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70e2cb No.20858158 [Last50 Posts]

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70e2cb No.20858159

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70e2cb No.20858161


#25582 >>20857384

>>20857406 South Carolina Passes Ban on Transgender Surgeries for Children and 'Secret Transitions’ at Schools

>>20857414 Here is how the government fakes the CPI inflation data

>>20857445 Number of Tik Tok Accounts (by Country) Officially Requested for Removal, Jan 2022-Jun 2023

>>20857459 X Hype: Starting tomorrow, Monday, you won't believe your eyes and ears with what's coming and what's going to happen

>>20857467 Shocking abuse of Gazans inside Israeli concentration camps

>>20857490 Sun Unleashes Another X-Class Flare

>>20857547 Massive caravan of migrants are headed to the US after making a pit stop in Oaxaca, Mexico

>>20857590, >>20857625 5, 10, 15

>>20857596 D'Souza: A sharp and witty defense of populism at the Oxford Union

>>20857601, >>20857665 Planefag

>>20857647, >>20857852 DJT: Happy Mother's Day

>>20857652 NASA: #MothersDay

>>20857664 Hellspawn of Satan: Public Crypto Bad, Private Crypto Good

>>20857719 Climate Change: Never, ever specific enough to be falsifiable

>>20857821 Alvin Bragg's Office Deleted Phone Call Records Of Michael Cohen And Stormy Daniels' Lawyer

>>20857827 Mayorkas was on the board of HIAS (org that funds migrant invasions throughout the West) before he took over DHS

>>20857919 Ukrainian Suicide Drone Attack At Russia's Volgograd Oil Refinery Sparks Fire

>>20857952 Russia discovers oil and gas reserve in British Antarctic territory (5, 10, 15)

>>20857961 BLM Sues Soros-Backed Foundation Tied To Anti-Israel College Encampments

>>20857991 Where the Ballot Trafficking occurs

>>20858079 Massachusetts Governor announced the state is turning a former prison into a shelter to house illegals and their families

>>20858087 How to fuel Rocketships powered by Liberal Tears

>>20858091 Ashley Biden Officially Confirms Her Diary is Real in Emotional Letter to Judge

>>20858112 Australia: Judge slams police for using 'unlawful violence' against COVID protesters

>>20858123 Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not To Tell You (5/12/24)

>>20858153 #25582

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70e2cb No.20858163

#25581 >>20856618

>>20856662 Bobs on the ballot: WA AG responds to 2 new gubernatorial candidates sharing his name

>>20856713, >>20856790, >>20856811, >>20856742, >>20856932, >>20857069, >>20857123, >>20857211 Planefag

>>20856779 Netanyahu: Since because the Holocaust, makes now Jews immune all of any past, present, and future crime(s) even against non-Germans; ergo

>>20856824 QClock May 11, 2024 - The Bridge, Hunting, Twilight Zone Day

>>20856825 Duke University students holding Palestine flags walk out of graduation as Jerry Seinfeld is introduced to speak

>>20856873, >>20857093 DoJ wants 40 year sentence for man who attacked Nancy Pelosi's husband with a hammer

>>20856926 Tucker Carlson drops new interview with the half brother of Justin Trudeau (same mother)

>>20856975 Economic Schedule for week of May 12th

>>20857002 Multiple deaths after Ukrainian strike on residential area

>>20857034 Trump Rally in Wildwood, NJ May 11, 2024: Estimated 80,000 -100,000 People

>>20857039 Abu Musab al-Zarqawi: Infamous Terrorist And US Intelligence Asset

>>20857048 Final look at the University of Washington before tonight's potential clash between Antifa and Jewish / Evangelical Christian counter-protesters

>>20857062 Earth is buzzing like a Bee

>>20857076 Groups Behind Protests Seizing College Campuses Get Bad News as Senators Send Letter to IRS

>>20857083 David Cameron Says UK Won’t Stop Arming Israel After Biden Withholds Weapons

>>20857101 Egypt deals ‘diplomatic blow’ to Israel by joining ICJ genocide case

>>20857114 Germany 'considers conscripting all 18-year-olds' amid fears of all-out NATO war with Russia - as Putin's forces advance in Ukraine

>>20857120, >>20857125 The People Setting America on Fire

>>20857128 Dementia Joe Refers to Illegal Aliens as ‘Voters,’ Says Speaking Spanish is America’s ‘Future’

>>20857131, >>20857144, >>20857167, >>20857191 Erdogan says Netanyahu’s ‘genocidal methods would make Hitler jealous’

>>20857221 Allegedly Ayatollah Khamenei's granddaughter visited New York in 2019, and ironically dresses like a Western woman

>>20857196 Wells Fargo Escapes Accountability Yet Again: Former Broker Evades Consequences for Alleged Fraud

>>20857240, >>20857274 Rare footage of Melania as a new mother holding 2 month-old Barron

>>20857266 Many of the Illegal Migrants that are pouring into Western countries are in fact UN soldiers?

>>20857278 Ehud Barak, the former PM of Israel: The Rafah operation is a very big strategic mistake and we will pay a very heavy price for it

>>20857296, >>20857312 Globalists plot Worldwide genocide via WHO Pandemic Treaty

>>20857322, >>20857330 DJT: ……This case should take about five minutes for an acquittal…..Gregg Jarrett, FoxNews

>>20857339 Kari Lake Drops a Bomb on Sunday Morning Futures - Exposes How Democrats Are Already Stealing Votes in the 2024 Election

>>20857367 #25581

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70e2cb No.20858165

#25580 >>20855818, >>20855867

>>20855853 Mexico EQ 6.4

>>20855874 Supreme Court Justices Thomas and Alito Issue Warnings About State of America

>>20856019 Biden taps Obama, George Clooney, Julia Roberts and the Clintons for mega fundraisers

>>20856069 resident Biden - Happy Mother's Day, America.

>>20856106 PF Report: BROCA67 E6 up and out of Patuxent NAS

>>20856126 @NavalInstitute - #OTD in 1995, CRIMSON TIDE was released. The Navy declined to assist in the production because of problems with the script, so the director got the shots he needed by hiring boats and helicopters to chase down USS Alabama (SSBN-731) when the sub was spotted leaving Pearl Harbor.

>>20856147 POTUS Truth - TOO BIG TO RIG — MAGA2024!

>>20856158 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day - May 12, 2024: Red Aurora over Poland

>>20856171 @DanScavino - 5/11/24 | Wildwood, NJ…

>>20856209, >>20856213, >>20856217 In DC, a new wave of AI lobbyists gains the upper hand. An alliance of tech giants, startups and venture capitalists are spending millions to convince Washington that fears of an AI apocalypse are overblown

>>20856293, >>20856296 PF Report: Europe Activity

>>20856327, >>20856432 PF Report: 21 military planes have already landed in Port-au-Prince; RCH123 C17 departed Charleston for Port au Prince

>>20856440, >>20856444 Multi-story building in Belgorod partly collapses after Ukrainian strike

>>20856604 #25580

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70e2cb No.20858166

#25579 >>20855042


>>20855297 @MailOnline - High alert: Hundreds of dogs are poisoned by discarded cannabis joints and edible marijuana 'gummies' (WTF?)

>>20855329 Puppy-killer South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem is banned from entering 20% of her own state after being banned by Native American tribes she claimed were tied to drug cartels

>>20855494 Longtime East Bay political leader Peggy Moore — who worked on campaigns for former President Barack Obama and was an adviser for Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf — and her wife Hope Wood both died in a car crash in Southern California, according to friends.

>>20855631 Trump blasts Biden as ‘total moron’ before crowd of 100K at NJ rally: ‘Whole world is laughing at him’

>>20855804 #25579

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70e2cb No.20858169

#25578 >>20854281

>>20854299 Dough claim


>>20854515 PF Report: US Army Beechcraft RC-12 Guardrail 91-00517 headed west from South Korea, out over The Yellow Sea.

>>20854531 PF Report: 82-8000 747 the not visible until yesterday escort for….Potato in 92-9000 747 and he’s going to Dover not JBA; DEED216 and KECK229 C17s that left Moffett Airfield (where Billy Gates landed a few hours ago from Newark depart >>20853429 lb) went to Quantico

>>20854538, >>20854595 Watch: Northern Israel Is Literally On Fire After Hezbollah Attacks

>>20854568 Solar Storm Aurora Watch - Round 2 Tonight

>>20854610 @JackPosobiec - I’ve never seen anything like it in my life

>>20854619 Japan's top 3 banks to log record profit on high overseas interest

>>20854627 🌎 LIVE NOAA Radio Broadcast | Extreme G5 Geomagnetic Storm Reaches Earth!

>>20854637, >>20854692 “Over 100,000” Turn Out to See President Trump at MEGA MAGA Rally in Wildwood, New Jersey! — VIDEO

>>20854641 @DanScavino (POTUS dance video)

>>20854667, >>20854670 SHOCKING: Wisconsin Speaker Robin Vos’s Team Is Surveilling, Intimidating Legal Recall Workers

>>20854674, >>20854693, >>20855023 PF Report: N757AF 757 departed Atlantic City Intl after rally at Wildwood, NJ; Potato in 92-9000 747 on ground at 11m past the hour at Dover AFB and 82-8000 747 on ground at JBA

>>20854738 @DanScavino - @realDonaldTrump departing Atlantic City, New Jersey🛫…

>>20854794 Another of former President Trump’s female former aides has defended him during her testimony in court during his so-called “hush money” trial in New York. Madeleine Westerhout was responding to questioning from the prosecution about whether he was detail-oriented, among other points

>>20855014 BF Report

>>20855037 #25578

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70e2cb No.20858171

#25577 >>20853496

>>20853674 LIVE: Trump Holds a Rally in Wildwood, New Jersey - 5/11/24

>>20854252 Rally Transcript

>>20854008 Wildwood, New Jersey

>>20853712, >>20853713, >>20853714, >>20853717, >>20853719, >>20853724, >>20853730, >>20853802 Photo Album

>>20853528, >>20853538, >>20853535, >>20853543, >>20853579 @DanScavino: Approaching Wildwood, New Jersey #TrumpRally

>>20853665 Trump Force One Incoming to Wildwood, NJ

>>20853689, >>20853788, >>20854238, >>20853784, >>20853935, >>20853947 Qproof / Delta: He fights for you

>>20854015 Venezuela 72%

>>20854017 5,10,15

>>20854093, >>20854148, >>20854179 High exposure inc circling wildwood

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

>>20853633 Barron Trump Declines to Serve as Florida Delegate at GOP Convention

>>20853660 Kim Jong-un commanded another artillery exercise

>>20853669 Boatfag

>>20853691 Salvors with the Unified Command are preparing charges for upcoming precision cuts to the large #FSKBridge span resting on the bow of the M/V DALI

>>20853986 Biden: There is no safe level of lead exposure

>>20854258 #25577

Previously Collected

>>20852953 #25574, >>20852712 #25575, >>20852712 #25575

>>20849388 #25571, >>20850281 #25572, >>20851065 #25573

>>20847013 #25568, >>20847851 #25569, >>20848622 #25570

>>20844459 #25565, >>20845272 #25566, >>20846118 #25567

>>20841965 #25562, >>20842927 #25563, >>20843722 #25564

>>20839506 #25559, >>20840261 #25560, >>20841065 #25561

Aggregators: https://qresear.ch | https://qnotables.com | https://qproofs.com

Q Research Notables Archive Board >>>/qnotables/

Q Research Notables #22: This Is War >>20349940

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70e2cb No.20858175

File: 640498940ad0ff6⋯.png (109.81 KB,728x410,364:205,ClipboardImage.png)



baker is ghosted

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82c8bf No.20858185

File: 306641ae9fb5dcb⋯.png (61.96 KB,294x107,294:107,bushray.png)

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b386e9 No.20858188

File: a463e6e54e1e55c⋯.png (74.37 KB,1102x452,551:226,shuff.PNG)


Putin Appoints Economist as Defense Minister in Shock Reshuffle

Two years after invasion of Ukraine, Russia is a war economy

Shoigu shifted to be secretary of national security council

Have a confidential tip for our reporters? Get in Touch

Before it’s here, it’s on the Bloomberg Terminal


By Bloomberg News

May 12, 2024 at 7:31 AM GMT-11

Updated on May 12, 2024 at 11:06 AM GMT-11

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8636c3 No.20858192

File: 82d7b89738bd18a⋯.png (110.12 KB,307x306,307:306,Pepetta_rider_LFG.png)

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d9875d No.20858197


This assholes faggot is asshole

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82c8bf No.20858203

File: 2b0a6cc9833a091⋯.gif (1.92 MB,280x211,280:211,whatareyoutalkingabout.gif)

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29746b No.20858206

wonder why all that comes out of advertising agencies,

has the feel of begging…

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bd3d79 No.20858207

File: 78fadcaaf4e5495⋯.png (598.42 KB,1200x1004,300:251,1715196595.png)

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340543 No.20858208

File: 504430a6aa261a9⋯.jpg (149.57 KB,1080x1350,4:5,media_GC2apO2XoAI4L_C.jpg)

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9e9758 No.20858210

File: 29f84192670a28f⋯.png (347.41 KB,360x457,360:457,29f84192670a28f0c49a95b930….png)

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e5c559 No.20858211

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The name of YHWH in your DNA

>>20858056 lb

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d62d0e No.20858212


There's no constituency for the truth…

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8636c3 No.20858214

File: 7f150a6725681a9⋯.mp4 (490.79 KB,640x634,320:317,9691f23c66dac6f0.mp4)

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23b159 No.20858215

File: d1d75d33f635dac⋯.png (424.78 KB,597x467,597:467,obama_biden_pelosi.png)

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e5c559 No.20858216

File: 7fb0f1e6645139d⋯.jpg (91.21 KB,648x761,648:761,Hhaa23et.jpg)

Tyb ghost of baker

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ab87d8 No.20858217

File: b5ff4be5caf4e2c⋯.jpg (75.45 KB,1080x931,1080:931,b5ff4be5caf4e2c8fcabb15de8….jpg)

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9e9758 No.20858218

File: 55a8392568349ad⋯.png (53.6 KB,1024x1024,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


Never had Trump wine before, need to try it sometime.

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dc0be5 No.20858219

File: e2fa21715c133d4⋯.jpg (66.47 KB,749x491,749:491,5q14vwplu4t5s.jpg)

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69274e No.20858220

File: 7ae99303b6bb0c1⋯.jpg (421.59 KB,750x600,5:4,awaken.jpg)

The end of days will be beautiful.

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4cfe7c No.20858221

File: c3f85174b4d7700⋯.png (110.9 KB,666x375,222:125,c3f85174b4d7700091182516a1….png)

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09834a No.20858223

File: 51ecbeedd9e9afe⋯.jpg (93.99 KB,509x450,509:450,wjcdtmm.jpg)

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7de863 No.20858224

File: 454a33087ce5d13⋯.png (862.62 KB,902x506,41:23,gdsfvbg.png)


Trump the filthy yiddish fuckwit need to be gassed twice!

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b386e9 No.20858225

File: 95b2540d7711e7e⋯.png (755.34 KB,590x754,295:377,ink.PNG)


Elon Musk


0:03 / 3:26

"People find these numbers inconceivable - and I do too."


BBC Archive

4:25 AM · May 12, 2024




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e5c559 No.20858226

File: 9e7dadabc340aa8⋯.jpg (66.9 KB,661x416,661:416,Kid6_he.jpg)

The Sun Unleashes Another X-Class Flare - (National Oceans and Atmospheric Administration)

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ec143d No.20858227

File: eb4125c28d51c2f⋯.jpeg (91.62 KB,478x415,478:415,IMG_1721.jpeg)

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340543 No.20858228

File: 1c44331cf57449a⋯.png (377.51 KB,623x579,623:579,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 583eba22aa12f82⋯.png (81.42 KB,147x223,147:223,ClipboardImage.png)


Pepe was there.

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d40294 No.20858229

File: abca90d61019716⋯.gif (4.94 MB,540x405,4:3,sherlock_gif.gif)





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8f3e70 No.20858230



You stole this from me 2 days ago. Always taking my ideas.

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b386e9 No.20858231

File: 882ca3e607a6caf⋯.png (83.04 KB,599x762,599:762,yup.PNG)


Elon Musk









7:55 AM · May 12, 2024




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7de863 No.20858232

File: 173f0eb8a5e9925⋯.png (593.12 KB,523x508,523:508,9fdff9346d67f8b04d3ec918ca….png)

File: e1a0f89c6558e46⋯.png (456.44 KB,500x566,250:283,lifeforce_too_strong.png)

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8f3e70 No.20858233




I knew it!

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4cfe7c No.20858234




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b386e9 No.20858235

File: c6c1c8a7022d4e7⋯.png (93.87 KB,373x561,373:561,dots.PNG)



I have spent some considerable time in the past explaining why HAARP is not doing what you think it’s doing. Maybe this will help.

And for the love of all that is excellent 1980s pop music, stop puking just the term HAARP in the comments.

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e5c559 No.20858237

Pope Francis to sit down with 60 MinutesPope Francis will sit down with 60 Minutes next Sunday for a wide-ranging and exceedingly rare conversation from his Vatican guest house home. Norah O'Donnell reports.

46Mins AGO

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cff1aa No.20858238

File: 97d44acd2d4911a⋯.png (360.62 KB,800x698,400:349,97d44acd2d4911a2684da009a4….png)

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8f3e70 No.20858239


99% still believe

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d62d0e No.20858240

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f05fd4 No.20858241


muh pension ritirememt portfolio.

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8f3e70 No.20858242


>End the torturous annual holidays.

You can do it yo self

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b386e9 No.20858243

File: ac5cab47a077dec⋯.png (27.94 KB,775x417,775:417,ha.PNG)

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16c830 No.20858244

File: c802e5b1fb47849⋯.jpeg (42.48 KB,720x759,240:253,c802e5b1fb47849e1011369d3….jpeg)

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8f3e70 No.20858246


>muh pension ritirememt portfolio

I need muh tsp to go higher so I can retire

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1ee249 No.20858247

File: 9627d33be073b8d⋯.jpeg (561.5 KB,900x473,900:473,FE2CE30B_7D7F_479B_800F_9….jpeg)

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8636c3 No.20858248

File: 252a94414fc8393⋯.jpeg (11.26 KB,250x250,1:1,924c168e1bee47af20c50c653….jpeg)


Not that the AI isnn't good but it's not the real Pepe

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d8ce6b No.20858249

Why aren't any so-called conservatives in any form of media demanding from liberals how they specifically plan to contest the 2024 election should Trump win?

Liberals officially declared all U.S. elections are the safest and secured in all the world. So how does a liberal intend to contest the election when conservatives sweep the Presidency, Senate and House elections?

They can't refuse to certify because they did away with the only Constitutionally means of addressing election credibility. As they told us, it is a purely ceremonial act.

Why are conservatives not challenging liberals on how they plan to "save democracy" should Trump win?

Where is the relentless demanding of liberals to answer? Liberals hammer and hammer and hammer some more until conservatives relent. Is there not one conservative voice willing to beat liberals over the head with the question of how they intend to contest the election and not stop? Then challenge every fucking word out of their mouth when they attempt to answer? Then bring it up the next day and every day?

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b386e9 No.20858250

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8f3e70 No.20858251



Saw this narrative coming from 2020

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d62d0e No.20858253


Maybe beaver does look better with a little hair

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340543 No.20858254

File: f3ddf9b70d5ecea⋯.png (399.8 KB,619x560,619:560,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2a63a05a4ced2f9⋯.png (471.23 KB,634x511,634:511,ClipboardImage.png)

May 12, 2022 · 3:11 PM UTC


May 7, 2024 · 3:06 PM UTC


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16c830 No.20858255

File: d1ad15fdb574ab9⋯.jpg (14.1 KB,222x255,74:85,525bf27a1cb8183867f6593e87….jpg)

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8f3e70 No.20858256


Can probably see all the trafficking from up there.

