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File: 2bcc9e7d83b802a⋯.png (811.78 KB, 1588x1072, 397:268, ClipboardImage.png)

0ec0fc  No.16722150[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 06.29.2022

>>16552853 ————————————–——– What is at stake? Who has control? SURPRISE WITNESS. Who is Cassidy Hutchinson? Trust the plan.

Saturday 06.25.2022

>>16521604 rt >>16520866, >>16521137 —— Established. (Who was "Jane Roe"? 50 years of conditioning.)

Friday 06.24.2022

>>16506930 ————————————–——– Are you ready to serve your country again? Remember your oath.

>>16505677 rt >>16505361 ———–––——–— It had to be done this way.

>>16504957 ————————————–——– Shall we play a game once more?

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* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

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* Memo & OIG Report Links: 8kun.top/qresearch/res/426641.html#427188

* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Q Research


>>15406810, >>16085354 New here? Welcome | >>15406442 Board Info, Offsite Bunkers, Optics | >>15406807 Suggested Follow

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>>15406428 Dough Resource Thread

>>15406802 Standard Infowar Procedures | >>15406811 Information Tools & Services

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Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

>>16463405 Notables Thread #14: Gonna Rise Up

Join Us

>>15600441 !!! LEARN TO BAKE !!! | >>15406818 Iwo Jima YouTube Link

>>15406820 Meme Requests


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0ec0fc  No.16722153


>>15487554 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports

>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread; >>16087759 Newfag Q&A Thread; >>16050716 bakers & notetakers, plz tag the dough

>>16495621 CP guidelines: No Hunter near kids, use discernment with anything borderlinereminder

>>16538203 Baker's Lite JS code, can insert in Options menu, shows when Q posts (use discernment)

>>16514077, >>16552582, >>16511354 JW & BO on Q posting, Q's board, TOR, SALT, Tripcodes

>>16559261 OP formatting now that Q is posting

>>16666573 Posting on TOR http://8kun.top.4o5xwl3fsmzwys7edqxtohvva6ikxc6h7wt7el4ar3d5om6k2zz7yaqd.onion/qresearch/catalog.html

OR http://8kun.top.4o5xwl3fsmzwys7edqxtohvva6ikxc6h7wt7el4ar3d5om6k2zz7yaqd.onion/qresearch/index.html

>>16717952 TOR posting temporarily down, 8kun admin on it. New Tor server may be why NEW



>>16721406, >>16721887, dough baker on duty

>>16721874 note take notes

>>16721454, >>16721557 Putin: The West already lost, and now an irreversible breakdown of the American-led liberal order is under way

>>16721476 Starship Booster Explodes Unexpectedly During SpaceX Ground Test

>>16721463 'Cocaine in Ukraine' Biden Family Official Music Video (kek vid)

>>16721569 James Woods: Your Turn, America

>>16721593 TechnoFog: Joe Biden’s 2018 involvement in Hunter Biden’s finances, Owasco

>>16721599 Germany Stands With the Netherlands and Takes to the Streets in Protest of Climate Stupidity

>>16721604 AndyNgo: Child rape suspect Noah Madrano was a host on Portland far-left station @KBOO for over a decade

>>16721619 "Cheer" star sentenced to 12 years in Fed. Prison for child sex crimes

>>16721761, >>16721776, >>16721820, >>16721869 Planefags

>>16721765 DJT: INCREDIBLE that the people who Cheated are totally protected and the people that caught them are being investigated

>>16721766 DC judge rules Bannon must stand trial next week for refusing to speak to J6 Committee

>>16721777, >>16721796, >>16721798 Silver down below $19.00 per ounce

>>16721793 Congratulations to Jack Nicklaus on being named a “Citizen of St. Andrews.”

>>16721806 Scavino - RIP Shinzo Abe

>>16721616, >>16721748, >>16721836, >>16721946, >>16721881, the over population lie exposed, cure cull the elites - dig and answer by 8kun anons

>>16721761, >>16721776, >>16721820, >>16721876, >>16721926, Planefags posts zulu82 calling out uk

>>16722053 Isn’t it INCREDIBLE that the people who Cheated, Rigged, and Stole the 2020 Presidential Election, - djt t.s post

>>16722059 Congratulations to the GREAT (Legendary!) Jack Nicklaus on being named a “Citizen of St. Andrews. - djt t.s post

>>16722083 Russian Defence Ministry report on the progress of the special military operation in Ukraine - telegram.

>>16722107 They called her a “leaker” and worse, didn’t want her - djt. t.s post

>>16722139 #21091

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0ec0fc  No.16722154



>>16720779 WEF deleted their 2018 article about how woke ESG will “make Sri Lanka rich by 2025”

>>16720677, >>16720958 They put 82 Zulu in the Q posts search

>>16720744, >>16720826, >>16720791 Pedo Pete and Son Bun

>>16720806 The real story is that the Biden family was getting rich from business with our enemies, selling the U.S. out to China - Tucker

>>16720924 Inside Shanghai's COVID lockdown nightmare: Communist China's zero-COVID policy devastated the commercial capital

>>16720987 President of African Bible Colleges dies suddenly

>>16721067 Delta Dan 11:11

>>16721082 Yesterday, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree allowing all citizens of Ukraine to obtain Russian passports in a simplified manner

>>16721090, >>16721102 Hey Google, what holds everything together? (the answer is not 'gravity')

>>16721257 ShutDownDC offering $200 bounties to doxx justices John Roberts, Brett Kavanaugh, Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, and Amy Coney Barrett.


>>16721268 Navy relieves sub commander in Pacific Fleet

>>16721272 Going after Flynn over "unauthorized foreign payments" while Hunter still walks free? Tsk tsk

>>16721297 Quality fedpost over on half

>>16721330 Peter Navarro Says Mike Pence Is ‘Guilty of Treason’… Against Trump

>>16721333 They're reporting the death of Joseph Aloisius Ratzinger, Benedict XVI, Pope Emeritus

>>16721382 #21090


>>16720234 Attenshun, It has nao been 1717 days since the very first Q post

>>16719975 Will the normies ignore THE CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN and accept a few years in jail because he bought a hooker a train ticket?

>>16719920, >>16719982, >>16720076, >>16720113, >>16720154, >>16720165 Hunter laptop, racketeering, check fraud and hooker trafficking bun complete with Q Proof

>>16720076, >>16720113, >>16720463 FBI assistant director for cyber Vrondran, covered for Hunter in congress, found in Hunter's iPhone contacts

>>16720384 Vorndran prolly deleted this off QR

>>16719928 Maryland Gubernatorial Candidate Daniel Cox: "It’s Time For ‘Freedom’ To Return To Maryland"

>>16719934 Planefag Report: PETE18

>>16719990 Sri Lankan President confirms resignation

>>16720001, >>16720046, >>16720159, >>16720172 Dronefag Report: 4july, cows, liberty bell

>>16720109 CIB busts human trafficking ring

>>16720160 PEDO BUN 11 July 22

>>16720170 Cottonwood County Farmer Charged with $46 Million Organic Grain Fraud Scheme

>>16720208 "medical services" abortions, politicians the relationship between pete buttigieg and ulrich klopfer/whole womans health comes to mind

>>16720217 Ohio AG Says His Office Has No Evidence Of Raped, Impregnated 10-Year-Old Girl Biden Cited: Report

>>16720231, >>16720326 U.S.A. MIL Posts: #OTD 1976 The Queen toured "Old Ironsides", Now Have Laser weapons!

>>16720232 Lithuania widens curbs on Kaliningrad trade despite Russian warning

>>16720255 Inflation numbers expected to increase this wednesday

>>16720263 Huge protest in Albania demanding government resign because of soaring inflation

>>16720276 Inflation Protests Span Sri Lanka, Albania, Argentina, Panama, Kenya, Ghana - How Long Before They Hit The United States?

>>16720346 U.S. weighs resumption of offensive arms sales to Saudis, sources say

>>16720392 Andrews Government urges Victorians to wear masks and consider working from home under new COVID pandemic orders

>>16720449 Aftermath of the arrest of David "Santa" Ridell of The 1776 Restoration Movement Protest in DC. 7/6/22

>>16720478 @Kash WHERES HUNTER WATCH by #FWK officially enters operations mode. Its on like donkey kong

>>16720493 Update on jailed 1776RM Patriot, Big D, the one who drives the yellow fire truck with We The People on the side. He is still in jail awaiting extradition to Maryland

>>16720585 Former Liberal Party and Gladys Berejiklian staffer has been spared jail after he admitted to sexually abusing two children when he was a teenager [Australia's pedo protection]

>>16720607 #21089

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0ec0fc  No.16722157


>>16719135 US Army Fort Sill - You can make it through this!

>>16719142 Joe Biden - 17 words and Make No Mistake.

>>16719168, >>16719262, >>16719296 Hunter's FBI contact Vorndran - FBI Cyber Division Assistant Director pushing North Korea cyber attack fud

>>16719169 U.S. Naval Institute - USNI News Fleet and Marine Tracker: July 11, 2022

>>16719198 Brave man calls out Joe Biden about Hunter's prostitutes and Crack. Wew Lad.

>>16719202 Mindy Robinson Blows the Lid Off Of Election Fraud in Nevada [VIDEO]

>>16719213 Dissent In WI Ballot Drop Box Victory Highlights Much Bigger Issue

>>16719239, >>16719260, >>16719282, >>16719323 256 - Liberty Bell Dig

>>16719241 Arkansas Sheriff’s Home Firebombed After Department Employee Found Dead In Her Driveway

>>16719244 Save America Rally in Prescott Valley, Arizona - Sat, July 16, 2022

>>16719269 YATES And WHITON: Assassinated Trump-Ally Abe’s Legacy Must Prevail

>>16719285 Farmers 'Desperately' Fighting Back Against Elite's Plan to Take Their Land

>>16719290, >>16719320 FOIAs Reveal Progressive Money Fueling Feds / Biden’s Bid to Take Over Our Elections

>>16719349 A massive corruption scandal in France involving Emmanuel Macron and Uber has sparked demands that he resigned.

>>16719487 Australian Covid Data Biases and Manipulation

>>16719539 Secret Service says it's 'aware' of alleged Hunter Biden iCloud hack

>>16719543 Wisconsin Supreme Court details how use of drop boxes and ballot harvesting in 2020 presidential elections was illegal.

>>16719570 Wisconsin Supreme Court ruling on drop boxes undercuts Democrats' clean election claim

>>16719595, >>16719614, >>16719618, Trump Thunders Into Alaska For Record-Breaking Rally - gellerreport.com (djt in alaska topic)

>>16719599, >>16719634, Hunter-Biden-spent-30k-prostitutes-FIVE-MONTHS-documents-reveal - daily mail (hunter topic and digs)

>>16719600 forces twats

>>16719628 California has enlisted the gangs as a way to push gun control -apnews.com

>>16719641 Brazilian influencer ends up in wheelchair from holding in her farts -nyp (not this baker notable, but hey gotta keep the youngun's amused)

>>16719593, >>16719674, >>16719694, >>16719746, >>16719838, #21088 note taker notes combined

>>16719698 Trump Rips Elon Musk: "Another Bullsh*t Artist" - elon topic

>>16719702 planefag posts

>>16719850 #21088

Previously Collected

>>16720044 #21086, >>16719562 #21087, >>16719850 #21088

>>16716656 #21084, >>16716656 #21084, >>16718201 #21085

>>16714342 #21081, >>16715245 #21082, >>16715852 #21083

>>16712086 #21078, >>16712772 #21079, >>16713577 #21080

>>16711334 #21075, >>16711342 #21076, >>16711747 #21077

>>16706214 #21072, >>16706614 #21073, >>16709208 #21074

>>16463405 Notables Bread #14: Gonna Rise Up

General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

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0ec0fc  No.16722192

File: 3ec63dd1da66d95⋯.png (402.38 KB, 500x899, 500:899, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9a30ba8d1f92d95⋯.mp4 (7.18 MB, 406x720, 203:360, the_storm.mp4)

Updated dough: Q Research General #21092: the over-population lie exposed, cure? cull the elites edition

Baker is ready to hand off bread, has to irl issues to deal with.

New baker step up, note taker help out.

Baker believes this will drive the globalist and their minions nuts, meme versions of this, anons are genius's at memes.

p.s anon does not give a fuck about flat earth and other stuff for now, first the problem needs to be solved and it is the elites who think that we should be culled!!



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bbba12  No.16722193

File: d998d801c68af5f⋯.png (63.68 KB, 426x364, 213:182, ClipboardImage.png)

Donald J. Trump/ @realDonaldTrump

07/12/2022 07:49:56

Truth Social: 108634216633812003

Look at the people sitting on the Unselect Committee of Political Hacks and Thugs. Have you seen them before? Yes, they are essentially the same lunatics that drove the Country “crazy” with their lies and made up stories, like RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA, and all of the others, who were caught in the act sooo many times, and now they’re just going with this HOAX, which is as true as me trying to strangle a Secret Service Agent from behind in, she said, “the Beast (I wasn’t even in the Beast)!


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bbba12  No.16722194

Donald J. Trump/ @realDonaldTrump

07/12/2022 07:26:30

Truth Social: 108634124463758075

Can anyone even imagine the Unselect Committee, which was formed solely for the purpose of bringing down my “numbers,” or worse, relying on the Fake and made up stories, already largely debunked, of a female scam artist, Cassidy Hutchinson, who desperately wanted to go with the Trump Team to Florida long after January 6th, and went “crazy” when she was told no. They called her a “leaker” and worse, didn’t want her!


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bbba12  No.16722208

File: 28e5500902622e7⋯.png (58.67 KB, 423x340, 423:340, ClipboardImage.png)

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563429  No.16722219

File: 3a234b97acac161⋯.png (5.99 KB, 1260x872, 315:218, ClipboardImage.png)

I see the Liberty Bell, UK, and map of USA.

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71f4b4  No.16722220

File: 5c03322c271d76e⋯.jpeg (402.93 KB, 2160x2225, 432:445, 5B39A4CD_F03F_489B_A355_7….jpeg)


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64572d  No.16722226

File: 99972fcb0a57d32⋯.jpg (93.3 KB, 500x687, 500:687, ggh.jpg)

The Black African Negroid Cesspool people are humanities worthless shit race.


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760a08  No.16722227

File: 1f76f45e8c27fa5⋯.png (647.66 KB, 644x572, 161:143, ClipboardImage.png)

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bbba12  No.16722228


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4ae0a2  No.16722229

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Boots on the Ground review of the last 6 weeks and my take on what is going to happen.


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c67174  No.16722230

File: 3d453867057ff4d⋯.jpeg (36.94 KB, 230x350, 23:35, A0A0CC06_F38E_44A2_ACAD_1….jpeg)

File: 3b2bd7edad0a8a1⋯.jpeg (336.58 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, 1B0735F6_BC76_430A_9646_9….jpeg)

>>16721333 (LB)

>only poasted because last night- Black smoke- No Pope, coincidences mount.

Black Smoke?

Anyone have sauce on the smoke from last night?

Important sinceThe current stove system was first used in 1939

The iron stove system was first used for the election of Pope Pius XII in 1939. It has been usedseven more times since thenin 1958 (Pope John XXIII), 1963 (Pope Paul VI), 1978 (Pope John Paul I), 1978 (Pope John Paul II), 2005 (Pope Benedict XVI), 2013 (Pope Francis). Each of these dates is engraved in Roman numerals on top of the stove.

The stove is not a place to make Tea…

Next question - Were Bells Rang at the time?


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0318fa  No.16722231

File: 522f92713a032e3⋯.png (205.95 KB, 702x336, 117:56, t1t5.png)

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bbba12  No.16722232

File: 9ffdfa0dd85eb7d⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1540x460, 77:23, ClipboardImage.png)



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4d014e  No.16722233

File: 3c6c4969d78283e⋯.mp4 (4.41 MB, 886x492, 443:246, HeyMan.mp4)

File: c83ead04c3790ac⋯.mp4 (3.15 MB, 576x1024, 9:16, copsLetThemThruJan6th.mp4)

File: ecc4106b57d0871⋯.mp4 (1.09 MB, 512x768, 2:3, AnotherCop.mp4)



Have fun running these videos as counter-narratives on the digital battlefield. Have found them to be quite effective, especially the "Qanon shaman" video.

Fuckin' hey man.

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0ff254  No.16722234

Thank You, Great Baker!

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7e5dc8  No.16722235

File: 81fb3a17c9e524d⋯.jpg (263.4 KB, 1200x803, 1200:803, qr.jpg)



had my irl yesterday and man did it suck swamp ass

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d55651  No.16722236

File: 08bebc346f48842⋯.jpg (297.17 KB, 3840x1068, 320:89, SpaceX_.jpg)

>>16722215 PB

If you mirror the Space X logo sideways you get the masonic angles at the X end

imagine that, what a funky coinkydink!

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760a08  No.16722237

File: d7c4a2a3f9396fd⋯.png (288.97 KB, 672x430, 336:215, ClipboardImage.png)

Thank You Farmers

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95d3ed  No.16722238

File: e2a73fa7cfbbf73⋯.png (898.21 KB, 462x662, 231:331, capture_622_12072022_05030….png)

File: 144f870dddfdeaf⋯.png (1.24 MB, 467x923, 467:923, capture_568_12072022_01115….png)

File: 1b6a11acb0aed04⋯.png (1.28 MB, 461x966, 461:966, capture_510_11072022_19312….png)

File: ee03ada2c71bd8c⋯.png (1.54 MB, 563x951, 563:951, capture_482_11072022_18010….png)

File: 56c52e35e5ba38f⋯.jpg (85.89 KB, 477x384, 159:128, _Anonymous_You_Just_now_54….jpg)

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0ff254  No.16722239


That one always cracks me up!

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7d603a  No.16722240

Great Bread Title



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5aa10b  No.16722241


The latest leak has fizzled out.

Focus on newly emerged digs instead.

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9d0eea  No.16722242

File: 9f5764c9cab9e6e⋯.jpg (107.42 KB, 591x653, 591:653, bill_barr_visits_clownworl….jpg)

File: 80c437b7da6a60a⋯.jpeg (170.08 KB, 1400x876, 350:219, 1_22MEJ_WdGTC18f6EOZbtUg.jpeg)

NABU NABU hide the bioweapon labs

NANO NANO hide the bioweapon payload


Q has Rabies I think… (pic related)

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7d603a  No.16722243

Great Bread Title



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9e77a4  No.16722244

File: 6bb2a24689bb6bb⋯.png (671.39 KB, 953x534, 953:534, trudeau.png)

>>16722195 LB

Trudy's playing dress-up cowboy…


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d55651  No.16722245



no more dick pics???

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4ae0a2  No.16722246


Go fuck yourself.

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64572d  No.16722247

File: acfceed57e35e5a⋯.jpg (52.28 KB, 500x291, 500:291, Green.jpg)

File: 3fb6551d303a8f5⋯.jpg (62.72 KB, 500x464, 125:116, fgui.jpg)

File: feb4faec17158fb⋯.jpg (113.95 KB, 701x960, 701:960, downloadfile_1.jpg)

File: bf7ba0f9cbcdbbf⋯.jpg (47.82 KB, 500x497, 500:497, bcjj.jpg)



Trump doesn't want to endorse CodeMonkey so Trump shut your fat faggot ass mouth.

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2a3b39  No.16722248


I've been watching him every day. He's got great info

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7da6a9  No.16722249

File: 59ef4a8787859b9⋯.jpg (1.84 MB, 3581x2453, 3581:2453, diechristlicheku4190deut_0….jpg)

File: 900137b7c2c9bc9⋯.jpg (502.18 KB, 1331x1957, 1331:1957, diechristlicheku05deut_021….jpg)

File: 99dafe28f52a85a⋯.jpg (974.79 KB, 2662x3914, 1331:1957, diechristlicheku05deut_002….jpg)

File: 117faf6ddad3cde⋯.png (49.15 KB, 800x800, 1:1, untitled.png)

File: 02c7fb0c940e006⋯.jpg (289.23 KB, 800x860, 40:43, Ptolemaic_Egyptian_falcon_….jpg)




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7ccffc  No.16722250

File: cf2885f928486cb⋯.jpg (104.45 KB, 549x891, 61:99, FLOTUSwhitelong.JPG)

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9e77a4  No.16722251

File: 4b5ef18b4ceab8c⋯.mp4 (1.93 MB, 640x470, 64:47, vatican_is_burning.mp4)



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0ec0fc  No.16722252

File: 4acdeb085185851⋯.png (50.38 KB, 198x255, 66:85, ClipboardImage.png)

Q Research General #21092: the over-population lie exposed, cure? cull the elites edition

>>16722192 dough

>>16722193 Look at the people sitting on the Unselect Committee of Political Hacks and Thugs - djt.t.s post

>>16722194 They called her a “leaker” and worse, didn’t want her! - djt.t.s post

hand off confirmed, incoming baker

ingoing baker id: 7e5dc8

outgoing baker id: oec0fc

note: please include dough in notes.

the notables are being fucked with at times. with a dough link, baker can go back and check what he posted and where it was changed.

Tanks, a simple solution.

baker is all about finding ways to stop the problems.



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d38d27  No.16722253

File: fdb6586e955fbec⋯.jpg (107.46 KB, 832x1024, 13:16, 1657456962686m.jpg)

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9d0eea  No.16722254

File: a4c5998735326ac⋯.png (522.89 KB, 708x645, 236:215, ClipboardImage.png)

How much gold is in a Phone (okay Q that's fair I just did a Trick question)

How much gold is in the OTHER burisma phones in 2012-2013 Ukraine? https://georgewebb.substack.com/p/hunter-laptop-revelations-continue

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4ae0a2  No.16722255


I'm pretty sure no one else is giving this type of information.

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547ad3  No.16722256

File: 6fc5b65442da17b⋯.png (80.36 KB, 475x247, 25:13, ClipboardImage.png)

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f30a02  No.16722257

File: 9fc43af25696b00⋯.png (23.41 KB, 468x442, 18:17, ClipboardImage.png)

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2a3b39  No.16722258


Your digits confirm


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3e0aff  No.16722259

File: 4f29b0f4d98916d⋯.png (1.22 MB, 697x930, 697:930, ClipboardImage.png)

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3e0aff  No.16722260

File: ff64742342c0d70⋯.png (1.26 MB, 805x930, 161:186, ClipboardImage.png)


>Trudy's playing dress-up

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fe9fb7  No.16722261

File: 5e7dc99cffa26b0⋯.png (369.72 KB, 1655x906, 1655:906, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ab513858ee624df⋯.png (145.65 KB, 1256x908, 314:227, ClipboardImage.png)

Picture 1

Which way are they flying?

Picture 2

There the Kasper have made me nevertheless all serious a peace offer.

The island belongs to me anyway, you are a bunch of inferior brats!


I demand from you that you enlighten the people worldwide about what you have been doing with them for centuries. I insist that you tell them who Q is and what you have done to me.

Worldwide broadcast on all channels every hour!

Surrender or die!

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3e0aff  No.16722262

File: da4f9b733663742⋯.mp4 (2.95 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, Hunter_Biden_arguing_with_….mp4)

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a19132  No.16722263

File: 874a86717649c9d⋯.jpg (50.61 KB, 479x476, 479:476, c337a5732d2675d4.jpg)

File: 9351a549ff92363⋯.jpg (75.64 KB, 486x333, 54:37, be08a77ad9f0c62a.jpg)

File: f4086a857d2a69b⋯.jpg (90.66 KB, 534x560, 267:280, 91bd9233c838ff85.jpg)

File: 2cba5696f48395d⋯.png (117.3 KB, 305x269, 305:269, dqsh.PNG)

File: 5b8eb2baaf15926⋯.png (125.05 KB, 336x226, 168:113, dqsh1.PNG)

kill all child rapists.

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9d0eea  No.16722264

File: 64cd287e71ee2a0⋯.jpg (133.81 KB, 640x400, 8:5, lit_and_happy_.jpg)

File: c84ebcac3b94c00⋯.png (82.97 KB, 716x636, 179:159, ClipboardImage.png)


I heard that TESLA can fix all the problems with ONE SMALL TRICK.

I don't drink but maybe people should have a drink before they read this. I used to drink. Na don't drink,


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f41d82  No.16722265

File: 51740a8e28f6b69⋯.png (756.78 KB, 1080x1030, 108:103, Screebj.png)

File: 2f8549d9fa18feb⋯.jpg (71.44 KB, 500x552, 125:138, 2f8549d9fa18feb5de9658dd39….jpg)

File: 0e1b0df904d278f⋯.png (31.93 KB, 500x535, 100:107, ENDORSED_1.png)

File: 6740183c08f02c1⋯.jpg (68.99 KB, 500x473, 500:473, 6iozvs_1.jpg)



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0ff254  No.16722266


>and all of the others, who were caught in the act sooo many times

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53b37b  No.16722267

File: 91183e0bea31eb8⋯.png (352.97 KB, 507x500, 507:500, ClipboardImage.png)

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d38d27  No.16722269

File: af2a1a5c70621ed⋯.png (978.94 KB, 1080x867, 360:289, 20220422_084335.png)

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e49ba6  No.16722270

File: d6093f25dc30b20⋯.png (60.08 KB, 573x433, 573:433, Q_507.png)


>>16720384 Vorndran prolly deleted this off QR

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760a08  No.16722271

File: 169576e34c05523⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1615x1177, 1615:1177, ClipboardImage.png)

God is Speaking to us

I Hope People are Listening

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76a715  No.16722272

If you used the population density of NYC everyone on the planet would fit in Texas and Oklahoma

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5aa10b  No.16722273


By order of the admin:

>>16721140 (META thread)


I know, I know… But admin has issued the edict and the decision is final.


