508


Alan Aardvark?

Aardvark would be first in a file listing.

A_Aardvark? Top of the list.

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eded12  No.14168509

File: b3ad3cd71d3f2d5⋯.png (117.36 KB, 218x260, 109:130, ClipboardImage.png)


trips chek'ed, p.s that is a really bad photo shop of epstein, his head does not fit the body and there is a clear colour contrast difference from his face to the neck.

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c0e901  No.14168510


Yay! The 'anti-US' US soccer team got what they deserved.

Horrible people on that team.

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8e58ae  No.14168511


dubs confirmed… kekt

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f583a6  No.14168512

File: de61551b41843b2⋯.png (254.64 KB, 328x360, 41:45, Traitors2.png)

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c0e901  No.14168513

File: 070285b34dbcae9⋯.jpg (75.31 KB, 894x960, 149:160, Epstein_not_dead.jpg)

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170ee7  No.14168514

>>14168467 Isn't it racist to just… Group a bunch of people like that? I may have a lawsuit in my pocket Wife Of GOP Congressman Called Supporters ‘Trump Cult’, Compared Trump To Hitler After Husband’s Impeachment Vote Kinda Racist…

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16e3c6  No.14168515

File: aedf77e343256df⋯.png (343.59 KB, 620x428, 155:107, ClipboardImage.png)

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0be79f  No.14168516

File: bef7dbb82922d6d⋯.jpg (283.56 KB, 856x539, 856:539, AK.jpg)


Pic is both counterfeit & homosexual.

Those trips confirm this.

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034321  No.14168517

File: 6ceffb42847a6b8⋯.png (703.29 KB, 1196x851, 52:37, ClipboardImage.png)

I'm sure noted yesterday when they started reporting on this.



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091e1d  No.14168518


not surprised

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b5aab6  No.14168519

File: 1259433e79f2484⋯.jpg (2.24 KB, 125x125, 1:1, 1595861408990s.jpg)


>Jonah Goldberg

Goldberg you say. Lol.

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9a77ad  No.14168520

File: 05c62e156264ec5⋯.jpeg (448.15 KB, 640x795, 128:159, BBF5C035_9848_48DC_B8CD_6….jpeg)

They don’t want you to know where it came from

They just want you to shut up and take your vaccine..


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4dab83  No.14168521

File: 226c920232408d8⋯.png (416.12 KB, 736x488, 92:61, Fuck_Off.png)


>Mitch McConnell warns of lockdowns if COVID vaccine rates don’t increase

GFYS, Turtle–

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139daf  No.14168522

File: 7fa3b7fa330551c⋯.png (204.4 KB, 300x300, 1:1, _12_57_16.png)

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129bd6  No.14168523



If there's fuckery involved, GerBil is sure to be nearby.

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a2d0fb  No.14168524

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What the Fuck is this shit.

Are these people fucking stupid or what?

This video talks about Trumps Return. Tribunals. All sorts of weird shit. What the hell.

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170ee7  No.14168525

>>14168467 Isn't it racist to just… Group a bunch of people like that? I may have a lawsuit in my pocketWife Of GOP Congressman Called Supporters ‘Trump Cult’, Compared Trump To Hitler After Husband’s Impeachment VoteKinda Racist…



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258c40  No.14168526


I don’t need you to tell me anything peckerdick, did you know Trumps father personally then anon?

Time you took a nap in your glowbag!

Mr Pig coming for ya!

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d0f682  No.14168527

File: 3e03d86b5edeef1⋯.png (334.09 KB, 964x448, 241:112, ClipboardImage.png)

Black Rifle Coffee CEO Hafer NEVER Donated to Trump, Gave Maximum to Loeffler and Perdue After 2020 Election

Evan Hafer's donation history has been revealed by National File, following an interview where he described America First supporters as "repugnant" racists

Evan Hafer, CEO and co-founder of Black Rifle Coffee, never donated to President Trump, with his 2020 election donations all coming after the presidential election, giving thousands to the doomed Georgia Senate campaigns of Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue.

Black Rifle Coffee, the supposedly pro-America, pro-military coffee company, has come under fire in recent days for attacking their customer base. Evan Hafer and Mat Best, the CEO and Executive VP respectively, were interviewed for a ~10,000 word piece for the New York Times last week, and railed in the interview about customers who claimed they were “racist,” including the multi-racial Proud Boys organization, swearing repeatedly, and describing America First supporters as being “repugnant.”

Following the interview, National File revealed that a number of their high-ranking employees, including those with editorial control over their magazine and social media, had repeatedly donated to the Democrats. Donna Ng, the “Copy Chief” at Black Rifle Coffee’s magazine, gave $500 directly to Joe Biden, while their social media manager, Ayse Altunisik, their VP of IT, Chris Omer, and a senior financial analyst, David Rhee, all donated to ActBlue,a Democrat group that helps Democrat candidates and leftist organizations raise money online.

National File further decided to look into the FEC records of Hafer himself. While Hafer did not give money to Biden or to Democrats via ActBlue or similar organizations, they will likely still make disappointing reading for many of Black Rifle Coffee’s customers. Despite building the branding of Black Rifle Coffee on Trump’s Make America Great Again agenda, Hafer never gave money to him during either of his presidential campaigns. This may not have surprised some, given during his New York Times interview, he described himself as “a man without a party,” with the article noting that he was “reluctant to say much positive” about President Trump.

In fact, the only presidential candidate that Hafer ever donated to was Tulsi Gabbard, giving $500 to the anti-establishment Democrat challenger in November 2019. Hafer did not donate at all to Republicans during the 2020 election cycle, and instead only kicked off his spending three days after the presidential election had actually taken place, giving $120 to WinRed, the Republican version of ActBlue.

Hafer also wrote the company name for these donations as “BRCC,” rather than “Black Rifle Coffee,” something no other employee of the comapny had done previously. Searching purely for “Black Rifle Coffee” or any variants thereof into the FEC records would not display these donations. Hafer’s last donations on record amounted to a total of $8400 on December 3rd, spread across WinRed, the Senate Georgia Battleground Fund, and the election campaigns for Loeffler and Perdue directly. It is unclear exactly why Hafer pumped so much money into what many on the right saw as a clearly losing battle.


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56d6ab  No.14168528

Anons own the narrative now.

In 2017 the Cabal produced a narrative and anons fought / attacked it.

In 2021 anons produce a narrative and the Cabal fights / attacks it.

We didn't get here by being pussies.


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dadb90  No.14168529


Then flip the psyop fucktard… doesn’t really matter, either way GOD wins

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c7cdd2  No.14168530



He should nom Rep. Gohmert.

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dfbced  No.14168532

File: ca8087498c9b0a9⋯.png (2.85 MB, 1070x1004, 535:502, ClipboardImage.png)

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c0e901  No.14168533

File: c4d9ca4dc3c74b4⋯.mp4 (760.23 KB, 614x360, 307:180, DEMS_CONTINUE_THEIR_PLAYBO….mp4)


RINO Wife of GOP Congressman is using Dem Playbook

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72b653  No.14168534

File: dc855d513ce2d80⋯.png (2.44 MB, 2022x478, 1011:239, ClipboardImage.png)

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2d6c44  No.14168535


>>>14167190 "Literally Shaking" Richard Grenell @RichardGrenell While @RandPaul interviews the known liar Dr Fauci - Fauci is literally shaking. He’s been outed. Dr Fauci has no credibility. He’s imploded. And he has made the situation worse.

Remember when during a Trump corona presser in 2020, Birx had a visible breakdown? Peperidge Fahms remembahs.

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8ffcf3  No.14168536

File: ce745b8322ad8c1⋯.png (549.7 KB, 526x587, 526:587, Capture.PNG)

Megan Rapinoe is GQ’s Superhero of the Year

November 25, 2019


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3bf1bd  No.14168537

File: 99019f840202bec⋯.png (155.79 KB, 235x364, 235:364, ClipboardImage.png)

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16e3c6  No.14168538


Controlled opposition, so that [they] can continue to push the "crazy QAnon conspiracy theorists" narrative.

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170ee7  No.14168539


>>14168467 Isn't it racist to just… Group a bunch of people like that? I may have a lawsuit in my pocketWife Of GOP Congressman Called Supporters ‘Trump Cult’, Compared Trump To Hitler After Husband’s Impeachment VoteKinda Racist…


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091e1d  No.14168540


the head is to big for Epstein's body, definitely a shop

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9a77ad  No.14168541


Do anons not realize how insane this is..???

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5a7cb6  No.14168542


Soon they will mandate using extremely traceable browsers while being logged in.

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d0f682  No.14168543

Donald Trump to Michael Savage: ‘Collusive’ Media Backing Joe Biden Marks the ‘Beginning of Communism’

Former President Donald Trump blasted the media Tuesday for their “collusive” relationship with President Joe Biden and the Democrats.

“It’s collusive. Nobody’s seen anything like it,” Trump said, referring to the media’s flattering coverage of Biden’s administration in contrast with their uncharitable analysis of his own.

The former president spoke during an interview on the Michael Savage Show.

He noted that, during the 2020 election, corporate media outlets declared certain subjects off-limits.

“That is the beginning of communism,” Trump said. “That really is, literally … communism.”

He noted that under Biden, the media ignored issues of illegal immigrants and criminals flooding into the country, open borders, inflation, and other issues.

“Frankly if you look at the media. Where the media is a closed media. We don’t have an open free media anymore,” he said. “They don’t want to hear anything; they don’t write about it.”

Trump voiced disappointment that Biden was pushing the country to the left, despite having no electoral mandate for doing so.

He blamed the corporate media for failing to hold Biden accountable.

“The press and the media and the big tech of course … the press is just, they just play right into the hands, they just won’t talk about it,” he said.

Trump accused the establishment media of deliberately ignoring bad stories about Biden’s presidency.

“You could find the worse things ever with regard to the other side. They will never write about it. It’s unbelievable,” he said.


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0be79f  No.14168544

File: 2fac9f1340b7c3c⋯.jpg (122.39 KB, 492x327, 164:109, Raven.jpg)


>Megan Rapinoe

Literally; Who?

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170ee7  No.14168545


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1aeb70  No.14168546


Seconded AF

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bc9b0c  No.14168548

File: f31ffcb76817d61⋯.jpg (90.1 KB, 935x383, 935:383, ginat.jpg)

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170ee7  No.14168549



Full Forensic Nationwide Audits, McAfee Deadman Switch, #TeamBritney, #TipOTheSpears #SAVEBRITNEY! #SAVE AMERICA!!


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6b1db1  No.14168550

File: 278a379fd7a43e2⋯.gif (2.81 MB, 552x304, 69:38, 278a379fd7a43e27eca8041c52….gif)

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f583a6  No.14168551


Correcting the election fraud should change seats in both houses to Republicans. Votes were not only switched form Trump to Biden but from Republican senate and house representatives to Democrats.

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170ee7  No.14168552


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d0f682  No.14168553

File: 7517d0461330990⋯.png (28.87 KB, 671x349, 671:349, ClipboardImage.png)

GOP Excoriates Antony Blinken for Requesting Probe on U.S. Racism by Pro-Critical Race Theory U.N. Envoy

Members of the Republican Study Committee (RSC) slammed Secretary of State Antony Blinken for inviting a pro-Critical Race Theory (CRT) United Nations envoy to investigate human rights abuses in America, Breitbart News learned Monday.

In a bid to combat what Blinken describes as U.S. failures at home, the secretary extended unrequested invitations last Tuesday to two U.N. experts, one on racism and the other on minority issues, to make an official U.S. visit and scrutinize America’s human rights record.

The State Department added that the Biden administration would issue a standing invitation to all U.N. envoys, known as special rapporteurs, who investigate human rights issues, including racism and discrimination, and report back to the international body.

CRT and open borders proponent E. Tendayi Achiume, a professor at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), is the U.N. Special Rapporteur on contemporary forms of racism.

She will join the U.N. Special Rapporteur on minority issues during the official U.S. visit, drawing the ire of 25 members of the Republican Study Committee, including Chairman Jim Banks of Indiana. The GOP lawmakers voiced their concerns and demanded to know why Blinken chose the pro-CRT envoy to conduct the probe in a letter sent to the secretary of state Monday. Breitbart News obtained the letter.

The Biden administration is expected to grant the U.N. officials free rein to investigate human rights abuses in America.

Achiume’s U.S.-based work and residence coupled with her “troubling history of radical views and rhetoric rooted in racial reductionism” prevent her from providing an unbiased outsider’s perspective, the letter asserted.

Blinken’s request for Achiume to participate in the U.N.’s racism investigation comes as the battle over CRT in schools has triggered nationwide tension. The Biden administration has also been trying to impose the CRT doctrine on U.S. troops and government workers.

Republicans found it disturbing that Blinken would task a proponent of the Critical Race Theory with “supporting human rights and equal dignity for all Americans.”

CRT, which many critics describe as “Marxist ideology,” claims that all U.S. institutions — government, economy, and culture — are inherently racist, with white people on top and black Americans at the bottom.

Under scrutiny, even that which appears race-neutral is racist, the CRT theory promoted by many on the left asserts.

The letter from the members of the conservative House caucus noted:

In our view, her involvement is likely to sow division and distorted accounts of American history. … With her anti-constitutional and anti-American views … already so well-established, it is impossible for Ms. Achiume to be objective in her analysis.

Achiume has also come out in support of open borders, asserting that countries like the U.S. must allow all migrants in due to its legacy of colonialism, the GOP lawmakers pointed out.

The Republican congressmen blasted Blinken’s global human rights priorities as misguided for focusing on America’s human rights challenges rather than more pressing issues across the world.

“Your invitation of Ms. Achiume suggests that you are more concerned about American self-flagellation than you are about those men and women facing oppression overseas,” they wrote.


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bee2ac  No.14168554

File: eacfe21017b4716⋯.png (278.32 KB, 1705x964, 1705:964, Screenshot_2021_07_14_12_4….png)



% of the way there frens

hold the line

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c0e901  No.14168555


What are they good for other than serving as sources of division and losing badly at the Olympics?

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a2d0fb  No.14168556


So stupid.

No one knows a god damn thing. Both sides are fucking stupid. Just a massive amount of people without a clue.

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6c0463  No.14168557

File: c8572e743e84857⋯.png (788.53 KB, 902x1132, 451:566, Screen_Shot_2021_07_21_at_….png)

File: 799b0441767cffe⋯.jpeg (304.93 KB, 1800x1350, 4:3, EJQUKrgXYAA1KQB.jpeg)



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5a7cb6  No.14168558


Back the Blue

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a2d0fb  No.14168559

What is Black Swan? What’s the Event?

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dfbced  No.14168560

File: 426f87b5952923b⋯.png (152.75 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


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56d6ab  No.14168561

I believe in anons. While that does mean something, this means more - Military Intelligence and Trump admin believes in anons.

First Military / Civilian cooperative effort in history. Anons are the salt of the earth.

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d0f682  No.14168562

File: 75f535799270584⋯.png (291.78 KB, 578x419, 578:419, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e1594b39f4bef2d⋯.png (426.12 KB, 568x574, 284:287, ClipboardImage.png)

Communist China ‘Directly Threatening’ Former Conservative Party Leader Sir Iain Duncan Smith

The former leader of the British Conservative Party, Sir Iain Duncan Smith claimed that he is being directly threatened by Communist China as a result of his work to expose the malign influence of the brutal regime in Beijing.

The former Tory leader told Parliament that he has been made aware of intelligence from the Five Eyes (the intelligence-sharing network comprised of Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the UK and the U.S.) which warned that members of the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC) are being targetted by the communist nation for cyberattacks.

Speaking in the House of Commons on Tuesday, Sir Iain Duncan Smith said: “I understand now there is intelligence from the Five Eyes sources that there is now a very active and direct threat from the Chinese government aimed directly at the co-chairs of the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China.

“Some of these co-chairs, of which I am one, have now been warned by their intelligence services in receipt of this that they should be very careful and that they will be supported.”

Sir Iain, who was among ten British individuals and organisations to be sanctioned earlier this year by Beijing for supporting sanctions against Chinese officials involved in the persecution of the Muslim Uyghurs in Xinjiang, made the comments amid discussion surrounding allegations from the UK, the United States and others that China was behind a cyberattack on Microsoft.

The Chinese embassy in London denied involvement in the hack, saying: “The accusation against China by the UK side is sheer fabrication and slander. The Chinese side is gravely concerned and strongly opposed to this. We call on the UK side to immediately stop echoing the groundless and irresponsible accusation against China.”

While activists and students in the UK have reported being threatened and intimidated by Chinese actors, the alleged threats made against Sir Iain and other members of the IPAC represent a marked escalation in the confrontation with the authoritarian state.

Speaking to Breitbart London, the founder and chairman of Hong Kong Watch, Benedict Rogers said: “These threats reveal just what a present and growing danger the Chinese Communist Party regime is to the world, and to freedom everywhere.”

Mr Rogers, who also serves as an advisor to the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China, told Breitbart London of his own experiences with threats from the communist regime.

“In a very small way, I have had my own experiences of attempts at intimidation and harassment, including receiving threatening letters by mail to my home, similar letters sent to my neighbours in my street in London asking them to ‘watch’ me, and letters to my mother in a different part of the country urging her to tell me to stop my human rights advocacy work,” Rogers said.