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f6c308 No.20858257

>>20857570 (PB)

You can't abolish these agencies until you can prove malfeasance.

- CDC pandemic

- FDA pandemic

- FBI jan 6

- CIA jfk assasination

- Bureau of Consumer Protection NY fruad trial

- IRS leaking tax returns

- TSA hiring illegals

- DHS open border

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cff1aa No.20858258

File: 16c02be8c5e8643⋯.png (72.38 KB,255x215,51:43,16c02be8c5e8643b24c93166af….png)

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e5c559 No.20858260

File: 69df84cd2ad8daf⋯.jpg (51.97 KB,720x730,72:73,Pqaf.jpg)

Clinton adviser says Biden campaign ‘doing it all wrong’

President Biden appears behind in all the swing states and his campaign appears all-too-focused on firming up his political base on the left with his new shift on Israel, a $7 trillion budget, massive tax increases and failing to connect on the basic issues of inflation, immigration and energy. By pitching too much to the base, he is leaving behind the centrist swing voters who shift between parties from election to election and, I believe, will be the key factor deciding the 2024 race.

I’ve spent decades looking at the behavior of swing voters and how candidates appeal to them, including for Bill Clinton’s re-election campaign in 1996. If Mr. Biden wants to serve another four years, he has to stop being dragged to the left and chart a different course closer to the center that appeals to those voters who favor bipartisan compromises to our core issues, fiscal discipline and a strong America.

People usually assume that turning out so-called base voters in an election matters most, since swing voters are fewer in number. And it’s true that in today’s polarized environment, Mr. Biden and Mr. Trump each has about 40 percent of the country in their bases already and nothing will change those people’s minds. But in that remaining 20 percent of the electorate, swing voters have disproportionate power because of their potential to switch. It’s simple math: Take an electorate of 10 voters in an election tied 5 to 5. If one voter swings, the margin becomes 6 to 4. Two voters then need to be turned out just to tie it up and a third one is needed to win.

The simple power of this math — which drove the campaigns of Mr. Clinton (with his message about “building a bridge to the 21st century”), George W. Bush (“compassionate conservatism”) and Barack Obama (“hope and change”) — has been obscured, undoubtedly by base groups like unions or PACs that have a vested interest in maintaining their sway and power. Take Michigan, a battleground state where Mr. Trump has led Mr. Biden by as many as three percentage points in the last month. To overcome that gap, Mr. Biden would need to bring out nearly 250,000 additional voters (3 percent of more than eight million registered voters) just to tie it up in a state that has already achieved a record of over 70 percent turnout in a presidential year. Or Mr. Biden could switch just 125,000 swing voters and win.

Despite this math, scared candidates are, in my experience, easily sold the idea that the Democratic base or Republican base is going to stay home in November unless they are constantly fed what they want to hear. One call from the head of a religious group, a civil rights group, a labor group and others (often called “the groups”) and fear runs through a campaign. A New York Times article this winter about Black pastors warning the Biden White House that his Gaza war policy could imperil re-election is a good example. Maybe if Mr. Biden were running against a well-liked centrist opponent, concern could be justified. But during a fall election against Mr. Trump, the final month of this campaign is going to see a frenzy of get-out-the-vote efforts, and I doubt the Democratic base is going to sit idly by at the thought of the Trump limo cruising up Pennsylvania Ave. The reality is that swing voters in battleground states who are upset about immigration, inflation, what they see as extreme climate policies, and weakness in foreign affairs are likely to put Mr. Trump back in office if they are not blunted.

Sign up for the Israel-Hamas War Briefing.  The latest news about the conflict. Get it sent to your inbox.

Consider some Democratic electoral history. Joe Biden got 81 percent of the vote in the Michigan Democratic presidential primary in February. He got roughly similar percentages in the Colorado, Texas and Massachusetts primaries — not too far below other incumbent presidents with a weak job rating. And yet for months, liberal commentators and activists pointed to the Michigan protest vote as proof that Mr. Biden is doomed in November over his Israel stance. But Michigan was hardly a repeat of the 1968 New Hampshire primary that effectively ended Lyndon Johnson’s re-election bid — Eugene McCarthy got 42 percent and that was a truly sizeable protest.

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fbc634 No.20858261

Canada #58 >>20856601

UK’s Winston Marshall Gives Nancy Pelosi a Proper Spanking at Oxford Union – Calls Out Joe Biden’s Dementia – Nasty Nancy FINALLY Receives the Public Humiliation She Deserves!

by Jim Hoft May. 11, 2024

Nancy Pelosi and her husband took a break from their insider trading to attend a public debate at the Oxford Union in Oxford, England. The Oxford Union is a highly esteemed debating society and is one of Britain’s oldest university unions founded in 1823.

Nancy and Robert Pelosi attended the Oxford Union debate on April 25 on populism hours after she was interrupted by pro-Gaza protesters from Youth Demand who support Gaza militants and want to put an end to fossil fuels.

It was during this debate that Pelosi was finally given the proper public thrashing she deserved by one of Britain’s rising stars, Winston Marshall.

Winston Marshall is a popular writer, musician and podcaster. Marshall was part of the British folk rock group Mumford and Sons where he was lead guitarist and won a Grammy and two Brit Awards. Marshall was forced out of the band after posting a tweet saying journalist Andy Ngo was “brave” for his book which says far-left activists have “radical plans to destroy democracy”.

Winston Marshall participated in the debate on populism and its perceived threat by the global elites.

During his speech Pelosi rudely interrupted the brilliant young mind to argue that the violent and costly month-long protests and attacks on the City of Portland were not as devastating as the Jan. 6 protests and riot.

We now know that Nancy Pelosi was largely responsible for the violence that day. She refused to sign off on President Trump’s order days before the protests to bring in the National Guard to Washington DC. Pelosi and military leaders then refused to bring in the National Guard on January 6th until past 5 PM. Instead, Pelosi bizarrely organized a film crew to come in and follow her around that day.

Pelosi’s rude interruption did not stop Winston Marshall from giving her a proper public thrashing.


'A runtime 13:54 Rumble is embedded in the Canada bread

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23b2e8 No.20858262


>99% still believe (media)

You wish! Only 15% believe the left's propaganda machine.

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d40294 No.20858264

File: 4916a305c0e8715⋯.png (1.68 MB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

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b59da9 No.20858265

File: 1de34a57b390a29⋯.png (286.92 KB,512x512,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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8f3e70 No.20858266


>Only 15%

Kek. <you wish!>

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0ea7f6 No.20858267

Twitter embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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418bf6 No.20858268

File: 46c946b7b2f27cd⋯.png (99.27 KB,850x400,17:8,46c946b7b2f27cd1968fab5725….png)

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23b159 No.20858269

File: 91c608cddd8ab90⋯.png (282.33 KB,598x430,299:215,2024_05_12_19_43_57.png)


> What scares me most is not the fact that the media is lying to us, it's the fact that some people still believe them. - Elon Musk

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0ea7f6 No.20858270

File: c27e6f03032ccb8⋯.mp4 (15.35 MB,720x720,1:1,cplgUKCd057XchUy.mp4)




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cff1aa No.20858271

File: 922164ce3b30972⋯.jpeg (93.07 KB,424x391,424:391,922164ce3b30972c4cce03695….jpeg)

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16c830 No.20858272

File: ff668e61b8d2d79⋯.jpeg (68.79 KB,760x795,152:159,ff668e61b8d2d793e8b9d8033….jpeg)

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69274e No.20858273

So Admral Byrd was right

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340543 No.20858275

File: 15a04e75043896a⋯.jpeg (675.93 KB,1169x802,1169:802,1484830500684_TRUMP_4.jpeg)

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8f3e70 No.20858276


Kek. Eagle eyes.

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82c8bf No.20858277

File: a1b72e8b0dadabc⋯.png (282.1 KB,420x594,70:99,ncswis.png)

If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours.

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88d4b3 No.20858278

File: 24c1527c9c234bc⋯.jpg (230.12 KB,1920x1080,16:9,1117029972_0_0_3072_1728_1….jpg)

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b59da9 No.20858279

File: 8a3e2633bdcbc8f⋯.png (483.76 KB,670x606,335:303,ClipboardImage.png)

Bill Maher drops Stormy Daniels bombshell as he airs 2018 interview with porn star that undermines her Trump trial testimony


Stormy Daniels may have blown the Democrats' last chance to see Donald Trump jailed before the election by portraying herself as a victim, Bill Maher claimed. The HBO host unearthed footage of his 2018 interview with the former porn star in which she laughed off suggestions she was coerced into having sex during the alleged hook-up 12 years earlier. The porn star told Trump's New York trial this week that her hands were shaking and she 'blacked out' during the encounter, adding: 'There was an imbalance of power, for sure. He was bigger and blocking the way.'

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3859da No.20858280

I think they just tried to rip my soul from my body.

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651a2f No.20858281

Evenin’ Nightshift

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8f3e70 No.20858282



>So Admral Byrd was right

Gotta be a reason that the Admiral Byrd story narrative exists

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b386e9 No.20858283

File: 71d8315f4b08433⋯.png (25.84 KB,1161x236,1161:236,wo.PNG)


News Analysis May 12, 2024

Biden looks to Hollywood for support while Trump goes to the people

"They are going to be doing a big fundraiser with George Clooney, Julia Roberts, and former President Obama."

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d40294 No.20858284

File: 3e256576ead6042⋯.png (2.62 MB,1080x1350,4:5,ClipboardImage.png)

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9e9758 No.20858285

File: 788635e0e2d5bbf⋯.jpeg (174.99 KB,1024x1024,1:1,788635e0e2d5bbf0ba176dd18….jpeg)



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340543 No.20858286

File: 9daf73a17813f9d⋯.png (505.72 KB,635x493,635:493,ClipboardImage.png)




🇮🇷 Iranian lawmaker declares Tehran has obtained nuclear bombs.

May 12, 2024 · 11:38 PM UTC



>No Deals.


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82c8bf No.20858287

File: fd27c5b644874d6⋯.png (3.45 MB,2048x1366,1024:683,plusultra.png)

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ab87d8 No.20858288

File: 090d8c76d5645e0⋯.jpeg (80.83 KB,786x634,393:317,090d8c76d5645e015971f4187….jpeg)

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8f3e70 No.20858290


Kek. And he’s taking notes!

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cff1aa No.20858291

File: 3210d34a953308f⋯.png (718.48 KB,718x634,359:317,3210d34a953308fe742ded75e4….png)

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8f3e70 No.20858292

Next Anon to say something is a fag..

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f6c308 No.20858294


Fair to middling; Pricey, but comparable for the Virginia wine region. You are buying a collectible and with the average red having a higher than 13% ABV, able to be cellared for a few years.

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9390d5 No.20858296

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8f3e70 No.20858297



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4cfe7c No.20858298

To believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for

you in your private heart is true for all men – that is genius.

– Ralph Waldo Emerson

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340543 No.20858299

File: 000213e89eedc50⋯.png (345.55 KB,630x552,105:92,ClipboardImage.png)

Quds News Network



"We decided to end the war [with Japan] by the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with nuclear weapons and that was the right decision. Give Israel the bombs they need to end the war that they can’t afford to lose.”

US Senator Lindsey Graham suggests nuking Gaza.

May 12, 2024 · 7:10 PM UTC



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9390d5 No.20858301

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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fbc634 No.20858302

Canada #58 >>20856762

‘STORM FROM THE NORTH’: Russian Forces Open New Front in Northern Kharkov, Take a Dozen Villages In a Day

by Paul Serran May. 11, 2024

And so it begins: the ‘Storm from the North’. The long-awaited new front in northern Kharkov Oblast.

Group of the Russian Armed Forces ‘North’, that has been talked about for a long time, is now a reality, has advanced crossing into Ukraine and, on the first day Russian forces have already seized Zelene, Ohirtseve, Hatyshche, Pletenivka, Strilecha, Krasne, Pylna, and Borysivka.

I will try to relay a sense of what’s happening with the invaluable help of the coverage of Telegram channels, notably Sputnik, Slavyangrad, Intel Slava Z and Bellum Acta.

Russian Federation forces have penetrated the defenses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces from 3 to 5 km in Kharkov region, with a control zone in the border area to 110 square kilometers.

This will have a ripple effect in all the 600-mile-long frontline. As soon as Ukrainian top General Syrsky begins to transfer units to the northern regions of Kharkov and Sumy, the front in Donetsk will fold, and Chasov Yar, Kurakhovo and Krasnoarmeysk are expected to instantly collapse.

Watch: ‘North’ group is targeting enemy equipment in the border area.

Ukrainian artillery piece spoted by Russian FPV drone and struck with Lancet kamikaze drone – Kharkov region. pic.twitter.com/gUZuKMcXZR

— Paul Serran (@paul_serran) May 11, 2024

Ukrainian Armed Forces in fact have withdrawn some of the units of the 42nd Mechanized Infantry Brigade from the front near Chasov Yar and are hastily transferring troops north.

The sites of attacks on the locations of the Ukrainian Armed Forces are gradually increasing in number and in depth. If the pace of strikes continues, most of the fortified areas of the Ukrainian Armed Forces will soon cease to exist.

Watch: In the area of ​​Stary Saltov, Russian military group ‘North’ destroys a dam across the Seversky Donets River.

Stary Saltov: Russian military group ‘North’ destroys a dam across the Seversky Donets River – Kharkov region. pic.twitter.com/2RlH2Bzjk8

— Paul Serran (@paul_serran) May 11, 2024

Syrsky’s General Staff is reportedly more concerned by a Russian army breakthrough to Pokrovsk and Kurakhovo (in Donetsk) than of Kharkov.

They are transferring personnel and equipment, but it’s not a massive movement.

Although they ‘know’ about the Kharkov attack, they also fear that it is a ‘ruse’ to drain defenses from Donetsk. They don’t know at all where the ‘main attack’ will be delivered.



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8636c3 No.20858303

File: 411a2e4da6ecdd5⋯.png (1.36 MB,1024x1024,1:1,Cheers_Kentucky.png)

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82c8bf No.20858304


>Give Israel the bombs they need to end the war that they can’t afford to lose.


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8f3e70 No.20858305


>believe your own thought,

Peace in Earth is obtainable

The Golden Age for humanity is near

Reptilians exist

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f05fd4 No.20858307

File: 193d9279d0a1d3f⋯.png (1.96 MB,1617x1075,1617:1075,193d9279d0a1d3fb5eeedccdf3….png)

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418bf6 No.20858309

File: c4e189f5576cf7c⋯.gif (3.19 MB,600x482,300:241,c4e189f5576cf7ca001538993b….gif)

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fbc634 No.20858310

File: 3d69770dc0e66e4⋯.png (10.57 KB,422x168,211:84,3d69770dc0e66e4fcf5bf5635d….png)


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f6c308 No.20858311


This faggot (literally) loves making war and dropping USA made bombs on countries with civilian populations in place.

Ukraine Donetsk

Israel Gaza

notice a pattern.

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d40294 No.20858312

File: 077c03f828d7188⋯.png (54.42 KB,547x562,547:562,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0fe8d36acfea1b5⋯.png (71.73 KB,528x874,264:437,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 461211b1038224d⋯.png (500.41 KB,888x499,888:499,ClipboardImage.png)

21 QDrops for the 13th May

Shadow Government proven beyond a doubt.

A deep state exposed.

Shit, this is no longer a conspiracy…

Who would have thunk it?

And a post from Q+ aka Trump.





May 13, 2020 8:18:52 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 1a3e4f No. 9161693

The point to understand.

They [knowingly] unmasked [attached names to] AFTER POTUS won the election of 2016.

They thought they could prevent the exposure of this information and remain protected.

Why did they believe this?

What 'insurance' did they have?

Infiltration of US GOV?

This fact alone should scare every American.



It took this long for a reason.


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1a6dbb No.20858313

File: 4e2121eb1bf482f⋯.png (339.73 KB,603x387,67:43,ClipboardImage.png)


worth a watch


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cff1aa No.20858314

File: 5f31d6dc21d73df⋯.jpeg (266.71 KB,750x693,250:231,5f31d6dc21d73df272ea7b46f….jpeg)

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b2bb4d No.20858315


Never seen him so worked up about something.. you have to wonder what he has invested in this outcome.

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b386e9 No.20858316

File: 003d708ad624837⋯.png (56.31 KB,355x748,355:748,jd.PNG)

File: 8100b61f6de45f2⋯.png (549.67 KB,573x777,191:259,os.PNG)


🤫 A story shared (https://x.com/jack/status/1787895769183268948) by Jack Dorsey, the founder of Twitter, uncovered that the current leaders of Signal, an allegedly “secure” messaging app, are activists used by the US state department (https://www.city-journal.org/article/signals-katherine-maher-problem) for regime change abroad 🥷

🥸 The US government spent $3M to build Signal’s encryption, and today the exact same encryption is implemented in WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Google Messages and even Skype. It looks almost as if big tech in the US is not allowed to build its own encryption protocols that would be independent of government interference 🐕‍🦺

🕵️‍♂️ An alarming number of important people I’ve spoken to remarked that their “private” Signal messages had been exploited against them in US courts or media. But whenever somebody raises doubt about their encryption, Signal’s typical response is “we are open source so anyone can verify that everything is all right”. That, however, is a trick 🤡

🕵️‍♂️ Unlike Telegram, Signal doesn’t allow researchers to make sure that their GitHub code is the same code that is used in the Signal app run on users’ iPhones. Signal refused to add reproducible builds (https://github.com/signalapp/Signal-iOS/issues/641) for iOS, closing a GitHub request from the community. And WhatsApp doesn’t even publish the code of its apps, so all their talk about “privacy” is an even more obvious circus trick 💤

🛡 Telegram is the only massively popular messaging service that allows everyone to make sure (https://core.telegram.org/reproducible-builds) that all of its apps indeed use the same open source code that is published on Github. For the past ten years, Telegram Secret Chats have remained the only popular method of communication that is verifiably private 💪

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ec143d No.20858317

File: 33944d6dd869954⋯.jpeg (70.39 KB,360x331,360:331,IMG_2054.jpeg)

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b386e9 No.20858318

File: b526894efb9a5a2⋯.png (119.94 KB,357x720,119:240,pedo.PNG)


Probably the BIGGEST piece of news today, is that Joe Biden, the “pResident” of these United States is…

WAIT for it…

A CONFIRMED PEDOPHILE, according to Ashley Biden.

She has CONFIRMED that a letter written by her about the sexual abuse she suffered at the hands of a Joe Biden is LEGITIMATE to a judge.

“The defendant's actions constitute one of the most heinous forms of bullying, not to mention a complete violation of my privacy and personal dignity. After being the victim of a crime in my carly twenties, I developed PTSD. The journal that was stolen was part of my efforts to heal. I am a private citizen, targeted only because my father happened to be running to be President. In other words, the extensive work I have done to move past my trauma was undone by Ms. Harris's actions. The defendant's actions have created a constant environment of anxiety, fear, and intimidation in which my innermost thoughts are constantly distorted and manipulated.”

Joe Biden is a SICK BASTARD.

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d62d0e No.20858320


and so he had to "jump"

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8f3e70 No.20858321


Faith is a super power

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180520 No.20858323


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8636c3 No.20858324

File: 81143dc4f0ab53a⋯.jpg (277.43 KB,1080x1526,540:763,trolling_king.jpg)


>The Boston meme party

And their trolling king.

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327bfd No.20858325

File: b0195d0711d1713⋯.png (475.66 KB,909x600,303:200,muhjoos.png)

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1ee249 No.20858326

File: 9f09a8b7487bb8d⋯.png (309.35 KB,457x546,457:546,8C8CFBE5_1190_4BE6_B9F6_AB….png)


Wut a very poor comparison

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8f3e70 No.20858327



I guess were not there yet?