Are you trying to get banhammered?

Because this is s how you get banhammered.

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9d0eea  No.16722274


William Pelham Barr (born 1950) was SES before Trump. Check it source:Aim4truth

But here's some other info on Barr.


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217d6e  No.16722275

File: e3d27f370811ade⋯.png (159.8 KB, 371x280, 53:40, grothesqy.PNG)

File: 49d128aee66f910⋯.png (61.41 KB, 1103x237, 1103:237, savilecrimes.png)

File: b5d1fad8f707609⋯.jpg (96.61 KB, 1024x830, 512:415, savilecharles.jpg)

File: 60be2d4b5687fc7⋯.jpg (55.6 KB, 590x700, 59:70, 1302001846.jpg)

File: 3fe3717133789aa⋯.png (3.77 MB, 1921x1274, 1921:1274, 3fe37171.png)

(((inbreds))) and all child rapists are always as evil as possible and are to be drowned.

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cca1aa  No.16722276


Wendy Rogers (PRO)

Wendy Rogers




Soros Convention of States plan to destroy our country funded by massive amounts of dark money paying off politicians and influencers to shill their agenda. Listen to this.


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7ee544  No.16722277

File: d98560dd9370136⋯.png (1.11 MB, 912x1024, 57:64, ClipboardImage.png)

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0ff254  No.16722278


What time does the hearing start today?

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6c7934  No.16722279

File: c45c8fa80c8ee9a⋯.png (127.11 KB, 828x630, 46:35, 1657619015037.png)

Thank you, Baker!

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3e0aff  No.16722280

File: 50c91b627e238f2⋯.mp4 (14.5 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, crackslide_1_.mp4)

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9d0eea  No.16722281

File: ea60ed50531435b⋯.png (179.04 KB, 645x387, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Fuckin Rabies it's GOLD

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2a3b39  No.16722282

File: ce773be7301ca24⋯.jpeg (960.03 KB, 2040x2689, 2040:2689, ce773be7301ca24b7d724627a….jpeg)



>I know, I know… But admin has issued the edict and the decision is final.

This is not how this works.

This is not how any of this works.

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0ff254  No.16722283

File: 4fdedd86eff4f93⋯.png (13.74 KB, 458x236, 229:118, Screen_Shot_07_12_22_at_08….PNG)


Got it!


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969fd8  No.16722284

>>16722152 lb

Jill Biden rebuked after saying Latinos as unique as ‘breakfast tacos’


A Hispanic journalist group rebuked First Lady Jill Biden after she said Latinos were as unique as “breakfast tacos” during a speech in San Antonio on Monday.

Jill Biden was praising civil rights icon Raul Yzaguirre during the annual conference of UnidosUS when she made the bizarre compliment.

Yzaguirre led the advocacy organization, which used to be known as the National Council of La Raza, for three decades.

“Raul helped build this organization with the understanding that the diversity of this community — as distinct as the bodegas of the Bronx, as beautiful as the blossoms of Miami, and as unique as the breakfast tacos here in San Antonio — is your strength,” Biden said.

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f41d82  No.16722285

File: 799c87a0f3470e3⋯.jpg (73.08 KB, 500x523, 500:523, 799c87a0f3470e370cd2447978….jpg)

File: 76f51fa3c8604c7⋯.jpg (83.27 KB, 500x516, 125:129, ggvu_1_.jpg)

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0ff254  No.16722286


I prefer 10:00 am. Stop switching to the afternoon. Thank you.

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234b4e  No.16722287

File: 632e6cfb3e70495⋯.png (64.26 KB, 586x426, 293:213, NightShiftKikes.png)


It's no wonder you kikes like night shift so much. Americans are sleeping, while in Tel Aviv you fucks are doing the circle jerk.

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9d0eea  No.16722288

File: 9a6768743c2d775⋯.png (515.04 KB, 734x604, 367:302, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 94b2937cb196cb4⋯.jpg (70.31 KB, 762x467, 762:467, wef_klaush_biden_the_clown….jpg)

look out


coming thru..

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969fd8  No.16722289


But did they go to SA to smooth over La Raza connections to the Castro bros and their mom? Dr. Carson was on the hunt over HuD dollars and all. Wonder what sort of rabbit hole that one is?

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f30a02  No.16722290


Population figures are inflated by every country for national security, economic investment and various other egotistical reasons. I don't believe any countries figures. Earth has a lot less population than we think. Of course I cannot prove this because all my data would be coming from absolute liars of the highest magnitude.

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7040c4  No.16722291


interesting over at 4 chan pol

apparently it's a torrent magnet link to Hunter Bidens laptop

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e882bf  No.16722292

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Nuclear Preparedness PSA (with captions)

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9d0eea  No.16722293

File: 0ecdd4c94e5de83⋯.png (534.98 KB, 733x607, 733:607, ClipboardImage.png)

ever wonder what the


are doin?

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e882bf  No.16722294


uhh.. why are they posting this???

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7e5dc8  No.16722295

File: 3c11f7a11053dc4⋯.jpg (119.05 KB, 600x600, 1:1, ce8986c6cece0e00b066c32d5f….jpg)


>note: please include dough in notes.


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9d0eea  No.16722296

File: d871dcc2f1f2db9⋯.jpg (64.35 KB, 640x400, 8:5, From_purple_mountain_tops_….jpg)


Because they don't want you to read this instead they want you scared and cowering.

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ce6912  No.16722297


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6c7934  No.16722298


For fear. You can control with fear.

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e882bf  No.16722299

File: 70264d3a07c432c⋯.jpeg (603.97 KB, 750x987, 250:329, 3C84472F_F539_45E9_A764_A….jpeg)




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88b7cf  No.16722300

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0ba464  No.16722301

File: 706fcadefbea9cb⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1314x1971, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 26cfbd56246c6f7⋯.png (2.75 MB, 1314x1971, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 734313d5c1559ba⋯.png (103.46 KB, 447x831, 149:277, ClipboardImage.png)

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9e77a4  No.16722302

File: de689ce50103888⋯.png (408.48 KB, 764x445, 764:445, image.png)

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bbba12  No.16722303


You make me snooze, you lose

I deleted every cm meme you ever made

Who needs enemies when they have you fucking things up.


Single-handedly bored the fuck out of CM base.

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f30a02  No.16722304


If nukes existed this would scare the shit out of me.

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ce6912  No.16722305


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f41d82  No.16722306

File: b4f6bfdc40024dc⋯.jpg (47.22 KB, 500x506, 250:253, 6mhfyl.jpg)

File: 54c7f5bb5f24cf8⋯.jpg (70.91 KB, 500x499, 500:499, 54c7f5bb5f24cf8d5e6576102d….jpg)

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2a3b39  No.16722307

File: 597975f1aef571d⋯.png (920.76 KB, 944x923, 944:923, 000.png)


"You've got this!!!"

That is the dumbest shit I've ever heard.

Go inside, stay inside, then watch CNN.

OK, boomer.

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7e5dc8  No.16722308



4am Talking Points

Their media Narration

Q Deltas & Clock

Daily Unified Anon Prayer Storm 7pm EST


:Russell-Jay: Gould. LastFlagStanding.com

ChuckGrassley: https://twitter.com/ChuckGrassley

Dan Bongino: https://bongino.com/ | https://twitter.com/dbongino | rumble.com/c/Bonjino

Dan Scavino: https://twitter.com/DanScavino/ | https://www.facebook.com/DanScavino/ | https://t.me/Dan_Scavino_Official/ | TS@DanScavino

Devin Nunes: TS@DevinNunes

Donald J Trump: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/ | https://gab.com/realdonaldtrump | rumble.com/c/DonaldTrump | Truthsocial.com

Donald Trump Jr: https://twitter.com/DonaldJTrumpJr/ | https://www.rumble.com/c/DonaldJTrumpJr

General Flynn: https://parler.com/profile/GenFlynn/ | https://www.generalflynn.com/ | t.me/RealGenFlynn | TS@TrueGenFlynn

George Papadopoulos: https://twitter.com/GeorgePapa19

Jack Posobiec: https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/

Jeanine Pirro: https://twitter.com/JudgeJeanine

Jim Jordan: https://twitter.com/Jim_Jordan

John Solomon: https://twitter.com/jsolomonReports

Kash Patel: TS@Kash | fightwithkash.com

Laura Ingraham: https://twitter.com/IngrahamAngle

Liz Harrington: https://twitter.com/MZHemingway | TS@realLizUSA | https://twitter.com/realLizUSA | https://twitter.com/lizharrismba

Lou Dobbs: https://twitter.com/LouDobbs

Maria Bartiromo: https://twitter.com/MariaBartiromo

Marjorie Greene: https://twitter.com/mtgreenee/ | https://twitter.com/RepMTG

Melania Trump: https://twitter.com/melaniatrump/

Mike Lindell: https://frankspeech.com/ | https://LindellTV.com/

Mike Pompeo: https://twitter.com/mikepompeo/

q: TS@q

RepMattGaetz: https://twitter.com/RepMattGaetz

Ron Watkins: https://t.me/CodeMonkeyZ | https://t.me/codemonkeyzchat | helpwatkinswin.com

Rudolph Giuliani: https://twitter.com/RudyGiuliani/ | https://www.rumble.com/c/TheRudyGiuliani

Sara Carter: https://twitter.com/SaraCarterDC

Sean Hannity: https://twitter.com/seanhannity

Sebastian Gorka: https://twitter.com/SebGorka

Sidney Powell: https://defendingtherepublic.org/

Steve Bannon: https://warroom.org/listen-live/ | https://americasvoice.news/

Tom Fitton: https://twitter.com/TomFitton/

Socials: Twitter.com | Facebook.com | Gab.com | Patriots.win | TruthSocial.com | Poal.co | 4chan.org | AboveTopSecret.com

Videos: Youtube.com | Rumble.com | Bitchute.com | Brighteon.com | Tora3.com | Vimeo.com

Media: @RSBNetwork | @OANN | @Newsmax | Warroom.org |@News_ntd | t.me/WeTheMedia | UncoverDC.com | TheEpochTimes.com | JustTheNews.com | FrankSpeech.com | AmericasVoice.news | InfoWars.com | thegatewaypundit.com

Military: https://controlc.com/10a2f775

@USArmy @USNavy @USMC @usairforce @SpaceForceDoD

Plane Tracking: https://www.radarbox.com/

Military Ship Tracker: https://www.shiplocation.com/military/tracker

>Suggested Follow

Standard ————————————–——– https://ghostbin.com/paste/wWofT

Military ————————————–——– https://ghostbin.com/paste/Wp16g

FBI ————————————–——– https://ghostbin.com/paste/cXW3i

Civilian ————————————–——– https://ghostbin.com/paste/lYWIE

Telegram ————————————–——– https://ghostbin.com/paste/0mHXn


Jim Watkins: https://gab.com/jimwatkins

In The Matrix: MG.show

Kanekoa: https://gab.com/KanekoaTheGreat https://rumble.com/user/kanekoathegreat

Technofog: technofog.substack.com

Amazing Polly: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ZofFQQoDoqYT/

Mr Pool: https://twitter.com/Ioop_rM311_7211

Diamond and Silk: https://rumble.com/c/DiamondandSilk

Americas Front Line Doctors: Rumble.com/c/DrSimoneGold

Charlie Kirk: https://rumble.com/c/CharlieKirk

Ben Shapiro: https://rumble.com/c/BenShapiro

Cat Turd: https://twitter.com/catturd2

Praying Medic: https://t.me/praying_medic/

PapiTrumpo: https://twitter.com/ildonaldotrump

John McCaffee: https://t.me/McafeeAfterlife/

George News: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHuJRxaJssaumjcv9aLZ21Q

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7e5dc8  No.16722309


DigitalArmy https://controlc.com/7db029e7

Biden/Ukraine https://controlc.com/fa7c8371

Hydroxychloroquine https://controlc.com/a78a33de

VoterId https://web.archive.org/web/20200501190716/https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/8989842.html

RINO https://web.archive.org/web/20220516212555/https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/15416833.html

CovidLabs/VaccineJabs https://web.archive.org/web/20220123090336/https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/15350336.html

VoterFrud/ElectoralFraud https://web.archive.org/web/20210415023513/https://8kun.top/warroom/res/5700.html

FakeNews https://archive.ph/IHDlI


KungFluFive https://controlc.com/ecaf0f46

GhislaineMaxwell https://controlc.com/7fb437ef | https://controlc.com/4f034726

LawAndOrder https://controlc.com/00c164bf

ObamaGate https://controlc.com/0da6f982b | https://controlc.com/690959f0

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7e5dc8  No.16722310

#HASHTASK 220428

>>15406820 Hash Trends: https://trends24.in/united-states/

Tools and Services https://controlc.com/0d3fe735


Gather Everyone In the AM and HIT 'Them' With Everything You Got in the PM! [POST STORM - THE WAVE]

[1] MEME MEME and MEME some MOAR! Stay Focused on Current #HOTTOPICS

[2] Pick 2-3 hashes from https://botsentinel.com and use them to help get your #HASH out.

[3] Post @ 10-11Am | 12-3Pm | 6-9Pm EST

[4] Always Try to Post Meme/Cap/Vid/Article (Not just plain text)

[5] Use .@them to respond to all their following.

[6] Remember to be Quirky in your posts and ask question instead of making statement.

[7] RT other's tweets and Report Bots (New account, no followers, lots of RT's)

[8] ReTweet LASERFAST. Use https://tweetdeck.com

[9] Information Warfare https://controlc.com/06508634 [ARCHIVE OFFLINE]


Standard Hashes #MAGA #KAG #FGNC #WWG1WGA #Q #Trump #Qresearch #45 #GreatAwakening #Anonymous


1/6 Committee

2020 Democrat Riots and timelines



Ballot Trafficking


Border Crisis


Counter Fact Checkers

Counter Media Narrators



Dominion Voting



Governor Senicide

Human Trafficking

Hunter Laptop

Lyndsey Graham Judges


Natural Immunity


Save The Children

Save The Filibuster

Second Amendment

Section 230

Start a Garden








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7ccffc  No.16722311

File: 0f6fd568e8f1f45⋯.png (1.07 MB, 634x903, 634:903, FLOTUS_BridleDress.png)

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8e2d81  No.16722312

File: 1ca377967e76a08⋯.png (664.9 KB, 910x785, 182:157, dutch1.png)

File: 73dd576bd8fc5b5⋯.png (336.74 KB, 363x712, 363:712, 73dd576bd8fc5b5f2c5c176b96….png)

File: eb09218185fc133⋯.jpg (83.26 KB, 1024x1001, 1024:1001, ursula_von_der_leyen.jpg)

File: 0fa1f1fe24b94cd⋯.png (198.81 KB, 429x256, 429:256, hungergames.png)

File: b01fd529c8c43b4⋯.jpg (17.82 KB, 474x266, 237:133, th_198221010.jpg)

((('die for us')))

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9e77a4  No.16722314

File: ef19c7154cdc7fd⋯.png (162.51 KB, 375x372, 125:124, kek.png)



Stay inside until 2030 with quarterly vaccine shots?

We know your dirty tricks.

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1940ee  No.16722315

File: 13e2b1c466009cb⋯.jpg (109.26 KB, 960x919, 960:919, 13e2b1c466009cbba3a0046517….jpg)

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760a08  No.16722316

File: 7091adde1057010⋯.png (23.35 KB, 446x106, 223:53, ClipboardImage.png)


Seeding Fearporn

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7e5dc8  No.16722317

File: fbed9d54d38f262⋯.jpg (243.88 KB, 1850x1112, 925:556, 277996698_512611080330275_….jpg)

8KUN Recruitment Bun

>>16287936 OPERATION D.A.R.E

>>16287961 WHO IS A [S]COUT?


>>16287966 WHO IS A [F]LANKS?

>>16287967 WHO IS A [U]NIT OPS?

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7f36fb  No.16722318

File: 2c166ee8f68b47c⋯.jpeg (134.33 KB, 800x541, 800:541, 2193C20A_5808_4B4A_B1DF_1….jpeg)



YMC-GAY Trudeau

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9d0eea  No.16722319

File: 4d75229230be09f⋯.png (90.8 KB, 781x666, 781:666, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4ff43aeb9507013⋯.jpg (207.28 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, joe_the_economic_clown.jpg)

File: 398d4df7b0f63eb⋯.png (128.58 KB, 1015x624, 1015:624, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fea961ddd4d3f7a⋯.png (1.52 MB, 2150x1166, 1075:583, ClipboardImage.png)


Continuing….THAT GOLD Q asked about a SECOND TIME.



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28c362  No.16722320


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c69d59  No.16722321

File: b131904fc86c894⋯.png (34.02 KB, 1058x214, 529:107, ClipboardImage.png)

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f41d82  No.16722322

File: f2570eaba24f785⋯.jpg (59.53 KB, 500x641, 500:641, 6lg3ms_1.jpg)

File: ffa2b875e4b9fcd⋯.jpg (97.15 KB, 500x653, 500:653, 6eil7f_1.jpg)

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7e5dc8  No.16722323

8kun Image Archive

220707 https://postimg.cc/gallery/kXzYxjH

220702 https://postimg.cc/gallery/YkMQfhW

220619 https://postimg.cc/gallery/Jj7K4Qd

220610 https://postimg.cc/gallery/MXKLcLR

220603 https://postimg.cc/gallery/Hxhc0XX

220521 https://postimg.cc/gallery/PqZZQJG

220501 https://postimg.cc/gallery/xMjCRf8

220424 https://postimg.cc/gallery/BnHdnND

220416 https://postimg.cc/gallery/68z3Brw

220411 https://postimg.cc/gallery/qpF32RF

220327 https://postimg.cc/gallery/w7JTCQJ

220311 https://postimg.cc/gallery/xQ6sHfZ

220304 https://postimg.cc/gallery/hK9qkNT

220225 https://postimg.cc/gallery/wtMXcrR

221902 https://postimg.cc/gallery/tbgKKtg

220211 https://postimg.cc/gallery/fXntjfQ

220204 https://postimg.cc/gallery/DbYPpbk

220128 https://postimg.cc/gallery/8SpfCL4

220121 https://postimg.cc/gallery/1FKG879

220116 https://postimg.cc/gallery/xmNHW26

220107 https://postimg.cc/gallery/HdfYCKF

211231 https://postimg.cc/gallery/q4cFjDW

211218 https://postimg.cc/gallery/rxH667h

211212 https://postimg.cc/gallery/Q1t6pY9

211127 https://postimg.cc/gallery/WP9ktnV

211119 https://postimg.cc/gallery/q6yxRj5

211114 https://postimg.cc/gallery/zWBbb4C

211106 https://postimg.cc/gallery/5yNffgQ

211031 https://postimg.cc/gallery/SSBhD3L

211024 https://postimg.cc/gallery/YLprg0Q

211013 https://postimg.cc/gallery/fLZ6mPj

211012 https://postimg.cc/gallery/Vm6j1Qc

211001 https://postimg.cc/gallery/1SvQc9C

210829 https://imgur.com/a/cu5HmZA

210823 https://imgur.com/a/oykZ29q

210813 https://imgur.com/a/wxtkvDu

210809 https://imgur.com/a/T637Xlb

210721 https://imgur.com/a/utU6Ehc

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6c7934  No.16722324

File: 8c4a65dc6268f74⋯.jpg (636.38 KB, 3264x3264, 1:1, pvs4upq3yx891.jpg)

Every fucking time I take one of those stupid tests: INTP. Every damn time. Hoping I'd at least get something different on a different site. Guess I'm stuck with that shit now.

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22a3fa  No.16722326

File: 7d885acad635455⋯.mp4 (2.77 MB, 854x480, 427:240, 89NuxJcjFgHO.mp4)

File: fc9c40ca1c472af⋯.jpg (128.09 KB, 750x960, 25:32, 4b868c56a5a8b6ce.jpg)

File: 8639ddad45e4c5e⋯.jpg (152.69 KB, 1080x1094, 540:547, a69f6d5e25d0c59c.jpg)

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9d0eea  No.16722327


hahaha good one!

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53b37b  No.16722328

File: 32c8be48441b82c⋯.png (288.07 KB, 500x680, 25:34, ClipboardImage.png)


>you kikes

Nice projection :)

There they are.

Muhjoo shill started.

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7e5dc8  No.16722329


sob, will get on this later

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bbba12  No.16722330


the football was never passed to Biden

FUD=FEAR Uncertainty and Doubt

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fe9fb7  No.16722331

File: c9b738c9cf889e8⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1680x1050, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

There is no limit.

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e882bf  No.16722333



What kind of iodine tablets are you supposed to take if this happens. I doubt the gov will give them out.

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40a6a0  No.16722334

File: b04bc3333150b54⋯.png (368.48 KB, 691x385, 691:385, Gramp_s_YouTube_2022_07_12….png)

14-year delta being pointed out

Fox News remembering Tony Snow, who died today, 14-years ago in 2008.

First anchor of Fox News Sunday, 1996-2003.

Do they commemorate the 14th anniversary of the death of other other on-air personalities? I bet they don't… like, ever.

I noted 4 10 20's "birthday" timestamp too. "Snowden" comms? Gotta be comms… who the hell else who is NOT exactly a big-name titan of the business gets a "14-years dead" news piece? I don't think Walter Cronkite would get a "14 years ago today…"

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7e5dc8  No.16722335

I came here to See Q

>See Q

Seek (You)

kek, dont dox me q o/

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7e5dc8  No.16722336

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7f36fb  No.16722337

File: 5b0824e2f9915c4⋯.jpeg (1.29 MB, 3264x3264, 1:1, 40A3815D_924E_4333_A965_9….jpeg)

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969fd8  No.16722338


Was Kash pointing to some other subject while using Jill's breakfast taco comparison?

?Tactical Airborne Countermeasures/Strike


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760a08  No.16722339


We Tried so Hard

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991fc3  No.16722340


Sounds Good.

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547ad3  No.16722341

File: 647a9052d747502⋯.png (192.85 KB, 600x800, 3:4, Wax_Indignant.png)

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7f1207  No.16722342

File: 5de0e4ef00d3e8b⋯.png (3 MB, 2000x1317, 2000:1317, GermanyEgypt.png)

File: c3a8b1f7b49e9b7⋯.png (9.22 MB, 3548x2574, 1774:1287, inbreds.png)

File: 398d1b13f24c277⋯.jpg (37.6 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Waffen_SS.jpg)

File: 1a0b57fb8df61ec⋯.png (349.56 KB, 995x659, 995:659, zhekel.PNG)

File: 68e16e2f6371992⋯.png (884.82 KB, 1368x1384, 171:173, jakobodog.PNG)

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

Never have children in the city as cities is strictly for adults!

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to commit suicide instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent 'normalization' of child rape.

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever know being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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9d0eea  No.16722343

File: d65fbbfcc9e066b⋯.jpg (100.56 KB, 591x653, 591:653, mayorkas_visits_clownworld….jpg)

File: fea961ddd4d3f7a⋯.png (1.52 MB, 2150x1166, 1075:583, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3aab58537a60813⋯.png (997.44 KB, 2031x1179, 677:393, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1e3c274704d8187⋯.png (1014.5 KB, 2150x1249, 2150:1249, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fe192925f06e9dd⋯.png (106.18 KB, 672x653, 672:653, ClipboardImage.png)

CLOWN MAN SCIENCE show that Q's GOLD travels on your LIPID system..

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e882bf  No.16722344

File: 903858fea98023d⋯.jpeg (188.68 KB, 750x659, 750:659, 425DA33E_BC61_4ECD_A89A_8….jpeg)


Oh shit bros looks like that don’t help either


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cca1aa  No.16722345

File: 2ca6bd776393af8⋯.png (189.88 KB, 761x1260, 761:1260, Mark_Finchem_vs_katie_hobb….png)


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7f36fb  No.16722346

File: 3ea84caf2177602⋯.jpg (942.35 KB, 2195x1702, 2195:1702, Natural_Women_Vs_The_Liber….jpg)

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5670c9  No.16722347

We don't have a gun violence problem. We have a nigger problem.

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f41d82  No.16722348

File: 7cb7f6c362dff65⋯.png (230.11 KB, 327x400, 327:400, downloadfile.png)

File: e17f4da724e54cf⋯.jpg (88.67 KB, 648x800, 81:100, downloadfile.jpg)

File: 8c1c409ce86a6d9⋯.jpg (60.32 KB, 500x617, 500:617, fhu.jpg)

Marla Maples was a HUGE whore sucking Trump's cock while he's still married to Ivana Trump…..

Melania is also a fuzzy.

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77d957  No.16722349

File: 8b2e279429bd054⋯.jpg (568.53 KB, 816x1145, 816:1145, bc43f2c6be24bb455f868634a0….jpg)


We love you, but -

Do NOT reply to shills

Do NOT demolish their intentionally flawed arguments

Do NOT debate their idiotic "concerns"

Do NOT engage shills.

Do NOT participate in chat room shill KAYFABE

In professional wrestling, kayfabe is the portrayal of staged events within the industry as "real" or "true", specifically the portrayal of competition, rivalries, and relationships between participants as being genuine and not of a staged or predetermined nature of any kind.


Do NOT perpetuate shill SLIDES.

Do NOT reply to shills.

Do NOT pick up spit

If you are NOT sure, LEARN to ID shills

shills = hate

shills = labels

shills = repetition

shills = envy, greed, theology etc.

Do NOT correct intentional shill mistakes

Do NOT be triggered by shill taunts

do NOT eat bats off the street

Do NOT bark back at dogs

Spot a clown

Dealing with ye Clowns & ye Shills

>>2322789 Spot a shill

>>2323031 Spot A Clown

shills have no agency, no will independent of their masters. Shills are passed gas of history. The slave of the slaves, their words are writ upon water.