“I also know of at least four occasions when four separate Members of Parliament were directly lobbied by the Chinese Embassy in London to ask them to shut me up,” the Hong Kong Watch founder added.

“In my case, they tried the old-fashioned way, through the mail and attempts to influence MPs.

“Now they are behaving in a more sophisticated but even more dangerous and sinister way, threatening cyber-security. This cannot be ignored, nor can it be met merely with condemnation.

“The free world must unite and take robust action to stop this reckless behaviour and hold the perpetrators to account.”


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50d140  No.14168563

File: 0ad46f622baabe0⋯.mp4 (12.11 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 022420_We_do_want_to_say_t….mp4)

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bc9b0c  No.14168564


not a bull

hint, milkys

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170ee7  No.14168565

File: 111c3280dbe31f3⋯.gif (1.78 MB, 500x282, 250:141, YOUGETFUCKED_SHUTDOWN_.gif)



>>14168467 Isn't it racist to just… Group a bunch of people like that? I may have a lawsuit in my pocketWife Of GOP Congressman Called Supporters ‘Trump Cult’, Compared Trump To Hitler After Husband’s Impeachment VoteKinda Racist…

Full Forensic Nationwide Audits, McAfee Deadman Switch, #TeamBritney, #TipOTheSpears #SAVEBRITNEY! #SAVE AMERICA!!



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eded12  No.14168566

File: 56071239c92bf02⋯.png (136.88 KB, 640x510, 64:51, ClipboardImage.png)


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266fec  No.14168567


how do they know how old the 'unknown' individuals are?

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091e1d  No.14168568


I said this before and say it again, nothing good comes from telegram. Full of grifters and charlatans.

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d0f682  No.14168569

File: 16988bffce0a376⋯.png (396.09 KB, 583x504, 583:504, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 09bece0620e906d⋯.png (454.28 KB, 663x898, 663:898, ClipboardImage.png)

UK Microchip Plant Taken over by Communist China Was Developing British Military Tech: Report

The UK’s largest microchip factory, which has been taken over by a firm backed by Communist China, has reportedly received millions in funding from the British government, including military research grants.

Newport Wafer Fab (NWF), which was forced into selling its factory to Chinese-owned Nexperia after failing to meet its debt obligations earlier this month, has been reported to have been granted large-scale contracts from the British government’s innovation agency, Innovate UK.

A whistleblower told CNBC that the semiconductor firm had received around £55 million ($75 million) to develop next-generation technologies, including defence contracts.

“I don’t think anybody realized that there were a couple of defence-related projects in there,” the source told the news outlet.

One of the contracts is said to have been a £5.4 million joint project with Cardiff University to develop radar systems for fighter jets.

The chairman of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee, Tory MP Tom Tugendhat, said: “Britain has paid for the research that makes Newport Wafer Fab a key partner in a U.K. government defence project. That’s why we need a complete review of the decision on national security grounds, including asking why the deal was initially waved through.”

Mr Tugendhat added: “The U.K. and Welsh governments have spent tens of millions of pounds supporting compound semiconductor innovation in Wales — with NWF at the heart.

“While there’s a global shortage, and Beijing has hopes to dominate the market, we need to be much clearer about our interests, not just company profits or rivals’ opportunities.”

In 2019, the Dutch-based but Chinese-owned Nexperia entered into a contract with Newport Wafer Fab to support the firm in exchange for the British microchip putting up its factory as collateral.

NWF reportedly attempted to raise the funds necessary to remain free from Chinese control earlier this year. However, they were unable to meet the terms of the contract and therefore had to cede control of their facility in Wales.

Under the terms of the contract, Nexperia, which already held some stake in the firm, only had to pay out £63 million in order to take over the factory.

An analyst at research firm Forrester, Glenn O’Donnell, said that the price tag for such a factory is “minuscule”, saying: “Most wafer fabs cost well over £1 billion. Even if this is older tech, this deal is ridiculously cheap.”

Following widespread backlash and concern expressed about Communist China taking control of what many would consider a critical technology factory, Prime Minister Boris Johnson ordered a review of the sale under national security laws.

“We have to judge whether the stuff that they are making is of real intellectual property value and interest to China, whether there are real security implications,” Johnson said.

Yet on Thursday, the Under-Secretary of State for Science, Research and Innovation Amanda Solloway said that the government is not currently planning on intervening to block the sale as it is not believed to be of national security concern.

“It is right that commercial transactions are primarily a matter for the parties involved. The government has been in close contact with Newport Wafer Fab but it does not consider it appropriate to intervene in this case at the current time,” Solloway said.

While the review has not been concluded, a Nexperia flag has already been hoisted above the factory’s entrance.


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b5aab6  No.14168570

File: 31315633bf5563c⋯.jpg (177.15 KB, 1200x899, 1200:899, final_5c840a0fa12d860014b3….jpg)


Who would do such a thing? Oh yeah.

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eded12  No.14168571

File: 1e2afec845dbf0b⋯.png (135.77 KB, 286x288, 143:144, ClipboardImage.png)

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0ba942  No.14168572

File: 76e0d82c0cad321⋯.jpg (54.56 KB, 800x420, 40:21, 140419honkler.jpg)


Clown world

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053999  No.14168573


>What is Black Swan?


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e81320  No.14168574

File: 113ffc871be8531⋯.png (278.94 KB, 599x261, 599:261, Screen_Shot_2021_07_21_at_….png)

File: 38542e86543274c⋯.png (511.97 KB, 840x1216, 105:152, neck_yo_self.png)

File: 0f5449b1460b525⋯.png (138.21 KB, 794x433, 794:433, choke_yourself.png)

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a771a5  No.14168575


>The sitting House Representative went on to suggest that President Trump was behaving like a “dictator”, but unlike his wife, stopped short of comparing him to Hitler.

Follow the Wives. This might be a reveal of the reason for so much of the Republican cuckiness. They are their wife's bitch!

Q 329

Follow the wives.

These people are stupid.


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e84e2f  No.14168576


So FBI was Charlotte, FBI was 1/6. Are the FBI the actual criminals?

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16e3c6  No.14168577

File: 0ab8ccbd89a585f⋯.png (547.95 KB, 733x499, 733:499, ClipboardImage.png)

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139daf  No.14168578

File: 4f4fa0ea4485015⋯.png (822.79 KB, 817x578, 817:578, 20_19_25.png)

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7ec106  No.14168579

Gab is useless unless you buy in!

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dfbced  No.14168580

File: 22ac3993fb02ed0⋯.png (1.73 MB, 2048x1837, 2048:1837, ClipboardImage.png)

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c60a41  No.14168581

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Poland! Drowned after Germany! The biggest flood in the history of the country!

2,009,251 viewsJul 19, 2021

Any Polanons that can confirm this?

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7ec106  No.14168582

Parlar sold out

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8ffcf3  No.14168583

File: ce56f44d34f16f5⋯.png (89.2 KB, 268x242, 134:121, Capture.PNG)

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f5a695  No.14168584

Q followers don't understand this yet, but if things fall apart most of them will have no allies.

Blacks hate them.

Democrat whites hate them.

Redpilled whites hate them.

GOP cuckservatives hate them.

The far right and far left both hate them.

Despite this they think they're some kind of elite group, leading the way, when everyone else thinks they're retarded. You ever know someone who was so stupid he didn't know that he was stupid, and thought he was some kind of genius? That's 90% of this board, and the smarter ones here know it, and have to try to herd the rest in intelligent directions, which doesn't work.

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fc6489  No.14168585


Too bad that post didn't come with sauce.

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81e7d9  No.14168586

File: 604c3cc09b821e2⋯.jpg (166.51 KB, 727x445, 727:445, hotwheels_rodent.jpg)

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091e1d  No.14168587


>Glad your shithole board is full of schizos now

shill is so angry, needs a belly rub

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dfbced  No.14168588

File: 9def206bc681b6e⋯.png (343.58 KB, 500x512, 125:128, ClipboardImage.png)

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d0f682  No.14168589

File: f34a5b1f1934d27⋯.png (784.37 KB, 1036x783, 1036:783, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 33950fea25a08c5⋯.png (66.8 KB, 1059x898, 1059:898, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f99f4d445015424⋯.png (65.25 KB, 991x897, 991:897, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 17e892c6bdeefe5⋯.png (47.09 KB, 999x704, 999:704, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 66893583d517483⋯.png (236.87 KB, 994x467, 994:467, ClipboardImage.png)

18,928 DEAD, 1.8 Million Injured (50% SERIOUS) Reported in European Union’s Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 Shots

As many countries around the world now begin another round of lockdowns, and take steps to cut off citizens from social life if they do not consent to receive one of the deadly COVID-19 shots and carry around some kind of identification that marks them as “vaccinated,” (See: Mapping Tyranny: The Countries Where Vaccination Is Mandatory) the death tolls following these injections continue to rapidly increase.

Yesterday we reported about an alleged whistleblower with the U.S. CDC who is claiming that there have been at least 45,000 deaths reported within 3 days of receiving the injections, and that this information is being suppressed. See:

Attorney Files Lawsuit Against CDC Based on “Sworn Declaration” from Whistleblower Claiming 45,000 Deaths are Reported to VAERS – All Within 3 Days of COVID-19 Shots

And yet, most people around the world still seem to be completely ignorant regarding how many deaths following COVID-19 injections are actually being recorded by government health agencies, as the corporate media around the world for the most part is not allowed to cover these verifiable statistics showing unprecedented amounts of deaths and crippling injuries following these shots, all of which are still in the experimental phase and have not even completed Phase 3 trials yet.

What we are witnessing is quite clearly a worldwide genocide and the implementation of a plan to reduce the world’s population.

Never before in modern, or even ancient history, have governments around the world acted in unison to force a medical procedure upon all their populations, and silence all dissenters who try to sound the warning alarm, which include tens of thousands of doctors and scientists.

The European Union database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, and they are now reporting 18,928 fatalities, and 1,823,219 injuries, following COVID-19 injections.

A Health Impact News subscriber from Europe reminded us that this database maintained at EudraVigilance is only for countries in Europe who are part of the European Union (EU), which comprises 27 countries.

The total number of countries in Europe is much higher, almost twice as many, numbering around 50. (There are some differences of opinion as to which countries are technically part of Europe.)

So as high as these numbers are, they do NOT reflect all of Europe. The actual number in Europe who are reported dead or injured due to COVID-19 shots would be much higher than what we are reporting here.

The EudraVigilance database reports that through July 17, 2021 there are 18,928 deaths and 1,823,219 injuries reported following injections of four experimental COVID-19 shots:





From the total of injuries recorded, half of them (904,609) are serious injuries.

“Seriousness provides information on the suspected undesirable effect; it can be classified as ‘serious’ if it corresponds to a medical occurrence that results in death, is life-threatening, requires inpatient hospitalisation, results in another medically important condition, or prolongation of existing hospitalisation, results in persistent or significant disability or incapacity, or is a congenital anomaly/birth defect.”

A Health Impact News subscriber in Europe ran the reports for each of the four COVID-19 shots we are including here. This subscriber has volunteered to do this, and it is a lot of work to tabulate each reaction with injuries and fatalities, since there is no place on the EudraVigilance system we have found that tabulates all the results.

Since we have started publishing this, others from Europe have also calculated the numbers and confirmed the totals.*

Here is the summary data through July 17, 2021.


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43dde0  No.14168590


that 12:33kinda jumps out at ya'

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c0e901  No.14168591

File: 70cb426e699ce8d⋯.png (3.76 MB, 1881x1302, 627:434, ClipboardImage.png)

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6e238b  No.14168592

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56d6ab  No.14168593

We're just getting started. The dawn of reason / light is occurring and anons are ushering it in. America represents the future, not the past.

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7ec106  No.14168594


Gives new meaning to watch the water!

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f583a6  No.14168595

File: c094cb3e17b9391⋯.png (237.06 KB, 293x372, 293:372, 3.png)

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0ba942  No.14168596

File: 05494e96dce36cb⋯.png (253.34 KB, 535x676, 535:676, Screenshot_2021_07_21_at_1….png)


New: NSO group says it will no longer respond to media on the #Pegasus revelations #FreePress


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e54bf7  No.14168597

File: d8cc2cabc3c15f4⋯.png (365.17 KB, 582x643, 582:643, pissy_press.png)

Some of these press people sure act like they have a personal stake in this presser by the GOP today.

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c0e901  No.14168598




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053999  No.14168599

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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2d6c44  No.14168600


Fraudci has been using numerous masonic hand signals.

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266fec  No.14168601

File: 820214b1970a212⋯.png (85.79 KB, 1340x757, 1340:757, ClipboardImage.png)


Kevin McCarthy press release

Washington, D.C. – Today, House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA-23) released the following statement about Speaker Pelosi’s abuse of power regarding the Select Committee on January 6th:

“Speaker Nancy Pelosi has taken the unprecedented step of denying the minority party’s picks for the Select Committee on January 6. This represents an egregious abuse of power and will irreparably damage this institution. Denying the voices of members who have served in the military and law enforcement, as well as leaders of standing committees, has made it undeniable that this panel has lost all legitimacy and credibility and shows the Speaker is more interested in playing politics than seeking the truth.

“Unless Speaker Pelosi reverses course and seats all five Republican nominees, Republicans will not be party to their sham process and will instead pursue our own investigation of the facts.”

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cf5823  No.14168602


Well.. One ally is enough for me!

“If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first."

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8aa439  No.14168603

File: 138b49cbc13efd0⋯.jpg (11.6 KB, 200x265, 40:53, 9cedf2ae92481ac32cc71d7476….jpg)


and more.

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50d140  No.14168604

File: 2d575d95fcc54a4⋯.jpg (50.87 KB, 502x750, 251:375, beware.jpg)

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66235e  No.14168605

File: 249625feeebd53d⋯.jpeg (3.86 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 255F0D3D_7A7A_4F25_920B_0….jpeg)

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bee2ac  No.14168606

File: 854ca55a8772323⋯.png (187.54 KB, 1127x964, 1127:964, Screenshot_2021_07_12_11_5….png)






Here's sum case law for 'em ta study

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f583a6  No.14168607

File: 51784dc602377bb⋯.png (145.04 KB, 1130x654, 565:327, 1.png)

File: 182c979f0bbc12d⋯.png (55.78 KB, 482x274, 241:137, 2.png)

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c38e27  No.14168608


So the Jew Garland gets his Jewish daughter a sweet job for the Jew Kagan on the United States Supreme Court, but then gets caught and moves her to a different position since she's already received the $500G bonus.

Sound about right.

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8b4035  No.14168609


Wondered the same thing. Anybody know anything about Project Odin?

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c0e901  No.14168610

File: 8a62e90b0785e9a⋯.png (121.96 KB, 1341x839, 1341:839, BO_BV_2.png)

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bc9b0c  No.14168611

File: 805702fd5389dac⋯.jpg (106.17 KB, 757x374, 757:374, wisdom.jpg)

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7ec106  No.14168612

With all the global flooding going on, makes you wonder why they hide the lumber?

No Ark building!

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72b653  No.14168613

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Been watching this in my spare time and it is connecting literally all the dots in every direction.

It may be long but I highly recommend it to everyone and hope you get the same results.

Citizen Hearing on UFO Disclosure

UFOs : History & Background / Part 1

OPENING STATEMENTS by Dr. Edgar Mitchell, and Honorable Paul Hellyer.

HISTORY & BACKGROUND PART I with Richard Dolan, Grant Cameron, Stanton Friedman, Linda Moulton Howe

Held at the National Press Club, Washington D.C. April 29th - May 3rd, 2013

The Citizen Hearing on UFO Disclosure set out to accomplish what the U.S. Congress had failed to do for forty-five years - seek out the facts surrounding the most important issue of this or any other time - evidence pointing toward an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race.

Forty researchers along with military/agency/political persons of high rank and station came to the National Press Club in Washington, DC to testify to six former members of the United States Congress.

The main ballroom of the National Press Club was configured to resemble a Senate hearing room. There were press areas, an audience area, witness tables and committee tables. Protocols for congressional hearings were followed as closely as possible during the testimony. Committee members received written statements from witnesses, heard oral statements and asked whatever questions they wished about the subject matter at hand.

Hearing witnesses testified for thirty hours over five days in five morning and five afternoon sessions, each composed of two panels of witnesses, each panel lasting approximately ninety minutes.

In the evenings, additional lectures were given by a number of top researchers in the field up Ufology.

The Citizen Hearing on UFO Disclosure was a historic event. We are excited to be able to make the footage available, and allow these brave testimonies to become part of the public record on the topic of UFOs.

Citizen Hearing on UFO Disclosure:




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0be79f  No.14168614

File: d764e899b1da27a⋯.jpg (486.91 KB, 900x866, 450:433, Keksorcist.jpg)


>Q followers don't understand this yet,

What you don't understand is…….

Anons were hated by everyone, before Q even came along.

Being hated = Comfy.

Lurk moar.

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0ba942  No.14168615

File: 17284c689da4bf5⋯.png (5.01 KB, 493x105, 493:105, Screenshot_2021_07_21_at_1….png)

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d0f682  No.14168616

Grocery Prices Could Rise 10 to 14 Percent By October, Grocery Chain CEO Warns

American families are already struggling amid mounting price inflation that’s eating away at their budgets, with higher costs for housing, vehicles, and more. Yet a top CEO is warning that the growing inflation problem facing Americans could get much worse in the coming months.

