>work 9 - 5
>kinda annoyed the whole weekend because it was pissing down with rain
>parents had people over saturday
>had errands to run sunday
>get a bit high sunday night
>wake up late monday morning
>rushing to get ready
>stop and look outside
>its a fucking 10/10 day
>sunny, 24 and a cool breeze
>say fuck it and call in sick
>have the whole house to myself
>quiet no cunts playing music or cunts lawnmoin
>already been for a run and now shitposting and playing piano
I fucking hate working full time but i fucking hate the weekends more. NEETS dont know what the pain is.
Saturday is terrible day.
Your day the sleep in and some cunt starts mowing is lawn at 8 am, your whole family is in the kitchen, mum is yelling at you to do chores. Your free day and you can even do what you want.
Any wagies know these feels, also does anyone have a job where they work a day on the weekend and then get a day off during the week.
I would love that