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ff9859  No.16722350

Are we there yet?

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6c7934  No.16722351

File: a3482af3374bb7f⋯.jpg (18.6 KB, 409x393, 409:393, kek.jpg)


Niiiiiice. KEK!

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7ee544  No.16722352

File: fa3d7c696c772fd⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1540x460, 77:23, ClipboardImage.png)

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7f36fb  No.16722353

File: 07efe5b3629a5fc⋯.jpeg (237.64 KB, 618x800, 309:400, 8C9D45AA_D1B3_4873_84B1_2….JPEG)

File: 8df7faec8e5a849⋯.jpeg (234.94 KB, 636x800, 159:200, 05684A21_54E1_4410_834E_7….JPEG)

File: 048667e38be65e0⋯.jpeg (134.64 KB, 598x515, 598:515, Joe_Biden_Bike_01.JPEG)

File: ece6b638a7c49b5⋯.jpg (157.43 KB, 544x680, 4:5, Joe_Biden_Bike_02.JPG)

File: 34aa3f9a4505136⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 1279x1153, 1279:1153, IMG_0244.jpg)

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2a3fea  No.16722354

File: b54c529860ead36⋯.jpg (1.67 MB, 1223x1201, 1223:1201, b54c529860ead3682e4624e31b….jpg)

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7e12e4  No.16722355

File: a4cd461969d8bd3⋯.jpeg (106.09 KB, 445x557, 445:557, B017FA0D_1D6A_4C6A_BDBE_6….jpeg)

It’s Taco Tuesday

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25caa2  No.16722356



They left out so much information. They aren't even telling you what the fucking effects of a nuclear explosion are and what it does to your body with a small amount of radiation or a large amount.

Rule #1 it's much better to be in the blast radius and get vaporized instantly as opposed to trying to get away from the blast radius and getting the equivalent 100 rounds of chemo in you.

Rule #2 If you can't make it outside of the blast radius in time or the fallout, find the biggest building/warehouse or whatever. Don't use your home. You have merely a few walls to keep you from the outside.

The bigger the building, the more layers of protection you have.

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7e5dc8  No.16722357

File: fc1b000763d5fc8⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1500x844, 375:211, ClipboardImage.png)

Googled Average American Woman, Im ok with the results

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fe33db  No.16722358

File: f2312658222b788⋯.png (170.85 KB, 320x287, 320:287, teefhz.PNG)

File: 0c2d6035e4838fa⋯.jpg (40.1 KB, 500x310, 50:31, toroid.jpg)

File: 3f36a33d9209bd1⋯.jpg (157.55 KB, 585x480, 39:32, EMW.jpg)

File: 047c8b54164b01f⋯.png (60.61 KB, 267x558, 89:186, seth.png)

File: aeca44c337c86d6⋯.png (959.91 KB, 674x770, 337:385, PtolemaicEgypt2.PNG)

find a good dentist to get all ((('dental plastic'))) removed from your teeth!

affixing foreign object to humans is one of the worst crimes against humanity and it can only continuously cause you harm.

I started eating frozen meat to adjust my teeth naturally after removing the 'plastic' and I have over 2-3 years regained 100% hearing, no 'tinnitus', no 'double-vision' and cleared breathing and neck issues.

the fact that genital mutilation of infants is ((('sanctioned by modern medixxine'))) by the same people gluing objects to humans for shekels is explanatory.

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234b4e  No.16722359

File: 7262eba857573b5⋯.png (541.2 KB, 791x788, 791:788, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5043ee0832a00b4⋯.png (96.5 KB, 821x497, 821:497, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 850192b1c939662⋯.png (656.91 KB, 1208x534, 604:267, RittenhouseJews.png)


Why are Jews (Joos) always on the wrong side?

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5670c9  No.16722360


at least there's no she-boons.

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53b37b  No.16722361

File: 08a49052ac3413d⋯.jpg (80.55 KB, 500x500, 1:1, impeachment_sekulow_05_abc….jpg)


Why are Jews (Joos) always on the right side?

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0ff254  No.16722362

File: c4611fd93c49aa1⋯.png (2.34 KB, 137x70, 137:70, Screen_Shot_07_12_22_at_08….PNG)

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7ee544  No.16722363

File: cd62f0957ffdd1a⋯.png (403.79 KB, 1848x1181, 1848:1181, ClipboardImage.png)


>Q Deltas

These are the only July 12th drops.

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7f36fb  No.16722364

File: 25fd08b8fbcae80⋯.jpg (177.91 KB, 1088x1401, 1088:1401, Joe_Biden_Pedo_Pete.JPG)

File: 8059ccb80e7702f⋯.jpg (279.38 KB, 1088x1360, 4:5, Pedo_Pete_Driving_License.JPG)

File: ad95f4ae5b8a23f⋯.jpg (81.01 KB, 680x499, 680:499, Joe_Biden_Snogging_Grandda….JPG)

File: a940aca948bc49d⋯.jpg (701.21 KB, 967x908, 967:908, HRC_Streep_Joe_Daughter.jpg)

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0318fa  No.16722365

File: 4170260791ee7b4⋯.jpg (41.62 KB, 1035x614, 1035:614, shill.jpg)

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7e5dc8  No.16722366


-o7 noted and ty anon

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234b4e  No.16722367


Is suck a cow your hero or something?

The rich Jewish lawyer is an Israel firster.

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7e5dc8  No.16722368

P = Pedo Pete

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078d55  No.16722369

File: 3f23fc959186f55⋯.jpg (17.18 KB, 255x254, 255:254, 500fd8e278da2aeb98b70764ad….jpg)

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9d0eea  No.16722370

File: d45b7e8302235ed⋯.jpeg (61.73 KB, 965x482, 965:482, biden_clown_4th_july.jpeg)

File: 900205867e1450e⋯.png (81.64 KB, 596x621, 596:621, ClipboardImage.png)



why not put hand cuffs on biden, hillary pelosi newsom kamela schiff and all these nazi lovers starting all this instead.

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f41d82  No.16722371

File: b0557fcbd3464a9⋯.jpg (95.86 KB, 500x625, 4:5, 6m9fwf.jpg)

File: 7ab51d0f634b844⋯.jpg (83.69 KB, 500x659, 500:659, 6ldgyj.jpg)

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991fc3  No.16722372

Still can't youtube. Any Amazing Anons in here that will post Up some Warrior Tunes? I need battle music to sling Paint!

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dde020  No.16722373

File: 00eb54a731dccd0⋯.jpeg (15.66 KB, 324x129, 108:43, 1657588110685.jpeg)



>For fear. You can control with fear.

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7e5dc8  No.16722374

File: 26d1c2c674ab390⋯.png (40.64 KB, 595x339, 595:339, ClipboardImage.png)

Tuesday Night Live with Dinesh!

Let's chat about the latest stuff happening! NEVER out of material, that's for sure!


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7ccffc  No.16722375

File: c273ed0c71f3b76⋯.jpg (53.83 KB, 367x892, 367:892, FLOTUSflowerpants.JPG)

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53b37b  No.16722376

File: 53d5ec8a01bea0d⋯.png (72.22 KB, 320x485, 64:97, ClipboardImage.png)


Are Joos your masters or something?

You angry.

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25caa2  No.16722377


>at least there's no she-boons.



>at least there's no she-boons.



>at least there's no she-boons.



>at least there's no she-boons.



>at least there's no she-boons.



>at least there's no she-boons.



>at least there's no she-boons.



>at least there's no she-boons.



>at least there's no she-boons.



>at least there's no she-boons.



>at least there's no she-boons.



>at least there's no she-boons.



>at least there's no she-boons.



>at least there's no she-boons.



>at least there's no she-boons.



>at least there's no she-boons.


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0aa3ef  No.16722378

File: 79422f0f0af2d0f⋯.jpg (129.96 KB, 881x622, 881:622, 79422f0f0af2d0f2de8a31dd67….jpg)

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760a08  No.16722379


During this time of Nuclear Winter, We're going to need Mail in Ballots

It's for the greater good

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1887f4  No.16722380

>>16721810 (pb)

Mornin' Ralph…

Can really use the dark roast…

My woman has been raggin' on me…

If you know the language I am speakin'…

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7e5dc8  No.16722381

File: e1187bd0399b6e2⋯.png (168.73 KB, 388x530, 194:265, ClipboardImage.png)




A 21 min interview of my brother Joe Flynn for young collegians that every American needs to hear.








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e4ae33  No.16722382


thank you for clearing this up

mr vorndran

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cca1aa  No.16722383


Donald J Trump (PRO)

Donald J Trump




Isn’t it INCREDIBLE that the people who Cheated, Rigged, and Stole the 2020 Presidential Election, for which there is massive and incontestable evidence and proof (and now even the Wisconsin Supreme Court just ruled that Ballot Boxes, which are impossible to control & easy to cheat with, are ILLEGAL!), are totally protected from harm (the FIX is in!), and the people that caught them cheating are being investigated. Someday soon this will change, or we won’t have a Country anymore!

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1940ee  No.16722384

File: 4d7b9137171d5c4⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1034x1773, 1034:1773, 4d7b9137171d5c45c7f0487fa4….png)


Your thyroid is your second brain, you are being poisoned. They want you dead!

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7e5dc8  No.16722385

File: 75a765bb9bc7c87⋯.png (297.84 KB, 392x552, 49:69, ClipboardImage.png)




Heavy lifting @JudicialWatch uncovered FDA documents will outrage many about Covid vaccines. youtu.be/nGC1ZfS9bL8


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f41d82  No.16722386

File: 2064d6de5fea572⋯.jpg (50.71 KB, 500x662, 250:331, 6mgfu.jpg)

File: 8ad9924621dbc9e⋯.jpg (75.2 KB, 500x648, 125:162, Captain_Bligh.jpg)

File: 090afd00b46e10a⋯.jpg (65.97 KB, 500x581, 500:581, 6md9s4_1.jpg)

File: 8323d054c4e884e⋯.jpg (53.96 KB, 500x534, 250:267, 6ld9yi_1.jpg)

File: 61af0f7afbfcae1⋯.jpg (90.66 KB, 500x670, 50:67, 6g9emc_1.jpg)

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7e5dc8  No.16722387



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9d0eea  No.16722388

File: e9ccfc52aa4c087⋯.png (108.77 KB, 796x678, 398:339, ClipboardImage.png)


A pattern has emerged.

got sniffel? mRNA

got cough mRNA

got broken finger mRNA

eye problem mRNA

upset tummy? mRNA

hurt back mRNA

nothing at all wrong mRNA

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7ee544  No.16722389

File: 76b8a55f72a770c⋯.png (34.33 KB, 447x488, 447:488, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 839e782681ccb09⋯.png (8.04 KB, 562x54, 281:27, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3766f7f52aed725⋯.png (24.91 KB, 447x299, 447:299, ClipboardImage.png)


1440 on the clock today.

3434 delta 2 days ahead.

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547ad3  No.16722390

File: 612c508628918a0⋯.jpeg (70.89 KB, 1443x1252, 1443:1252, e5M4ZOCj1Yer.jpeg)

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234b4e  No.16722391

File: c23f9ec46c61077⋯.png (548.45 KB, 1795x656, 1795:656, WJCBoard.PNG)


Well, I'm waiting for the Jewish response to a World Christian Congress..

How arrogant does a kike have to be to form a World Jewish Congress. Now all the need is the World Jewish President, or NASI

Then they can have the World Jewish Religion based on the Satanic Talmud/Kaballah and usher in the World Jewish Military to rid the planet of us pesky uncooperating Goyim..

Now move along faggot.

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6c7934  No.16722392


So that's who you are. I was wondering who your previous persona was.

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7e5dc8  No.16722393

File: f2f49b57f9c20df⋯.png (35.26 KB, 404x231, 404:231, ClipboardImage.png)




Look at the people sitting on the Unselect Committee of Political Hacks and Thugs. Have you seen them before? Yes, they are essentially the same lunatics that drove the Country “crazy” with their lies and made up stories, like RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA, and all of the others, who were caught in the act sooo many times, and now they’re just going with this HOAX, which is as true as me trying to strangle a Secret Service Agent from behind in, she said, “the Beast (I wasn’t even in the Beast)!


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53b37b  No.16722394

File: 5a221aea4b0bcd9⋯.png (128.96 KB, 728x177, 728:177, ClipboardImage.png)

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7f36fb  No.16722395

File: 8b5c52110b4bc32⋯.jpeg (183.05 KB, 1200x1159, 1200:1159, B12CA8E9_13E4_4B12_9916_E….jpeg)

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bbba12  No.16722396


damn that's the one

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547ad3  No.16722397

File: ad2d67d37d7dd91⋯.png (130.83 KB, 756x768, 63:64, 0supov.png)

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c5b23e  No.16722398

This is no small thing to restore a republic after it has fallen into corruption…

“This is no small thing, to restore a republic after it has fallen into corruption. I have studied history for years and I cannot recall it ever happening. It may be that our task is impossible. Yet, if we do not try then how will we know it can’t be done? And if we do not try, it most certainly won’t be done. The Founders’ Republic, and the larger war for western civilization, will be lost.”

“But I tell you this: We will not go gently into that bloody collectivist good night. Indeed, we will make with our defiance such a sound as ALL history from that day forward will be forced to note, even if they despise us in the writing of it.”

~ Mike Vanderboegh


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635e03  No.16722399


Booing and heckling him is like you-ing a shill.

He just takes them to his bosses like a trophies.

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7e5dc8  No.16722400

File: 6061df8f5a7700c⋯.mp4 (4.45 MB, 640x480, 4:3, 6061df8f5a7700ce7f0c105558….mp4)




So glad somebody made this. I was this close 👌🏼


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614231  No.16722401

File: 71bbd1f00aaaeec⋯.mp4 (842.65 KB, 480x270, 16:9, They_admit_to_potential_el….mp4)


They already knew about possible election hacking, but did they get in bed with them after the 2018 election?

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53b37b  No.16722402

File: 5a199c2daffb2f5⋯.jpg (180.6 KB, 981x1474, 981:1474, c8ddea1fe6b77f7c6c23c51d45….jpg)


Well, I'm waiting for the response to the memes I posted, you haven't replied at all.

>kike like you

Nice projection

>How arrogant

Nice projection

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234b4e  No.16722403

File: 4cc4cf37e2d718c⋯.jpg (76.92 KB, 658x670, 329:335, SaddleStoryIII.jpg)

File: 3430f419b4ac71a⋯.jpg (47.24 KB, 660x375, 44:25, SaddleStoryIIII.jpg)

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234b4e  No.16722404


Sorry dude, but I'm gonna filter you. You shit is old.

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25caa2  No.16722405



Fuck me. It's been years since I looked into this study and tried to fuck around with some stats. If you take out 5 cities in America it's the 3 safest country on the entire planet when it comes to guns.

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71c401  No.16722406

File: 6eef2865a50f6f9⋯.jpg (294.73 KB, 782x1460, 391:730, karolus.jpg)

File: 23f2734931b5197⋯.png (989.38 KB, 546x707, 78:101, KeizerWilhelmIIExLibris.png)

File: 9da4be1bdc6a311⋯.png (969.55 KB, 667x817, 667:817, Cacherano.png)

File: 5616de59aaf36f4⋯.jpg (754.51 KB, 1551x1262, 1551:1262, diechristlicheku05deut_021….jpg)

File: d9905531c991d47⋯.jpg (357.25 KB, 1150x1855, 230:371, 3500ietremilacin00gell_041….jpg)

those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to kill itself instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent them from raping more children.

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever 'know' being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves or get murdered.

kill all dogs as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles to be drowned.

No children in the city as the city is strictly for adults!

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547ad3  No.16722407


yes, the jews brought the niggers here, I know

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53b37b  No.16722408

File: 3a1ee134593db78⋯.jpg (35.84 KB, 427x320, 427:320, 3a1ee134593db7882ecd1f1d97….jpg)

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40a6a0  No.16722409

File: d12488aea360b98⋯.png (198.17 KB, 1081x787, 1081:787, Image_2022_07_12_08_42_56.png)

File: 9742a98a8cdd6a7⋯.png (342.08 KB, 726x1372, 363:686, ClipboardImage.png)

In terms of today's schedule, the Biden White House is taking Q916 quite literally.

>We are saving Israel for last.

>Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.


10:00 PM The President departs Joint Base Andrews en route Jerusalem, Israel

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5cd538  No.16722410

Anon used to pick out the planted glowies in High School. Good thing he wasn't high back then. It was good training for now.

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fe9fb7  No.16722411


>I came here to See Q

>>See Q

>Seek (You)

>kek, dont dox me q o/

\o the good anons are save, the bastards are under constant surveillance!

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e882bf  No.16722412

File: 01fc51d15ef058a⋯.jpeg (514.52 KB, 750x1167, 250:389, 321B4D40_19BD_4832_9F12_9….jpeg)


>Go inside, stay inside, then watch CNN.

Is this Bill Gate’s roadmap to finally getting us to eat the bugs?

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635e03  No.16722413


Name that tune (linky)

And anon shall post-it

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234b4e  No.16722414

File: a51ff639f273676⋯.jpg (123.59 KB, 1063x796, 1063:796, FordMoneyJQ.jpg)


So, at least you can recognize the real problem…

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7e5dc8  No.16722415


Yes it is the Jews.

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04e638  No.16722416



If you havent posted it within 10 minutes of habbening

its already been posted

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0ec0fc  No.16722417

File: ffec6d7ea00047d⋯.png (246.25 KB, 541x461, 541:461, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8296f308bb9d0da⋯.png (1.16 MB, 944x751, 944:751, ClipboardImage.png)


simple solution


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cca1aa  No.16722418


playbook: win by over 60% so they don't think of requesting copies of ballots

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547ad3  No.16722419

File: 06a068cdbbd81a9⋯.png (124.24 KB, 558x424, 279:212, XaYkvkcfQNpT.png)

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9d0eea  No.16722420

File: c1845b582219662⋯.png (3.09 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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f41d82  No.16722421

File: 531854798acab0c⋯.jpg (62.86 KB, 500x522, 250:261, GRIFTER.jpg)

File: b6e565213c92b43⋯.jpg (66.56 KB, 500x481, 500:481, 6j4hgf.jpg)

File: 98671e96c6920df⋯.jpg (65.66 KB, 500x535, 100:107, ENDORSED_1.jpg)



Trump is a Big League faggot for not endorsing CodeMonkey simple as that.

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547ad3  No.16722422

File: f3cd92dbb566708⋯.png (298.67 KB, 702x564, 117:94, 5cdGAiaEBZTR.png)

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c40c8b  No.16722423


>Name that tune

Darude - Sandstorm

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6c7934  No.16722424


No, it's you

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7ccffc  No.16722425

File: 64ae5a68fddb698⋯.jpg (129.07 KB, 484x1078, 22:49, FLOTUSpink.jpg)

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9d0eea  No.16722426



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dde020  No.16722427

File: 1cd3a2b506f8797⋯.gif (3.86 MB, 600x254, 300:127, greater_good.gif)

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bbba12  No.16722428


glad you posted that


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f4044d  No.16722429

File: 6659550d947fcbb⋯.jpeg (914.75 KB, 1250x1583, 1250:1583, 0FCD21CB_022B_4C68_AB50_B….jpeg)

When does the cock sing?

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cca1aa  No.16722430


Diamond and Silk discuss Fulton County subpoenas being Opposers the GA 2020 results

Diamond and Silk

Published July 6, 2022 2,006 Views

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533d67  No.16722431

File: 3bb151beb7391fd⋯.jpeg (360.1 KB, 1500x1878, 250:313, freddot.jpeg)

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234b4e  No.16722432

File: 97108c6a6544774⋯.jpg (57.43 KB, 512x487, 512:487, AnimalHouseJews.jpg)

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1940ee  No.16722433

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2b7737  No.16722434

File: a8517137a622025⋯.jpg (65.53 KB, 534x667, 534:667, anubisstatuemet.jpg)

File: 674168707301a34⋯.jpg (114.67 KB, 2560x1371, 2560:1371, photo_2022_05_08_14_52_55.jpg)

File: 6135fd2454d85f4⋯.jpg (182.75 KB, 881x549, 881:549, bill_gates_with_conviced_c….jpg)

File: 21b7bdf3f08715c⋯.jpg (815.44 KB, 2487x3557, 2487:3557, studiesineastchr12free_004….jpg)

File: 26762fe3fc693a7⋯.jpg (296.38 KB, 1244x1779, 1244:1779, studiesineastchr12free_003….jpg)

anubis is the 'anti-christ' the 'khrist of the inbred' or 'the least inbred' of the (((inbreds))), a jackal ~ (((jakob))) that after 'learning' that it is a product of (((inbreeding))) and should never exist as how the (((inbred))) judas was made to hang by Jesus God, the (((inbred))) will if they do not commit suicide always try to become as evil as possible, i.e. the 'opposite/anti' of Christ 'to keep living' and will start to rape children unless killed.

(((inbreeding))) = child rape = endless death = godless creature to be drowned.

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969fd8  No.16722435

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Paint a happy picute anon


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533d67  No.16722436

File: 33ddedc2474a9f8⋯.jpeg (311.61 KB, 1500x1500, 1:1, chstatue.jpeg)

File: 4b6757ff52313e1⋯.jpg (178.29 KB, 680x676, 170:169, chtolerance.jpg)

File: d3ef7c157e9749a⋯.jpg (100.17 KB, 1077x896, 1077:896, chnwo.jpg)

File: 7f1c596ae4246d9⋯.jpeg (279.03 KB, 2200x2214, 1100:1107, chextr.jpeg)

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9d0eea  No.16722437

File: 90c07d9be94d5bb⋯.png (110.82 KB, 810x702, 15:13, ClipboardImage.png)



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bbba12  No.16722438

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f41d82  No.16722439

File: f6ddb7a618a3519⋯.png (157.47 KB, 405x617, 405:617, downloadfile_prev_ui_33_.png)

File: 6fa036315ecfe4e⋯.jpg (166.4 KB, 628x1024, 157:256, downloadfile_1.jpg)




Trump's to old the satisfy Melania.

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547ad3  No.16722440

File: 6f36627f78598f0⋯.jpeg (148.16 KB, 640x773, 640:773, LLt4sWsTXd3T.jpeg)


you better knock it off, goy

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dde020  No.16722441

File: a1a1fc0f8ab13ba⋯.jpg (264.45 KB, 768x772, 192:193, a1a1fc0f8ab13ba84906726400….jpg)

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8a4a39  No.16722442

File: 0aba3f15973121d⋯.jpg (327.09 KB, 1400x2100, 2:3, r5MFQ13FjVFNmZi1DmKMQgF36L….jpg)

File: 6d1bb9f3aa2107d⋯.jpg (145.11 KB, 1142x1200, 571:600, FXbiFYdXoAE_Sl5.jpg)

File: cf11a1997afe73d⋯.png (246.77 KB, 762x658, 381:329, FXbiZAmWYAArw7L.png)

File: 4803b8c9f2612d9⋯.png (308.05 KB, 630x1052, 315:526, Screen_Shot_2022_07_12_at_….png)

I think many have seen that NYC has pushed out a video talking how to protect from a nuclear blast. Kind of random to a normie but with the Deep State nearly at its end, they're desperate. One thing I want to note this seems be strangely following the plot line of Tom Clancy's "Sum of All Fears"

Link to NYC video: https://youtu.be/N-5d7V4Sbqk

If you look at the current news headlines for nuclear events, the Cuban Missile Crises keeps coming up and being talked about right now. Even mention of a version 2.0.

Q mentions scare event is necessary. He's also mention the "Sum of All Fears"

Here's what I find interesting. In the movie plot, the bomb that was detonate in Baltimore, Maryland at a football game was built in Ukraine.

What's the chances of that with current events? Are we about to see a real life Sum of All Fears play out?

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523038  No.16722443

File: ba6b763e136210a⋯.png (151.86 KB, 394x327, 394:327, ralph3d.png)


>Mornin' Ralph…

>Can really use the dark roast…

>My woman has been raggin' on me…

>If you know the language I am speakin'…

I gotchu.

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234b4e  No.16722444


NYC is a giant Jewish pogrom.

9/11 was to gain sympathy for the Jews, who were told not to go to work that day..

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53b37b  No.16722446

File: fc476b4924b74ad⋯.jpg (44.93 KB, 431x319, 431:319, fc476b4924b74ad75541a3b6d1….jpg)

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7f36fb  No.16722447

File: c193c3f4dea7004⋯.jpeg (209.81 KB, 983x1029, 983:1029, 48616979_08B4_4137_BB8B_A….jpeg)

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d73052  No.16722448

File: 6f6384bf8a0d5f0⋯.jpg (64.38 KB, 700x468, 175:117, bad_meme.jpg)

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f80fcc  No.16722449

How can we be reaching 8 billion people when everyone died in the holocaust and the few remaining died of covid?!

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635e03  No.16722450

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Thy will be done


Extended edition

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234b4e  No.16722451

File: b5bd494c24d430b⋯.jpg (51.72 KB, 516x483, 172:161, Keebler.jpg)

File: 13e03acdf87a1bc⋯.jpg (67.03 KB, 688x362, 344:181, KeeblerII.jpg)

File: e604535733be34d⋯.jpg (65.12 KB, 606x412, 303:206, KeeblerIII.jpg)


What a fucking joke the Holyhoax is

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7254ee  No.16722452


Good Morning Baker!