The latest June data already show price inflation at a 13-year high, with prices having risen 5.4 percent year-over-year. Proponents of the big-government policies driving much of this increase insist the uptick in prices is only temporary. But billionaire and grocery chain CEO John Catsimatidis just predicted that overall price inflation, for consumer goods generally, will hit a 6 percent annualized rate by October.

In an interview with Fox Business, the CEO warned that his industry is seeing skyrocketing costs on the supply chain side, and that businesses will have to raise prices for consumers as a result.

“Food prices are getting higher, and we expect even more increases by October,” Catsimatidis said. “You have to pass [those extra costs] on [to consumers] or you’re not doing your duty to God, your country, your employees, and your company.”

While we can’t know for certain, Catsimatidis said rising costs could mean an astounding 10 to 14 percent specific increase in grocery prices by October. That’s truly a shocking amount. But this warning offers more than insight into the grocery industry. It’s a painful reminder of how price inflation hurts everyday Americans.

When we hear terms like “Consumer Price Index” or “expansionary monetary policy,” the conversation surrounding inflation quickly becomes inaccessible for many people, whose eyes understandably glaze over amid discussion of the abstract-seeming phenomenon. But at its core, price inflation is simply a question of our purchasing power being eroded. Because what really matters is not the number on our paychecks, it’s what that number can buy us.

So, Americans should react to a 6 percent rise in consumer prices just as vociferously as they would react to having their salary cut. It’s essentially the same thing.

And, as we’ve previously explained here at FEE, consumer price inflation can ultimately be traced back to the policy decisions made by the federal government. So, don’t let them off the hook when your grocery bills start to spiral upwards. Remember whose fault it really is.


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091e1d  No.14168617


thanks for the tips one post guy, are you fbi or cia?

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b5aab6  No.14168618

File: c38b7aab7c05e01⋯.jpg (41.2 KB, 620x402, 310:201, AnthonyWeiner.jpg)


Jewish nepotism is legendary, goy.

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c77514  No.14168620


all of the commie traitors are pressing for the Jan 6 commission to herald in their commissar heavy handed tactics to go after all conservative voices

they're freaking frantic

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51011f  No.14168621


>Arizona Senate President Karen Fann

not sure about where her loyalties lie.

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266fec  No.14168622


are you a total idiot?

so what if he told 3 people? do you know which 3 people he told and why?

are you so tarded you can't think for yourself, but have to cry about everything.

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2d6c44  No.14168623


The Constitution appears to allow Trump to run in 2024 so long as he doesnt re-take Creepy's "term" before 2 years have passed. So, Trump could theoretically serve 9 years, 364 days per the Constitution on presidential terms limits. It's unprecedented. ~ veteran lawfag

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dfbced  No.14168624

File: 304c3fe2bfaf648⋯.png (990.29 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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08c713  No.14168625


Fitting, since he's a dude posing as a lesbian woman - which makes him straight.

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edffed  No.14168627


>no allies.

Meet the new boss…

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efd0ab  No.14168628

File: 23be7964a2403c0⋯.png (18.14 KB, 271x212, 271:212, Trump_tweet_leroyal_pegasu….png)

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2d6c44  No.14168629



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0be79f  No.14168630

File: 34b118049b8b7ee⋯.mp4 (8.8 MB, 886x486, 443:243, If.mp4)


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5a7cb6  No.14168631

File: d3ada4ede932318⋯.jpg (127.25 KB, 711x1000, 711:1000, DctcdbNWkAECI3L.jpg)


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c38e27  No.14168632

File: 2b3e37f22328b64⋯.png (41.76 KB, 524x476, 131:119, OrthoSecJews.PNG)


Hey dumbfuck, I did like Watkins said and researched the Maxwell Giuffre case.

Guess what I found.. Not only was the Jew Maxwell running a honeypot for the Jewish Mossad, but they were also harvesting adrenochrome for their Jewish priests that showed up to conjure up who knows what kind of nightmares.

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51011f  No.14168633


this is predictable but politically stupid of dems. just like what they are doing to prevent audits and secure elections.

People are getting wise to their grift.

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dfbced  No.14168634

File: 01d8a992dcc459f⋯.png (883.59 KB, 1292x1288, 323:322, ClipboardImage.png)

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067c85  No.14168635

Kevin McCarthy on Fox now in a press conference saying should be 9/11 type commission for Jan 6th so they can find out why Capitol Police was unprepared.

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7d55e4  No.14168636


And there you have it - confirmed from the RINOs mouth directly



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266fec  No.14168637


double fisted pointers for emphasis.

one just wouldn't be enough to seem convincing

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c60a41  No.14168638

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Moloch: The Child Devourer (Angels & Demons Explained)

4,400 viewsJul 21, 2021

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d0f682  No.14168639

File: 2ee5e4b1c1a6824⋯.png (372.3 KB, 460x381, 460:381, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9119bbaa2cfba75⋯.png (574.83 KB, 600x440, 15:11, ClipboardImage.png)

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a904b5  No.14168640



biblical if tru

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b5aab6  No.14168641

File: ffa27b25e6a5b73⋯.jpg (23.34 KB, 550x293, 550:293, Chicken_Jewish_ritual_clea….jpg)


The Jew can do no wrong, he is perfect and should be worshiped.

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2d6c44  No.14168642


Rand knows muh corona was a politicized bioweapon by the chinee and the demoncrats.

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56d6ab  No.14168643

With the advent of Social Media and ubiquitous internet access for most Americans, the most dangerous weapons are no longer the bomb or the bullet, but the thought and the idea. Information Warfare is in it's infancy and has already destroyed the 'conventional war' strategy. Now to win wars (wars are fought to control the masses) you have to convince the enemy instead of kill them. Anons / MI get that. This will never get to bombs and bullets. The winner of the Information War will win the hearts of the masses.

Anons, this is both your challenge and your opportunity. If I'm not mistaken you specialize in Information Warfare?

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3057fa  No.14168644

File: 078d523bc70fe49⋯.jpg (229.43 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 20210205_131234.jpg)


>Sir Batman

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1edee0  No.14168645

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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44cbcc  No.14168646


Precipice ahead…

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51011f  No.14168647


i just canceled my monthly subscription. his back-pedaling video from yesterday tells me ALOT of orders were suddenly canceled.

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c0e901  No.14168648

File: 1e311d9f0b7d4c3⋯.png (84.1 KB, 682x999, 682:999, ClipboardImage.png)


P = Payseur

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170ee7  No.14168649



Notables Are NOT Endorsements


>>14168203 Techno Fog and "The Dispatch"

>>14168205 Jill Biden headed to Japan for Olympics — but won't have to sleep on cardboard bed?

>>14168215 (PB) Notabruh "Fact Check THIS!"

>>14168242, >>14168271, >>14168280, >>14168295 6 People Hospitalized Following Plano House Explosion

>>14168243 ‘Rest in peace, you f—king legend’: Irish thief laid to rest in epic, rowdy funeral

>>14168276, >>14168349, >>14168385 Nancy proves Banks tweet to be true

>>14168296 He’s Culpable. He’s Lying About It. And He Needs to Be Held Accountable” – Sen. Ron Johnson Says It’s Time to Go After Fauci for Funding Gain-of-Function Research, Lying About It Under Oath

>>14168331 Five Counties in Michigan Will Likely Break the Law and a Cease and Desist Order by Erasing 2020 Election Data from Their Voting Machines

>>14168341 Elections Official Who DEMANDED Pens Before Election And Sharpies On Election Day DONATED TO MARK KELLY

>>14168355, >>14168402, >>14168634 The Hill ~ "Alt-Right QAnon Publication"

>>14168358 RUMBLINGS: 2 of 3 Retired Policemen Drop From Wisconsin Speaker Vos’s Audit Team – Vos Refuses to Call for a Forensic Audit in Wisconsin

>>14168370 Saudi Aramco says its data being held for $50 MILLION in ransom on dark web, points finger at ‘contractor’

>>14168372 Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Gen. Mark Milley hold press briefing

>>14168379 "Conflicting Reports…" French PM warns 96% of new Covid cases are among unvaccinated citizens

>>14168393 US senators Sanders, Murphy & Lee introduce bipartisan bill to rein in presidential war powers & foreign weapons deals

>>14168405 Pentagon Reportedly Tracking "Extremist" Web Searches Including "The Truth About Black Lives Matter"

>>14168410 Uhhuhuhuh Wut? This irks me “it’s up to the doctor and the patient”!No its not! Its up to the “person” to make their own decision. But hes right about not forcing it on people

>>14168431 Unknown Man on FBI Most Wanted List for Appearing in Child Porn Video, ID’d as a Cop

>>14168456 Ready for the REAL Lockdowns? Mitch McConnell warns of lockdowns if COVID vaccine rates don’t increase

>>14168467 Isn't it racist to just… Group a bunch of people like that? I may have a lawsuit in my pocketWife Of GOP Congressman Called Supporters ‘Trump Cult’, Compared Trump To Hitler After Husband’s Impeachment VoteKinda Racist…

>>14168479 CONSTITUTIONAL LAWYER: Karen Fann Has Authority, With Arizona House, To Decertify Fraudulent Election

>>14168503 Author of Retracted Study on Harm of Mask-Wearing by Children Says Removal Was ‘Political’

>>14168514, >>14168525, >>14168539, >>14168545, >>14168549, >>14168552, >>14168565 "I will be filing a Civil Complaint and Declaration of Presentation of Grievances Defamation, Racism, Systemic Oppression Against (These) Officials"

>>14168520 Wear Your paper mask yo They don’t want you to know where it came from - They just want you to shut up and take your vaccine..

>>14168527 Black Rifle Coffee CEO Hafer NEVER Donated to Trump, Gave Maximum to Loeffler and Perdue After 2020 Election

>>14168543 Donald Trump to Michael Savage: ‘Collusive’ Media Backing Joe Biden Marks the ‘Beginning of Communism’

>>14168553 GOP Excoriates Antony Blinken for Requesting Probe on U.S. Racism by Pro-Critical Race Theory U.N. Envoy

>>14168562 Communist China ‘Directly Threatening’ Former Conservative Party Leader Sir Iain Duncan Smith

>>14168569 UK Microchip Plant Taken over by Communist China Was Developing British Military Tech: Report

>>14168581, Poland! Drowned after Germany! The biggest flood in the history of the country!

>>14168589 "EU VAERS" 18,928 DEAD, 1.8 Million Injured (50% SERIOUS) Reported in European Union’s Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 Shots

>>14168596 Wikileaks - New: NSO group says it will no longer respond to media on the #Pegasus revelations #FreePress

>>14168601 Kevin McCarthy press release - Washington, D.C. – Today, House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA-23) released the following statement about Speaker Pelosi’s abuse of power regarding the Select Committee on January 6th:

>>14168616 Grocery Prices Could Rise 10 to 14 Percent By October, Grocery Chain CEO Warns








Full Forensic Nationwide Audits, McAfee Deadman Switch, #TeamBritney, #TipOTheSpears #SAVEBRITNEY! #SAVE AMERICA!!


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43dde0  No.14168650

File: 6b60c5ea1ca4b88⋯.png (173.54 KB, 728x410, 364:205, ClipboardImage.png)

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c38e27  No.14168651

File: cc43e97ed107e6e⋯.png (58.3 KB, 500x536, 125:134, KamalahHarrisJewHubby.png)


Innit though?

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24d4f8  No.14168652


Project Odin is a last resort infrastructure to keep 8kun running

It is tactically not wise to reveil it before it is needed.

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fc6489  No.14168653



One we should be asking our fearless leaders.

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f17394  No.14168654

This board calls itself the tip of the spear (lol) not realizing this particular spear has no shaft befind it. Just a tiny little (very blunt) tip, with nothing at all to back it up.

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7ec106  No.14168655

The Matrix is starting to breakdown along the fringe's

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170ee7  No.14168656


F = Fuck You

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cd18d5  No.14168657


What faggots like yourself don't realize is the feeling is mutual.

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067c85  No.14168658


GOP: We Need Answers For Capitol Hill Officers

They waved people in, what answers do you need?

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349af3  No.14168659

how do you look up anons post history?

anybody know?

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c0e901  No.14168660

File: f65143004a5e424⋯.png (500.34 KB, 748x326, 374:163, ClipboardImage.png)

If if if if if if if if if if if

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6e238b  No.14168661


that's not what your mom said last night

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d0f682  No.14168662

File: 710d77ce8ae020a⋯.png (307.37 KB, 755x869, 755:869, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 959a0b5f61a5ff2⋯.png (772.23 KB, 766x845, 766:845, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 507dbcca0569c84⋯.png (598.08 KB, 742x867, 742:867, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3b6c567034b8101⋯.png (70.68 KB, 753x844, 753:844, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 37a68067eb01308⋯.png (29.98 KB, 756x384, 63:32, ClipboardImage.png)

Youngest ever FBI informant 'White Boy Rick', 52, files $100M lawsuit against the feds and Detroit Police for child abuse claiming he was coerced into aiding cops with drug busts when he was 14

A Michigan man whose decades in prison for drug dealing and work as an informant inspired the movie White Boy Rick has filed a lawsuit seeking $100 million in damages, claiming he was coerced into helping cops while just a helpless teenager.

Richard Wershe Jr., now 52, served roughly 30 years in prison in Michigan before his release in 2017, followed by a few more years in a Florida prison.

The lawsuit, filed in federal court in Detroit, comes on the first anniversary of his release from a Florida prison in 2020 for an unrelated crime.

Wershe's lawsuit alleges his troubles in the 1980s were related to the pressures of pleasing local cops and federal agents who used him as an informant, sending him into drug dens and abandoning him when he got in legal trouble.

'The justice system hasn´t been fair to me over the last 33 years,' Wershe said. 'This needed to be done. The truth absolutely needed to be told. … Everything that we say will be backed up by documents and FBI agents.'

His attorney, Nabih Ayad, acknowledged that Detroit and others named in the lawsuit will likely argue that Wershe's constitutional claims are too old to bring to court.

'This is a unique case,' the suit reads. 'Our Constitution, our justice system, and God-given right to all humanity calls on this court to finally bring justice to a man whose life has been taken from him at the tender age of 14 all the way up to 51 years of age.'

Detroit police spokesman Rudy Harper declined to comment, saying the department hasn't seen the lawsuit.

The lawsuit, broken into 'chapters,' reads like an autobiographic retelling of the story detailed in the 2018 American biographical crime drama film White Boy Rick starring Matthew McConaughey and Richie Merritt. The title referred to Wershe's nickname in his younger days, a nickname he dislikes.

The film, which received a score of 57% on Rotten Tomatoes, follows young Wershe as an FBI informant before he 'gets in too deep' and 'finds himself seduced by the lure of easy money and becomes a drug dealer himself,' according to its summary.

Wershe's saga began in the 1980's when his sister started dating a known drug dealer and his father contacted the FBI to ask for help getting the drug dealer out of her life, according to the lawsuit.

FBI Agent James Jim Dixon met with Wershe's father at a McDonalds In 1984 and agreed to help the family if his father could identify people in photographs the agent had brought with him to the restaurant.

Wershe, who was at the meeting with his father, helped Dixon identify most of the people in the photographs because he knew of them from neighborhood gossip, according to the lawsuit.

Dixon was allegedly impressed with Wershe, who was then just 14. Just days after the meeting, the FBI agent allegedly drove up alongside the young teen as he walked home from school and told the boy to get in his car.

Wershe 'felt compelled to do as he was told by this law enforcement agent, a figurative and literal authority figure' and continued to 'comply' with demands from Dixon, the lawsuit alleges.

'Mr. Dixon's unannounced visits with [Wershe] quickly became a regular occurrence, occurring dozens of times over the course of the next several months,' the lawsuit reads.


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170ee7  No.14168663

File: 6e633125e055dee⋯.png (342.56 KB, 684x365, 684:365, KEKSA.png)

File: ebfc8f687f65c84⋯.png (342.59 KB, 684x365, 684:365, KEKSAPO_0_Copy_Copy.png)

File: 7057f13f016e4eb⋯.png (342.56 KB, 684x365, 684:365, KEKSAPO_0_Copy.png)

File: 15b3388fb74f8af⋯.png (342.57 KB, 684x365, 684:365, KEKSAPO_01.png)

File: e7d20f6f8ab776e⋯.png (342.57 KB, 684x365, 684:365, KEKSAPO_01Copy.png)


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49b7cf  No.14168664


President of what? An America with 90% dead or homeless?

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a17aca  No.14168665

Take my love, take my land

Take me where I cannot stand

I don't care cause I'm still free

You can't take the sky from me

Take me out, to the black

Tell 'em I ain't coming back

Burn the land and boil the sea

You can't take the sky from me

There's no place I can be

Since I found serenity

You can't take the sky from me

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dfbced  No.14168666

File: 6fd95835c968f92⋯.png (882.87 KB, 900x900, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


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7ec106  No.14168667

Mesh Communications

It's everywhere!

