ITT: Times you lost your nerve and apologized for an intentional, funny insult
>be me, freshman
>just got out of school-sponsored haunted house
>flipped off actors and calling them names and shit
>friend and I are laughing our asses off
>get worried I might face repercussions
>run to security guys and tell them to tell the actors I’m sorry for flipping them off and insulting them
>they say they’ll do it when they get a chance to meet them
>run back to people who set up event
>”a-a-again, I am sor- I do apologize for... flipping off the actors.”
>”oh its ok, they flip each other off all the time, you’re not gonna get in trouble”
>run back again
>”AGAIN, I do appreciate the amount of work that went into this”
>”thanks, don’t worry, you’re not getting in trouble”
>never got into any trouble
I still get nightmare of being expelled from school because of this, and ruining my life. I graduated 10 years ago.