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53b37b  No.16722453

File: 9f5945051170879⋯.jpg (78.71 KB, 500x501, 500:501, 6lrumd.jpg)

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cca1aa  No.16722454

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e10cdc  No.16722455

File: 6545777e1f512ce⋯.jpg (289.94 KB, 702x1100, 351:550, anubis.jpg)

File: 53147f6b1aed28e⋯.jpg (595.66 KB, 3200x1680, 40:21, 0bos.jpg)

File: 08694fcfbe1fc69⋯.png (2.81 MB, 1121x1357, 19:23, doberman.png)

File: ab9bf9536c62701⋯.png (492.24 KB, 640x457, 640:457, ab9bf9536c62701f93d9fcfb67….png)

File: 6618552192ab14e⋯.png (491.88 KB, 568x461, 568:461, devilz.PNG)

(((inbreds))) and all child rapists are always as evil as possible and are to be drowned.

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cca1aa  No.16722456

File: 8a7f2cab7417073⋯.png (66.93 KB, 596x496, 149:124, Janice_Dean_twts_10132020_….png)

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0aa3ef  No.16722457

File: 3920d077179987d⋯.png (701.75 KB, 493x652, 493:652, 3920d077179987ddfc5e307c39….png)

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77d957  No.16722458

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

it is the idea of "culling" other people that defines an elite. It is a position from which the minion or dependant is judged.

Our task is do develop sufficient self awareness or reflectivity to be aware of this.

The defect of mind or spiritual disease of 'elitism' often accompanies material success. Anyone can get it, and most of us are about as self aware as livestock and our drinking water has more drugs and hormones than factory farmed pigs.

If our ignorance and passion prompt us to judge others we must begin with ourselves.

In Praise of Dancing

St. Augustine

I praise the dance, for it frees people

from the heaviness of matter

and binds the isolated to community.

I praise the dance, which demands everything:

health and a clear spirit and a buoyant soul.

Dance is a transformation of space, of time, of people,

who are in constant danger of becoming all brain,

will, or feeling.

Dancing demands a whole person, one who is

firmly anchored in the center of his life, who is

not obsessed by lust for people and things

and the demon of isolation in his own ego.

Dancing demands a freed person, one who vibrates

with the balance of all his powers.

I praise the dance.

O man, learn to dance, or else the angels in heaven

will not know what to do with you.

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6c7934  No.16722459


No, it's you.

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9d0eea  No.16722460

File: 60a27cf35f89c4d⋯.png (137.12 KB, 756x699, 252:233, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 159ba853f64e670⋯.jpg (73.04 KB, 638x355, 638:355, pete_the_malta_clown.jpg)

File: 1f621b346e27be5⋯.png (131.14 KB, 807x722, 807:722, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0fd7b316155f7bb⋯.png (87.78 KB, 612x552, 51:46, ClipboardImage.png)

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533d67  No.16722461

File: 6b4a7ad645d231a⋯.jpeg (122.51 KB, 770x770, 1:1, pigspider.jpeg)

File: 21b57d4d9f0f1dc⋯.jpeg (541.42 KB, 1548x1696, 387:424, jholocoaster.jpeg)

File: 56c8ba9e1097c24⋯.jpg (141.45 KB, 923x1024, 923:1024, jholoelectricroom.jpg)

File: b1fede308c62fdd⋯.jpg (75.56 KB, 696x783, 8:9, jholokniferoom.jpg)


Why did he pick us i wonder?

Freed ourselves from enemy brainwashing?

Including from who is being saved for last.

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cca1aa  No.16722462


raffensperger story at 31:48

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234b4e  No.16722463

File: 28645d818406999⋯.png (33.54 KB, 546x457, 546:457, LyingJewSchitt.png)

File: 284da32790421e9⋯.png (31.42 KB, 572x436, 143:109, LyingJewSchumer.png)

File: b386436963dc354⋯.png (30.28 KB, 601x415, 601:415, LyingJewBlinkin.png)

File: 843ef50a364edec⋯.png (50.45 KB, 655x471, 655:471, LyingJewGarland.png)

File: 46b47aa9a843516⋯.png (54.33 KB, 570x442, 285:221, LyingJewMayorkass.png)


All these people are Khazarian Mafia?

I'm calling bullshit.

Being a Jew means belonging to a cult/club

Jews are Jews. Their God is money.

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523038  No.16722464

File: e7f19267582b9c3⋯.png (39.72 KB, 415x365, 83:73, Screenshot_2022_07_12_at_0….png)

File: c8b007786f6c5cd⋯.png (90.77 KB, 411x1069, 411:1069, Screenshot_2022_07_12_at_0….png)

File: 55b820e615ae620⋯.png (36.79 KB, 409x411, 409:411, Screenshot_2022_07_12_at_0….png)



Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 04/09/2020 14:00:25 ID: 48c106

8kun/qresearch: 8734998

Q Clock [ Min: 14 | :25/:55 Mir: 36 | 180 Mir: 44 | :35/:05 Mir: 56 ]

How do you hide the truth?

Ex: create a website and label it fake?

How do you hide the truth?

Create a public 'trend' re: term 'conspiracy' to humiliate [typecast as 'mental' 'crazy''looney'] anyone who opposes the narrative?

How do you hide the truth?

Control majority of media to project [echo] a controlled message re: a desired topic?


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77d957  No.16722465

File: da54bc3844ec56a⋯.jpg (587.83 KB, 1125x1231, 1125:1231, 0d911a278d8cbd3bba19c92a93….jpg)

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c69d59  No.16722466

File: 2789fb6490c0603⋯.png (590.04 KB, 789x689, 789:689, feds_2.png)

File: e42004c63656e31⋯.png (1.18 MB, 860x680, 43:34, nazi_groomers.png)

File: c3bd7705a038c79⋯.png (235.46 KB, 539x606, 539:606, nazi_shrink_office.png)

File: 3cd661f91b53ee1⋯.png (7.34 KB, 479x141, 479:141, nazi_uninstaller.png)

File: de8c715989db3a1⋯.png (146.13 KB, 551x663, 551:663, putin_piss_on_nazi.png)

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be21fe  No.16722467

File: b64db5943c56e1d⋯.jpg (185.37 KB, 1080x780, 18:13, Screenshot_20220711_131525….jpg)

File: 3c0b051521b5fd7⋯.jpg (133.87 KB, 1072x650, 536:325, Screenshot_20220711_131614….jpg)

File: cb67a9672ef8098⋯.jpg (76.04 KB, 996x524, 249:131, SmartSelect_20220710_16023….jpg)

File: 8b89c96c038bc49⋯.jpg (124.01 KB, 934x618, 467:309, SmartSelect_20220711_13414….jpg)

File: a041ee1299ad830⋯.jpg (349.75 KB, 1639x791, 1639:791, SmartSelect_20220711_15434….jpg)

+++ , energy , 1707 DAYS, 17:07

— TRUMP tweeted +++ on Nov 6, 2017

— TRUMP TRUTHED +++ on July 10, 2022

— 1707 DAYS between July 10, 2022 & Nov 6, 2017

— Both timestamps have 15:32 in it

— Q's post on Nov 6, 2017 has a +++ & the timestamp is……..WAIT FOR IT………17:07

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ca716e  No.16722468


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c67174  No.16722469




Stay Comfy Frns

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7254ee  No.16722470

File: 9a9706408592f0d⋯.jpg (173.66 KB, 564x830, 282:415, HB_Matthew2818.jpg)

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993063  No.16722471

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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6c7934  No.16722472

File: 19af5b2c9dc413d⋯.gif (1.65 MB, 498x213, 166:71, danceoff2.gif)


At about 9:30 behind the dumpster. Bring a pencil, some duct tape, and at least two fart suckers. If you don't know what the last one is then we'll improvise.

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45fd1e  No.16722473


can confirm

usa medical system is evil

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f41d82  No.16722474

File: 6758dd7dab263ab⋯.jpg (299.38 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, downloadfile_2.jpg)

File: 8f32efed8e449bc⋯.jpg (80.31 KB, 800x500, 8:5, 698ds1.jpg)

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234b4e  No.16722475


Exactly. It was the Jews who started Section 8 housing and created the original slums by giving hand-outs to the blacks an creating a drug dependcy among them, using US taxpayer money…

It was the Jews who originally brought slavery to America.

The crews of the Christopher Columbus (a Jew) were all pedos. They liked the young native boys and girls. It's no wonder the Indians hated the white man.

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9d0eea  No.16722476

File: e550b18a9cae1e1⋯.png (272.09 KB, 701x657, 701:657, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 53ff882b7e944df⋯.jpg (97.74 KB, 816x426, 136:71, california_ag_the_clown.jpg)



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53b37b  No.16722478

File: 07e72b774af2005⋯.png (1.03 MB, 2598x1064, 1299:532, ClipboardImage.png)

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f24b75  No.16722479

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A victorious leader plans for many eventualities before the battle.


Freeze frame 45

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6c7934  No.16722480


It's not them, it's you.

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8c56fe  No.16722481

File: 6478259761ca213⋯.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1536x1536, 1:1, F50EA990_2043_4788_BEBA_8….jpeg)

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234b4e  No.16722482



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f4044d  No.16722483


>>Fart sucker

Digital, or an older vacuum tube model?

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7d603a  No.16722484


I think might find jews into pigs to USA (& aust)

just sayn'

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6c7934  No.16722485


Digital will work, but I am a favorite of the old tech.

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547ad3  No.16722487

File: 2afbd35e5fac3c7⋯.jpeg (85.47 KB, 800x800, 1:1, JOpKSHXjYvG4.jpeg)

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9d0eea  No.16722488

File: 8f5e695e942fc44⋯.jpg (177.11 KB, 830x822, 415:411, pete_malta_scytl_election_….jpg)

I seen NANO Motors and shit, but again, so long since Q asked about GOLD and I ANSWERED since Q asked the SECOND TIME ABOUT GOLD cause I guess Q didn't listen the first time So I Can't find the fucking websites I want.

oh well.

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5cd538  No.16722489


>we printed all that money

Wtf? When are they finally going to realize that they write an amount and it becomes so. Printing the money hasn't happened since credit became a thing. The fed will be hanged by a noose made of pure AU.

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8ef319  No.16722490


Same here. You're in good company; lol.

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078627  No.16722491

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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234b4e  No.16722492


How many people in the world died for the Jews in WWII?

Do the Jews ever thank all those goyim who gave their lives for the pathetic parasites?


Yeah, I fucking hate Jews. They are all parasites.

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d73052  No.16722493

File: ff7fee862dadd97⋯.jpg (85.81 KB, 1554x729, 518:243, pI.JPG)

Anybody Know how to get updates on the planes drawing? zulu82

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babd71  No.16722494

File: 194def9ba53d88a⋯.png (191.51 KB, 1200x670, 120:67, Maria_Laach_mosaic.png)

File: aeca44c337c86d6⋯.png (959.91 KB, 674x770, 337:385, PtolemaicEgypt2.PNG)

File: 58eaca51f777772⋯.png (605.01 KB, 725x466, 725:466, judgement.PNG)

File: 08fef1202d6901f⋯.jpg (988.39 KB, 1386x1159, 1386:1159, diechristlicheku02deut_039….jpg)

File: 330c20e1156bf25⋯.jpg (519.63 KB, 1309x1919, 1309:1919, diechristlicheku02deut_037….jpg)



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7ccffc  No.16722495

File: 18e57bb15d944c6⋯.jpg (275.37 KB, 1258x2000, 629:1000, FLOTUSkhakijeans.jpg)

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9d0eea  No.16722496

The only reason I answer that Q shit at all is cause others can benefit from the answer to Q's stupid fucking time-wasting riddles of jack shit.

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f41d82  No.16722498

File: ebb1ebe5e79ceb9⋯.jpg (51.95 KB, 500x508, 125:127, 6fgu.jpg)

File: be771069252137d⋯.jpg (60.9 KB, 500x541, 500:541, Yan.jpg)

File: b4e81f169badc46⋯.jpg (84.89 KB, 500x558, 250:279, dhvgh.jpg)

File: 6f7618b6741b97b⋯.jpg (78.89 KB, 500x464, 125:116, hhi.jpg)

File: 823b3f017bae963⋯.jpg (86.25 KB, 500x550, 10:11, 6ld8sx_1.jpg)

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7f36fb  No.16722499

File: 3a6ff9ef4b3e50e⋯.jpeg (209.95 KB, 983x1044, 983:1044, BE46CD38_F352_49B7_A615_E….jpeg)

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7d603a  No.16722500


So, when learning this bass line, I realized that half the time the 6th fret is played, it is played 3 times in a row, so the tab spells "6 6 6". While I think it's just a neat coincidence, I

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993063  No.16722501


Outgoing Baker

if you're going to say "notes are being fucked with," be specific. Post examples in Meta so they can be addressed.

Vague allegations of "fuckery" just make anons uneasy and don't solve problems.

Thank you for your service.

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c7476d  No.16722502

File: a5c233bba78065c⋯.jpeg (381.71 KB, 1241x1638, 1241:1638, DE9EBB74_132E_49FF_9759_4….jpeg)

File: 138e414d91f62c9⋯.png (3.76 MB, 1242x2688, 207:448, 6A40B8AB_5B2B_4D7D_8AA6_ED….png)

File: 46d4884ac68eff1⋯.jpeg (147.45 KB, 1241x872, 1241:872, 0B7C7306_2A0F_482F_85D4_9….jpeg)

File: 24e39e07baff0a9⋯.jpeg (570.94 KB, 1241x2068, 1241:2068, 55B078D2_D554_4F6D_A4E1_2….jpeg)

File: 572df8b265f48bf⋯.jpeg (319.27 KB, 1241x1398, 1241:1398, 0F9BC9D3_CBDE_46C6_89A5_3….jpeg)

Canada & German farmers and Netherlands firefightets joining the Dutch farmers

Teach your children to grow their own food

Anons on the board have been saying this for years now!


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b41bfc  No.16722503

Anyone got a quick rundown on the info that has dropped from the new Hunter leaks, if any?

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1940ee  No.16722504

File: 12ffd9104124c65⋯.jpeg (130.01 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 1886845276b9d31d530c12fa3….jpeg)

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5cd538  No.16722505


Dubz of infinity and gold sync checked. Metamaterials and nano machines are ignored because people are still stuck in the dark ages in repect to possibilities in available technology.

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6c7934  No.16722506

File: 4edb38f46a0d2dc⋯.jpg (10.86 KB, 229x220, 229:220, smokingpepe2.jpg)

Oh no! I was filtered! However will I recover from that devastating blow to my identity? Oh yeah, that's right; I couldn't care less if some dipshit who goes on and on and on about a certain ethnicity filters me. Dumbfuck didn't like me telling him that it's him that's the problem, not who he whinges about.

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234b4e  No.16722507

File: 9b23ee96e39d92a⋯.jpg (62.3 KB, 650x488, 325:244, MrEdReligion.jpg)

Fuck, how many Jews am I going to have to filter this AM?

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9d0eea  No.16722508

File: b674c14dfa14b9a⋯.png (248.4 KB, 871x631, 871:631, ClipboardImage.png)

It's state department sanctioned transnational terrorist ANTIFA season…


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7f36fb  No.16722509

File: a5ef8544b62df97⋯.png (162.09 KB, 340x339, 340:339, Star_Trek_AOC.PNG)

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dde020  No.16722510



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44fa80  No.16722511




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04e638  No.16722512

File: 067cbbefe931a70⋯.png (25.69 KB, 1298x649, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)


> Printing the money hasn't happened since credit became a thing

yet every time i go to the bank they give me brand new bills

your sperge is fail


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f41d82  No.16722513

File: dd83ffd9ef534cc⋯.jpg (60.28 KB, 500x563, 500:563, fgvu_1_.jpg)

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7d603a  No.16722514


New Home (sooon)

Think Arip Spring 2.0 (& angry a-rabs!)


It will be a "GodFather" offer. (they) will go!

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ea145b  No.16722515


There is one feasible way. Use the same tools that brainwashed a population to make the brainwashed feel betrayed. The marxists have exposed themselves as they feel it’s safe to do so. Removal would be easy once enough had given up faith in the establishment.

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5cd538  No.16722516



Don't you mean 'zephyr'?

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9a6d9e  No.16722517

File: 47271fb33a6a43f⋯.png (358.28 KB, 852x485, 852:485, ClipboardImage.png)

Oil Market Booming – OPEC’s Monthly Market Report

Worldwide demand for oil stands to increase by 2.7 million barrels per day in 2023, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries said in its July report.

"In 2023 expectations for healthy global economic growth amid improvements in geopolitical developments, combined with expected improvements in the containment of Covid-19 in China, are expected to boost consumption of oil," the report reads.

OPEC members overall increased their output, compared to last month, by 234,000 barrels per day amid sky-high gas prices.

Subscribe to Uncensored RT @RTnewseu


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0ec0fc  No.16722518

File: cd3b1ae76a08f48⋯.png (551.35 KB, 858x499, 858:499, ClipboardImage.png)


Baker is much to polite to point fingers.

could be just mistakes, but definitely happened before, last night animefag was back on the scene, they shills are rampant.

it is why baker has reverted to old and test and tried methods of detection.

come on jim. one extra link stops a lot of hassle.

peace be with you and all that

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000000  No.16722519

Did Sleepy talk about Parkland/1918?

Same games, different century.

Every Dallas hospital was overcrowded with influenza cases. At Parkland, recovering patients had to be moved into the hallways to make room for new arrivals. Carnes called the situation an “influenza invasion.”

Over [33]0 cases of influenza had been reported that morning


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614231  No.16722520

File: 5df398f16aa6036⋯.png (537.33 KB, 900x676, 225:169, 4_guys_named_Chan_to_get_H….png)


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1fc813  No.16722521

File: 85fab76930e9a0e⋯.png (41.95 KB, 400x362, 200:181, Screenshot_2022_07_12_at_0….png)







oo > 15 15 > 30 > Jun 12


[Profile picture from source site (Twitter/Gettr/Truth Social)] Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump06/12/202217:16:14

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 108466574096590715

Q Clock [ Min: 28 | :25/:55 Mir: 22 | 180 Mir: 58 | :35/:05 Mir: 42 ]

The T.V. Ratings for the January 6th Unselect Committee were absolutely awful. Perhaps the reason is that it is being “sponsored” by Adam “Shifty” Schittand the same people that brought you the -Russia, Russia, Russia HOAX, and that the Unselects are not interested in hearing from anyone saying the Election was Rigged and Stolen, despite the EVIDENCE being irrefutable!

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6c2074  No.16722522

File: 65e46981f56a3da⋯.png (203.61 KB, 572x375, 572:375, ClipboardImage.png)


He's right you know

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7e5dc8  No.16722523

File: 8a6b7747448d512⋯.png (102.69 KB, 447x926, 447:926, symmitree.png)


Its just that something is missing.

no symmetree if you know what i mean?

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3a042b  No.16722524

File: 302fa35b022b45c⋯.png (375.36 KB, 420x646, 210:323, Horus.PNG)

File: 1491d03be397c54⋯.jpg (321.6 KB, 826x812, 59:58, Daphne_mosaic.jpg)

File: 28a33fa31e6cc19⋯.png (324.67 KB, 362x967, 362:967, Ra_statue.png)

File: 01924d0da1cd4bb⋯.jpg (338.67 KB, 704x900, 176:225, the_angel_with_golden_hair….jpg)

File: ec0c57e1e73ff82⋯.png (638.81 KB, 535x696, 535:696, Tutankhamun_death_mask.png)



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53b37b  No.16722525


>They killed him

But how can that be, Rosenthal is a Jew, and every Jew according to muhjoo are all in on it and all thinking alike.


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6c2074  No.16722526


BO is Flint.

Jim owns 8kun.

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547ad3  No.16722527

File: 9f7bbec94ca2f76⋯.png (69.61 KB, 496x488, 62:61, screenshot_2022_07_12_09_0….png)


you mean the people who use a [six] sided star, with [six] internal triangles, and an octogon ([six] sides) in it?

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9d0eea  No.16722528


It's too many spectrums for people to follow.

* electronics / rf / magnetic aspect

* lipid system aspect

* spike protein aspect

* informed consent aspect

I'm gona vote this technology is crap and for the doctors to all go to supermax.

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23defe  No.16722529

File: 52daff3a4a13543⋯.png (41.25 KB, 255x123, 85:41, ClipboardImage.png)

>>16722467 Q+++ proof 1707


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71f4b4  No.16722530


Anybody else starting to get the feeling that the Jan 6 committee is actually investigating the election fraud?

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8d7b51  No.16722531

The Swamp Today

Timelines change.

Tuesday July 12, 2022

The House stands adjourned until July 12, 2022 at 2:00 PM EDT

The Senate stands adjourned until July 12, 2022 at 10:00 AM EDT

Assistant Secretary Noyes is on travel to Uganda and Switzerland from July 9-19, 2022.

Assistant Secretary Medina is on travel to Fiji from July 11-13, 2022.

Nominations will open and close today to replace Boris Johnson as Prime Minister


. . .

July 12, 2022 - July 15, 2022

AP Economics Summer Institute

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


July 12, 2022 - July 29, 2022

74th Session CAT - Convention against Torture and Other Cruel Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment

United Nations


July 12, 2022 - July 13, 2022

Summer Institute 2022 - SI 2022 Risks of Financial Institutions

National Bureau of Economic Research



July 12, 2022 - July 15, 2022

Summer Institute 2022 - SI 2022 International Finance & Macroeconomics

National Bureau of Economic Research



July 12, 2022 - July 15, 2022

Summer Institute 2022 - SI 2022 Forecasting & Empirical Methods

National Bureau of Economic Research



7:00 AM EDT

Medication Safety Webinar series: Medication Safety in Polypharmacy

World Health Organization (WHO) United Nations


7:30 AM EDT

Computer Security in 2022




8:30 AM EDT

The Revised HS Econ Course: Looking Ahead to Get Ahead - Grades 9-12, Ellijay

Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta


8:30 AM EDT

WEBINAR: Launch of WHO's new Handbook: Critical considerations and actions for achieving universal access to sexual and reproductive health (SRH) in the context of universal health coverage (UHC) through a primary health care (PHC) approach

World Health Organization (WHO) United Nations



9:00 AM EDT

Corporate Average Fuel Economy Reporting Template Workshop

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration


9:00 AM EDT

Left Behind: Legal and Policy Paths for Iran's Hostages

Atlantic Council



9:00 AM EDT

Charting a New Path in the World: The United Kingdom's Data Protection Reforms

Atlantic Council



9:20 AM EDT

Counterpart Visit Arrival Ceremony hosted by CSA



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234b4e  No.16722532

>>16722518 ← Jew calling for censorship. Imagine my surprise. They all hide behind Pepe.

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c7476d  No.16722533

File: 213fc50b7d4c2c1⋯.jpeg (367.54 KB, 1241x1401, 1241:1401, C1161540_B190_4E36_BAC8_9….jpeg)

File: 48794631f729443⋯.jpeg (306.2 KB, 1241x1850, 1241:1850, 1605E09F_AF2F_44BF_9F64_8….jpeg)

Trudeau's nitrogen policy will decimate Canadian farming

Much like in the Netherlands, Justin Trudeau is bringing in a nitrogen emissions cap that will absolutely decimate Canadian farming.

In December 2020, the Trudeau government unveiled their new climate plan, with a focus on reducing nitrous oxide emissions from fertilizer by 30% below 2020 levels by 2030.

“Fertilizers play a major role in the agriculture sector’s success and have contributed to record harvests in the last decade. They have helped drive increases in Canadian crop yields, grain sales, and exports,” a news release from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada reads.

“However, nitrous oxide emissions, particularly those associated with synthetic nitrogen fertilizer use have also grown significantly. That is why the Government of Canada has set the national fertilizer emissions reduction target, which is part of the commitment to reduce total GHG emissions in Canada by 40-45% by 2030….”

This is a tacit admission that any attempt to lower admissions by reducing nitrogen fertilizer will consequently lower crop yields over the next decade, hurting the Agriculture sector and, more importantly, hurting farmers.

And indeed, according to a report from Fertilizer Canada:

Total Emission Reduction puts a cap on the total emissions allowable from fertilizer at 30% below 2020 levels. As the yield of Canadian crops is directly linked to proper fertilizer application this creates a ceiling on Canadian agricultural productivity well below 2020 levels….

It is estimated that a 30% absolute emission reduction for a farmer with 1000 acres of canola and 1000 acres of wheat, stands to have their profit reduced by approximately $38,000 – $40,500/ annually.

In 2020, Western Canadian farmers planted approximately 20.8 million acres of canola. Using these values, cumulatively farm revenues from canola could be reduced by $396M – $441M on an annual basis. Wheat famers could experience a reduction of $400M.

Moreover, Fertilizer Canada doesn’t believe that forcibly decreasing fertilizer use will even lower greenhouse gases but could lead to carbon leakage elsewhere.

Nonetheless, Trudeau’s government is moving forward, with farmer’s groups speaking to Farmers Forum now wondering if he’s intentionally trying to cause a food shortage — which Trudeau previously told Canadians to prepare for.

“We’ve seen from the global pandemic to the war in Ukraine significant disruptions of supply chains around the world, which is resulting in higher prices for consumers and democracies like ours, and resulting in significant shortages and projected shortages of food and energy in places around the world,” Trudeau said.

“This is going to be a difficult time,” he continued, “because of the war, because of the recovery from the pandemic. And Canadians will do what we always do: we’ll be there for each other.”

Of course, reducing nitrogen emissions released by fertilizer crucial to the survivability of the agriculture sector isn’t the only target of Trudeau’s government. Every part of the economy has been negatively impacted by Trudeau’s climate agenda…



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1940ee  No.16722534

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Did this.