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d0f682  No.14168668

Apple under pressure over iPhone security after NSO spyware claims

Apple urged to work with rivals after alleged surveillance of journalists, activists.

Apple has come under pressure to collaborate with its Silicon Valley rivals to fend off the common threat of surveillance technology after a report alleged that NSO Group’s Pegasus spyware was used to target journalists and human rights activists.

Amnesty International, which analyzed dozens of smartphones targeted by clients of NSO, said Apple’s marketing claims about its devices’ superior security and privacy had been “ripped apart” by the discovery of vulnerabilities in even the most recent versions of its iPhones and iOS software.

“Thousands of iPhones have potentially been compromised,” said Danna Ingleton, deputy director of Amnesty’s tech unit. “This is a global concern—anyone and everyone is at risk, and even technology giants like Apple are ill-equipped to deal with the massive scale of surveillance at hand.”

Security researchers said Apple could do more to tackle the problem by working with other tech companies to share details about vulnerabilities and vet their software updates.

“Apple unfortunately does a poor job at that collaboration,” said Aaron Cockerill, chief strategy officer at Lookout, a mobile security provider. He described iOS as a “black box” compared with Google’s Android, where he said it was “much easier to identify malicious behavior."

Amnesty worked with the journalism nonprofit group Forbidden Stories and 17 media partners on the “Pegasus Project” to identify alleged targets of surveillance.

NSO, which has said its technology was designed to target only criminal or terrorist suspects, described the Pegasus Project’s claims as “false allegations” and “full of wrong assumptions and uncorroborated theories."

Amnesty’s research found that several attempts to steal data and eavesdrop on iPhones had been made through Apple’s iMessage using so-called zero-click attacks, which do not require the user to open a link.

Bill Marczak, research fellow at Citizen Lab, a nonprofit group that has extensively documented NSO’s tactics, said Amnesty’s findings suggested that Apple had a “major blinking red five-alarm-fire problem with iMessage security."

A similar kind of zero-click Pegasus attack was identified using Facebook-owned WhatsApp messenger in 2019.

Will Cathcart, head of WhatsApp, called the latest disclosures a “wake-up call for security on the Internet.” In a series of tweets, he pointed to steps taken by tech companies including Google, Microsoft, and Cisco that have sought to push back against Pegasus and other commercial spyware tools.

But Apple, with whom Facebook has a long-running feud over the iPhone’s privacy controls, was absent from his list of collaborators.

“We need more companies, and, critically, governments, to take steps to hold NSO Group accountable,” Cathcart said.

While Apple does “a great job protecting consumers,” said Lookout’s Cockerill, it “should be more collaborative with firms like my own” to protect against attacks such as Pegasus.

“The big difference between Apple and Google is transparency,” Cockerill said.

Apple insisted that it did collaborate with external security researchers but chose not to publicize the activities, which included paying out millions of dollars a year in “security bounty” rewards for spotting vulnerabilities and providing its hardware to researchers.

“For over a decade, Apple has led the industry in security innovation and, as a result, security researchers agree iPhone is the safest, most secure consumer mobile device on the market,” Apple said in a statement.

“Attacks like the ones described are highly sophisticated, cost millions of dollars to develop, often have a short shelf life and are used to target specific individuals,” Apple continued. “While that means they are not a threat to the overwhelming majority of our users, we continue to work tirelessly to defend all our customers, and we are constantly adding new protections for their devices and data.”


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2d6c44  No.14168669


He needs an injection.

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8b4035  No.14168670

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56d6ab  No.14168671

In the end Team God wins and Q Research has placed itself securely in the camp of Team God. Big problems for our enemies outside the camp of Team God.

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0be79f  No.14168672

File: 217de4b1bc9a46a⋯.jpeg (25.22 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Gross_blackface.jpeg)




F'kin newfags.

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091e1d  No.14168673

File: 34d27210fdbcc4e⋯.png (1.95 MB, 1200x1200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


moar demoralization by a one post guy, who could it be?

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170ee7  No.14168674

File: 877ba5dcaafac2d⋯.gif (225.46 KB, 220x220, 1:1, GOTEEM.gif)


>>>14168116 (OP) (You)

>>>14168116 (OP) (You)

>>>14168146 (You)

>>>14168146 (You)

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b5aab6  No.14168675

File: 2d90672c04c54ed⋯.jpeg (8.94 KB, 361x181, 361:181, th.jpeg)


You looking to dox people are you?

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51011f  No.14168676


kek. how the fuk does she get to decide who is on the R side?

let's all remember, dems get away with their evil because the constitutionally directed press has sided with them. we no longer have any measure of accountability left in this country.

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5a7cb6  No.14168677

File: 427449ac30d9027⋯.jpg (103.24 KB, 600x400, 3:2, ZomboMeme_01072021004152.jpg)

File: eb614b1a2db2415⋯.jpg (126.69 KB, 756x1008, 3:4, ZomboMeme_30062021195849.jpg)

File: a5b7791ab1429ad⋯.jpg (43.38 KB, 727x501, 727:501, ZomboMeme_31032021121520.jpg)

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bc9b0c  No.14168678

File: 01d291ec1cf127f⋯.jpg (88.9 KB, 831x744, 277:248, LOGS.jpg)

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ad2153  No.14168679



Biden isn't president. 2024 will be term 3. People freaking out because they can't into game theory.

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2d6c44  No.14168680


His Dad and Uncle were certainly very accomplished and his Dad's Dad seems to have been a libertarian, anti-govt tax dodger in Germany, so no sheep either.

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0b0294  No.14168681


"Come to Chinatown"…?

Almost like an invitation to get on their team or else

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2d6c44  No.14168682


Well, she's an optimist.

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51011f  No.14168683


once POTUS gets back into office, he should immediately dismantle the alphabet agencies.

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349af3  No.14168685


how do you look up anons post history?

do you know how?

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ab4597  No.14168686

File: 00995f8f92aea65⋯.jpg (8.56 KB, 250x223, 250:223, pepethumbup.jpg)


needs solemani hands

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091e1d  No.14168687


biden won't make another 6 months without a medical break through

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170ee7  No.14168688

File: 019de180db32798⋯.png (342.56 KB, 684x365, 684:365, KEKSAPO_02_Copy.png)

File: 5fa2e6d3946e1fb⋯.png (554.3 KB, 687x348, 229:116, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 780fa3e16cd7087⋯.png (344.36 KB, 684x365, 684:365, KEKSAPO.png)

File: fe1c723d67d10fa⋯.png (554.55 KB, 688x340, 172:85, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2ad56f702ee8eb5⋯.png (342.57 KB, 684x365, 684:365, KEKSAPO_02Copy.png)





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06a44d  No.14168689

File: 5626bc64c939267⋯.png (276.61 KB, 684x652, 171:163, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4af9f7608097695⋯.png (273.36 KB, 684x652, 171:163, ClipboardImage.png)

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0ba942  No.14168690

File: 6529c0bed1d1466⋯.png (455.62 KB, 535x624, 535:624, Screenshot_2021_07_21_at_1….png)

Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia led the Divine Liturgy in the newly consecrated Cathedral of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. In an address to the faithful, he called the rebuilt temple a monument to courage and faith



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6b1db1  No.14168691

File: 67752d899f45324⋯.png (3.21 MB, 1881x1302, 627:434, might_be_shooped.png)

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bc9b0c  No.14168692

File: f5d03966032e238⋯.jpg (426.02 KB, 1043x886, 1043:886, truth_q.jpg)

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c0e901  No.14168693



If you're using Windows:

Go to your search bar and type in 'CMD' and click to open the app.

Then in the prompt, type in

format C:

then hit enter.

Don't worry about the warnings, those are just legalise.

That will generate a lost of all the historical posts of the anons on the webpage you currently have open.

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cc1799  No.14168694

File: b79d59f66149b26⋯.jpg (8.62 KB, 275x183, 275:183, 072121.jpg)


>John Catsimatidis

holy smokes what an ugly fuck. can't believe he produced that daughter

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2d6c44  No.14168695


Kodak screwed up badly with insider trading and blew the chance Trump game them.

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d0f682  No.14168696

File: cb369f72916a12d⋯.png (617.37 KB, 670x523, 670:523, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0dc49b134147e63⋯.png (680.61 KB, 672x894, 112:149, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9a954447b704184⋯.png (676.77 KB, 659x870, 659:870, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9ecd6f2d2f51e23⋯.png (92.62 KB, 684x718, 342:359, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 640159dc48060df⋯.png (303.39 KB, 679x793, 679:793, ClipboardImage.png)

Israeli firm NSO Group spent millions trying to woo the US government and gave huge payments to Washington lobbyists, consultants and lawyers to push its Pegasus spyware software before it was used to hack reporters' phones

The Pegasus Project revealed that NSO Group tapped some of Washington's most influential figures to burnish its image

They included Michael Flynn in the months before he became President Trump's national security adviser

And Rod Rosenstein advised it on a legal case after leaving his post as deputy attorney general

Details emerged amid continuing fall-out from news that the cyberintelligence company helped governments spy on opponents and journalists

NSO Group CEO Shalev Hulio said the claims were 'concerning' and that it was investigating the allegations

Amnesty International and a consortium of media outlets published claims on Sunday that foreign governments were using its software to hack phones

They compiled a list of 50,000 phone numbers that might have been hacked

Ethics filings and company records show how the Israeli cyberintelligence company NSO Group spent millions of dollars on Washington lobbyists, consultants and lawyers as it tried to sell its Pegasus spyware to the U.S. government.

Its parent companies paid $100,000 to Michael Flynn before he became President Trump's national security adviser; it took on the public relations firm cofounded by Anita Dunn, a senior White House adviser; and it relied on the legal and consulting services of a slew of figures with government experience, according to new reports.

The company's activities have exploded into public view during the past week with revelations from a media coalition, called the Pegasus Project, that its software was used by governments to spy on political opponents and journalists

Now it has emerged in the Washington Post that NSO, its founders or allied companies hired some of Washington's most prominent names as they tried to secure government contracts.

The include former heads of the Homeland Security and Justice departments as well as some of the city's most powerful public-relations and law firms.



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56d6ab  No.14168697

Until you believe in yourself it doesn't matter what else you believe in. Anons are 100x more relevant now. Q has given you the stage…

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6e7ceb  No.14168698


Vice President Harris says she will campaign for California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) as he faces a recall election.

Harris first revealed her intent to campaign for Newsom on Wednesday as she was leaving the Capitol building. When asked about her plans to campaign for the governor by The San Francisco Chronicle, Harris responded, “Yes.”

The vice president’s office confirmed to The Hill that Harris did say she will campaign for Newsom, but did not offer any additional details.

Harris is a fixture of California politics, having previously represented the state in the U.S. Senate in addition to serving as state attorney general and San Francisco district attorney.

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eded12  No.14168699

File: 8fa3ad0b158f849⋯.png (594.54 KB, 511x499, 511:499, ClipboardImage.png)


evil trips chek'ed

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0be79f  No.14168700

File: 5104dfeea186f40⋯.jpg (727.83 KB, 1119x1066, 1119:1066, Highest_ranking_anon.jpg)


>how do you look up anons post history?

You need an upgrade to 8Kun premium.

I can take a payment now.

6 or 12 months anon?

Our 12 month plan also includes 'shill spotter' super secret code to spot shills.

You will also receive 3 months free of 'glownigger out'. Turns all glownigger posts bright green.

Shall I put you down for 12 months premium, anon?

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b5aab6  No.14168701

File: ded027d91f8eaf9⋯.jpg (9.92 KB, 178x255, 178:255, a0303985e72eb46409e45516da….jpg)


Why do you want to know?

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2d6c44  No.14168702


Could be.

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f323d9  No.14168703

>>14167429 lb

>dns fickery


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c60a41  No.14168704

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

EVER GIVEN CONTAINERSHIP update - More problems?

14,755 viewsJul 16, 2021

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1aeb70  No.14168705


it's not a spear if it has no shaft

just as you are a shill that has no soul

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ad2153  No.14168706


Doesn't matter. Biden isn't president.

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dfbced  No.14168707

File: b93156252317471⋯.png (640.85 KB, 884x829, 884:829, ClipboardImage.png)

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efd0ab  No.14168708


>to conjure up who knows what kind of nightmares


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c77514  No.14168709


you post the name of your org in the name section, and the email of the person you are sending it to in the email field and the subject of the spying you are conducting. witch & whore

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d0f682  No.14168710

File: 70c422f9e719471⋯.png (707.99 KB, 661x487, 661:487, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d42873a6e035753⋯.png (1.52 MB, 666x898, 333:449, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6bc87e885b4b40c⋯.png (813.8 KB, 679x585, 679:585, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 465b971d37581e5⋯.png (37.44 KB, 342x382, 171:191, ClipboardImage.png)


In a statement through lawyers Clare Locke, NSO said: 'NSO does not operate the systems that it sells to vetted government customers, and does not have access to the data of its customers’ targets.

'NSO does not operate its technology, does not collect, nor possesses, nor has any access to any kind of data of its customers.

'Due to contractual and national security considerations, NSO cannot confirm or deny the identity of our government customers, as well as identity of customers of which we have shut down systems.'

It also said its software had 'nothing to do' with Jamal Khashoggi's murder, despite Amnesty International claiming it has proof his widow's phone was hacked using Pegasus after his death.

'NSO Group is on a life-saving mission, and the company will faithfully execute this mission undeterred, despite any and all continued attempts to discredit it on false grounds,' it said.

Foreign governments including India, Rwanda and Morocco have all denied using the software to collect data on targets.

Others targeted include several Arab royal family members, 65 Business executives, 85 human rights activists, 189 journalists including a 'small number from' CNN, the Associated Press, Voice of America, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg News, Le Monde in France, the Financial Times in London and Al Jazeera in Qatar.

Some of the reporters are named Financial Times editor Roula Khalaf, Siddharth Varadarajan and Paranjoy Guha Thakurta from Indian news site Wire Omar Radi, a Moroccan journalist, Mexican freelance journalist Cecilio Pineda Birto and Azerbaijani investigative journalist Khadija Ismayilova.

In 2019, NSO Group reportedly contracted the SKDK - a PR firm run by Anita Dunn, one of President Biden's advisers.

She did not immediately respond to DailyMail.com's inquiries about the scope of her work with the firm.


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09646e  No.14168711



Watch the water is definately flood fuckery everywhere imo

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cc1799  No.14168712


Well here in TX Abbott already has said no mask mandates and that we will never lock down again.

He better fucking stick with that.

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7d55e4  No.14168713



Purdy Much


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fa35e7  No.14168714

File: a7dbeff713a130d⋯.jpg (24.55 KB, 300x213, 100:71, download_8_.jpg)

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b5aab6  No.14168715

File: 057899d1883fb36⋯.jpeg (7.91 KB, 311x175, 311:175, th.jpeg)


She's ugly you thirsty fuck.

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c38e27  No.14168716

File: 699c1b5bf03a001⋯.png (896.04 KB, 697x522, 697:522, MaccabeeBuildingII.PNG)

File: 13726a0cddb1d65⋯.jpg (259.82 KB, 1196x856, 299:214, MaccabeeJewry.jpg)

File: eb49e89e2b389e3⋯.png (662.6 KB, 592x633, 592:633, MaccabeeQPost.PNG)

File: 157df5d06ee09c2⋯.jpg (742.81 KB, 811x509, 811:509, MaccabeeTemple.jpg)

The Maccabees were a group of Jewish rebel warriors who took control of Judea, which at the time was part of the Seleucid Empire.


How many corrupt Jewish organizations does Q have to point out before you niggers figure out it's the Jews?

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a771a5  No.14168717

File: dff7baafde6c006⋯.jpg (47.1 KB, 239x258, 239:258, fuck_you.jpg)


Does the home team in a sportsball game get to tell the opposing team which players they can field?

Don't be cucks McCarthy, Jordan and Banks. You are letting Nancy dominate you and it is NOT a good look, tbh.

Try a more assertive approach.

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2d6c44  No.14168718


Assign it to Huber.

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bc9b0c  No.14168719

File: eddd0e74a4bdbc4⋯.png (195.22 KB, 652x662, 326:331, isreal.png)

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eded12  No.14168720

File: c00edd36c2101d6⋯.gif (3.74 MB, 360x540, 2:3, trump_thumb.gif)


we got dis

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170ee7  No.14168721

File: aa119dd7b6c6ba4⋯.mp4 (716.37 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.mp4)


>The Maccabees were a group of Jewish rebel warriors who took control of Judea, which at the time was part of the Seleucid Empire.


>How many corrupt Jewish organizations does Q have to point out before you niggers figure out it's the Jews?

>Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof -

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dfbced  No.14168722

File: e26615f88ccf911⋯.png (421.82 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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efd0ab  No.14168723


Sauce was not possible.

Flynn confirmed much of it in an interview a day or two after.

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8ffcf3  No.14168724



And you didn't even thank the anon that helped you, but you took time out to shit on another anon.


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215e6f  No.14168725

File: fbe2e4c3d24d337⋯.mp4 (4 MB, 480x480, 1:1, 88B7F22B_ED27_4A71_BE57_2F….mp4)


watchin' the water

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50d140  No.14168726

File: d4fa6e87a9d919d⋯.mp4 (5.07 MB, 480x270, 16:9, If_BO.mp4)

If anons are so hated, why do so many people pray for us every day?