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327bfd No.20858328

File: 24f70e09e2d257e⋯.png (200.73 KB,432x566,216:283,SKA.png)

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340543 No.20858329

File: b6ab46bccb291a3⋯.png (212.53 KB,633x478,633:478,ClipboardImage.png)

Quds News Network



English rock and blues legend, Eric Clapton, sang "Prayer Of A Child" in a concert yesterday, while images of the suffering in Gaza were slideshowed on giant screens.

May 12, 2024 · 8:31 PM UTC



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82c8bf No.20858330

File: d53873c78eb1bd4⋯.png (1.04 MB,1158x953,1158:953,ClipboardImage.png)


what are they teaching in schools these days?

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3e5b92 No.20858333

you own it.

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1a6dbb No.20858334

File: c103a55d337f217⋯.png (449.05 KB,658x647,658:647,ClipboardImage.png)

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97b464 No.20858335


The Gateway Pundit


Newly Unsealed Document Reveals Lawyer with Attorney-Client Privilege Relationship with Trump Proposed to Act as Undercover Informant in Jack Smith Classified Docs Case via



According to a newly unsealed defense motion related to search warrants against Walt Nauta, a lawyer with an attorney-client privilege relationship with President Trump proposed to act as an undercover informant in Special Counsel Jack Smith’s classified documents case.

Recall that Walt Nauta, a former White House employee and Navy veteran who worked valet for Trump and served as a personal staffer at Mar-a-Lago was indicted along with Trump last year.

According to the motion filed earlier this month, a lawyer for Trump was enlisted to act as an undercover informant/source in Jack Smith’s classified documents case.

“The affiants hid information about [redacted] who were acting as political enemies of President Trump, including one attorney who had an attorney-client privilege relationship with President Trump and then proposed to act in an undercover parallel role to [redacted].



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327bfd No.20858336

File: 60e8acd310ce3b3⋯.png (2.92 MB,1656x1908,46:53,shillfu.png)


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82c8bf No.20858337

File: 6a35c2c69d2f05a⋯.png (10.21 KB,200x222,100:111,ClipboardImage.png)

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31f4f3 No.20858338

File: 541b0cdd0b40b69⋯.png (113.51 KB,473x669,473:669,qaggdropimage4367.png)

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fbc634 No.20858339

File: e85729aa790f70e⋯.png (297.14 KB,600x400,3:2,a6dda4a1bb205e4248e977dcc7….png)


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b386e9 No.20858340

File: c1e149adb355eae⋯.png (574.22 KB,699x339,233:113,00.PNG)

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340543 No.20858341

File: 48b39e7fc4fa89b⋯.jpg (84.21 KB,680x510,4:3,media_GNVN14_XsAAKE7S.jpg)



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327bfd No.20858342

File: e85729aa790f70e⋯.png (297.14 KB,600x400,3:2,e85729aa790f70e61ca46cf006….png)

File: 5d92f7356967b0b⋯.png (83.6 KB,558x763,558:763,5d92f7356967b0bd5ec92b8f94….png)

File: b5756314082e2f5⋯.jpg (11.54 KB,255x170,3:2,59bec5d6a7585914d682a90ed7….jpg)

File: a1fb3f74dbafde3⋯.jpg (8.72 KB,255x170,3:2,240514c834e9e29164269fcc43….jpg)


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8636c3 No.20858343

File: 79122fd58a8a703⋯.png (1.12 MB,657x974,657:974,ClipboardImage.png)


>Trolling is fun!


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b386e9 No.20858344


Joe Biden is hosting a fundraiser in Los Angeles next month, featuring guest appearances from former President Barack Obama and Hollywood celebrities, George Clooney and Julia Roberts.

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82c8bf No.20858345

File: 8ab3850beefe9a1⋯.png (982.37 KB,1000x1000,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

Posobiec has it all

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0037d8 No.20858346

File: f7cb47d8d86a8ab⋯.png (618.07 KB,661x900,661:900,IMG_2470.png)



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31f4f3 No.20858347

File: 812e88b8978ffc7⋯.jpeg (353.29 KB,1125x652,1125:652,812e88b8978ffc76eaf5f2959….jpeg)

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327bfd No.20858348

File: c58eaee8a566133⋯.jpg (13.88 KB,255x252,85:84,59065d58ba231053912cb9b8fe….jpg)

File: 09de7db894f8eb3⋯.jpg (13.83 KB,236x235,236:235,746402e94fac497dd47b6688e0….jpg)

File: d42ed7b0f0f176f⋯.jpg (14.81 KB,232x255,232:255,a8d14db9646de37c235d33eabd….jpg)


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63aa5c No.20858350

Teach a man to fish promotes fiction…

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b386e9 No.20858351

File: f0c56db6bbc29de⋯.png (948.27 KB,999x659,999:659,to.PNG)


Thousands told to evacuate due to British Columbia, Canada wildfire

1 day ago

By Ana Faguy,BBC News

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1ee249 No.20858353

File: 5a65a82be60867f⋯.jpeg (405.46 KB,1190x581,170:83,D13C7E0C_3FD0_4067_BB7A_2….jpeg)

>>20857601 lb

SAM647 C40B leaving MacDill AFB (CENTCOM) after about 60m on ground

Pretty sure (now) it’s not the JCOS Chair however mebby one of them but which one habs no idea

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b386e9 No.20858355

File: c65cb65496ea605⋯.png (785.95 KB,678x753,226:251,jl.PNG)


Jennifer Lawrence Calls Mike Pence Gay

at GLAAD Media Awards: ‘Conversion Therapy

Is Not Real – Even Though You Think

It Worked on You’

Breitbart Entertainment, by Warner Todd Huston

Posted By: Imright, 5/12/2024 7:09:44 PM

Actress Jennifer Lawrence taunted former Vice President Mike Pence, calling him a closeted gay man at GLAAD’s (Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation) annual Media Awards event in New York City Saturday. The show started Saturday with a bit of disruption, as one invited guest had to be escorted out of the venue after standing up and yelling about how GLAAD is “complicit in genocide” over the situation in Gaza. From the stage, TV personality Ross Matthews agreed that the issue was important, Billboard reported.

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8636c3 No.20858356

File: 66c0ce7ef5658d5⋯.jpg (2.5 MB,4032x3024,4:3,20240501_223859.jpg)

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8c1445 No.20858357


faith is a delusion that people lean on as a crutch to deal with things they can not and will never know.

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340543 No.20858358

File: ffecf7f8a5a7bda⋯.png (228.05 KB,504x591,168:197,ClipboardImage.png)

Quds News Network



"-We want to go back.

= God willing, Palestine will be liberated and we will all go back to our homes."

A child from Nour Shams refugee camp in Tulkarm speaks to another from Gaza.

May 12, 2024 · 7:35 PM UTC




God bless our bravest warriors.

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8f3e70 No.20858361



Faith is manifesting without trying

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31f4f3 No.20858362

File: 05d17fc6793207c⋯.jpg (21.1 KB,450x405,10:9,7e033dbfb003e1d3c3fde17375….jpg)

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8636c3 No.20858363

File: d245662b8d00418⋯.jpg (4.02 MB,4032x3024,4:3,Q.jpg)

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327bfd No.20858364

File: 28b4323e09b3d40⋯.jpg (25.76 KB,255x255,1:1,6e5c2bc0ffa9f50c83bf6e0a6a….jpg)


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8f3e70 No.20858365


Ew. Is that fiat?!

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9e9758 No.20858367

File: 5c0d44cd51406eb⋯.png (49.37 KB,519x604,519:604,ClipboardImage.png)

Interdasting delta tomorrow

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56c8e8 No.20858369


Only in blue cities. In normal America, Americans are still free to choose as they please. BTW Mc Donalds just announced a price reduction to help fight against inflation. Progressives are free to push their crazy ideas, they are just not free to force them upon Americans that disagree with their batshit crazy ideas.

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340543 No.20858370

File: 7d11ce347ff63aa⋯.png (451.85 KB,631x455,631:455,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 753565286957191⋯.png (49.99 KB,184x106,92:53,ClipboardImage.png)



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29746b No.20858372

File: f85de31bae42de8⋯.jpg (87.84 KB,649x960,649:960,e0d62d0a0c345d9fa34428da44….jpg)

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b386e9 No.20858373

File: 7ae9b7f71e91315⋯.png (483.49 KB,614x481,614:481,sas.PNG)




Kansas Democrat Governor Vetoes Bill Restricting Foreign Ownership Of Land Near Military Bases

From zerohedge.com

12:30 PM · May 12, 2024




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327bfd No.20858374

File: 7ac1bc113facf21⋯.jpg (82.97 KB,1908x1146,318:191,7ac1bc113facf21ffbf5ae33c4….jpg)


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bc40e4 No.20858375

File: 7df926f5693ae31⋯.png (1.15 MB,1077x1094,1077:1094,1715559475811.png)

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e5c559 No.20858376

Germany 'considers conscripting all 18-year-olds' amid fears of all-out NATO war with Russia - as Putin's forces advance in Ukraine

Oh do calm down

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56c8e8 No.20858377


>Assault on Christianity shill.

FBI’s sinister anti-Christian ‘PATCON’ program is the internet’s best kept secret. Until now….


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b386e9 No.20858378

File: 8813aaba82d4ed3⋯.png (1.36 MB,725x868,725:868,pi.PNG)

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f65e02 No.20858379

File: 420cd1b97253710⋯.png (6.33 KB,276x182,138:91,ClipboardImage.png)

QResearch, where people who defend the jews and people who don't like the jews come together to save the world from… basically a bunch of jews.. armed only with American Spirit, protected by the Armour of God, with help from some other people who, incidentally a lot of them, turns out, are Jewish..

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2cfe65 No.20858380

…This shit, again (and again and again…)???

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881e49 No.20858381

Jack F. Matlock, former legendary US Ambassador to the Soviet Union, says that the US now has an "aggressive ideology like communism".

This is the full text (which I 100% agree with):

"The United States seems to have replaced what had been before simply a defensive [alliance for] countries against an aggressive ideology like communism with an aggressive ideology of its own.

We are now saying we must protect human rights, what we define them as. We change the definition at times of which ones are important… And [we say] that it is our duty and destiny to spread democracy in the world.

Now there are two things to be said about that.

First of all, on traditional international law, sovereign countries are sovereign in terms of their internal politics and external interference, particularly by coercion, whether military or our economics is not permissible.

Second, the idea that one country can spread its system. We call it democracy, now whether it is or not, we can debate. But the point is that if democracy is ruled by, for, with the people, then an external country can't create it. It can only be created by people in that country.

And furthermore, if an external country begins to favor and support certain factions in another country, which is seen as a threat to the power that is there, it is going to be a damage to that. Something Americans should understand because we have also been incredibly sensitive to what we consider interference in our own elections.

So in effect we we're trying to extend our jurisdiction over certain things and we can see that particularly in our sanctions program where we sanction other countries over all sorts of things. And the way of compelling them to, you know, to do certain things that are politically important.

I might say in terms of trade, sometimes sanctions are necessary to get fairness in trade, but to use economic sanctions to bring political results, particularly those that are viewed as assaults on sovereignty, I think, not only fail, they simply make the situation worse.

So I think that the American policy of applying either military force or not quite as bad, but also bad, economic sanctions to achieve political ends, particularly to change the nature of internal governments is going to fail, just as Brezhnev's doctrine failed during the Soviet Union."

This is the full video on The Duran channel, which is very much worth watching in full


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327bfd No.20858382

File: 922396941e83625⋯.jpg (9.01 KB,255x105,17:7,c3cec08094bb9af20a6fc561c0….jpg)


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e5c559 No.20858384


Drop off and pick up hub.

Nice shore

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2cfe65 No.20858385

File: 1ab8352f62b593d⋯.png (182.86 KB,529x301,529:301,1ab8352f62b593dbd3af5796ea….png)


Claiming the dough

…One moment, while anon screams obscenities at the screen. Thank you.

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d62d0e No.20858386

File: d540252344cdc31⋯.png (96.87 KB,221x234,17:18,ClipboardImage.png)

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b386e9 No.20858388

File: f2eaeae3888c8ab⋯.png (528.25 KB,593x665,593:665,win.PNG)


Libs of TikTok


BREAKING: South Carolina just passed a bill banning s*x-change treatments on minors.

This new law also prohibits public officials from withholding information from parents regarding their children’s perception of their gender.

Amazing win for South Carolina!


8:22 AM · May 12, 2024




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bc40e4 No.20858389


Oh shit is that Rosie hanging out with know pedophile and sickening groomer Jeffrey Marsh?

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327bfd No.20858390

File: 9d0df1fbddf7fe0⋯.jpg (5.35 KB,255x124,255:124,f02f766c5ce26ffc2c1668c09d….jpg)


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69274e No.20858391

File: 1596267f21eac22⋯.png (77.22 KB,1920x1280,3:2,Byrd_s_Second_Antarctic_Ex….png)

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8c1445 No.20858392


oh look its a fucking faggot that can not handle criticism. Kill yourself you weak fucking faggot

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e38d74 No.20858393

You can take down the net now if you're ready.

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88d4b3 No.20858394


>You can take down the net now if you're ready.

I second.

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8636c3 No.20858395


>Ew. Is that fiat?!

Nope it's called nostalgia

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e5c559 No.20858396


True and God wins

So ya

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d62d0e No.20858397


High Jump

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1ee249 No.20858398

File: c39f2d896fa031f⋯.jpeg (449.05 KB,1220x594,610:297,437D12B3_F5BB_4DB4_A213_8….jpeg)

File: 292aa6343165dd7⋯.jpeg (75.24 KB,1024x1024,1:1,48CA582E_85E9_4475_86DA_6….jpeg)

>>20857601 lb

SAM792 G5 back at JBA after about 2h on ground

That’s the second SAM flight at Teterboro today w/2h ground stop.

Teterboro used as access to NYC as gating fees cheaper here

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8c1445 No.20858399


the paranoia it must be the government attacking your mental illness.

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327bfd No.20858400

File: babcab7315404cf⋯.jpg (8.86 KB,255x187,15:11,eeb4d1eee4326a7c41e80dae5f….jpg)



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e38d74 No.20858401


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290d74 No.20858403



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56c8e8 No.20858404


Do not shoot the messenger glowfaggit

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be182b No.20858405


No I don’t know where the bathroom is?

Do you know? “.”

No insult to people named John…

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5be2ba No.20858406

File: 4dc9ef79b056f9e⋯.png (1.62 MB,1226x810,613:405,LindseyFaggin.png)


If he actually suggested this, he should reacquaint himself with the Golden Rule.

In fact all the traitors and greedy thieves who profit from the misery of others should do the same and right now. Times up. Hell yawns.

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e5c559 No.20858407

God bless Trump and the future. Amen

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327bfd No.20858408

File: 6a00cc3cc8c7949⋯.jpg (13.31 KB,255x255,1:1,f2d9a03fe4d1c62dbfa93f2616….jpg)


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2cfe65 No.20858409

File: 48e9125ed2cd67d⋯.png (990.85 KB,1093x729,1093:729,funinthesun.png)



#25583 >>20858175

>>20858385 Dough claim

>>20858286 🇮🇷 Iranian lawmaker declares Tehran has obtained nuclear bombs.

>>20858299 US Senator Lindsey Graham suggests nuking Gaza.

>>20858335 Newly Unsealed Document Reveals Lawyer with Attorney-Client Privilege Relationship with Trump Proposed to Act as Undercover Informant in Jack Smith Classified Docs Case via @gatewaypundit

>>20858353 PF Report: SAM647 C40B leaving MacDill AFB (CENTCOM) after about 60m on ground

>>20858385 PF Report: SAM792 G5 back at JBA after about 2h on ground. That’s the second SAM flight at Teterboro today w/2h ground stop


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340543 No.20858410

File: 4f5eece2f52a061⋯.png (181.32 KB,619x412,619:412,ClipboardImage.png)


>It's the daily Assault on Christianity

Operators on stand by.


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8c1445 No.20858412


its a stupid message. Only breeds the paranoia in those who are already mentally ill. If your faith gets attacked it must be glownigger shills because no reasonable person would ever attack muh made up fictions.

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2cfe65 No.20858413

…Trying this again. Damn it.


#25583 >>20858175

>>20858385 Dough claim

>>20858286 🇮🇷 Iranian lawmaker declares Tehran has obtained nuclear bombs.

>>20858299 US Senator Lindsey Graham suggests nuking Gaza.

>>20858335 Newly Unsealed Document Reveals Lawyer with Attorney-Client Privilege Relationship with Trump Proposed to Act as Undercover Informant in Jack Smith Classified Docs Case via @gatewaypundit

>>20858353 PF Report: SAM647 C40B leaving MacDill AFB (CENTCOM) after about 60m on ground

>>20858398 PF Report: SAM792 G5 back at JBA after about 2h on ground. That’s the second SAM flight at Teterboro today w/2h ground stop


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f3cbdd No.20858414



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1ee249 No.20858415

File: 4400567b8f174a8⋯.gif (356.33 KB,300x188,75:47,E6023D14_D40A_4941_8705_73….gif)

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2cfe65 No.20858417

File: aee5882cdea242e⋯.png (167.21 KB,750x600,5:4,fd528b4cb705fba1d1bde3d56a….png)


...Anon isn't obliged to entertain other peoples' delusions. Now what?

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327bfd No.20858418

File: f3d07e7da49c41c⋯.gif (1.12 MB,333x334,333:334,dumpster.gif)


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69274e No.20858419

File: d4edff54db70c2b⋯.jpg (50.02 KB,720x1012,180:253,jc.jpg)

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56c8e8 No.20858420


>its a stupid message.

Just like your opinion. Beattie uncovers truths while others are too scared to do so. If you do not like the truth he has revealed then ignore it. You are free to do so. If you are calling him a liar then disprove the truth he has revealed.

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e5c559 No.20858421

They have to do a locked down again to explain zero people showing for a second fake inauguration.

Not saying it going to happen, just the playbook they operate from needs an answer.

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290d74 No.20858422


The problem is people claim Truth is religion and insist others throw it out.

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e5c559 No.20858424


Everybody is scared of what Israel will uncover15stories below gaza 😂

Both the Biden administration and Egypt are doing all they can to stop the Rafah maneuver. Why?

Egypt will be very embarrassed by what we are going to find under the ground. Hundreds of tunnels that were supplying huge amounts of weapons and ammunition to Hamas!

America will be embarrassed because it knew all along about it and yet kept quiet.

The CIA prefers a weak Israel that depends on US armaments. Weak Israel = strong Hamas.


Washington Post: The Biden administration offers Israel high-quality intelligence, including the locations of senior Hamas officials in the Gaza Strip and the locations of terrorist tunnels that have not yet been revealed, in exchange for avoiding a large-scale operation in Rafah. US officials told Israel that evacuating the population from Rafah would require several months.

W H A T ? ? - American hostages are in those terror tunnels and they are “offering information” in exchange for something ….?


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56c8e8 No.20858425


Nor are they obliged to entertain your delusion. Life goes on.

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b386e9 No.20858426

File: db4c0af8385c21a⋯.png (91.41 KB,1080x532,270:133,ern.PNG)


Revealed: How Much You Have to Earn to Be ‘Middle Class’ in Your State

by Jack Davis, The Western Journal


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a8b216 No.20858427


old ccp handled lezbo

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e5c559 No.20858428


Child trafficking

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1a6dbb No.20858429

File: 122bbe6144db2be⋯.png (280.52 KB,610x713,610:713,ClipboardImage.png)

while i like the deltas

nothing ever happens

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7c4370 No.20858430


haha… punchline at the end.