Harvested yesterday, 20'X50' patch, 150 pounds of seed potatoes yielded 550 pounds!

Low effort.

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7d603a  No.16722535


No not really.

lotsa f'ckery , seems Dem-sided.

What ya got?

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154946  No.16722536

File: e3c326952651d2f⋯.png (48.07 KB, 1864x131, 1864:131, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7a541a9795e729f⋯.png (9.58 KB, 474x343, 474:343, ClipboardImage.png)


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f41d82  No.16722537

File: 8d9a1422861b4ea⋯.jpg (89.62 KB, 500x469, 500:469, Vladimir.jpg)





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760a08  No.16722538

File: c1311a34389a136⋯.png (12.8 KB, 499x280, 499:280, ClipboardImage.png)

Covid is Over

Burn the mask

Defend Freedom

Save the Children

There is no War In Ukraine

There is no War Coming WW

There is only the Destruction of the Old Guard


Trump Won

God Bless our Farmers

NATO, Stand The Fuck Down

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f4044d  No.16722539

File: b5edbe2007e6c7b⋯.jpeg (40.2 KB, 349x368, 349:368, 20C3281E_BF0F_4B26_A493_1….jpeg)


Comms have been around, and not changed appreciably, for a long long time?

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547ad3  No.16722540

File: f34207e1789ec8c⋯.mp4 (1.85 MB, 618x480, 103:80, six_million_pizzas.mp4)


Six million pizzas?!?

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6502fd  No.16722541

File: c52dacd98f945b9⋯.png (1.07 MB, 736x736, 1:1, special_forces_pepe.png)


anons are still digging. lotta stuff on half about it. i've not see anything earth shattering yet. mostly lewd crap. will be keeping an eye on though.

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8d7b51  No.16722542


9:30 AM EDT

Hearings to Examine the 2022 National Travel and Tourism Strategy

Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee



9:30 AM EDT

Press Briefing by White House COVID-19 Response Team and public health officials

The White House



9:40 AM EDT

United States Army Health Contracting Activity Change of Command


9:50 AM EDT

Brazil CPV Wreath Ceremony hosted by CSA - ANC


10:00 AM EDT

Hearings to Examine a Post-Roe America, Focusing on the Legal Consequences of the Dobbs Decision

Senate Judiciary Committee




10:00 AM EDT

Hearings to examine the nominations of Jay Curtis Shambaugh, of Maryland, to be an Under Secretary of the Treasury, and Rebecca Lee Haffajee, of Massachusetts, to be an Assistant Secretary of Health and Human Services.

Senate Finance Committee



10:00 AM EDT

Hearings to examine the nominations of Errol Rajesh Arthur, Kendra Davis Briggs, and Carl Ezekiel Ross, all of the District of Columbia, each to be an Associate Judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia

Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee



10:00 AM EDT

Hearings to Examine Public Transportation Under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, Focusing on an Update From the Federal Transit Administration

Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee



10:00 AM EDT

Hearings to Examine the 2022 National Travel and Tourism Strategy

Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation



10:00 AM EDT

Patient Engagement Advisory Committee (PEAC) Meeting

Food and Drug Administration




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dde020  No.16722543

File: 3966c270b64e712⋯.jpeg (57.65 KB, 631x513, 631:513, 3966c270b64e712c14c41a2dc….jpeg)

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6c7934  No.16722544


You're the problem, not the ethnicity that your one-track mind wants to call everyone that doesn't share your ideology. Dumbfuck.

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078627  No.16722545

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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04e638  No.16722546

File: e038d7ea3e71ba1⋯.png (468.65 KB, 722x888, 361:444, ClipboardImage.png)


she is taco (and matzo)

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0ec0fc  No.16722547

File: edd5a9fd3d52149⋯.png (90.09 KB, 255x253, 255:253, ClipboardImage.png)


tanks for heads up.

baker is basically a librarian who sweeps together the info thrown on these boards, sets up new ones so anons can keep posting, sort and archive for future digs.

not a glamour job, but bakering is easy, taking notes properly is the hard part.

so flint, ego off, solution on, simples

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5cd538  No.16722548


Kek. You and most of the boomers I know have a mental speedbump when it comes to this issue. Just because your world has revolved around amassing fake paper makes you think it all works that way.

Here: A line of credit becomes open to you by a department store for a large item. Do they first have to make sure there is an amount of paper notes stacked away with your name and account number tied to it before they let you drive off with the item?

It's all in your head. No physical assets change hands.This is why actual physical gold will end the imaginary cash printing of the FED.

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b34f74  No.16722549


you missed the 2 triangles, each with 3 sides

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e49ba6  No.16722550


Have considered the possibility. Praying that you're onto something.

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8d7b51  No.16722551



10:00 AM EDT

The Start of Three Golden Years? Analyzing the Results of Japan's Upper House Elections and the Impact of Abe's Assassination

Center for American Progress


10:00 AM EDT

Virtual: Understanding the Community Reinvestment Act Modernization Proposal

Federal Reserve Bank of New York


10:00 AM EDT

Electric Vehicle (EV) Champion Virtual Training 4: Advanced Fleet Electrification

Department of Energy


10:00 AM EDT

The New Landscape of Abortion Rights in America

Brookings Institution


10:30 AM EDT

First Images of the James Webb Space Telescope (Official NASA Broadcast)



10:30 AM EDT

Hearings to Examine Instability and the State of Democracy in the Sahel and the United States Policy Response

Senate Foreign Relations Committee




10:30 AM EDT

Summer Institute 2022 - SI 2022 Corporate Finance

National Bureau of Economic Research



11:00 AM EDT

Arc Health Sponsors a Luncheon on Health Equity in honor of Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune's Birth Date and Historic Statue Unveiling on Capitol Hill

National Press Club


11:15 AM EDT

The President holds a bilateral meeting with President Andrés Manuel López Obrador of Mexico to discuss their visions for North America and their efforts to address global challenges such as food security, continued cooperation on migration, and joint development efforts

Official Schedule

12:00 AM EDT

Virtual Event | Standing with Allies against China and Russia: A Conversation with Congresswoman Chrissy Houlahan

Hudson Institute



12:00 AM EDT

State and Local Programs to Advance Homeownership Opportunity to Narrow Racial Disparities

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, the Urban Institute, and the Penn Institute for Urban Research


12:00 AM EDT

H.R. 7900—National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023; H.R. 8296—Women's Health Protection Act of 2022; H.R. 8297—Ensuring Access to Abortion Act of 2022; H.R. 6538—Active Shooter Alert Act of 2022

House Rules Committee



12:15 PM EDT

World Production, Markets, and Trade Report Release - Cotton: World Markets and Trade

Foreign Agricultural Service, Department of Agriculture


12:15 PM EDT

World Production, Markets, and Trade Report Release - Grains: World Markets and Trade

Foreign Agricultural Service, Department of Agriculture


12:15 PM EDT

World Production, Markets, and Trade Report Release - Oilseeds: World Markets and Trade

Foreign Agricultural Service, Department of Agriculture


12:15 PM EDT

World Production, Markets, and Trade Report Release - World Agricultural Production

Foreign Agricultural Service, Department of Agriculture


12:30 PM EDT

Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond President Thomas Barkin speaks before the Rotary Club of Charlotte

Rotary Club of Charlotte



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d73052  No.16722552

File: b5945d6eb4c054c⋯.jpg (78.13 KB, 1182x498, 197:83, update.JPG)



TY o7>>16722493


>>16722516 call sign is zulu82

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6ce0fe  No.16722553

File: 54839b5f9a45de6⋯.jpg (138.74 KB, 726x572, 33:26, 7fb469115821726e7a486d7f57….jpg)


All of them. They are satan.

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234b4e  No.16722555

File: 86dca2eb6ada1bc⋯.jpg (27.64 KB, 452x283, 452:283, Capture.JPG)

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7d603a  No.16722556


Any FarmAnons around?

I thought N was good for soil? makes plants grow?

And it's 80% of the air we breath.

Is this another CO2 (aka "carbon" - in everything organic!) ?

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4d7fe8  No.16722557

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.


aj says that hunter documented himself with prostitutes that looked 10 years old.

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632161  No.16722558

File: cc740f7bad7bc0f⋯.png (879.13 KB, 1150x666, 575:333, ClipboardImage.png)


hope yer legit

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04e638  No.16722559


tl;dr bieber

lern how to burn in fewer werds

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b34f74  No.16722560

water & fire

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8d7b51  No.16722561




1:00 PM EDT

On the January 6th Investigation

Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack





1:00 PM EDT

U.S. States on Energy and Climate: Illinois

Center for Strategic & International Studies


1:00 PM EDT

Connecting Communities Digital Initiative Grant Opportunity for Higher Education Webinar

Library of Congress


1:00 PM EDT

Employment Rights and Benefits for Veterans and Their Families

U.S Department of Labor Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) Columbus Area Office in Partnership with Blue Star Families, Ohio


2:00 PM EDT

Hearings to Examine the Role of the Federal Government in Attacking the Financial Networks of Cartels

Senate Caucus on International Narcotics Control



2:00 PM EDT

Exploring the Racial Wealth Gap: The Contributions of Redlining and Blockbusting

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago


2:00 PM EDT

Summer Institute 2022 - SI 2022 International Trade & Macroeconomics

National Bureau of Economic Research


2:00 PM EDT

Virtual Event | Regaining the High Ground against China

Hudson Institute



2:30 PM EDT

To Receive a Closed Briefing on Certain Intelligence Matters

Senate Intelligence (Select) Committee



2:30 PM EDT

Child Care and the Labor Market Recovery: Defining the Challenge and Exploring Solutions

Urban Institute and WorkRise


3:00 PM EDT

World Production, Markets, and Trade Report Release - Livestock and Poultry: World Markets and Trade

Foreign Agricultural Service, Department of Agriculture



3:00 PM EDT

Surveying the US-EU Trade and Technology Council (TTC) State of Play

Center for Strategic & International Studies



3:30 PM EDT

Report Launch: Securing the Energy Transition Against Cyber Threats

Atlantic Council



4:30 PM EDT

The President and The First Lady host the White House Congressional Picnic; The Vice President attends

South Lawn


8:00 PM EDT

EFF-Austin: GDPR – Rewriting The Rules Of Data Privacy




8:45 PM EDT

Tuesday Sunset Parades at the Marine Corps War Memorial - Gates Open 7PM to 8PM

Iwo Jima Memorial



9:30 PM EDT

The President departs the White House en route Joint Base Andrews

South Grounds

10:00 PM EDT

The President departs Joint Base Andrews en route Jerusalem, Israel

Joint Base Andrews

11:00 PM EDT

Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan will gaggle aboard Air Force One en route Jerusalem, Israel


July 13, 2022

12:00 AM EDT

Wise One Looks Ahead (NROL-162)


Vandenberg SFB, California






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6ce0fe  No.16722562


(((They're))) hoping you're too stupid to know that.

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632161  No.16722563


>my identity?

famefag larping about identity

the absolute state

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6c2074  No.16722564

File: 49a91f91548e76b⋯.jpg (17.06 KB, 255x168, 85:56, they_told_me_be_anything_s….jpg)


He's not the one with the ego in this context.

When my son's teacher would call complaining bout his actions I would demand specifics. When she couldn't give them I knew she was FOS. You can describe a situation without naming names.

Just muh 2 cents.

Thank you for your service, baker.

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d73052  No.16722565

>>16722552 I see UK 6

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52baa6  No.16722566

File: 2ecdaab6f65f0ea⋯.png (17.38 KB, 613x392, 613:392, ClipboardImage.png)

Its about to go..

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c7476d  No.16722567

File: 3d8784e3a99cb9d⋯.jpeg (224.74 KB, 1241x829, 1241:829, 5AEA17D9_D6F3_42F4_BA57_9….jpeg)

File: 61abf3122d73314⋯.jpeg (263.79 KB, 1241x1048, 1241:1048, AEFD899A_9E70_47D9_A5FD_8….jpeg)

File: a36f94d3ea2e84a⋯.jpeg (172.6 KB, 1241x712, 1241:712, EC0712A5_93D7_4E14_AD25_0….jpeg)



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0ff254  No.16722568

File: d661c73f2ead2a2⋯.png (26.62 KB, 778x373, 778:373, Screen_Shot_07_10_22_at_03….PNG)

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f0580b  No.16722569


Not a FarmAnon, but when the missus and i did our Veggie Garden we experienced Nitrogen Burn. Look it up, it's a thing.

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234b4e  No.16722570


I've got an idea, let's take one of the worse Jews of all, Solomon, and prop him up on a pedestal and form a secret society around the witchcraft and sacrificing to molech teachings he left behind in the Synagogues.

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14c2fe  No.16722571



"Gradually, then suddenly"

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632161  No.16722572

File: 4bf2ec97d38caa6⋯.png (548.77 KB, 928x587, 928:587, roaring_bee.png)


roar, peeps.

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c69d59  No.16722573

File: de549af12aba7d3⋯.png (298.33 KB, 1063x550, 1063:550, squeal_team_six.png)

File: 3b9fdeaf81b4c0f⋯.png (304.93 KB, 1094x830, 547:415, nazis_skinheads_kkk_are_gr….png)

File: cbf205314d9c934⋯.png (480.84 KB, 474x723, 158:241, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4a863b3e4bffc06⋯.png (200.69 KB, 389x519, 389:519, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bece17ea0631256⋯.png (73.04 KB, 300x146, 150:73, ClipboardImage.png)

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7e5dc8  No.16722574

File: a5ad9f5a4ca43a9⋯.mp4 (2.09 MB, 720x404, 180:101, b_CZe_caa.mp4)

>>16722400 kek wrong vid

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5cd538  No.16722575

File: 39f724ba2b4b66a⋯.png (367.41 KB, 750x698, 375:349, ClipboardImage.png)


Wheel Dew

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7e5dc8  No.16722576


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d9d6dd  No.16722577

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Obelisk in Vatican square.

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c736bd  No.16722578

File: 5de0e4ef00d3e8b⋯.png (3 MB, 2000x1317, 2000:1317, GermanyEgypt.png)

File: c3a8b1f7b49e9b7⋯.png (9.22 MB, 3548x2574, 1774:1287, inbreds.png)

File: 398d1b13f24c277⋯.jpg (37.6 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Waffen_SS.jpg)

File: 1a0b57fb8df61ec⋯.png (349.56 KB, 995x659, 995:659, zhekel.PNG)

File: 68e16e2f6371992⋯.png (884.82 KB, 1368x1384, 171:173, jakobodog.PNG)

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

Never have children in the city as cities is strictly for adults!

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to commit suicide instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent 'normalization' of child rape.

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever know being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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53b37b  No.16722579


>The people who use a six sided star

That's you! You just invoked exactly what you claimed is invoked by others.


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88affd  No.16722580

File: b4024480c347941⋯.png (817.2 KB, 1080x983, 1080:983, 9ad7a14729abab9cb62bbc8571….png)



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547ad3  No.16722581

File: ad9bdc02e32a214⋯.png (939.09 KB, 788x788, 1:1, 187.png)

for people who cry about muh raycism so much, they sure do seem pretty obsessed with it…

maybe theres something to it, goys

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c7476d  No.16722582

File: 43fba7a70941815⋯.jpeg (373.97 KB, 1241x1442, 1241:1442, 2AE69D19_2F84_47CB_B8FC_E….jpeg)

File: 52183cfc7b50554⋯.jpeg (158.59 KB, 1241x793, 1241:793, 4F691CBD_CC3F_4D21_AFD8_1….jpeg)



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9d0eea  No.16722583

File: 719df24f3816dba⋯.jpg (71.64 KB, 811x452, 811:452, cali_ag.jpg)



there' three numbers

N nitrogen

P phosphoros

K potasium

for example

20-0-0 is shit you trhow on your lawn too much and it will burn.

a more balanced number 12-12-6 might be for veg or flower.

Anything they talk about CARBON is a coverup for GENOCIDE.

Green new deal = Genocide New Deal

Great Reset = Great Genocide

this has nothing to do with polutioon or climate change it's multinational conspiracy propaganda terrorism, genocide and treason.


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65922c  No.16722584


Step 1 Hang these people

Step 2 Crack open a beer

Step 3 have a neighborhood bbq

You got this

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6c2074  No.16722585

File: dd616afa999ed11⋯.mp4 (4.41 MB, 380x190, 2:1, pepe_perculator.mp4)

Did I miss Swordy?

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02e393  No.16722587

File: 72a8b5652a00804⋯.jpg (112.31 KB, 500x762, 250:381, 6jtdit_1_1.jpg)






Amy Coney Barrett

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bc5da5  No.16722588


What does "zulu" mean?

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7d603a  No.16722589


Actually, I'm thinking…

"Gold Ends Fed" due to Paper VS real Metal.

If global system goes gold backed, the each country will need an audit to set the ground floor.

Hence West stole Rusky gold.

Hence Putin is BUYing all he can get hold of. (swapping for oil/grain/fert)

So when Audit happens USA no only lose Global currency status (putin pegged gold 5K/g for reasons) BUT USA will have to declare bankrupcy as GDP won't pay interest.

Zimbabweeeee 2.0

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dde020  No.16722590

File: ac165390db8a7a2⋯.png (61.98 KB, 658x262, 329:131, Disclose.png)

JUST IN - U.S. airstrike killed Maher al-Agal, a top ISIS leader in Syria, on Tuesday ahead of Biden's trip to the Middle East, officials told NBC.


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547ad3  No.16722591


>native american women safety is a top priority

is this clown forreal? Get the fuck out of here you hapa faggot

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9d0eea  No.16722592


stop calling em codemonkey is my advice.

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1940ee  No.16722593

File: 44d1ea1316b72f8⋯.jpg (24.04 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 2bb3fd982b38e3273dc4f5628c….jpg)


Still waiting

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b87dca  No.16722594


This is notable.

If it's coincidence, it's an amazing one.

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6c2074  No.16722595


Trump didn't endorse JR Majewski either until after the primary.

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614231  No.16722596


Did someone blow up the tunnels???

What tunnels???

The child-trafficking tunnels under the Vatican….

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7ccffc  No.16722597

File: b9e62c2a526d855⋯.jpg (43.58 KB, 318x893, 318:893, FLOTUSnavypinkorange.JPG)

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4bd0b8  No.16722598


always helpful Pepe

has what you need in a pinch

the best humanity has to offer

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44fa80  No.16722599

File: 0dacb74301b609c⋯.png (696.49 KB, 1806x952, 129:68, Opera_Snapshot_2022_07_12_….png)


The 6 is an element of the track from yesterday. Check the planefag posts in notables.

Click the + sign next to 'History & you will see just today's track.

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7ee544  No.16722600

File: dd2caf783d99bd6⋯.png (396.75 KB, 404x692, 101:173, ClipboardImage.png)


weird cowboy hat.

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078627  No.16722601

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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547ad3  No.16722602

File: 46bdd33001c7b3c⋯.png (751.32 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 080.png)

one race, the hooman race, goy

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547ad3  No.16722603



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4f25c3  No.16722604


Most commonly used to denote GMT - Greenwich Mean Time. It is also used to denote the letter "Z" in the alphabet when calling out tail numbers on airplanes.

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4f25c3  No.16722606



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d9d6dd  No.16722607


Could be I've heard there were at least two more Obelisk hit since the demon stones were taken out in Georgia.

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547ad3  No.16722608

File: 6b7530ffe18473e⋯.png (895.49 KB, 750x750, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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6c2074  No.16722609


Remember when military action was preceded or followed by a POTUS explanation?

I do.

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1940ee  No.16722610

File: d36db3a6778274e⋯.jpg (108.94 KB, 767x509, 767:509, imrs.jpg)

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8d7b51  No.16722611

File: 26a635483be8185⋯.jpg (1.41 MB, 1223x1201, 1223:1201, pepe_a_frame.jpg)

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4ae0a2  No.16722612


You cannot divide us. Eunuch.

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9d0eea  No.16722613


stop it. Based Sikh. They be 2A lovers too.

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44fa80  No.16722614



>What does "zulu" mean?

Tribe in South Africa.

NATO phonetic for the letter Z

Reference to the drone which is an Airbus Qinetiq Zephyr.

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234b4e  No.16722615

File: 76c93ede46fa6fb⋯.png (61.73 KB, 500x661, 500:661, EvilNazis.png)

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02288b  No.16722616


It's not about actual literal Gold. What does it mean to be covered in Gold? Q told you it's biblical.

Money is based on energy and faith, whether it's paper or Gold. You have faith that you can exchange that paper or gold for goods or services (someone else's energy).

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1940ee  No.16722617

File: 66c2689e2d4b085⋯.jpg (31.04 KB, 480x360, 4:3, 66c2689e2d4b085ef7759acabd….jpg)

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bbba12  No.16722618


I can show you the notables fuckery, with screen shots of BV dart that deleted

my notables are fucked with and that is why I've quit baking

too little too late

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7d603a  No.16722619


Too much of anything is not good.

I'm aware. I ask rhetorical q's :-)

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433cad  No.16722620

File: 61e115cdd349e57⋯.jpg (38.5 KB, 500x592, 125:148, gtfy.jpg)






Amy Coney Barrett

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88affd  No.16722621

File: a6e05231719f823⋯.jpg (39.37 KB, 720x227, 720:227, 20220712_072445.jpg)


Could be the African tribesmen or

Zulu time

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547ad3  No.16722622

File: ca28e79ae260705⋯.png (302.77 KB, 600x700, 6:7, 059.png)


"yOu cAnNoT DiViDe Us!!"

shutup, kike

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bc5da5  No.16722623


Ohh, i thought it was "zebra" kek. So drawing says USA Z = 26?

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c7476d  No.16722624



What a disgrace to humanity I got to seeour dictator @JustinTrudeaufrom our country today and this is how it went

I didnt know freedom fighters from the truck convoy are still in jail


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4ae0a2  No.16722625


More of a cowboy and real American than you will ever be.

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078627  No.16722626

File: 7d97db2c2b00cc5⋯.jpg (1.37 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, PicsArt_06_06_10_16_33.jpg)

File: a010185350a37ca⋯.jpg (1.83 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, PicsArt_03_27_02_13_47.jpg)

GOD Wins!

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4ae0a2  No.16722627


Make me. Eunuch.

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1940ee  No.16722628

File: 5b6fc28c3749ddb⋯.jpg (52.76 KB, 550x361, 550:361, 271c67f3_adaf_483d_9e45_24….jpg)

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969fd8  No.16722629


Maher al-Agal

Right in the fucking center Sir

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234b4e  No.16722630

File: 473eda0fcf0d7b9⋯.png (263.3 KB, 414x271, 414:271, MarlboroMan.PNG)

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547ad3  No.16722631

File: 61440a150a93e67⋯.png (309.62 KB, 737x422, 737:422, ClipboardImage.png)

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993063  No.16722632


Baker too polite to point fingers but not too polite to say "fuckery"?

There are sometimes shill bakers that put stuff in current notes that doesn't belong there. If anons howl enough, they can sometimes get shill baker to take stuff out b4 end of bread. If anons notice too late, next baker can put in anon objections in the new notables. Best we can do.

Changing another baker's notables after the fact in a sneaky way is completely different. Often alleged, but almost NEVER proven. Causes division to bring this up without evidence - which if it happens would be very easy to find.

Either show the "before" and "after" with a CAP or say nothing.

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bbba12  No.16722633

File: 98f4b1b14c7e352⋯.png (33.69 KB, 620x217, 20:7, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2e0595c00959d8f⋯.png (100.7 KB, 1256x471, 8:3, ClipboardImage.png)


All of my posts have been deleted this bread.

Need more evidence?

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7e5dc8  No.16722634


IM looking for and old one. Only thing i can remembrer it was techno and the Words Energy are used?

u know what im talking about anon?

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547ad3  No.16722635

File: 88cc879fb3eeec8⋯.jpeg (96.99 KB, 826x1024, 413:512, 691.jpeg)


whats your favorite flavor of zyklon-b, shlomo?

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71f4b4  No.16722636


>What ya got?

Two things:

1. POTUS continues to point to the fact that Jan 6 committee isn’t investigating the obvious fraud and theft of the 2020 election. It reminds me of the Mueller witch hunt whereby POTUS kept saying “why aren’t they looking at the other side?”, and low and behold, Mueller shuts down the Podesta Group and uncovered Ukraine corruption.

2. We are only getting snippets and cherry-picked quotes from the testimony of everybody involved in investigating the election theft. We have no idea what the committee is asking them or the answers they’re getting.

It COULD be that Jan 6 was ACTUALLY tasked with getting to the bottom of the steal, but publicly is meant to look like another mind boggling, hypocritical attack on POTUS.

This theory falls in line with a lot of Q drops about watching a movie, actors, who’s ‘really’ in control, etc.

I’ve poured over drops time and time again, and it is actually the only LOGICAL explanation: Patriots ARE in control, but can’t publicly reveal as much because doing so would compromise investigations and scare off any potential enemies (F + D) from stepping into a trap/sting operation.

It’s the only thing that makes sense at this point.

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b87dca  No.16722637


When used in a sortable date time field the format looks like 2022-07-12T13:30:07Z

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c7476d  No.16722638

File: 0128d9e1b1e9bba⋯.mp4 (8.99 MB, 640x368, 40:23, SBEQ4quDo2_4MqWI.mp4)


Video from this post



What a disgrace to humanity I got to seeour dictator @JustinTrudeaufrom our country today and this is how it went


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ac6424  No.16722639


So how will it work? Will we just exchange our paper for gold?

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7d603a  No.16722640


Z is tag the UKr put on (their) tanks so it looks like a rusky one that was blown up.

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4ae0a2  No.16722641


Any flavor you have the balls to bring to me and kill me with. Eunuch.