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a96df4  No.14168727

File: 8c1f7388c467bf4⋯.mp4 (2.54 MB, 576x720, 4:5, trump_forever.mp4)



anyone have the tweet that has this video? think it was June 2019 ish

forget if POTUS or Delta Dan tweet

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2d6c44  No.14168728


Great movie really.

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6b1db1  No.14168729


Hey not so fast there anon. Don't forget to get his details details to open a brokerage account to trade suscoin!

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49b7cf  No.14168730


All Western religions decend from the Jews. Religion is the problem.

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e81320  No.14168731

File: b701b57d72029e6⋯.png (554.47 KB, 612x644, 153:161, Screen_Shot_2021_07_21_at_….png)

File: 40148dd082c41b4⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1269x641, 1269:641, Screen_Shot_2021_07_21_at_….png)

File: 6ae6e6f72606b96⋯.png (876.7 KB, 782x650, 391:325, Screen_Shot_2021_07_21_at_….png)

File: 0cada28fd4b57b2⋯.png (1006.87 KB, 1316x646, 658:323, Screen_Shot_2021_07_21_at_….png)

FAUXNEWS, #WhoKilledAshliBabbit ?

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dfbced  No.14168732

File: b26067d9583d28e⋯.png (1.02 MB, 620x775, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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51011f  No.14168733


and yet, you're only here because of the impact Q has.

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d0f682  No.14168734

File: 037e70ad2185764⋯.png (394.92 KB, 634x753, 634:753, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bbfc4d5afe55166⋯.png (286.35 KB, 668x877, 668:877, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e0c147834241d7e⋯.png (678.95 KB, 663x625, 663:625, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5af97fed793ddc0⋯.png (380.52 KB, 681x871, 681:871, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 889067bc122cb0d⋯.png (442.55 KB, 634x541, 634:541, ClipboardImage.png)

Hunter Biden was arranging for VP Joe to quit politics and start a DC 'swamp' consultancy firm together, raising MORE questions over President's claim that he has never discussed business with his son

Emails obtained from Hunter Biden's laptop show Joe Biden planned to join a law and consultancy firm with his sons Hunter and Beau

Hunter discussed the proposed firm in a November 2014 email with his business partner and Biden family friend Jeff Cooper

The plans were thwarted by Beau's tragic death in 2015 from brain cancer

The emails suggest that Joe Biden might have quit politics and entered the DC 'swamp' of politically-tied lawyers and highly-paid consultants and lobbyists

President Biden has often decried the DC 'swamp' in his speeches

Even deeper financial ties between Joe and Hunter were revealed this month, when emails emerged showing that he paid many of his father's bills

Joe Biden had plans to join a law and consultancy firm with his sons Hunter and Beau in 2014, halfway through his second term as vice president, emails reveal.

Hunter discussed the proposed firm in a November 2014 email with his business partner and Biden family friend Jeff Cooper, a lawyer and entrepreneur.

The plans were thwarted by Beau's tragic death in 2015 from brain cancer, setting the whole family on a drastically different path.

Had Beau not passed away, the emails suggest that Joe Biden might have quit politics and entered the DC 'swamp' of politically-tied lawyers and highly-paid consultants and lobbyists – a world he has decried in speeches.

The email also raises questions over the president's claim that he never discussed business with Hunter.

This claim has come under increasing scrutiny after emails from Hunter's abandoned laptop revealed multiple instances where Joe appeared to be involved in business meetings relating to Hunter – both during his tenure as vice president and after he left office.

A now-infamous email between Hunter and his business partners in a multi-million-dollar deal with Chinese oil giant CEFC, consultant James Gilliar set out potential terms of the deal and listed '10 held by H for the big guy?'



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734bf8  No.14168735

File: a172ba33b574652⋯.png (456.65 KB, 750x538, 375:269, ClipboardImage.png)

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139daf  No.14168737

Thomas Barrack: Top Trump aide accused of working as foreign agent

Billionaire and long-time Donald Trump ally Thomas J Barrack has been arrested in Los Angeles for allegedly acting as an agent of a foreign government.


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2d6c44  No.14168738


Fraudci might get the gamma variant.

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fb8c94  No.14168739


The authenticity in this post is inspirational!

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215e6f  No.14168740



we do not give a single fuck

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c38e27  No.14168741

File: 4d9f6607d17efa8⋯.png (566.46 KB, 502x462, 251:231, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e38c0cedd95e9ec⋯.png (102.18 KB, 210x177, 70:59, ClipboardImage.png)

Crazy that the porches are still the same.

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2d6c44  No.14168742



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bc9b0c  No.14168743

File: 89ef24d482e64c2⋯.jpg (37.67 KB, 850x400, 17:8, 89ef24d482e64c2d5f4a10dbdc….jpg)

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0ba942  No.14168744

File: 744dabfe42fdc7e⋯.jpg (44.06 KB, 490x577, 490:577, 4eva.jpg)

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170ee7  No.14168745





Full Forensic Nationwide Audits, McAfee Deadman Switch, #TeamBritney, #TipOTheSpears #SAVEBRITNEY! #SAVE AMERICA!!


Notables Are NOT Endorsements


>>14168203 Techno Fog and "The Dispatch"

>>14168205 Jill Biden headed to Japan for Olympics — but won't have to sleep on cardboard bed?

>>14168215 (PB) Notabruh "Fact Check THIS!"

>>14168242, >>14168271, >>14168280, >>14168295 6 People Hospitalized Following Plano House Explosion

>>14168243 ‘Rest in peace, you f—king legend’: Irish thief laid to rest in epic, rowdy funeral

>>14168276, >>14168349, >>14168385 Nancy proves Banks tweet to be true

>>14168296 He’s Culpable. He’s Lying About It. And He Needs to Be Held Accountable” – Sen. Ron Johnson Says It’s Time to Go After Fauci for Funding Gain-of-Function Research, Lying About It Under Oath

>>14168331 Five Counties in Michigan Will Likely Break the Law and a Cease and Desist Order by Erasing 2020 Election Data from Their Voting Machines

>>14168341 Elections Official Who DEMANDED Pens Before Election And Sharpies On Election Day DONATED TO MARK KELLY

>>14168355, >>14168402, >>14168634, >>14168727 The Hill ~ "Alt-Right QAnon Publication"

>>14168358 RUMBLINGS: 2 of 3 Retired Policemen Drop From Wisconsin Speaker Vos’s Audit Team – Vos Refuses to Call for a Forensic Audit in Wisconsin

>>14168370 Saudi Aramco says its data being held for $50 MILLION in ransom on dark web, points finger at ‘contractor’

>>14168372 Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Gen. Mark Milley hold press briefing

>>14168379 "Conflicting Reports…" French PM warns 96% of new Covid cases are among unvaccinated citizens

>>14168393 US senators Sanders, Murphy & Lee introduce bipartisan bill to rein in presidential war powers & foreign weapons deals

>>14168405 Pentagon Reportedly Tracking "Extremist" Web Searches Including "The Truth About Black Lives Matter"

>>14168410 Uhhuhuhuh Wut? This irks me “it’s up to the doctor and the patient”!No its not! Its up to the “person” to make their own decision. But hes right about not forcing it on people

>>14168431 Unknown Man on FBI Most Wanted List for Appearing in Child Porn Video, ID’d as a Cop

>>14168456 Ready for the REAL Lockdowns? Mitch McConnell warns of lockdowns if COVID vaccine rates don’t increase

>>14168467 Isn't it racist to just… Group a bunch of people like that? I may have a lawsuit in my pocketWife Of GOP Congressman Called Supporters ‘Trump Cult’, Compared Trump To Hitler After Husband’s Impeachment VoteKinda Racist…

>>14168479 CONSTITUTIONAL LAWYER: Karen Fann Has Authority, With Arizona House, To Decertify Fraudulent Election

>>14168503 Author of Retracted Study on Harm of Mask-Wearing by Children Says Removal Was ‘Political’

>>14168514, >>14168525, >>14168539, >>14168545, >>14168549, >>14168552, >>14168565 "I will be filing a Civil Complaint and Declaration of Presentation of Grievances Defamation, Racism, Systemic Oppression Against (These) Officials"

>>14168520 Wear Your paper mask yo They don’t want you to know where it came from - They just want you to shut up and take your vaccine..

>>14168527 Black Rifle Coffee CEO Hafer NEVER Donated to Trump, Gave Maximum to Loeffler and Perdue After 2020 Election

>>14168543 Donald Trump to Michael Savage: ‘Collusive’ Media Backing Joe Biden Marks the ‘Beginning of Communism’

>>14168553 GOP Excoriates Antony Blinken for Requesting Probe on U.S. Racism by Pro-Critical Race Theory U.N. Envoy

>>14168562 Communist China ‘Directly Threatening’ Former Conservative Party Leader Sir Iain Duncan Smith

>>14168569 UK Microchip Plant Taken over by Communist China Was Developing British Military Tech: Report

>>14168581, Poland! Drowned after Germany! The biggest flood in the history of the country!

>>14168589 "EU VAERS" 18,928 DEAD, 1.8 Million Injured (50% SERIOUS) Reported in European Union’s Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 Shots


Full Forensic Nationwide Audits, McAfee Deadman Switch, #TeamBritney, #TipOTheSpears #SAVEBRITNEY! #SAVE AMERICA!!


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a771a5  No.14168746


Is that 17 or 19 'ifs' ?

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d0f682  No.14168747

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Oliver Stone’s new JFK assassination doc is being ignored by the MSM… a sure sign he might be onto something

The establishment media is celebrating odd, sexually charged movies at the Cannes Film Festival – yet won’t even acknowledge Oliver Stone’s foray back into the troubling case of President John F. Kennedy’s murder. I wonder why?

Last week, Oliver Stone premiered his new documentary about the Kennedy assassination titled ‘JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass’, at the Cannes festival.

You’d think that Stone, the polarizing, two-time Best Director Academy Award winner, whose filmJFK created such a furor it led to the US government passing the JFK Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992, premiering a controversial JFK assassination documentary at Cannes would be very big news. You’d be wrong.

The New York Times’ vast coverage of Cannes consisted of 11 articles, most focusing on the more salacious content, such as ‘Benedetta’, a steamy story about lesbian nuns, ‘Annette’, a musical where Adam Driver sings while performing oral sex on Marion Cotillard, and ‘Titane’, where a woman has sex with a car and lactates oil. But not once has ‘JFK Revisited’ been mentioned in the supposed ‘paper of record’.

The same is true of the Washington Post, Boston Globe, LA Times, Chicago Tribune, the Guardian, the Atlantic, the New Yorker and every mainstream outlet I searched, as none of them acknowledge ‘JFK Revisited’exists at all.

The only media mentions I found were in trade papers likeVariety and the Hollywood Reporter, and in the British press, in the Times and Daily Telegraph. Their reaction to the film was split, with Variety and The Times giving negative reviews and THR and the Daily Telegraph praising it.

Considering that Cuba, intelligence agency nefariousness, and conspiracy theories are making headlines, and that the small critical assessment of the documentary is split, it’s curious that the media is maintaining the status quo by endorsing sexual depravity at Cannes instead of pursuing truth by debating ‘JFK Revisited’.

I’m kidding, of course. It’s no surprise that the American myth-making media who bequeath to us the official narrative from which ‘respectable’ people will never deviate, are tossing ‘JFK Revisited’ down the memory hole and lavishing praise on horny nuns and coital Cadillacs.

You see, the establishment loves to distract the masses and hate conspiracies – except for the ones they love.



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349af3  No.14168748



>all the historical posts of the anons on the webpage you currently have open.

how far back can one search?

one bread, one day, one week etc?

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170ee7  No.14168749





Full Forensic Nationwide Audits, McAfee Deadman Switch, #TeamBritney, #TipOTheSpears #SAVEBRITNEY! #SAVE AMERICA!!


Notables Are NOT Endorsements


>>14168596, >>14168696, >>14168710 Wikileaks - New: NSO group says it will no longer respond to media on the #Pegasus revelations #FreePress

>>14168601 Kevin McCarthy press release - Washington, D.C. – Today, House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA-23) released the following statement about Speaker Pelosi’s abuse of power regarding the Select Committee on January 6th:

>>14168616 Grocery Prices Could Rise 10 to 14 Percent By October, Grocery Chain CEO Warns

>>14168662 Youngest ever FBI informant 'White Boy Rick', 52, files $100M lawsuit against the feds and Detroit Police for child abuse claiming he was coerced into aiding cops with drug busts when he was 14

>>14168668 Apple under pressure over iPhone security after NSO spyware claims

>>14168690 Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia led the Divine Liturgy in the newly consecrated Cathedral of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. In an address to the faithful, he called the rebuilt temple a monument to courage and faith

>>14168704 EVER GIVEN CONTAINERSHIP update - More problems?

>>14168734 Hunter Biden was arranging for VP Joe to quit politics and start a DC 'swamp' consultancy firm together, raising MORE questions over President's claim that he has never discussed business with his son


Full Forensic Nationwide Audits, McAfee Deadman Switch, #TeamBritney, #TipOTheSpears #SAVEBRITNEY! #SAVE AMERICA!!


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2d6c44  No.14168750


They have about half a brain between them.

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0572dc  No.14168752

The focus should be not on Britney, but on Britney's FATHER and the DOCTORS he hired for the conservertorship. I'll be looking into this over the next couple of weeks… I wish I'd known earlier what he was putting her through. Only a sadistic perve would do something like this. And to his own daughter. =(

I'll need some time, but I'm on it. o_O



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9a77ad  No.14168753


Dems don’t want Americans to know where covid came from.

This is unbelievable








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7f59bd  No.14168754

Imagine being in the military and having a bunch of internet crazies using you as a threat against their enemies, not realizing your fellow troops are hispanics and blacks that think Trump is a bigot. Imagine being a grunt and facebook tier old people keep saying you're going to kill everyone they personally disagree with.

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170ee7  No.14168755





Full Forensic Nationwide Audits, McAfee Deadman Switch, #TeamBritney, #TipOTheSpears #SAVEBRITNEY! #SAVE AMERICA!!


>>14168514, >>14168525, >>14168539, >>14168545, >>14168549, >>14168552, >>14168565,"I will be filing a Civil Complaint and Declaration of Presentation of Grievances Defamation, Racism, Systemic Oppression Against (These) Officials"

Full Forensic Nationwide Audits, McAfee Deadman Switch, #TeamBritney, #TipOTheSpears #SAVEBRITNEY! #SAVE AMERICA!!


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dfbced  No.14168756

File: ff321e2419219c4⋯.png (98.55 KB, 443x455, 443:455, ClipboardImage.png)

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7d55e4  No.14168757


Delaware Gov "cancelled" the pandemic emergency last Tuesday

2 minutes prior he signed a new "public health emergency" which allows him to retain the dictatorial powers dictated by Title 20, Chapter 31 which is what allows the lockdowns and mandates to be recognized as law and there is nothing in that chapter allowing legislative oversight of anything.

HR49 was started to add oversight after 30 days but was tabled in committee in late june.

Its coming to a blue state near you…

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0be79f  No.14168758

File: 4124bdc9786bd91⋯.jpg (79.13 KB, 616x366, 308:183, right_you_know.jpg)


>we do not give a single fuck

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c38e27  No.14168759

File: becdf2bac1b892b⋯.jpg (93.2 KB, 500x516, 125:129, David.jpg)

File: 971aa5055fd02a7⋯.jpg (94.25 KB, 576x433, 576:433, DavidII.jpg)

File: 7df559763bb5d02⋯.jpg (93.13 KB, 500x661, 500:661, DavidIII.jpg)

File: ce631ab7b54f2db⋯.jpg (84.63 KB, 552x452, 138:113, DavidIIII.jpg)

File: f3c18ea1f5d42e3⋯.jpg (102.45 KB, 561x445, 561:445, DavidIIIII.jpg)


Perhaps the old testament is a giant Jewish lie?

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067c85  No.14168760

File: 5e0259fdd8e4233⋯.mp4 (977.01 KB, 576x768, 3:4, capitalpolice.mp4)

File: ab52a5a8da368d7⋯.mp4 (8.93 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, capvid45.mp4)

File: 0f8d83b3e7d3a74⋯.mp4 (1.54 MB, 848x480, 53:30, capvid46.mp4)

File: f6d3b6e90028138⋯.mp4 (2.32 MB, 642x360, 107:60, capvid47.mp4)

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44cbcc  No.14168761


susuchain blockchain

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091e1d  No.14168762

File: e86e2a768140f41⋯.png (580.42 KB, 500x634, 250:317, ClipboardImage.png)

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8b4035  No.14168763


Agreed! This is it for "watch the water"!

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bee2ac  No.14168764

File: b8c45f0b9850424⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1833x726, 611:242, Screenshot_2021_07_21_2_42….png)







"What storm, Mr President?"

"You'll find out."

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fb8c94  No.14168765


Love a good porch anon. It was a good idea that stood the test of time.

Back ones are the best.