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23b159 No.20858431

File: bb0057024203e4c⋯.jpeg (32.39 KB,255x217,255:217,IMG_4980.jpeg)


> Joe Biden is a SICK BASTARD.

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abe489 No.20858432

Where are the autists?

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2cfe65 No.20858433

File: fd83c0470ba3109⋯.jpg (87.52 KB,623x532,89:76,fd83c0470ba31095c90bee9213….jpg)

File: 3c4acb86b7521a6⋯.png (1.59 MB,1036x666,14:9,allegorypattern.png)


…Until superstitions are discarded, the cycle of perpetual ignorance continues.

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5be2ba No.20858435

File: 3a659073df94df4⋯.jpg (1.52 MB,1920x1200,8:5,Seraph_Ariel_REL.jpg)


Disclosure and ruination. Things of this world, when what he should be truly terrified of is the things of next brought onto his head. A fierce accounting before the world is in his near future and he will be led away to a cruel master of his own choosing. And all the people will say 'Amen'.

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b2bb4d No.20858436


Problem is everyone is jaded and no one cares anymore… the rest of the world is becoming more numb like us by the day.. sick of the bs but numb none the less.

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35bcf3 No.20858437


because they know they will win via the cheat, no need for a contingency they have no need of.

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8c1445 No.20858438


Disprove the entire fucking bible in a paragraph that will just be discounted. He has not revealed any truth. Just their mental illness that you seem to support.

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1a6dbb No.20858439

File: cc4b38091b98b9e⋯.png (101.81 KB,474x958,237:479,ClipboardImage.png)

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abe489 No.20858440

Where are the puzzle solvers?

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b386e9 No.20858441

File: 549ebc8ac843310⋯.png (252.22 KB,725x434,725:434,mag.PNG)

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56c8e8 No.20858442


Until your disbelief is discarded, the cycle of your ignorance will continue.

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327bfd No.20858443

File: 5eff0a9a8edde1c⋯.png (50.61 KB,645x237,215:79,ClipboardImage.png)


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1a6dbb No.20858445

File: e64ef61a12fb3e9⋯.png (10.64 KB,607x105,607:105,ClipboardImage.png)


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327bfd No.20858446

File: e79ae2bfd19f15b⋯.jpg (7.67 KB,255x192,85:64,2d4a880116de2cdd55cadd9b0f….jpg)


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f05fd4 No.20858447


fucking tired and drunk

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8c1445 No.20858450


believe in what we do or else. Get fucked

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56c8e8 No.20858451


>Disprove the entire fucking…..

Turn that frown upside down angry anon.

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327bfd No.20858452


I think you missed a comma.

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9e9758 No.20858453

File: d83efb3722d287d⋯.png (144.24 KB,268x200,67:50,d83efb3722d287dd9a5d4eb786….png)

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2cfe65 No.20858454

File: 8bb9c307092f521⋯.png (22.28 KB,597x360,199:120,thisshitagainNPCucks.png)

…Welcome to the 21st. Century.

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8c1445 No.20858456


fuck off and die

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289cfa No.20858457


You can’t solve puzzles tired and drunk.

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56c8e8 No.20858458


[1Jo 4:4 KJV] 4 Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

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327bfd No.20858459

So what would you say as a muslim voter..?

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107229 No.20858460

File: 857c4c8407861e7⋯.gif (102.66 KB,220x166,110:83,tenor.gif)

File: 0ede6d3ea066c5f⋯.png (1.04 MB,1098x784,549:392,0ede6d3ea066c5f9efa3b45551….png)

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6b5e39 No.20858461

Where are the puzzles?

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1a6dbb No.20858462


and forgotten tomorrow

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56c8e8 No.20858463


perhaps a few deep breaths and chanting free free Palestine to yourself will help

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327bfd No.20858464


Yeah I am sure Flapjack and OSS put your bigot shit in Notables.

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b386e9 No.20858465

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Epilogue for "The Monsters Are Due On Maple Street"

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306371 No.20858466


You don’t mean that, anon.

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5be2ba No.20858469

File: 0bc8fda676af624⋯.jpeg (124.47 KB,696x792,29:33,Suicide_Prevention.jpeg)


It was confirmed legit when the FBI went looking for it. Imagine covering for a child molestor. Only child molestors would do that. Or their godless thralls.

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a8b216 No.20858470


Oh look, another post looking to rando twitter accounts for factual information…again

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327bfd No.20858471


I'm not Jewish. So there's that.

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9e9758 No.20858472


drunk, tired and stoned

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b386e9 No.20858473

File: f630918fa8c24ff⋯.png (732.35 KB,562x719,562:719,sol.PNG)

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1a6dbb No.20858474

File: 96b1e8fa55e9ea8⋯.png (1.33 MB,1080x1052,270:263,ClipboardImage.png)


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e10d0a No.20858476

File: 627dd0b5bfb82a1⋯.jpeg (155.79 KB,1079x1074,1079:1074,wDq7raDJveHA.jpeg)

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9ea28b No.20858477

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327bfd No.20858479

File: 139b3c4f0b630a1⋯.png (441.28 KB,583x582,583:582,Switch.png)


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1a6dbb No.20858482

File: d6e2ea6f87b789a⋯.png (338.83 KB,765x916,765:916,ClipboardImage.png)

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327bfd No.20858483



Try to be less of a red text cunt.

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b386e9 No.20858484

File: 4772ccaf82f6a47⋯.png (660.38 KB,1001x802,1001:802,qc.PNG)



Quebec court greenlights class action suit against YouTube’s COVID-related content censorship

The lawsuit, led by video blogger Éloïse Boies, argues YouTube violated freedom of expression under the Charter of Human Rights and Freedoms by censoring COVID-related content.



Sat May 11, 2024 - 10:00 am EDT

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881e49 No.20858485


Also Matlock gave one of the best masterclasses you'll ever listen to on the causes of the Ukraine war. Especially valuable considering he was actually in the room during some of the most crucial moments.

He said that the reason why NATO was kept at the end of the cold war was "to keep Germany from dominating all of Europe as it had done before and to legitimate some American military presence in Europe". But he confirms there were "assurances that NATO would not expand to the East".

This promise was broken, which he believes was a major mistake because "if you start expanding a military alliance into areas which at once were controlled by another, you are going eventually to be seen as threatening the sovereignty and independence of those other states. Just as the United States, for example, went to war in Europe in the First World War, when we learned that the Germans were trying to recruit the Mexicans into an anti American alliance."

And the perspective of expansion into Ukraine was the final straw because "anybody who's intimate with Russian and Ukrainian history would understand that that would be totally unacceptable to Russia." He also says it "could only be seen as an offensive thing, particularly when NATO began first of all to establish bases in Eastern Europe", like "the establishment in the second decade of this century of ABM Systems in Eastern Europe", which "was considered a particular threat".

His conclusion: "[At the end of the cold war] the task in Europe was to make Russia also a part of Europe and not trying to wall it off and threatening it, because that combined with NATO expansion was bound to create a reaction by Russia."

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e4e8ba No.20858486


Settle down, homeboy.

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327bfd No.20858488

File: 6ffef797ec071ce⋯.png (176.6 KB,506x347,506:347,muhjoo115.png)

File: 917a2deb7ff5bcb⋯.png (388.36 KB,818x544,409:272,muhjoo75.png)

File: 2c390f31bfd8b96⋯.png (389.99 KB,662x503,662:503,muhjoo48_2_.png)

File: 88ad1007cf94368⋯.png (314.01 KB,467x447,467:447,muhjoo4.png)


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fb1fb5 No.20858489

File: bd81cdaea2324c3⋯.png (1.36 MB,918x919,918:919,trump.png)

File: f2729ef56eaab7a⋯.png (835.59 KB,768x711,256:237,ClipboardImage.png)

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2cfe65 No.20858490

File: 700b5a5562bc9c0⋯.jpg (41.58 KB,500x304,125:76,clownmecca.jpg)


...Yup, you're retarded.

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fbc634 No.20858491


Sauce is from 2018, have an update, or even a point?

Not the first time this same thing has been posted

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4f79cd No.20858492

File: 7872759da6b77c1⋯.jpg (294.95 KB,2880x2880,1:1,20240512_204929.jpg)

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327bfd No.20858493



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e10d0a No.20858494

File: 71da01ccaaec57e⋯.jpg (64.66 KB,612x391,36:23,60ee0eacc25e540b520ed51a2a….jpg)

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8c1445 No.20858495


hahahah good luck with your make believe cunt.

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b386e9 No.20858497

File: 90d9c3e81ce7013⋯.png (429.46 KB,836x761,836:761,bl.PNG)


BLM Global Network Starts a War with Pro-Palestinian Group Funding College Protests, Files $33M Lawsuit

By Andrew Jose May 11, 2024 at 2:42pm

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44a213 No.20858498


Do you snort colt too?

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31f4f3 No.20858499

File: c95ade3ceaab791⋯.png (183.62 KB,401x392,401:392,c95.png)

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e246c4 No.20858500

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327bfd No.20858502

File: bab7c8f6b27ecc6⋯.png (162.42 KB,250x250,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8a7e0be742e2b7e⋯.png (222.01 KB,280x385,8:11,ClipboardImage.png)


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fb1fb5 No.20858503

File: c8dab9f49705969⋯.png (90.51 KB,260x190,26:19,ClipboardImage.png)


since when was JFK into the faggots

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9e9758 No.20858505


Fuck no, drugs are bad.

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e10d0a No.20858506

File: 3a926a8cd2eb3fa⋯.png (1.15 MB,1170x1054,585:527,ClipboardImage.png)

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8c1445 No.20858508


may your family die in a car crash.

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327bfd No.20858509

File: 24abe210d8c7bef⋯.png (1.63 MB,1500x1019,1500:1019,ClipboardImage.png)

Definitely wouldn't.

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cade9a No.20858510


No one can suck the mutilated dick like Senator Lindsey Graham.

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327bfd No.20858512

File: b258bc90836804c⋯.png (106.32 KB,275x183,275:183,ClipboardImage.png)

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290d74 No.20858513


>May he smite you into Hell

Then He shows up and forgives everyone.

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b386e9 No.20858515

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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d32d06 No.20858516

File: 9ba5b4ba18f2ab8⋯.png (15.63 KB,255x225,17:15,WAT.png)


>>20857590 PB

>>20857625 PB

>>20857880 PB

>>20857871 PB

Time stamps3:11and3:06

Think Mirror11:3AGAIN It's like they are trying to tell us something….

Thinking of TrumpTruth about "5 mins"….

Too tired to put it all together.

Maybe it's just a coincidence.

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994a53 No.20858517

File: 9f04b19221fbb96⋯.png (987.39 KB,978x1056,163:176,whats.png)

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fb1fb5 No.20858518


>South Carolina just passed a bill banning s*x-change treatments on minors.

Usually the bullshit governor of each state has vetoed these. How many have signed them?

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327bfd No.20858519

File: 6f4f2e61098b4d0⋯.png (682.56 KB,620x484,155:121,ClipboardImage.png)


Guess who just got visited by the religion of peace.

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88d19b No.20858521

What time does the show in the sky start? I need to head to bed soon.

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fbc634 No.20858523


Dog & Pony Show

Let's get Vegas in on this and do some Cage Matches on ESPN (they need the ratings)

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327bfd No.20858524


"Mod" ?!?

I believe reddit has "mods".

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e10d0a No.20858525

File: 7b18c0c5dd973ea⋯.png (200.52 KB,864x864,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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327bfd No.20858526


I'm still not Jewish.

I checked again to be sure.

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994a53 No.20858528

File: 0315e95784ba287⋯.png (620.35 KB,976x730,488:365,gazapeop.png)

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cade9a No.20858529


Is that the karma bus?

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31f4f3 No.20858531

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327bfd No.20858533

File: 9036ef2dd5234fd⋯.png (99.52 KB,291x173,291:173,ClipboardImage.png)

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07b65f No.20858535

Have any of you religious talkers come to any type of consensus in the 7 years we’ve been here?

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1ee249 No.20858536

File: 977a9a6657d3906⋯.jpeg (591.96 KB,828x642,138:107,B348C78A_B54E_4B71_B054_D….jpeg)


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327bfd No.20858538


I'm not Jewish.

I'm not even pro-Jewish.

I am just really, really, anti-idiot.

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1a6dbb No.20858540

File: e96dbcbd29c9b79⋯.png (248.55 KB,606x540,101:90,ClipboardImage.png)

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636e4d No.20858541


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f67224 No.20858542

File: 7121e6e2f3ed5ba⋯.png (45.93 KB,777x342,259:114,ClipboardImage.png)

Kekkity kek kek… Meanwhile, in AUS…


BREAKING: Fed court has refused the eSafety Commissioner's request for an injuction to make @X remove the Bishop Mar Mari stabbing video globally.

Big win for free speech!

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502428 No.20858543

File: b37309bb9d783de⋯.jpeg (175.21 KB,2048x426,1024:213,IMG_4501.jpeg)

File: cab7204d0aec5b1⋯.jpeg (163.34 KB,1009x564,1009:564,IMG_6797.jpeg)

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8636c3 No.20858544

File: 9bb09653316f9bc⋯.jpg (761.21 KB,547x672,547:672,9bb09653316f9bc80cc80eed0c….jpg)

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fbc634 No.20858545


Triangular handguards indicate M16 or M16A1, pic posted does not allow for better identification as unable to determine type of flash suppressor or presence of forward assist

Tape on front and back indicates spring for slip ring needs replaced

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e10d0a No.20858546

File: e8ec1ecbab49cbf⋯.jpeg (131.12 KB,1024x682,512:341,bc115829c9d94488624ae49d4….jpeg)


That's what they do. If you don't agree with their hate then they lump you in with who you hate regardless if you associate with that group or not. Disagree when they're in MuhJoo mode and they'll call you Jewish, or a Rabbi, or a Jewish slur. Disagree when they're in mimic mode and they'll call you who they're imitating and accuse you of IP hopping. Round and round the stupid wheel they go. It's a combination smokescreen/division narrative designed to be a perpetual circle-jerk to keep scrutiny off of the evil behind the posting of that narrative.

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994a53 No.20858547

File: c9500fc74e176f6⋯.png (1.7 MB,880x1648,55:103,prep.png)

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327bfd No.20858548


You're IRGC aren't you?

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327bfd No.20858549


I can wait while you look that up.

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327bfd No.20858551


I know Anon, I know.

I just have to bait the bastards. No free rides you understand.

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a70f5f No.20858552

Let people be free. People can worship who they want too. Do you believe in people thinking for themselves or not?

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7c4370 No.20858553


they's juss mah ladybugs.

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0c425e No.20858554


Referencing yourself, I guess.

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1ee249 No.20858555

File: b22b757f19fddb6⋯.jpeg (301.9 KB,792x588,66:49,E70F75EF_B59B_494E_B9C2_6….jpeg)


One moar time Ringo

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ab1279 No.20858557

>>20858112 Australia: Judge slams police for using 'unlawful violence' against COVID protesters /pb notable

About fucking time! Now press those charges, top to bottom and hanfg those SOB's, Following Orders is not a defence!

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5be2ba No.20858560

File: 7d5c08de5e5affa⋯.jpg (12.06 KB,250x317,250:317,Jack_F_Matlock_Jr.jpg)

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ab1279 No.20858561

File: d5c19840d517ad4⋯.png (257.42 KB,577x433,577:433,Anthony_Albanese_Australia….png)

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327bfd No.20858562

File: 1915709ed1d399e⋯.png (53 KB,400x220,20:11,ClipboardImage.png)


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ab1279 No.20858563


Lindsay Graham wants to Nuke the Sun as it's attacking again, inb4

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105acf No.20858564


Cool story grandpa.

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1ba3bc No.20858565


the olde wyrm taught them the necessary lesson…

at great cost.

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1ba3bc No.20858566



is zero situational awareness.

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1ba3bc No.20858567


still does not fix the problem of whom controls the election apparatus.

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ab1279 No.20858568

File: 6066ccd854fcb2a⋯.jpg (451.12 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Tesla_Knight_Rider_Kitt_Re….jpg)

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2cfe65 No.20858569

File: 96251d847d593e2⋯.png (204.41 KB,848x714,424:357,circularlogic.png)


…Fuckin' moran.

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8a5413 No.20858570


35 posts of shit

Absolute shit.

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fbc634 No.20858571


They also know anons aren't buying the bullshit. They also know trying to provide MSM with hit piece ammo is usually thwarted by deletions. They know cries of censorship only spark chuckles.

Again, I respectfully submit their intention is to waste bread to bury goodies. If they can start an argument to get anons to help them waste bread they are pleased. It gets easy to tell when they begin to argue among themselves to waste brad, example being the religious "arguments" that used to be a staple of the late Night Shift and carry on through Graveyard until the muh joo started up again about 45 minutes before the normal Day Shift anons came in

They shifted a part of their schedule (I've watched, and posted to show they were on one two years ago) to make the religious bullshit start in the mornings so anons are to be led to thinking the stuff is new and organic.

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e10d0a No.20858572

File: 52ed60ed7499f5b⋯.png (676.14 KB,1208x500,302:125,a_single_pepe2.png)

Speaking of bait, they never should have let me know that particular image badly got under their skin in 2021. Probably wouldn't have posted it that much had they not have done that. It's all their fault. KEK!

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7ff45c No.20858574

File: c4e6d9850f94135⋯.jpg (14.63 KB,229x220,229:220,4f7abdea033e533e27db03a4a5….jpg)



Not whom.

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7ff45c No.20858576


He's fucking hysterical.

Makes the shills look like fucking idiots.

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ab1279 No.20858577


He's got Sperm Brain

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1a6dbb No.20858578

File: 81122ed47564963⋯.png (261.17 KB,594x682,27:31,ClipboardImage.png)

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69274e No.20858579

File: cb31c26fcdf0318⋯.jpg (48.83 KB,550x341,50:31,dol.jpg)

Sometimes I just have to shitpost.

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64900e No.20858581

The smoke from Canada is really rolling in they should back off on the ganjamon

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8ad323 No.20858583

File: 99e21538ac49899⋯.jpg (92.31 KB,524x603,524:603,PIGS_MOM.jpg)

File: fdaba0b304c1b91⋯.jpg (95.25 KB,616x450,308:225,GIVE_MOM_FLOWERS_TODAY.jpg)




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14c814 No.20858584

File: 206e8c89d633f04⋯.mp4 (3.97 MB,FullSizeRender.MOV)

File: 803c72cc6588429⋯.mp4 (11.7 MB,FullSizeRender.mp4)


Evening All


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6ed169 No.20858586

File: 2736b191b3e166c⋯.jpg (4.24 KB,235x127,235:127,9k_31_.jpg)

Tularemia, also known as “rabbit fever,” is a disease caused by the bacterium Francisella tularensis. Tularemia is typically found in animals, especially rodents, rabbits, and hares. Tularemia is usually a rural disease and has been reported in all U.S. states except Hawaii.

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29f44e No.20858588

File: 9c3aaf285bf753d⋯.png (1.08 MB,1271x663,1271:663,20240512_191242.png)

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8a5413 No.20858589

File: 4f23dae36d2ce6d⋯.jpeg (54.98 KB,600x720,5:6,IMG_1731.jpeg)

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5bd9c4 No.20858590


Why do I care how 2% of the population votes?

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7ff45c No.20858592

File: eff4fe445fb61ec⋯.gif (862.65 KB,600x338,300:169,shillWeiner_1mb.gif)


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f67224 No.20858593

File: 3f913776b3c969e⋯.png (1.25 MB,1147x651,37:21,ClipboardImage.png)

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29f44e No.20858594



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ab1279 No.20858595

File: e37fdb347b19b63⋯.jpg (263.13 KB,1000x563,1000:563,Greta_How_Dare_You_Not_My_….jpg)

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da0ea0 No.20858596

File: 7c3c47c19b21b6d⋯.png (345.31 KB,620x258,310:129,KekMatrix.png)


I Kek in your general direction

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29f44e No.20858599

if (you) are white…



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290d74 No.20858600


>Saul Alinsky Tactic 101

Yes you are using Saul Alinsky tactics.