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1940ee  No.16722642

File: e5efcb94965643c⋯.jpg (124.49 KB, 416x590, 208:295, bb00fc7a7cfa49a6315e6d9c90….jpg)

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234b4e  No.16722643

File: 8eba27ac89e1702⋯.png (33.07 KB, 502x500, 251:250, Filter.PNG)


I've finally figured it out. The Jews have been calling for anons to filter us "muh joos" so I figured why don't we just filter them? This thread is so much nice without the kikes constant lies.

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078627  No.16722644

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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547ad3  No.16722645

File: ea034f24087211d⋯.jpeg (96.58 KB, 656x960, 41:60, 095.jpeg)

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4f25c3  No.16722646


26th letter of the alphabet - eh?

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bbba12  No.16722647

File: 10dca2de5e1dbe5⋯.png (278.33 KB, 1075x720, 215:144, ClipboardImage.png)


My posts at the top of this bread.

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7e5dc8  No.16722648

File: 4b535df3edbc4b5⋯.png (397.75 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, Screenshot_20220710_070409.png)


>Baker too polite to point fingers

obviously not directed to current baker, kek.

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7f36fb  No.16722649

File: b100e314b661744⋯.mp4 (1.88 MB, Joan_Rivers_Gay_And_Tranny….MOV)

File: 88eb5fbc20711a2⋯.mp4 (5.62 MB, 638x360, 319:180, Obama_Michael_and_I_speech….MP4)

File: 58c445c60e27425⋯.png (79.9 KB, 500x318, 250:159, Michael_LaVaughn_Robinson_….PNG)

File: 64fd844dea366f3⋯.jpg (78.99 KB, 710x496, 355:248, DoublesNClones_02_Michael_….JPG)

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760a08  No.16722650

File: ccb169a79d4b922⋯.png (112.42 KB, 234x324, 13:18, ClipboardImage.png)

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4ae0a2  No.16722651


OH NO!!! Not the filter….

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755b20  No.16722652

File: 47514264f1a62dc⋯.jpg (152.24 KB, 962x634, 481:317, 60148239_11003683_Sir_Mo_F….jpg)

Curious story.. Good for him achieving what he managed to achieve though.


EXCLUSIVE: Police are NOT investigating Sir Mo Farah's trafficking ordeal: Detectives say no crime has been reported - after Team GB hero revealed he was smuggled into UK as a child from Somalia using a stolen passport then forced into slavery in London

Sir Mo Farah has said he was illegally trafficked into the UK and spent his early years in domestic servitude

The Olympic champion was forced to be a skivvy for the family of the woman who brought him to Britain

His original back story was that he arrived in Britain as an eight-year-old and lived with his aunt and uncle

But Sir Mo was actually born Hussein Abdi Kahin, something he says he is still struggling to make sense of

He overturns the story of his life in BBC documentary, The Real Mo Farah, which will air at 9pm on Wednesday

A timeline: Mo Farah reveals how he was trafficked into Britain from Somalia under another child's name

1983: Sir Mo Farah is born Hussein Abdi Kahin in Somaliland

1987: The family becomes torn apart when his father dies in the war when he is aged just four. Separated from his mother, he and Hassan were sent to live with relatives - described as an aunt and uncle - in Djibouti in the Horn of Africa.

1993: He is smuggled into the UK as an illegal immigrant under a false passport bearing his new identity 'Mo Farah' – a name that had been stolen from another child.

1994: He is enrolled in a tough junior school in the predominantly white area of Feltham, west London, where his refusal to be cowed meant he was forever getting into fights.

After what is believed to be two to three years he confides in PE teacher Alan Watkinson, who alerts social services to his situation and he is subsequently placed into the care of another family.

He went to live with the aunt of the real Mohamed Farah, Kinsi, who had been told he was in the UK because all his family had died.

She said: 'I tried to find out what is going on with you. The lady, she always make you do the housework, to have the kids, give them their milk, to change their nappy and all these things. What I know is she didn't bring you as a human being, to help you, no. If I tell you the truth, this is not your fault. Your name is a gift to you, our gift to you.' Her nephew is the real Mo Farah.

1997: Mo is selected to represent England at an international meet in Latvia. However, he does not hold the documentation to be able to travel for the event. Mr Watkinson then helps the then teenager apply for UK citizenship.

2000: Farah is granted British citizenship.

2012: Representing GB, Mo wins the gold medal in the Men's 5,000 and 10,000 metres at the 2012 Olympic Games in London.

2017: The Olympic champion is knighted for services to athletics at a ceremony at Buckingham Palace he attends with wife Tania in November 2017.

2022: Sir Mo Farah has revealed in a BBC documentary that he was brought into the UK illegally under the name of another child.

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d73052  No.16722653

File: bb3926d93978433⋯.jpg (96.18 KB, 1200x678, 200:113, update2.JPG)

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fe9fb7  No.16722654

File: 9b3ef6d00f7115b⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1259x909, 1259:909, ClipboardImage.png)

Prettige dag nog, heren!


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bc5da5  No.16722655


Well, yes. Kek

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c7476d  No.16722656


Man that guy was bold

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dff739  No.16722657

File: 531e72e781cd126⋯.jpg (97.37 KB, 1182x498, 197:83, UK26.jpg)

File: 7a64b790718f168⋯.jpg (165.83 KB, 1505x654, 1505:654, usa26.jpg)



I see UK 26 and USA 26 a date perhaps when the Liberty bell will chime I hope.

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6c2074  No.16722658

File: eacee5de00043e8⋯.png (30.81 KB, 478x485, 478:485, ClipboardImage.png)

wut dis mean?

Haven't used this account in 3 months.

Can't remember the creds.

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547ad3  No.16722659



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7d603a  No.16722660


Yea I get ya.

I see "money" as an "exchange of value medium"

I'm not sure (yet) the "money " part is the "biblical" bit

But Ur correct money is a "religion"

Some pray to it,

Some pray for it.

But a $0.02 piece of paper/plastic is only worth 5-0 or 5 because the merchant believes in same "religion"

Different "colours" in diff countries, but same "religion"


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53b37b  No.16722661

File: 290cfb51b547bb0⋯.png (670.44 KB, 811x485, 811:485, ClipboardImage.png)



Cringe shilling, projecting dialectic inversion shill.

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71f4b4  No.16722662


>Patriots ARE in control, but can’t publicly reveal as much because doing so would compromise investigations and scare off any potential enemies (F + D) from stepping into a trap/sting operation.

>It’s the only thing that makes sense at this point.

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fe9fb7  No.16722663

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760a08  No.16722664

File: 629f10d610fcb11⋯.png (834.44 KB, 1611x918, 179:102, ClipboardImage.png)

Stay with us Kim

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433cad  No.16722665

File: dd29ab8aee16d7e⋯.jpg (62.94 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 6e4dl0_1.jpg)

File: feb4faec17158fb⋯.jpg (113.95 KB, 701x960, 701:960, downloadfile_1.jpg)

File: 9eaf8a3a95caabf⋯.png (781.07 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20220712_064352.png)









Amy Coney Barrett

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77bea2  No.16722666

File: f386d67500658fa⋯.jpg (129.6 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, photo_2022_05_27_10_46_18.jpg)

File: e83729c8585d7d1⋯.png (578.54 KB, 492x413, 492:413, devils2.PNG)

File: c79c4b28fd977e7⋯.jpg (190.18 KB, 773x900, 773:900, Evil_Pope_24102_26683227.jpg)

File: b4a134340dcea59⋯.jpg (86.46 KB, 1140x641, 1140:641, ratzinger_3680470138.jpg)

File: 5b8eb2baaf15926⋯.png (125.05 KB, 336x226, 168:113, dqsh1.PNG)

(((inbreds))) and all child rapists are always as evil as possible and are to be drowned.

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547ad3  No.16722667

File: a37aee89d5ddb37⋯.jpeg (71.85 KB, 1170x770, 117:77, 390.jpeg)

File: 1dda3b5d2408dff⋯.jpeg (49.4 KB, 600x530, 60:53, 486.jpeg)

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c7476d  No.16722668

File: ef22bec18e50ec2⋯.jpeg (413.56 KB, 1241x2183, 1241:2183, DF8D0E41_AD04_4A5A_9795_E….jpeg)

American farmers and ranchers need to get involved now

Bidan Admin and WEF, NWO is doing this WW


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53b37b  No.16722669

File: fb7d6a491a5088e⋯.png (309.79 KB, 534x381, 178:127, fb7d6a491a5088e8db530cee0f….png)


The one where you keep talking about yourselves.

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6c2074  No.16722670



u send chiro anything recently worth worrying about losing, boss?

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8676f2  No.16722671

So every man and his dog has a copy of Hunter’s laptop. But nobody can disclose or distribute without falling foul of the law. And no court or judge will allow discovery. We need a brave Sheriff or Marshall to go public and verify what we all know is on that laptop. Only an officer of the law can verify.

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53b37b  No.16722672

File: aca1d283700a658⋯.jpg (83.06 KB, 869x500, 869:500, d3b1aaf41eb84a1ede3ee97038….jpg)


Gab shills reposting shill memes to 8kun.


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9d0eea  No.16722673

File: 1361fed6b2ad530⋯.jpg (392.04 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, tim_cook_the_clown.jpg)


Diversify into many things as you can. Food, property, widgets, money, gold, silver cars, guitars, Art, Land whatever and yes cash too. storable food, garden and trees that have fruit.

Backup energy if you can.


Nobody knows what the fuck is gona happen.

Nobody can predict the future.

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0ec0fc  No.16722674

File: 3a4506bbea3fc34⋯.png (692.97 KB, 935x499, 935:499, ClipboardImage.png)


very true.

this baker always adds a link to other peoples notes, never changes anyone elses notes and if things are fucked up, will generally step up to help, including during very busy times or under attacks.

but of course only when online.

p.s baker is not staff, only does this for one reason only.

Anon loves this place and just wants to help keep it working properly, without the anons posting bakers would not have anything to do?

hence librarian.

must go running late. be back later, probably night shift !!

noted, but building strawmen and then narratives is defeating the object


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7f36fb  No.16722675

File: 25fa52c9eaf9472⋯.jpg (78.77 KB, 300x300, 1:1, Barack_Obama_Family_01.JPG)

File: 384c19dcf8f2c89⋯.jpg (204.78 KB, 1025x1200, 41:48, Barack_Obama_Family_03.JPG)

File: 6eb57b88751ac2c⋯.jpg (26.16 KB, 255x237, 85:79, Barack_Obama_who_s_the_Dad….JPG)

File: e12287537f1f513⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1132x1004, 283:251, Barack_Obama_Family_04.PNG)

File: d0d9935823bc417⋯.jpg (22.04 KB, 199x255, 199:255, Barack_Obama_Family_02.JPG)

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d73052  No.16722676

File: 7ec11433e4cae7d⋯.jpg (28.31 KB, 478x339, 478:339, 26_bell.JPG)


or q-post 26

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7ee544  No.16722677

File: 7a76106a69e22cf⋯.jpeg (73.76 KB, 800x574, 400:287, 7a76106a69e22cfa13b4da2f4….jpeg)


>real American

Pretty sure he's Canadian

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c7476d  No.16722678

File: 9b2fa20e0d69924⋯.jpeg (183.75 KB, 1241x1006, 1241:1006, 13205A56_227D_4CE3_81C4_D….jpeg)

File: 6756ca1e728d2d1⋯.jpeg (84.96 KB, 1241x503, 1241:503, F91D7538_BB91_41A2_9E75_3….jpeg)

File: 72fb9d67bd5b9a2⋯.jpeg (137.29 KB, 1241x673, 1241:673, 45FBA650_6669_4CDE_B15C_2….jpeg)


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760a08  No.16722679




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8676f2  No.16722680


He will like how this ends

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9d0eea  No.16722681


hahaha Dutch Farmer Awkward or Sri Lanka Awkward.

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7d603a  No.16722682


The "strange" part re UKr painting "z" on the ruskie ones…

"Z" is not even in russian alphabet!

So we have a "comedian" running a "clown show" (aka "a circus")

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547ad3  No.16722683


hes a pajeet. So no, hes not canadian.

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8d7b51  No.16722684

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fauci live from WH with Walensky

Press Briefing by White House COVID-19 Response Team and Public Health Officials

The White House


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02288b  No.16722685


>Be afraid!

Some have faith.

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760a08  No.16722686

File: df21346e6ebe015⋯.png (188.12 KB, 474x290, 237:145, ClipboardImage.png)

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7f36fb  No.16722687

File: 81b556ded64c803⋯.jpg (220.04 KB, 900x958, 450:479, Barack_Hussein_Obama_Fake_….JPG)

File: 7959c296468e40b⋯.jpeg (463.8 KB, 1709x1140, 1709:1140, Barack_Hussein_Obama_Keny….JPEG)

File: e942de2efabd038⋯.jpeg (1.16 MB, 2886x2327, 222:179, Barack_Hussein_Obama_Who_….JPEG)

File: b911c6948b32632⋯.jpg (799.13 KB, 1881x1471, 1881:1471, Barack_Hussein_Obama_aka_B….jpg)

File: ee114a9accbc01f⋯.jpg (111.42 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, BHO_Barry_Soetoro_Columbia….JPG)

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4f25c3  No.16722688

File: ba547470056e4e1⋯.jpeg (37.46 KB, 217x261, 217:261, jfk5x5.jpeg)


…or that!

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7e12e4  No.16722689


Also looks like a 5 between the 2 and 6 - but if you look closely it’s USA in one layer and 26 on another layer

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f10a4d  No.16722690


July 10, 7 + 10 = 17

Nov 6, 11 + 6 = 17

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1940ee  No.16722691

File: 6fe1651de618199⋯.mp4 (2.71 MB, 640x640, 1:1, 6fe1651de61819931beac5010f….mp4)

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078d55  No.16722692

File: 0da971eac64f426⋯.jpeg (24.49 KB, 474x311, 474:311, quietlike44.jpeg)


26 "Bell"

256 "Liberty"

82 "Zulu"



have fun


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6c2074  No.16722693


image 3… what do we know about the grandparents that would lead to the daughter squatting on bottles and birthing spooks?

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8d7b51  No.16722694

File: f04d92eaa7789de⋯.png (68.76 KB, 255x211, 255:211, womp.png)


pushing variants

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7d603a  No.16722695


Only 2 moar of importance..

Wash DC

london, London

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234b4e  No.16722696

File: ccdde96ed3c624c⋯.png (89.92 KB, 711x499, 711:499, UkrainianJews.png)


Clowns, comedians, jokers = Jews.

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547ad3  No.16722697

File: 4a476325d3fc26a⋯.jpg (44.99 KB, 602x414, 301:207, 142.jpg)

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44fa80  No.16722698



Yesterday the drone created USA, 26, outline of continental US and the Liberty Bell

Today so far the track has created UK

please check the planefag notables #21091

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ef9d76  No.16722699

File: 03c5eb916a24077⋯.png (424.71 KB, 736x600, 92:75, Kari_Lake_and_obama.PNG)

Think before you comment…Trump also endorsed "Dr. Oz"…didn't he???…

Here is a possible theory…Trump has gotten so egotistical/self-centered -"I know what I'm doing" that he gets himself "arrested" and tells them I have a army to back me up(kek)…and the army says…"Nope, you said you've got this, have fun saving the world"…kek…




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7ccffc  No.16722700

File: 2d857d08d09881a⋯.jpg (89.69 KB, 683x1024, 683:1024, FLOTUSwhitedress.jpg)

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a35d58  No.16722701

File: 2df9d86b3da98e1⋯.jpg (428.92 KB, 595x862, 595:862, Cut.jpg)


>I couldn't care less if some dipshit who goes on and on and on about a certain ethnicity filters me.

But I thought I would make a post about it anyway.

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dfd1e2  No.16722702

File: 3953c383419722b⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1200x667, 1200:667, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 958c4e4fedbcb0a⋯.png (686.66 KB, 960x720, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


The black-robed priests at the temple of money will help the parties determine the value and the flow of the currency IAW the word of God, the law.

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bbba12  No.16722703

File: 2cefae754b3afe4⋯.png (129.54 KB, 694x470, 347:235, ClipboardImage.png)


Most of my posts were deleted, when I pointed out fuckery in the notables

ID 8fcfa6

>>1669519 pb

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c7476d  No.16722704

File: a7cfda10154f060⋯.jpeg (359.59 KB, 1241x1636, 1241:1636, 8E2D98FE_8E47_4B47_8929_F….jpeg)


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fe9fb7  No.16722705



psssst, Jesus was a heathen!

Why is the Vatican and other Christian places built on holy pagan ground?

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1fc813  No.16722706

File: c52f73e78f9c096⋯.jpeg (336.45 KB, 656x491, 656:491, pepecalc.jpeg)

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760a08  No.16722708

Hold the Line Jim


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0ff254  No.16722709

People that work at convenience stores are brave no doubt.

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7e12e4  No.16722710

File: 76f8f2e3c7216a6⋯.jpeg (179.42 KB, 590x832, 295:416, E0272241_A067_461B_8B5B_8….jpeg)

File: ce5a94dca979672⋯.jpeg (68.37 KB, 940x891, 940:891, 5E2A542B_4F47_4AA0_95B0_D….jpeg)


Satanic digits chekt

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0cb81e  No.16722711


hopinf you're right

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53b37b  No.16722712

File: 9bfe279017b9153⋯.png (261.18 KB, 500x511, 500:511, ClipboardImage.png)



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078d55  No.16722713

File: 51ba97609b0a90b⋯.jpg (8.26 KB, 183x275, 183:275, sikh4.jpg)

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7f36fb  No.16722714

File: 19f24f1668f4abf⋯.gif (282.96 KB, 320x240, 4:3, Pope_John_Paul_Approves.GIF)

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53b37b  No.16722715


RRN is fake news

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bbba12  No.16722716



Here is an example of fuckery BO, what the fuck are you going to do about it?


Absolutely nothing

It was more than likely you that did this.

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d2d5cb  No.16722717

File: a75c7b41ba70b8d⋯.png (137.57 KB, 500x385, 100:77, inbredd.png)

File: c43919ffc7a2c08⋯.png (463.8 KB, 444x552, 37:46, Nikolas_Cruz_Florida_schoo….png)

File: 4d584813304a356⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1034x1198, 517:599, lanza2.png)

File: cec39126a8bbe29⋯.jpg (300.3 KB, 616x924, 2:3, deadp2.jpg)

File: 942f67c01627e5f⋯.png (638.32 KB, 572x780, 11:15, cruz.png)

all (((inbreds))) are always as evil as possible and to be drowned.

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433cad  No.16722718

File: 71538e93db8620b⋯.jpg (35.56 KB, 364x500, 91:125, 71538e93db8620bfef90d70ee2….jpg)

Trump is bragging about his role in the vaccines but will not accept liability for any of the deaths and injuries.




Got a lot of people needlessly killed.






Amy Coney Barrett

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234b4e  No.16722719

File: 21a6cdaebeb9b0c⋯.png (56.98 KB, 592x500, 148:125, ZelenskyHitlerIIII.png)

File: 4d4dbf26a06620f⋯.png (43.1 KB, 576x433, 576:433, LyingJewHitler.png)


(((Who))) funded Hilter?

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9d0eea  No.16722720


>>Be afraid!

Your a fucking Troll shit.

I never said that word.

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c7476d  No.16722721

File: 061063b58576725⋯.jpeg (486.15 KB, 1241x1781, 1241:1781, AD0DDB22_A7A6_4CA3_8736_B….jpeg)

File: 5ead35cd720b01f⋯.jpeg (496.05 KB, 1241x1970, 1241:1970, 2CABE18C_B779_4CC2_84AC_E….jpeg)

We should tell World Leaders pushing bugsYou First. Even better, video the meals they are eating when in public.


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53b37b  No.16722722



nice projection

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dff739  No.16722723


Will do TY

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ef9d76  No.16722724


kek, you wanted satire, I just gave you some satire…

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078d55  No.16722725

File: d05be2ab52900fa⋯.jpg (12.86 KB, 236x391, 236:391, michaelssword44.jpg)


some are

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b87dca  No.16722726


I wrote dis. Distribution has a negating effect.

if (everyone.Downloads("HunterBidenLaptop")) {

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234b4e  No.16722727


What's odd is when Lavrov said that, the fact checkers were silent.

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547ad3  No.16722728

File: 3539eeda5fb423b⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1572x906, 262:151, r3x558.png)

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ac6424  No.16722729


Yes, I get that.

I realized after I posted that my question was not clear. I'm a little more simple-minded and concrete-thinking than that.

If I have a $10 dollar bill, and we suddenly flip to gold standard, would I just turn in my piece of paper for $10 worth of gold?

That's what happened when we left the gold standard, only in reverse.

I guess I'm asking about the actual process.

You're sitting with say $1000 one day and the next it's poof - just gone; too bad, so sad?

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8676f2  No.16722730


All news is fake news.

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02288b  No.16722731


>deaths and injuries

What deaths and injuries? Oh let me guess, you think the covid deaths were largely made up but vax deaths are totally real right?

Two sides to the same OP.

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760a08  No.16722732

File: a705073a98ac8f1⋯.png (564.56 KB, 991x686, 991:686, ClipboardImage.png)


Trump Saved 7.2 Billion of Lives

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5670c9  No.16722733

How's this for a compromise? Universal healthcare for people under 18, and for people with serious illness. The rest have to pay for insurance.

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02288b  No.16722734


No you didn't say the word afraid, you just pushed fear.

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547ad3  No.16722735

File: 06a9f42e776b643⋯.jpg (78.9 KB, 700x645, 140:129, 3un63b.jpg)

anyone have any info about these strange wooden doors?

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bc5da5  No.16722736


It doesn't work that way :D put any number and any word, you will get your post number.

Don't want to "that guy", but it might simply mean, "America Last"

Last alphabet 26=Z

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53b37b  No.16722737


>you wanted satire

Says who?

Anon wants good satire, not cringe, desperate, begging to be believed satire.

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d2d5cb  No.16722738


the same (((who))) funding globovaxx to kill off the ((('extra-inbred'))) as a 'sacrifice/holocaust' for them not being shekel-drains in 'zion'.

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e111ad  No.16722739

File: 1f2e094e762726e⋯.png (236.71 KB, 488x556, 122:139, RRNMeetMichaelTuffinAkaBax….png)


Real Raw News is a Soros funded OP headed by a democrat named Michael Tuffin who goes by the pen name Michael Baxter. His stated goal is to "expose the insanity of rabid Trumpists".

Prior to creating Real Raw News, Tuffin ran sites about both Nibiru and subterranean lizard people in order to discredit and make money off of those groups.

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bbba12  No.16722740

File: b4a72b90f320c4d⋯.png (27.19 KB, 211x258, 211:258, ClipboardImage.png)


And how the fuck can anyone use meta, when the fucking thing is locked 24/7

you suck

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6c7934  No.16722742


Awww… poor muffin top. You're the one that's famefagging me.

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078d55  No.16722743

File: 5c09cfd74954cd7⋯.jpeg (23.11 KB, 255x245, 51:49, bc414830853ab2b8d5c817795….jpeg)

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7e5dc8  No.16722744

File: 3259f8529042d3b⋯.png (201.54 KB, 300x401, 300:401, ClipboardImage.png)

>>16722602 try harder

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547ad3  No.16722745

File: e73da9eaa2bf145⋯.jpg (754.78 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, r6su1a.jpg)

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53b37b  No.16722746


>all news is fake news

Then that news is itself fake news.

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078627  No.16722747

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3e0aff  No.16722748

File: dade09828c01316⋯.mp4 (1.35 MB, 1152x720, 8:5, NYC_Mayor_Bill_de_Blasio_e….mp4)

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4c78f0  No.16722749


Gold is an antibiotic also

like silver

The Most Powerful Of NATURAL Anti-Biotics

The silver coin in the well was about clean water not wishes

Gold Frankincense and Myrrh gifts for The Christ?

all 3 incredible antibiotic medicines

God gave (you) everything (you) need

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04e638  No.16722750

File: 743132e01956531⋯.png (2.26 MB, 1380x927, 460:309, ClipboardImage.png)

i'm 60 and never realized they had a faggy youngest son named Edward

also amazed that Andrew is the only normal looking human

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547ad3  No.16722751


lol so you picked the whitest looking, most mixed example you can find

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8676f2  No.16722752


Now your learning. Soon we can take your training wheels off.

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9d0eea  No.16722753



>You're sitting with say $1000 one day and the next it's poof - just gone; too bad, so sad?

um yeah it's possible, it hasn't happened yet. but could.

That's why I say if your got Carrot apple beets growing what the fuck do you care? Those three things and a squirrel now and then. heh what else you need?

Bacon.. okay. fair enough. Buy some HOGS?

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d73052  No.16722754


yes You are correct Figured that out

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7d603a  No.16722755

File: 2eb105ff7626f35⋯.jpg (115.83 KB, 1600x669, 1600:669, assange.jpg)

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c7476d  No.16722756

File: e9b0b04c4567490⋯.mp4 (2.64 MB, 1286x720, 643:360, 1M_VJZhqowV3pE2C.mp4)

Chris Bergin - NSF


Holy moly. Well, that was unexpected!


The rocket blew up before launch


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078d55  No.16722757


try it out again



26 Bell

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547ad3  No.16722758

File: 356b7ebd48c4078⋯.png (380.67 KB, 693x983, 693:983, rb89wq.png)

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ef9d76  No.16722759


and yet, you can't dispute the fact that Trump endorsed Dr. Oz…pitiful attempt to taint the news with this JS made-up fake bullshit…

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7e12e4  No.16722760

File: b1955bf3fa78c08⋯.gif (197.21 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 8B2AAC7F_2029_428A_882D_19….gif)

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234b4e  No.16722761


Yeah, he really shut them Rothschilds down…..