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170ee7  No.14168766





>>14168514, >>14168525, >>14168539, >>14168545, >>14168549, >>14168552, >>14168565,"I will be filing a Civil Complaint and Declaration of Presentation of Grievances Defamation, Racism, Systemic Oppression,Corruption, Raketeering+ Against (These) Officials"

Full Forensic Nationwide Audits, McAfee Deadman Switch, #TeamBritney, #TipOTheSpears #SAVEBRITNEY! #SAVE AMERICA!!


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0be79f  No.14168767

File: ff2dccccd596785⋯.jpg (139.33 KB, 733x479, 733:479, Now_Top_Kek.jpg)



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c0e901  No.14168768

File: eface1c468bd554⋯.png (401.74 KB, 1080x729, 40:27, ClipboardImage.png)

aaaaaaaand now the 'committee' is just a one party partisan faceplant.


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8ffcf3  No.14168769


That is misinformation then, from the Democrats…..

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be4761  No.14168770


going to make tacos

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d0f682  No.14168771

“DELTA VARIANT” Spreads Via The Vaccinated: DUTCH MSM

Okay so we know COVID19 is BS, PCR tests are a fraud in this light and people have been suppressed with fear.

But if there’s anything more confusing it’s MSM papers.

” Once again, virologists are alarmed. The delta variant is so contagious that people who have already been fully vaccinated can also pass on the virus. This could have ‘major consequences’ for policy, the scientists warn.


Fully vaccinated Americans are SPREADING covid’s delta variant, health expert warns

Public health experts are claiming that fully vaccinated Americans are helping spread the post-vaccine delta variant of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).

Many states with high vaccination rates are reporting sharp surges in COVID-19 cases. The delta variant makes up around half of all active cases. Despite this, many so-called public health experts are still encouraging people to get vaccinated to curb transmission.

Christopher Murray, director of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, believes one possible way the delta variant is spreading is being overlooked: with the help of vaccinated individuals.

The current policy of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that vaccinated people not be tested for COVID-19 unless they are symptomatic. To Murray, this indicates that the CDC’s data does not show the true extent of the delta variant’s spread.

“We actually have states where hospitalizations are going up more than cases,” said Murray, noting that state-level coronavirus data shows that the delta variant has spread rapidly across the country.

“We have 14 states where transmission has started to go back up” due to the delta variant, said Murray. Additional data shows that 16 other states are seeing a rise in their number of COVID-19 infections.


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ee3a80  No.14168772



I use to do this to PCs in BestBuy.

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4aae14  No.14168773

File: c0dca36948e20a6⋯.mp4 (9.7 MB, 640x360, 16:9, owen_benjamin_funny_hats.mp4)


never trust men in small, funny, weird or wizard hats.

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72b653  No.14168774

File: d390155f214ce0e⋯.png (825.15 KB, 640x452, 160:113, ClipboardImage.png)


Eastern hemisphere just getting reamed.

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490e9f  No.14168775

File: 1b1359bef39289d⋯.jpg (191.82 KB, 1800x1350, 4:3, pepe_and_mcaffe.jpg)


it's all coming together now…

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2d6c44  No.14168776


FBI is unconstitutional and it has proven why ever since its inception. FBI needs to be eliminated period

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09646e  No.14168777


WATCH! the water

Could we map the floods?

time, location, please?

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1a7ff9  No.14168778


>how the fuk does she get to decide who is on the R side?

All part of the GOP/DNC uniparty kayfabe

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fb8c94  No.14168779

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139daf  No.14168780

File: 117b4fdce4e9a76⋯.png (108.22 KB, 225x225, 1:1, _20_48_04.png)


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cc1799  No.14168781

File: 5f482664074b7cf⋯.jpg (7.85 KB, 246x205, 6:5, 0721212.jpg)

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0f26e5  No.14168782

File: 325660a1dd85c98⋯.jpg (42.88 KB, 443x440, 443:440, McCarthy_disclose_TV.jpg)

Trump must have told McCarthy to suck up last week.

Disclose.TV saying (with video) he just called Pelosi a lame duck speaker.

Pissed that Pelosi denied Jordan and another guy a seat on the Jan 6 committee.

Looking more like the Trump SOH strategy is being run out there.

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44cbcc  No.14168783

File: 813d8169b0232d7⋯.jpg (120.81 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, all20things20are20possible….jpg)

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6e7ceb  No.14168784

Soros and Gates buy testing company


The U.K.-based maker of Covid-19 tests, Mologic, has been bought out by Global Access Health, a new Bill Gates and George Soros-backed consortium.

George Soros' Open Society Foundation confirmed the deal on Monday in a statement, which says Global Access Health members will invest 'at least' $41 million into the project.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is also behind the initiative led by the Soros Economic Development Fund.

Mologic was founded in 2003 and has previously worked with the Gates Foundation.

Mologic is a developer of lateral flow and rapid diagnostic technologies and has also developed tests to help fight tropical diseases such as dengue, bilharzia and river blindness, as well as Covid-19.

The Soros-Gates social enterprise intends to "expand access to affordable state-of-the-art medical technology through decentralized research, development, and manufacturing in and for the Global South."

"Mologic’s transition into a social enterprise is a deliberate, logical, and natural step for a company focused on delivering affordable diagnostics and biotechnology to places that have been left underserved by the relentless pursuit of profiteering," Mologic CEO Mark Davis said of the deal.

Davis will continue to serve as CEO of Mologic, and his father Paul Davis will continue his role as chief scientific officer.

While the two billionaires continue to invest their money in initiatives worldwide, some remain skeptical of their long-term global motives, which are now appearing to merge together.

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bc9b0c  No.14168785

File: 995dc10b798ffc0⋯.jpg (93.34 KB, 1024x836, 256:209, virus.jpg)

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d0f682  No.14168786

File: 5971e2fbe1508c6⋯.png (82.13 KB, 770x777, 110:111, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6173d9f394e1eb8⋯.png (86.35 KB, 774x802, 387:401, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1877905e36f8f9b⋯.png (73.79 KB, 775x708, 775:708, ClipboardImage.png)

A Brief History of the Asbestos Industry's Great Cover-up

Commercials for mesothelioma often promote one thing: the $30 billion compensation fund for victims of asbestos. These commercials air so often that it’s easy to overlook how unique it was that a trust fund had to be established for victims of mesothelioma at all, let alone one so large.

What exactly happened that was so egregious that the courts mandated such a large and unprecedented source of compensation for victims?

The general outline of the story is well known: asbestos was used for decades in many industries until its full danger become known to the public and former employees began pursuing compensation en masse and effectively forced companies out of business. But the details of a decades long cover-up by the asbestos industry has faded with the passage of time.

"In the United States, doctors observed lung scarring in asbestos-factory workers as early as 1917."

To understand why an unprecedented fund for compensation was established for past victims of asbestos-related diseases like mesothelioma — and the thousands who don’t even know yet that they’re sick — it’s critical to understand the scope of the cover-up perpetrated by the asbestos industry.

Today, in recognition of Mesothelioma Awareness Day, we dive into one of the biggest cover-ups of the century.

Asbestos: A Century Old Killer

The health problems associated with asbestos in modern times can be traced back more than 100 years. Among the earliest contemporary findings about the dangers of asbestos came in 1900, when a physician in London discovered asbestos fibers in the lungs of a 33-year-old textile worker who had died of severe pulmonary fibrosis, according to the Environmental Working Group, a non-profit organization dedicated to protecting human health and the environment.


In the United States, doctors observed lung scarring in asbestos-factory workers as early as 1917. The following year, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics published a report by an insurance statistician that noted asbestos workers died unusually early. The report also revealed it had become routine for insurers to deny coverage to workers because of the "assumed health-injurious conditions" in the asbestos industry.

"…just as certain as death and taxes is the fact that if you inhale asbestos dust you get asbestosis."

The evidence that asbestos was dangerous to those who handled it would continue to mount.

In 1927, the first workers’ compensation disability claim for asbestos-related health issues was upheld in Massachusetts. Soon after, a case of lung issues related to asbestos was discussed in the medical journal Minnesota Medicine.

By then, the ill effects of asbestos on those who handled it were clear to both insurers and asbestos manufacturers. In fact, the use of asbestos was in sharp decline prior to World War II. However, when the war began, asbestos use recovered and reached new heights that wouldn’t recede until the industry collapsed in the 1970s and ‘80s.


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a771a5  No.14168787


Word of the day:


Milley to take his 'White rage' understanding tour at a later time, he said.

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ab4597  No.14168788

File: e78d1c11ad70353⋯.png (61.34 KB, 507x759, 169:253, pepestiffy.png)

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49b7cf  No.14168789


A retelling of the Ancient Sumerian legends. All these religious stories underpin a civil order consisting of God/Kings and slave/peasants.

All are antithetical to the notion of all men be created equal.

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c38e27  No.14168790

File: 2a245aa01d03d8f⋯.jpg (28.54 KB, 451x315, 451:315, RoadRunnerJew.jpg)


I bet old Schiffty and RatSkin are angry enough they're eating their yamikas….

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8aa439  No.14168791

File: bd34cd56e00b8f7⋯.jpg (20.65 KB, 470x251, 470:251, 20130522020046bubo_470.jpg)


it is interesting that we have a real clash of the titans being set up. First we have a Kraken now Pegasus. WE just need Perseus now and a clockwork owl.

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0f26e5  No.14168792


Should be sack up, but suck up might fit, with McCarthy.

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e54bf7  No.14168793

File: 6396b61f55f858e⋯.png (22.54 KB, 692x643, 692:643, Screenshot_2021_07_21_at_1….png)

File: 8772d0a2b8b8430⋯.png (18.18 KB, 692x643, 692:643, Screenshot_2021_07_21_at_1….png)

File: 65d50a455d8d6ac⋯.png (22.16 KB, 692x643, 692:643, Screenshot_2021_07_21_at_1….png)

File: 2112acaf440337d⋯.png (18 KB, 692x643, 692:643, Screenshot_2021_07_21_at_1….png)

File: d980d279e80f41d⋯.png (24.88 KB, 692x643, 692:643, Screenshot_2021_07_21_at_1….png)

Pegasus is all over wikileaks

The Italian surveillance malware vendor Hacking Team emails are a goldmine of 411







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bee2ac  No.14168794

File: 1b7ab01715d579a⋯.jpg (34.14 KB, 480x360, 4:3, hqdefault.jpg)






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d0f682  No.14168795

File: 0e5734dc0f0e82e⋯.png (984.42 KB, 800x587, 800:587, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3a7404bfa8f2c3c⋯.png (155.3 KB, 800x581, 800:581, ClipboardImage.png)

File: db3e4aba0ebe985⋯.png (469.32 KB, 800x576, 25:18, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 05ec5e2e2c86ec8⋯.png (783.1 KB, 800x571, 800:571, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1a0fcde4ee97400⋯.png (546.43 KB, 835x552, 835:552, ClipboardImage.png)

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7ec106  No.14168796


Her face will look he fathers real soon!

The wall approaches and will be unforgiving to her!

But aleast Bill Clinton has a smile!

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1a7ff9  No.14168797

File: 2317ae50f958b35⋯.jpg (51.25 KB, 425x515, 85:103, MDGOGREEN.jpg)


>Perhaps the old testament is a giant Jewish lie?

They "borrowed" Noah from the Sumerians

1000 years after the original

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a17aca  No.14168798

File: f5ae2e82dc4691b⋯.png (1.28 MB, 960x960, 1:1, Tulsi_2020.png)

File: 57c9be99bdf3033⋯.jpg (6.23 KB, 153x255, 3:5, Tulsi_Ass1.jpg)

File: 7bb7ffa3487f37c⋯.jpg (15.35 KB, 222x255, 74:85, Tulsi_Ass2.jpg)

File: 64abdd579a17f42⋯.jpg (9.22 KB, 143x255, 143:255, Tulsi_Ass3.jpg)

File: 15e88b168633848⋯.jpg (8.21 KB, 133x255, 133:255, Tulsi_Ass4.jpg)

Coconut Milk Mommy is running for Hawaii Senate!

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dfbced  No.14168799

File: 5843a8af8c109ec⋯.png (357.63 KB, 504x415, 504:415, ClipboardImage.png)

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c38e27  No.14168800

File: a2e2abf53331913⋯.jpg (82.35 KB, 505x494, 505:494, Solomon.jpg)

File: 5046a8e3d621145⋯.jpg (90.67 KB, 624x400, 39:25, SolomonII.jpg)

File: e118bace9a05229⋯.jpg (88.62 KB, 574x435, 574:435, SolomonIII.jpg)

File: 7e6ea748f64703e⋯.jpg (116.08 KB, 674x370, 337:185, SolomonIIII.jpg)

File: 80e9d0bbdde84d8⋯.jpg (119.41 KB, 500x531, 500:531, SolomonIIIII.jpg)


Yet, a whole system of secret religious cults evolved from the story of Solomon.

The results are real.

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09646e  No.14168801





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c0e901  No.14168802

File: 23b182b8353732c⋯.png (1.73 MB, 2676x3540, 223:295, DemPlaybook2021.png)


I bet anons are keking at your cringe unsolicited Dem Playbook narrative.

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a96df4  No.14168803



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d20549  No.14168804

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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dfbced  No.14168805

File: ba5e01c54be8170⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1014x1134, 169:189, ClipboardImage.png)

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734bf8  No.14168806


Possible S.W.A.G.

DS allowed CCP sleepers in a US lab to steal it ( material /data) transport it through Can. to Wuhan. It was modded there then released via DS sleepers in the Wuhan lab. DS played CCP like a chump.

CCP will steal dog crap if you lock it up a treat important, it's what they do "STEAL".

NARRATIVE WILL BE "CCP guilty of espionage and theft of intellectual /classified /experimental materials and data"………………………..the truth is the CCP got framed via their own motives by the DS. Multi layers of plausible deniability by the DS.

DS is genius at letting others do their dirty work due to their own weaknesses or strengths.

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f583a6  No.14168807

File: 427c863838d3f07⋯.png (105.95 KB, 193x235, 193:235, 3b.png)

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c38e27  No.14168808

File: 23fa949bd167ad8⋯.jpg (92.69 KB, 563x443, 563:443, Noah.jpg)

File: 612c4c9c590db70⋯.jpg (81.09 KB, 617x404, 617:404, NoahII.jpg)

File: 6e4c985bdf31d37⋯.jpg (90.89 KB, 600x416, 75:52, NoahIII.jpg)

File: b772b09c161e4d4⋯.jpg (90.83 KB, 630x396, 35:22, NoahIIII.jpg)

File: 588ea91aaccc603⋯.jpg (88.91 KB, 516x484, 129:121, NoahIIIII.jpg)

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8e58ae  No.14168809

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Superhero of the Year

my ass…

there were only 3 this year.

My condolences to those 3 patriots.

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e81320  No.14168810

File: 5e670dbfd4458ac⋯.png (146.01 KB, 296x298, 148:149, Screen_Shot_2021_07_21_at_….png)

File: 3a02f84c1a738aa⋯.png (908.62 KB, 1159x651, 1159:651, Screen_Shot_2021_07_21_at_….png)

File: 6cd7c9bbee7664d⋯.png (859.75 KB, 1158x657, 386:219, Screen_Shot_2021_07_21_at_….png)

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f583a6  No.14168811


Noice. Thx.

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3cf688  No.14168812

File: c3a1b075f712bca⋯.jpeg (841.64 KB, 1920x2560, 3:4, Resized_20210721_113101_8….jpeg)

North eastern Arizona. Guess these little fuckers do exist. Kek

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091e1d  No.14168813


not this anon, more like annoyed with you homo shills and your endless bitching

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ad2153  No.14168814

File: fd50420364eee98⋯.jpg (74.78 KB, 640x640, 1:1, Erin.jpg)


Don't Care. Still Voting Trump

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e84e2f  No.14168816

File: dd9f8dfbfe9421d⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1349x4008, 1349:4008, BLM_What_we_believe.png)

File: e63437aeac048f6⋯.png (699.29 KB, 744x957, 248:319, BLM.png)

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fb8c94  No.14168817


“Tele” port

“Tele” gram

What if all this astral travel stuff is double speak?

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09646e  No.14168818

File: 85da6772e1dc697⋯.png (299.84 KB, 741x579, 247:193, Bildschirmfoto_2021_07_21_….png)



Flood in Romania as well

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c0e901  No.14168819


anons are keking at the 'there there' posts too.

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0572dc  No.14168820


If they're screaming "Hitler" chances are high that they have Nazi Germany roots themselves.

That's what I found out about some people.

Check em.

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9a77ad  No.14168821

File: b1b41b205ce4aee⋯.jpeg (290.77 KB, 640x598, 320:299, 0665BC15_7CD7_4C7E_A7E0_A….jpeg)




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0ba942  No.14168822

File: 3ba627a2fcebeb9⋯.png (280.45 KB, 535x706, 535:706, Screenshot_2021_07_21_at_1….png)

3 – 2 – 1… Rocket

1st stage engines on. AND LIFTOFF!

On July 21, at 14:58 UTC, the Proton-M carrier rocket launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome with the #Nauka Multipurpose Laboratory Module.


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fb8c94  No.14168823


Holy shit- I saw one of those yesterday!

Thought to myself- “orange wings??? Wtf is that????

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c0e901  No.14168824


Floods have always been happening all around the world for millions of years.