Anons are waking up indeed, "Israel" is a puppet state, an image of the real thing.

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2cfe65 No.20858601


…It's only a sin, if you're religious.

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ab1279 No.20858602

File: 74a6ba681aba310⋯.jpg (485.79 KB,760x1003,760:1003,Yuk_Framed.jpg)

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1ee249 No.20858603

File: f83fa71b5576ce1⋯.jpeg (398.21 KB,1226x621,1226:621,637F5DD8_3EFC_4EEC_B508_A….jpeg)


SAM647 C40B heading to JBA after crossing Atlantic from it’s Tel Aviv departure earlier today plus fuel stop at Shannon and it’s 1h stop at MacDill (CENTCOM)

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7ff45c No.20858604


Actually a convicted pervert jew.

But his argument is the same as yours.

Namely childish and pathetic.

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ab1279 No.20858605


I think it's the Jews even moar than ever before. kek.

There's a mountain of evidence.

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29f44e No.20858606



is an unlearned cretin.

there are older rules.

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0c425e No.20858607

File: dad418160a673c5⋯.jpeg (13.98 KB,181x278,181:278,images.jpeg)


A little yes, but not this. Picrel

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8a5413 No.20858608

File: 7c345963387c1be⋯.jpeg (368.01 KB,1471x1430,1471:1430,IMG_1732.jpeg)

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14c814 No.20858609

File: fbf49e32c8f4656⋯.jpeg (684.66 KB,836x857,836:857,AB2FD93E_8EF8_436D_A64C_2….jpeg)

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82c8bf No.20858610

File: fdeb3085aa77573⋯.jpg (196.16 KB,2021x1021,2021:1021,vomit.jpg)

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29f44e No.20858611



is a fame whore.

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69274e No.20858612

File: 02176e950e60e32⋯.gif (1.43 MB,619x318,619:318,ec.gif)

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ab1279 No.20858613

File: a6a0f3d7dae1d66⋯.jpg (319.14 KB,1600x800,2:1,Shoot_Puppies_Frau_Austin_….jpg)

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1a6406 No.20858614


are you new here, with the rhetorical question.

I think it's a slur word.

Slurs on the basis of race are discouraged, if not outright erased.

Read the top of the bread. Gives an outline of the rules.

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e10d0a No.20858616

File: 812073d59a02257⋯.png (444.59 KB,567x333,63:37,812073d59a02257cb16917097d….png)

But no, they had to hate it, and try to punish it because of that hate, because of who they work for, and all that did was turn it into something bigger.

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2cfe65 No.20858617

File: 5793b1e388ace13⋯.png (351.39 KB,611x332,611:332,Booger2.png)

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70ab80 No.20858618

Rich getting richer. Poor getting poorer.

Fags and queers are everywhere

This is the plan.

Jews and Muslims and Christian and Catholics are all anyone cares about.

This is the plan

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d40294 No.20858619

File: 5196c13d8f85b0e⋯.png (421.22 KB,718x655,718:655,ClipboardImage.png)

File: c19e12d04839e14⋯.png (65.41 KB,509x530,509:530,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4b3762f2adb6e7a⋯.png (173.91 KB,339x266,339:266,ClipboardImage.png)


lb//pb faggot


btw, the answer is AWS

Amazon and jeff bezos.

c.i.a contract. same with musk and starlink.




11 October, 2018

Today, 11 October 2018, WikiLeaks publishes a "Highly Confidential" internal document from the cloud computing provider Amazon. The document from late 2015 lists the addresses and some operational details of over one hundred data centers spread across fifteen cities in nine countries. To accompany this document, WikiLeaks also created a map showing where Amazon’s data centers are located.

Amazon, which is the largest cloud provider, is notoriously secretive about the precise locations of its data centers. While a few are publicly tied to Amazon, this is the exception rather than the norm. More often, Amazon operates out of data centers owned by other companies with little indication that Amazon itself is based there too or runs its own data centers under less-identifiable subsidiaries such as VaData, Inc. In some cases, Amazon uses pseudonyms to obscure its presence. For example, at its IAD77 data center, the document states that “Amazon is known as ‘Vandalay Industries’ on badges and all correspondence with building manager”.

Amazon is the leading cloud provider for the United States intelligence community. In 2013, Amazon entered into a $600 million contract with the CIA to build a cloud for use by intelligence agencies working with information classified as Top Secret. Then, in 2017, Amazon announced the AWS Secret Region, which allows storage of data classified up to the Secret level by a broader range of agencies and companies. Amazon also operates a special GovCloud region for US Government agencies hosting unclassified information.

Currently, Amazon is one of the leading contenders for an up to $10 billion contract to build a private cloud for the Department of Defense. Amazon is one of the only companies with the certifications required to host classified data in the cloud. The Defense Department is looking for a single provider and other companies, including Oracle and IBM, have complained that the requirements unfairly favor Amazon. Bids on this contract are due tomorrow.

While one of the benefits of the cloud is the potential to increase reliability through geographic distribution of computing resources, cloud infrastructure is remarkably centralised in terms of legal control. Just a few companies and their subsidiaries run the majority of cloud computing infrastructure around the world. Of these, Amazon is the largest by far, with recent market research showing that Amazon accounts for 34% of the cloud infrastructure services market.

Until now, this cloud infrastructure controlled by Amazon was largely hidden, with only the general geographic regions of the data centers publicised. While Amazon’s cloud is comprised of physical locations, indications of the existence of these places are primarily buried in government records or made visible only when cloud infrastructure fails due to natural disasters or other problems in the physical world.

In the process of dispelling the mystery around the locations of Amazon’s data centers, WikiLeaks also turned this document into a puzzle game, the Quest of Random Clues. The goal of this game was to encourage people to research these data centers in a fun and intriguing way, while highlighting related issues such as contracts with the intelligence community, Amazon’s complex corporate structures, and the physicality of the cloud.

Joseph A. Farrell contributed to this article.

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5bd9c4 No.20858620

(you) are the plan

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8a5413 No.20858621

File: 56b2cc400398dd9⋯.jpeg (187.75 KB,748x493,44:29,IMG_1733.jpeg)

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ab1279 No.20858622

File: 89b25e860fceec6⋯.png (15.52 KB,255x255,1:1,Notable_Baker.png)

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82c8bf No.20858623

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da0ea0 No.20858624

File: c6d3c5204b0aafe⋯.png (62.95 KB,482x390,241:195,PepeSalute.png)


Transcendentalism was always America's strong suit. First time in 7 years I've seen an Emerson quote here on QR. Kudos Bubba.

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70ab80 No.20858626


Not one god damn American will give a shit. That’s how faggy this place is.

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1a6dbb No.20858627

why are we being asked to use our phones to capture the northern lights?

cant see with our eyes?

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ab1279 No.20858629


These Nazi's must be arrested for their crimes! Sacked is not enough. Imagine if they get their way.

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1a6dbb No.20858630


they fukn better or its over!

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8c1445 No.20858631


nigger fuck off with your rules.

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2cfe65 No.20858632

File: 4fcabd289e0237c⋯.png (560.77 KB,1600x1357,1600:1357,Scribe_1.png)



#25583 >>20858175

>>20858385 Dough claim

>>20858286 🇮🇷 Iranian lawmaker declares Tehran has obtained nuclear bombs.

>>20858299 US Senator Lindsey Graham suggests nuking Gaza.

>>20858335 Newly Unsealed Document Reveals Lawyer with Attorney-Client Privilege Relationship with Trump Proposed to Act as Undercover Informant in Jack Smith Classified Docs Case via @gatewaypundit

>>20858353, >>20858603 PF Report: SAM647 C40B leaving MacDill AFB (CENTCOM) after about 60m on ground

>>20858398 PF Report: SAM792 G5 back at JBA after about 2h on ground. That’s the second SAM flight at Teterboro today w/2h ground stop

>>20858542 If the eSafety Commissar has lost the case in the Federal Court she has no alternate but to resign immediately. (AU)


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29f44e No.20858633


so one hears.

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70ab80 No.20858634


They won’t. It’s been over.

Cockroaches don’t leave by voting. You have to kill them. History has proven this.

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290d74 No.20858635


Yes we know what you keep doing, you don't have to tell us.

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29f44e No.20858636

though speciesest is closer the маrк.

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b386e9 No.20858638

File: f60974d0be86556⋯.png (414.7 KB,584x614,292:307,kp.PNG)



Kash Patel


Here comes Hillary and Russia Gate 3.0


Citizen Free Press




Fareed Zakaria delivers bad news to Democrats.

'It is very unlikely that Biden can win this race.'





May 12, 2024, 1:27 PM

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8ad323 No.20858639

File: ca9afeca6b73da4⋯.jpg (51.16 KB,520x525,104:105,FACE_ONLY_A_MOM_COULD_LOVE.jpg)

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29f44e No.20858640



is too stupid to count.

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ab1279 No.20858641


His new wife talks a lot less. kek

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8a5413 No.20858642

File: 2cf616f5c0edb33⋯.jpeg (93.77 KB,640x610,64:61,IMG_1734.jpeg)

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29f44e No.20858643


then (you) are fucked.

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548f78 No.20858644

File: bc786df68a7b9e3⋯.png (11.9 KB,255x177,85:59,pepe_ridge.png)


I remember when Clapton spoke out about his vax injury and they tried to cancel him. Imagine cancelling Eric Clapton!

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29f44e No.20858645


… you miss so much then.

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1a6dbb No.20858646

File: b39e454e0981b24⋯.png (2.11 MB,1125x1254,375:418,ClipboardImage.png)

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ab1279 No.20858647

File: 5ed433b7b5eb273⋯.jpg (65.58 KB,268x200,67:50,He_s_Right_You_Know_No_Cap….jpg)

File: 4dc72d474d01075⋯.jpg (133.19 KB,586x773,586:773,Cryin_Chuck_Anthony_Albane….jpg)

File: a356436ee368a60⋯.jpg (124.59 KB,586x773,586:773,Cryin_Chuck_Anthony_Albane….jpg)


Imagine what they plan but never implement. Because it's too fucked up, EVEN FOR THEM.

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40e04e No.20858649

File: a5947b813e57cd2⋯.mp4 (1.17 MB,480x270,16:9,2024_05_12_President_Biden….mp4)

MAY 12, 2024

President Biden Responds to a Reporter's Question About Mother's Day

As President Biden exited church, he responded to a reporters' question about how he spent Mother’s Day. The president replied, “I prayed for you all. You need help.” He then added, “To those of you who are mothers, Happy Mother’s Day.


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1ee249 No.20858650

File: 96fc5ab5f82a15d⋯.jpeg (711.57 KB,828x693,92:77,76803D0D_E838_4496_B2CF_C….jpeg)

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9d2ec0 No.20858651


funny how you're a faggot

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eb8033 No.20858652

File: 0936f9494bffcd6⋯.png (322.44 KB,1255x845,251:169,ClipboardImage.png)



>baker please remove>

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2cfe65 No.20858653

File: aec21539ecce039⋯.png (173.7 KB,522x290,9:5,worldmountain.png)


…Try a physical representation of the 'World Mountain". Replicating the celestial 'kingdom', so to speak.

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fbc634 No.20858654


It is not interested. It's objective is to satrt arguments if it can, instigate where it can, and waste bread as much as it can. Only tactic the shills have that ever worked.

Oldfags can relate to the beginnings of 8chan where the shills sought to provoke emotional responses by attacks on anons to drive away anons and discourage new bakers. When the tactic was revealed, all effect lost. It is still tried sometimes, but anons that have been around know it for what it is.

Same playbook:

Attack Jim W if and when possible, when that fails

Attack BO, when that fails

Attack BVs, when that fails

Attack Bakers, when that fails

Attack anons in general, when that fails

Attack specific anon, when that fails

Back to top

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70ab80 No.20858656

File: d572503364ee2eb⋯.jpeg (149.41 KB,500x580,25:29,IMG_5218.jpeg)

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ab1279 No.20858657

File: 0911a9923c3b5e0⋯.png (8.73 MB,3000x2704,375:338,ClipboardImage.png)


There's someone for everyone.

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1a6dbb No.20858658

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2cfe65 No.20858659


…Nope. Baker doesn't mess with anothers' notes.

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ab1279 No.20858661


>Gives an outline of the rules.


You fags are too soft.

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290d74 No.20858662


TICK TOCK indeed. Enjoy your delusion while you can.

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5bd9c4 No.20858664


No one cares how 2% of the pop votes

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40e04e No.20858665

File: 685a70d67df9a31⋯.png (455.65 KB,1269x697,1269:697,lets_get_ready_to.png)

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2cfe65 No.20858666

File: 9b902432f65bddd⋯.jpg (27.48 KB,600x900,2:3,GLf_mJzaoAELA3s.jpg)

…Because anon cannot help the willfully blind, to see.

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14c814 No.20858667

File: 29a276de17f7170⋯.jpeg (401.06 KB,839x769,839:769,4BFC2290_DD9E_4808_9568_7….jpeg)

File: 0d254d06808ce52⋯.jpeg (613.26 KB,960x886,480:443,9BBAC4C7_761C_449B_A018_C….jpeg)

File: 58038d52ff9238c⋯.jpeg (332.68 KB,769x627,769:627,1593C217_63FA_4124_BB55_B….jpeg)


Child’s eyes see it better

It came as a red swirling mist

Then green laser like green shards

It went cerise pink

The central core went twisted and bright later

It didn’t show on iPhone screen you couldn’t see what you could see with the naked eye

Camera did take these though screen was almost blank through screen view

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994a53 No.20858668

File: 4dd57ff4aff2af6⋯.png (1.03 MB,978x1022,489:511,joker.png)

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ab1279 No.20858669



I think we now have beta males running the show instead of MAGA men.

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4f79cd No.20858670


Depends on where you are how visible the phenomenon appears. Two nights ago in NY, there were faintly purple, visible bands fluttering through about 20-30% of the overhead sky. Didn't test the phone lighting optics.


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107229 No.20858671

File: 0a518ed76559f7a⋯.png (1.69 MB,1080x1080,1:1,84803940114.png)

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8a5413 No.20858672

File: 54c6dc20dc0d136⋯.png (165.44 KB,512x512,1:1,IMG_1735.png)


I concur.

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a48bf8 No.20858673

File: e70b2178e463082⋯.png (305.98 KB,980x688,245:172,ClipboardImage.png)

Godspeed, Nightshift.

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fbc634 No.20858674


Thanks for the reminder anon, I have to check if I put the machete back in the garage or it's still out in the shed.

(Indiana Jones theme runs through head)

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1a6dbb No.20858675

File: 2f1d4a4b65b3ed1⋯.png (530.31 KB,905x891,905:891,ClipboardImage.png)

Vatican preparing 'guidelines' for 'apparitions', 'other supernatural phenomena'

Apparitions are appearances or communication with divine beings such as saints, angels or Christ himself


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a48bf8 No.20858676


They askeert.

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82c8bf No.20858678

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fbc634 No.20858679


And yet here you are

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c1186b No.20858680


trip test

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5bd9c4 No.20858681


>Child’s eyes see it better

It's true,

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7e336c No.20858682


They all live on my block by chance.

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b386e9 No.20858683

File: 75f001d8deab2b4⋯.png (578.24 KB,912x787,912:787,br.PNG)

File: 3e0883a2be88ec2⋯.png (1.95 MB,1308x866,654:433,biden_weed.PNG)


Biden bribes and dopes youngsters into

voting for someone quadruple their age

and half their cognition

theAspenbeat.com, by Glenn Beaton

Posted By: Big Bopper, 5/12/2024 1:46:12 PM

Joe Biden is doing poorly with Blacks, Hispanics, men (at least the ones with balls), and young people. This is unusual. Democrats have long suffered from a gender gap where they are unable to get their proportionate share of male votes, but Biden is doing much worse than usual with Blacks, Hispanics and young people. Polls show his support with each is down double digits from recent years. With young people, it’s worse than that – it appears likely that a majority of 18–30-year-olds may vote against him. He’s not exactly an inspirational figure with the aviator glasses, sneakers, hair plugs, stumbling gait, bumbling words, and luminescent teeth caps.

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386eec No.20858684

File: 91d5367ded3513b⋯.png (112.03 KB,500x641,500:641,ClipboardImage.png)

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ab1279 No.20858686



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8a5413 No.20858687

File: 7d7df919d354495⋯.jpeg (57.67 KB,769x627,769:627,IMG_1736.jpeg)



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c1186b No.20858689

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b386e9 No.20858690


It also encourages others to adopt that same lifestyle. What better way to make people forget about the Afghanistan surrender, illegal immigration, inflation, housing costs, and the Biden Family Business, than to get them high?

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ab1279 No.20858691

File: 9a672c2d6e05219⋯.jpg (739.49 KB,1917x1024,1917:1024,Tripcodes.jpg)

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70ab80 No.20858692


I meant America when I said this place. My bad. I forgot there are Susan’s in here.

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ab1279 No.20858694

File: 0662f51b661cd25⋯.jpg (63.88 KB,1008x568,126:71,Impossibru_.jpg)

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70ab80 No.20858695


Filtered btw

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7ff45c No.20858696

File: a411ea9a2514d44⋯.png (94.87 KB,1200x482,600:241,Wules4Wadicals.png)

File: fe1c9c75e4ac6be⋯.png (38.97 KB,980x780,49:39,wlb.png)


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d40294 No.20858698

File: 28ddb76e3f334e1⋯.png (456.95 KB,714x490,51:35,brave_zkljwxspQW.png)

File: abaefb5d117dc86⋯.png (2.74 MB,1637x836,1637:836,the_tech_dinner_obama.PNG)

File: 3a797e112dad1f6⋯.png (539.41 KB,577x373,577:373,ClipboardImage.png)



it is the only way they could keep the algo to 52 -48% win margin.

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b386e9 No.20858699

File: 9f9ad94f491e4a9⋯.png (792.25 KB,902x585,902:585,cull.PNG)


Climate Professor Thinks We Should 'Cull'

the Human Population to Reach Emissions Targets

PJ Media, by Rick Moran

Posted By: Hazymac, 5/12/2024 9:15:15 PM

Professor Bill McGuire is a well-known vulcanologist and climate scientist who doesn't care much for humanity. He tweeted out a scathingly brilliant idea if you're in the mortuary business or work as a grave digger. "If I am brutally honest, the only realistic way I see emissions falling as fast as they need to, to avoid catastrophic #climate breakdown, is the culling of the human population by a pandemic with a very high fatality rate." https://t.co/hzga69EhV3 — Bill McGuire (@ProfBillMcGuire) May 11, 2024 Ooopsie. McGuire deleted the tweet a few hours later but had no regrets. The trouble is, we just don't understand how brilliant he is.

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8a5413 No.20858700

File: ee080b8bbdf5c0d⋯.jpeg (48.35 KB,628x441,628:441,IMG_1737.jpeg)


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ab1279 No.20858701


it's all been blocked for your safety.

Yup, Nothing happening.

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82c8bf No.20858702

File: 1aaad5222767ca1⋯.mp4 (2.29 MB,1078x720,539:360,folkpepe.mp4)

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14c814 No.20858703


The owl that sits in that tree starts his nightly call at 2.11am .

The blackbird and the nightjar answer him

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5bd9c4 No.20858704


America is 77% White

So yeah more white people are in charge

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ab1279 No.20858705


Do it based on IQ. Let's go.