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53b37b  No.16722762

File: a82429eebbe960c⋯.png (815.78 KB, 888x606, 148:101, a82429eebbe960c935f85de6e8….png)


>you can't dispute

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fe9fb7  No.16722763

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Seventh son of a seventh son


Both have used me all my life and tried to pull me to their side.

But I don't let myself be pigeonholed and go straight ahead with my head up in the middle of the shit.

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3c6f9d  No.16722764

File: ea6f849a2e4b576⋯.png (49.1 KB, 249x244, 249:244, pepe_thinking.PNG)


this seems notable

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d73052  No.16722765



He is right try 26 anyword

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c01ee3  No.16722766



Hey faggot! We know it’s a Real Raw News story so there isn’t any credibility… just like your comment, no cred!


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ef9d76  No.16722767


wasn't launching, they were "Testing"!!!

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3f7b1c  No.16722768

File: bc02c2901537e3c⋯.jpg (310.07 KB, 1354x1919, 1354:1919, diechristlicheku02deut_044….jpg)

File: d57cae9498de60f⋯.jpg (1017.24 KB, 2537x3820, 2537:3820, diechristlicheku19deut_012….jpg)

File: 1432a9a45138e45⋯.jpg (288.1 KB, 1269x1910, 1269:1910, diechristlicheku19deut_013….jpg)

File: 39db4804d7f2edc⋯.jpg (1.55 MB, 2464x3625, 2464:3625, diechristlicheku1190deut_0….jpg)

File: b8a499fcdd73a69⋯.jpg (367.63 KB, 1297x1903, 1297:1903, diechristlicheku18deut_019….jpg)


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dfd66d  No.16722769



either put up and shut up

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547ad3  No.16722770


he tried to

unfortunately all the shabbos goyim in the USA and Britian teamed up with the communists in the soviet union to stop him

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9d0eea  No.16722771


I'm pretty resonable person.

Filtering on *you're fucking lies.

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7d603a  No.16722772


Yea, in Nazi uniforms, Ain't it wierd.

What a f'n movie, Who wrote this sh!t.

Loving it.

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547ad3  No.16722773

File: 233a445ac1f6bc5⋯.jpeg (45.02 KB, 745x745, 1:1, att_4h0a34ym.jpeg)

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04e638  No.16722774

File: e8a886cc8d59fff⋯.png (75.83 KB, 888x390, 148:65, ClipboardImage.png)


>Satanic digits chekt

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fe9fb7  No.16722775


>But I don't let myself be pigeonholed and go straight ahead with my head up in the middle of the shit.

But I don't let myself be stuck in any pigeonhole and go straight ahead with my head up in the middle of the shit.

Keck, fuck you deepl, nosy Bastards!

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ef9d76  No.16722776


So, how do you like working for Soros???

Is the pay good, see if he needs anybody else…ok, pumpkin…

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547ad3  No.16722777

File: 450ea30c1d7a733⋯.gif (201.9 KB, 800x450, 16:9, nxbzaq.gif)

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dff739  No.16722778

File: 7734c2549c0b96d⋯.png (8.47 KB, 392x297, 392:297, brave_cNxXITSDHS.png)

File: 531e72e781cd126⋯.jpg (97.37 KB, 1182x498, 197:83, UK26.jpg)

File: 7a64b790718f168⋯.jpg (165.83 KB, 1505x654, 1505:654, usa26.jpg)

Post 26 was a good one

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234b4e  No.16722779


Point made.

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078d55  No.16722780

File: 0078c84c75f03dc⋯.jpg (40.12 KB, 600x400, 3:2, squadron444.jpg)


search narrows it down to 1 post for each one identified

is the word "Bell" in post# 26?


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44fa80  No.16722781

File: e6e0d99dde3fc8f⋯.png (378.12 KB, 587x664, 587:664, Opera_Snapshot_2022_07_12_….png)

USAF tweet with a boom operator.

Booms incoming?


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04e638  No.16722782

File: 52ef49ef5673c66⋯.png (216.47 KB, 691x689, 691:689, ClipboardImage.png)



always with reversed time stamps now

Ghost In The Machine has control

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547ad3  No.16722783

File: cfd451a66358230⋯.jpeg (25.76 KB, 394x509, 394:509, att_uf1usw7p.jpeg)

File: bc2a1bfaadefec4⋯.jpeg (26.08 KB, 402x519, 134:173, att_5f75cacv.jpeg)

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078627  No.16722784

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a35d58  No.16722785

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


They don't talk about 'Eddie' since the event.

Vidrel 3 minute overview.

Linky: the whole thing.

Fun Fact; Stuart Hall, Presenter, was charged with historic sexual offenses, recently, for sexually assaulting young men during this time.

Full ting:


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53b37b  No.16722786


>how do you like working for Soros?

Cringe attempt to 'allow yourself to believe' Soros is even in control of Anon, projecting Soros shill.

Soros crime family is on the run.

2000 Mules opened the door.

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433cad  No.16722787

File: 6cbbefc8c14dfb3⋯.png (163.31 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20220712_085051.png)

File: 67fe075f0fc9d28⋯.jpg (80.57 KB, 500x511, 500:511, Gates.jpg)

File: e17f4da724e54cf⋯.jpg (88.67 KB, 648x800, 81:100, downloadfile.jpg)

File: d411c24ee355ead⋯.png (468.16 KB, 720x762, 120:127, d411c24ee355ead181e1bf6592….png)






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a55c5b  No.16722788

File: b21a24a67d49528⋯.png (918.76 KB, 822x829, 822:829, ClipboardImage.png)

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88affd  No.16722789

File: 6def7f38814de6c⋯.jpg (103.46 KB, 720x897, 240:299, 20220712_075233.jpg)


US drone strike kills senior ISIS leader Maher al-Agal in northwestern Syria

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078d55  No.16722790

File: 5ff65871f7203e7⋯.png (14.73 KB, 226x255, 226:255, 34e688f201a25b489b517b9fac….png)

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1940ee  No.16722791

File: 71c4504a9612e29⋯.pdf (170.72 KB, guide_iodin.pdf)


The Guide to Supplementing with Iodine

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8d7b51  No.16722792

File: ffc846e183d8841⋯.png (389.33 KB, 762x790, 381:395, boom_operator.png)

File: 7914a5c915b5f22⋯.png (3.37 MB, 1668x1188, 139:99, BOOM_OP.png)

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02288b  No.16722793

File: 02d05ccb43932f1⋯.jpg (71.35 KB, 400x479, 400:479, Grammar_Nazi.jpg)



Filtering because you're called out for pushing fear. Ok snowflake. Do you tell everyone when you go to the bathroom too?

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c7476d  No.16722794


Ok, still wild though

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dff739  No.16722795

File: d4a70117d4ad415⋯.png (1.45 MB, 983x725, 983:725, brave_ihLigXvwxd.png)


Andrew's Panda mascot ?

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ef9d76  No.16722796


you would know, wouldn't you…busted…

btw, I'm betting you made the target list or terminal list…

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6daf0e  No.16722797

File: a8798540266a399⋯.png (327.97 KB, 600x450, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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3865de  No.16722799

File: 3a404cbd3bb570f⋯.png (613 KB, 462x660, 7:10, Jesus_I_Am_The_Way_The_Tru….png)

File: 0234df22fe7f864⋯.jpg (104.01 KB, 506x694, 253:347, Merchants_Driven_Out_of_th….JPG)

File: d2cb48d21aa342e⋯.jpg (73.74 KB, 719x900, 719:900, Jesus_of_Nazareth_The_Chri….jpg)

File: 204b4cee14396c6⋯.jpg (69.86 KB, 480x454, 240:227, Jesus_Go_Be_A_Demon_Nigger….jpg)

File: 1e1ff6be6a49106⋯.jpg (244.39 KB, 900x720, 5:4, Jesus_Laughing_Wine_Kek.jpg)

Satan's #1 Lie is Scarcity, which oddly enough is the PRIME PRINCIPAL on the Merchant's Economy.

God is nothing but ABUNDANCE!

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a8cae4  No.16722800


f'n canucks

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547ad3  No.16722801

File: 1ad89aea7f6e06b⋯.jpeg (80.02 KB, 1044x1126, 522:563, att_8v66g95d.jpeg)

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ef9d76  No.16722802


YES!!!, yes it was pretty kewl…

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b41bfc  No.16722803

Off topic, but if you look at Alex Jones' Bohemian Grove footage, the narrator during the ritual sounds a lot like Robin Williams.

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4c78f0  No.16722804


I have watched American farmers let themselves be destroyed since the 80's when thousands of farms were auctioned off and Monsatano came down upon them and they all comply with corn and soy corn and soy until they are complete cog slaves and have no food growing on many hundreds of GMO crap destroyed dirt "farms".

Americans are docile "hope for the best" kind of folks and do not expect their leaders to be actively trying to kill them kek

People who have seen war on their land or know how to read and study history effectively rise up and never let the beast get away with it

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6c7934  No.16722805


I got a boom she could operate.

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d73052  No.16722806

File: bb3926d93978433⋯.jpg (96.18 KB, 1200x678, 200:113, update2.JPG)


why did th drone mess up in Washington on the map

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02288b  No.16722807


Like dogs, they resource guard. They don't have faith.

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078d55  No.16722808


i see

any word works



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53b37b  No.16722809


>you would know

nice projection again Soros shill.

>btw, I'm betting you made the target list or terminal list

Cringe death threat, panicking shillbot.


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6daf0e  No.16722810


I like the pinball machine concept

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c69d59  No.16722811

File: 7f03cf7b484c2d7⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1200x631, 1200:631, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ef5a0d490f1c691⋯.png (513.66 KB, 1410x647, 1410:647, klux_kiddies.png)

File: a6c988b55b5fbc2⋯.jpg (29.2 KB, 332x500, 83:125, R_4_.jpg)

File: 422936a2ce438c0⋯.jpg (18.92 KB, 358x282, 179:141, R_3_.jpg)

File: 9189497304e227b⋯.png (352.67 KB, 500x750, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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44fa80  No.16722812

File: 47db41505a23a80⋯.png (28.53 KB, 426x198, 71:33, Opera_Snapshot_2022_07_12_….png)


Wow! The Failing New York Times is really failing now: Down more than 40%, and heading lower. FAKE NEWS!

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a4b4e8  No.16722813

#BoycottAmazon for prime day

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d73052  No.16722814

>>16722808 that was My bad I was the shit for brains that jumped the gun on that

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0ff254  No.16722815


Wonder why the UK?

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547ad3  No.16722816

File: c1dc079c199c8a4⋯.jpeg (96.58 KB, 1053x1334, 1053:1334, att_mw1kf4g1.jpeg)

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e0335e  No.16722817

File: 988da6eb217184e⋯.jpg (5.87 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 5a87d3a6d08d82a0d2f60ee548….jpg)


>When does the cock sing?

rite before you eat it

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f51f89  No.16722818


Dominion Machine Defamation suit against Fox News about to force more incriminating direct evidence into the public eye when submitted in Court. They have lost already, thinking they can force everyone into silence. Truth will become known that no democrat won anything without fraud since 2008 at minimum.

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4c79da  No.16722819



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53b37b  No.16722820

File: 14dbd3c08bee6f1⋯.png (1.18 MB, 900x1200, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)



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547ad3  No.16722821

It was not part of their blood, It came to them very late, With long arrears to make good, When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved, They were icy – willing to wait Till every count should be proved, Ere the Saxon began to hate.

Their voices were even and low. Their eyes were level and straight. There was neither sign nor show When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not preached to the crowd. It was not taught by the state. No man spoke it aloud When the Saxon began to hate.

It was not suddently bred. It will not swiftly abate. Through the chilled years ahead, When Time shall count from the date That the Saxon began to hate.

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1f0a49  No.16722822

File: d57cae9498de60f⋯.jpg (1017.24 KB, 2537x3820, 2537:3820, diechristlicheku19deut_012….jpg)

File: be20710af2db062⋯.png (462.75 KB, 598x577, 598:577, StGerold.png)

File: e3cf3c58e971572⋯.jpg (533.09 KB, 977x800, 977:800, Old_Post_Office_building_T….jpg)

File: 5f059c65bc12c9e⋯.jpg (92.25 KB, 509x548, 509:548, Screen_Shot_2016_08_02_at_….jpg)

File: cafa67e4c252408⋯.jpg (279.38 KB, 1258x2011, 1258:2011, diechristlicheku08deut_025….jpg)


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078d55  No.16722823


apologies too

was catching the tail end of it on NS

didn't analyze like i should have.

passed out instead. kek


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7ccffc  No.16722824

File: 4882d70db4338b6⋯.jpg (45.2 KB, 322x861, 46:123, FLOTUSpinkskirt.JPG)

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b8a5f6  No.16722825


Elections have been rigged since the beginning of elections. It's somewhat comical that people believe they ever had a voice.

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547ad3  No.16722826

File: 4f46a2be4c69349⋯.jpeg (249.83 KB, 1393x2560, 1393:2560, att_n8gozddb.jpeg)

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7e5dc8  No.16722827


>>16722192 Dough

>>16722237, >>16722250, >>16722315, >>16722346, >>16722353, >>16722364, >>16722448, >>16722457, >>16722481, >>16722487, >>16722593, >>16722790 Memes

>>16722193, >>16722464 @realDonaldTrump Look at the people sitting on the Unselect Committee of Political Hacks and Thugs

>>16722194 @realDonaldTrump They called her a “leaker” and worse, didn’t want her! - djt.t.s post

>>16722230 Vatican Black Smoke Last Night?

>>16722233 Jan 6th Videos

>>16722240, >>16722577 VATCAN IS BURNING?

>>16722261 PF Which way are they flying?

>>16722292 Nuclear Preparedness PSA (with captions)

>>16722299 Nuke Check - Follow the Media. Media the #1 Enemy of the People

>>16722308 DAILY CHECKOFF ROUTINE And Optics

>>16722309 RUNNING OPS

>>16722310 #HASHTASK 220428

>>16722323 8kun Image Archive

>>16722334 Fox News remembering Tony Snow, who died today, 14-years ago in 2008. (14-year delta)

>>16722352 SchumanFag Reporting

>>16722363 July 12th drops. (Delta Checks)

>>16722385, >>16722471 @JudicialWatch uncovered FDA documents will outrage many about Covid vaccines.

>>16722389 A WEEK TO REMEMBER. - 3434 delta 2 days ahead.

>>16722400 So glad somebody made this. I was this close ( >>16722574 ) Corrected Video

>>16722467 Trump Energy Post Q mapped (QProof)

>>16722519 Did Sleepy talk about Parkland/1918?

>>16722531, >>16722542, >>16722551, >>16722561 The Swamp Today

>>16722533 Trudeau's nitrogen policy will decimate Canadian farming

>>16722590, >>16722789 U.S. airstrike killed Maher al-Agal, a top ISIS leader in Syria

>>16722632 BO Chimes in If notables are being editing Cap it and post

>>16722668 American farmers and ranchers need to get involved now

>>16722684 Fauci live from WH with Walensky

>>16722687 Obama Birth Certificate and Caps

>>16722726 We Got Biden Download Code

>>16722756 @NASASpaceflight Holy moly. Well, that was unexpected!

>>16722812 Wow! The Failing New York Times is really failing now: Down more than 40% (BUY!)


anything missed?

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d73052  No.16722828


that does not change the fact the drone made a large 5 a 2 and a 6 and the liberty bell Street address is 526

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88affd  No.16722829

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We are legends

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6c7934  No.16722830

File: a2d02a7859eb3b6⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1169x1169, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Are the food processing plant fires and possible impending hunger from this year's food crop issues just the cleansing of the food supply?

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4c78f0  No.16722831


more proof that Trump is in charge?


It was never about Oz in

It was about McCormick OUT

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078d55  No.16722832

File: 756016ad9ff7f7f⋯.jpg (76.58 KB, 1200x898, 600:449, aee41ad22f158dbff48040aa52….jpg)

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e11f7b  No.16722833

File: 749274dc917c7f8⋯.jpg (20.01 KB, 300x455, 60:91, 22.jpg)

Mornin' Frens


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53b37b  No.16722834


These are the most cringe memes ever posted in the history of the internet.

The left can't meme.

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3c6f9d  No.16722835

File: 31a821c6043d752⋯.png (569.38 KB, 752x376, 2:1, klaus_schwab_trudeau.PNG)

File: 2f4a9c1c18a4b37⋯.png (791.24 KB, 596x607, 596:607, klaus_schwab_world_dictato….PNG)

File: 1c46eb071aa4438⋯.png (714.45 KB, 683x563, 683:563, klaus_schwab_mark_rutte_1.PNG)


purveyors of mass genocide

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547ad3  No.16722836

File: a100a5d5e2ab9b3⋯.mp4 (10.83 MB, 640x360, 16:9, bwcmd8_1_.mp4)

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fe9fb7  No.16722837

File: 73b188f48d2f9c8⋯.jpg (22.66 KB, 255x252, 85:84, 6c57a480d0d6785fa3aadddf18….jpg)



>Ghost In The Machine has control

AYE! Keck!

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078d55  No.16722838

File: cb4b33bdbd7be94⋯.jpg (10.24 KB, 255x181, 255:181, 3cca27bfab1bee5d1e4ec43b4e….jpg)

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04e638  No.16722839


> the fact

i see bunnies in clouds

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0ff254  No.16722840

File: 49125a3f3d8da81⋯.png (15.05 KB, 472x174, 236:87, Screen_Shot_07_12_22_at_10….PNG)

Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 07/12/2022 09:46:47

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 108634676115084473

Wow! The Failing New York Times is really failing now: Down more than 40%, and heading lower. FAKE NEWS!

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6c7934  No.16722841


That's what I do. Can't ridicule if I don't post.

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547ad3  No.16722842

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e11f7b  No.16722843


I see spaceships in clouds

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0ff254  No.16722844

File: 5cdb6ef3db9fddb⋯.png (6.86 KB, 359x190, 359:190, Screen_Shot_07_12_22_at_10….PNG)

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c40c8b  No.16722845

File: 9f161d58e7a089e⋯.jpg (80.46 KB, 600x500, 6:5, Nazi.jpg)

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c7476d  No.16722846


Thx for posting this, I’m sharing it. When the entire people of all countries protest this “reset plan” will end

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760a08  No.16722847

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Good-B[y]e Old Guard

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f0580b  No.16722848



Vatican, Baker. o7

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1940ee  No.16722849

File: 9839e690df2e7a0⋯.jpg (18.09 KB, 480x540, 8:9, 9839e690df2e7a0ce0fb10d4da….jpg)


No shit, I voted in CA for 17 years from a conservative perspective, maybe 2% ever passed.

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547ad3  No.16722850

File: 2117c86dcb5394a⋯.png (731.08 KB, 1111x597, 1111:597, 5fa.png)


*rubs hands together, jewishly*

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ef9d76  No.16722851


so, are you saying it was a choice of the better of the worst of them…ok, I can get behind on that one…how bad was McCormick…he must have been really bad to pick Dr. Oz…

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53b37b  No.16722852



Triggered division shill is triggered

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547ad3  No.16722853

File: 7026cb23d9f1586⋯.jpg (95.09 KB, 676x500, 169:125, 6lglvn.jpg)

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44fa80  No.16722854

File: 59d909f8861e64a⋯.png (49.82 KB, 476x374, 14:11, Opera_Snapshot_2022_07_12_….png)


Little bit of drifting & overshooting the turns. picrel

The Zephyr is a high aspect ratio high lift to weight ratio glorified glider that is susceptible to air currents and winds at high altitude.

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7d603a  No.16722855

File: fdcda5435bcf83a⋯.jpeg (109.18 KB, 1080x1264, 135:158, Maccas.jpeg)


>impending hunger from this year's food crop issues

U mean the taking out of cows/farms/factories with "fires" ?

Na, won't be a food shortage.

Once all the Vaxed drop dead, be plenty of food to go around.

Read the sign…twice!

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8d7b51  No.16722856

File: fa98d8a97cddbdf⋯.jpg (133.99 KB, 625x703, 625:703, be_without_fear.jpg)

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a35d58  No.16722857

File: afcb8b4fbc431dd⋯.jpg (422.71 KB, 900x506, 450:253, Deathrace.jpg)


No idea anon.

Most likely hurray Henries such as Eddie, generally have 'teddy' when they go off to boarding school to be buggered by their peers.

Maybe his comfort blanket? Help him find his 'happy place'?

The guy in the pic with him is Stuart hall.

'Top' TV Presenter of the day.


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a55c5b  No.16722858

File: 269f6592cedc532⋯.png (348.6 KB, 499x810, 499:810, ClipboardImage.png)

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1940ee  No.16722859

File: c6c5e13ad9e32d6⋯.mp4 (6.09 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, c6c5e13ad9e32d6c81ae88e9e5….mp4)

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6daf0e  No.16722860

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

3D-printed cars: The future of automobiles? | Tech It Out

New technologies are revolutionising the auto sector. It's transforming how vehicles are built and driven – not just the ones we drive to work, but also those we like to marvel at: the supercars.


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d73052  No.16722861



Ty o7

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e11f7b  No.16722862

File: 975070bd3c8c473⋯.jpg (128.43 KB, 1024x1450, 512:725, 22_04.jpg)

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1e55b4  No.16722863

File: 4490813aa01a55c⋯.png (467.92 KB, 650x760, 65:76, oprahoz.png)

File: f58f5820ecee87b⋯.png (369.62 KB, 500x502, 250:251, mask.png)

File: 6618552192ab14e⋯.png (491.88 KB, 568x461, 568:461, devilz.PNG)

File: 1c1130f62121038⋯.jpg (51.33 KB, 992x558, 16:9, AP_joe_biden_jt_160702_16x….jpg)

File: e40f1dbf5859da5⋯.png (7.52 MB, 1990x3097, 1990:3097, diechristlicheku07deut_031….png)

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8676f2  No.16722864


Soylent green. Everything eventually comes full circle.

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4f25c3  No.16722865


So…Let's examine the locations of the obelisks in the western world:


City of London

Washington DC

Rome controls almost all western churches - Catholic and Protestant. Combined with curriculums forced in schools, they form peoples' belief systems.

City of London has been the seat of the Rothschild central banking. Nothing else to be said about who controls the money and why.

Washington D.C. has been the enforcer for the formation of geopolitical ideals (Democracy) where the illusion of choice has been weaponized to install their puppets, and to install a central monetary system - world control.

Rome is burning

The bank is failing

D.C. is empty

Their symbolisms (Obelisks will fall down) will be their downfall.

The NWO is failing on all fronts.

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fe9fb7  No.16722866


>and now they’re just going with this HOAX,

Most of them will not stop lying until they are six feet below the ground.

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6c7934  No.16722867

File: 0e0c0c449a70702⋯.gif (2.97 MB, 1280x960, 4:3, haunted_sleep.gif)


It's not that ethnicity, dumbfuck, it's you. Your "look over there, not here at me" game is in its death throes. Nowhere left to go.

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eaa2f4  No.16722868

File: 295da58ee5662b2⋯.png (140.34 KB, 1095x396, 365:132, ClipboardImage.png)



What are you going to do about BV Dart?

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6daf0e  No.16722869

File: 2cd694a80901f94⋯.png (123.72 KB, 550x375, 22:15, ClipboardImage.png)

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9d0eea  No.16722870

File: b3104c5d2f07c26⋯.png (30.63 KB, 537x239, 537:239, ClipboardImage.png)



You got the ones for povodine?


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53b37b  No.16722871

The shills are really scared of Dr. Oz.

Wonder why?


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547ad3  No.16722872

File: 3d59e28e280aa0a⋯.jpg (90.22 KB, 663x500, 663:500, 6lgif9.jpg)

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760a08  No.16722873

File: 0edf05c519ef22e⋯.png (445.57 KB, 984x665, 984:665, ClipboardImage.png)


I Stoled that

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bc5da5  No.16722874



Can UK controll Washington at this point? Or is it Ukraine?

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3c6f9d  No.16722875

File: 5c29ded8f143214⋯.png (106.3 KB, 274x151, 274:151, klaus_schwab_biden_3.PNG)

File: a6c68aee2460af7⋯.png (653.88 KB, 770x542, 385:271, klaus_schwab_nazi_father_1.PNG)


genocidal nazi's

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40a6a0  No.16722876


>once 11.3 verifies a 1st marker

Yesterday was "3.11" if HOUR:DAY is a method of clocking (i think it is). Was 3:57am yesterday, 3:00-HOUR and 11th DAY.

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eaa2f4  No.16722877


I see, so you mean the BO and BV

got it

what a waste of my time

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04e638  No.16722878

File: df41f2d3a79d99e⋯.png (581.92 KB, 806x622, 403:311, ClipboardImage.png)


if you have to protest you are already being subservient

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ef9d76  No.16722879


If I read between the lines here.

Trump is still in control.

The White Hats are chewing at the bit…they want some Deep State BLOOD.


Trump just pissed them off by telling them to wait.

This movie is getting good, can't wait for the season finale.

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760a08  No.16722880

File: 8b98bf4fe075197⋯.png (309.01 KB, 480x480, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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b90525  No.16722881

File: 2c82c3a7f555870⋯.jpg (53.46 KB, 474x632, 3:4, th_1244383809.jpg)

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fe9fb7  No.16722882


>Perhaps the reason is that it is being “sponsored” by Adam “Shifty” Schittand the same people that brought you the -Russia, Russia, Russia HOAX, and that the Unselects are not interested in hearing from anyone saying the Election was Rigged and Stolen, despite the EVIDENCE being irrefutable!

hmmm?, Keck.