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6e238b  No.14168825


tbh I'm keking a lot about how you want to turn ostensibly ex /pol/acks into a dem narrative. I mean, do you even have any idea where you are?

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a771a5  No.14168826

File: 85efae79be65be0⋯.png (677.11 KB, 676x693, 676:693, Everyone_is_counting_on_me….png)


>>Superhero of the Year

>my ass…

>there were only 3 this year.

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c38e27  No.14168827

File: 102dc63032e6806⋯.png (568.07 KB, 960x711, 320:237, JewDemonRats.PNG)


Was it in the dem playbook narrative to get 90% of the Jews to vote for Biden over Trump too?

Is it in the Dems narrative to suddenly push BDS laws to test how rooted the antisemitism laws are here in the US. It's not like the two Jewish fags Ben and Jerry need anymore money…

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50d140  No.14168828


1st Session

S. 1867


To require the Director of National Intelligence to declassify information relating to the origin of COVID–19, and for other purposes.

1.Short title

This Act may be cited as the COVID–19 Origin Act of 2021.


Congress makes the following findings:

(1)The Department of State released a fact sheet on January 15, 2021, about the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) which stated the following:

(A)The U.S. government has reason to believe that several researchers inside the WIV became sick in autumn 2019, before the first identified case of the outbreak, with symptoms consistent with both COVID–19 and common seasonal illnesses..

(B)WIV researchers conducted experiments involving RaTG13, the bat coronavirus identified by the WIV in January 2020 as its closest sample to SARS–CoV–2..

(C)Despite the WIV presenting itself as a civilian institution, the United States has determined that the WIV has collaborated on publications and secret projects with China's military..

(2)Former Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Robert Redfield, stated in March 2021 that, the most likely etiology of this pathogen in Wuhan was from a laboratory and noted that, [i]t is not unusual for respiratory pathogens that are being worked on in a laboratory to infect the laboratory worker..

(3)Director-General of the World Health Organization Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus acknowledged in March 2021 that the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID–19) may have originated in a laboratory and said this hypothesis requires further investigation, potentially with additional missions involving specialist experts..

3.Sense of congress

It is the sense of Congress that—

(1)identifying the origin of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID–19) is critical for preventing a similar pandemic from occurring in the future;

(2)there is reason to believe the COVID–19 pandemic may have originated at the Wuhan Institute of Virology; and

(3)the Director of National Intelligence should declassify and make available to the public as much information as possible about the origin of COVID–19 so the United States and like-minded countries can—

(A)identify the origin of COVID–19 as expeditiously as possible, and

(B)use that information to take all appropriate measures to prevent a similar pandemic from occurring again.

4.Declassification of information related to the origin of COVID–19

Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Director of National Intelligence shall—

(1)declassify any and all information relating to potential links between the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the origin of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID–19), including—

(A)activities performed by the Wuhan Institute of Virology with or on behalf of the People’s Liberation Army;

(B)coronavirus research or other related activities performed at the Wuhan Institute of Virology prior to the outbreak of COVID–19; and

(C)researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology who fell ill in autumn 2019, including for any such researcher—

(i)the researcher’s name;

(ii)the researcher’s symptoms;

(iii)the date of the onset of the researcher’s symptoms;

(iv)the researcher’s role at the Wuhan Institute of Virology;

(v)whether the researcher was involved with or exposed to coronavirus research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology;

(vi)whether the researcher visited a hospital while they were ill; and

(vii)a description of any other actions taken by the researcher that may suggest they were experiencing a serious illness at the time; and

(2)submit to Congress an unclassified report that contains—

(A)all of the information described under paragraph (1); and

(B)only such redactions as the Director determines necessary to protect sources and methods.

Passed the Senate May 26, 2021.

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3bf1bd  No.14168829

File: 91bf41bf97c4c83⋯.png (180.19 KB, 241x364, 241:364, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 71a27f0cf7e16a7⋯.png (12.04 KB, 444x359, 444:359, ClipboardImage.png)

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09646e  No.14168830



but why now?

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734bf8  No.14168831

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3ffeeb  No.14168832

File: fa55c4263740162⋯.jpg (66.43 KB, 676x379, 676:379, _.jpg)


only a fucking idiot would want to willingly lump themselves in with one group or another

i believe in

- free speech no matters whose feelings get fucking hurt

- the right to keep and bear ALL arms

- nationalism

- immigration from THOSE WHO HAVE MERIT AND NOT SOLELY BECAUSE THEY'RE NON-WHITE and ONLY when it's needed to meet a certain demand rather than doing it just to replace the majority white demographic for cheap slave labor

- taxation is theft

- degeneracy should not be promoted nor normalized- the FCC is corrupt as fuck

- freedom of religion so long as that religion does not demand mutilation of body parts or keeping shit secret for [insert special group here] only

- people should have a right to private property

- decentralized internet

- dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery

- entangling alliances with no other nation (withdraw from NATO/UN)

- sovereignty

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c38e27  No.14168833

Rand Paul 2024

It's time to finish what his father started.

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3cf688  No.14168834


Murder hornet is my guesstimate.

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c0e901  No.14168835


I'm really keking at how you want to make anons believe that what is happening here is just 'ex /pol/acks nothing to see here'.

You have no clue who is posting here do you.

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efd0ab  No.14168836



Flynn was very outspoken about this being a spiritual war against evil at a church in California the other day.

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8aa439  No.14168837

File: bdbb6820ca7e2e9⋯.jpg (94.55 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, cott4.jpg)


yes that happens in the movie also. City of Argos.

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2d6c44  No.14168838


"Boycotts Are Forever" (sung to the tune of Diamonds Are Forever).

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091e1d  No.14168839

File: a7edee054f7a941⋯.png (611.28 KB, 556x403, 556:403, ClipboardImage.png)


tarantula hawk

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2d6c44  No.14168840



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5a7cb6  No.14168841

File: ac99bd30598e3d8⋯.jpg (1.08 MB, 2830x2759, 2830:2759, 20210718_184603.jpg)

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3cf688  No.14168842


Oh interesting. Thank you

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c38e27  No.14168843


I'll add one to your list.

Outlaw usury. Wipes out the Jews.

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6e238b  No.14168844


>what is happening here is just 'ex /pol/acks nothing to see here'.

daily reminder Q started posting on halfchan /pol/ specifically because of who resided there and how resistant they are to bullshit. Bullshit of your exact kind, I'll add. Everyone else is in for the ride and I only see you complaining, nigger jew.

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c0e901  No.14168845


Same reason they have always been happening for millions of years.

It would be like guffawing "The sun rose this morning? Oh it's done that before, but why now?"

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06a44d  No.14168846

File: 8b1915a23a6c1ac⋯.png (486.11 KB, 600x398, 300:199, ClipboardImage.png)

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170ee7  No.14168847





Notables Are NOT Endorsements


>>14168203 Techno Fog and "The Dispatch"

>>14168205 Jill Biden headed to Japan for Olympics — but won't have to sleep on cardboard bed?

>>14168215 (PB) Notabruh "Fact Check THIS!"

>>14168242, >>14168271, >>14168280, >>14168295 6 People Hospitalized Following Plano House Explosion

>>14168243 ‘Rest in peace, you f—king legend’: Irish thief laid to rest in epic, rowdy funeral

>>14168276, >>14168349, >>14168385 Nancy proves Banks tweet to be true

>>14168296 He’s Culpable. He’s Lying About It. And He Needs to Be Held Accountable” – Sen. Ron Johnson Says It’s Time to Go After Fauci for Funding Gain-of-Function Research, Lying About It Under Oath

>>14168331 Five Counties in Michigan Will Likely Break the Law and a Cease and Desist Order by Erasing 2020 Election Data from Their Voting Machines

>>14168341 Elections Official Who DEMANDED Pens Before Election And Sharpies On Election Day DONATED TO MARK KELLY

>>14168355, >>14168402, >>14168634, >>14168727 The Hill ~ "Alt-Right QAnon Publication"

>>14168358 RUMBLINGS: 2 of 3 Retired Policemen Drop From Wisconsin Speaker Vos’s Audit Team – Vos Refuses to Call for a Forensic Audit in Wisconsin

>>14168370 Saudi Aramco says its data being held for $50 MILLION in ransom on dark web, points finger at ‘contractor’

>>14168372 Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Gen. Mark Milley hold press briefing

>>14168379 "Conflicting Reports…" French PM warns 96% of new Covid cases are among unvaccinated citizens

>>14168393 US senators Sanders, Murphy & Lee introduce bipartisan bill to rein in presidential war powers & foreign weapons deals

>>14168405 Pentagon Reportedly Tracking "Extremist" Web Searches Including "The Truth About Black Lives Matter"

>>14168410 Uhhuhuhuh Wut? This irks me “it’s up to the doctor and the patient”!No its not! Its up to the “person” to make their own decision. But hes right about not forcing it on people

>>14168431 Unknown Man on FBI Most Wanted List for Appearing in Child Porn Video, ID’d as a Cop

>>14168456 Ready for the REAL Lockdowns? Mitch McConnell warns of lockdowns if COVID vaccine rates don’t increase

>>14168467 Isn't it racist to just… Group a bunch of people like that? I may have a lawsuit in my pocketWife Of GOP Congressman Called Supporters ‘Trump Cult’, Compared Trump To Hitler After Husband’s Impeachment VoteKinda Racist…

>>14168479 CONSTITUTIONAL LAWYER: Karen Fann Has Authority, With Arizona House, To Decertify Fraudulent Election

>>14168503 Author of Retracted Study on Harm of Mask-Wearing by Children Says Removal Was ‘Political’

>>14168514, >>14168525, >>14168539, >>14168545, >>14168549, >>14168552, >>14168565,"I will be filing a Civil Complaint and Declaration of Presentation of Grievances Defamation, Racism, Systemic Oppression, Corruption, Racketeering+ Against (These) Officials"

>>14168520 Wear Your paper mask yo They don’t want you to know where it came from - They just want you to shut up and take your vaccine..

>>14168527 Black Rifle Coffee CEO Hafer NEVER Donated to Trump, Gave Maximum to Loeffler and Perdue After 2020 Election

>>14168543 Donald Trump to Michael Savage: ‘Collusive’ Media Backing Joe Biden Marks the ‘Beginning of Communism’

>>14168553 GOP Excoriates Antony Blinken for Requesting Probe on U.S. Racism by Pro-Critical Race Theory U.N. Envoy

>>14168562 Communist China ‘Directly Threatening’ Former Conservative Party Leader Sir Iain Duncan Smith

>>14168569 UK Microchip Plant Taken over by Communist China Was Developing British Military Tech: Report

>>14168581, >>14168818 Poland! Drowned after Germany! The biggest flood in the history of the country!

>>14168589 "EU VAERS" 18,928 DEAD, 1.8 Million Injured (50% SERIOUS) Reported in European Union’s Database of Adverse Drug Reactions for COVID-19 Shots


Full Forensic Nationwide Audits, McAfee Deadman Switch, #TeamBritney, #TipOTheSpears #SAVEBRITNEY! #SAVE AMERICA!!


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3ffeeb  No.14168849

File: ffe3d64078e52de⋯.webm (11.22 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Colonial_Scrip.webm)


that too

usury is an abomination

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170ee7  No.14168850






>>14168596, >>14168696, >>14168710, >>14168793 Wikileaks - New: NSO group says it will no longer respond to media on the #Pegasus revelations #FreePress

>>14168601 Kevin McCarthy press release - Washington, D.C. – Today, House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (CA-23) released the following statement about Speaker Pelosi’s abuse of power regarding the Select Committee on January 6th:

>>14168616 Grocery Prices Could Rise 10 to 14 Percent By October, Grocery Chain CEO Warns

>>14168662 Youngest ever FBI informant 'White Boy Rick', 52, files $100M lawsuit against the feds and Detroit Police for child abuse claiming he was coerced into aiding cops with drug busts when he was 14

>>14168668 Apple under pressure over iPhone security after NSO spyware claims

>>14168690 Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia led the Divine Liturgy in the newly consecrated Cathedral of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. In an address to the faithful, he called the rebuilt temple a monument to courage and faith

>>14168704 EVER GIVEN CONTAINERSHIP update - More problems?

>>14168734 Hunter Biden was arranging for VP Joe to quit politics and start a DC 'swamp' consultancy firm together, raising MORE questions over President's claim that he has never discussed business with his son

>>14168771 “DELTA VARIANT” Spreads Via The Vaccinated: DUTCH MSM


Full Forensic Nationwide Audits, McAfee Deadman Switch, #TeamBritney, #TipOTheSpears #SAVEBRITNEY! #SAVE AMERICA!!


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ad2153  No.14168851



Alright, alright, alright. Who are the Olympians?

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6b1db1  No.14168852

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2d6c44  No.14168853


Will change the Congress majorities, the WH, and many local races if done properly.

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4af5a8  No.14168854

File: e8d01bd3f17972f⋯.png (118.41 KB, 501x262, 501:262, Screenshot_2021_07_19_at_1….png)

File: 93014720d0da12e⋯.png (252.41 KB, 571x343, 571:343, nct.png)

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49b7cf  No.14168855


Flynn is on the wrong side of history. Partisan religious sects are the source of war and poverty, not the solution.

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c0e901  No.14168856


Nah, Q started posting to 4ch and then 8ch and 8kun because of NO CENSORSHIP from 'them'.

The bullshit you're spewing right now is all to cover for those implementing the Dem Playbook, just like Scavino tweeted out.

Your bullshit doesn't work here.

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091e1d  No.14168857


np…saw those when I was in AZ too, beautiful creatures

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0ba942  No.14168858

File: c63dbf224bbe3c4⋯.png (401.81 KB, 478x661, 478:661, Screenshot_2021_07_21_at_1….png)

File: bbaa22e3abbc1dc⋯.png (599.5 KB, 748x290, 374:145, Screenshot_2021_05_17_tota….png)

File: eb1655b6a76115c⋯.png (290.7 KB, 447x244, 447:244, Screenshot_2020_02_01_tota….png)



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ab4597  No.14168859

File: 6475898be05c204⋯.png (1.07 MB, 828x466, 414:233, ClipboardImage.png)


thats a real womans shape

not this shit

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ad2153  No.14168860






It's not like there aren't other clues, here...


Trump issues executive order demanding only ‘beautiful’ new buildings in DC

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7d55e4  No.14168862

File: 159e7f56abd8dec⋯.png (766.45 KB, 928x826, 464:413, ClipboardImage.png)



We need to refill all our bank accounts soon or we'll keep the inflation pressure up


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6e238b  No.14168863

File: 15c59de86be24ca⋯.jpeg (8.28 KB, 224x225, 224:225, download_1_.jpeg)



>no censorship

you have to go back

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09646e  No.14168864


the 'why now' was q related

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6b1db1  No.14168865

File: dc0a946a928169e⋯.mp4 (4.04 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, dc0a946a928169eed7bf63ddce….mp4)

>>14168852 (me)

Salty even used our anon's lefty melt down mashup.

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3cf688  No.14168866


Until one hits ya in the face and looks like Mothra. Kek

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610ed1  No.14168867

File: 4a7d91c855d24e2⋯.png (180.71 KB, 422x237, 422:237, ClipboardImage.png)


This ricochet to the face brought to you by,

'but dat shirt doe'

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2d6c44  No.14168868


What the hell is a Q follower?

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d0f682  No.14168869

site is laggy af for me

are we under attack? more than usual…

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cc1799  No.14168870


>as early as 1917


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6e7ceb  No.14168871

File: ddf57b6f5a0f544⋯.jpg (84.73 KB, 730x483, 730:483, DHS_tweet_border_restricti….jpg)


They are rubbing it in our faces now. As CTH warned yesterday, this is not hypocrisy – this is the United States Government, Department of Homeland Security, initiating an enhanced and intentional effort to antagonize lawful American people into a place of extreme anger. This is not hypocrisy.

The Dept of Homeland Security (DHS) is now announcing enhanced travel restrictions for law-abiding Americans, blocking non-essential travel into Mexico and Canada. Simultaneous to this the same, ironically named, Homeland Security is facilitating a mass influx of illegal entry into the United States.

Stay aware and evaluate this for what it is. This is an intentional effort to provoke American citizens. This is Alinsky methods deployed at a federal and institutional level.

Often we see people ask ‘why are they so openly admitting to their wrongdoing and still carrying it out’? Within the answer I have written frequently ‘they simply do not care’… It is not a sense of boundless hypocrisy that drives the far-left to showcase their disconnect. The disconnect is not cognitive dissonance. The disconnect is purposefully part of the ideological advancement of their goal.

This Fabian Socialist outlook is the most extreme form of “elitism”, the actual extermination of undesirables, but it is essentially along the same continuum as believing their are two sets of rules depending on your place in the hierarchy of society.

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fb8c94  No.14168872


Are we entertaining royalty?

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ad2153  No.14168873

File: 1ea9870fcda2a56⋯.png (726.62 KB, 742x936, 371:468, Marylin_Monroe.png)


What can I say, anon? I like 'em easily recognizable as potential, um, friends.

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091e1d  No.14168874


Q will decide when and where to post, not your decision. Also there is free speech here, you faggots just don't like getting banned for shilling on the board.

Just like antifa, crying bloody murder when only being held accountable.