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1ee249 No.20858706

File: 7b12e43aa39f2ad⋯.gif (1.48 MB,500x254,250:127,81A2FF1A_5E1B_4A64_8849_06….gif)

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1a6dbb No.20858707

File: 33771ccb559d8fc⋯.png (11.04 KB,462x175,66:25,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4d7ce0f25d27006⋯.png (142.63 KB,1077x295,1077:295,ClipboardImage.png)

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b386e9 No.20858709

File: a11bdcdd3e9a00f⋯.png (461.46 KB,1003x598,1003:598,uc.PNG)


Newly Unsealed Document Reveals Lawyer

with Attorney-Client Privilege Relationship

with Trump Proposed to Act as Undercover

Informant in Jack Smith Classified Docs Case

Gateway Pundit, by Cristina Laila

Posted By: DW626, 5/12/2024 8:49:54 PM

According to a newly unsealed defense motion related to search warrants against Walt Nauta, a lawyer with an attorney-client privilege relationship with President Trump proposed to act as an undercover informant in Special Counsel Jack Smith’s classified documents case. Recall that Walt Nauta, a former White House employee and Navy veteran who worked valet for Trump and served as a personal staffer at Mar-a-Lago was indicted along with Trump last year. According to the motion filed earlier this month, a lawyer for Trump was enlisted to act as an undercover informant/source in Jack Smith’s classified documents case.

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70ab80 No.20858710


If this was provable then they should be hung.

But, it will never be proven.

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5bd9c4 No.20858712


He should go First

We'll be right behind him

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ab1279 No.20858714

File: faa6af437538a13⋯.png (1.88 KB,159x33,53:11,ClipboardImage.png)

File: faa6af437538a13⋯.png (1.88 KB,159x33,53:11,ClipboardImage.png)

File: faa6af437538a13⋯.png (1.88 KB,159x33,53:11,ClipboardImage.png)


This place is comp'd.

Later anons.

Time for a new board.

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40e04e No.20858715

File: 3ec082094a55da3⋯.jpg (319.21 KB,1077x1084,1077:1084,carbon_you.jpg)

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5bd9c4 No.20858716

File: 14b664271b01c91⋯.png (133.01 KB,255x218,255:218,ClipboardImage.png)

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da0ea0 No.20858717

File: 592399b97b01109⋯.jpg (496.26 KB,754x1008,377:504,JimboPepe.jpg)


In the realms of higher consciousness, Grammar truly is everything. TanQs fer dat eh?

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e10d0a No.20858718

File: 163df1e9602cb17⋯.jpeg (82.16 KB,720x720,1:1,vxD1rgiqc5Ha.jpeg)


Knew there was something strange about today.

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1ee249 No.20858719

File: 5d0e2695947a32e⋯.png (54.41 KB,657x651,219:217,F94D4208_7A77_4CE6_A73A_FB….png)


And written by a Moran

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cb0850 No.20858720


>Bill McGuire

Has been a vox populi for the establishment for decades.

He parrots whatever he is told.

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082a81 No.20858721


Some are pretending and have been pretending for a very long time.

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1a6dbb No.20858722

File: a5ebbb7b725bd9b⋯.png (315.15 KB,597x667,597:667,ClipboardImage.png)

was covid to collect DNA?

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3da37d No.20858724

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2a0c45 No.20858725

While anons were “researching”, regular people (happy folk) were spending time with their mothers and loved ones. They were enjoying the weather and eating great food. They were building core memories for their children and grandchildren. Meanwhile, you were sitting alone in your one bedroom apartment, eating hot pockets and clockfagging lol. To anyone on the outside looking in, you are a depressing excuse of a human being. Sitting in front of the computer, covered in your own filth. No sunlight. No furniture. Just an empty refrigerator and a case of ramen noodles lol. Fucking pathetic.

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1a6dbb No.20858727


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 000000 No.17830326 📁

Nov 27 2022 20:06:20 (EST)

What is coded in your DNA?

Who put it there?


Mankind is repressed.

We will be repressed no more.

Information is knowledge.

Knowledge is power.

Information is power.

How do you protect your DNA?

There is a war for your DNA.

Protect your DNA.



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ce0cc9 No.20858729


what is your take on smart dust guy?

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5bd9c4 No.20858730


It was Worth it

Vax Exposed

NXIVM Exposed

Epstein Exposed

Vanguard Exposed

Hollywood Exposed

Black Rock Exposed

WEF Plans Exposed

"Dr. Hotez" Exposed

ABC Narrative Exposed

Covid Narrative Exposed

Vaxxine Bioweapon Exposed

Ukraine Narrative Exposed

2020 Election Theft Exposed

Biden Crime Family Exposed

CIA Crime Syndicate Exposed

FBI Crime Syndicate Exposed

Clinton Crime Family Exposed

Obama Crime Family Exposed

DOJ Crime Syndicate Exposed

Hunter Biden Crimes Expsosed

Ukraine Pedophile Ring Exposed

Ukraine Illegal Organ Harvesting Exposed

Zuckerberg Instaghram Pedophile Ring Exposed

Teacher Group Secretly Transitioning Children Exposed

CIA & Brennan Used 5 eyes to Start the Russia Collusion Hoax Exposed

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8ad323 No.20858731

File: bf4515c3586253c⋯.jpg (134.9 KB,523x569,523:569,THREATS.jpg)

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1a6dbb No.20858733

File: 3a0be9581f8fd88⋯.png (204.22 KB,328x398,164:199,ClipboardImage.png)


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2a0c45 No.20858734


>inb4 “yet here you are”

Yeah it’s because I want to tell you how pathetic you are lol. Now I’m leaving.

Do not respond to me or >>20858725 because I won’t read it.

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5bd9c4 No.20858735


Biden has 28 White people working for him?!

Someone tell BLM

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3859da No.20858736

"If you have time to think about what you're having for dinner, then you have time to r@#$ women."

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da0ea0 No.20858737

File: 381ea81100a932f⋯.png (234.5 KB,450x450,1:1,GlowFaggery.png)


Missed one day since Q arrived on half…Sauce it Ass Hat!

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495871 No.20858738

File: 1379e75f231f7f3⋯.png (81.07 KB,500x715,100:143,ClipboardImage.png)

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f2b907 No.20858739




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e10d0a No.20858740

File: d5cf73bcc237963⋯.webm (110.99 KB,427x240,427:240,silence4.webm)


Maybe in the little fantasy in your head, clown. You tried running the same bullshit last bread.

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2cfe65 No.20858741

File: 61377c41cb83f6c⋯.jpg (52.84 KB,500x704,125:176,staymad.jpg)

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36b913 No.20858742


>regular people

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26b817 No.20858743

File: 16b9f5ce3e9b4f4⋯.gif (6.68 MB,480x301,480:301,16b9f5ce3e9b4f423525749548….gif)

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1a6dbb No.20858744

1. Last month Fake “Biden” tells a laughable story of how his Uncle was eaten by “Cannibals”

2. Yesterday we had a storm “Cannibal”

3. Today DJT tells a story about

Hannibal “The Cannibal” Lecter

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082a81 No.20858745


Well, it is May. We can only hope it was his turn.

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1a6dbb No.20858746

File: 055403939b5faee⋯.png (2.21 MB,2048x1024,2:1,ClipboardImage.png)

HAARP or Solar Storm? Public Speculates Northern Lights Were “Man-Made” Following Experiment on Earth’s Upper Atmosphere May 8-10


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0c425e No.20858748


Out fucking standing!

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082a81 No.20858749


JEsus loves you.

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8a5413 No.20858750

File: 427a72684e1ad67⋯.jpeg (334.08 KB,2048x1138,1024:569,IMG_1740.jpeg)


You sound gay.

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d40294 No.20858751

File: ec31afbde88deae⋯.mp4 (15.72 MB,1280x720,16:9,what_conspiracy.mp4)


how are them jabs

which of the current things are you still supporting.

still think anons are living in your zoo of a society.

most who have been here from the start have left the plantation.

see you on the other side of the election.

Good luck.

Anon wishes you nothing but what you deserve.

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3f231a No.20858752


Or George Soros, same difference.

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5bd9c4 No.20858753

File: 7cbf7d87a5c5cfa⋯.png (1.86 MB,980x982,490:491,ClipboardImage.png)

It's all Coming out

& Nothing can Stop it

Saturation Point Achieved

Prepare to receive



-& Copious amounts of Coping

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fbc634 No.20858754


Pulled out on occasions when all the other argument bait has failed

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1ee249 No.20858755

File: 2ae6d2ec2562a85⋯.png (726.04 KB,1024x765,1024:765,FB955E6C_B0F1_4951_A4C4_E4….png)


Do you phaggits get time and a half on Sundays

>asking for a fren

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1a6406 No.20858756

File: 32dbf8276371db9⋯.jpg (618.58 KB,2010x1000,201:100,liberboomerang.JPG)


spoiler this?


& this


thas obvious. What would be the excuse?


Try it in certain inner cities or blue cities.

I think you should


disrespectful loser.




^ fruit looper


Paul Pelosi and Hunter abuse children together.



weird double-talk


you can't be banned from here retard.

What s so important about smearing people? You must be a Democrat?




moar back-stabbers. Figures.

Trump has as many back-stabbers as did Caesar.

May God protect him.


Not in NYC


^The Book of Boomerang.

What you try to repress, gains moar power.

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14c814 No.20858757


Some of us can cook , look after a family , research , fight the world & lie in the sun in our own gardens .

Be a master of all trades and a jack of none

And my fridge is full .

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340543 No.20858758

File: b080884f4554d4c⋯.png (14.77 KB,317x236,317:236,ClipboardImage.png)


Redemption Song

Bob Marley & The Wailers


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db1ed8 No.20858760


You threw down that impressive list in 82 seconds. Anons could fill a whole bread with such lists and only scrape the surface of what's been exposed here.


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c1186b No.20858762

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70ab80 No.20858763


It’s a fucking story!!! Fuck dude. You still take it literally? You haven’t researched one god damn thing. Good grief. Fucking people like you are Normie shit skins who never will wake up.


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5bd9c4 No.20858765

File: 39e7841b0699b54⋯.png (552.47 KB,825x432,275:144,ClipboardImage.png)

A New Timeline has become Available

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0c425e No.20858766


Are you 12?

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320da0 No.20858767


Summer of Keks

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1a6406 No.20858768



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8a5413 No.20858770

File: 89dbdb69792afe0⋯.jpeg (99.02 KB,720x960,3:4,IMG_1741.jpeg)

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5015d6 No.20858772

File: cece6496a8af193⋯.png (290.72 KB,640x546,320:273,7b4.png)


May they all be, fren.

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1a6dbb No.20858774

File: dd29ad179deb676⋯.png (662.38 KB,1591x465,1591:465,ClipboardImage.png)

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11b8c1 No.20858775

File: 6db8e07ef7c5fc8⋯.png (259.7 KB,1200x480,5:2,MarkTwainFool.png)

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8ad323 No.20858776

File: 148cf2c6c5654c2⋯.jpg (114.96 KB,581x553,83:79,SIT_BACK_N_WIN.jpg)



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14c814 No.20858777

File: 2376beefe4855d9⋯.jpeg (409.38 KB,715x877,715:877,B7B80812_FC4B_404F_BF53_2….jpeg)

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290d74 No.20858778


>smart dust

"In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread Till you return to the ground, For out of it you were taken; For dust you are, And to dust you shall return.”

Problem is… smart dust.

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5bd9c4 No.20858779


OMG White People in charge in a White Dominated Country


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a7c7c5 No.20858780

File: 969dfc7c352d638⋯.mp4 (159.91 KB,1066x480,533:240,7db4b0c4_1484_4e0b_9a28_a6….mp4)

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8a5413 No.20858781


Joe is got the mental agility to run circles around these fookin yids. Circle back on that, bitches.

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340543 No.20858782

File: 46a3c800c6f5995⋯.png (233.27 KB,607x540,607:540,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7f5dd789bf8a292⋯.jpg (504.44 KB,1593x2048,1593:2048,media_GNVO0VXXIAAKd_W.jpg)

BOOM´s incoming.

USACE Baltimore



Due to weather-related operational delays, the precision cuts originally scheduled for Sunday have been moved to Monday, May 13, around 5:00pm.

May 12, 2024 · 8:08 PM UTC



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e10d0a No.20858783

File: 77416559dab7459⋯.webm (87.09 KB,320x240,4:3,yep2.webm)

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5bd9c4 No.20858784


4 Booms should do it





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480916 No.20858785


Jews don't consider themselves "White", they consider White Christians or Christian heritage "White".

Gaslight harder. Saul Alinsky clone.

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290d74 No.20858786


Jews I know consider themselves white. Do you speak for all Jews?

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7eef72 No.20858787

one shall break this down barney style…

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da0ea0 No.20858788

File: 191adbce27bca02⋯.png (1011.32 KB,658x659,658:659,191adbce27bca02142836c5f6e….png)


Noice. Thanks Anon.

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340543 No.20858790

File: 504e539dec70d5c⋯.png (553.65 KB,528x537,176:179,ClipboardImage.png)

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ab87d8 No.20858791

File: ec14bdd53c9626a⋯.png (660.52 KB,835x1654,835:1654,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 626514a0705abd1⋯.mp4 (1.45 MB,510x270,17:9,The_real_threat_to_democra….mp4)


Winston Marshall Oxford Union Speech

“The real threat to democracy is from the elites.”

“Let's examine the elites:

- European corporations spend over €1 billion a year lobbying Brussels

- US corporations spend over $2 billion a year lobbying in DC

2/3 of Congress receive funding from pharmaceutical companies.

Pfizer alone spent $11 million in 2021. They made over $10 billion in profits.

No wonder then that 66% of Americans think the economy the economy is rigged against them for the rich and the powerful.

And by the way, we used to have a word for when big business and big government were in cahoots, and I think any students here of early 20th century Italian history know what I'm talking about. What about Big Tech?

Throughout the pandemic, Biden's team, the FBI, and the Department of Homeland Security colluded with big tech in censoring dissenting voices, not kooky conspiracy theorists.

People like doctor Jay Bhattacharya, the Stanford epidemiologist. People like Harvard scientist Martin Kulldorff. People spreading true informationnot misinformation, true informationat odds with the government narrative.

Need I remind you, democracy without free speech is not democracy.

This was a direct breach, by the way, of the first amendment.


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7eef72 No.20858792

File: eb3d910bc4c40d4⋯.gif (1.7 MB,300x300,1:1,20240506_222751.gif)

What has been physically done to secure the election system of The United States of America during the biden administration?

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e10d0a No.20858793


Silence, clown

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db1ed8 No.20858794




>^^^^Expand your thinking cat shitter, don't let the brain worm control your ability to think for yourself.

The Nuclear Hoax

by Miles Mathis


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d62d0e No.20858795


could use a little sprucing up

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c58cfa No.20858796

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8ad323 No.20858797

File: 8f1aaf62bace705⋯.jpg (124.01 KB,443x627,443:627,FEAR_NOT.jpg)

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09834a No.20858798

File: 7ad8c04415cb096⋯.jpg (112.31 KB,600x400,3:2,shp.jpg)

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2cfe65 No.20858799


…You're an annoying little fuck, tonight. FILTERED.

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4f773d No.20858800

File: edbe9539aebafa5⋯.png (618.24 KB,1080x387,120:43,Screenshot_20240512_215904.png)

File: 67ac690ed649bf9⋯.jpg (194.09 KB,737x1392,737:1392,acb57038979d0863.jpg)

POTUS re-truthed FLOTUS!



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d62d0e No.20858801


don't care who you are

that's funny right there

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14c814 No.20858802

File: d1bd527112e3750⋯.jpeg (875.12 KB,960x1447,960:1447,E135DEA7_A6DB_4598_BF07_B….jpeg)

File: 0ba77a56dddec08⋯.jpeg (593.53 KB,960x1797,320:599,B0C7A75D_2F21_4A8F_9370_1….jpeg)

File: c49dcba00f0d983⋯.jpeg (458.19 KB,725x917,725:917,26E83C7E_8341_42FF_88B2_F….jpeg)

File: caf501063614016⋯.jpeg (601.85 KB,840x715,168:143,10124D69_15C2_4582_BFF4_5….jpeg)

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1ee249 No.20858803

File: 86c06a577f37961⋯.png (479.44 KB,763x750,763:750,25979424_8820_4CD6_8499_25….png)

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6c56a2 No.20858804

File: 5cc6045a29afed6⋯.jpeg (2.59 MB,4096x4096,1:1,IMG_0113.jpeg)


This ClockFag lives quite well.

Thanks for your concern.

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dc1476 No.20858805

File: d18b775094e86a8⋯.jpg (111.22 KB,1024x1024,1:1,d18b775094e86a88b2acfda5e4….jpg)


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7eef72 No.20858806

File: e2f01e18c71489b⋯.gif (255.5 KB,311x311,1:1,20240512_200237.gif)

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8a5413 No.20858807

File: 12936653f307e8f⋯.jpeg (153.49 KB,660x803,60:73,IMG_1743.jpeg)

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4f773d No.20858808

File: 1af9e37d07fb220⋯.png (245.44 KB,1080x694,540:347,Screenshot_20240512_220125.png)




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7eef72 No.20858809


no one cares, neo

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f124ed No.20858810



Too bad logic doesn't work on libtards.

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4f773d No.20858811


Timestamp for FLOTUS post: May 12, 2024, 8:56 AM

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7eef72 No.20858812


is it retired?

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e10d0a No.20858813

Nothing but Jew obsessed paid posters tonight, who wouldn't dare to spout the bullshit in public IRL that they do here.

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1a6406 No.20858814

File: b6fe979ff6b5f59⋯.jpg (311 KB,1200x1077,400:359,mirror.jpg)

File: 6641024f0f68b19⋯.jpg (135.08 KB,815x857,815:857,whathappenstoliabilities.JPG)






Haters filled with bile.


Are you soon to become a liability? Is that your "beef?"


What happens to liabilities?

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418bf6 No.20858815

File: f9fe26c88be67af⋯.mp4 (315.51 KB,480x704,15:22,shopping.mp4)

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09834a No.20858816


be cautious of Charlie

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7eef72 No.20858817


joe biden is your president, though.

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c1186b No.20858818

this is fucking bullshit!!

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6b5178 No.20858819


retire ded

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d62d0e No.20858820


Dave's not here man

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14c814 No.20858821


Lucky 7’s

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4f773d No.20858822

File: 62522ea8c0db693⋯.mp4 (3.85 MB,854x480,427:240,LC6Fr_caa.mp4)

File: 4a26ff7d34fb68a⋯.png (281.06 KB,1080x999,40:37,Screenshot_20240512_220453.png)


POTUS! kek


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9e48ac No.20858823

Anybody have the vid meme of the church guys dancing to kickstart my heart?

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107229 No.20858824

File: 8be4d94c3208f14⋯.jpg (118.28 KB,597x794,597:794,1690801880021212.jpg)


Damn right

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da0ea0 No.20858825

File: 3fc33db49e951e9⋯.png (273.92 KB,450x450,1:1,3fc33db49e951e9e27ab00978a….png)

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6c56a2 No.20858826

File: dbdba8833eec67a⋯.jpeg (1.85 MB,4096x4096,1:1,IMG_0285.jpeg)


Yes but still dabbles for extra coin.

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7eef72 No.20858827

File: 43d87812fae3d66⋯.pdf (2.99 MB,LearnFromCharlie.pdf)

File: 15c9925e65dbbb8⋯.jpg (185.6 KB,1080x2156,270:539,20240512_200759.jpg)

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fbc634 No.20858828

File: 81ed455e94b8ef7⋯.png (119.95 KB,1920x919,1920:919,Screenshot_2024_05_12_at_2….png)

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4f773d No.20858829

File: d9b2ac481cb56be⋯.jpg (435.03 KB,1230x835,246:167,433cb6578b612d6c.jpg)

File: 6878e990145668e⋯.png (1.49 MB,1079x1107,1079:1107,Screenshot_20240512_220728.png)

File: 07fd8b5f3f5b7f7⋯.png (1.55 MB,1080x1088,135:136,Screenshot_20240512_220653.png)


POTUS retruth!