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4c78f0  No.16722883


>he must have been really bad to pick Dr. Oz

kek if only we knew how bad it really was

that is the feelz in Pa. that Oz is just another chess move for later winning

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234b4e  No.16722884


I don't know, we got Trump elected, unless you think they rigged it for Trump?

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44fa80  No.16722885

File: 0784fe70ee934a0⋯.png (413.2 KB, 596x725, 596:725, Opera_Snapshot_2022_07_12_….png)

Not all FRIES are edible.


For those who don't know -


fast-rope insertion and extraction system

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7ccffc  No.16722886


>It was never about Oz in

>It was about McCormick OUT


>how bad was McCormick

McCormick is SWAMP

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6daf0e  No.16722887

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

First Images From the James Webb Space Telescope (Official NASA Broadcast)

7:30 PST start time

It’s time to #UnfoldTheUniverse. Watch as the mission team reveals the long-awaited first images from the James Webb Space Telescope. Webb, an international collaboration led by NASA with our partners the European Space Agency and the Canadian Space Agency, is the biggest telescope ever launched into space. It will unlock mysteries in our solar system, look beyond to distant worlds around other stars, and probe the mysterious structures and origins of our universe and our place in it.


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ef9d76  No.16722888


I like your thinking on that, hopefully same with Arizona.

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c69d59  No.16722889

File: 25de495f7b3f935⋯.gif (1.46 MB, 1060x771, 1060:771, pepe_bop_kkk_shill.gif)

File: 09af61e0626aba8⋯.png (322.79 KB, 643x584, 643:584, go_be_a_nazi_somewhere_els….png)

File: 3996ffd405ed68d⋯.jpg (80.06 KB, 800x788, 200:197, clean_country_nazi_trash.jpg)

File: 410daf42584c685⋯.png (163.06 KB, 776x747, 776:747, Pepe_Calvin_piss_on_nazi.png)

File: f02f766c5ce26ff⋯.png (13.36 KB, 935x453, 935:453, shills.png)

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533d67  No.16722890

File: 7071586ab1ce585⋯.png (1.62 MB, 2790x9886, 1395:4943, jprotocols.png)

File: 3e65ba1df5b9218⋯.png (518.75 KB, 718x808, 359:404, jprotosmall.png)

File: 8a89d8e2c14d5bd⋯.png (141.74 KB, 517x634, 517:634, jqlosingcontrol.png)

File: 0a5d411a8f90cc7⋯.png (114.04 KB, 500x547, 500:547, jdiversitydontcare.png)


They know race is real.

they say otherwise because the protocols they are following say to teach outsiders lies so they are okay with ethnically cleansing themselves.

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547ad3  No.16722891

File: 975fa96930a7058⋯.jpeg (149.75 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, nlTYahA49GIS.jpeg)

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3c6f9d  No.16722892

File: 88f317b9d0547e4⋯.png (344.54 KB, 546x351, 14:9, haberman_enemy_of_people.PNG)

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b06872  No.16722893

File: c0ec225f1f0426f⋯.png (557.05 KB, 1532x916, 383:229, ClipboardImage.png)

A letter Recently Sent To The Greenwich Board Of Education

But it leaves me wondering why this divisive, left-wing political organization is allowed to operate inside our schools. Especially when most parents I know want nothing more than to depoliticize schools, and focus on academics and learning loss due to Covid.

Can you please explain to me why you allow such a blatant political activist organization to drive policy inside our schools? Will Greenwich Schools be adopting any of the radical, politically-biased suggestions detailed by NEA?

Parents have a right to know.

Especially since Superintendent Toni Jones has previously implemented the NEA's recommendations without question.

For example, Jones promoted critical race theory-inspired materials, including White Fragility and the Peggy McIntosh Survey, both of which were (and still are) recommended by the NEA. What's to stop her from implementing more of this radical agenda?

She has already implemented controversial social emotional learning (SEL) programs without Board approval, in direct violation of Connecticut Education law and your own Policies and Procedures. SEL was another NEA agenda item.

When did the unions take over education policy anyway? Isn't that your job?


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234b4e  No.16722894


Another Jew to filter, We are at 10 now…

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547ad3  No.16722895

File: fece09fe5d13d87⋯.png (114.95 KB, 750x408, 125:68, ClipboardImage.png)

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1763b0  No.16722896


it's not locked, brainlet

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d73052  No.16722897

File: db8342c5b4b6397⋯.jpg (39.76 KB, 621x418, 621:418, update3.JPG)



today only without yesterday noize

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e11f7b  No.16722898

I did a thing


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eeb976  No.16722899

File: 8005a54db43af2d⋯.png (27.74 KB, 596x303, 596:303, ClipboardImage.png)


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547ad3  No.16722900

File: ef844aac3950d3d⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1125x998, 1125:998, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d526ddd9ff22c12⋯.png (1.2 MB, 989x1280, 989:1280, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 921991a18ee4653⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1355x1088, 1355:1088, ClipboardImage.png)

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18313a  No.16722901

File: 46c0deff7c2df3e⋯.png (156.08 KB, 1198x634, 599:317, ClipboardImage.png)


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1940ee  No.16722902

File: 6de0307f93ec935⋯.jpg (297.69 KB, 903x1024, 903:1024, soylent_green_poster_2_e16….jpg)

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076620  No.16722903

File: 5de0e4ef00d3e8b⋯.png (3 MB, 2000x1317, 2000:1317, GermanyEgypt.png)

File: c3a8b1f7b49e9b7⋯.png (9.22 MB, 3548x2574, 1774:1287, inbreds.png)

File: 398d1b13f24c277⋯.jpg (37.6 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Waffen_SS.jpg)

File: 1a0b57fb8df61ec⋯.png (349.56 KB, 995x659, 995:659, zhekel.PNG)

File: 68e16e2f6371992⋯.png (884.82 KB, 1368x1384, 171:173, jakobodog.PNG)

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

Never have children in the city as cities is strictly for adults!

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to commit suicide instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent 'normalization' of child rape.

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever know being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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fe9fb7  No.16722904


>Obelisk in Vatican square.

Ahhh, nice! Keck

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6c7934  No.16722905


Your shield is broken. Find a new one.

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547ad3  No.16722906

File: 88cea7c0b155d42⋯.png (835.09 KB, 1170x1389, 390:463, ClipboardImage.png)

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f0580b  No.16722907

File: 2032a7b6a570c17⋯.jpg (109.15 KB, 663x563, 663:563, Screenshot_2022_07_11_2143….jpg)

Hmm, comms?

“This tragedy hits close to home, and many in our school community have been affected by it. No words can capture the heartbreak and sadness we feel,” Rabbi Benzion Korf, the center’s dean, said in a short statement issued late Monday.


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7ee544  No.16722908



love me so Schitt posts

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234b4e  No.16722909

File: 64f633f7f1d4676⋯.jpg (16.48 KB, 264x299, 264:299, AdamSchit.JPG)


Adam Schitt.

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04e638  No.16722910

File: fd3f4d315e4c09e⋯.png (127.51 KB, 792x471, 264:157, ClipboardImage.png)

Sign of the Apocalypse

1 Dolla = 1 Euro

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4c78f0  No.16722911


trips leaning thataway > > > > > WINNING!!

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8676f2  No.16722912


UK/Washington/Vatican are all the same thing at this point. There is no way to discern or distinguish between the three. It beats with one black heart. Thinks with with one malevolent brain. Acts with one rotten hand.

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53b37b  No.16722913

File: 94bb20a671491df⋯.jpg (173.9 KB, 1198x1448, 599:724, DialecticInversion.JPG)


They become loudest when they get closer to their own demise.

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6c2074  No.16722914

File: 2af17d7756dc400⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB, 1276x720, 319:180, whisper_laugh.mp4)

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02288b  No.16722915


The great city split into three.

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bc5da5  No.16722916



Sign of American money flowing to EU.

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a35d58  No.16722917

File: 1f2bfba31ed1ac5⋯.jpg (142.45 KB, 635x562, 635:562, Kek.jpg)


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e11f7b  No.16722918

File: 753d150193cff9b⋯.jpg (40.18 KB, 746x419, 746:419, ZathrasNotTheOne.JPG)



Multiple meanings exist…

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8aae05  No.16722919

File: 7aef69a12040a4c⋯.jpg (592.33 KB, 1004x1436, 251:359, EdBuck1.jpg)

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44fa80  No.16722920

File: 66f05b1b356f23e⋯.png (461.13 KB, 974x646, 487:323, Bell_tolls_shill_trolls.png)

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547ad3  No.16722921

File: d0c5934e7ac2255⋯.png (2.73 MB, 1080x1710, 12:19, ClipboardImage.png)

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e11f7b  No.16722922

File: 191d0f12a764109⋯.jpg (108.53 KB, 750x1000, 3:4, 191d0f12a764109539f2ae29fe….jpg)

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4c78f0  No.16722923

File: 941d71efdad90fa⋯.jpg (63.56 KB, 500x651, 500:651, 941d71efdad90fabcbb5ca8049….jpg)

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4f25c3  No.16722924


AKA Babylon. A city from which we must come out.

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8b4235  No.16722925


No dual citizenship allowed. Kick them all out

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3c6f9d  No.16722926

File: 0fc72a5933788de⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1039x614, 1039:614, queen_creepy.PNG)

File: 8114a48cf2c0423⋯.png (256.38 KB, 531x353, 531:353, pope_crazy.PNG)

File: 174f4f25da60f2b⋯.png (1.11 MB, 766x498, 383:249, pelosi_marie_antoinette.PNG)

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04e638  No.16722927

File: 4134f12bcaad948⋯.png (249.29 KB, 778x522, 389:261, ClipboardImage.png)

NOW - CDC Director: "My message is simple: It is essential that these Americans get their second booster shot right away."

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1940ee  No.16722928

File: 8e50cfb5b5a3a33⋯.jpeg (75.42 KB, 302x418, 151:209, 8e50cfb5b5a3a3375fb852f43….jpeg)

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547ad3  No.16722929


thats what I like to hear

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533d67  No.16722930

File: a9c7cee26dc5d1d⋯.jpeg (46.11 KB, 728x640, 91:80, chmoneychangers.jpeg)

File: 212f6e44fe7815e⋯.jpg (117.49 KB, 1024x1017, 1024:1017, chtrans.jpg)

File: 2c6564969b68234⋯.png (1.9 MB, 1280x1280, 1:1, chwhite.png)

File: 67d4f984f390966⋯.png (599.39 KB, 700x570, 70:57, chrisford.png)

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fe9fb7  No.16722931



If you mix all races and cultures, you have a whisked bunch of brown shit, which all warble the same song!

So, the opposite of colorful and diverse!

Homogenous mush!

The fucking Kikes from deepl trying to fuck me up again!

Keck, Bastards!

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bc5da5  No.16722932

File: 00b65eb9cda5e58⋯.png (25.82 KB, 250x269, 250:269, pakistan_isi_logo.png)

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7e5dc8  No.16722933


>>16722192 Dough

>>16722237, >>16722250, >>16722315, >>16722346, >>16722353, >>16722364, >>16722448, >>16722457, >>16722481, >>16722487, >>16722593, >>16722790



>>16722193, >>16722464 @realDonaldTrump Look at the people sitting on the Unselect Committee of Political Hacks and Thugs

>>16722194 @realDonaldTrump They called her a “leaker” and worse, didn’t want her! - djt.t.s post

>>16722230 Vatican Black Smoke Last Night?

>>16722233 Jan 6th Videos

>>16722240, >>16722577 VATICAN IS BURNING?

>>16722261 PF Which way are they flying?

>>16722292 Nuclear Preparedness PSA (with captions)

>>16722299 Nuke Check - Follow the Media. Media the #1 Enemy of the People

>>16722308 DAILY CHECKOFF ROUTINE And Optics

>>16722309 RUNNING OPS

>>16722310 #HASHTASK 220428

>>16722323 8kun Image Archive

>>16722334 Fox News remembering Tony Snow, who died today, 14-years ago in 2008. (14-year delta)

>>16722352 SchumanFag Reporting

>>16722363 July 12th drops. (Delta Checks)

>>16722385, >>16722471 @JudicialWatch uncovered FDA documents will outrage many about Covid vaccines.

>>16722389 A WEEK TO REMEMBER. - 3434 delta 2 days ahead.

>>16722400 So glad somebody made this. I was this close ( >>16722574 ) Corrected Video

>>16722467 Trump Energy Post Q mapped (QProof)

>>16722519 Did Sleepy talk about Parkland/1918?

>>16722531, >>16722542, >>16722551, >>16722561 The Swamp Today

>>16722533 Trudeau's nitrogen policy will decimate Canadian farming

>>16722590, >>16722789 U.S. airstrike killed Maher al-Agal, a top ISIS leader in Syria

>>16722632 BO Chimes in If notables are being editing Cap it and post

>>16722668 American farmers and ranchers need to get involved now

>>16722684 Fauci live from WH with Walensky

>>16722687 Obama Birth Certificate and Caps

>>16722726 We Got Biden Download Code

>>16722756 @NASASpaceflight Holy moly. Well, that was unexpected!

>>16722812 Wow! The Failing New York Times is really failing now: Down more than 40% (BUY!)


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6c7934  No.16722934

File: fef2761000be0ab⋯.png (93.63 KB, 499x499, 1:1, pepe_truth.png)

Shimkus looks good today.

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547ad3  No.16722935

File: 7ea3d158c07039b⋯.png (1.18 MB, 900x952, 225:238, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b1ca5acf2317240⋯.png (898.14 KB, 932x960, 233:240, ClipboardImage.png)

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7e5dc8  No.16722936

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e11f7b  No.16722937

File: 88bdd7312d97e32⋯.png (104.25 KB, 405x504, 45:56, 98bce1a124d694cfb1c52f5321….png)

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ef9d76  No.16722938

File: e9584d16fa9bced⋯.jpg (132.49 KB, 946x929, 946:929, Dutch_Farmers_shut_down_ca….jpg)

Dammmmnnnn!!! That's a lot of Tractors!!!

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547ad3  No.16722939

File: 771e1f57a7a2080⋯.png (2.57 MB, 1940x1501, 1940:1501, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 84b44423511ca71⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1254x1280, 627:640, ClipboardImage.png)

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547ad3  No.16722940

File: 114b824ec07a8ea⋯.png (1.01 MB, 637x1295, 91:185, ClipboardImage.png)

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eeb976  No.16722941

File: 31efbc5ba0e9407⋯.png (483.28 KB, 774x563, 774:563, Schiff_LG_keks.png)



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7e5dc8  No.16722942


>>16722192 Dough

>>16722936 MEME BUN

>>16722193, >>16722464 @realDonaldTrump Look at the people sitting on the Unselect Committee of Political Hacks and Thugs

>>16722194 @realDonaldTrump They called her a “leaker” and worse, didn’t want her! - djt.t.s post

>>16722230 Vatican Black Smoke Last Night?

>>16722233 Jan 6th Videos

>>16722240, >>16722577 VATICAN IS BURNING?

>>16722261 PF Which way are they flying?

>>16722292 Nuclear Preparedness PSA (with captions)

>>16722299 Nuke Check - Follow the Media. Media the #1 Enemy of the People

>>16722308 DAILY CHECKOFF ROUTINE And Optics

>>16722309 RUNNING OPS

>>16722310 #HASHTASK 220428

>>16722323 8kun Image Archive

>>16722334 Fox News remembering Tony Snow, who died today, 14-years ago in 2008. (14-year delta)

>>16722352 SchumanFag Reporting

>>16722363 July 12th drops. (Delta Checks)

>>16722385, >>16722471 @JudicialWatch uncovered FDA documents will outrage many about Covid vaccines.

>>16722389 A WEEK TO REMEMBER. - 3434 delta 2 days ahead.

>>16722400 So glad somebody made this. I was this close ( >>16722574 ) Corrected Video

>>16722467 Trump Energy Post Q mapped (QProof)

>>16722519 Did Sleepy talk about Parkland/1918?

>>16722531, >>16722542, >>16722551, >>16722561 The Swamp Today

>>16722533 Trudeau's nitrogen policy will decimate Canadian farming

>>16722590, >>16722789 U.S. airstrike killed Maher al-Agal, a top ISIS leader in Syria

>>16722632 BO Chimes in If notables are being editing Cap it and post

>>16722668 American farmers and ranchers need to get involved now

>>16722684 Fauci live from WH with Walensky

>>16722687 Obama Birth Certificate and Caps

>>16722726 We Got Biden Download Code

>>16722756 @NASASpaceflight Holy moly. Well, that was unexpected!

>>16722812 Wow! The Failing New York Times is really failing now: Down more than 40% (BUY!)

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547ad3  No.16722943

File: 1ffc6882cf30dd9⋯.webm (3.88 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, c58ysc.webm)

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5eb867  No.16722944


That tweet does not exist on his profile

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7f36fb  No.16722946

File: 446af193cbd3e79⋯.jpeg (203.39 KB, 1089x841, 1089:841, 42E0E078_52D3_4ABF_8201_9….jpeg)

File: c3e8330ccc7d04b⋯.jpeg (145.64 KB, 1089x903, 363:301, 47D382F1_24A0_4F66_A257_7….jpeg)

File: c0725a44dc0e66e⋯.jpeg (355.98 KB, 1088x1409, 1088:1409, 1A52C772_1E00_48BF_9620_4….jpeg)

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547ad3  No.16722947

File: 469e2961628add9⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1242x811, 1242:811, ClipboardImage.png)

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9d0eea  No.16722948

File: eef2d552f80b2d7⋯.png (592.67 KB, 752x780, 188:195, ClipboardImage.png)

Hunter Laptop Revelations Continue To Corroborate George Webb's Deep Blackberry Source

Five years running now, George Webb reporting on the Biden Blackberrys has been spot on.


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6a6a2b  No.16722950

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eeb976  No.16722951

File: 63a5ac4dc6b27e2⋯.png (271.7 KB, 550x550, 1:1, pepe_dank_3.png)


Re-read the name…..but more slowly this time.

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053b96  No.16722953

The Bitch that works for the RCC that tried to ruin my life (yes MK Ultra was used on her under the guise of "laser eye surgery".

The RCC itself. The Pope needs to confess to the world who he represents. It's time for the RCC to collapse under the immense weight of its own corruption and lawlessness. The world is now waking to the lie that is called the Vatican. It's the original mafia.

Those two things I want to be destroyed before the 26tth of July 2022.

If those two things were vaporized, I'd die a very happy man.

Let's go!

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0c22e8  No.16722955


Meanwhile the American rockstar truckers are touring the states and giving cool handles to the likes of Cruz.


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3533a2  No.16722956

Lesson 20: Learn to feel negative energy within yourself

Hint: You have a headache.

Hint: You have a kink in your neck. You didn't sleep right.

Hint: Your toe hurts.

Hint: Your back hurts.

Well, there it is! Try to transmute this energy at a higher level by going to the area that's involved or going to the chakra that serves that area. If you have a headache, then perhaps the problem is in your head however be careful of referred pain. This type of pain uses the channels of chi in order to send pain to other areas of the body.

Try to feel the pain at a higher level, such as the etheric level. Yes, this is an advanced task and some of you may not be able to. But the point I'm trying to make here is that if you can feel pain at a higher level, then you can stop it from creating illness down at this level.

How do you think pain would feel at a higher level?

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547ad3  No.16722958

File: ed7cbc150d2df9e⋯.png (362.24 KB, 1075x605, 215:121, ClipboardImage.png)

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04e638  No.16722959

File: 3933132ff95d796⋯.png (73.91 KB, 183x275, 183:275, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3933132ff95d796⋯.png (73.91 KB, 183x275, 183:275, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3933132ff95d796⋯.png (73.91 KB, 183x275, 183:275, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3933132ff95d796⋯.png (73.91 KB, 183x275, 183:275, ClipboardImage.png)


sorry gaynaziboi

our ar beats funny mustache man

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53b37b  No.16722960

File: 15a3a33b1be6017⋯.png (355.03 KB, 645x387, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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5eb867  No.16722961


How does it have a checkmark?

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547ad3  No.16722962

File: f6d963442f6b13c⋯.png (518.37 KB, 1760x1760, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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5eb867  No.16722964


nvm.. it doesn't

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ff0c92  No.16722965

Juliana Stratton [Roe hearing]: I'm Juliana Stratton, Lt. Governor of the great state of Illinois, and I use she/her pronouns.

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078d55  No.16722966

File: 47ff105a6e478ad⋯.jpg (6.96 KB, 252x180, 7:5, skyrabbit44.jpg)

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04e638  No.16722967


George Webb = FBI

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7e5dc8  No.16722968


>>16722192 Dough


Q Research General #21093: Vatican Is Burning?




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d6f146  No.16722969

File: 9007d49861e4ca1⋯.jpg (120.98 KB, 500x746, 250:373, vhi.jpg)

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547ad3  No.16722970

File: fe7bfce32a5bf79⋯.jpg (26.36 KB, 300x299, 300:299, 747ae30761780907ce1dcc9957….jpg)


>our ar beats funny mustache man

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8b4235  No.16722971



give it a rest already

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4d7fe8  No.16722973

File: e72676880dec790⋯.mp4 (3.07 MB, 420x480, 7:8, video_2022_07_12_16_26_39.mp4)



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44fa80  No.16722974

File: 6e9d193981e9ccb⋯.png (402.1 KB, 730x914, 365:457, The_kek_in_the_hat_1_.png)


'tis the gift that keeps giving kek.

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078d55  No.16722975

File: 8e0e368dcd785d2⋯.png (341.61 KB, 714x500, 357:250, soon44.png)

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40a6a0  No.16722978

File: 4543053e56173cc⋯.png (206.14 KB, 430x1032, 5:12, Q2088_full_control_hrc_pai….png)


I mean, one could make a case…

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eeb976  No.16722982

File: 40189c67e011ba3⋯.png (350.71 KB, 577x433, 577:433, keks_2.png)



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c7476d  No.16722983


You are right, we can no longer trust our government.

The other massive problem is Gates, China, massive corporations buying up all farmland. These properties need to seized from ever NWO entities soon.

Did anyone noticethey started the Ukraine war right at the time the canadian and American truck convoysend and then trucker convoys to DC were going to get massive news coverage in US, they blacked out any American protests, and are trying to make peaceful protests illegal unless it blm, antifa far left riots. The war took all attention off of Trudeau and Bidan Admin.

Americans need to wake up and the farmers need to show unity with the Dutch. Hell they could be doing it now but the news will not cover it.

Why isnt every farmer suing monsanta now. Its proven they seed, pesticide etc. are poison. Monsanto is an evil corp now owned by Bayer, they would sell seeds to a farm next door to other farms, and the seeds would blow over to the next farm (that refused their GMO seeds) and start growing. Monsanto knew this and would investigate, and then would sue the farmer saying they illegally were growing their seeds. Either forcing them to lose their farms or grow their damned crops.

WTF hasnt our government banned GMO seeds, and toxic pesticides? The EU banned them years ago.

Something has to happen here in America, all the farmers selling food to our government, for them to destroy it should band together and reveal the entire plot. Make it known far and wide.

Why aren’t all the owners of processing plants that are being destroyed speaking up or making it known whos doing it. Guaranteed the admin is hiring antifa leftists terrorists to destroy them.

Something has got to give, we can no longer have apathy and think things will get better. Americans need to stand up and fight the evil that is growing exponentially daily. Waiting for Trump to come back is not what Patriots do!

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04e638  No.16722984


>give it a rest already

exactly what a shill would say

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e11f7b  No.16722986

File: 79fd8e713caec8d⋯.jpg (55.12 KB, 948x396, 79:33, 22_BB.jpg)


Clouds sometimes look like Spaceships to me…. KEK

Maybe they are…


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eeb976  No.16722987

File: 320fa1f0053fedf⋯.png (311.98 KB, 500x554, 250:277, horse_paste.png)

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85bc50  No.16722988

File: d52ada8f1e57cb1⋯.png (7.07 MB, 1525x1912, 1525:1912, Daphnimosaic.png)

File: f62c8a872eed3d9⋯.png (1014.71 KB, 540x759, 180:253, Byzantium.png)

File: 37d7e4ca1b9e381⋯.png (62.95 KB, 400x336, 25:21, Egyptian.png)

File: 6ae0b0a81695577⋯.jpeg (619.09 KB, 700x891, 700:891, a1ba757605cc764e.jpeg)

File: 3fd1073e0a76534⋯.jpg (464.64 KB, 1296x1967, 1296:1967, diechristlicheku07deut_039….jpg)

never promote bad behaviour.

only time to think.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!



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b8a5f6  No.16722989

File: 235299ba31b7e3f⋯.png (528.49 KB, 631x609, 631:609, Capture.PNG)



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078d55  No.16722990

File: f16f4f17e8a1949⋯.jpg (9.36 KB, 259x194, 259:194, aight44.jpg)

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6daf0e  No.16722991

File: 53ae206a38d00f9⋯.png (124.56 KB, 425x380, 85:76, ClipboardImage.png)

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e11f7b  No.16722992

File: 3dfbe0f5037b59e⋯.png (489.05 KB, 500x669, 500:669, e348fe4a87304be10ebd51d3b9….png)

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c69d59  No.16722995

File: 16c92d37b6f2fd8⋯.png (541.78 KB, 1047x559, 1047:559, nazi_how_its_going.png)

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078d55  No.16722996

File: fd996fdb93314ec⋯.png (9.55 KB, 255x137, 255:137, 3ccce2d82cc1423a32eddb1813….png)



mornin' Frater


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