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1aeb70  No.14168875



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50d140  No.14168876

File: 4a63377cc46e28f⋯.png (449.68 KB, 1027x3422, 1027:3422, factsheet20210115.png)


>The Department of State released a fact sheet on January 15, 2021, about the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV)


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a8b7f7  No.14168877

File: 3acc580fbcfcd90⋯.jpeg (90.68 KB, 1020x636, 85:53, 1569183983.jpeg)

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170ee7  No.14168878


>They are rubbing it in our faces now. As CTH warned yesterday, this is not hypocrisy – this is the United States Government, Department of Homeland Security, initiating an enhanced and intentional effort to antagonize lawful American people into a place of extreme anger. This is not hypocrisy.

People need to understand…

This is about identifying traffickers and questionable individuals.

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0ba942  No.14168879

File: baeba3926038a5c⋯.png (299.12 KB, 478x636, 239:318, Screenshot_2021_07_21_at_1….png)

Top Kek

Are men worse for the environment than women?


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2d6c44  No.14168880


About the closest MJ ever got to grabbing some pussy.

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8aa439  No.14168881

File: 65b29f69ada4227⋯.png (16.65 KB, 767x271, 767:271, Screenshot_2021_07_21_at_1….png)


There are 12 main Olympians, interesting the Olympics are happening now as well. 12 disciples, that number repeats a bunch of places especially in Revelation, for example.

187 total times in the bible i believe.

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5a7cb6  No.14168882


Isn't this 8 Crom?

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7ec106  No.14168884


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06a44d  No.14168885

File: b4e627613d9dba5⋯.png (816.93 KB, 621x621, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8616ee6b67076a0⋯.png (767.81 KB, 648x629, 648:629, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 49d3d420061f167⋯.png (1.72 MB, 791x960, 791:960, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4437df20ea6b0c5⋯.png (355.4 KB, 447x435, 149:145, ClipboardImage.png)

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cc1799  No.14168886


Central TX - a few of those been flying around my place

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2d6c44  No.14168887


Tell your friends.

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bc9b0c  No.14168888


The term is:

To show impunity

( I read it in a Israel news site explaining why they

destroyed buildings not used by militants )

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b5aab6  No.14168889

File: e7aedefad4cb317⋯.jpg (105.16 KB, 320x240, 4:3, MJandRyanWhite.jpg)


That freak liked little boys, white little boys.

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09646e  No.14168890



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c0e901  No.14168891


If that were then why are Satan worshipers opposing Flynn and the Q project as much as they are?

A satanist is a god believer, they just have a hatred towards god because they're not god, and they want to play god by determining the minds and souls of other human beings.

The assertion 'oh the wrong side of history' was INVENTED by Hegelians and its Marxist afterbirth.

Truth is, there is only one source that 'knows' the future course of history, and it isn't me, you, or anyone alive.

Religious sects are not the source of war and poverty, that's precisely what god haters who cause war and poverty want the world to believe.

The cause of war and poverty is DIVISION which prevents economic capital from being produced in sufficient quantities to increase the productivity of labor.

God is the ultimate uniting concept. One source that created you, me, and everyone who ever was or ever will be.

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6fa276  No.14168893



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d0f682  No.14168894

File: dad73b547131d7a⋯.png (353.48 KB, 696x488, 87:61, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f1cc7b804c44d16⋯.png (561.61 KB, 696x894, 116:149, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 378b9f9924a2d2b⋯.png (130.29 KB, 806x640, 403:320, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a7aa0839d599a55⋯.png (494.35 KB, 564x1024, 141:256, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0966deed8104353⋯.png (58.05 KB, 782x741, 782:741, ClipboardImage.png)

How Facebook Is Taking Over Journalism With $1.6 Billion Secret Deals

There aren’t many companies that can say they’ve poured hundreds of millions into journalism in the last few years. Facebook has — $600 million over since 2018 — and it is promising another $1 billion in the next three years.

Yet when surveying those around the journalism and media world, the jury is still out on whether and how much Facebook’s funding is helping its stakeholders — or merely buying good PR.

A Wrap inquiry into the details of the $600 million found that many of those dollars are hard to track, except in the most general terms. When broken down into the main categories mostly based in the U.S., TheWrap could only specifically verify the expenditure of roughly $122 million — barely one-quarter of the pledged sum — begging the question: Where is the money going?

In addition to donating heavily to nonprofits and paying small grants to local newspapers (see graphic), Facebook pays rich licensing fees to a handful of premium publishers, like The New York Times, The Washington Post, News Corp, Bloomberg and BuzzFeed. Those deal terms are not publicly disclosed, but TheWrap has obtained documents of one agreement with a leading U.S. publisher for $5 million over five years.

An executive who was involved with making the deal said the agreement felt more like a PR move and less a business deal. “It always seemed about pacifying publishers, and less about granular tactics about how we help engage our audience. It was more about trying to quiet the storm around very serious audience losses at newspapers,” the individual said.

And in a recent interview, former New York Times CEO Mark Thompson said the paper is getting “far, far more” than $3 million a year from Facebook, in response to a reporter’s misimpression. (The Wall Street Journal reported that the agreements were worth as much as $3 million a year.)

Facebook also recently signed deals with hundreds of publishers across the United Kingdom, Australia, Germany and Canada. Again, a Facebook spokesperson said the company does not disclose the terms of those deals.

When asked approximately how many of these content deals exist, Campbell Brown, VP of global news partnerships, replied only: “A lot.”

“We have deals in place with all the major publishers and many of the local and regional publishers in those markets. There are some countries where we haven’t yet launched Facebook News but we do deals to get additional content from publishers beyond just what they’re putting on the platform … We have a green light from Mark (Zuckerberg) to continue launching as fast as we can in different markets,” she said.



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09646e  No.14168895


Did you MJ personally?

Fuck off!!!

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6fa276  No.14168896

File: f061b7e381bfcb6⋯.png (233.26 KB, 1212x759, 404:253, ClipboardImage.png)


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e84e2f  No.14168898

File: a9f192859d6a993⋯.png (284.58 KB, 334x500, 167:250, Global_Warming_fake.png)

If only they could convince us that carbon is a problem.


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b5aab6  No.14168899

File: 7a4b1bea5af5d12⋯.jpg (268.54 KB, 500x659, 500:659, t67340a_Michael_s_children….jpg)


A fan boi. How pathetic.

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067c85  No.14168900


I'm good with that, but I think they are preparing Desantis. Hope Rand will still run.

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2d6c44  No.14168901


He should terminate the 800K unnecessary fed employees.

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7ec106  No.14168902


Nothing is what appears to be anymore.

Just another payoff

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dfbced  No.14168905

File: e9ad98da5f21806⋯.png (2.05 MB, 780x1024, 195:256, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a6339b3ee506298⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1080x1117, 1080:1117, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 34a8703fae199fc⋯.png (79.99 KB, 236x153, 236:153, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 43a377aff4fac32⋯.png (1.34 MB, 786x1000, 393:500, ClipboardImage.png)

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0be79f  No.14168906

File: 96f15b6750f31b6⋯.jpeg (12.11 KB, 255x255, 1:1, Gross.jpeg)


>Are men worse for the environment than women?


Those women are killing all the dolphins with their 'feminine products'

Not to mention all the shit they put on their hair face and skin.

Not that I give a fuck about any of it.

Women cause moar environmental damage than men.

>Won't they think of the children?


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49b7cf  No.14168907


The Judeo-Christian God, Yahweh is Satan. Satanists are just as confused.


Father Time






All the same.

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2d6c44  No.14168909


Good, she's the only person everybody hates even more than Gruesom.

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09646e  No.14168910

File: e0f35876361187c⋯.png (399.75 KB, 1104x639, 368:213, Bildschirmfoto_2021_07_21_….png)



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0b0294  No.14168911



10% for the big guy?

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0f26e5  No.14168915

File: 04cb6d381b579ff⋯.jpg (42.63 KB, 456x488, 57:61, Jordan_disclose_TV.jpg)


Getting good.

Jordan asking why Pelosi failed to secure the Capitol on Jan 6.

My question is, Republicans will pull all their choices, leaving a dem clusterfuck, except for Cheyney, who was a Pelosi pick. What does Cheyney do?

Dems will say, because of Cheney, commission is bipartisan. Cheyney's going to have to go along with the pubs, or she's finished in WY politics.

Pelosi just fucked her over, because she's afraid of Jordan.

Good move by McCarthy to pull the pubs. Did Trump draw it up in Bedminster last week?

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09646e  No.14168917



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7ec106  No.14168922

When insanity is sanity

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8aa439  No.14168923


i think this battle is what also has been called in sumerian stuff the war of the giants. OTher cultures talk about this as well. Giants especially proliferate norse stories in the eddas.

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c0e901  No.14168924


>The Judeo-Christian God, Yahweh is Satan

That's what a Satanist would say.

It's just an attempt to replace the idea of God as ruler with the idea of Satan as ruler.

>All the same.

All the ideologies of negating God are the same, yes.

You're just confused.

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d3163b  No.14168925

File: cd0e529f6712b2f⋯.jpg (202.98 KB, 700x520, 35:26, IMG_0858.JPG)


Women & Trannies — ten fold are worse on the environment with all the products they use…

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bc9b0c  No.14168926

File: 6e6d0ee8fe3efb5⋯.jpg (79.58 KB, 540x226, 270:113, divided.jpg)

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2d6c44  No.14168927


And Luther is the dirty asshole between them.

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b5aab6  No.14168928

File: 5d15c53d98a478d⋯.jpg (63.83 KB, 736x736, 1:1, 8d0892da918369844d9d893cab….jpg)


Its always white kids, never niglets.

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a27212  No.14168929

File: f6a03352bc1c615⋯.png (200.11 KB, 354x473, 354:473, sweden_pepe_hat.png)


>Congratulations Swedish Women's Soccer Team. You silenced an enemy of the people of the United States effectively and early. I always knew the Swedes loved FREEDOM!!!

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602a14  No.14168930


she's a strong conservative too

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8e58ae  No.14168932

File: d3bb71d9ccfb50f⋯.jpg (52.07 KB, 865x487, 865:487, photo_2021_07_21_14_37_50.jpg)


>>Superhero of the Year

>my ass…

>there were only 3 this year.

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c0e901  No.14168933


Every 'media' story that is predicated on a logic of division….

It is likely directed by the same organization.

It isn't 'organic'.

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0ba942  No.14168934

File: 5b4bf9293064121⋯.png (111.53 KB, 862x634, 431:317, 5b4bf92930641212e2ad815d13….png)

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091e1d  No.14168935

File: 12297590dd35294⋯.png (13.07 KB, 150x206, 75:103, ClipboardImage.png)

more muh bv tears

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e54bf7  No.14168936

File: 65a3c41d056ba57⋯.png (94.02 KB, 344x299, 344:299, potheadapu.png)


Weinstein in drag?

Where'd you get that?

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16e3c6  No.14168937

File: 09f3393dd26f681⋯.jpg (180.8 KB, 883x500, 883:500, misogynistic.jpg)

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49b7cf  No.14168938


Welcome to Hell. Satan has always been in charge of the World (not of the Earth).

The God of the Universe is much more complex than any human created religion could concieve.

I do like that bit from Yeheshua about simply loving one another. Alas, that is too hard for those divided by loyalty to their religious sect; Catholicism, Judaism, Islam, etc.

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2d6c44  No.14168939


Cant we just drone her or something?

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dfbced  No.14168940

File: 1fdf90f35c407d0⋯.png (3.65 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


it's what most pedos desire

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7ec106  No.14168941

Now that Democrats want draft women

We can now have an all tranny brigades

That will beat the east german women teams

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a17aca  No.14168942

Yall faggots are fuckin hella ghey

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c001f1  No.14168944

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0be79f  No.14168945

File: b82812b31c160f3⋯.png (133.97 KB, 255x357, 5:7, 8_Kun_Yoga_Pepe.png)


Not division anon.

Just a fact.

I'm not calling for roasties to be hung in the street for their environmental choices.

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091e1d  No.14168947


u think salami hands are too much?

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8aa439  No.14168948


wrong …yahweh is a desert pagan deity. jews worshiped satan from the start. This is not the same God Jesus called Father.

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d3163b  No.14168949


Truth — lipstick, face makeup, aerosol hairsprays, hair dye, tampons, douche’s the list goes on

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e81320  No.14168951

File: 414dcd2d72586c1⋯.png (1.08 MB, 977x653, 977:653, Screen_Shot_2021_07_21_at_….png)

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6e238b  No.14168953


>comes here

>finds no sale for his bullshit

>goes to spam threads and stickies

it's pretty clear who that is. I wonder if they moved hosting for their VPS by now.

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b5aab6  No.14168954

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2d6c44  No.14168955


Theyre really screaming HEIL Hitler!

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170ee7  No.14168956

File: 42ef70a1566fdf1⋯.jpeg (181.89 KB, 1280x763, 1280:763, 42ef70a1566fdf1000f4a9c78….jpeg)

File: d42ce0b64805904⋯.png (131.01 KB, 600x315, 40:21, No_Dont_.png)

File: 1e50f4fe64d045b⋯.jpg (96.99 KB, 720x900, 4:5, 1e50f4fe64d045b275fd5a0052….jpg)

File: 2dc4d53da880019⋯.jpg (218.3 KB, 1024x951, 1024:951, 2dc4d53da880019cc0cb03d7c0….jpg)

File: 5b1559cf8a11934⋯.jpg (25.92 KB, 553x401, 553:401, 5b1559cf8a11934e4658705b58….jpg)





Notables Are NOT Endorsements


>>14168847 #17924\1


>>14168850 #17924\2

Full Forensic Nationwide Audits, McAfee Deadman Switch, #TeamBritney, #TipOTheSpears #SAVEBRITNEY! #SAVE AMERICA!!










Spilled Crumbs

>>14168894How Facebook Is Taking Over Journalism With $1.6 Billion Secret Deals

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6374f4  No.14168958


You are this close to being FILTERED

Stuff your RED TEXT Bull Shit!

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d3163b  No.14168961


Nail polish, nail polish remover, hair perm solution, peroxide…wait I’ll think of more

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cc1799  No.14168962


expand your thinking….who created and marketed these products? who advertised them and brainwashed women into thinking they couldn't live without them?

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170ee7  No.14168963

File: 772e157dd9acd04⋯.png (817.38 KB, 755x1133, 755:1133, 0f654f6931ca0833dfffce3f93….png)

File: 1b44b7e0c4fae7d⋯.png (296.54 KB, 720x361, 720:361, 2f4c12666310267dea29f2956b….png)

File: 220368bb74e3172⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 3a2ce600dc9778ea8a61492b57….png)

File: bbc6b5ade7cbad8⋯.png (273.63 KB, 431x646, 431:646, 9c8ec3f0a8fbe903d10c2168de….png)

File: 8deb95ec687e191⋯.gif (3.38 MB, 480x480, 1:1, QRGif.gif)





Notables Are NOT Endorsements


>>14168847 #17924\1


>>14168850 #17924\2

Full Forensic Nationwide Audits, McAfee Deadman Switch, #TeamBritney, #TipOTheSpears #SAVEBRITNEY! #SAVE AMERICA!!










Spilled Crumbs

>>14168894How Facebook Is Taking Over Journalism With $1.6 Billion Secret Deals

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2d6c44  No.14168964


The National Bank comes at you fast.

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dfbced  No.14168965

File: b5d17e3dbf369c7⋯.png (542.77 KB, 594x526, 297:263, ClipboardImage.png)

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091e1d  No.14168967


i think they had to change it up, saw them saying they were running low on IPs on deepdiggs

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6d792b  No.14168968

File: 2f591b18df63fc4⋯.png (325.88 KB, 478x396, 239:198, flo.png)

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0ba942  No.14168969

File: 36b2659aa5bdf8c⋯.jpeg (20.95 KB, 255x232, 255:232, 36b2659aa5bdf8c16308da582….jpeg)

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d3163b  No.14168970


Women still use them therefore trashing the environment period end of story

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170ee7  No.14168971

File: d67bd6eabb87335⋯.gif (1.13 MB, 356x200, 89:50, d67bd6eabb87335f4a7bd7541c….gif)

File: d52522095de1a2c⋯.gif (329.32 KB, 500x466, 250:233, d52522095de1a2cb9ed66c2874….gif)

File: db18b016b14ff40⋯.gif (1.61 MB, 504x458, 252:229, db18b016b14ff40fab54930206….gif)

File: f537f643f1fc078⋯.gif (8.97 MB, 308x401, 308:401, f537f643f1fc078b4f4a227c5a….gif)

File: f9174e77bcaaeb8⋯.gif (869.39 KB, 555x555, 1:1, f9174e77bcaaeb8d37132b2dc2….gif)





Notables Are NOT Endorsements


>>14168847 #17924\1


>>14168850 #17924\2

Full Forensic Nationwide Audits, McAfee Deadman Switch, #TeamBritney, #TipOTheSpears #SAVEBRITNEY! #SAVE AMERICA!!










Spilled Crumbs

>>14168894 How Facebook Is Taking Over Journalism With $1.6 Billion Secret Deals

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bc9b0c  No.14168972

File: 2b1db0fd05766c1⋯.jpg (147.51 KB, 446x568, 223:284, woof.jpg)

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