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5bd9c4 No.20858830

In Other News

Religious People are Whispering to each other that we're in the "End Times"

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09834a No.20858831

File: 3736901c26e70d0⋯.jpg (102.1 KB,284x284,1:1,pepp.jpg)

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8ad323 No.20858832

File: e38530f8fc8b3f0⋯.jpg (97.26 KB,441x537,147:179,JERSEY_RALLY.jpg)

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23b159 No.20858835

File: 7e7bf4360ff6823⋯.mp4 (1.83 MB,720x758,360:379,kickstart_church.mp4)

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e10d0a No.20858836

File: 94c05e4918a3b2c⋯.webm (316.67 KB,427x240,427:240,ready.webm)

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14c814 No.20858837

File: e6fb233ce0f95a5⋯.jpeg (227.13 KB,766x1080,383:540,3341C273_82E5_461F_8B35_5….jpeg)


Happy Mothers Day FLOTUS

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d62d0e No.20858838

File: dfa2385285d437b⋯.png (1.29 MB,1000x750,4:3,a5e99d148399d238fdf111e642….png)

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7eef72 No.20858839

File: 1d2eddd681a83db⋯.gif (1.44 MB,796x447,796:447,20201016_123618.gif)



grim fates gunnah grim.


jolly good.


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8a5413 No.20858840

File: ca55fb5b0a17fc6⋯.jpeg (279.19 KB,1063x1258,1063:1258,IMG_1745.jpeg)

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f124ed No.20858841


What does that even mean

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9e48ac No.20858843



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c58cfa No.20858844

File: d35d41ef55cb650⋯.gif (3.32 MB,360x202,180:101,d35d41ef55cb650511391a0dd0….gif)

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7eef72 No.20858845



cannot be but laughed at.

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b9e67e No.20858846


she aint your momma

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8ad323 No.20858847

File: e454f05eb01549d⋯.jpg (59.58 KB,373x412,373:412,THE_TIP.jpg)


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db1ed8 No.20858848


I think you're onto something. Seriously, there's enough people now that understand what those words mean and would buy that product.

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d62d0e No.20858849


Ready to Sail

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9d2ec0 No.20858850

File: d97d12a669900a1⋯.gif (1.97 MB,540x292,135:73,tetsuo.gif)


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a7c7c5 No.20858851


Does that bother (You)?

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e10d0a No.20858852

File: 30c0b16d80ae494⋯.png (1.68 MB,1024x1024,1:1,smokingpepe17.png)


How old will you be when you finally accept that no one believes you, and every problem that the world has isn't the fault of who you hate. Of course the deep state minion wants everyone to hate who it hates rather than hating the deep state retards that are really responsible. Filtered.

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b9e67e No.20858853


watch a covid nurse twerking vid instead

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5bd9c4 No.20858854

File: 7fc221a2eaa620a⋯.png (549.42 KB,698x524,349:262,ClipboardImage.png)

The Truth about the vaxes is coming

MSM will play the Pysop "I'm Vax Injured too and it's not a big deal"

Then move onto "The people that are making a big deal out of this are the real Problem" Psyop

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14c814 No.20858855


Spoiler dem bewbs next time

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7eef72 No.20858856


believed evolution

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b9e67e No.20858857


whining karen filtered

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7eef72 No.20858858

File: 4bdeddbb609f95f⋯.gif (861.21 KB,500x500,1:1,20240507_203043.gif)


still doesnot know its enemy.

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b9e67e No.20858859


anyone who believes in evolution is an absolute retard

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e10d0a No.20858860


So that's where you've been hiding, VaticanClown. Filtered.

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da0ea0 No.20858861

File: d1779747813377e⋯.jpg (19.21 KB,320x240,4:3,shelooklikeaman.jpg)


One Night In…

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8ad323 No.20858862

File: 24648ea0396eb22⋯.jpg (122.06 KB,665x590,133:118,crychuck.jpg)

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14c814 No.20858863

File: 59efaf11b68e615⋯.jpeg (537.72 KB,960x1079,960:1079,08FA52F2_BF4D_471D_8D62_A….jpeg)

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636e4d No.20858864


confirmed guitr actual

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1a6406 No.20858865

File: b6fe979ff6b5f59⋯.jpg (311 KB,1200x1077,400:359,mirror.jpg)

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7eef72 No.20858866


any whom believe science.

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9911c6 No.20858867

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14c814 No.20858868

File: 06b5be5ddcacd7a⋯.jpeg (364.62 KB,825x596,825:596,D309CA94_1970_421A_98E4_5….jpeg)

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c1186b No.20858869

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282b01 No.20858870

File: e36ed82b38f1f79⋯.png (734.15 KB,825x767,825:767,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 84c9e1535c67215⋯.gif (632.09 KB,800x450,16:9,night_shift_punisher_flag.gif)





NightShift Authorization Complete


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d40294 No.20858871

File: 1db73473e58fb5b⋯.mp4 (2.85 MB,540x540,1:1,bill_gates.mp4)


the will blame trump.

once they make you dependent on the state they will threaten you with removing your U.C payments.

bill thinks it is funny btw.

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c58cfa No.20858872


rofl keep it coming pepe.

these retards haven't figure out the real enemy.

else they're pushing the propaganda issued to them.

else they're feds

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cb0850 No.20858873

File: 98fc406ca84241e⋯.png (11.92 KB,255x143,255:143,mr_pig_is_faggot.png)

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1531e5 No.20858874


bread gobbling with stupid moojoo posts


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1531e5 No.20858875


total faggotry is pigs speciality

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09834a No.20858876


pj's ready

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836c89 No.20858877

File: ba5477ed577e267⋯.webp (90.5 KB,1500x1000,3:2,Barron_Trump_050924_809af….webp)

>>20858009 lb

poor Photoshop job


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1a6406 No.20858878


He's thinks it's funny.

"He who laughs last, laughs best"

he's a psycho.

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1531e5 No.20858879


who is the real enemy?

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db1ed8 No.20858880


>>20858794 (me)

I got filtered by the cat shit loving baker. That's a first in 7 years. Seems over target-ish.

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107229 No.20858881

File: dbbc9b8faba01c3⋯.jpeg (126 KB,1440x812,360:203,1535943976.jpeg)

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8ad323 No.20858882

File: b45913dbc142aa0⋯.jpg (114.63 KB,493x558,493:558,JUST_SAYING_BECAUSE.jpg)

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23b159 No.20858883

File: b0c11934cce4f60⋯.png (156.52 KB,379x358,379:358,think.png)


Bill Gates has NEVER been vaccinated, has he?

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fbc634 No.20858884


Would be nice to have clips of the various talking heads from national to local stations preaching the "Safe & Effective"

The clips of the "90% effective" to "79% effective" and on down

Any anon have that clip of the vaxxed journalist from Germany (iirc) doing the faceplant in the middle of some interview?

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1a6406 No.20858885


jealous, jew-haters.

Everybodies a Jew, even them.

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5bd9c4 No.20858886

File: 33448efcc6602fa⋯.png (794.36 KB,707x512,707:512,ClipboardImage.png)


Epstein Client Lists Matter

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7eef72 No.20858887

File: 38335f65b5221a7⋯.gif (815.69 KB,640x451,640:451,20240512_202127.gif)

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1ee249 No.20858888

File: f18a9ddb68bc06f⋯.jpeg (521.89 KB,905x592,905:592,DAD7EC86_C02C_4711_A8E8_D….jpeg)

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2cfe65 No.20858889

File: c398c7ad14d409e⋯.png (719.48 KB,510x798,85:133,mrpigamericawinning.png)


…Totally speculative, on your part.

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e10d0a No.20858890

File: 69606911f27f83b⋯.png (86.35 KB,229x220,229:220,smokingpepe4.png)

All they do is hate. Poor little bastards.

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8ad323 No.20858891

File: ec4425eb9993a52⋯.jpg (95.82 KB,688x498,344:249,CAPT_WIN.jpg)

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d48319 No.20858892


facebook tier meme pathetic

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5bd9c4 No.20858893


High chances of going Viral if someone were to do that

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7eef72 No.20858894



please rephrase

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2cfe65 No.20858895

File: b1ddebd27615313⋯.jpg (266.96 KB,1024x761,1024:761,3057952953_454d075bf6_b_36….jpg)



#25583 >>20858175

>>20858385 Dough claim

>>20858286 🇮🇷 Iranian lawmaker declares Tehran has obtained nuclear bombs.

>>20858299 US Senator Lindsey Graham suggests nuking Gaza.

>>20858335 Newly Unsealed Document Reveals Lawyer with Attorney-Client Privilege Relationship with Trump Proposed to Act as Undercover Informant in Jack Smith Classified Docs Case via @gatewaypundit

>>20858353, >>20858603 PF Report: SAM647 C40B leaving MacDill AFB (CENTCOM) after about 60m on ground

>>20858398 PF Report: SAM792 G5 back at JBA after about 2h on ground. That’s the second SAM flight at Teterboro today w/2h ground stop

>>20858542 If the eSafety Commissar has lost the case in the Federal Court she has no alternate but to resign immediately. (AU)

>>20858782, >>20858790, >>20858828 Due to weather-related operational delays, the precision cuts originally scheduled for Sunday have been moved to Monday, May 13, around 5:00pm.

>>20858808 POTUS Truth - I hope that all of the incredible MOTHERS out there had an incredible day. You are the most special people of them all!!! ❤️Love, DONALD J. TRUMP, 45th President of the United States.

>>20858822 POTUS Truth - gettrumpsneakers


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cb0850 No.20858896

File: 6ab98ef16502a64⋯.jpg (219.56 KB,510x640,51:64,pig_shit.jpg)


>I got filtered by the cat shit loving baker.

Now why would anons think pigshit is affiliated with the current admin?

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d48319 No.20858897


Mr Pig Gaybie Army

join up and be a total faggot

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7eef72 No.20858898


tell dilley.

dilley'll doit.

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5bd9c4 No.20858899

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Ps. Matt Orf might have done something like that

I dunno, Haven't gone though all this stuff yet

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1a6406 No.20858900

File: 28afc2a4a7ad656⋯.png (233.1 KB,397x562,397:562,billandmelindagatesdead1.png)


He's knows he's hated.

But he's so narcissistic he fails to completely believe it. The fact puzzles him.

Wonder why they were replaced?

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7eef72 No.20858901



is a fame whore.

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c58cfa No.20858902

File: b9612aefe95a93c⋯.jpg (457.92 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,b9612aefe95a93c4489c447a80….jpg)


you mean…

after years of lurking…

you haven't figure it out?

sorry. i've almost exceed my 5 posts per bread.

i'll give you a hint.

it has more than one name.

back to silence for me. cheers!

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282b01 No.20858903

File: be28f612ec14233⋯.jpg (46.26 KB,866x288,433:144,Movie17.jpg)


>talking heads from national to local stations preaching the "Safe & Effective"

Coming soon.

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fbc634 No.20858904


round and round and round

Same playbook:

Attack Jim W if and when possible, when that fails

Attack BO, when that fails

Attack BVs, when that fails

Attack Bakers, when that fails

Attack anons in general, when that fails

Attack specific anon, when that fails←You Are Here

Back to top

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ab87d8 No.20858905

File: 794d03c4795273b⋯.mp4 (931.91 KB,304x270,152:135,compilation_of_mainstream_….mp4)

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11b8c1 No.20858906

File: ba35e128c4dfb5a⋯.png (79.43 KB,521x268,521:268,ba35e128c4dfb5a764764ac5f8….png)

File: 64577b9c3f67a42⋯.jpg (134.03 KB,706x900,353:450,alexander_the_great_artura….jpg)

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36b913 No.20858907





text 88022

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7eef72 No.20858908

"the guy that yells at the guy" anon


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8ad323 No.20858909

File: 3d28daef912e6c5⋯.jpg (137.44 KB,579x567,193:189,_YOU_BEST_AMMO_EVER.jpg)

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cb0850 No.20858910

File: 4554e1107cbae2a⋯.jpg (194.81 KB,768x432,16:9,mr_pig_meme_posted.jpg)


Yet you repost pigshit.

You low IQ morans forget with whom you are dealing.

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2cfe65 No.20858911

File: b3278b387e70278⋯.jpg (107.87 KB,900x900,1:1,unnamed.jpg)


…Now do a 'comped board/baker' bitchathon. Anon could use a hearty laugh.

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ab87d8 No.20858912

File: e1fb5580ba94970⋯.mp4 (1.59 MB,524x270,262:135,They_never_said_you_won_t_….mp4)

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14c814 No.20858913

File: 6a82591b5638135⋯.jpeg (191.48 KB,410x636,205:318,BB576268_72E6_4196_B7B5_C….jpeg)

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d48319 No.20858914

File: 57c6a314ef97380⋯.jpeg (124.23 KB,711x807,237:269,IMG_0189.jpeg)


dubdubs confirm the nose

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1a6dbb No.20858915

File: e40f72dbb810ca1⋯.png (213.27 KB,366x326,183:163,ClipboardImage.png)


who is this guy?

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e10d0a No.20858916

File: 814f7f1e8cb4227⋯.jpg (95.59 KB,425x408,25:24,smokingsupes2.jpg)

The mimic is raging right now over personality that he can't control, nor can he successfully hijack. He wants communistic, DEI anonymity and forced/compelled listening. That Daily Show watching son of a bitch can head over to halfchan where that's the norm if that's the kind of anonymity he wants and expects from others. Free thinkers gather here.

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8ad323 No.20858917

File: 24648ea0396eb22⋯.jpg (122.06 KB,665x590,133:118,crychuck.jpg)



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40fe88 No.20858918

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.



UK’s Winston Marshall Gives Nancy Pelosi a Proper Spanking at Oxford Union

The Gateway Pundit


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36b913 No.20858919


hide the wealth

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7eef72 No.20858920

File: 81f67378eddfba8⋯.jpg (741.24 KB,2048x1484,512:371,20240512_202732.jpg)

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d40294 No.20858921

File: 5e47be3ccafe5f1⋯.mp4 (9.79 MB,854x480,427:240,covid_the_first_test.mp4)


anon remembers the exempt list




and shop workers

but what actually happened was that those bottom two was just delayed.

than they said, they had to have the jab to keep the job.

so much fuckery, even a retard should have caught on.

yes, bill never got it,

or albert bourla

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107229 No.20858922

File: 41c64b0d256fe66⋯.jpg (4.27 MB,4029x2441,4029:2441,20230125_092203.jpg)

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7eef72 No.20858923


define wealth in your usage, please.

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1ee249 No.20858924

File: 341d82050344b22⋯.jpeg (427.59 KB,1230x617,1230:617,6E7C95C3_90F1_40BD_AA81_7….jpeg)

64-14847 Rivet Joint just set up trackin’ N of Taiwan Straight out of Kadena AB, Okinawa

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8ad323 No.20858925

File: 22ef67d52ffd2c2⋯.jpg (107.71 KB,510x640,51:64,TIME_EXCLUSIVE.jpg)



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2cfe65 No.20858926


#25583 >>20858175

>>20858385 Dough claim

>>20858261, >>20858791, >>20858918 UK’s Winston Marshall Gives Nancy Pelosi a Proper Spanking at Oxford Union – Calls Out Joe Biden’s Dementia

>>20858286 🇮🇷 Iranian lawmaker declares Tehran has obtained nuclear bombs.

>>20858299 US Senator Lindsey Graham suggests nuking Gaza.

>>20858335 Newly Unsealed Document Reveals Lawyer with Attorney-Client Privilege Relationship with Trump Proposed to Act as Undercover Informant in Jack Smith Classified Docs Case via @gatewaypundit

>>20858353, >>20858603 PF Report: SAM647 C40B leaving MacDill AFB (CENTCOM) after about 60m on ground

>>20858398 PF Report: SAM792 G5 back at JBA after about 2h on ground. That’s the second SAM flight at Teterboro today w/2h ground stop

>>20858542 If the eSafety Commissar has lost the case in the Federal Court she has no alternate but to resign immediately. (AU)

>>20858782, >>20858790, >>20858828 Due to weather-related operational delays, the precision cuts originally scheduled for Sunday have been moved to Monday, May 13, around 5:00pm.

>>20858808 POTUS Truth - I hope that all of the incredible MOTHERS out there had an incredible day. You are the most special people of them all!!! ❤️Love, DONALD J. TRUMP, 45th President of the United States.

>>20858822 POTUS Truth - gettrumpsneakers


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c7b806 No.20858927


plenty of low IQ morans in here,they like to be followers of the namefamefags like that pig memer or the good morning crew

they are sheep

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da0ea0 No.20858928

File: 48beb8dfcfa5a20⋯.jpeg (25.51 KB,193x255,193:255,DivineSamurai.jpeg)


A tortured genius known as Jordan Maxwell…

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14c814 No.20858929


I’m banned from Meta so I wouldn’t know

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7eef72 No.20858930


do they?

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cb0850 No.20858931


9 seconds to respond to a post that only mentions your famefagging arse.

You're getting slow with your old skool bot tech,

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d40294 No.20858932

File: c363776318b982f⋯.gif (3.73 MB,480x272,30:17,chopper_ns.gif)


Quad infinity digits chek'ed and witnessed

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4cde14 No.20858933

CME or Flare or EMP killing the grid was obviously a fear psyop. I still have nukes to be afraid of though.

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9b1662 No.20858934

File: e308a4c2c4d6a4b⋯.png (276.47 KB,957x1064,957:1064,fani_willis_election_2.png)

File: 610130fd9380121⋯.png (206.58 KB,668x1026,334:513,fani_willis_election.png)

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8ad323 No.20858935

File: bd30f766c4df826⋯.jpg (82.51 KB,447x367,447:367,4_D_WIN.jpg)

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fbc634 No.20858936

File: 6e4baa00f497b4e⋯.jpg (12.76 KB,255x255,1:1,6e4baa00f497b4e2dee7fb681a….jpg)



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36b913 No.20858937


everything stolt along the way

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c58cfa No.20858938

File: 664e269765d1a51⋯.png (21.44 KB,255x246,85:82,664e269765d1a51570733d9c98….png)

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9911c6 No.20858939

File: f120699b1ab6665⋯.gif (774.84 KB,600x336,25:14,f120699b1ab66659bae1ec955a….gif)

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7eef72 No.20858940




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8ad323 No.20858941

File: 50fd455c1f727fb⋯.jpg (121.01 KB,868x431,868:431,2_TOO_MANY.jpg)

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ab87d8 No.20858942

File: 98036c00dc52a4d⋯.mp4 (2.92 MB,480x270,16:9,the_unvaccinated_are_uncle….mp4)

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db1ed8 No.20858943


Destroy? seriously your worm is one conceited little shit. I'm just flushing out the cat shit cultists and maybe later dropping a notable or two. You know, those crumbs anons are here for? Oh, right, you never drop notables, you just stink up the bread while tonguing your anus.

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5bd9c4 No.20858944

File: 5be0bf02ef3319e⋯.png (478.23 KB,447x510,149:170,ClipboardImage.png)

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c7b806 No.20858945


the spammers like the pig are a team,probably a chinese bot farm

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da0ea0 No.20858946

File: 07a335a1856105d⋯.png (362.56 KB,500x495,100:99,PepeGleams.png)

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9b1662 No.20858947


hopefully Georgia dem voters choose better than fanny willis on May 21, 2024

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1a6dbb No.20858948

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7eef72 No.20858949


that covers a lot of ground.

one simply wondered if you knew the extent.

carry on.

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e10d0a No.20858950


There's also plenty of little pissant shills, like you, whining about someone's personality and memes, trying to deface and smear and desperately trying to generate consensus by IP hopping in an attempt to sway board opinion against their current target. Not going to work, clown. Now seethe. Then cry.

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1a6dbb No.20858951

File: 0ba98399870aa92⋯.png (913.56 KB,892x673,892:673,ClipboardImage.png)


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5bd9c4 No.20858953


bent paperclips are dangerous?

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ca168a No.20858954

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2cfe65 No.20858955

File: 2ac4a1c8d5382a7⋯.png (3.55 MB,1011x1514,1011:1514,runkek.png)


…Beep boop sonofabitch! Bzzt!

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1a6406 No.20858956

File: 93442b7cc18ecdc⋯.mp4 (3.71 MB,320x568,40:71,excessdeathswhythesilenceb.mp4)


remember the guy "Leave the Jews alone"


"Don't call me a super-spreader"

he was smart enough to melt down when he caught their double-speak.

Sad for all the suffering this idiocy has caused.

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ced8cf No.20858957

File: 92beb9850621416⋯.jpg (32.72 KB,409x516,409:516,fy.jpg)

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7eef72 No.20858958



is a purblind fool.

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f2b907 No.20858959

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9b1662 No.20858960

File: b3881f8a1f82dfe⋯.png (742.45 KB,940x740,47:37,Flag_Dog_Digits_7777_08222….png)


nice quads

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5bd9c4 No.20858961


someone born before their time

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8ad323 No.20858962

File: dbafdf028b09c29⋯.jpg (125.1 KB,632x627,632:627,ON_TOP_OF_THEM.jpg)




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7eef72 No.20858963


mickey looks better'n last view.

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e138d5 No.20858964


when the pig parrot is frustrated he brings out the angry inch trash

mr pig penis is the angry inch,just one inch!

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1a6dbb No.20858965

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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2bde3a No.20858966

>>20858951 mostly minor differences. look them up yourself.

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fbc634 No.20858967


I think you give the mimic far too much credit for ability

I see the creature as ignored by the entire planet and comes by here desperate for a (You) to validate its existence

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9b1662 No.20858968



that reminds me GG mentions quads on his SHOWs sometimes and i always think its inside joke for Anons kek

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9d2ec0 No.20858969

File: f06c870fda6e808⋯.png (327.24 KB,749x533,749:533,f06c870fda6e808e92236d0514….png)

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d40294 No.20858970

File: 39a2c64be086cd5⋯.mp4 (1.24 MB,876x480,73:40,new_nz_pm_on_vaccine_ss_sq….mp4)

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4cde14 No.20858971


I figured there would be a lot more. Just the translations would be millions of differences. Although the Bible is copyrighted to the throne of England.

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e10d0a No.20858972

File: c8f1c9f135100ac⋯.jpg (8.62 KB,255x222,85:74,pepe_mic_drop2.jpg)

You know that meme about that guy on a bike and he puts a stick through the spokes, wipes out, and then blames it on someone/something else. That's where the shills are at in their lives right now.

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ca168a No.20858973


observably true

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633c8a No.20858974

File: 85ef090f3ecacdf⋯.jpeg (54.01 KB,500x750,2:3,IMG_4725.jpeg)

File: f6e64789d7711ca⋯.png (294.79 KB,612x408,3:2,IMG_0741.png)

File: 71f973858ad4112⋯.png (227.74 KB,666x375,222:125,IMG_0743.png)

“ Michael Cohen: A challenging star witness in Donald Trump’s hush money trial”

Cohen con even his name is his role. Acting.


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7eef72 No.20858975

File: b77578d92a73016⋯.gif (588.55 KB,480x640,3:4,20200918_011226.gif)


just checking.

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290d74 No.20858976


Who told you scripture is the Word of God? The Word of God is alive. Scripture talks about the Word, it itself is not the Word.

The Word was made flesh.

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c1186b No.20858977


I can't fucking tell what you want from me.

you're making me crazy on purpose.

it's either real or it's not but I'm not waiting any longer, you lied about ncswc and where's

the show I'm suppose to enjoy? when?

you're on my side or you're not but stop messing with my heart!

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cb0850 No.20858978

File: 0e6822b8f1ae0ee⋯.jpg (37.83 KB,613x800,613:800,billary.jpg)


Critical thinking is in short supply these days.

Anon follows no one, but errs on the side of caution where DJT is concerned.

I would like to believe he is the real deal and, even though anon has yet to see Billary Clinton strung up, anon will continue to believe he is the real deal until evidence proves otherwise.

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1a6406 No.20858979

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efcf98 No.20858980

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7eef72 No.20858981

fuck you кек

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14c814 No.20858982

File: bffae7e3751291f⋯.jpeg (557.6 KB,847x852,847:852,F0AE5D7B_191C_46B5_B7D0_8….jpeg)

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48d3ed No.20858983

File: 833459ec9da9acd⋯.png (825.64 KB,907x1115,907:1115,Screenshot_20240508_113242….png)

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8ad323 No.20858984

File: 425290c0ed6c0b0⋯.jpg (130.21 KB,517x567,517:567,WHY_U_PANICKING.jpg)

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40e04e No.20858985

File: 275de0cc07ef50d⋯.jpg (79.98 KB,680x680,1:1,happy_surrogates_day.jpg)


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90a593 No.20858986

File: 1be00d8ba8e5ae7⋯.png (939.89 KB,768x1024,3:4,8c989010787c26ae4ffec38e55….png)


fuck Gates and Win11 and all the other shit they do

fuckers wish to dominate

dominate this

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836c89 No.20858987

File: 450a40a95413a72⋯.png (900.04 KB,753x500,753:500,sdfg.png)

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4cde14 No.20858988


Al Pacino and Michelle Pfeiffer

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2cfe65 No.20858989

File: c39e2567ba580a3⋯.png (207.01 KB,500x352,125:88,Serial_Mom_kathleen_turner….png)

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40fe88 No.20858990

File: c2163801e279a3c⋯.mp4 (2.23 MB,1280x720,16:9,Lindsey_Graham_We_decided_….mp4)



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7eef72 No.20858991

File: cbac9fdb77c6d3b⋯.gif (252.79 KB,219x164,219:164,20201105_094941.gif)



is correct.

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8ad323 No.20858992

File: 4b3f4f65750ad7f⋯.jpg (147.08 KB,642x477,214:159,WIN_MEME_ENGINEER.jpg)

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da0ea0 No.20858993

File: 880c7d78a946f31⋯.jpg (58.5 KB,443x443,1:1,SemperVigilans.jpg)

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7eef72 No.20858994



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14c814 No.20858995


It’s not written in stone

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9d2ec0 No.20858996

File: 9c1fd403ffa0adb⋯.png (359.01 KB,500x432,125:108,9c1fd403ffa0adbbda7c31c600….png)


we've only just begun…………

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ab87d8 No.20858997

File: 44b220ec4aa82df⋯.mp4 (2.8 MB,848x464,53:29,Michael_Rapaport_how_it_st….mp4)

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23b159 No.20858998

File: 1e93a08105e602b⋯.png (416.37 KB,463x468,463:468,2024_05_12_22_35_44.png)

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5bd9c4 No.20858999

Why do the Woke want to Get Rid of Mother's Day?

Because Every Year

They are reminded

That they Were a Mother

& Then they killed their Baby(s)

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7eef72 No.20859000


did you rephrase that kak?

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da0ea0 No.20859001

File: 6c7a341aa0e849a⋯.jpg (112.87 KB,1920x1281,640:427,Respect.jpg)

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9d4844 No.20859002


What's the story with this picture?

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1a6406 No.20859003

File: 699481356e34f80⋯.png (851.29 KB,707x684,707:684,myocarditismeansitsworking….png)

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2cfe65 No.20859004

File: 77442252e1f9b75⋯.png (666.44 KB,498x667,498:667,kekbeepboop.png)

~@710Last call

…Next bake around 730


#25583 >>20858175

>>20858385 Dough claim

>>20858261, >>20858791, >>20858918 UK’s Winston Marshall Gives Nancy Pelosi a Proper Spanking at Oxford Union – Calls Out Joe Biden’s Dementia

>>20858286 🇮🇷 Iranian lawmaker declares Tehran has obtained nuclear bombs.

>>20858299, >>20858990 US Senator Lindsey Graham suggests nuking Gaza.

>>20858335 Newly Unsealed Document Reveals Lawyer with Attorney-Client Privilege Relationship with Trump Proposed to Act as Undercover Informant in Jack Smith Classified Docs Case via @gatewaypundit

>>20858353, >>20858603 PF Report: SAM647 C40B leaving MacDill AFB (CENTCOM) after about 60m on ground

>>20858398 PF Report: SAM792 G5 back at JBA after about 2h on ground. That’s the second SAM flight at Teterboro today w/2h ground stop

>>20858542 If the eSafety Commissar has lost the case in the Federal Court she has no alternate but to resign immediately. (AU)

>>20858782, >>20858790, >>20858828 Due to weather-related operational delays, the precision cuts originally scheduled for Sunday have been moved to Monday, May 13, around 5:00pm.

>>20858808 POTUS Truth - I hope that all of the incredible MOTHERS out there had an incredible day. You are the most special people of them all!!! ❤️Love, DONALD J. TRUMP, 45th President of the United States.

>>20858822 POTUS Truth - gettrumpsneakers


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c220c0 No.20859005


oh lookie the pig defenders have come out in force

it is oh so predictable and laughable,you dumbshit normies

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9b1662 No.20859006

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7eef72 No.20859007

File: 21d19e246e9236b⋯.gif (807.06 KB,892x669,4:3,20200922_205202.gif)

File: 32f2b9ad0833042⋯.gif (1.01 MB,500x400,5:4,20200903_003159.gif)


just so.

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cb0850 No.20859009


Admin/pig team.

Anti anon team.

Why not post last bread notes as current bread notes and claim but muh new eyes to justify it?

Anons are not as dumb as you look.

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8d89b3 No.20859010

That was sweet!

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2cfe65 No.20859012

File: 05867c5b520a17d⋯.jpg (202.33 KB,500x554,250:277,el_duce.jpg)


…Yet, you continue to cry about it.

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8ad323 No.20859013

File: 57e1ddb4b8b049d⋯.jpg (104.62 KB,467x558,467:558,SAME_SAME_SAME_SAME.jpg)

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9b1662 No.20859014

File: 54eb96e2ae6275d⋯.png (603.91 KB,800x450,16:9,Thor_Strange.png)

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ab87d8 No.20859015

File: 164a10a0d030cb5⋯.mp4 (5.8 MB,576x1056,6:11,FuckCovid.mp4)


>That was sweet!

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7eef72 No.20859017

File: bf5b6e43cf21f8e⋯.gif (22.86 KB,557x557,1:1,20200131_030922.gif)


Well Said.


Hear Hear.

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da0ea0 No.20859018

File: 8fb8b0a31c1097b⋯.jpeg (25.27 KB,183x255,61:85,8fb8b0a31c1097b55c59d1522….jpeg)


So there really were no paid bullshit artist scribes in those days? Fascinating,

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1ee249 No.20859019


>>20858924 PF: 64-14847 Rivet Joint just set up trackin’ N of Taiwan Straight out of Kadena AB, Okinawa

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43a4a9 No.20859020

File: d844061381a6fe8⋯.png (Spoiler Image,333.08 KB,515x343,515:343,HillaryUnderSniperFire.png)

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e10d0a No.20859021

File: 8887a192ea5f64f⋯.jpg (12.61 KB,474x266,237:133,pedro.jpg)

It's funny how Simple Legion accuses Mr. Pig of being a CCP agent, after he ran through a year long routine of being a cheap Chinese knock-off of SmokingPepe.

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8ad323 No.20859022

File: 703244cccf3c6c8⋯.jpg (72.94 KB,560x527,560:527,UP_AND_UP.jpg)

File: dcb2f87bd957458⋯.jpg (117.24 KB,635x444,635:444,SALTY_TEARS.jpg)




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fbc634 No.20859023


>That's where the shills are at in their lives right now.

I'm thinking there's quite a number of now former shills that anons put into therapy for so long the HMOs finally stopped paying so the medications stopped so they wouldn't be re-hired as shills because a single Pepe post could make them go postal.

If I could come up with a comfy enough leak-proof pouch I'd go over to the woods and get a frog to take on field trips to Starbuck's and fast food joints to see if the sighting of froggie or just the croaking would get the shill with the PTSD (Pepe-induced Total Shill Destruction) to totally spaz out in the workplace or at least go fetal in the corner

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14c814 No.20859024

File: 5ce232def5b04b8⋯.jpeg (419.53 KB,960x886,480:443,4ABDECAB_B76A_46FD_B0C7_3….jpeg)

File: 0b28375702082fa⋯.jpeg (455.13 KB,960x558,160:93,ABC846EF_3A8B_4CAF_A03E_0….jpeg)

File: 6411d6d9cb9c1bc⋯.jpeg (259.62 KB,551x1044,19:36,46EBDE1E_DD60_4CF3_A2E9_0….jpeg)

File: 9ee04d0c0f81f80⋯.jpeg (415.45 KB,629x923,629:923,6D55BEA8_9AA1_4D9A_8249_A….jpeg)

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cb0850 No.20859025


Anon would suggest there are far more considering the KJB is written in English.

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06cfba No.20859026

File: 546f1f2835b0425⋯.mp4 (7.61 MB,1280x720,16:9,warm.mp4)

File: 588db219e287c8e⋯.mp4 (1.16 MB,640x360,16:9,RUDYsaysburied.mp4)

File: b050839d1d4bbae⋯.png (608.21 KB,694x988,347:494,whatsicko0.png)

File: aacf6180a97c8a7⋯.png (565.96 KB,1030x914,515:457,whatsicko3.png)


>Imagine covering for a child molestor. >Only child molestors would do that.

As is still done, even right here? See Vid1 from April of 2021, yet the constant barrage of the creep's videos continues in this very bread.

Laptop From Hell was making the rounds since early 2019 (Rudy VID2), yet on January 26,2020on faux watters’ show: ”I know him well. He was my neighbor. He's a really nice guy," Carlson said. "I've always liked him. He's a really troubled guy who had a great family. And then it blew up." "He's like a lot of people I know in Washington," 50-year-old Carlson said of Biden, who will turn 50 himself Feb. 4. "Totally good guy. I'd love to have dinner with them." "I still like Hunter Biden… "It's, like, of course, he's making, you know, whatever, a million a year from some Ukrainian energy company. faux: https://archive.is/O9JaP It’s still there: https://www.foxnews.com/media/tucker-carlson-tells-watters-hes-sympathetic-to-hunter-biden

Five days before Rigged2020 “election”: Tucker Carlson Suddenly Says It’s Time to Leave Hunter Biden Alone … He's now humiliated and alone. Probably too strong to say we feel sorry for (him), but the point is pounding on a man, jumping on, and piling on when he's already down is something we don't want to be involved in.” https://archive.is/TaB3f https://www.thedailybeast.com/tucker-carlson-suddenly-says-its-time-to-leave-hunter-biden-alone -daily beast

BOMBSHELL: New York Times, FBI Confirm Legitimacy of Ashley Biden Diary Published by National File National File's reporting is confirmed by the New York Times and, strangely enough, the FBI https://archive.md/7oU3R https://nationalfile.com/bombshell-new-york-times-fbi-confirm-legitimacy-of-ashley-biden-diary/

If people were a fraction as defensive of our President as they are of this creep who did nothing but spew contempt and LIE about POTUS…if only.

The enemy isn't "democrats". It's the pravda which empowers the Uniparty, as the above more than clearly illustrates.

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14c814 No.20859028


Chelsea has teeth like a rodent

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8ad323 No.20859029

File: a6cd6184d3c659d⋯.jpg (195.08 KB,911x602,911:602,LEGAL_LIKE.jpg)

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2cfe65 No.20859030

File: b0bc3195da81388⋯.png (1.95 MB,1169x662,1169:662,Omnimarsbluberryorbs.png)


…now baking


#25583 >>20858175

>>20858385 Dough claim

>>20858261, >>20858791, >>20858918 UK’s Winston Marshall Gives Nancy Pelosi a Proper Spanking at Oxford Union – Calls Out Joe Biden’s Dementia

>>20858286 🇮🇷 Iranian lawmaker declares Tehran has obtained nuclear bombs.

>>20858299, >>20858990 US Senator Lindsey Graham suggests nuking Gaza.

>>20858335 Newly Unsealed Document Reveals Lawyer with Attorney-Client Privilege Relationship with Trump Proposed to Act as Undercover Informant in Jack Smith Classified Docs Case via @gatewaypundit

>>20858353, >>20858603 PF Report: SAM647 C40B leaving MacDill AFB (CENTCOM) after about 60m on ground

>>20858398 PF Report: SAM792 G5 back at JBA after about 2h on ground. That’s the second SAM flight at Teterboro today w/2h ground stop

>>20858542 If the eSafety Commissar has lost the case in the Federal Court she has no alternate but to resign immediately. (AU)

>>20858782, >>20858790, >>20858828 Due to weather-related operational delays, the precision cuts originally scheduled for Sunday have been moved to Monday, May 13, around 5:00pm.

>>20858808 POTUS Truth - I hope that all of the incredible MOTHERS out there had an incredible day. You are the most special people of them all!!! ❤️Love, DONALD J. TRUMP, 45th President of the United States.

>>20858822 POTUS Truth - gettrumpsneakers


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b1e60e No.20859031


some creepy Torentino movie

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b9e67e No.20859032


like her real daddy

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9b1662 No.20859033

File: 1ed464a7de9658b⋯.png (647.53 KB,900x481,900:481,inflation_under_biden_0418….png)

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fbc634 No.20859034



Oh look! The religious arguments are back to Night Shift

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da0ea0 No.20859037

File: db4f309ec10ae9d⋯.jpg (65.1 KB,480x660,8:11,db4f309ec10ae9d02621accf0d….jpg)


>nice quads

Noice Patch. Dat NSA or nawwww?

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5c78b8 No.20859038

Somebody got court in the morning!

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418bf6 No.20859039

File: 3b20013c577b061⋯.png (287.93 KB,480x513,160:171,bb_5bb6483a5085b.png)

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ce0cc9 No.20859041

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2cfe65 No.20859043

File: 631ad9972cc5f98⋯.png (357.94 KB,632x474,4:3,Untitled2.png)

Fresh bread




This way

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1ee249 No.20859044

File: 5829a7262870bc5⋯.png (877.51 KB,1917x2035,1917:2035,5AF504F3_9CE8_4A69_8AA5_37….png)


That’s not Ebonics

Not even close


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8ad323 No.20859047

File: cdb1d06a490daca⋯.jpg (118.62 KB,865x565,173:113,MR_P_EBONIC_LESSON.jpg)

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2cfe65 No.20859048

Visit the egress




Over here

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97545b No.20859049

File: c4a03e6213058da⋯.gif (157.8 KB,580x580,1:1,20240512_205309.gif)


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9b1662 No.20859050

File: 1fe3cc9e61d4ece⋯.png (616.65 KB,1008x1100,252:275,Ben_Garrison_notepad_05022….png)

File: 6bf985a5d14ab12⋯.png (230.58 KB,691x982,691:982,Ben_Garrison_Multi_tasking….png)

File: 8124e323e217590⋯.png (380.17 KB,1100x861,1100:861,Ben_Cartoon_01062023_no_dr….png)


its Ben Garisson Cartoonist Bulldog (modified) over the Flag poasted on quads and capped

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be60e9 No.20859051


sort of like a quetion mark

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ab87d8 No.20859052

File: 8d46a8d91be3b2d⋯.jpeg (184.25 KB,828x885,276:295,8d46a8d91be3b2dfbc1948c7e….jpeg)

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1ee249 No.20859053

File: d61d858177aa8be⋯.gif (1.1 MB,540x490,54:49,94BB7C6E_C9AF_492A_A39E_E9….gif)

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